View Full Version : Excel 2003. ActiveX controls embedded in worksheet not working, then can’t even insert them. *SOLVED*

03-29-2018, 05:51 PM
Edit Jan 2019: See from post #4 for solution

Excel 2003. ActiveX controls embedded in worksheet not working, then can’t even insert them
This Thread is related to this Thread: http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2241-VBA-Worksheet-Buttons-Form-controls-Command-Buttons-verses-ActiveX-controls-Command-Buttons

I am trying to get clued up on the two different ways to do control buttons in a worksheet in Excel VBA,
( ActiveX controls and Forms controls 2WorksheetButtonTypes.JPG 2WorksheetButonTypesExcel2003.JPG https://imgur.com/T6GZiSV https://imgur.com/yx2eZaj ).
Mostly I am using XL 2007+, but I also want to do some stuff in XL 2003. I’ve hit a snag which is that I cannot get any ActiveX controls to work in Excel 2003.
I have tried a few separate computers with independently installed 2003 ( installed from separate different Discs )

The problem, and what I have done so far to try and solve it

If I click the button, then nothing happens. If I go in the VB Editor and attempt to run it manually ( F5 or F8 ) , then I get one of the following errors:

_ Wechsel aus dem Entwurfsmodus nicht möglich, da das Steuerelement ‘CommandButton1’ nicht erstellt werden kann ( In English something like: Can not switch from design mode because the CommandButton1 control can not be created )
Can not switch from design mode because the CommandButton1 control can not be created.jpg https://imgur.com/O68mGry https://imgur.com/Yloro1L

_ Laufzeitfehler ‘57121’: Anwendungs- oder objektdefinierter Fehler ( In English something like: Runtime Error '57121': Application or object-defined error )
Runtime Error 57121 Application or object-defined error.jpg : https://imgur.com/dQxg2zd https://imgur.com/7T4pq8y

_ *** Note also .. after I started these experiments I now find that I can not even insert an ActiveX control into a worksheet – I get errors Cannot Insert Object
CannotInsertObject.JPG : https://imgur.com/dSUiTKh
( The work around to at least get them in is to put them in using Excel 2007+ then save as .xls then close the file and reopen in Excel 2003 )


I am aware that there have been problems with broken ActiveX controls:
Apparently, most of the problems go back to an update around December 2014 – the internet is full with reports saying that an update broke-ActiveX-controls. I must have seen over a hundred reports, articles and the such on this problem.
As I understand it, this update , MS14-082 ( 3017349 ) , broke stuff, and this should fix it MS15-022 ( 3025036. ) . I can’t find either of those on my computer.
The year 2014 was a year or so before my “Excel Life” began, so I missed all that fun, and I have never experienced any problems with broken controls in Excel 2007+

I looked further, and the internet is littered with questions about similar problems. It seems a random mix that some got their controls finally to work, some never did, even in Excel 2007+
It seems that hardly anyone that had reported problems with their controls not working in Excel 2003 ever got them to work again. For those that did, they had some very exotic solutions and they got me nowhere. To be quite honest I am not sure if those that reported success may have not been aware of the difference and were confusing 3 different things:
1) Buttons from ActiveX controls ( In a worksheet )
2) Buttons from Forms controls ( Always in a worksheet )
3) Buttons from ActiveX controls embedded in a UserForm

This thread is concerned with problems with 1) Buttons from ActiveX controls ( In a worksheet )

Here is some notes on what I have tried already:

_Updates that might have broke stuff for excel 2003
Some people have mentioned that removing other updates solved the problem… here a few..
2553154 2726958 2965291 2920813 3054873 974554

I looked ( initially manually ### ) in the usual place for these updates ( Systemsteuerung \ Programme \ Programme und Funktionen \ Installierte Updates (Control Panel \ Programs \ Programs and Features \ Installed Updates ) ) , but I could not find those updates. I expected that I did not have them.
( ### Just to be sure as it is knackers your eyes trying to look through the massive list, here is a way I used for searching for Updates automatically:
( You initially need a text file list of all your computer updates to search through, - Here is a way to get that:
http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2146-%E0%A4%AC%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%B2%E0%A5%89%E0%A4%97-%E0%A4%95%E0%A5%8B%E0%A4%B6%E0%A4%BF%E0%A4%B6-%E0%A4%95%E0%A4%B0-%E0%A4%B0%E0%A4%B9%E0%A4%BE-%E0%A4%B9%E0%A5%88-%D8%A8%D9%84%D8%A7%DA%AF%D8%B2-%DA%A9%DB%8C-%DA%A9*Trying-Blogs?p=10582#post10582 )

It and I did not find the updates on my computers )

_Deleting Temporary File things..
I read a bit about .exd files that needed to be deleted.
I have some appendix notes on that here:

None of that deleting of .exd files helped

So the usual tricks and fixes have not helped me so far., :(

Some other things that I have noticed or things that might be relevant …
ActiveX controls appear to be working in Excel 2007 and Excel 2010 on the same computers where I am having the issue with Excel 2003
( Note also,
_ that the ActiveX control in the attached .xls file also works if I open it in XL 2007 or XL 2010
_ Form controls are working OK for me in Excel 2003. )
_ *** Since I first started these experiments, I have not been able to even add any ActiveX controls into a Excel 2003 worksheet. I try to insert an ActiveX control button then I get the error that “the object can not be inserted” when I try.
_ Once I have had an ActiveX control in my worksheet, then I can no longer run any code in the code module for that worksheet, even if I remove the control and all codes to do with it. I always then receive_..
_..first an error such as this:
_.. Can not switch from design mode because the CommandButton1 control can not be created.jpg https://imgur.com/wsF5dsf,
_.. then an error such as this:
_.. Runtime Error 57121 Application or object-defined error.jpg https://imgur.com/sBHCNmG
_.. then , in further attempts I get mostly that last error, or I get the next one occasionally :
_.. RuntimeError 32809 Corrupted bei ActiveX control in Worksheet.JPG https://imgur.com/4ueFqI7
_.. I seem to be able to get ActiveX controls to work if I embed them in a UserForm.
_.. I never myself experienced any problems with ActiveX controls – for one thing I never used them until recently, and for another, my “ Excel VBA Life” started a year or so after the big problems with these things started.

Anyone have any ideas how I can get my ActiveX controls to work in a worksheet in Excel 2003? And any other comments about these known ActiveX problems. For example, it is not clear to me if all the problems a few years back effected only the ActiveX controls embedded in worksheets or whether the problems were also noticed in any other situations, such as in UserForms

Attached are two Excel Files ( Excel 2003 .xls ). ( I also have them at box.net File sharing at the share URL links shown )

This first file is a simple file with a single ActiveX Control Button embedded in the first worksheet. The button does not work for me in any Excel 2003 on any computer. ( It does work in all Excel 2007+ versions that I have: The code simply changes the button caption )
Command button ActiveX control Excel 2003.xls
( https://app.box.com/s/8siiuzvqxajaotsmp7usrvfgd12gqz86 )

This second file was originally the previous File, and I am using three instances of a simple UserForm Class object as a workaround to using an ActiveX control Button: Each Userform instance has a single ActiveX control button which is assigned to a different macro. They work OK. The original ActiveX control ( Button ) still in the first worksheet does not work.
Excel 2003 Command button Active Xcontrol and UserForm Instancetaneous Farts.xls
( https://app.box.com/s/kg4htf9o6386051he7xq8q1fmmdoj20s )



04-01-2018, 09:33 PM

Other suggestions...

04-02-2018, 12:27 AM
Hi PcMax,
Thanks for info.
Happy Easter, Buona Pasqua, (Frohe Ostern )
( Edit: P.s. I have looked now through the info at that link. https://answers.microsoft.com/it-it/office/forum/office_2010-excel/problemi-combobox-e-ultimo-aggiornamento-di/140044c5-0a79-41a5-9a4e-bd65d2a3f813 , - it mostly refers further to the other links that I have already reviewed, so there is no new infomation there, but thanks anyway )

01-23-2019, 08:59 PM
I took another look at this problem recently. I managed to solve it this time around. I will share the solution in the next few posts…

The brief shortened version of the solution:
Various updates needed to be de installed. No other action was necessary. Finding those updates proved to be more difficult than thought in the original attempt at a solution …
A summary at the end is given of the updates that needed to be removed.

Detailed report on the work done during finding the solution

Problems in listing/ checking updates on a computer:
A major handicap in finding the solution was, I must confess, a stupid oversight, or rather lack of thoroughness on my behalf: Because of the sometimes large number of dates involved, a semi automated method was sought to get a list of, and search through, the updates on a computer… At the time only one method was found , the “wmic” command type way ( http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=28682#p222044 ) to get a list of the updates into a text file. Unfortunately this only seems to produce a list of updates mainly associated with the operating system. It misses, in particular, all Microsoft Office related updates.
Another more recently found method, ( https://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=31572#p244479 ) appears to have limitations: Microsoft Office related updates are not shown for computers with the operating system XP; this new method appears to list all updates by their instillation date, and it is not updated after any update removal.
The list found manually through the computers control system also appears to have some inconsistencies from computer to computer. The only characteristic consistently useful of the list viewable though the computers control system useful was found to be that most updates are in the list, ( even if occasionally duplicated ). A removed update did not appear in that list after the removal through de instillation. The number of updates indicated and the date of their instillations seemed to be inconsistent and unreliable.

Building Update lists and identifying “good” and “bad” updates
The main goal of my work was for personal use of getting functioning Excel 2003 on all my computers. From about a dozen computers , most had the problem that ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls had never worked in Excel 2003. I had three Operating systems, Windows / , Vista and XP
There was no initial specific plan or strategy, but as time went on, one evolved:

I built up three main files to list all updates on all my computers.
WMI Query XP.xls https://app.box.com/s/5brcqrc5uk4tuhmwdgrr1dhygnmh7nr5
WMI Query Win 7.xls https://app.box.com/s/wm3qcgy5gn4csq0csuk5fp2iqu0hrqxz
WMI Query Vista.xls https://app.box.com/s/9i4tbuy3qx8dpd2uy2993s9z2pv4y0mb
In addition, a file was used to build up a list of updates that did not appear to cause any problems
UpdatesOK.xls https://app.box.com/s/djh7zvbxuqymzo3nm6clftq3ygk3iwyf
The initial lists of all updates were partly built up by the two methods mentioned, but due to the problems in those methods mentioned, they were mostly checked, and supplemented to, laboriously manually via inspection the computers control system list. The way to see the computers update list is slightly different from computer to computer, but is approximately as in these steps for a Vista operating system computer example:
Microsoft Symbol, Control/ System Control
SystemControl 1 2 .JPG https://imgur.com/Iis3ayf
Software or Program De installer
Software 3 .JPG https://imgur.com/p9kyIzD
Show Updates
Show Updates 4 .JPG https://imgur.com/6dSCEkA
List Updates 5 .JPG https://imgur.com/6dSCEkA

Here an XP operating system computer example:
Microsoft Symbol, Control
SystemControl 1 2 .JPG https://imgur.com/MSkjhfL
Software or Program De installer
Software 3 .JPG https://imgur.com/nDS9NHH
Show Updates
Show Updates 4 .JPG https://imgur.com/D4D9u8h

Various coding was developed and used along the way to assist sorting and searching the various lists..
The next posts give an approximate report on the work done. It is not complete and is not in full detail, and is just intended to give an approximate indication for both future reference and general interest.

So the start point of the next discussions are with the 3 Excel files containing full lists of all updates on some of my computers.
Initially the file of “good/OK” updates, UpdatesOK.xls , is empty.

A simple routine, Sub FindBads() is used to search the lists. Initially it is filled with 6 updates that have been reported previously as possible causes of problems with Activex controls. At the end of my investigations this rose to 11. In addition some of the previously noted “bad” updates were still on some of my computers and did not finally appear to cause problems with ActiveX controls.

At this stage the XP update list File, WMI Query XP.xls , is probably the most up to date as this was looked at last. But I may update the other files from time to time.
At the time of writing this post, this is the current form of Sub FindBads()

' ActiveSheet code below!!!
Sub FindBads() ' to find all bads in update lists, initially based on internet reserch: 2553154 2726958 2965291 2920813 3054873 974554 ( "890830" is just for test, it is not a known bad ). The list is added to as "bad" updates are identified ' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49094391/excel-vba-range-findnext-v-range-find-what-have-i-missed/49097560#49097560
Dim Bads() As Variant: Let Bads() = Array("890830", "2553154", "2726958", "2965291", "2920813", "3054873", "974554", "4011203", "2965286", "2920794", "4461614", "4461522")
Dim rngSrch As Range: Set rngSrch = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:H" & ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count & "")
Dim rngFnd As Range
Dim Stear As Variant
For Each Stear In Bads()
Set rngFnd = rngSrch.Find(What:=Stear, after:=ActiveSheet.Range("A1"), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False) '
If Not rngFnd Is Nothing Then
MsgBox prompt:="Hama " & Stear: Debug.Print Stear
End If
End Sub

Another routine was used to mark “OK green” updates in a current update list based on the updates on computers which either
_ had never has the problem issues,
_ the updates on computers once they were “cured” by removal of “bad” updates:

Sub UpOKs() ' ActiveSheet
Dim WsOK As Worksheet
Set WsOK = Worksheets("UpOK")
Dim arrUpOKs() As Variant: Let arrUpOKs() = WsOK.Range("A2:A" & WsOK.Range("A" & Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row & "").Value
Dim rngSrch As Range: Set rngSrch = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A" & ActiveSheet.Range("A" & Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row & "") '.SpecialCells(Type:=xlCellTypeConstants)
Dim objDataObject As Object: Set objDataObject = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
Dim strIn As String: strIn = objDataObject.GetText()
Dim arrRngCpy() As String
Let arrRngCpy() = Split(strIn, vbCr & vbLf, -1, vbBinaryCompare) ' . Becuase the last thing in the string was vbCr & vbLf, we have a last split with an extra element resulting with "" in it
Dim UpDts As Long
For UpDts = 0 To UBound(arrRngCpy()) - 1 ' This ignores the last value of "" which corrsponds to one cell above the last used cell
Dim GoodCnt As Long
For GoodCnt = 1 To UBound(arrUpOKs(), 1) ' all good updates looked at
If Trim(UCase(arrRngCpy(UpDts))) = Trim(UCase(arrUpOKs(GoodCnt, 1))) Then
Let rngSrch.Item(UpDts + 1).Interior.Color = vbGreen 'UpDts + 1 has +1 because like element 1 is the second corresponding to row 2
Else '
End If
Next GoodCnt
Dim strMaybeBads As String
If Not rngSrch.Item(UpDts + 1).Interior.Color = vbGreen And InStr(1, Trim(rngSrch.Item(UpDts + 1).Value), "KB", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
Let strMaybeBads = strMaybeBads & Trim(UCase(arrRngCpy(UpDts))) & vbCr & vbLf ' add to list incl last vbcr & vblf
End If
Next UpDts

'Let ActiveSheet.Range("Q2").Value = strMaybeBads
Debug.Print strMaybeBads
End Sub

01-23-2019, 09:54 PM
I started with Windows 7

Win 7 64 Bit Professional
A computer with Win 7 64 Bit Professional, alive since approximately start of 2018, with Office 2003 and Office 2010 installed. ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls had never worked in Excel 2003, ( no problem in Excel 2010 )
Running Sub FindBads() with the worksheet active containing the update list for this computer , " MartinJan2019Init " revealed the update KB3054873 as present.

Immediately after the removal , and before a restart, the ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003 started working. :-) It was not necessary to even close Excel
On the Computer system control it was shown as installed 10.01.2019 ( 10th January, 2019 ). On the list from a Windows Update List software ( https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/wul.html , https://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=31572#p244479 , http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2146-%E0%A4%AC%E0%A5%8D%E0%A4%B2%E0%A5%89%E0%A4%97-%E0%A4%95%E0%A5%8B%E0%A4%B6%E0%A4%BF%E0%A4%B6-%E0%A4%95%E0%A4%B0-%E0%A4%B0%E0%A4%B9%E0%A4%BE-%E0%A4%B9%E0%A5%88-%D8%A8%D9%84%D8%A7%DA%AF%D8%B2-%DA%A9%DB%8C-%DA%A9*Trying-Blogs?p=10893#post10893 , https://app.box.com/s/wm3qcgy5gn4csq0csuk5fp2iqu0hrqxz ) it was shown as installed on 22.02.2018 ( 22nd February, 2018 )
This is described as Update für Microsoft Office 2010 (KB3054873) 32-Bit-Edition, Microsoft has released an update to the Microsoft Office 2010 32-bit edition. This update provides the latest fixes for the Microsoft Office 2010 32-bit edition. In addition, the update includes improvements in stability and performance.
KB3054873Download.JPG : https://imgur.com/BgcPwV0
Update für Microsoft Office 2010 (KB3054873) 64-Bit-Edition Office 2010 Wichtige Updates 14.07.2015

I tried to reinstall this to see what that effect would have,
DownloadKB3054873 19Jan2019.JPG : https://imgur.com/jq4wBpK
but it was not allowed:
Install KB3054873 19Jan2019 Not allowed.JPG : https://imgur.com/jq4wBpK

( The steps in a reinstall are not obvious . Here is another ( failed in this case also ) attempt on another machine to install KB3054873. This machine was a new machine with Office 2003 only installed.
Select to download ( Step 1 ) : This should cause a window to pop up. In this window, usually there is just one link to click on ( step 2 ) to download.
KB3054873 Download an 32Bit Win7 Home 1 2.JPG : https://imgur.com/WJevaIi
( Occasionally you may be unlucky and will have a list of links. For each one you will need to repeat the steps below !! Bad Luck Lots 2_2.jpg : https://imgur.com/gxRbomU
Choose where to store "Cabinet" File:
KB3054873 Download an 32Bit Win7 Home 2 3.JPG : https://imgur.com/Qbcogpv
Open after the download:
KB3054873 Download an 32Bit Win7 Home 4 5.JPG : https://imgur.com/ouiIe4l
Double click on downloaded file:
KB3054873 Download an 32Bit Win7 Home 6.JPG : https://imgur.com/CVN0rVg
Choose where to "un zip" to:
KB3054873 Download an 32Bit Win7 Home 7.JPG : https://imgur.com/92bcgqg
KB3054873 Download an 32Bit Win7 Home 8.JPG : https://imgur.com/OhxRL6H
Double click on file to …._
KB3054873 Download an 32Bit Win7 Home 9.JPG: : https://imgur.com/vnwvuuQ
_..... pop up that instillation can't be done
KB3054873 Download an 32Bit Win7 Home 10.JPG : https://imgur.com/RHDmZ9U
( Der Upgradepatch kann vom Windows Installer-Dienst nicht installiert werden, weil das Programm, das aktualisieret werden soll, möglicherweise fehlt, oder weil der Upgradepatch eine andere Version des Programms aktualisieren würde. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das zu aktualisierende Programm auf dem Computer installiert ist, und dass Sie den richtigen Upgradepatch installieren
The upgrade patch can not be installed by the Windows Installer service because the program being upgraded may be missing or because the upgrade patch would update another version of the program. Make sure that the program to be updated is installed on the computer and that you install the correct upgrade patch ) )

So this machine currently has ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003 working
( another update reported as breaking ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls, KB974554 , is still on this computer ).

Sometime later KB3054873 came back.. Around the 25-28thJan 2019 I took another look at this machine, and found that ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls were broken again
Wul showed now 2 entries
20.01.2019 03:01:46
22.02.2018 03:04:07
( previously it showed one entry 22.02.2018 03:04:07 )
In the computers update list it showed it as installed on 23.01.2019 Martin KB3054873 back 23Jan 2019.JPG , https://imgur.com/NwGOqjY
On removing the update all was well again.( A restart was indicated as necessary. But it wasn't )


Win 7 Starter ( LG X120 Notebook )
This has had Office 2003 and Office 2007 for several years. ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003 have never worked.
None of the currently known "bad" updates where on this computer.
A lot of empirical de installing and re installing was necessary to track down the "bads"

Finally it ways concluded that these two must be removed. I have done that. If I re install either of them then ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003 stop working
Update for Microsoft Office Publisher 2007 KB 4011203 Microsoft has released an update to Microsoft Office Publisher 2007. This update provides the latest fixes for Microsoft Office Publisher 2007. In addition, the update includes improvements to security and stability
Update für Microsoft Office 2007 suites KB 2965286 Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Office 2007 suites. This update provides the latest fixes for Microsoft Office 2007 suites. In addition, the update includes security and stability improvements.
The following I removed, but as it takes a long while to put back I am not sure yet if it causes a problem KB 3213646
During the experiments I de installed other Updates but put them back in so as to narrow down and finally identify the two problem updates. (The shown number of updates in the computer list changed appropriately during this process)

Because of the success on the machines above, I was able to add to my OK list all the updates from the above two computers apart from those found to cause the problem
In addition those last two "new" "bad" updates I have added to my "bad list"
( I have not yet removed KB 974554 from my "bad" list , but I noted that I had that update on one machine that is working. In fact this update "slipped in" recently and is now on my Win 7 Starter ( LG X120 Notebook ), and it continues to work …

Jan-March 2019 New Boot with disc Win 32Bit Home premium
This had either no or a couple of updates after new instillation. I thought I had set this not to get any
1 Start Control Aut____.JPG : https://imgur.com/YWExybc
2 Automatic Updates.JPG : https://imgur.com/zHbzUoB
3 Download but not Install.JPG : https://imgur.com/GUjXEdQ
But it got a lot ( approx 135 ) in middle March anyway (Workbook: "WMI Query Windows7.xls" , Worksheet "Win7 32Bit 20thMarz 2019" ).
Sub UpOKs revealed some new things..
KB2425227 16/01/2019 12:32:43
KB2425227 20/01/2019 03:15:30
KB3004375 17/03/2019 16:30:07
KB3163589 16/01/2019 12:32:40
KB4486563 17/03/2019 15:08:56
KB4487078 17/03/2019 15:54:45
Sub FindBads() found nothing
No problems noticed, ( so far I only have Excel 2003 installed , and 26 updates were for that )
So I added those 5 updates to the good list

"WMI Query Windows7.xls" : https://app.box.com/s/wm3qcgy5gn4csq0csuk5fp2iqu0hrqxz

01-23-2019, 10:06 PM
I moved on to my computers with Vista operating system.

Vista ( Acer Aspire 4810TZG )

This computer has had office 2007 installed from new for over 10 years. It has been almost constantly connected to the internet. For a few years it has also had Office 2003 installed. ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003 have never worked.

The single culprit was found to be KB 2965286 , Update für Microsoft Office 2007 suites , , Microsoft hat ein Update für Microsoft Office 2007 suites veröffentlicht. Dieses Update stellt die neuesten Fixes für Microsoft Office 2007 suites bereit. Darüber hinaus enthält das Update Verbesserungen an Sicherheit und Stabilität. / Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Office 2007 suites. This update provides the latest fixes for Microsoft Office 2007 suites. In addition, the update includes security and stability improvements Installed date was shown as 16th Nov 2016 in the Computers list update list, and 15th July 2015 in the Wul List
I had to close Excel to de install this.
The success with this allowed a large amount of updates to be added to the “good update” list

Vista ( Acer Aspire 7535G )
A similar machine to the previous, slightly less time in use as the previous, but with over 2000 updates, the most “updated” of my Computers. From new it has had Office 2010 installed. For a few years it has also had Office 2003 installed. ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003 have never worked.
From my list of “bad updates”, the following were present
KB2553154 Security Update for Microsoft Office 2010 32-bit edition , 10th December 2014 on Wul Microsoft Office 2010 32-bit Edition contains a vulnerability that could allow the execution of arbitrary code when a malicious file is killed. This security risk is addressed with this update. There is a security risk that could allow the execution of arbitrary code after opening a maliciously crafted file. The risk is resolved with this update. In Microsoft Office 2010 32-bit Edition Besteht ein Sicherheitsrisiko, das nach dem Öffnen einer in böswilliger Absicht veränderten Datei die Ausführung von beliebigem Code ermöglichen kann. Das Risiko wird mit diesem Update behoben.

KB2965291 Update Microsoft Office 2010 (KB2965291) 32-bit edition , 13th May 2015 on Wul , Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Office 2010 32-bit Edition. This update provides the latest fixes for the Microsoft Office 2010 32-bit edition. In addition, the update includes improvements in stability and performance.
KB2920813 Update Microsoft Office 2010 32-bit edition, installed 12th March 2015 in Wul list , ( finally shown as the date of removal just before removal in the computer update list !?! ) . Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Office 2010 32-bit Edition. This update provides the latest fixes for the Microsoft Office 2010 32-bit edition. In addition, the update includes improvements in stability and performance.
KB3054873 Update for Microsoft Office 2010 32-Bit-Edition, 12th March 2019 on Wul list . ( Shown as 24th December 2016 on the computers update list ) Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Office 2010 32-bit Edition. This update provides the latest fixes for the Microsoft Office 2010 32-bit edition. In addition, the update includes improvements in stability and performance.
Based on a bit of intuitive guess work I decided to delete them in this order, and only after the last de instillation was success..!!. All the ( 3 ) successful de instillations required a computer restart. All 3 warned that other updates might be removed also. This may have happened **
KB3054873 The de instillation forced a restart of the computer
KB2965291 The de instillation forced a restart of the computer ### Note at this point it was indicated that there were 779 updates.
KB2553154 No de instillation was possible. This update was already gone **
KB2920813 The de instillation forced a restart of the computer ### Note at this point it was still indicated that there were 779 updates.
!! At this point, after the restart of the computer and Excel 2003, ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003 were working

I did some extra experiments …_
_.. I re installed KB3054873. It showed up as expected in the computers update list : KB3054873Back.JPG https://imgur.com/HONIwHs (### strangely again it was indicated that there were 779 updates, even after a computer restart : KB3054873 Back.JPG https://imgur.com/doRF6QI )
ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003 were broken
I de installed , ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003 were working again
I repeated the above a few times. Despite restarts etc., the displayed number of updates never changed.
The date shown in the Wul list remains at the original 23th July, 2015 changes, whilst the current date is shown in the computers update list.
Without the restart after a de instillation, the ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003 are not working. However if Excel is not open at the time of the de installation then no restart is asked for or is required and ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003 at the start of Excel
_.. I re installed KB2965291. It seemed to work, and ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003 stopped working. But it did not show up as expected in the computers update list.
Further investigation showed that KB3054873 had been re installed!!.
Removing KB3054873 and all is well again.
_.. I re installed KB2553154. It seemed to work. But it did not show up on the computers update list. ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003 were still working.
At this stage I did a quick check of the original Wul list and the current Wul list. I checked both KB number from column A and the Installation Date from column D. There was no difference
_.. I re installed KB2920813. It showed up as expected in the computers update list
ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003 were broken
I de installed , ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003 were working again.
The conclusions here are that these are “bad” news..
Possibly these are also „bad“:

The success with this Notebook, allowed a large number of “good updates” to be added to my “OK list”.
As previously after finishing a “computer update repair” the entire list of original updates for this computer was added in a column of workbook “UpdatesOK.xls” , and then the ( 4 in this case ) “bad updates” removed , before running code Sub UpdatesOK(). The list produced by that is then copied to the worksheet “UpOK” in the file for the ( Vista in this case ) computers . This allows the code Sub UpOKs() in this file to be used to mark all the ( probably ) OK updates in the last Vista computer under investigation in the next section.

Vista ACER X3200
This computer has a similar history to the previous two Vista machines, except that it had long periods of no use. It has had Office 2007 from new, and in the last year Office 2003 was added. ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003 have never worked.
The list of not yet checked updates at the start of experimenting with this computer looks like this


It is almost a manageable number of updates to check through …
But not quite. Running the macro routine Sub FindBads() on the worksheet for this computer reveals just one,
Removing of this alone unfortunately did not solve the problem :-(
It did , however, narrow down a bit the updates to be checked as it apparently removed the following.. ( or maybe my Wul list was in error and they were not there.. )
At this stage the computers update list was still showing 192, as it had initially before attempting to remove any updates.

Removing KB2920794 solved the problem: ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003 began working immediately after removing this update, and before any restart.

I experimented a bit with the list of those apparently removed updates.
The following were available in the Microsoft catalogue ( https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com ), they appeared to install , but were not to be found in the computers update list. (ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003 remained working, and the update list was always showing 192 )
The following were not to be found in the Microsoft catalogue

I concentrated on these two
Re installing those killed ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003, and de installing them brought them back into life.

So as a conclusion of this section, we have one more, KB2920794 , definitely to add to our list of “Bads()”

I am not sure whether these should be also added..

I expect in previous experiments other updates may have been removed, but I don’t know of any way yet to get a reliable controlled way to monitor the situation of updates automatically. Doing it manually does not seem to be something any sane person would do. I will report back and update after I have done this thoroughly some time in the future, possibly in another reincarnation.
For now, at this stage, all but KB2920794 and KB2965286 will be added to the “OK update” list, in preparation for the next phase, which is considering the XP operating system

01-23-2019, 10:33 PM
XP Operating system and Updates

Initially we have some extra points to consider for XP operating system
_a) …."The procedure entry point "GetDataFormEX" was not found in the DLL "KERNEL32.dll"….. Bollox !
Primarily , this Thread has been concerned with the breaking by Microsoft updates of ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003. During the course of the work some other problems were encountered whereby updates specifically caused problems with the XP operating system, ( http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=31405 m ). Amongst other things, the problems include completely disabling all Office. For convenience we will add the known problem causing updates to our “bad” list. So far these include
_b) No way to list Office Updates in XP
In this and associated Forum Threads we have made effective use of the software for from Nir Sofer
Unfortunately it appears that at this time the current version misses listing all Microsoft Office updates. I am not sure why this is. I have contacted and informed Nir Sofer of my observations.
It has therefore been necessary to manually add these to column A in the file for XP computer updates , “WMI Query XP.xls” ………_
_..............................................3 days later..

Here are a couple of examples, (i) and (ii) at getting an XP machine working by removing “bad” updates

(i) LG X120 which I have had for a few years, and about 5 years ago added Excel 2010 and just recently added Excel 2003. ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003 have never worked ( Ident: Froggy)
Using the routine Sub UpOKs() to mark green the OK updates gives almost a manageable number of updates to check, especially as all results so far suggest we only need to look at updates associated with Microsoft Office. The full list is


Reducing this to just those associated with
A search for “Bads” revealed
After de installing KB3054873, ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003 began working. No restart was necessary
I checked re installing and de installing a few times. Constantly ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003 were broken with the update installed, and by de installing they were working.
KB3054873 was one of 80*!# ( manually counted ) shown updates associated with Microsoft Office 2010. The de instillation appears just to have removed this single update, and ( manually ) counted are 79 shown updates associated with Microsoft Office 2010 after the de instillation.
*!# Note some updates are shown duplicated

I have left KB974554 ( which is shown as associated with Excel 2003 ) installed.
I have not removed KB974554 from the bad list yet. But also I have added it to the “good” list….

This machine was found to have the " The procedure entry point "GetDataFormEX" was not found in the DLL "KERNEL32.dll"" .....problem again around the 26th Jan 2019. The problem was removed on the problem on 27th Jan by removing an update not yet known as a problem update:
On the afternoon of 28th Jan 2019 , I noticed the computer getting updates as I tried to switch it off. I guessed that would mean trouble. Sure enough both problems were back by next power up. I investigated.. The following “bads” were found
3054873 – kills ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003
4462157 – " The procedure entry point "GetDataFormEX" was not found in the DLL "KERNEL32.dll"" .....problem
Unfortunately, mostly no date information is shown in the computers update list, but 4462157 was shown as the last .
Removing those updates cured both problems immediately without need for any restarting. A couple of other updates not yet had could be added to the “OK” list
As a temporary step I have disabled updates on the XP machines , as I need them for a while in a situation where curing bad updates may be difficult. ( Steps to do this are usually similar to the following:
Start.JPG : https://imgur.com/OOolPTM
System Steuerung Control Panel.JPG : https://imgur.com/pzocOwj
Automatic Updates.JPG : https://imgur.com/bzov1dH
Block Updates XP.jpg : https://imgur.com/6eajvnX , https://imgur.com/qSNW4Nh )


(ii) Another LG X120 XP Notebook (NichtFroggy)
A second older Notebook having had Office 2010 installed somewhat longer than the previous Notebook , but only just recently having Office 2003 installed. ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003 were found not to be working immediately after the instillation of Office 2003

It was quite easy to track down the problem with this final machine , as .._
_.. the use of routine Sub UpOKs() eliminated all but
_.. the use of Sub FindBads() revealed just one update as a potential problem
KB 3054873

De instillation of KB 3054873 resulted in immediate working of ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003
On 26th Jan 2019 , I had to de instilliren the known problem update KB4461614 which suddenly appeared on this machine and caused the " The procedure entry point "GetDataFormEX" was not found in the DLL "KERNEL32.dll"" ......... problem as usual
The next day , 27th Jan 2019 the same problem was back, but this time the new update was found to cause the problem : KB 4462157
Also KB3054873 was back and had to be removed to remove the re apeard ActiveX worksheet embedded control problem
Feb14/15 2019 To assist here http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=31572&p=246560#p246527 I turned Updates back on.
All problems returned. I investigated.
Sub FindBads() Found only 3054873 and 974554 . Removing 3054873 cured the ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003.
Sub UpOKs() revealed “new updates”:
A report was made of 4462174 causing problems https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/msoffice_excel-mso_winother-mso_2010/microsoft-office-2010-on-an-xp-os/0cf7643f-1fa0-4ac5-98d1-bcda9dd9461f?messageId=afa960e9-de42-457e-b8f1-f9543f1c19c0 Removing this has solved the problem in Office 2010 in XP
15/16th Feb2019
I watched the updating at around 3.00p.m. I had never done this before. A liitle pop up came up, saying it had a couple of updates, I clicked on it, then agreed to it updating 1 littlePopUp 2 ExpressUpdates.jpg : https://imgur.com/cMTvbrv , AgreeToUpdate.jpg : https://imgur.com/hv0VtPw It seemed to have updated, 3054873 killed the ActiveX embedded in a worksheet controls in Excel 2003, 4462174 killed XP.
Took them both out then all was OK again

15thFeb2019 Ident J
I have another LGX 120 that was hardly ever on the internet. It has had no problems and has hardly any updates J Start 2 SystemControl 3 Software 4 Updates : https://imgur.com/Gr2jwLW I checked its update settings https://imgur.com/33wuTGw
But the next day, nothing had changed.


"WMI Query XP.xls" : https://app.box.com/s/5brcqrc5uk4tuhmwdgrr1dhygnmh7nr5

Here is an update specifically for the issue "updates killing Office 2010 in XP":
Update April 2019:
Here is a new recent “killer” update : KB4462223
Office 2010 in XP” killers”:
KB4461522 ( no longer available )
KB4461614 ( available , but not been offered for some time )
KB4462157 ( available , but not been offered for some time. ( Originally this was introduced to solve the problem. It never did. Quite the opposite, it causes the problem if you install it, just as all the other “killers do !!. ) )
KB4462174 ( available, and until recently, was still offered )
KB4462223 : The latest, available, and being currently offered


The next post summarises the conclusions of this Thread.

01-23-2019, 10:40 PM
Summary of "bad" updates by Operating system

Windows 7