View Full Version : VPN Forum access and IP addresse Tests

09-16-2015, 03:25 PM
Re: Appendix Thread. ( Codes for other Threads, HTML Tables, etc. )<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
. I would like to use this Thread as an Appendix for codes in other Threads so as to help reduce clutter in that Thread should the code be a bit long, or not directly relevant.<o:p></o:p>
. Also as HTML code is on in this Test Sub Forum I would like to reference HTML Tables should I wish to use them in answering threads<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
@ Moderators, Administrator:<o:p></o:p>
. I hope the above is OK to do and if so please do not delete this Thread. ( Or advise if I should post my "Appendix" somewhere else ( If possible where HTML code is on ) )<o:p></o:p>
. Many Thanks<o:p></o:p>

Edit December 2019: This copy Thread is also for some preliminary notes which I might use in a Blog at a later date .
So please do not Delete.
(excelfox Moderator)


https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=Ugxq4JHRza_zx3sz0fx4AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=Ugxq4JHRza_zx3sz0fx4AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=UgzMCQUIQgrbec400jl4AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=UgzMCQUIQgrbec400jl4AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=UgwhVTFaD469mW9wO194AaABAg.9gJzxwFcnPU9gORqKw5t W_ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=UgwhVTFaD469mW9wO194AaABAg.9gJzxwFcnPU9gORqKw5t W_)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=Ugyb8nmKKoXvcdM58gV4AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=Ugyb8nmKKoXvcdM58gV4AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=UgwvvXcl1oa79xS7BAV4AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=UgwvvXcl1oa79xS7BAV4AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=UgxvIFArksPprylHXYZ4AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=UgxvIFArksPprylHXYZ4AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=Ugxq4JHRza_zx3sz0fx4AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=Ugxq4JHRza_zx3sz0fx4AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA)

Example of VPN with OpenVPN in Operating System Vista
Page 13 Thread post#127 https://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests?p=11658&viewfull=1#post11658

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA)
https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=317218#p317218 (https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=317218#p317218)
https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=316955#p316955 (https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=316955#p316955)
https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=316955#p316955 (https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=316955#p316955)
https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=316940#p316940 (https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=316940#p316940)
https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=316927#p316927 (https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=316927#p316927)
https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=317014#p317014 (https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=317014#p317014)
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https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=316875#p316875 (https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=316875#p316875)
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https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=315680#p315680 (https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=315680#p315680)
https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=315743#p315743 (https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=315743#p315743)
https://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=315326#p315326 (https://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=315326#p315326)
https://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=40752 (https://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=40752)
https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=314950#p314950 (https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=314950#p314950)
https://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=314940#p314940 (https://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=314940#p314940)
https://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=314926#p314926 (https://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=314926#p314926)
https://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=314920#p314920 (https://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=314920#p314920)
https://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=40533&p=314837#p314837 (https://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=40533&p=314837#p314837)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA)

09-16-2015, 06:44 PM
Notes in support of these Threads
https://tinyurl.com/rwt2kx8 , https://tinyurl.com/yhrwdsdb

( notes which I might use in a Blog at a later date )

Automating fixes and investigations in XP

Information as text string, programmatically obtaining
In addition to time saving, advantages of automating the fixes discussed allow for more consistent results, since it was apparent from initial investigations that the timing at which commands such as ipconfig /release and ipconfig/ renew where typed manually seemed to have an effect.

It turns out that automating off theses commands via VBA is very simple, in principle a single code line does the main action http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=33775#p261628
of doing the command, and additionally storing the contents displayed as a result of the command, into a text file

Further manipulation of the text file information
Using VBA lends itself to bringing the data into a convenient form into Excel such as in columns for ease of comparing.
When doing this manually, some untidy behavior was sometimes seen, such as extra unnecessary blank lines and information spilling into adjoining columns. So some initial investigation into the actual build up of the text file is useful.
The complete text in a text file, or a column in Excel , is actually just a single long text string. The different "lines" of text as we perceive it is made possible by the inclusion "invisible characters" of the so called "line feed" and / or "carriage return" form. If we analyze typical strings in detail then this will help us in deciding how to manipulate them in order to get consistent / tidy results
We need to first produce a simple long text string, which we can then analyze, for example using this coding: http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2302-quot-What%E2%80%99s-in-a-String-quot-VBA-break-down-Loop-through-character-contents-of-a-string
The following macro example, will give us the required complete string for ipconfig /all in variable strIPcon

Sub cmdconsoleContentsToString()
Shell "cmd.exe /c ""ipconfig /all > """ & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ipconfig__all.txt"""""
' Get the entire text file as a string
Dim FileNum As Long: Let FileNum = FreeFile(1) '
Dim PathAndFileName As String, strIPcon As String
Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ipconfig__all.txt"
Open PathAndFileName For Binary As #FileNum 'Open Route to data. Binary is a fundemental type data input...
strIPcon = VBA.Strings.Space$(LOF(FileNum)) '....and wot recives it hs to be a string of exactly the right length
Get #FileNum, , strIPcon
Close #FileNum
' Analyse string
Call WtchaGot(strIn:=strIPcon)
End Sub
( Sub WtchaGot(ByVal strIn As String) can be found here : http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2302-quot-What%E2%80%99s-in-a-String-quot-VBA-break-down-Loop-through-character-contents-of-a-string?p=10946&viewfull=1#post10946

The results from Sub WtchaGot( ) can be used in analyzing the text format given out by the command prompt code live.

Alternatively, if you already have the results in a text file, then you use the same basic coding without the initial commend prompt code line. You will need to know the file name and location of the text file.

Sub StringContentsFromTextfile()
' Get the entire text file as a string
Dim FileNum As Long: Let FileNum = FreeFile(1) '
Dim PathAndFileName As String, strIPcon As String
Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\test1B"
Open PathAndFileName For Binary As #FileNum 'Open Route to data. Binary is a fundemental type data input...
strIPcon = VBA.Strings.Space$(LOF(FileNum)) '....and wot recives it hs to be a string of exactly the right length
Get #FileNum, , strIPcon
Close #FileNum
' Analyse string
Call WtchaGot(strIn:=strIPcon)
End Sub

Some Examples:
When trying to compare some similar measurements for Vista and XP operating systems, two annoying characteristics were noticed
_ In XP there seemed to be extra lines, XP Extra Blank Lines.JPG : https://imgur.com/flm1pjQ

Looking at the first part of a typical Vista output from Sub WtchaG( ) , we see this First Part of Typical Vista Output ipconfig all.JPG , https://imgur.com/Zxkyxkq

vbCr & vbLf & "Windows" & "-" & "IP" & "-" & "Konfiguration" & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & " " & " " & " " & "Hostname" & " " & "…………..
Comparing that with a similarly generated text in XP we see this First Part of Typical XP Output ipconfig all.JPG : https://imgur.com/nXtTeQH

vbCr & vbCr & vbLf & "Windows" & "-" & "IP" & "-" & "Konfiguration" & vbCr & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbCr & vbLf & " " & " " & " " & " " & " " & " " & " " & " " & "Hostname" & "."…………….
Clearly we see in the XP output a doubling of vbCr where we might more typically see a single vbCr
We can use a simple VBA code line to easily replace double occurrences of vbCr with a single vbCr

_ Spilling into neighboring columns when pasted into Excel
Another annoyance shows up as contents spilling into neighboring columns when pasted into Excel : XP Spilling into neighboring columns.JPG : https://imgur.com/8aWq5uj
Examining parts of the offending string, we see that there are some occurrences of vbTab, XP Spilling into neighboring columns due to vbTab.JPG :
…………" & " " & " " & "192" & "." & "168" & "." & "2" & "." & "105" & vbTab & " " & " " & "25" & vbCr & vbLf………..
In sinple text, vbTab is used as a sort of ordered positioning separation by empty spaces. Unfortunately , VBA uses them to indicate a cell vertical wall.
To overcome this problem we can use a simple VBA code line to easily replace occurrences of vbTab with a few empty spaces.

A final code to tidy the text given, by a command such as ipconfig /all , would have this form:

Sub cmdconsoleContentsToStringTidy() ' http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests?p=11568&viewfull=1#post11568
Shell "cmd.exe /c ""ipconfig /all > """ & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ipconfig__all.txt"""""
' Get the entire text file as a string
Dim FileNum As Long: Let FileNum = FreeFile(1) '
Dim PathAndFileName As String, strIPcon As String
Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ipconfig__all.txt"
Open PathAndFileName For Binary As #FileNum 'Open Route to data. Binary is a fundemental type data input...
strIPcon = VBA.Strings.Space$(LOF(FileNum)) '....and wot recives it hs to be a string of exactly the right length
Get #FileNum, , strIPcon
Close #FileNum
' Tidy the string
Let strIPcon = Replace(strIPcon, vbCr & vbCr, vbCr, 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
Let strIPcon = Replace(strIPcon, vbTab, " ", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
End Sub


09-16-2015, 06:47 PM
Automating fixes and investigations in XP
Bringing results into Excel File
It is convenient to bring the text results into an excel column.
Manually we do this by simply pasting into a single cell: Because the text string has already got a degree of formatting into lines via the vbCr & vbLf s , this is recognized by Excl, since excel also uses the convention of vbCr & vbLf as the line separator or, as Excel sees it, as a horizontal cell wall border.
So we simply need to add a few code lines to put the text string into the clipboard, and then paste into a convenient cell in Excel.
( A few probllems were encountered when adding some extra information. These are the subject of some other forum posts, for example: https://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=33834 )

Sub cmdconsoleContentsToExcel() ' http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests?p=11569&viewfull=1#post11569
Shell "cmd.exe /c ""ipconfig /all > """ & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ipconfig__all.txt"""""
' Get the entire text file as a string
Dim FileNum As Long: Let FileNum = FreeFile(1) '
Dim PathAndFileName As String, strIPcon As String
Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ipconfig__all.txt"
' Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\test2B.txt" ' Al
Open PathAndFileName For Binary As #FileNum 'Open Route to data. Binary is a fundemental type data input...
strIPcon = VBA.Strings.Space$(LOF(FileNum)) '....and wot recives it hs to be a string of exactly the right length
Get #FileNum, , strIPcon
Close #FileNum
' Tidy the string
Let strIPcon = Replace(strIPcon, vbCr & vbCr, vbCr, 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
Let strIPcon = Replace(strIPcon, vbTab, " ", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
' add any extra info to string
Let strIPcon = vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & """" & Format(Now, "DD MMM YYYY") & " " & vbLf & " " & Format(Now, "hh mm ss") & """" & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & strIPcon ' vbLf is recognised as a new line within an Excel"
' String content check
' Call WtchaGot(strIPcon)
' put the text in the clipboard
Dim objDataObject As Object: Set objDataObject = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
objDataObject.SetText strIPcon: objDataObject.PutInClipboard

' Excel Worksheet
Dim Ws As Worksheet: Set Ws = ActiveSheet
Dim Clm As Range, NxtClm As Long
Set Clm = Ws.Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=Ws.Range("A1"), LookAt:=xlPart, LookIn:=xlFormulas, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=False)
If Clm Is Nothing Then
Let NxtClm = 1
Let NxtClm = Clm.Column + 1
End If
' Put in next free column in Active sheet
Ws.Paste Destination:=Ws.Cells.Item(1, NxtClm)
Ws.Columns.AutoFit: Ws.Rows.AutoFit

End Sub

The next coding has a section to add the results obtained in the command window for the command route print

Sub ipconfigall_routeprint() '
Rem 1 ipconfig /all
Shell "cmd.exe /c ""ipconfig /all > """ & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ipconfig__all.txt"""""
' Get the entire text file as a string
Dim FileNum As Long: Let FileNum = FreeFile(1) '
Dim PathAndFileName As String, strIPcon As String
Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ipconfig__all.txt"
' Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\test2B.txt" ' Al
Open PathAndFileName For Binary As #FileNum 'Open Route to data. Binary is a fundemental type data input...
strIPcon = VBA.Strings.Space$(LOF(FileNum)) '....and wot recives it hs to be a string of exactly the right length
Get #FileNum, , strIPcon
Close #FileNum
' Tidy the string
Let strIPcon = Replace(strIPcon, vbCr & vbCr, vbCr, 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
Let strIPcon = Replace(strIPcon, vbTab, " ", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
' add any extra info to string
Let strIPcon = vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & """" & Format(Now, "DD MMM YYYY") & " " & vbLf & " " & Format(Now, "hh mm ss") & """" & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & strIPcon ' vbLf is recognised as a new line within an Excel"
' String content check
' Call WtchaGot(strIPcon)
' put the text in the clipboard
Dim objDataObject As Object: Set objDataObject = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
objDataObject.SetText strIPcon: objDataObject.PutInClipboard

' Excel Worksheet
Dim Ws As Worksheet: Set Ws = ActiveSheet
Dim Clm As Range, NxtClm As Long
Set Clm = Ws.Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=Ws.Range("A1"), LookAt:=xlPart, LookIn:=xlFormulas, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=False)
If Clm Is Nothing Then
Let NxtClm = 1
Let NxtClm = Clm.Column + 1
End If
' Put in next free column in Active sheet
Ws.Paste Destination:=Ws.Cells.Item(1, NxtClm)
' Ws.Columns.AutoFit: Ws.Rows.AutoFit

Rem 2 route print
Shell "cmd.exe /c ""route print > """ & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\route_print.txt"""""
' Get the entire text file as a string
Let FileNum = FreeFile(1) '
Dim strrouteprint As String
Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\route_print.txt"
' Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\test2B.txt" ' Al
Open PathAndFileName For Binary As #FileNum 'Open Route to data. Binary is a fundemental type data input...
strrouteprint = VBA.Strings.Space$(LOF(FileNum)) '....and wot recives it hs to be a string of exactly the right length
Get #FileNum, , strrouteprint
Close #FileNum
' Tidy the string
Let strrouteprint = Replace(strrouteprint, vbCr & vbCr, vbCr, 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
Let strrouteprint = Replace(strrouteprint, vbTab, " ", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
' put the text in the clipboard
objDataObject.SetText strrouteprint: objDataObject.PutInClipboard
' Excel Worksheet
Dim Lr As Long: Let Lr = Ws.Cells(Ws.Rows.Count, NxtClm).End(xlUp).Row
' Put in next free column in Active sheet
Ws.Paste Destination:=Ws.Cells.Item(Lr + 30, NxtClm)
Ws.Columns.AutoFit: Ws.Rows.AutoFit

End Sub

Typically , ipconfig/ all and route print are done together to get information concerning a connection.
A code version here, http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2345-Appendix-Thread-(-Codes-for-other-Threads-HTML-Tables-etc-)?p=11834&viewfull=1#post11834 , combines the two macros and the two sets of info is pasted out to the same column, with the and route print info under the ipconfig/ all info.
In addition the coding calls some Functions which give some extra information , such IP address, computer name. Details to those Functions is given here : http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests?p=11672&viewfull=1#post11672


09-16-2015, 09:00 PM
Other useful command prompt commands when experimenting with VPN are ipconfig /release and ipconfig /renew

Here is are a pair of macros to give a similar Excel column output for the commands are ipconfig /release and ipconfig /renew

Sub ipconfig_release() '
Rem 1 ipconfig /all
Shell "cmd.exe /c ""ipconfig /release > """ & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ipconfig_release.txt"""""
' Get the entire text file as a string
Dim FileNum As Long: Let FileNum = FreeFile(1) ' ' The "highway/ street/ link" to be built to transport the text will be given a number. It must be unique. So we use for convenience, the Freefile function: it returns an integer that represents the next file number that the Open statement can use. The optional argument for the range number is a variant that is used to specify a range from which the next free file number is returned. Enter a value of data type 0 (default) to return a file number in the range 1 - 255 inclusive. Enter 1 to return a file number in the range 256 - 511. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/language/reference/user-interface-help/freefile-function . Note also : Use file numbers in the range 1-255, inclusive, for files not accessible to other applications. Use file numbers in the range 256-511 for files accessible from other applications
Dim PathAndFileName As String, strIPcon As String
Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ipconfig_release.txt"
' Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\test2B.txt" ' Al
Open PathAndFileName For Binary As #FileNum 'Open Route to data. Binary is a fundemental type data input...
strIPcon = VBA.Strings.Space$(LOF(FileNum)) '....and wot recives it hs to be a string of exactly the right length
Get #FileNum, , strIPcon
Close #FileNum
' Tidy the string
Let strIPcon = Replace(strIPcon, vbCr & vbCr, vbCr, 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
Let strIPcon = Replace(strIPcon, vbTab, " ", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
' add any extra info to string
Dim PublicIP As String: Call PubicIP(PublicIP)
Let strIPcon = "ipconfig /release " & vbCr & vbLf & ComputerName & vbCr & vbLf & GetIpAddrTable & vbCr & vbLf & PublicIP & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & """" & Format(Now, "DD MMM YYYY") & " " & vbLf & " " & Format(Now, "hh mm ss") & """" & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & strIPcon ' vbLf is recognised as a new line within an Excel"
' String content check
' Call WtchaGot(strIPcon)
' put the text in the clipboard
Dim objDataObject As Object: Set objDataObject = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
objDataObject.SetText strIPcon: objDataObject.PutInClipboard

' Excel Worksheet
Dim Ws As Worksheet: Set Ws = ActiveSheet
Dim Clm As Range, NxtClm As Long
Set Clm = Ws.Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=Ws.Range("A1"), LookAt:=xlPart, LookIn:=xlFormulas, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=False)
If Clm Is Nothing Then
Let NxtClm = 2
Let NxtClm = Clm.Column + 1
End If
' Put in next free column in Active sheet
Ws.Paste Destination:=Ws.Cells.Item(1, NxtClm)
Ws.Columns.AutoFit: Ws.Rows.AutoFit
Ws.Cells.Item(1, NxtClm).Select

End Sub

Sub ipconfig_renew() '
Rem 1 ipconfig /all
Shell "cmd.exe /c ""ipconfig /renew > """ & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ipconfig_renew.txt"""""
' Get the entire text file as a string
Dim FileNum As Long: Let FileNum = FreeFile(1) ' ' The "highway/ street/ link" to be built to transport the text will be given a number. It must be unique. So we use for convenience, the Freefile function: it returns an integer that represents the next file number that the Open statement can use. The optional argument for the range number is a variant that is used to specify a range from which the next free file number is returned. Enter a value of data type 0 (default) to return a file number in the range 1 - 255 inclusive. Enter 1 to return a file number in the range 256 - 511. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/language/reference/user-interface-help/freefile-function . Note also : Use file numbers in the range 1-255, inclusive, for files not accessible to other applications. Use file numbers in the range 256-511 for files accessible from other applications
Dim PathAndFileName As String, strIPcon As String
Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ipconfig_renew.txt"
' Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\test2B.txt" ' Al
Open PathAndFileName For Binary As #FileNum 'Open Route to data. Binary is a fundemental type data input...
strIPcon = VBA.Strings.Space$(LOF(FileNum)) '....and wot recives it hs to be a string of exactly the right length
Get #FileNum, , strIPcon
Close #FileNum
' Tidy the string
Let strIPcon = Replace(strIPcon, vbCr & vbCr, vbCr, 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
Let strIPcon = Replace(strIPcon, vbTab, " ", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
' add any extra info to string
Dim PublicIP As String: Call PubicIP(PublicIP)
Let strIPcon = "ipconfig /renew " & vbCr & vbLf & ComputerName & vbCr & vbLf & GetIpAddrTable & vbCr & vbLf & PublicIP & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & """" & Format(Now, "DD MMM YYYY") & " " & vbLf & " " & Format(Now, "hh mm ss") & """" & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & strIPcon ' vbLf is recognised as a new line within an Excel"
' String content check
' Call WtchaGot(strIPcon)
' put the text in the clipboard
Dim objDataObject As Object: Set objDataObject = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
objDataObject.SetText strIPcon: objDataObject.PutInClipboard

' Excel Worksheet
Dim Ws As Worksheet: Set Ws = ActiveSheet
Dim Clm As Range, NxtClm As Long
Set Clm = Ws.Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=Ws.Range("A1"), LookAt:=xlPart, LookIn:=xlFormulas, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=False)
If Clm Is Nothing Then
Let NxtClm = 2
Let NxtClm = Clm.Column + 1
End If
' Put in next free column in Active sheet
Ws.Paste Destination:=Ws.Cells.Item(1, NxtClm)
Ws.Columns.AutoFit: Ws.Rows.AutoFit
Ws.Cells.Item(1, NxtClm).Select

End Sub

05-29-2016, 08:07 PM
Automating command prompt combinations

There are two main reasons for the automating of command prompts and associated coding which we have been discussing. One is the obvious time advantage compared with doing the commands manually.

A second important advantage is in consistency of results, since the specific time at which some commands were done were seen to effect the results.

It is easy to Call any combinations of the Functions , along with wait periods in between. Simple macros of this form can be written , Calling on the Functions which we have already developed.

Option Explicit
' ' https://www.myonlinetraininghub.com/pausing-or-delaying-vba-using-wait-sleep-or-a-loop
#If VBA7 Then ' Excel 2010 or later
Public Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Milliseconds As LongPtr)
#Else ' Excel 2007 or earlier
Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Milliseconds As Long)
#End If
' '_

' Calls
Sub Calls2()
Call ipconfig_release
Call Sleep(500)
Call ipconfigall_routeprint(" after rel in single rel ren pair")
Call ipconfig_renew
Call Sleep(500)
Call ipconfigall_routeprint(" after ren of single rel ren pair")
End Sub

We can further use either buttons or event coding to trigger conveniently various coding combinations.

The uploaded file is an initial file version which I am currently using to do some experimenting with XP and SoftEther.

I will probably develop this further and edit this post accordingly.

"Test ipconfig XP.xls" https://app.box.com/s/hk3cl2sp9nmmyigcun71w54vn38xi6zq

06-07-2016, 10:31 PM
Problems with Automated Command prompts with VBA
Problems uncounted in the execution of such coding is often difficult to debug, since often the code lines do not error. Often when problems occur, the commends are simply not done, but the VBA coding continues further.

One problem already noted is the presence of spaces in path strings. Care has to be taken in the correct syntax in the use of quotes, " , to overcome this problem

Another strange problem I once experienced , was that the command prompt coding lines were not working on one particular XP computer. I finally tracked the problem down to a point _ . _ in the computer name. Once I removed this point _ . _ all was well.
( I could not repeat the exüeriment, as any attempts to change the name to include a point _ . _ , were not allowed….. This particulate computer I did not have from new . I don't know how a point was made in the computer name)

Change Computer name in XP : https://www.watchingthenet.com/how-to-change-your-computer-name-in-windows-xp-or-vista.html

06-07-2016, 10:32 PM

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTmVtPHtiTg&lc=Ugy_RiNN_kAqUvZ8W994AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTmVtPHtiTg&lc=Ugy_RiNN_kAqUvZ8W994AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjEWAJ3d-jw&lc=UgxJLVpwY8fIla7G-pN4AaABAg.9BLeCWVhxdG9wgNsaS3Lp1 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjEWAJ3d-jw&lc=UgxJLVpwY8fIla7G-pN4AaABAg.9BLeCWVhxdG9wgNsaS3Lp1)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjEWAJ3d-jw&lc=UgxJLVpwY8fIla7G-pN4AaABAg.9BLeCWVhxdG9wgR1EPUkhw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjEWAJ3d-jw&lc=UgxJLVpwY8fIla7G-pN4AaABAg.9BLeCWVhxdG9wgR1EPUkhw)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjEWAJ3d-jw&lc=UgxJLVpwY8fIla7G-pN4AaABAg.9BLeCWVhxdG9wgNe_XC-jK (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjEWAJ3d-jw&lc=UgxJLVpwY8fIla7G-pN4AaABAg.9BLeCWVhxdG9wgNe_XC-jK)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjEWAJ3d-jw&lc=UgxJLVpwY8fIla7G-pN4AaABAg.9BLeCWVhxdG9wgNPOdiDuv (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjEWAJ3d-jw&lc=UgxJLVpwY8fIla7G-pN4AaABAg.9BLeCWVhxdG9wgNPOdiDuv)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjEWAJ3d-jw&lc=UgxJLVpwY8fIla7G-pN4AaABAg.9BLeCWVhxdG9wgN7AC7wAc (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjEWAJ3d-jw&lc=UgxJLVpwY8fIla7G-pN4AaABAg.9BLeCWVhxdG9wgN7AC7wAc)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs-urI_o8jo&lc=UgyBACXgNY4j_cHgH5J4AaABAg.9oTkVdzfqfm9wlhQrYJP 3M (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs-urI_o8jo&lc=UgyBACXgNY4j_cHgH5J4AaABAg.9oTkVdzfqfm9wlhQrYJP 3M)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs-urI_o8jo&lc=UgxYgiEZuS9I3xkjJv54AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs-urI_o8jo&lc=UgxYgiEZuS9I3xkjJv54AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVFFApHzYVk&lc=Ugyi578yhj9zShmhuPl4AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVFFApHzYVk&lc=Ugyi578yhj9zShmhuPl4AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqzeFYWjTxI&lc=UgxvxlnuTRWiV6MUZB14AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqzeFYWjTxI&lc=UgxvxlnuTRWiV6MUZB14AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8i1fVEi5WY&lc=Ugz0ptwE5J-2CpX4Lzh4AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8i1fVEi5WY&lc=Ugz0ptwE5J-2CpX4Lzh4AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ltJS7uHfK4&lc=UgxoHAw8RwR7VmyVBUt4AaABAg.9C-br0lEl8V9xI0_6pCaR9 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ltJS7uHfK4&lc=UgxoHAw8RwR7VmyVBUt4AaABAg.9C-br0lEl8V9xI0_6pCaR9)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ltJS7uHfK4&lc=Ugz5DDCMqmHLeEjUU8t4AaABAg.9bl7m03Onql9xI-ar3Z0ME (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ltJS7uHfK4&lc=Ugz5DDCMqmHLeEjUU8t4AaABAg.9bl7m03Onql9xI-ar3Z0ME)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ltJS7uHfK4&lc=UgxYnpd9leriPmc8rPd4AaABAg.9gdrYDocLIm9xI-2ZpVF-q (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ltJS7uHfK4&lc=UgxYnpd9leriPmc8rPd4AaABAg.9gdrYDocLIm9xI-2ZpVF-q)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ltJS7uHfK4&lc=UgyjoPLjNeIAOMVH_u94AaABAg.9id_Q3FO8Lp9xHyeYSuv 1I (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ltJS7uHfK4&lc=UgyjoPLjNeIAOMVH_u94AaABAg.9id_Q3FO8Lp9xHyeYSuv 1I)
https://www.reddit.com/r/windowsxp/comments/pexq9q/comment/k81ybvj/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 (https://www.reddit.com/r/windowsxp/comments/pexq9q/comment/k81ybvj/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs-urI_o8jo&lc=UgxYgiEZuS9I3xkjJv54AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs-urI_o8jo&lc=UgxYgiEZuS9I3xkjJv54AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs-urI_o8jo&lc=UgyBACXgNY4j_cHgH5J4AaABAg.9oTkVdzfqfm9wlhQrYJP 3M (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs-urI_o8jo&lc=UgyBACXgNY4j_cHgH5J4AaABAg.9oTkVdzfqfm9wlhQrYJP 3M)
ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LP9fz2DCMBE (ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LP9fz2DCMBE)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LP9fz2DCMBE&lc=UgzbPgJUMCztIOQDym14AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LP9fz2DCMBE&lc=UgzbPgJUMCztIOQDym14AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LP9fz2DCMBE&lc=UgzbPgJUMCztIOQDym14AaABAg.9wdo_rWgxSH9wdpcYqrv p8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LP9fz2DCMBE&lc=UgzbPgJUMCztIOQDym14AaABAg.9wdo_rWgxSH9wdpcYqrv p8)
ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFxnXH4-L1A (ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFxnXH4-L1A)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFxnXH4-L1A&lc=UgxuODisjo6cvom7O-B4AaABAg.9w_AeS3JiK09wdi2XviwLG (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFxnXH4-L1A&lc=UgxuODisjo6cvom7O-B4AaABAg.9w_AeS3JiK09wdi2XviwLG)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFxnXH4-L1A&lc=UgxBU39bTptFznDC1PJ4AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFxnXH4-L1A&lc=UgxBU39bTptFznDC1PJ4AaABAg)
ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqzeFYWjTxI (ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqzeFYWjTxI)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqzeFYWjTxI&lc=UgwJnJDJ5JT8hFvibt14AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqzeFYWjTxI&lc=UgwJnJDJ5JT8hFvibt14AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA)

06-07-2016, 10:39 PM
"Opened up" snb Code

(_.. Original code here

' To Test Function, Type some arbitrary values in range A1:E10, step through code in F8 Debug Mode in VB Editor, and examine Worksheet, Immediate Window ( Ctrl+G when in VB Editor ), hover over variables in the VB Editor Window with mouse cursor, set watches on variables ( Highlight any occurrence of a variable in the VB Editor and Hit Shift+F9 ) , etc.. and then you should expected the required Output to be pasted out starting Top Left at cell M17

' Delete One Row From a ... group of contiguous cells in a Spreadsheet

' To Test Function, Type some arbitrary values in range A1:E10, step through code in F8 Debug Mode in VB Editor, and examine Worksheet, Immediate Window ( Ctrl+G when in VB Editor ), hover over variables in the VB Editor Window with mouse cursor, set watches on variables ( Highlight any occurrence of a variable in the VB Editor and Hit Shift+F9 ) , etc.. and then you should expected the required Output to be pasted out starting Top Left at cell M17
' http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2083-Delete-One-Row-From-A-2D-Variant-Array?p=9714#post9714
Sub snb_()
Dim sp() As Variant
Let sp() = Fu_snb(Range("A1:E10"), 5)
Range("M17").Resize(UBound(sp(), 1), UBound(sp(), 2)).ClearContents
Let Range("M17").Resize(UBound(sp(), 1), UBound(sp(), 2)) = sp
End Sub

Required Function_...
Function Fu_snb(ByVal sn As Range, ByVal y As Long) As Variant
_...in next Post

06-07-2016, 10:42 PM
Required Function for last Post

Function Fu_snb(ByVal sn As Range, ByVal y As Long) As Variant
10 ' use "neat magic" code line arrOut() = Application.Index(arrIn(), rwsT(), clms()) http://www.excelforum.com/excel-new-users-basics/1099995-application-index-with-look-up-rows-and-columns-arguments-as-vba-arrays.html http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/908760-visual-basic-applications-copy-2-dimensional-array-into-1-dimensional-single-column-2.html#post4375354
20 ' So we have sn as a range sn, ( can be uses syntaxly for arrIn() in "neat magic" line. ). Consequtive columns indicies as simple transpose of consequtive row Indicies from Spreadsheet row Funnction. Row indicies as the consequtive row indicies with the row to be deleted taken out
30 ' so snb does arrOut() = Application.Index(sn, rwsT(), clms())
60 ' clms() = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
70 'clms()
80 Dim clms() As Variant: Let clms() = Evaluate("column(A1:E10)")
90 Let clms() = Evaluate("column(" & sn.Address & ")")
100 Dim sName As String: Let sName = "snb_002"
110 Let sn.Name = sName
120 Let clms() = Evaluate("column(" & sName & ")")
129 Let clms() = Evaluate("column(snb_002)")
130 '== DANGER: === Pitful: Above we gave the Range Object a Name, but now see what "Name" or "Name" 's comes back "!" !
132 Dim retRefstrName As String, retObjName As Object
133 Let retRefstrName = sn.Name: Set retObjName = sn.Name: Debug.Print sn.Name 'something of the form "NPueyoGyanArraySlicing!$A$1:$E$10" is reveald in Immediate ( Ctrl+G when in VB Editor ) Window
134 'Let clms() = Evaluate("column(=NPueyoGyanArraySlicing!$A$1:$E$10)") 'Let clms() = Evaluate("column(" & retRefstrName & ")")' Rintime Error 13: Incompatiblee types
135 Let clms() = Evaluate("column(NPueyoGyanArraySlicing!$A$1:$E$10)") 'Works
137 Dim NameOnly As String: Let NameOnly = Replace((sn.Name), "!", "", (InStr(1, (sn.Name), "!"))): 'Debug.Print sn.Name: Dim pos&: pos = InStr(1, (sn.Name), "!"): NameOnly = Replace((sn.Name), "!", "", pos) ' We had ---- "NPueyoGyanArraySlicing!$A$1:$E$10" This is a String referrece returned when the Name Object is used directly or set to a String Variable. so here I return a string that starts at the position of the ! and which replaces in that truncated shortened string - "!$A$1:$E$10" the "!" with nothing
138 Let clms() = Evaluate("column(" & NameOnly & ")"): Let clms() = Evaluate("column(" & Replace((sn.Name), "!", "", (InStr(1, (sn.Name), "!"))) & ")")
140 Dim strName As String: Let strName = sn.Name.Name: Debug.Print strName: Let strName = retObjName.Name: Debug.Print strName ' returns our original "CoN"
142 Let clms() = Evaluate("column(" & strName & ")")
150 Dim rngF1G2 As Range: Set rngF1G2 = Range("F1:G2"): Let Range("F1:G2").Value = "From Line 150"
151 Let Range("=NPueyoGyanArraySlicing!F1:G2").Value = "From Line 151"
152 Let rngF1G2.Name = "snFG": Let Range("snFG").Value = "From Line 152"
149 '===============
160 'rwsT() snb rws() = VBA.Split(Trim(Replace(" " & Join(Evaluate("transpose(row(A1:E10))")) & " ", " " & y & " ", " ")))
170 'Final required row Indicies, with a missing indicie, as a string ( Hard Copy )
180 Dim strrwsD As String
190 Let strrwsD = "1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10"
200 Let strrwsD = Replace("1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10", " 5 ", " ", 1)
210 Dim strRws As String: Let strRws = "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10"
220 Let strrwsD = Replace(strRws, " 5 ", " ", 1)
240 'Get full sequential row conveniently from Row Function - ( correct "orientation" to use in "neat magic" code line, but wrong "orientation" to use Join Function {1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10} )
250 Dim arr_2D1row() As Variant
260 Let arr_2D1row() = Evaluate("row(A1:E10)") ' 1 To 10, 1 To 1
280 'Get full sequential row string.
290 Let strRws = Join(Evaluate("transpose(row(A1:E10))"), " ") 'Join must have eindimensional Array, as given by transpose working on a 2D 1 column Array
300 Let strRws = Join(Application.Transpose((Evaluate("row(A1:E10)"))), " ")
310 Let strRws = Join(Application.Transpose((arr_2D1row())), " ") ' Join ( Transpose ( { 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10} ) ) = Join ( { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} )
330 'Final required row Indicies, with a missing indicie, as a string
340 Let strrwsD = Replace(strRws, " 5 ", " ", 1)
350 Let strrwsD = Replace(strRws, " " & y & " ", " ", 1)

360 'Split Final String by " " to get 1 1d "Pseudo Horizontal" Array
370 Dim rws() As String: Let rws() = VBA.Split(strrwsD, " ") ' 1 D Array
380 'Final Transposed Array for "magic neat" code line
390 Dim rwsT() As Variant: Let rwsT() = Application.Transpose(rws()) ' 2 D 1 "column" Array
440 'Output Array
450 Dim arrOut() As Variant
460 arrOut() = Application.Index(sn, rwsT(), clms())
480 Let Fu_snb = arrOut()
490 'Or
Let Fu_snb = Application.Index(sn, Application.Transpose(VBA.Split(Replace(Join(Appli cation.Transpose((Evaluate("row(A1:E10)"))), " "), " " & y & " ", " ", 1), " ")), Evaluate("column(A1:E10)"))
'Finally the "extra" named range bit:
'Let sn.Name = "snb_002"
Let Fu_snb = Application.Index(sn, Application.Transpose(VBA.Split(Replace(Join(Appli cation.Transpose((Evaluate("row(snb_002)"))), " "), " " & y & " ", " ", 1), " ")), Evaluate("column(snb_002)"))
' "Shorthand" evaluate
Let Fu_snb = Application.Index(sn, Application.Transpose(VBA.Split(Replace(Join(Appli cation.Transpose(([row(snb_002)])), " "), " " & y & " ", " ", 1), " ")), [column(snb_002)])
'Let Fu_snb = Application.Index(sn, Application.Transpose(VBA.Split(Trim(Replace(" " & Join(Evaluate("transpose(row(snb_002))")) & " ", " " & y & " ", " ")))), Evaluate("column(snb_002)"))
'Let Fu_snb = Application.Index(sn, Application.Transpose(Split(Trim(Replace(" " & Join([transpose(row(snb_002))]) & " ", " " & y & " ", " ")))), [column(snb_002)])
End Function

06-07-2016, 11:52 PM
' To Test Function, Type some arbitrary values in range A1:E10, step through code in F8 Debug Mode in VB Editor, and examine Worksheet, Immediate Window ( Ctrl+G when in VB Editor ), hover over variables in the VB Editor Window with mouse cursor, set watches on variables ( Highlight any occurrence of a variable in the VB Editor and Hit Shift+F9 ) , etc.. and then you should expected the required Output to be pasted out starting Top Left at cell M17

Main Test Code ( Required Function given a couple of Posts down )

' Delete One Row From A 2D Excel Range Area
' To Test Function, Type some arbitrary values in range A1:E10, step through code in F8 Debug Mode in VB Editor, and examine Worksheet, Immediate Window ( Ctrl+G when in VB Editor ), hover over variables in the VB Editor Window with mouse cursor, set watches on variables ( Highlight any occurrence of a variable in the VB Editor and Hit Shift+F9 ) , etc.. and then you should expected the required Output to be pasted out starting Top Left at cell M17

Sub Alan()
Dim sp() As Variant
'Dim DataArr() As Variant: Let DataArr() = Range("A1:E10").Value
Let sp() = FuR_Alan(Range("A1:E10"), 5)
'Let sp() = FuRSHg(Range("A1:E10"), 5)
'Let sp() = FuRSHgDotT(Range("A1:E10"), 5)
'Let sp() = FuRSHgShtHd(Range("A1:E10"), 5)
Range("M17").Resize(UBound(sp(), 1), UBound(sp(), 2)).ClearContents
Let Range("M17").Resize(UBound(sp(), 1), UBound(sp(), 2)) = sp()
End Sub


For no particular reason I am considering this as my Input "Area"

Using Excel 2007 32 bit












Sheet: NPueyoGyanArraySlicing


Expected Output shown in next Post

06-07-2016, 11:53 PM
• DocAElstein
4 Attachment(s)
My Tests. No reply needed ( IP connection to Forum test )
Just testing.

Post will be edited or deleted later... maybe

Tests Wednesday Vista
Testing my IP using computer connected via hide me VPN
https://imgur.com/WNorGZz , https://imgur.com/GXYM65g , https://imgur.com/jIe7foe , https://imgur.com/XdKFu7w
Attachment 2417Attachment 2418Attachment 2419Attachment 2420
• 09-11-2019, 11:47 AM
1 Attachment(s)
reply from a different computer, ( this second computer is not connected via hide me VPN )

Attachment 2421
• 09-12-2019, 02:13 PM
1 Attachment(s)
Test Win 7
Attachment 2422
• 09-12-2019, 02:17 PM
1 Attachment(s)
Tests XP
Attachment 2423
• 09-12-2019, 02:30 PM
Tests Vista Thursday ( Client had crashed )
• 09-12-2019, 02:46 PM
1 Attachment(s)
Tests 2 Thursday ( Client back uo )
Attachment 2424
• 09-29-2019, 03:07 PM

06-07-2016, 11:56 PM
Betreff: [hide.me Support] Re: [Technical] Website support request
Datum: 2019-09-06T14:19:01+0200
Von: "Nathan (hide.me Support)" <support@hide.zendesk.com>
An: "Doc.AElstein@t-online.de" <doc.aelstein@t-online.de>

##- Please type your reply above this line -##



https://hide.me/images/bg_logo.png (http://www.excelfox.com/forum/)







Your request has been updated. Reply to this email.


Nathan (hide.me Support)
Sep 6, 12:18 UTC
Hello Alan,
Our service works in a way that when you connect your device to our VPN server all your traffic is encrypted and your real location hidden.
That means that no one can see what you download or upload to the internet (including your Internet Service Provider) and depending on the VPN server that you connect to, your address will change.
So for example if you connect to our Canada VPN server you will get a Canadian IP address and to everyone on the internet it will look like you are accessing the internet from Canada.
When you connect your device to our servers, you can browse and use it as you normally would and once you're connected to our VPN, the data transfer will go through the VPN tunnel and your IP is now hidden behind our servers.
You can check for more information how our service works and what it is mostly used on our website here (https://hide.me/en/what-is-vpn) and here for example: https://hide.me/en/features/
You are assigned IP address randomly, you may get the same server but IP address can change when we have several servers in that location.
If a load is high on one server a load balancer automatically connects you to a VPN server that has the least connections. All servers will provide you with the best bandwidth available as we have a Load Balancer. This is used to distribute the server load between the servers in that location in order to ensure the best performance for our users.
So it is possible that you get the same IP address when you reconnect; then you may need to reconnect a couple of times to get a different address.
But with our Premium plan you can manually reserve a different IP address from the pool of addresses on that server in your Connection Settings (https://member.hide.me/en/devices).
You can easily connect and disconnect at your convenience with our VPN client apps or other setups. OpenVPN setup requires a little more work and since you're using old operating systems not many options are available to you. Please note that Microsoft will also end the support for Windows 7 after January 14th 2020 - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/windows/end-of-windows-7-support
When you will have time please check these articles and with free membership you can continue using SoftEther setup on your Windows XP and Vista devices and for Windows 7 you can download our VPN client from here (https://hide.me/en/software/windows).
When you would like to try and set up OpenVPN on your devices just let me know and I will activate temporary Premium membership on your account.
Customer Relations Manager
eVenture Limited
Visit our community and share your experience:




Sep 6, 10:01 UTC
Hello Nathan,
Thanks for the quick response and information.
I shall take another detailed look over the next few days. (Just now I am
bisy with something else).

I have several computers in my Family with Operating systems of XP , Vista
and Windows 7.

I have been considering getting a VPN for use at home, possibly also a full
paid membership. But at the moment I am totally confused as to how exactly
VPN works and exactly what it does.
I can't seem to find any information that is easy enough for me to
understand. I have limited computer Knowledge. I do understand the basic
idea of VPNs hiding my IP address. But I want to understand a bit more
about exactly what you can do with them: For examples:-
_(i) One thing that I would like to do is to be able register in different
forums and web sites with both different usernames and different IP
addresses. In other words, I want to use a specific IP address with each
specific usernames when logging into a Forum or web site. I do not know if
that is possible.
_(ii) Another thing that I would like to do is to possibly have the option
for the IP address to change randomly every time I refresh , or move to
another section in a website, or Thread, or article in a web site or a
Forum. So this would mean that nobody could see what parts I am reading or
how I am "moving around" the site or forum. So nobody could see a trend in
the information which I am accessing. I do not know if that is possible.
_ (iii) I don't always want to hide my IP address. So I want to be able to
switch easily and quickly from using the internet with my real IP address
or a different one

( All my computer work is for private personal projects. I am not involved
in any business or paid work directly involving computers or software. (I
give some free help on Internet Help Forums) )

The idea of a one day trial sounds a good idea. But I need to wait until
_a) I have a day free, so as to be able to test it thoroughly
_b) I need to try and understand more about VPNs in the meantime and find
out if it is possible to do the sorts of things that I have mentioned

Thanks again.
Alan Elston

( P.S: My hide.me username which I registered today is

Betreff: [hide.me Support] Re: [Technical] Website support request
Datum: 2019-09-06T11:13:24+0200
Von: "Nathan (hide.me Support)" <support@hide.zendesk.com>
An: "Doc.AElstein@t-online.de" <doc.aelstein@t-online.de>




Nathan (hide.me Support)
Sep 6, 09:13 UTC
Hello Alan,
For Windows Vista you can check this article here: https://hide.me/en/knowledgebase/hide-me-vpn-discontinues-support-for-windows-xp-vista/
As mentioned in the article, if you are using free membership you can set up VPN connection using SoftEther protocol and this setup guide here: https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windowsxp/softether/
You just have to use one of the free VPN server address above, for example free-nl.hide.me to connect to our servers in the Netherlands.
With free plan you can connect to 5 of our VPN server locations: the Netherlands - in this case in the "Server name or address" field enter <code style="background-color: #f8f8f8; border: 1px solid #eaeaea; font-family: Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, 'Lucida Console', 'Liberation Mono', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Courier New', monospace, serif; font-size: 13px; margin: 0 2px; padding: 0 5px; white-space: pre-wrap;">free-nl.hide.me</code>
for Singapore enter <code style="background-color: #f8f8f8; border: 1px solid #eaeaea; font-family: Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, 'Lucida Console', 'Liberation Mono', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Courier New', monospace, serif; font-size: 13px; margin: 0 2px; padding: 0 5px; white-space: pre-wrap;">free-sg.hide.me</code> ; for Canada enter <code style="background-color: #f8f8f8; border: 1px solid #eaeaea; font-family: Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, 'Lucida Console', 'Liberation Mono', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Courier New', monospace, serif; font-size: 13px; margin: 0 2px; padding: 0 5px; white-space: pre-wrap;">free-ca.hide.me</code> and for US-East <code style="background-color: #f8f8f8; border: 1px solid #eaeaea; font-family: Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, 'Lucida Console', 'Liberation Mono', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Courier New', monospace, serif; font-size: 13px; margin: 0 2px; padding: 0 5px; white-space: pre-wrap;">free-us-east.hide.me</code> and US-West <code style="background-color: #f8f8f8; border: 1px solid #eaeaea; font-family: Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, 'Lucida Console', 'Liberation Mono', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Courier New', monospace, serif; font-size: 13px; margin: 0 2px; padding: 0 5px; white-space: pre-wrap;">free-us-west.hide.me</code>
The OpenVPN protocol is only available to our Free members through our own VPN client apps here (https://member.hide.me/en/vpn-clients) and we no longer provide our native VPN client for Windows XP and Vista.
You can check this article here: https://hide.me/en/knowledgebase/where-can-i-download-openvpn-configuration-files/
We also recommend to upgrade to newer version of the operating system to be able to receive security patches and regular updates from Microsoft and also to use our latest VPN app.
If you would like to test OpenVPN setup I can activate a temporary paid membership on your account, free of charge, so you can download configuration files and complete OpenVPN setup. Just let me know your hide.me username you registered with and when would you like us to activate 1 day Premium trial.
If you would like to continue using free membership you can use SoftEther setup. If you need any further assistance feel free to contact me.
Customer Relations Manager
eVenture Limited
Visit our community and share your experience:




Sep 6, 08:38 UTC
I am following the instruction here
At step 3, I click on „Konfigurationsdatei „ (https://imgur.com/vl84o4m)
But that link takes me to a „Serverliste" (https://imgur.com/dHHqU4G)
So I am stuck. I do not know what to do next????
Ich folge den Anweisungen hier
In Schritt 3 klicke ich auf „Konfigurationsdatei" (https://imgur.com/vl84o4m)
Aber dieser Link führt mich zu einer „Serverliste" (https://imgur.com/dHHqU4G)
Also stecke ich fest. Ich weiß nicht, was ich als nächstes tun soll ????







Follow us:
https://hide.me/images/ico_facebook.png (https://www.facebook.com/www.hide.me) https://hide.me/images/ico_twitter.png (http://twitter.com/thevpncompany)




Legal (https://hide.me/legal) | Privacy Policy (https://hide.me/privacy) | Member zone (https://member.hide.me)
© 2012-2019 eVenture Limited, Malaysia. All Rights Reserved.




06-08-2016, 02:24 PM

Betreff: [hide.me Support] Re: [Technical] Website support request
Datum: 2019-09-06T14:19:01+0200
Von: "Nathan (hide.me Support)" <support@hide.zendesk.com>
An: "Doc.AElstein@t-online.de" <doc.aelstein@t-online.de>

##- Please type your reply above this line -##

Your request has been updated. Reply to this email.

Nathan (hide.me Support)
Sep 6, 12:18 UTC
Hello Alan,
Our service works in a way that when you connect your device to our VPN server all your traffic is encrypted and your real location hidden.
That means that no one can see what you download or upload to the internet (including your Internet Service Provider) and depending on the VPN server that you connect to, your address will change.
So for example if you connect to our Canada VPN server you will get a Canadian IP address and to everyone on the internet it will look like you are accessing the internet from Canada.
When you connect your device to our servers, you can browse and use it as you normally would and once you're connected to our VPN, the data transfer will go through the VPN tunnel and your IP is now hidden behind our servers.
You can check for more information how our service works and what it is mostly used on our website here and here for example:https://hide.me/en/features/
You are assigned IP address randomly, you may get the same server but IP address can change when we have several servers in that location.
If a load is high on one server a load balancer automatically connects you to a VPN server that has the least connections. All servers will provide you with the best bandwidth available as we have a Load Balancer. This is used to distribute the server load between the servers in that location in order to ensure the best performance for our users.
So it is possible that you get the same IP address when you reconnect; then you may need to reconnect a couple of times to get a different address.
But with our Premium plan you can manually reserve a different IP address from the pool of addresses on that server in your Connection Settings.
You can easily connect and disconnect at your convenience with our VPN client apps or other setups. OpenVPN setup requires a little more work and since you're using old operating systems not many options are available to you. Please note that Microsoft will also end the support for Windows 7 after January 14th 2020 - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/micr...dows-7-support
When you will have time please check these articles and with free membership you can continue using SoftEther setup on your Windows XP and Vista devices and for Windows 7 you can download our VPN client fromhere.
When you would like to try and set up OpenVPN on your devices just let me know and I will activate temporary Premium membership on your account.
Customer Relations Manager
eVenture Limited
Visit our community and share your experience:

Sep 6, 10:01 UTC
Hello Nathan,
Thanks for the quick response and information.
I shall take another detailed look over the next few days. (Just now I am
bisy with something else).

I have several computers in my Family with Operating systems of XP , Vista
and Windows 7.

I have been considering getting a VPN for use at home, possibly also a full
paid membership. But at the moment I am totally confused as to how exactly
VPN works and exactly what it does.
I can't seem to find any information that is easy enough for me to
understand. I have limited computer Knowledge. I do understand the basic
idea of VPNs hiding my IP address. But I want to understand a bit more
about exactly what you can do with them: For examples:-
_(i) One thing that I would like to do is to be able register in different
forums and web sites with both different usernames and different IP
addresses. In other words, I want to use a specific IP address with each
specific usernames when logging into a Forum or web site. I do not know if
that is possible.
_(ii) Another thing that I would like to do is to possibly have the option
for the IP address to change randomly every time I refresh , or move to
another section in a website, or Thread, or article in a web site or a
Forum. So this would mean that nobody could see what parts I am reading or
how I am "moving around" the site or forum. So nobody could see a trend in
the information which I am accessing. I do not know if that is possible.
_ (iii) I don't always want to hide my IP address. So I want to be able to
switch easily and quickly from using the internet with my real IP address
or a different one

( All my computer work is for private personal projects. I am not involved
in any business or paid work directly involving computers or software. (I
give some free help on Internet Help Forums) )

The idea of a one day trial sounds a good idea. But I need to wait until
_a) I have a day free, so as to be able to test it thoroughly
_b) I need to try and understand more about VPNs in the meantime and find
out if it is possible to do the sorts of things that I have mentioned

Thanks again.
Alan Elston

( P.S: My hide.me username which I registered today is

Betreff: [hide.me Support] Re: [Technical] Website support request
Datum: 2019-09-06T11:13:24+0200
Von: "Nathan (hide.me Support)" <support@hide.zendesk.com>
An: "Doc.AElstein@t-online.de" <doc.aelstein@t-online.de>

Nathan (hide.me Support)
Sep 6, 09:13 UTC
Hello Alan,
For Windows Vista you can check this article here:https://hide.me/en/knowledgebase/hid...dows-xp-vista/
As mentioned in the article, if you are using free membership you can set up VPN connection using SoftEther protocol and this setup guide here:https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windowsxp/softether/
You just have to use one of the free VPN server address above, for examplefree-nl.hide.me to connect to our servers in the Netherlands.
With free plan you can connect to 5 of our VPN server locations: the Netherlands - in this case in the "Server name or address" field enter <code style="background-color: #f8f8f8; border: 1px solid #eaeaea; font-family: Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, 'Lucida Console', 'Liberation Mono', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Courier New', monospace, serif; font-size: 13px; margin: 0 2px; padding: 0 5px; white-space: pre-wrap;">free-nl.hide.me</code>
for Singapore enter <code style="background-color: #f8f8f8; border: 1px solid #eaeaea; font-family: Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, 'Lucida Console', 'Liberation Mono', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Courier New', monospace, serif; font-size: 13px; margin: 0 2px; padding: 0 5px; white-space: pre-wrap;">free-sg.hide.me</code> ; for Canada enter <code style="background-color: #f8f8f8; border: 1px solid #eaeaea; font-family: Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, 'Lucida Console', 'Liberation Mono', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Courier New', monospace, serif; font-size: 13px; margin: 0 2px; padding: 0 5px; white-space: pre-wrap;">free-ca.hide.me</code> and for US-East <code style="background-color: #f8f8f8; border: 1px solid #eaeaea; font-family: Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, 'Lucida Console', 'Liberation Mono', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Courier New', monospace, serif; font-size: 13px; margin: 0 2px; padding: 0 5px; white-space: pre-wrap;">free-us-east.hide.me</code> and US-West <code style="background-color: #f8f8f8; border: 1px solid #eaeaea; font-family: Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, 'Lucida Console', 'Liberation Mono', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', 'Bitstream Vera Sans Mono', 'Courier New', monospace, serif; font-size: 13px; margin: 0 2px; padding: 0 5px; white-space: pre-wrap;">free-us-west.hide.me</code>
The OpenVPN protocol is only available to our Free members through our own VPN client apps here and we no longer provide our native VPN client for Windows XP and Vista.
You can check this article here:https://hide.me/en/knowledgebase/whe...uration-files/
We also recommend to upgrade to newer version of the operating system to be able to receive security patches and regular updates from Microsoft and also to use our latest VPN app.
If you would like to test OpenVPN setup I can activate a temporary paid membership on your account, free of charge, so you can download configuration files and complete OpenVPN setup. Just let me know your hide.me username you registered with and when would you like us to activate 1 day Premium trial.
If you would like to continue using free membership you can use SoftEther setup. If you need any further assistance feel free to contact me.
Customer Relations Manager
eVenture Limited
Visit our community and share your experience:

Sep 6, 08:38 UTC
I am following the instruction here
At step 3, I click on „Konfigurationsdatei „ (https://imgur.com/vl84o4m)
But that link takes me to a „Serverliste" (https://imgur.com/dHHqU4G)
So I am stuck. I do not know what to do next????
Ich folge den Anweisungen hier
In Schritt 3 klicke ich auf „Konfigurationsdatei" (https://imgur.com/vl84o4m)
Aber dieser Link führt mich zu einer „Serverliste" (https://imgur.com/dHHqU4G)
Also stecke ich fest. Ich weiß nicht, was ich als nächstes tun soll ????

Follow us:
https://hide.me/images/ico_facebook.png https://hide.me/images/ico_twitter.png

Legal | Privacy Policy | Member zone
© 2012-2019 eVenture Limited, Malaysia. All Rights Reserved.

• 09-29-2019, 03:10 PM

06-08-2016, 11:12 PM
Betreff: Reply for your ticket (ID #3909765) with a subject title Some general questions about what VPN / NordVPN can do
Datum: 2019-09-07T01:00:52+0200
Von: "NordVPN" <support@nordvpn.com>
An: "Doc.AElstein@t-online.de" <doc.aelstein@t-online.de>
##- Please type your reply above this line -##
Your request has been updated recently. To add additional comments, reply to this email.
NordVPN6 (NordVPN)
Sep 7, 02:00 EEST
Hello, Alan,

Thank you for your letter.

A VPN is the best way to conceal your activity online. When you use a VPN, your data connection is encrypted, so ISPs, governments, NSA spies, and other third parties cannot see which websites you visit, what you download, or whether you use services such as Skype or a P2P application. NordVPN protects your privacy and prevents others from monitoring and controlling your online communications and browsing activity. With NordVPN, your location stays private and you can switch freely between multiple global VPN server locations.

NordVPN servers protect your IP address and hide your true location. You can choose from more than 5000+ Servers in 60+ Countries worldwide. With VPN, you can also hide Internet traffic data from your Internet service provider, as well as the government, NSA, and hackers. Even better, our fast and secure servers let you enjoy anonymous web browsing at the highest possible speeds.

For more information, you should read our beginners' guide to Virtual Private Networks:

To answer your other questions, you can connect to the same server every time to get the same IP address so it would be possible to do the things mentioned in your first question.

As for the second one, unfortunately, that would not be possible as the IP that you get when connecting to our servers is static, you would not be able to change it every time you go to a different page on the Internet automatically.

Furthermore, if you want to get your normal IP then it is as simple as disconnecting from our servers and then reconnecting if you would need a different IP again.

Let us know if you have any further questions.

Best Regards,
Gonzalo Moruga
Customer Success Team
Sep 6, 13:41 EEST
Some general questions about what VPN / NordVPN can do

I have been considering getting a VPN for use at home, possibly also a full paid membership. But at the moment I am totally confused as to how exactly VPN works and exactly what it does.
I can't seem to find any information that is easy enough for me to understand. I have limited computer Knowledge. I do understand the basic idea of VPNs hiding my IP address. But I want to understand a bit more about exactly what you can do with them: For examples:-
_(i) One thing that I would like to do is to be able register in different forums and web sites with both different usernames and different IP addresses. In other words, I want to use a specific IP address with each specific usernames when logging into a Forum or web site. I do not know if that is possible.
_(ii) Another thing that I would like to do is to possibly have the option for the IP address to change randomly every time I refresh , or move to another section in a website, or Thread, or article in a web site or a Forum. So this would mean that nobody could see what parts I am reading or how I am "moving around" the site or forum. So nobody could see a trend in the information which I am accessing. I do not know if that is possible.
_ (iii) I don't always want to hide my IP address. So I want to be able to switch easily and quickly from using the internet with my real IP address or a different one
Can you answer any of these questions ?

For info:
I have several computers in my Family with Operating systems of XP , Vista and Windows 7.
( All my computer work is for private personal projects. I am not involved in any business or paid work directly involving computers or software. (I give some free help on Internet Help Forums) )

Alan Elston

This email is a service from NordVPN.
• 09-29-2019, 03:11 PM
1 Attachment(s)

06-08-2016, 11:42 PM
Betreff: [hide.me Support] Re: [Technical] Website support request
Datum: 2019-09-13T00:51:57+0200
Von: "Nathan (hide.me Support)" <support@hide.zendesk.com>
An: "Doc.AElstein@t-online.de" <doc.aelstein@t-online.de>
##- Please type your reply above this line -##

Your request has been updated. Reply to this email.

Nathan (hide.me Support)
Sep 12, 22:51 UTC
Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad to read we can continue in English and that Windows 7 computer is also working nicely. For OpenVPN setup configuration files are needed and the setup is different and a requires a few extra steps to set up.
Regarding the Softether error, it could be a temporary issue with the route between your ISP and our VPN server, there are many interconnecting links and you can reconnect again or try to connect to a VPN server closest to your real location, because that will provide you with the best internet speed and connection quality.
Regarding the notification about your assigned IP address, our DHCP server gives you a different internal IP address when you connect and the one that you see on the IP check is the external (public) IP address of our VPN server.
IP address in 10.x.x.x private range belongs to our internal range, which is used for internal routing. the ip address you see on hide.me/check is an external IP address available on the internet. This is called Network Address Translation (NAT for short) For more information about NAT, please check out this article.
Regarding simultaneous connections it is available only temporary and to continue using more than one connection you will need Premium membership.
I hope this helped a little and I'll activate Premium membership on your account tomorrow so you can test if more thoroughly over the weekend.
Customer Relations Manager
eVenture Limited
Visit our community and share your experience:
Sep 12, 11:48 UTC
Hello Nathan
Thanks for the reply, and thanks for your patience!

06-26-2016, 10:27 PM
Betreff: [hide.me Support] Re: [Technical] Website support request
Datum: 2019-09-14T17:29:06+0200
Von: "Nathan (hide.me Support)" <support@hide.zendesk.com>
An: "Doc.AElstein@t-online.de" <doc.aelstein@t-online.de>

##- Please type your reply above this line -##

Your request has been updated. Reply to this email.
Nathan (hide.me Support)
Sep 14, 15:29 UTC
Hello Alan,
I have activated temporary Premium membership on your account for the next 3 days and you can check your membership status in the Members area here: https://member.hide.me/en/
You only need to Logout from your VPN client and log in again with your TheDocIsHere username (not to be mistaken with your email) and your hide.me password to start using your Premium account.
Regarding connection issues, if you are having difficulties connecting please restart your computer and try using a different protocol. Start your VPN client, don't connect just yet, go to Options in the upper right corner (cog wheel icon) click on Protocol tab and please change the protocol to SSTP.

It seems fallback protocol activated as our VPN app wasn't able to connect using automatic protocol and if you're receiving a message to install the TAP driver, don't worry as that driver is needed for connecting via OpenVPN and SoftEther VPN protocols.
Since those VPN protocols are not present in Windows by default, they need to be installed separately;
Have no worries as this driver is safe and will only install a virtual network adapter used for SoftEther or OpenVPN protocol (the same way as Windows does)
Our VPN client is configured to use OpenVPN as the default Fall back protocol (in case the configured VPN protocol cannot connect).
The second screenshot is a kill switch notification. When you enable this option and the VPN connection drops, your internet connection will disconnect and you will not be exposed.
it will disable your Internet connection in case your VPN connection drops and the client isn't able to reconnect to our VPN servers. It will alert you of this with a pop-up across the screen to re-enable your connection.
Regarding SoftEther issues please try this and make these adjustments and click on the Advanced Settings in the lower right corner from the screenshot in Step 5 of the SoftEther setup guide ( Advanced Setting of Communication)
and from the next screen enable these features as in the screenshot below:
a) Increase the Number of TCP Connections to 8
b) check the box/enable next to "Use Half-Duplex Mode
c) check the box/enable next to Disable UDP acceleration

TCP based protocols such as SSTP and SoftEther might work better for you.
You can also setup your connection using OpenVPN protocol and this setup guide here: https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windowsvista/openvpn/
You can find configuration files needed in your Members area here, https://member.hide.me/en/server-status simply choose location you wish to connect to and click on "+ More Details" and download OpenVPN configuration file for your device.
Premium membership is now active for the next 3 days, please try it when you will have time and let me know if it is working better.
Customer Relations Manager
eVenture Limited
Visit our community and share your experience:


Legal | Privacy Policy | Member zone
© 2012-2019 eVenture Limited, Malaysia. All Rights Reserved.


„HideMe Entire in Word from Email copy 4.docx" https://app.box.com/s/jkz7nfznit3661jxdh272u0cq0btdo31
„HideMe Entire in Word from Email copy 4.doc" https://app.box.com/s/oemxr2rn5459wadwhjtu1wpcfifjbq7a
• 09-29-2019, 03:12 PM

10-23-2016, 02:19 PM
Response to EMails of 21 Sept and 20 Sept
_ 0 Email from 21 Sept

Nathan (hide.me Support)
Sep 21, 23:24 UTC
Hello Alan,

It seems on your Windows 7 machine DNS got stuck and you were correct in changing the DNS back to Automatic Settings. It was probably due to a improper disconnect and I would recommend to uninstall and restart your computer before reinstalling the latest version 3.1.1 - you can download it from here: https://hide.me/en/software/windows

It seems there's an issue on your computer if you're missing the uninstall file and it seems that previously you didn't uninstall it properly.
In case you are having any problems you can also use uninstaller software, for example, Revo uninstaller from here , http://revo-uninstaller.en.softonic.com/ in order to completely remove any software from your device. You can download free version from their website , https://www.revouninstaller.com/revo...free-download/ or use other uninstaller software.

Regarding the issue with configuration file, those files are dynamically created, they are not hard linked and it could be an issue with your browser, please try using a different browser.

For OpenVPNServiceinteractive error please check this article here: https://superuser.com/questions/1432...trative-access

Please check this also and let me know if it is working better now.

Customer Relations Manager
eVenture Limited

„HideMe Entire in Word from Email copy 5.doc" https://app.box.com/s/nc7dyvhontjztyru3scod6p74cho01s4
„HideMe Entire in Word from Email copy 5.docx" https://app.box.com/s/09x683j3b8jvjd6s75hfchtjxo1qccn5
• 09-29-2019, 03:13 PM

01-30-2017, 04:58 AM
Response to EMails of 21 Sept and 20 Sept
_ 1 Email from 20 Sept

Nathan (hide.me Support)
Sep 20, 23:00 UTC

Hello Alan,
Unfortunately we haven't received any emails from you on Wednesday, when a ticket is submitted, an automatic notification email is generated and sent to your email address with confirmation that your request has been received.

For error regarding OpenVPN service not starting please check this article here: https://superuser.com/questions/1432...trative-access
It is a Windows system service and this error indicates that your Windows operating system is having problems starting a required service.
Please download the latest Windows updates first.

You can check this article here how to install .NET Framework on Windows 10 computer https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dot.../on-windows-10
And for Windows 7 please check this one - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dot...l/on-windows-7
If there are any issues with .NET framework on your Vista computer please check this article here https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dot...-windows-vista

Regarding SoftEther issues on your XP computer, please uninstall, restart your computer and reinstall SoftEther and follow this setup guide here: https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windowsxp/softether/

Regarding TAP adapter errors, uninstall OpenVPN client and make sure you confirm the "User Account Control" (UAC) dialog with "Yes"button but I would also recommend to check this article here : https://jochen.kirstaetter.name/open...rently-in-use/

Regarding our VPN app version 3.1.1 - if I understood properly, you are experiencing this error: The required hide.me system service could not be started. If you are, this error indicates that your Windows operating system is having problems starting a required service.
You can check this article here: https://hide.me/en/knowledgebase/the...started-error/
Please try to follow this steps to start this service manually:
1. Right click on My Computer (This PC) and then on "manage".
_ Right Click on MyComputer and select Manage.JPG : https://imgur.com/xw6fCAA
Attachment 2436

2. navigate to services and applications.
_ navigate to services and applications.JPG : https://imgur.com/UsOXGdo
Attachment 2437

3. Locate the hide.me service.
4. Right click on the hide.me service and select "Start" from the drop down menu.
5. Double click on the hide.me service and go to Dependencies tab and make sure that the services stated there are also started the same way you have started hide.me service just now.
If that did not help, kindly do a fresh install of our latest VPN client from here https://hide.me/en/software/windows (uninstall the previous one, reboot your computer after this please and install anew as Administrator).
Make sure that you don't have an active Antivirus/Firewall application that might be blocking these installations.

Also, we are in the process of rolling out new infrastructure with IPv6 support and where you will no longer need to "create a new device" to allow for multiple concurrent connections. For now, you still need to create a "Device" if you would like to have up to 5 simultaneous connections to certain server locations.
Please follow these steps:
• disconnect your device
• log in to your Members area here https://member.hide.me/en/ and click on Devices https://member.hide.me/en/devices
• add a new device by clicking on add a new device
• name your new device - for example: you can name it laptop and click submit ( you can leave other options unchanged if you don't need them)
This will create a new device (username) with which you will connect your additional device.
Your new device will have a username consisting from your default username with a domain suffix - TheDocIsHere@new_device and your hide.me password remains the same for all of them.
For example:
You want to connect your laptop:
You create a device named laptop
Your username for the new device becomes TheDocIsHere@laptop
The password remains the same.
Now you will have multiple devices, for example:
1st device username is TheDocIsHere
2nd device username is TheDocIsHere@laptop
3rd device username is TheDocIsHere@phone
When you are entering your credentials on your devices, make sure you are connecting each device with its own username.
Your password stays the same for each device.
Now if you wish to connect your other device (your laptop for example) to our VPN server, change the username or please logout from VPN client first and then enterTheDocIsHere@laptop as a username on that device and your hide.me password remains the same. Make sure that TheDocIsHere@laptop username is not already in use on some other device.
You only need to change the username or logout from VPN clients on your other devices and login again with a different device name/username that you created in your Device area.https://member.hide.me/en/devices
I hope this will help and please follow these steps. If you need any further assistance feel free to contact me.

Customer Relations Manager
eVenture Limited

Hello Nathan,
I am responding here to your EMails form Sep 20, 23:00 UTC and Sep 21, 23:24 UTC. ( I was very busy and have had no time until now to look further into the outstanding issues that I have with my VPN, ( but I have been using VPN successfully in the meantime.) )

See next post…..
_.________________________________________________ ______
• 09-29-2019, 03:14 PM

02-03-2017, 07:13 PM
Response last post 2a) Part 1

Response to EMails of 21 Sept and 20 Sept
_ 2 a my response

Hello Nathan,
I am responding here to your EMails form Sep 20, 23:00 UTC and Sep 21, 23:24 UTC. ( I was very busy and have had no time until now to look further into the outstanding issues that I have with my VPN, ( but I have been using VPN successfully in the meantime.) )

_1) Regarding "Devices".
All my current VPN testing is in preparation for the end of this year when I may be using my computers and VPN much more. In my family I have many Computers , Laptops and Notebooks. I don't know yet which ones I may be using the most. So I have not fully used the Devices option.
I have , however , recently made an attempt at another Username. I followed your instructions and gave the name Windows7.
This then gave me, as expected, a username of
TheDocIsHere@windows7 ( I note that the W is changed to lower case w )
( I am using one Windows 7 machine currently).
So I have made a start at organising my devices ).
Device management seems a good idea and a nice way to organise my devices when I am using VPN. But until I feel more comfortable with VPN I do not know exactly how I will organise and manage my computers regarding VPN.
I am not too clear on how hideme would always monitor which device I am using. I can see that for SoftEther, I might use the different usernames in the adding a conection, (https://imgur.com/uh1GbWP ) , and also for OpenVPN it will be in the userpass txt file, ( https://imgur.com/eRiAEKe ) . But I am not sure how the hide.me app would have such information. If I understand correctly, then on being asked for my log information, then I would use my main Username, "TheDocIsHere" ?
In any case, the hide.me app does not ask me for any username information, even after a computer restart.

I have not had time yet to fully investigate "Devices". I will probably use it more fully later., when I have managed to manage my own computer organisation with VPN and when I more fully understand everything to do with VPN.


_2 error regarding OpenVPN service
( As noted previously I could originally only get OpenVPN to work reliably on my older XP machines ).

_2a Regarding this article, which you referenced: : https://superuser.com/questions/1432...trative-access
It is not clear to me whether this is known problem that stops OpenVPN working, or whether it is just an irritancy.. , but anyway, I have tried to look into "Services" as discussed in that above article.
I tried two Vista machines:
_2a) (i) On one Vista machine I could not get very far because clicking on "Services" ( Step 3 here: https://imgur.com/9AGSZpe ) , had no effect: Nothing happens after clicking on the "Services" on that machine.
_2a(ii) On another Vista machine, I can get further, ( via "Services Running on this Computer" : Step 3 here: https://imgur.com/KQLZ1Ii
I then see similar windows as in the article. https://imgur.com/034GRiM
I appear to already have the correct setting of "Automatic" : https://imgur.com/8RcdGjp

So on at least one of my Vista machines, the issue discussed in the article , is probably not causing the problem. ( Both my Vista machines were purchased from new at almost the same time. I have rarely changed any default settings, so I expect there is a good chance that both machines have this "Automatic" setting )

I tried a de install and re install ( using the same newest windows 7 version as previously, openvpn-install-2.4.7-I607-Win7.exe ). I noted the comments here, https://jochen.kirstaetter.name/open...rently-in-use/ , about the TAP stuff, so observed the TAP checked stings: The instillation has by default, ( as I believe was the case on all my previous instillations ) , the correct checked boxes:
TAP Virtual Ethernet Adapter checked correctly during Instillation.JPG : https://imgur.com/zuoWyzl
( I note that I did not need to "Confirm a TAP" as I did in a previous instillation on an XP machine ( https://imgur.com/s9bgnNc )
Finally I see this installed on the Vista machine:
OpenVPN 2 4 7-I607-Win7 and TAP-Windows 9 23 3 installed on Vista 4810TZG.JPG : https://imgur.com/bE0ifIQ )
This looks the same as I had previously.
After the new instillation, I restart my laptop. As previously, I get the start up error:
OpenVPNServiceInteractive error on start.JPG : https://imgur.com/PUflNhk
As previously on all Vista machines, a connection fails:
OpenVPN Berlin Fail 1 Oct.JPG : https://imgur.com/RwxfP4W

So OpenVPN remains not working on my XP Vista machines : https://imgur.com/9UVqf7o , https://imgur.com/TPq6vZN

I have not had time to look fully at the TAP issue yet. I would like to spend some more time on that to try to understand what TAP stuff is all about first before I start meddling with it, just in case I mess up something badly on my existing working (non VPN) internet.

_2b) OpenVPN on a Windows7 machine.
I made a fresh OpenVPN download, and installed, in a similar way to as I did a few weeks ago:
https://openvpn.net/community-downloads/ , https://imgur.com/5hUULd8 , https://imgur.com/OPEPz5g
( I follow the instruction from either the hide.me Vista Set up or the hide.me XP Set up, ( for example : https://hide.me/de/vpnsetup/windowsxp/openvpn/ ). I do this because the hide.me Windows 7 Set up does not give me the OpenVPN or SoftEther options. I note as previously, that Step 1 shows slightly different screenshots as one actually finds at the current OpenVPN download page )
I use the configuration files for Berlin, since Berlin has been fairly reliable for me over the last few weeks on my XP machines. ( I have at the time of this testing no active hide me connection on any computer )
After instillation I restart the computer.
As in all pre previous attempts I get the pop up warning "OpenVPNServiceInteractive is not started. Tasks requiring administrative access may not work" . : https://imgur.com/7QMuhLe
So I look into the issues discussed in the article for this Windows 7 machine. But I cannot get very far. I have the same problem as in one of my Vista machines: If I click on services ( Step 3 here, https://imgur.com/2PvBoTI ) , then nothing happens

Never the less, I try a connection, ( having downloaded Berlin configuration files, edit userpass.txt etc. … https://imgur.com/xuc1FrM, https://imgur.com/csuX4U6 , https://imgur.com/Yy70r59 , https://imgur.com/XNIc6Er )
On attempting to open OpenVPN from the desktop icon, I get a pop up message from the tray icon: https://imgur.com/WljbEZT
Never the less, an attempt at a connection seems to be successful
https://imgur.com/dHmE1F6, https://imgur.com/HNwmI1l
https://imgur.com/eCZ1JUh , https://imgur.com/ysxZxCz
https://imgur.com/ByJUuDw , https://imgur.com/w4adohA , https://imgur.com/CmbiuKC

On restarting the Windows 7 machine , the warning pop up, "OpenVPNServiceInteractive is not started. Tasks requiring administrative access may not work" . , sometimes still comes up. Sometimes the tray icon for OpenVPN is already there. So I do not need to click on the desktop OpenVPN icon . Further attempts to connect to hide.me/OpenVPn Berlin are successful.
Sometimes the warning pop up, "OpenVPNServiceInteractive is not started. Tasks requiring administrative access may not work" does not come up. The tray icon is not there. Double clicking on the desktop icon has no effect. But, I am connected to Berlin hide.me/OpenVPN … very strange. When this strange thing happens, then I can find no way to control or disconnect the VPN!!!

(The issue was, previously , intermittent on the Windows 7 machine previously: Sometime a hide.me/OpenVPN on Windows 7 worked, sometime it did not). Currently it seems to be working consistently. But it is inconsistent how it works/ or if I am able to control it!!

****_2c) Open VPN on my new (Windows 10) machine.****
I looked at the OpenVPN Interactive Service. It is already set to Automatic. So I had no progress on getting OpenVPN to work on my Windows 10 machine. It continued to not work for many days: Over the last few days I have continually being checking the different VPN options on my computer. Suddenly the OpenVPN started working on my new machine. I had not been making any changes or doing any experimenting at that time on any machine. So I cannot explain why it suddenly stated working


I have made a copy of some of my recent OpenVPN Logs, for example from 30th September:
„Berlin Win 7 success 30 Sept.log" : https://app.box.com/s/x41c22p1vetggi7huw6kvs1ed3vqivuf
„Berlin XP Success 30 Sept.log" : https://app.box.com/s/2qq51g6lkbcmsv5kputy68gumrborq9f
"Berlin Vista fail 30 Sept.txt" : https://app.box.com/s/p5rrq2blkj4g4a6kxgho371mxjatoji5
****"Berlin Win 10 fail log 30 Sept.txt" : https://app.box.com/s/9iskpc4t5e3lehk0rb7uh8k7vslw6cca
OpenVPN Sudden first succes Berlin Win 8.1.txt : https://app.box.com/s/gou8qmfwq04shx7pzm41wraa3bo5g3sy

There may be some information there that may be useful when I re look at the OpenVPN problems, possibly something to do with TAP stuff.


_3) Regarding the remaining leftover hide.me app on Windows 7 machine after I de- installed it….( hide.me that was still showing in my program list after I had de installed, and note also that on restarting the windows 7 machine with the remaining left over hideme app, a hideme typically window came up , did something for a while, then another hide me window came up and offered me the chance to buy premium!! )

I tried the Revo Unistaller as you suggested. This was also not able to de install the hide.me that was still showing in my program list after I had de installed it: https://imgur.com/HY7pSIy
After this failed attempt, I performed the scan that Revo offered. This scan took several hours. The scan first showed these left over registry things, https://imgur.com/r99WKN6 , which I chose to delete: https://imgur.com/aoToZJ2 , https://imgur.com/5jsACjQ . Then the following left over files and folders were also shown, https://imgur.com/78YKmd4 , which I also chose to delete: https://imgur.com/VAlBzED ,https://imgur.com/2YoSSML .
Finally it appears that all left over hide.me files are gone: https://imgur.com/9aentWL
A restart is said to remove some files, .. https://imgur.com/QTjDtf1 , so I restarted.
It seemed at this stage, after a restart) that the hideme app was completely removed.

I have since re installed the hideme app. ( I had originally attempted to re install it as part of an experiment to make my internet work again on this computer. ( .. it had stopped working… The problem was found then to be likely a not completely successful disconnect by hideme, which had resulted in a specific DNS setting instead of the more typical default "DNS automatic setting" ( see Emails 21 Sept ) )

With the re installed hide.me app , The first attempt to use it did not work too well … this window came up, First attempt after re instillation.JPG : https://imgur.com/MrIutWC , and seemed to go on for a long time .. First attempt after re instillation loading for ever.JPG : https://imgur.com/bvFtxQD , it seemed to be trying to load something. Internet would not work during this time: Internett not working in First attempt after re instillation.JPG : https://imgur.com/FRcgPKD
After approximately 40 minutes , it stopped loading and internet was then working

In the meantime hide.me VPN via hide.me app is working OK on my Windows 7 machine.

So the current stand of things seems to be that my Windows 7 machine is working well for all 3 ways of getting VPN: SoftEther, OpenVPN and hide.me app.
( Occasionally something odd might happen, but usually after a computer re start it sorts itself out ).


_4 ) SoftEther
( The current main issue was that I could only get SoftEther to work occasionally on my XP machines)
_4a) I have de installed and re installed SoftEther on my XP machines.
The problem remains: If I wait a long period of time, then I am able to do a few reliable working connections and re connections to VPN which both are successful connections and I have a working internet. After this further attempts at a connection appear successful, but internet does not work. I am not sure yet of exactly how long the wait period is. I estimate that it is somewhere between 1

02-05-2017, 07:02 PM
Response to over last post 2b) Part 2

Response to EMails of 21 Sept and 20 Sept
_ 2 b my response

5) Regarding the information you gave me about TAP errors.
I have not looked into the information that you gave me on this in detail yet.

The logs that I have seen often mention TAP errors or TAP failures, like "All TAP-Windows adapters on this system are currently in use".
These are shown for both unsuccessful and successful working VPN attempts. So it is not clear to me yet what the relevance of these errors are.
I may look again at this TAP stuff later. I might understand later the significance..


****_6) Windows 10 machine: ( hide.me VPN 3.1.1 ) **** WHICH IS ACTUALLY Windows 8.1
I must first apologise for my computer ignorance!! .. my wife purchased a new laptop which we both assumed was a new Windows 10 machine. I have been referring to this computer in all or previous correspondence as my Windows 10 machine. And all my testing related to with "Windows 10" have been with this particular machine. I have just realised that the Operating system is, in fact, on this particular machine Microsoft 64Bit Windows 8.1
I am sorry for any confusion that this may have caused.
_6a) Error on start up of "The required hide.me system service could not be started." And general problems with getting hide.me app to work ………….
The last stand on this machine was that an attempt to run hide.me app resulted finally in a pop up window telling me that the system service could not be started and that I should contact hide.me support
In your Email of 20 Sept, you suggested I try to start service manually
So, had a go… Your screenshots were very clear and easy to follow up to Step 4. At step 4 I got a pop up saying:
Der Dienst "hide.me VPN Service" auf " Lokaler Computer" konnte nicht gestartet werden
Fehler 1068: Der Abhängigkeitsdienst oder die Abhängigkeitsgruppe konnte nicht gestartet werden.
Which translate to English is probably something like.
The service "hide.me VPN Service" on "Local Computer" could not be started
Error 1068: The dependency service or dependency group could not be started
For your Step 5, I got as far as going to the Dependencies tab, but I do not understand what you mean by .." make sure that the services stated there are also started the same way you have started hide.me service just now…." ??


_6b) Install anew… ( from here , https://hide.me/de/vpnsetup/windows10/ , because at this stage I still thought I had a Windows 10 machine. ****
I de installed the hide.me app and re installed anew. ( I note that the downloaded version is now 3.1.2 Currently this seems to be the same for Windows 10 and Windows 8 )
It downloaded and installed very quickly, and none of the issues arose which came up in my last instillation attempt.
After instillation I got the error pop up " The required hide.me system service could not be started. Do you want to start the service?" I chose Yes
It appeared that hide me was then trying to start the Systemservice for about an hour.
Then the error pop up appeared:
Da der benötigte Windows-Systemdienst nicht gestartet werden konnte, wird das Programm beendet. Bitte kontaktieren Sie unseren Support
In English that translates to something like:
Since the required Windows system service could not be started, the program is terminated. Please contact our support
So I am back at the point of _6a) above. I go through your suggestions again. I come to the same error point as reported above.

_6c) A day or so later.
On restarting my machine, ( at this point I still wrongly believed it to be a Windows 10 machine ) hideme came up but did not show the error pop up up " The required hide.me system service could not be started. Do you want to start the service?"
Initially it went into the same endless attempt to load something, as in the first Windows 7 attempt noted above . Then suddenly a hideme pop up came up and told me that some TAP thing was missing, and asked me if I wanted to make it. I chose "Yes". It did something, after which hideme disconnected and blocked my normal (non VPN) internet. A hide me pop up then asked me if I wanted to unblock my Internet and I said "Yes". My normal internet then worked normally .

I tried several restarts. By starting , hideme typically starts after a few seconds, and asks me if I want to connect:
On Start asks if connection wanted.jpg : https://imgur.com/kkRd6Kl
If I choose to connect, then usual the result seems to be either
an endless attempt at loading, after an apparent "connction". I have sometimes left this going for many hours
Loads for ever.jpg : https://imgur.com/cWHkhLl
If this happens, then my internet does not work. That usually happens when I go with the default of choosing the best location.
If I choose a location, then usually the attempt to connect goes on for ever.
Loads for ever.jpg : https://imgur.com/GpffZYD
Occasionally I get the pop up that says hideme disconnected and blocked my normal (non VPN) internet.
Connecion broke.jpg : https://imgur.com/UIpvc7Y

_6d) Another de install and re install
Because of my stupidity in mistaking the machine as a Windows 10 machine, I decided to start afresh. I de installed hide.me as well as de installing many other programmes that I did not think were necessary, which were pre installed on the computer from new, and made sure that I chose the Windows 8.1, https://hide.me/de/vpnsetup/windows8/ ( But I not that the app which downloads is the same currently for Windows 10 or Windows 8.1 ( Hide.me-Setup-3.1.2.exe )
The instillation went very quickly without problem.
By a computer restart, the situation is slightly different now. Hide me starts , but I need to log in.
After this I attempt a connection ( using the default of best location )
Bingo… I get a connection to , Roosendaal, Netherlands

I disconnected and tried a connection to a specific location ( Berlin ) . It did not work the first few times

02-09-2017, 02:39 PM
Sep 6, 13:41 EEST

Some general questions about what VPN / NordVPN can do

I have been considering getting a VPN for use at home, possibly also a full paid membership. But at the moment I am totally confused as to how exactly VPN works and exactly what it does.
I can't seem to find any information that is easy enough for me to understand. I have limited computer Knowledge. I do understand the basic idea of VPNs hiding my IP address. But I want to understand a bit more about exactly what you can do with them: For examples:-
_(i) One thing that I would like to do is to be able register in different forums and web sites with both different usernames and different IP addresses. In other words, I want to use a specific IP address with each specific usernames when logging into a Forum or web site. I do not know if that is possible.
_(ii) Another thing that I would like to do is to possibly have the option for the IP address to change randomly every time I refresh , or move to another section in a website, or Thread, or article in a web site or a Forum. So this would mean that nobody could see what parts I am reading or how I am "moving around" the site or forum. So nobody could see a trend in the information which I am accessing. I do not know if that is possible.
_ (iii) I don't always want to hide my IP address. So I want to be able to switch easily and quickly from using the internet with my real IP address or a different one
Can you answer any of these questions ?

For info:
I have several computers in my Family with Operating systems of XP , Vista and Windows 7.
( All my computer work is for private personal projects. I am not involved in any business or paid work directly involving computers or software. (I give some free help on Internet Help Forums) )

Alan Elston

NordVPN6 (NordVPN)
Sep 7, 02:00 EEST
Hello, Alan,

Thank you for your letter.

A VPN is the best way to conceal your activity online. When you use a VPN, your data connection is encrypted, so ISPs, governments, NSA spies, and other third parties cannot see which websites you visit, what you download, or whether you use services such as Skype or a P2P application. NordVPN protects your privacy and prevents others from monitoring and controlling your online communications and browsing activity. With NordVPN, your location stays private and you can switch freely between multiple global VPN server locations.

NordVPN servers protect your IP address and hide your true location. You can choose from more than 5000+ Servers in 60+ Countries worldwide. With VPN, you can also hide Internet traffic data from your Internet service provider, as well as the government, NSA, and hackers. Even better, our fast and secure servers let you enjoy anonymous web browsing at the highest possible speeds.

For more information, you should read our beginners' guide to Virtual Private Networks:

To answer your other questions, you can connect to the same server every time to get the same IP address so it would be possible to do the things mentioned in your first question.

As for the second one, unfortunately, that would not be possible as the IP that you get when connecting to our servers is static, you would not be able to change it every time you go to a different page on the Internet automatically.

Furthermore, if you want to get your normal IP then it is as simple as disconnecting from our servers and then reconnecting if you would need a different IP again.

Let us know if you have any further questions.

Best Regards,
Gonzalo Moruga
Customer Success Team

Sep 6, 08:38 UTC
I am following the instruction here
At step 3, I click on „Konfigurationsdatei „ ( https://imgur.com/vl84o4m)
But that link takes me to a „Serverliste" ( https://imgur.com/dHHqU4G)
So I am stuck. I do not know what to do next????
Ich folge den Anweisungen hier
In Schritt 3 klicke ich auf „Konfigurationsdatei" ( https://imgur.com/vl84o4m)
Aber dieser Link führt mich zu einer „Serverliste" ( https://imgur.com/dHHqU4G)
Also stecke ich fest. Ich weiß nicht, was ich als nächstes tun soll ????

Betreff: [hide.me Support] Re: [Technical] Website support request
Datum: 2019-09-06T11:13:24+0200
Von: "Nathan (hide.me Support)" <support@hide.zendesk.com>
An: "Doc.AElstein@t-online.de" <doc.aelstein@t-online.de>
Nathan (hide.me Support)
Sep 6, 09:13 UTC
Hello Alan,
For Windows Vista you can check this article here: https://hide.me/en/knowledgebase/hide-me-vpn-discontinues-support-for-windows-xp-vista/
As mentioned in the article, if you are using free membership you can set up VPN connection using SoftEther protocol and this setup guide here: https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windowsxp/softether/
You just have to use one of the free VPN server address above, for example free-nl.hide.me to connect to our servers in the Netherlands.
With free plan you can connect to 5 of our VPN server locations: the Netherlands - in this case in the "Server name or address" field enter free-nl.hide.me
for Singapore enter free-sg.hide.me ; for Canada enter free-ca.hide.me and for US-East free-us-east.hide.me and US-West free-us-west.hide.me
The OpenVPN protocol is only available to our Free members through our own VPN client apps here and we no longer provide our native VPN client for Windows XP and Vista.
You can check this article here: https://hide.me/en/knowledgebase/where-can-i-download-openvpn-configuration-files/
We also recommend to upgrade to newer version of the operating system to be able to receive security patches and regular updates from Microsoft and also to use our latest VPN app.
If you would like to test OpenVPN setup I can activate a temporary paid membership on your account, free of charge, so you can download configuration files and complete OpenVPN setup. Just let me know your hide.me username you registered with and when would you like us to activate 1 day Premium trial.
If you would like to continue using free membership you can use SoftEther setup. If you need any further assistance feel free to contact me.
Customer Relations Manager
eVenture LimitedX2V-

Sep 6, 10:01 UTC
Hello Nathan,
Thanks for the quick response and information.
I shall take another detailed look over the next few days. (Just now I am
bisy with something else).

I have several computers in my Family with Operating systems of XP , Vista
and Windows 7.

I have been considering getting a VPN for use at home, possibly also a full
paid membership. But at the moment I am totally confused as to how exactly
VPN works and exactly what it does.
I can't seem to find any information that is easy enough for me to
understand. I have limited computer Knowledge. I do understand the basic
idea of VPNs hiding my IP address. But I want to understand a bit more
about exactly what you can do with them: For examples:-
_(i) One thing that I would like to do is to be able register in different
forums and web sites with both different usernames and different IP
addresses. In other words, I want to use a specific IP address with each
specific usernames when logging into a Forum or web site. I do not know if
that is possible.
_(ii) Another thing that I would like to do is to possibly have the option
for the IP address to change randomly every time I refresh , or move to
another section in a website, or Thread, or article in a web site or a
Forum. So this would mean that nobody could see what parts I am reading or
how I am "moving around" the site or forum. So nobody could see a trend in
the information which I am accessing. I do not know if that is possible.
_ (iii) I don't always want to hide my IP address. So I want to be able to
switch easily and quickly from using the internet with my real IP address
or a different one

( All my computer work is for private personal projects. I am not involved
in any business or paid work directly involving computers or software. (I
give some free help on Internet Help Forums) )

The idea of a one day trial sounds a good idea. But I need to wait until
_a) I have a day free, so as to be able to test it thoroughly
_b) I need to try and understand more about VPNs in the meantime and find
out if it is possible to do the sorts of things that I have mentioned

Thanks again.
Alan Elston

( P.S: My hide.me username which I registered today is

Nathan (hide.me Support)
Sep 6, 12:18 UTC
Hello Alan,
Our service works in a way that when you connect your device to our VPN server all your traffic is encrypted and your real location hidden.
That means that no one can see what you download or upload to the internet (including your Internet Service Provider) and depending on the VPN server that you connect to, your address will change.
So for example if you connect to our Canada VPN server you will get a Canadian IP address and to everyone on the internet it will look like you are accessing the internet from Canada.
When you connect your device to our servers, you can browse and use it as you normally would and once you're connected to our VPN, the data transfer will go through the VPN tunnel and your IP is now hidden behind our servers.
You can check for more information how our service works and what it is mostly used on our website here and here for example: https://hide.me/en/features/
You are assigned IP address randomly, you may get the same server but IP address can change when we have several servers in that location.
If a load is high on one server a load balancer automatically connects you to a VPN server that has the least connections. All servers will provide you with the best bandwidth available as we have a Load Balancer. This is used to distribute the server load between the servers in that location in order to ensure the best performance for our users.
So it is possible that you get the same IP address when you reconnect; then you may need to reconnect a couple of times to get a different address.
But with our Premium plan you can manually reserve a different IP address from the pool of addresses on that server in your Connection Settings.
You can easily connect and disconnect at your convenience with our VPN client apps or other setups. OpenVPN setup requires a little more work and since you're using old operating systems not many options are available to you. Please note that Microsoft will also end the support for Windows 7 after January 14th 2020 - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/windows/end-of-windows-7-support
When you will have time please check these articles and with free membership you can continue using SoftEther setup on your Windows XP and Vista devices and for Windows 7 you can download our VPN client from here.
When you would like to try and set up OpenVPN on your devices just let me know and I will activate temporary Premium membership on your account.
Customer Relations Manager
eVenture Limited
Visit our community and share your experience:

Sep 7, 06:49 UTC
Thanks for the reply and extra info
I will look again at all this when I have time, hopefully in the next week

Nathan (hide.me Support)
Sep 7, 07:33 UTC
Hi Alan,
You are more than welcome and feel free to contact me if there is anything else I can help you with.
Customer Relations Manager
eVenture Limited
Visit our community and share your experience:

Sep 9, 08:51 UTC
Hello Natham
I have read through the articles that you suggested and I think I
understand most of it.

02-09-2017, 04:43 PM
But I am afraid that I am still not completely sure how to "get started"

I have 3 questions:
_1 ) If I understand correctly what you wrote in your last contact; then for a computer with Windows 7 operating system, my start point would be here: https://hide.me/en/software/windows
Is this correct?

_2) I am not sure how to "get started" , for example , with a computer with Vista Operating system: You mention "SoftEther setup" . I have been able to Google some information on SoftEther. But I am rather confused as to how
that fits in with a VPN from hide.me. In other words, I have no idea how to "get started" with a computer with
Vista Operating system: What do I download and from where. I am basically looking for a "computer idiots guide" to getting started with your VPN on a Vista computer.
Can you tell me what my first step or steps would be try out a VPN connection on a Vista operating system machine?
(I think I would prefer to get the more difficult option of Vista ( or XP ) working first: It would not be so helpful if I practiced on the simpler Windows 7, and then, after taking full membership option found that I had difficulty getting a VPN on one of my older machines… )

_3) "VPN client" ..???
_3) (i) You have used the term "our VPN client" in your last Email….. On the internet this term, "VPN client", is used very imprecisely and vaguely, and appears to mean many different things depending on who uses it and in what context. Could you please elaborate on what you are referring to by "our VPN client"
_3) (ii) I have read that my "Router"###, "does not have the VPN client feature", and so "cannot connect directly to a VPN service". ( https://vpn-anbieter-vergleich-test.de/anleitung-telekom-speedport-neo-smart-hybrid-vpnanbieter/ ). Is this relevant?

Some other info that might be relevant…
_ My wife is likely to buy a new laptop soon. This will most likely have Windows 10 operating system. But I still have and want to keep using many older computers and laptops in my family. So my final aim is to have at least one machine with the VPN possibility on XP. Vista, Win7, Win 10. So at least 4 machines in total with a VPN possibility.

_ Currently , I only have time in the morning before work to look at this stuff. So I was thinking of practicing first with a single Vista attempt. Then the next or over next weekend I could try out your one day offer for the temporary Premium membership to see if I can achieve with it what I finally want to do.

_My Internet system:
I have two separate possibilities
_(i) I have a small USB "Internet Dongle", ( from Congstar/ German Telekom). I only occasionally use this when travelling. It is often rather slow, and I probably will not want to use it much when wanting to use a VPN connection.
_(ii) My main house internet: "My Router"###
Most of my time on the internet is done at home... This comes from a standard fixed copper telephone line, from the main German Telecom company, "Deutscher Telekom". I pay monthly for a flat rate. The telephone cable comes through our house wall and connects to a small box, a "Router" : ' It is a German Telecom ( Deutscher Telekom)
"Speedport W405V TypA " ( https://www.telekom.de/hilfe/downloads/bedienungsanleitung_speedport_w504v.pdf ).
I believe that the system is a so called "IP-basierten Anschlüssen" / ( "IP-based connection" ).
( Note also that there was some change made in July of this year by the German Telekom network, which meant that I no longer needed to have a "DSL-Splitter" placed in between the incoming telephone cable and the Router).


Alan Elston

Nathan (hide.me Support)
Sep 9, 12:51 UTC
Hello Alan,
We have our own VPN clients on our website here: https://hide.me/en/software
However there are alternative ways of setting up a VPN connection, you can find all our setup tutorials that do not require our software on https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/
You can establish VPN connection manually using your operating systems built-in VPN client and one of our setup guides from our tutorial section.
For example, for Windows 7 you can use this guide here: https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windows7/ikev2/
You can download all our latest VPN apps from this link, https://hide.me/en/software
Our own VPN client means our own VPN application that is solely our product and it was developed by us.
Please note that SoftEther standalone client/application is not our own product, OpenVPN and SoftEther standalone clients which are still viable for Windows XP/Vista are third party products - none of those are developed by us.
OpenVPN and SoftEther are open source projects and you can check https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenVPN
And more information on SoftEther project you can find here https://www.softether.org/
Both OpenVPN and SoftEther security wise are one of the best protocols available and you can check this article here: https://hide.me/en/blog/best-vpn-protocol/
Regarding your first question, that is correct, for Windows 7 you can download our own latest VPN client from here: https://hide.me/en/software/windows
Our own VPN client means our own VPN application that was developed by us.
And after install you only need to login with your hide.me username and your hide.me password.
For Windows Vista we no longer provide our own VPN application and you only need to follow the steps from SoftEther setup guide here: https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windowsvista/softether/
As mentioned in Step 1 of the setup guide you need to download SoftEther standalone client from their website here: http://www.softether-download.com/en.aspx?product=softether
Regarding router - you can setup VPN connection on your router but it depends if your router has such VPN client capabilities. As you noticed, not all routers support VPN client functionality. Some have only VPN server functionality. That means you can connect to it, but not with it to a VPN server.
With our Premium subscription you can connect 5 devices at the same time and next weekend or when you will have time just let me know and I'll activate Premium membership for a few days on your account so you can test VPN setup in more detail over the weekend.
I hope this helped and if you have any other questions or you'll need any assistance just let me know.
Customer Relations Manager
eVenture Limited
Visit our community and share your experience:

Sep 10, 04:54 UTC
Thanks, Nathan.
I think that all helps to get things clearer in my mind.
It appears that a lot of that information at those links is useful and
relevant to me.

I will try to read through them all in the next few days.


Betreff: [hide.me Support] Re: [Technical] Website support request
Datum: 2019-09-10T08:20:31+0200
Von: "Nathan (hide.me Support)" <support@hide.zendesk.com>
An: "Doc.AElstein@t-online.de" doc.aelstein@t-online.de

Nathan (hide.me Support)
Sep 10, 06:20 UTC
Hi Alan,
You're welcome and should there be anything else I can help you with don't hesitate to contact me.
Customer Relations Manager
eVenture Limited

Sep 11, 09:41 UTC
Hello Natham
This is just some feedback that might be of interest .

02-09-2017, 04:46 PM
[FONT=Arial] [color=Maroon]

I have made a start at getting a VPN client on one of my older my Laptops ( Acer Aspire 4810TZG with the original Vista Operating system installed )

I could not make any progress on this. I hit the same problem that I did right at the start of looking at VPN stuff: The notes from hide.me do not tie up with the info at OpenVPN:
If you follow this route: …. https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/ : https://imgur.com/la9kx1i
https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windowsvista/ : https://imgur.com/lTTJ6HN … then you get the Setup tutorial here: https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windowsvista/openvpn/
Those tutorial notes do not tie up with what you find at the openVPN site, ( https://openvpn.net/community-downloads/
At the openVPN net site you see this: https://imgur.com/0qzmHly . According to the hide me tutorial notes you should see this: https://imgur.com/IxiHHrq
In addition, in the notes, and in the tutorial video, it does not show clearly what you should actually download.
So an attempt at getting OpenVPN client fails at the first Step.
It does not appear that the hide me notes and tutorials for getting an OpenVPN client are any use… possibly they are out of date and/ or OpenVPN have made changes in the meantime since the hide me notes and tutorials were written.

SoftEther VPN
Following the hide me notes and tutorials choosing the SoftEther Option, ( which you also noted in your last Email ) , I have more success. The tutorial form hide me ties up exactly with what one finds at the softether-download site.
The hide me notes for getting the SoftEther VPN "Client" are very clear and easy to follow…
I followed all the steps and I seem to have success!!
( I did get some extra info appear as well , which I am not sure what it
means, .. yet.. : https://imgur.com/hhyGYKf )

One thing that is a bit strange: I think I chose the USA server. But when I
check my apparent IP address, then I see IP in Singapore? :
[size=1] https://imgur.com/WNorGZz, https://imgur.com/GXYM65g


I then went to a help forum where I have "Moderator powers", and so can see
the "secret" personal data collected from a visitor.
I did a test post , and then looked at the recorded IP address: This
confirms that I am shown at the Singapore IP address:

So I am making progress!

I will continue looking at this VPN stuff tomorrow

Thanks for your continued support

Betreff: [hide.me Support] Re: [Technical] Website support request
Datum: 2019-09-11T19:27:51+0200
Von: "Nathan (hide.me Support)" <support@hide.zendesk.com>
An: "Doc.AElstein@t-online.de" <doc.aelstein@t-online.de>

Nathan (hide.me Support)
Sep 11, 17:27 UTC
Hello Alan,
Thanks for the feedback and you are more than welcome! From the screenshots you were connected to our Singapore servers and everything seems to be in order. If you want to connect to US servers you need to type free-us-east.hide.me in the Host field.
Regarding the other screenshot unfortunately my German is not really that great and if you would like I can forward your ticket to our German support agents to clarify that part but our VPN service hides your identity and encrypts your network traffic and for that reason your connected device becomes unreachable from any other device other than our VPN server (like a safe bubble on the web).
Regarding the OpenVPN setup, as previously mentioned in our conversation, for this setup configuration files are needed, you can check this article here: https://hide.me/en/knowledgebase/where-can-i-download-openvpn-configuration-files/
But since OpenVPN protocol for free users is available only within our own/native VPN applications you won't be able to find configuration files in your Members area and for this setup paid membership is needed.
For this reason, when you're ready - over the weekend or when it suits you just let me know and I will activate temporary Premium membership on your account for a few days so you can complete the OpenVPN setup as well.
I hope this helped and if you need any further assistance feel free to contact me.

Sep 10, 04:54 UTC
Thanks, Nathan.
I think that all helps to get things clearer in my mind.
It appears that a lot of that information at those links is useful and
relevant to me.

I will try to read through them all in the next few days.


Betreff: [hide.me Support] Re: [Technical] Website support request
Datum: 2019-09-10T08:20:31+0200
Von: "Nathan (hide.me Support)" <support@hide.zendesk.com>
An: "Doc.AElstein@t-online.de" doc.aelstein@t-online.de

Nathan (hide.me Support)
Sep 10, 06:20 UTC
Hi Alan,
You're welcome and should there be anything else I can help you with don't hesitate to contact me.
Customer Relations Manager
eVenture Limited

Sep 11, 09:41 UTC
Hello Natham
This is just some feedback that might be of interest .

[color=lightgrey][size=1] Sincerely,

Sep 12, 11:48 UTC
Hello Nathan
Thanks for the reply, and thanks for your patience!

02-09-2017, 04:48 PM

[size=2] Here is just some feedback out of passing interest on my experiments today
_1) I have tried hide me on a computer with Windows 7 operating system
using your own client thingy( https://hide.me/en/software/windows , https://imgur.com/B4XydA4 ) . It was very easy and all went well: https://imgur.com/eK2Kayh ,

_2) I have left a "Robot" program of mine running constantly , (to view a forum that I post in). The program switches from different parts/Threads in the forum. So that is testing constant use of hide me, automatically. That seems to be going well: In this next screenshot is recorded the visit done by the Robot code , which is recorded as a guest, ( https://imgur.com/BklOAkw )
The Robot code is running in the background on the same Windows 7 computer which I am using sometimes manually for visiting the forum, so you see the same IP address if I also visit manually at the same time: In this next screenshot recorded my normal visit manually from my Windows 7 computer, ( with my username of DocAElstein) , along with the visit done by the Robot code , which is recorded as a Guest ( The Windows 7 computer is that being used by the hide me connection, as in my previous Windows 7 screenshots in _1) above)

_3) I also tried hide me on a lap top with XP operating system using the same SoftEther way which I had used yesterday on a Vista operating system lap top. Once again all went well today with the XP lap top attempt: https://imgur.com/fD5qIwd , https://imgur.com/Uvb82Yv


A few other minor observations from my experiments today…
_a) At some times I had 3 separate active connections simultaneously

htt[COLOR=white]ps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA)
https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=317218#p317218 (https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=317218#p317218)
https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=316955#p316955 (https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=316955#p316955)
https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=316955#p316955 (https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=316955#p316955)
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https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=317006#p317006 (https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=317006#p317006)
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https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=316254#p316254 (https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=316254#p316254)
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https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=314950#p314950 (https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=314950#p314950)
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https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA)

02-09-2017, 04:57 PM
My window 7 machine would not connect for a long time. ( At one point I did see this, https://imgur.com/MxaZ7aV , but mostly it simply did not connect)
After many attempts to connect, I was connected for a short time, but then I got this error: https://imgur.com/YvhI3rh
After this, attempts to re connect failed again mostly, or worked just fora short time, or I seemed to have a connection, but none of my Internet worked unless I disconnected hide.me. ( https://imgur.com/TnQXwGc , https://imgur.com/mt9CIbZ )

On my Vista machine, I continually kept getting any of these , making it impossible to use any connection for more than a short period of time.: https://imgur.com/V1LEGbe https://imgur.com/B282Nei


( My account still seems to be the free version : https://imgur.com/wcXUVvz , https://imgur.com/yetDFRg , https://imgur.com/SBOYdTI )


I will take another look tomorrow


Betreff: [hide.me Support] Re: [Technical] Website support request
Datum: 2019-09-14T17:29:06+0200
Von: "Nathan (hide.me Support)" <support@hide.zendesk.com>
An: "Doc.AElstein@t-online.de" <doc.aelstein@t-online.de>
Nathan (hide.me Support)
Sep 14, 15:29 UTC
Hello Alan,
I have activated temporary Premium membership on your account for the next 3 days and you can check your membership status in the Members area here: https://member.hide.me/en/
You only need to Logout from your VPN client and log in again with your TheDocIsHere username (not to be mistaken with your email) and your hide.me password to start using your Premium account.
Regarding connection issues, if you are having difficulties connecting please restart your computer and try using a different protocol. Start your VPN client, don't connect just yet, go to Options in the upper right corner (cog wheel icon) click on Protocol tab and please change the protocol to SSTP.

Hide me App settings.jpg : https://imgur.com/bcFulOe

Hide me App settings SSTPjpg https://imgur.com/EnSRTNx

It seems fallback protocol activated as our VPN app wasn't able to connect using automatic protocol and if you're receiving a message to install the TAP driver, don't worry as that driver is needed for connecting via OpenVPN and SoftEther VPN protocols.
Since those VPN protocols are not present in Windows by default, they need to be installed separately;
Have no worries as this driver is safe and will only install a virtual network adapter used for SoftEther or OpenVPN protocol (the same way as Windows does)
Our VPN client is configured to use OpenVPN as the default Fall back protocol (in case the configured VPN protocol cannot connect).
The second screenshot is a kill switch notification. When you enable this option and the VPN connection drops, your internet connection will disconnect and you will not be exposed.
it will disable your Internet connection in case your VPN connection drops and the client isn't able to reconnect to our VPN servers. It will alert you of this with a pop-up across the screen to re-enable your connection.

02-09-2017, 04:58 PM
Regarding SoftEther issues please try this and make these adjustments and click on the Advanced Settings in the lower right corner from the screenshot in Step 5 of the SoftEther setup guide ( Advanced Setting of Communication)
and from the next screen enable these features as in the screenshot below:
a) Increase the Number of TCP Connections to 8
b) check the box/enable next to "Use Half-Duplex Mode
c) check the box/enable next to Disable UDP acceleration

Adjusted Advanced Settings SoftEther.jpg : https://imgur.com/sVa5Jkh
https://imgur.com/YuxW14m , https://imgur.com/TtS20Vi

TCP based protocols such as SSTP and SoftEther might work better for you.
You can also setup your connection using OpenVPN protocol and this setup guide here: https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windowsvista/openvpn/
You can find configuration files needed in your Members area here, https://member.hide.me/en/server-status simply choose location you wish to connect to and click on "+ More Details " and download OpenVPN configuration file for your device.
Premium membership is now active for the next 3 days, please try it when you will have time and let me know if it is working better.

Sep 15, 14:14 UTC
Hello Nathan.
Thanks for the reply and for connecting me to the premium for a few days…

So this is the results from my experiments today, Sunday.

_ My Vista Operating System Lap top ACER Aspire 4810TZG
Initially I did not change anything on my Vista machine, ( which still was/ is set up to use hide.me via the "SoftEther way".
Today, Sunday, it only seemed to have the problems mentioned from yesterday, Saturday, a few time initially. After that it had settled down.
So, initially I have not made the adjustments that you mentioned in your second screenshot in your last Email. For this machine. But I may look at them later on this machine.

I logged out and logged in using my TheDocIsHere password, as well as the page you mentioned, ( https://member.hide.me/en/user/login ) and I can see that I have premium temporarily.
( Also if I now look at the Choose Server ( https://imgur.com/LFsdqCJ ) , then I see that I have more location
options available : https://imgur.com/HfNhoHP )

_ Windows 7
I restarted the computer, but initially made no changes to anything to do with hide.me.
Immediately after restart, the hide.me window came up, and you can clearly see that the change to premium is shown: https://imgur.com/aMU1waN
Initially I tried what I had tried yesterday.
Today, Sunday, all seems well, and a connection was made immediately after hitting " connect "( " Verbinde VPN " on that last screenshot)
So initially I have not made the changes you suggested in the first screenshot in your last Email. But your instructions look very clear, so I will investigate them later, either if I encounter problems, or even if not, I will make the changes just as part of more detailed experimenting later..

Now that my Win 7 machine is up and running on hide.me again, I have restarted my "Robot" code. So I have that running in the background again.
(It is automatically visiting some Forums, via the hide.me connection.)

_ XP laptop ( Old LG x-120 )
( This is an old machine that has always been slow at just about everything! )
I have also noticed over the last few days that the continual disconnecting/ re connecting problems were particularly bad on this machine.
I continually get "time out errors" when using this machine via hide.me.
Today, Sunday, it was almost impossible to use hide.me on this XP machine, as I continually got time out errors.
( As soon as I disconnected hide.me , I immediately got internet working
So I tried the adjustments that you mentioned in your second screenshot in your last Email.
( ( This was then original Advanced Settings: https://imgur.com/e9PWaH3 )
This was my Advanced Settings after I made the adjustments: https://imgur.com/g6DEDhT )
I then tried, disconnecting, re connecting, restarting the computer etc.
But I was never able to get internet to work today, Sunday, using hide.me on this XP machine on any existing connections, including those that had worked a few days ago: ( This is the same XP machine which I originally
used in testing and had a working connection using hide.me initially as I reported on 12 September )
However, I notice after a computer restart that my Advanced Settings have reverted back to the original. So, possibly I need to add a new connection and then on that change the Advanced settings?

In any case, I started again with adding a new connection, initially usingthe original Advanced Settings. This connected OK, but once again I could get no working internet. As before I get time out errors.
So I added a new connection, (using the same Server ( us-east.hide.me ) , but this time I made the Advanced Setting Adjustments. This connected OK,
but once again I could get no working internet. As before I get time out errors.

I added two more connections, using the berlin server, ( which I expect is one of the nearest to me). One had the original Advanced Settings, and the other your suggested alternative Advanced Settings ..

Initially I got a working internet with the first connection to the connection with the original Advanced Settings. I then got no working connection to the connection with your suggested alternative Advanced Settings. Then, shortly later, later I could not get any connection to either to give me a working internet. I was back to the problem of "time
out" errors..

( I have been using browsers of Internet Explorer and Google Chrome. I also tried clearing browsing data, but that has had no effect on the problem )


I think that now that I am on premium.. this should "work", … so I decided to try on the Vista machine, ( which today was successfully working with hide.me, using SoftEther )
and also The XP machine, ( which I have not been able to get working constantly / consistently with hide.me over the past couple of days using SoftEther )

I followed this… https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windowsvista/openvpn/
As in all the previous attempts, I am stuck at Step 1, because clicking on this : https://imgur.com/afFlTK7 , does not
take me to the place suggested in the instructions.
_ XP
I followed this:.. https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windowsxp/openvpn/
Same problem as with the Vista attempt: I cannot find the download for the OpenVPN client

So my current issues are:

_ I cannot get internet to work always with a hide.me connection on my XP machine, currently almost never.
_ I cannot find the OpenVPN Client download: It is not at the link suggested in the hide.me Instructions.( or I may have missed something obvious…). .. Possibly those instructions are out of date? .
( I think I have now understood that I also need to download some configuration files, which are available to me whilst I have premium. But the problem is that I am not finding the OpenVPN client download).


Thanks for the continued support.

Sep 16, 13:17 UTC
Hello Nathan.
Further to my last Email ( Sunday) ,
.... regarding the OpenVPN client files for Vista and XP ..
… could these be a possible source for them? ( I found them after a short
Google search for "OpenVPN client download" )

I have not attempted to download them myself yet, as I am a bit apprehensive of downloading when I do not have any information about the source.


Today, Monday, I have only had time to look briefly at the VPN stuff
On my Vista and Win 7 machines all the VPN stuff is working OK
My first connection on the XP machine lead to a successful working . I then disconnected and tried a few times to make re connections to different servers (with both the original and your suggested adjusted
Advanced Settings). The connections appeared to be successful, but internet did not work: as yesterday, Sunday, I got time out errors. I tried deleting Browser History and restarting the lap top etc…etc, but still I
could not get internet to work via a hide.me connection. So it just worked once, after the first connection..

Nathan (hide.me Support)
Sep 16, 18:05 UTC
Hello Alan,
You can download the OpenVPN client normally from their official website, they have only changed the layout of their website. There's no need to download from other sources.
When you click on the download link for the official OpenVPN Client from Step 1 in our OpenVPN setup guide it will take you to their website here: https://openvpn.net/community-downloads/
It is mentioned on the website that OpenVPN 2.4 installers will not work on Windows XP.
The last OpenVPN version that supports Windows XP is 2.3.18, which is downloadable as 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
You can download 32-bit version here: https://build.openvpn.net/downloads/releases/openvpn-install-2.3.18-I001-i686.exe
And 64-bit version you can download from here:https://build.openvpn.net/downloads/releases/openvpn-install-2.3.18-I001-x86_64.exe
I have extended your Premium membership for another 3 days so you can test OpenVPN setup.

Regarding connection issues on your XP computer, perhaps something is interfering with your connection, maybe security software if you're using it but you can try restarting your router and your computer to check if it resolves these issues.
You mentioned if you need to add a new connection and then change the Advanced setting, that is not necessary- you only need to press OK to confirm it, first on the Advanced section and then on the main screen of SoftEther client.
Make sure that your firewall is not blocking the following ports or turn off the router's firewall:
SSTP / SoftEther require port 443
IKEv2 requires UDP ports 500 and 4500
PPTP requires TCP port 1723
L2TP requires UDP 1701, 500 and 4500
OpenVPN requires TCP/UDP 4000-4100

To connect to VPN, you have to allow ports through firewall for each respective protocol.
Please try it in the meantime and you can test Premium membership for a few more days, you can check your membership status in your Members area here.

Sep 17, 13:15 UTC
Hello Nathan

Thanks for extending the premium trial period.
I will not have much time in the next few days , but will try to make some
progress with the VPN stuff .

OpenVPN download ( XP).
Thanks for the heads up on that:- I carelessly missed that reference to the XP downloads. The info for the download is "hidden" in a lot of other stuff which I do not understand, so I did not read it all as carefully as I
should have.

Forgive me for being stupid or missing the obvious again , but I am not seeing any mentioned download for Vista

It also is not 100% clear to me which downloads are required for Windows 7.

In my opinion, that OpenVPN community download page is not much use for a beginner. It seems to assume that you already know all about OpenVPN , and that you have it already downloaded it, and that you already use it and that you are just looking at that page for a general discussion and update on the current stand of things. There is no clear download list for the Client

My guess is that maybe need this for Windows 7,
, but I am not sure.

Possibly the download for Windows 7 is also the one for Vista?

Can you clarify the position on OpenVPN client downloads please, that is to say the link to get them, for Vista and Windows 7 , ( and also Windows 10 as my wife has just bought a new laptop, so I will try to include that in my testing soon as well )


XP ( via SoftEther VPN Client )
Regarding firewalls.. Most of my XP machines have no virus protection.
Mostly virus protection and firewalls are deactivated on my old XP
machines. ( I realise that this is not very sensible, but I accept the risk on these older machines. I have a few machines and they are old, and cheap to replace, so I just take the risk ). I am assuming that having no firewall active should simplify the situation regarding using VPN ?
(If I understand correctly, using a VPN protects me to some extent? )

On the XP machine that I have been testing on, I have been getting connections apparently OK today, but I have not been able to get any internet working: So the same problem as in the last few days: Timeout error.
I have frequently tried restarting both the lap top and my router, also tried disconnecting VPN, re connecting VPN , etc.. but that has never had any positive effect.
As previously, as soon as I disconnect the SoftEther VPN, then my internet starts working almost immediately.

I am not sure how to check the firewalls settings that you mentioned, but as I have no active firewall, they are possibly not an issue?

02-09-2017, 05:05 PM

So today I try OpenVPN ..
( initially I try today on the XP machine which is proving difficult to get
hide.me/SoftEther to work consistently)

Step 1 ( or rather, not.. )
I follow this, [size=1] https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windowsxp/openvpn/ , except that I ignore Step 1 and instead download this

Step 2
( During the instillation ( Step 2 ) , I got this extra pop up: https://imgur.com/s9bgnNc (I chose the option to carry on with the instillation. ) )

Step 3.
This is a bit confusing . If I click on configuration file , ( https://imgur.com/f5Kfn7w ) , then I am directed to https://member.hide.me/en/server-status . Sometime that resulted in me getting the Server list. But also sometimes today, ( on any computer ,even my Vista or Windows 7 ), I get the "Time out" error: https://imgur.com/bLwfPqc (I get this error sometimes today, Tuesday on all computers, even when all other internet is working on those computers )
So I ignore Step 3, and instead follow the link that you gave me a few days ago (
https://hide.me/en/knowledgebase/where-can-i-download-openvpn-configuration-files/ )
Possibly I understand what is going on… maybe I need to download different configuration files for different location??

htt[COLOR=white]ps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA)
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ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LP9fz2DCMBE (ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LP9fz2DCMBE)
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ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFxnXH4-L1A (ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFxnXH4-L1A)
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ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqzeFYWjTxI (ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqzeFYWjTxI)
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https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA)

02-09-2017, 05:10 PM
As previously mentioned if you're receiving a message to install the TAP driver, don't worry as that driver is needed for connecting via OpenVPN VPN protocol and it will only install a virtual network adapter used for OpenVPN protocol.
Since that VPN protocol isn't present in Windows by default, it needs to be installed separately. Regarding connection issues and accessing your members area, for additional security it is possible that you experienced certain temporary limit if you tried unusual action and regarding configuration files, I have checked and there were no issues at the time and configuration files are there and accessible normally, I'm sorry to hear you've had to take a longer route but I'm glad to hear you were able to access it and configure it normally.
You can download other configuration files and copy them to your OpenVPN config folder (by default C:/Program Files/OpenVPN/config/ ) and confirm that you allow it and you can switch between the locations when you right click on the OpenVPN icon from your system tray.
On your new laptop you can also you can also install OpenVPN standalone client, the method is basically the same but you can check this guide here: And for Windows 10 download this OpenVPN file - https://swupdate.openvpn.org/community/releases/openvpn-install-2.4.7-I607-Win10.exe

Sep 20, 07:00 UTC
Hello Nathan
I have just found this message in my out box. I am not sure if it was sent
as intended on wednesday. So ignoore it if you have already recieved

Thanks for the extra info.
It still seems a bit of a spaghetti muddle to me in finding where to get
the correct download, but I guess that is inevitable as things get changed/
updated.. So your info is helpful.

Tap stuff
I remember you telling me about the stuff, but was not sure if it applied to the screenshot in my last EMail So thanks again, - slowly all is becoming clear to me
( Today I got another variation of such a screenshot whilst installing OpenVPN on my some machines. This time it asked if I wanted to install a tap thing, so I did.. https://imgur.com/e7h7lMd

(This part of the instillation seemed to take a long time today ). )
As far as I can tell, the instillations that I did today of OpenVPN, all included an installation of a tap thing. However, as I report later, there were problems with attempts to use OpenVPN which may be something to do with tap stuff… , I am not sure…

XP stuff
I have tried installing and using both OpenVPN and SoftEther on a second XP machine of mine. The results are similar to the result over the last few days with another XP machine. With OpenVPN all seems fine. With SoftEther,
the connections to hide.me appear to work, but internet does not work: I get time out errors. (As before, immediately after I disconnect the SoftEther/hide.me connection, then the internet works normally)

userpass.txt (OpenVPN) (minor problem/strange phenomena)
I looked further into OpenVPN today, trying to install it on two Vista machines, one Win7 machine and one new Win 10 machine. (As part of this you need to modify the text file so that it shows your password)
I had a strange problem when trying to modify userpass.txt to have my password in this userpass text file: The strange thing was that it would not let me save the modified file. It claimed that the file was not there,
although clearly it was. : https://imgur.com/jBsEwqK
But I found a way around that problem: This work around worked: I saved the modified file somewhere else, ( on my desktop).. Then I deleted the unmodified copy in the config Folder. I then moved the modified file from
the desktop to the config Folder
So, this is strange, but probably not a problem. I do note in passing that I did not have this strange phenomena occurring in the successful instillations of OpenVPN on two XP machines

OpenVPN instillations today, ( Wednesday). Vista , Win 7 , Win 10
The instillations appeared to go OK. I think in all of them some Tap thing was installed..
( I tried 2 Vista machine instillations. On one of them, an extra instillation was offered to be done, which I accepted. This was for the instillation of some .Net thing:
https://imgur.com/f5sOu99 ,
https://imgur.com/YXBgnyg ,
https://imgur.com/EEPYDGz )

Initially no connection worked on any machine , that is to say an attempt to connect always fails: https://imgur.com/X3DZK9R , https://imgur.com/rOSM183
. This was the case for all the 4 instillations of OpenVPN that I tried today: two Vista machines, the Windows 7 machine and the new Windows 10 machine.
But later, on my Win 7 machine something strange happened. I was not using it at the time, but suddenly on its own the tray icon turned green. After that OpenVPN started working normally on that Win 7 machine. But sometimes
later, connections failed
So currently I have OpenVPN working on my XP machines and sometimes on one Windows 7 machine.
It does not work for me on Vista or Windows 10.
I have attached the log from successful connections in XP and Windows 7, along with the logs from failed Windows 10 and Vista machines .
A couple of things I noticed: when a connection is made, in the log this line is shown as red always in Vista, Win 7, and Win 10:
WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in memory -- use the
auth-nocache option to prevent this
It is never shown in red in XP. In Win 7 it is always shown red whether the connection is successful or not.
In XP I have never seen any lines shown in red.
On the failed connection, the last but one line is shown in red.
For Vista this is:
All TAP-Windows adapters on this system are currently in use.
For Win 10 this is:
There are no TAP-Windows adapters on this system. You should be able to create a TAP-Windows adapter by going to Start -> All Programs -> TAP-Windows -> Utilities -> Add a new TAP-Windows virtual ethernet adapter

This is a typical error pop up that I get when restarting my Windows 10 or Vista machines : https://imgur.com/3bsPybl
That translates in English to something like:
"OpenVPNServiceInteractive" is not started.
Tasks that require Administrative access may not work

SoftEther on Win 7 and Win 10. ( and another Vista)
I tried a few SoftEther instillations today. All went well and I have now hide.me via SoftEther working on Vista , Win 7 and in Win 10 machines. ( I still cannot get it to work on any XP machine)

12-29-2017, 12:20 AM

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXaYszT11CA&lc=UgxEjo0Di9-9cnl8UnZ4AaABAg.9XYLEH1OwDIA35HNIei0z- (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXaYszT11CA&lc=UgxEjo0Di9-9cnl8UnZ4AaABAg.9XYLEH1OwDIA35HNIei0z-)
https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=316154#p316154 (https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=316154#p316154)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TW3l7PkSPD4&lc=UgwAL_Jrv7yg7WWC8x14AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TW3l7PkSPD4&lc=UgwAL_Jrv7yg7WWC8x14AaABAg)
https://teylyn.com/2017/03/21/dollarsigns/#comment-191 (https://teylyn.com/2017/03/21/dollarsigns/#comment-191)
https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=317050#p317050 (https://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=317050#p317050)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA)

02-07-2018, 03:49 PM

02-08-2018, 12:53 AM
Some notes to be added to in preparation for a Tutorial Thread…

http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests/page4 http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests/page4

Introduction to "VPN"
Aka. In Forum posting, hide your identity so that the insane Moderators don't get ya!

Very broadly speaking, there are 3 main ways to do this "hiding"
_ a "low level" solution: In Windows you can set up VPN using existing operating system things, if you know what you are doing.
_ a "high level" solution: Download and install all encompassing "App". Then click the button to Hide yourself.
_ An intermediate solution, requiring some software, but also requiring some understanding of your operating system in order to get it working like a an "App"

Here I will look at the last option. Later I might try out the first option

VPN Tunnelling What are we talking about
By virtual private network (VPN), in very simplified terms, we are talking about here about making it seem to everyone, except very qualified and resourceful computer sources, as if the computer that you are using is somewhere else.
As often with these sort of things, the History helps to explain it in simple terms…. Originally large companies used a form of encoding to route their computers or terminals to a central large private computer ( Server ) over a public network, the internet. It effectively made it look like all computers came from the single main private source, where the main computer was.
The term tunnelling was used to explain the encoded link. That was the main use at that time. The fact that it made it look like all computers were where the main computer was, was a by product.
The basic idea was then used to allow single sources/ normal users to "hide" behind people or companies allowing such a link to their main computer / Server, or more commonly to a large number of Severs which they have access to. This is often referred to as a virtual private network tunnel or virtual private network tunnel (VPN tunnelling).
Microsoft allow a way to set up such a link using the various operating system Internet system controlling features along with a Microsoft developed encoding.
That could be considered as one fairly low level/fundamental way to do VPN tunnelling requiring some good computer knowledge and experience at the "low level" computing.
At the other extreme, companies offering the service via a number of Servers , will often provide their own software which is at a "high level". In other words, you download their software , install it, after which typically you have a desktop icon or Smart phone type "Icon/App" to double click on, after which a fairly obvious to use user friendly interface pops up.

VPN and forum posting
The psychiatric illnesses/ Metal obsessions with many senior Forum Members and Moderators will likely remain a problem for people posting in forums for several years to come. Their desires to support their illusions of having a job of responsibility / authority, shows itself in the attempt to punish or control Members, imposes restrictions, and other tedious Nursery school children type rules. They attempt to give the illusion of controlling individuals as a form of proxy their sub ordinates. Stronger identities , that is to say, more longer term posting allows the identification as such an "individual" easier. It is therefore advantageous to have the ability to post using multiple accounts. ( Forum owners, ( who generally accept the idiosyncrasies of the "controlling" members , since they work for free), both secretly encourage and at the same time publicly give the appearance of discouraging multiple accounts. This helps with "business", as the increased apparent real Membership number raises).
Email accounts are very easy to create for each account registration; but the use of your real location , ( your real "IP address"* ) , can sometimes be monitored by Forum Moderators. So using a VPN service is an advantage.
(*In very simplified terms: The "thing" enabling your access to the internet, ( the "box" connected to your telephone cable, or the thing in your favourite Coffee bar giving you free internet access), has an identifying number, the "IP address").

Working example. hide.me VPN and SoftEther and OpenVPN clients
A general explanation of using a VPN is of little practical use, since the organisation of internet and associated network systems within computers, in windows is an imprecise jumbled up mess. I will report on a practical working example from start to finish. The example will use the provider hide.me. They have a free and paid service which from the perspective of setting up a working system is similar.
I will cover the operating systems of XP, Vista, Windows 7 and windows 8.1.
In this example I will go for a middle complex solution. This will not use the high level simple to use software("hide.me App") , but will not go as far "down" as the use of the Operating systems built in way to do VPN tunnelling. Later posts will explore this more fundamental "deep down" way.
The initial solution will discuss in detail the use of two popular freely available "Client" software, which is a medium level solution: It finally gives a final "App" type icon which on double clicking brings up a user friendly interface interface , but which also requires some knowledge of operating systems internet control systems, both for the extra setting up steps needed after the initial Client software instillation, and in dealing with typical problems that often crop up.

02-08-2018, 12:53 AM
Clients. Getting the VPN to work. Setting up VPN Clients, SoftEther Client , and OpenVPN Client

Very broadly speaking, there are 3 main ways to do this VPN stuff
_ a “low level” solution: In Windows you can set up VPN using existing operating system things, if you know what you are doing.
_ a “high level” solution: Download and install all encompassing “App”. Then click the button to Hide yourself.
_ An intermediate solution, requiring some software, but also requiring some understanding of your operating system in order to get it working like a an “App”

Here I will look at the last option. Later I might try out the first option

In the context of things VPN, a Client is only loosely defined. It broadly is referring to the software part of the final VPN tunnelling solution that is on the users computer.
So we need to get at this software.
For the low level solution, it is hard to define a "Client", since the software is all or mostly already there, buried / integrated into the Internet parts of the controlling system/ operating system. Here we would be broadly referring to the control panel as the part of the operating system that we can influence. Within that are, amongst other things, various Internet sections and related Network sections. They are all imprecisely defined and organised. Hence giving a working solution example is preferable to a general discussion which would be of little practical use.
At the other, high level extreme, a simple to use “App”, such as that from hide.me for operating systems Windows 7 and higher ( https://hide.me/de/software/windows ) , would be referred to as their “own VPN Client-Software”

Getting the VPN to work
The software that we will be mostly using in the worked examples, is from two popular free sources, SoftEther and OpenVPN. Principally the software from those free sources is involved with VPN things. Specifically the software from them that we want either has the word Client somewhere in name of the files that we need, or is referred to loosely as their “Client software” or “VPN Client software”.
As we are at a “mid/intermediate level”, we will see that we have to have some knowledge of various parts of the control panel associated with Internet and Network.
Using the high level option such as the hide.me app, the solution would simply involve downloading and installing the app. After doing this, a simple to use , user friendly window then pops up after double clicking a desktop icon which appears after a successful instillation. Sometimes the pop up may come up when restarting the computer.
For the option of using SoftEther or OpenVPN, there are some extra steps to be taken after the client software is installed.

Recap: To remind us what we are doing
Lets just step back, and say again clearly what we are doing.
We will be looking at a way to do VPN. There are a few ways to do this. I am looking at the way that uses one of two popular freely available softwares. (Later I will look at OpenVPN)
The software’s basic function is to organise and encrypt what you send to and what you receive from, a Server elsewhere. It does that in such a way that the Server sends and receives as if it had sent itself from that Server: Think of it as you digging a tunnel from your house to the Server. Then you somehow make a connection possibility through various cables from your computer via the tunnel to the Server. You organise the connection such that you can both
use the server as a normal computer surfing the internet,
then send back what the Server receives from the internet to your computer via the connection in the tunnel.
The main reason usually for doing this is to effectively “hide” behind the server – You want everyone to think that you are using that server , rather than your own computer. (In this case, the remote Server is just acting as a computer for you, surfing the internet.)
SoftEther or OpenVPN could be thought of the thing that digs the tunnel and makes your connection, or rather gives you a switch to allow you to connect or disconnect to the remote Server as and when you choose to. ( Usually witjh such Client software, a final user friendly interface will allow you to connect or disconnect to different Servers situated at different remote locations around the real World ).
VPN has generally been around for some time, and there will be software in many Servers allowing this sort of connection to be made. Usually, once you have the Client software installed and/or organised , then only 3 further things are required to allow your chosen Client software to make use of such a connection, all of which you will usually receive from your VPN provider :
_ An internet address, ( one for each Server that you want to be able to connect to - ( Either the provider owns them or has some agreement with the owner to allow them/you to use them))
_ A Username
_ A Password
The last two may or may not be the same Password and Username which you use to create an account with a VPN provider. This will likely vary with provider.
For example,
_for the VPN provider hide.me , with the free service allows you to have one connection at any one time. Your account Password and Username is also used in this case to allow that one connection at any one time to any of the 5 servers available. For each server you will need an internet address:
For Netherlands - free-nl.hide.me
for Singapore -free-sg.hide.me
for Canada - free-ca.hide.me
for US free-us.hide.me
for US-East free-us-east.hide.me
for US-West free-us-west.hide.me
_ for the VPN provider hide.me with the paid ( premium ) service allows you to have up to 5 simultaneous VPN connections. In this case, you still use your normal account Password , but have a modified Username@devicetwo for each separate connection. These different passwords may be referred to as devices .

Most Clients, such as SoftEther VPN Client and OpenVPN Client will, once set up, allow you to have a user friendly interface from which you can select from a list of Servers. You will typically need to repeat a set of steps for each of the Servers you want to use. In Other words you need to repeat a set of steps to add them to the list in the user friendly interface from which you select your Server when you want to use VPN

Usually, if you use a providers own Client software, which is the “high level” solution for VPN, ( sometimes referred to as their Client “App” ) , then all their available Servers are effectively already set up in it, and the list to choose from is already there. To get your VPN up and running using such a solution , you need to do little more than download and install their “App”. Often their app will start each time you start your computer thereafter. Its use is fairly obvious.

We are looking at an intermediate level solution for VPN, so we need to do a bit of extra work after installing the Client software

02-08-2018, 12:53 AM
Clients. Getting the VPN to work. Setting up VPN Clients, SoftEther Client , and OpenVPN Client

Very broadly speaking, there are 3 main ways to do this VPN stuff
_ a “low level” solution: In Windows you can set up VPN using existing operating system things, if you know what you are doing.
_ a “high level” solution: Download and install all encompassing “App”. Then click the button to Hide yourself.
_ An intermediate solution, requiring some software, but also requiring some understanding of your operating system in order to get it working like a an “App”

Here I will look at the last option. Later I might try out the first option

In the context of things VPN, a Client is only loosely defined. It broadly is referring to the software part of the final VPN tunnelling solution that is on the users computer.
So we need to get at this software.
For the low level solution, it is hard to define a "Client", since the software is all or mostly already there, buried / integrated into the Internet parts of the controlling system/ operating system. Here we would be broadly referring to the control panel as the part of the operating system that we can influence. Within that are, amongst other things, various Internet sections and related Network sections. They are all imprecisely defined and organised. Hence giving a working solution example is preferable to a general discussion which would be of little practical use.
At the other, high level extreme, a simple to use “App”, such as that from hide.me for operating systems Windows 7 and higher ( https://hide.me/de/software/windows ) , would be referred to as their “own VPN Client-Software”

Getting the VPN to work
The software that we will be mostly using in the worked examples, is from two popular free sources, SoftEther and OpenVPN. Principally the software from those free sources is involved with VPN things. Specifically the software from them that we want either has the word Client somewhere in name of the files that we need, or is referred to loosely as their “Client software” or “VPN Client software”.
As we are at a “mid/intermediate level”, we will see that we have to have some knowledge of various parts of the control panel associated with Internet and Network.
Using the high level option such as the hide.me app, the solution would simply involve downloading and installing the app. After doing this, a simple to use , user friendly window then pops up after double clicking a desktop icon which appears after a successful instillation. Sometimes the pop up may come up when restarting the computer.
For the option of using SoftEther or OpenVPN, there are some extra steps to be taken after the client software is installed.

Recap: To remind us what we are doing
Lets just step back, and say again clearly what we are doing.
We will be looking at a way to do VPN. There are a few ways to do this. I am looking at the way that uses one of two popular freely available softwares. (Later I will look at OpenVPN)
The software’s basic function is to organise and encrypt what you send to and what you receive from, a Server elsewhere. It does that in such a way that the Server sends and receives as if it had sent itself from that Server: Think of it as you digging a tunnel from your house to the Server. Then you somehow make a connection possibility through various cables from your computer via the tunnel to the Server. You organise the connection such that you can both
use the server as a normal computer surfing the internet,
then send back what the Server receives from the internet to your computer via the connection in the tunnel.
The main reason usually for doing this is to effectively “hide” behind the server – You want everyone to think that you are using that server , rather than your own computer. (In this case, the remote Server is just acting as a computer for you, surfing the internet.)
SoftEther or OpenVPN could be thought of the thing that digs the tunnel and makes your connection, or rather gives you a switch to allow you to connect or disconnect to the remote Server as and when you choose to. ( Usually witjh such Client software, a final user friendly interface will allow you to connect or disconnect to different Servers situated at different remote locations around the real World ).
VPN has generally been around for some time, and there will be software in many Servers allowing this sort of connection to be made. Usually, once you have the Client software installed and/or organised , then only 3 further things are required to allow your chosen Client software to make use of such a connection, all of which you will usually receive from your VPN provider :
_ An internet address, ( one for each Server that you want to be able to connect to - ( Either the provider owns them or has some agreement with the owner to allow them/you to use them))
_ A Username
_ A Password
The last two may or may not be the same Password and Username which you use to create an account with a VPN provider. This will likely vary with provider.
For example,
_for the VPN provider hide.me , with the free service allows you to have one connection at any one time. Your account Password and Username is also used in this case to allow that one connection at any one time to any of the 5 servers available. For each server you will need an internet address:
For Netherlands - free-nl.hide.me
for Singapore -free-sg.hide.me
for Canada - free-ca.hide.me
for US free-us.hide.me
for US-East free-us-east.hide.me
for US-West free-us-west.hide.me
_ for the VPN provider hide.me with the paid ( premium ) service allows you to have up to 5 simultaneous VPN connections. In this case, you still use your normal account Password , but have a modified Username@devicetwo for each separate connection. These different passwords may be referred to as devices .

Most Clients, such as SoftEther VPN Client and OpenVPN Client will, once set up, allow you to have a user friendly interface from which you can select from a list of Servers. You will typically need to repeat a set of steps for each of the Servers you want to use. In Other words you need to repeat a set of steps to add them to the list in the user friendly interface from which you select your Server when you want to use VPN

Usually, if you use a providers own Client software, which is the “high level” solution for VPN, ( sometimes referred to as their Client “App” ) , then all their available Servers are effectively already set up in it, and the list to choose from is already there. To get your VPN up and running using such a solution , you need to do little more than download and install their “App”. Often their app will start each time you start your computer thereafter. Its use is fairly obvious.

We are looking at an intermediate level solution for VPN, so we need to do a bit of extra work after installing the Client software

02-08-2018, 12:53 AM
Clients. Getting the VPN to work. Setting up VPN Clients, SoftEther Client , and OpenVPN Client

Very broadly speaking, there are 3 main ways to do this VPN stuff
_ a “low level” solution: In Windows you can set up VPN using existing operating system things, if you know what you are doing.
_ a “high level” solution: Download and install all encompassing “App”. Then click the button to Hide yourself.
_ An intermediate solution, requiring some software, but also requiring some understanding of your operating system in order to get it working like a an “App”

Here I will look at the last option. Later I might try out the first option

In the context of things VPN, a Client is only loosely defined. It broadly is referring to the software part of the final VPN tunnelling solution that is on the users computer.
So we need to get at this software.
For the low level solution, it is hard to define a "Client", since the software is all or mostly already there, buried / integrated into the Internet parts of the controlling system/ operating system. Here we would be broadly referring to the control panel as the part of the operating system that we can influence. Within that are, amongst other things, various Internet sections and related Network sections. They are all imprecisely defined and organised. Hence giving a working solution example is preferable to a general discussion which would be of little practical use.
At the other, high level extreme, a simple to use “App”, such as that from hide.me for operating systems Windows 7 and higher ( https://hide.me/de/software/windows ) , would be referred to as their “own VPN Client-Software”

Getting the VPN to work
The software that we will be mostly using in the worked examples, is from two popular free sources, SoftEther and OpenVPN. Principally the software from those free sources is involved with VPN things. Specifically the software from them that we want either has the word Client somewhere in name of the files that we need, or is referred to loosely as their “Client software” or “VPN Client software”.
As we are at a “mid/intermediate level”, we will see that we have to have some knowledge of various parts of the control panel associated with Internet and Network.
Using the high level option such as the hide.me app, the solution would simply involve downloading and installing the app. After doing this, a simple to use , user friendly window then pops up after double clicking a desktop icon which appears after a successful instillation. Sometimes the pop up may come up when restarting the computer.
For the option of using SoftEther or OpenVPN, there are some extra steps to be taken after the client software is installed.

Recap: To remind us what we are doing
Lets just step back, and say again clearly what we are doing.
We will be looking at a way to do VPN. There are a few ways to do this. I am looking at the way that uses one of two popular freely available softwares. (Later I will look at OpenVPN)
The software’s basic function is to organise and encrypt what you send to and what you receive from, a Server elsewhere. It does that in such a way that the Server sends and receives as if it had sent itself from that Server: Think of it as you digging a tunnel from your house to the Server. Then you somehow make a connection possibility through various cables from your computer via the tunnel to the Server. You organise the connection such that you can both
use the server as a normal computer surfing the internet,
then send back what the Server receives from the internet to your computer via the connection in the tunnel.
The main reason usually for doing this is to effectively “hide” behind the server – You want everyone to think that you are using that server , rather than your own computer. (In this case, the remote Server is just acting as a computer for you, surfing the internet.)
SoftEther or OpenVPN could be thought of the thing that digs the tunnel and makes your connection, or rather gives you a switch to allow you to connect or disconnect to the remote Server as and when you choose to. ( Usually witjh such Client software, a final user friendly interface will allow you to connect or disconnect to different Servers situated at different remote locations around the real World ).
VPN has generally been around for some time, and there will be software in many Servers allowing this sort of connection to be made. Usually, once you have the Client software installed and/or organised , then only 3 further things are required to allow your chosen Client software to make use of such a connection, all of which you will usually receive from your VPN provider :
_ An internet address, ( one for each Server that you want to be able to connect to - ( Either the provider owns them or has some agreement with the owner to allow them/you to use them))
_ A Username
_ A Password
The last two may or may not be the same Password and Username which you use to create an account with a VPN provider. This will likely vary with provider.
For example,
_for the VPN provider hide.me , with the free service allows you to have one connection at any one time. Your account Password and Username is also used in this case to allow that one connection at any one time to any of the 5 servers available. For each server you will need an internet address:
For Netherlands - free-nl.hide.me
for Singapore -free-sg.hide.me
for Canada - free-ca.hide.me
for US free-us.hide.me
for US-East free-us-east.hide.me
for US-West free-us-west.hide.me
_ for the VPN provider hide.me with the paid ( premium ) service allows you to have up to 5 simultaneous VPN connections. In this case, you still use your normal account Password , but have a modified Username@devicetwo for each separate connection. These different passwords may be referred to as devices .

Most Clients, such as SoftEther VPN Client and OpenVPN Client will, once set up, allow you to have a user friendly interface from which you can select from a list of Servers. You will typically need to repeat a set of steps for each of the Servers you want to use. In Other words you need to repeat a set of steps to add them to the list in the user friendly interface from which you select your Server when you want to use VPN

Usually, if you use a providers own Client software, which is the “high level” solution for VPN, ( sometimes referred to as their Client “App” ) , then all their available Servers are effectively already set up in it, and the list to choose from is already there. To get your VPN up and running using such a solution , you need to do little more than download and install their “App”. Often their app will start each time you start your computer thereafter. Its use is fairly obvious.

We are looking at an intermediate level solution for VPN, so we need to do a bit of extra work after installing the Client software

02-08-2018, 12:53 AM
Clients. Getting the VPN to work. Setting up VPN Clients, SoftEther Client , and OpenVPN Client

Very broadly speaking, there are 3 main ways to do this VPN stuff
_ a “low level” solution: In Windows you can set up VPN using existing operating system things, if you know what you are doing.
_ a “high level” solution: Download and install all encompassing “App”. Then click the button to Hide yourself.
_ An intermediate solution, requiring some software, but also requiring some understanding of your operating system in order to get it working like a an “App”

Here I will look at the last option. Later I might try out the first option

In the context of things VPN, a Client is only loosely defined. It broadly is referring to the software part of the final VPN tunnelling solution that is on the users computer.
So we need to get at this software.
For the low level solution, it is hard to define a "Client", since the software is all or mostly already there, buried / integrated into the Internet parts of the controlling system/ operating system. Here we would be broadly referring to the control panel as the part of the operating system that we can influence. Within that are, amongst other things, various Internet sections and related Network sections. They are all imprecisely defined and organised. Hence giving a working solution example is preferable to a general discussion which would be of little practical use.
At the other, high level extreme, a simple to use “App”, such as that from hide.me for operating systems Windows 7 and higher ( https://hide.me/de/software/windows ) , would be referred to as their “own VPN Client-Software”

Getting the VPN to work
The software that we will be mostly using in the worked examples, is from two popular free sources, SoftEther and OpenVPN. Principally the software from those free sources is involved with VPN things. Specifically the software from them that we want either has the word Client somewhere in name of the files that we need, or is referred to loosely as their “Client software” or “VPN Client software”.
As we are at a “mid/intermediate level”, we will see that we have to have some knowledge of various parts of the control panel associated with Internet and Network.
Using the high level option such as the hide.me app, the solution would simply involve downloading and installing the app. After doing this, a simple to use , user friendly window then pops up after double clicking a desktop icon which appears after a successful instillation. Sometimes the pop up may come up when restarting the computer.
For the option of using SoftEther or OpenVPN, there are some extra steps to be taken after the client software is installed.

Recap: To remind us what we are doing
Lets just step back, and say again clearly what we are doing.
We will be looking at a way to do VPN. There are a few ways to do this. I am looking at the way that uses one of two popular freely available softwares. (Later I will look at OpenVPN)
The software’s basic function is to organise and encrypt what you send to and what you receive from, a Server elsewhere. It does that in such a way that the Server sends and receives as if it had sent itself from that Server: Think of it as you digging a tunnel from your house to the Server. Then you somehow make a connection possibility through various cables from your computer via the tunnel to the Server. You organise the connection such that you can both
use the server as a normal computer surfing the internet,
then send back what the Server receives from the internet to your computer via the connection in the tunnel.
The main reason usually for doing this is to effectively “hide” behind the server – You want everyone to think that you are using that server , rather than your own computer. (In this case, the remote Server is just acting as a computer for you, surfing the internet.)
SoftEther or OpenVPN could be thought of the thing that digs the tunnel and makes your connection, or rather gives you a switch to allow you to connect or disconnect to the remote Server as and when you choose to. ( Usually witjh such Client software, a final user friendly interface will allow you to connect or disconnect to different Servers situated at different remote locations around the real World ).
VPN has generally been around for some time, and there will be software in many Servers allowing this sort of connection to be made. Usually, once you have the Client software installed and/or organised , then only 3 further things are required to allow your chosen Client software to make use of such a connection, all of which you will usually receive from your VPN provider :
_ An internet address, ( one for each Server that you want to be able to connect to - ( Either the provider owns them or has some agreement with the owner to allow them/you to use them))
_ A Username
_ A Password
The last two may or may not be the same Password and Username which you use to create an account with a VPN provider. This will likely vary with provider.
For example,
_for the VPN provider hide.me , with the free service allows you to have one connection at any one time. Your account Password and Username is also used in this case to allow that one connection at any one time to any of the 5 servers available. For each server you will need an internet address:
For Netherlands - free-nl.hide.me
for Singapore -free-sg.hide.me
for Canada - free-ca.hide.me
for US free-us.hide.me
for US-East free-us-east.hide.me
for US-West free-us-west.hide.me
_ for the VPN provider hide.me with the paid ( premium ) service allows you to have up to 5 simultaneous VPN connections. In this case, you still use your normal account Password , but have a modified Username@devicetwo for each separate connection. These different passwords may be referred to as devices .

Most Clients, such as SoftEther VPN Client and OpenVPN Client will, once set up, allow you to have a user friendly interface from which you can select from a list of Servers. You will typically need to repeat a set of steps for each of the Servers you want to use. In Other words you need to repeat a set of steps to add them to the list in the user friendly interface from which you select your Server when you want to use VPN

Usually, if you use a providers own Client software, which is the “high level” solution for VPN, ( sometimes referred to as their Client “App” ) , then all their available Servers are effectively already set up in it, and the list to choose from is already there. To get your VPN up and running using such a solution , you need to do little more than download and install their “App”. Often their app will start each time you start your computer thereafter. Its use is fairly obvious.

We are looking at an intermediate level solution for VPN, so we need to do a bit of extra work after installing the Client software

02-08-2018, 12:53 AM
Some notes to be added to in preparation for a Tutorial Thread…

http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests/page4 http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests/page4

Introduction to "VPN"
Aka. In Forum posting, hide your identity so that the insane Moderators don't get ya!

Very broadly speaking, there are 3 main ways to do this "hiding"
_ a "low level" solution: In Windows you can set up VPN using existing operating system things, if you know what you are doing.
_ a "high level" solution: Download and install all encompassing "App". Then click the button to Hide yourself.
_ An intermediate solution, requiring some software, but also requiring some understanding of your operating system in order to get it working like a an "App"

Here I will look at the last option. Later I might try out the first option

VPN Tunnelling What are we talking about
By virtual private network (VPN), in very simplified terms, we are talking about here about making it seem to everyone, except very qualified and resourceful computer sources, as if the computer that you are using is somewhere else.
As often with these sort of things, the History helps to explain it in simple terms…. Originally large companies used a form of encoding to route their computers or terminals to a central large private computer ( Server ) over a public network, the internet. It effectively made it look like all computers came from the single main private source, where the main computer was.
The term tunnelling was used to explain the encoded link. That was the main use at that time. The fact that it made it look like all computers were where the main computer was, was a by product.
The basic idea was then used to allow single sources/ normal users to "hide" behind people or companies allowing such a link to their main computer / Server, or more commonly to a large number of Severs which they have access to. This is often referred to as a virtual private network tunnel or virtual private network tunnel (VPN tunnelling).
Microsoft allow a way to set up such a link using the various operating system Internet system controlling features along with a Microsoft developed encoding.
That could be considered as one fairly low level/fundamental way to do VPN tunnelling requiring some good computer knowledge and experience at the "low level" computing.
At the other extreme, companies offering the service via a number of Servers , will often provide their own software which is at a "high level". In other words, you download their software , install it, after which typically you have a desktop icon or Smart phone type "Icon/App" to double click on, after which a fairly obvious to use user friendly interface pops up.

VPN and forum posting
The psychiatric illnesses/ Metal obsessions with many senior Forum Members and Moderators will likely remain a problem for people posting in forums for several years to come. Their desires to support their illusions of having a job of responsibility / authority, shows itself in the attempt to punish or control Members, imposes restrictions, and other tedious Nursery school children type rules. They attempt to give the illusion of controlling individuals as a form of proxy their sub ordinates. Stronger identities , that is to say, more longer term posting allows the identification as such an "individual" easier. It is therefore advantageous to have the ability to post using multiple accounts. ( Forum owners, ( who generally accept the idiosyncrasies of the "controlling" members , since they work for free), both secretly encourage and at the same time publicly give the appearance of discouraging multiple accounts. This helps with "business", as the increased apparent real Membership number raises).
Email accounts are very easy to create for each account registration; but the use of your real location , ( your real "IP address"* ) , can sometimes be monitored by Forum Moderators. So using a VPN service is an advantage.
(*In very simplified terms: The "thing" enabling your access to the internet, ( the "box" connected to your telephone cable, or the thing in your favourite Coffee bar giving you free internet access), has an identifying number, the "IP address").

Working example. hide.me VPN and SoftEther and OpenVPN clients
A general explanation of using a VPN is of little practical use, since the organisation of internet and associated network systems within computers, in windows is an imprecise jumbled up mess. I will report on a practical working example from start to finish. The example will use the provider hide.me. They have a free and paid service which from the perspective of setting up a working system is similar.
I will cover the operating systems of XP, Vista, Windows 7 and windows 8.1.
In this example I will go for a middle complex solution. This will not use the high level simple to use software("hide.me App") , but will not go as far "down" as the use of the Operating systems built in way to do VPN tunnelling. Later posts will explore this more fundamental "deep down" way.
The initial solution will discuss in detail the use of two popular freely available "Client" software, which is a medium level solution: It finally gives a final "App" type icon which on double clicking brings up a user friendly interface interface , but which also requires some knowledge of operating systems internet control systems, both for the extra setting up steps needed after the initial Client software instillation, and in dealing with typical problems that often crop up.

02-08-2018, 12:53 AM
Some notes to be added to in preparation for a Tutorial Thread…

http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests/page4 http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests/page4

Introduction to "VPN"
Aka. In Forum posting, hide your identity so that the insane Moderators don't get ya!

Very broadly speaking, there are 3 main ways to do this "hiding"
_ a "low level" solution: In Windows you can set up VPN using existing operating system things, if you know what you are doing.
_ a "high level" solution: Download and install all encompassing "App". Then click the button to Hide yourself.
_ An intermediate solution, requiring some software, but also requiring some understanding of your operating system in order to get it working like a an "App"

Here I will look at the last option. Later I might try out the first option

VPN Tunnelling What are we talking about
By virtual private network (VPN), in very simplified terms, we are talking about here about making it seem to everyone, except very qualified and resourceful computer sources, as if the computer that you are using is somewhere else.
As often with these sort of things, the History helps to explain it in simple terms…. Originally large companies used a form of encoding to route their computers or terminals to a central large private computer ( Server ) over a public network, the internet. It effectively made it look like all computers came from the single main private source, where the main computer was.
The term tunnelling was used to explain the encoded link. That was the main use at that time. The fact that it made it look like all computers were where the main computer was, was a by product.
The basic idea was then used to allow single sources/ normal users to "hide" behind people or companies allowing such a link to their main computer / Server, or more commonly to a large number of Severs which they have access to. This is often referred to as a virtual private network tunnel or virtual private network tunnel (VPN tunnelling).
Microsoft allow a way to set up such a link using the various operating system Internet system controlling features along with a Microsoft developed encoding.
That could be considered as one fairly low level/fundamental way to do VPN tunnelling requiring some good computer knowledge and experience at the "low level" computing.
At the other extreme, companies offering the service via a number of Servers , will often provide their own software which is at a "high level". In other words, you download their software , install it, after which typically you have a desktop icon or Smart phone type "Icon/App" to double click on, after which a fairly obvious to use user friendly interface pops up.

VPN and forum posting
The psychiatric illnesses/ Metal obsessions with many senior Forum Members and Moderators will likely remain a problem for people posting in forums for several years to come. Their desires to support their illusions of having a job of responsibility / authority, shows itself in the attempt to punish or control Members, imposes restrictions, and other tedious Nursery school children type rules. They attempt to give the illusion of controlling individuals as a form of proxy their sub ordinates. Stronger identities , that is to say, more longer term posting allows the identification as such an "individual" easier. It is therefore advantageous to have the ability to post using multiple accounts. ( Forum owners, ( who generally accept the idiosyncrasies of the "controlling" members , since they work for free), both secretly encourage and at the same time publicly give the appearance of discouraging multiple accounts. This helps with "business", as the increased apparent real Membership number raises).
Email accounts are very easy to create for each account registration; but the use of your real location , ( your real "IP address"* ) , can sometimes be monitored by Forum Moderators. So using a VPN service is an advantage.
(*In very simplified terms: The "thing" enabling your access to the internet, ( the "box" connected to your telephone cable, or the thing in your favourite Coffee bar giving you free internet access), has an identifying number, the "IP address").

Working example. hide.me VPN and SoftEther and OpenVPN clients
A general explanation of using a VPN is of little practical use, since the organisation of internet and associated network systems within computers, in windows is an imprecise jumbled up mess. I will report on a practical working example from start to finish. The example will use the provider hide.me. They have a free and paid service which from the perspective of setting up a working system is similar.
I will cover the operating systems of XP, Vista, Windows 7 and windows 8.1.
In this example I will go for a middle complex solution. This will not use the high level simple to use software("hide.me App") , but will not go as far "down" as the use of the Operating systems built in way to do VPN tunnelling. Later posts will explore this more fundamental "deep down" way.
The initial solution will discuss in detail the use of two popular freely available "Client" software, which is a medium level solution: It finally gives a final "App" type icon which on double clicking brings up a user friendly interface interface , but which also requires some knowledge of operating systems internet control systems, both for the extra setting up steps needed after the initial Client software instillation, and in dealing with typical problems that often crop up.

02-08-2018, 12:53 AM
Some notes to be added to in preparation for a Tutorial Thread…

http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests/page4 http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests/page4

Introduction to "VPN"
Aka. In Forum posting, hide your identity so that the insane Moderators don't get ya!

Very broadly speaking, there are 3 main ways to do this "hiding"
_ a "low level" solution: In Windows you can set up VPN using existing operating system things, if you know what you are doing.
_ a "high level" solution: Download and install all encompassing "App". Then click the button to Hide yourself.
_ An intermediate solution, requiring some software, but also requiring some understanding of your operating system in order to get it working like a an "App"

Here I will look at the last option. Later I might try out the first option

VPN Tunnelling What are we talking about
By virtual private network (VPN), in very simplified terms, we are talking about here about making it seem to everyone, except very qualified and resourceful computer sources, as if the computer that you are using is somewhere else.
As often with these sort of things, the History helps to explain it in simple terms…. Originally large companies used a form of encoding to route their computers or terminals to a central large private computer ( Server ) over a public network, the internet. It effectively made it look like all computers came from the single main private source, where the main computer was.
The term tunnelling was used to explain the encoded link. That was the main use at that time. The fact that it made it look like all computers were where the main computer was, was a by product.
The basic idea was then used to allow single sources/ normal users to "hide" behind people or companies allowing such a link to their main computer / Server, or more commonly to a large number of Severs which they have access to. This is often referred to as a virtual private network tunnel or virtual private network tunnel (VPN tunnelling).
Microsoft allow a way to set up such a link using the various operating system Internet system controlling features along with a Microsoft developed encoding.
That could be considered as one fairly low level/fundamental way to do VPN tunnelling requiring some good computer knowledge and experience at the "low level" computing.
At the other extreme, companies offering the service via a number of Servers , will often provide their own software which is at a "high level". In other words, you download their software , install it, after which typically you have a desktop icon or Smart phone type "Icon/App" to double click on, after which a fairly obvious to use user friendly interface pops up.

VPN and forum posting
The psychiatric illnesses/ Metal obsessions with many senior Forum Members and Moderators will likely remain a problem for people posting in forums for several years to come. Their desires to support their illusions of having a job of responsibility / authority, shows itself in the attempt to punish or control Members, imposes restrictions, and other tedious Nursery school children type rules. They attempt to give the illusion of controlling individuals as a form of proxy their sub ordinates. Stronger identities , that is to say, more longer term posting allows the identification as such an "individual" easier. It is therefore advantageous to have the ability to post using multiple accounts. ( Forum owners, ( who generally accept the idiosyncrasies of the "controlling" members , since they work for free), both secretly encourage and at the same time publicly give the appearance of discouraging multiple accounts. This helps with "business", as the increased apparent real Membership number raises).
Email accounts are very easy to create for each account registration; but the use of your real location , ( your real "IP address"* ) , can sometimes be monitored by Forum Moderators. So using a VPN service is an advantage.
(*In very simplified terms: The "thing" enabling your access to the internet, ( the "box" connected to your telephone cable, or the thing in your favourite Coffee bar giving you free internet access), has an identifying number, the "IP address").

Working example. hide.me VPN and SoftEther and OpenVPN clients
A general explanation of using a VPN is of little practical use, since the organisation of internet and associated network systems within computers, in windows is an imprecise jumbled up mess. I will report on a practical working example from start to finish. The example will use the provider hide.me. They have a free and paid service which from the perspective of setting up a working system is similar.
I will cover the operating systems of XP, Vista, Windows 7 and windows 8.1.
In this example I will go for a middle complex solution. This will not use the high level simple to use software("hide.me App") , but will not go as far "down" as the use of the Operating systems built in way to do VPN tunnelling. Later posts will explore this more fundamental "deep down" way.
The initial solution will discuss in detail the use of two popular freely available "Client" software, which is a medium level solution: It finally gives a final "App" type icon which on double clicking brings up a user friendly interface interface , but which also requires some knowledge of operating systems internet control systems, both for the extra setting up steps needed after the initial Client software instillation, and in dealing with typical problems that often crop up.

02-08-2018, 12:53 AM
Some notes to be added to in preparation for a Tutorial Thread…

http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests/page4 http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests/page4

Introduction to "VPN"
Aka. In Forum posting, hide your identity so that the insane Moderators don't get ya!

Very broadly speaking, there are 3 main ways to do this "hiding"
_ a "low level" solution: In Windows you can set up VPN using existing operating system things, if you know what you are doing.
_ a "high level" solution: Download and install all encompassing "App". Then click the button to Hide yourself.
_ An intermediate solution, requiring some software, but also requiring some understanding of your operating system in order to get it working like a an "App"

Here I will look at the last option. Later I might try out the first option

VPN Tunnelling What are we talking about
By virtual private network (VPN), in very simplified terms, we are talking about here about making it seem to everyone, except very qualified and resourceful computer sources, as if the computer that you are using is somewhere else.
As often with these sort of things, the History helps to explain it in simple terms…. Originally large companies used a form of encoding to route their computers or terminals to a central large private computer ( Server ) over a public network, the internet. It effectively made it look like all computers came from the single main private source, where the main computer was.
The term tunnelling was used to explain the encoded link. That was the main use at that time. The fact that it made it look like all computers were where the main computer was, was a by product.
The basic idea was then used to allow single sources/ normal users to "hide" behind people or companies allowing such a link to their main computer / Server, or more commonly to a large number of Severs which they have access to. This is often referred to as a virtual private network tunnel or virtual private network tunnel (VPN tunnelling).
Microsoft allow a way to set up such a link using the various operating system Internet system controlling features along with a Microsoft developed encoding.
That could be considered as one fairly low level/fundamental way to do VPN tunnelling requiring some good computer knowledge and experience at the "low level" computing.
At the other extreme, companies offering the service via a number of Servers , will often provide their own software which is at a "high level". In other words, you download their software , install it, after which typically you have a desktop icon or Smart phone type "Icon/App" to double click on, after which a fairly obvious to use user friendly interface pops up.

VPN and forum posting
The psychiatric illnesses/ Metal obsessions with many senior Forum Members and Moderators will likely remain a problem for people posting in forums for several years to come. Their desires to support their illusions of having a job of responsibility / authority, shows itself in the attempt to punish or control Members, imposes restrictions, and other tedious Nursery school children type rules. They attempt to give the illusion of controlling individuals as a form of proxy their sub ordinates. Stronger identities , that is to say, more longer term posting allows the identification as such an "individual" easier. It is therefore advantageous to have the ability to post using multiple accounts. ( Forum owners, ( who generally accept the idiosyncrasies of the "controlling" members , since they work for free), both secretly encourage and at the same time publicly give the appearance of discouraging multiple accounts. This helps with "business", as the increased apparent real Membership number raises).
Email accounts are very easy to create for each account registration; but the use of your real location , ( your real "IP address"* ) , can sometimes be monitored by Forum Moderators. So using a VPN service is an advantage.
(*In very simplified terms: The "thing" enabling your access to the internet, ( the "box" connected to your telephone cable, or the thing in your favourite Coffee bar giving you free internet access), has an identifying number, the "IP address").

Working example. hide.me VPN and SoftEther and OpenVPN clients
A general explanation of using a VPN is of little practical use, since the organisation of internet and associated network systems within computers, in windows is an imprecise jumbled up mess. I will report on a practical working example from start to finish. The example will use the provider hide.me. They have a free and paid service which from the perspective of setting up a working system is similar.
I will cover the operating systems of XP, Vista, Windows 7 and windows 8.1.
In this example I will go for a middle complex solution. This will not use the high level simple to use software("hide.me App") , but will not go as far "down" as the use of the Operating systems built in way to do VPN tunnelling. Later posts will explore this more fundamental "deep down" way.
The initial solution will discuss in detail the use of two popular freely available "Client" software, which is a medium level solution: It finally gives a final "App" type icon which on double clicking brings up a user friendly interface interface , but which also requires some knowledge of operating systems internet control systems, both for the extra setting up steps needed after the initial Client software instillation, and in dealing with typical problems that often crop up.

02-08-2018, 12:53 AM
Some notes to be added to in preparation for a Tutorial Thread…

http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests/page4 http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests/page4

Introduction to "VPN"
Aka. In Forum posting, hide your identity so that the insane Moderators don't get ya!

Very broadly speaking, there are 3 main ways to do this "hiding"
_ a "low level" solution: In Windows you can set up VPN using existing operating system things, if you know what you are doing.
_ a "high level" solution: Download and install all encompassing "App". Then click the button to Hide yourself.
_ An intermediate solution, requiring some software, but also requiring some understanding of your operating system in order to get it working like a an "App"

Here I will look at the last option. Later I might try out the first option

VPN Tunnelling What are we talking about
By virtual private network (VPN), in very simplified terms, we are talking about here about making it seem to everyone, except very qualified and resourceful computer sources, as if the computer that you are using is somewhere else.
As often with these sort of things, the History helps to explain it in simple terms…. Originally large companies used a form of encoding to route their computers or terminals to a central large private computer ( Server ) over a public network, the internet. It effectively made it look like all computers came from the single main private source, where the main computer was.
The term tunnelling was used to explain the encoded link. That was the main use at that time. The fact that it made it look like all computers were where the main computer was, was a by product.
The basic idea was then used to allow single sources/ normal users to "hide" behind people or companies allowing such a link to their main computer / Server, or more commonly to a large number of Severs which they have access to. This is often referred to as a virtual private network tunnel or virtual private network tunnel (VPN tunnelling).
Microsoft allow a way to set up such a link using the various operating system Internet system controlling features along with a Microsoft developed encoding.
That could be considered as one fairly low level/fundamental way to do VPN tunnelling requiring some good computer knowledge and experience at the "low level" computing.
At the other extreme, companies offering the service via a number of Servers , will often provide their own software which is at a "high level". In other words, you download their software , install it, after which typically you have a desktop icon or Smart phone type "Icon/App" to double click on, after which a fairly obvious to use user friendly interface pops up.

VPN and forum posting
The psychiatric illnesses/ Metal obsessions with many senior Forum Members and Moderators will likely remain a problem for people posting in forums for several years to come. Their desires to support their illusions of having a job of responsibility / authority, shows itself in the attempt to punish or control Members, imposes restrictions, and other tedious Nursery school children type rules. They attempt to give the illusion of controlling individuals as a form of proxy their sub ordinates. Stronger identities , that is to say, more longer term posting allows the identification as such an "individual" easier. It is therefore advantageous to have the ability to post using multiple accounts. ( Forum owners, ( who generally accept the idiosyncrasies of the "controlling" members , since they work for free), both secretly encourage and at the same time publicly give the appearance of discouraging multiple accounts. This helps with "business", as the increased apparent real Membership number raises).
Email accounts are very easy to create for each account registration; but the use of your real location , ( your real "IP address"* ) , can sometimes be monitored by Forum Moderators. So using a VPN service is an advantage.
(*In very simplified terms: The "thing" enabling your access to the internet, ( the "box" connected to your telephone cable, or the thing in your favourite Coffee bar giving you free internet access), has an identifying number, the "IP address").

Working example. hide.me VPN and SoftEther and OpenVPN clients
A general explanation of using a VPN is of little practical use, since the organisation of internet and associated network systems within computers, in windows is an imprecise jumbled up mess. I will report on a practical working example from start to finish. The example will use the provider hide.me. They have a free and paid service which from the perspective of setting up a working system is similar.
I will cover the operating systems of XP, Vista, Windows 7 and windows 8.1.
In this example I will go for a middle complex solution. This will not use the high level simple to use software("hide.me App") , but will not go as far "down" as the use of the Operating systems built in way to do VPN tunnelling. Later posts will explore this more fundamental "deep down" way.
The initial solution will discuss in detail the use of two popular freely available "Client" software, which is a medium level solution: It finally gives a final "App" type icon which on double clicking brings up a user friendly interface interface , but which also requires some knowledge of operating systems internet control systems, both for the extra setting up steps needed after the initial Client software instillation, and in dealing with typical problems that often crop up.

02-08-2018, 12:53 AM
Some notes to be added to in preparation for a Tutorial Thread…

http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests/page4 http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests/page4

Introduction to "VPN"
Aka. In Forum posting, hide your identity so that the insane Moderators don't get ya!

Very broadly speaking, there are 3 main ways to do this "hiding"
_ a "low level" solution: In Windows you can set up VPN using existing operating system things, if you know what you are doing.
_ a "high level" solution: Download and install all encompassing "App". Then click the button to Hide yourself.
_ An intermediate solution, requiring some software, but also requiring some understanding of your operating system in order to get it working like a an "App"

Here I will look at the last option. Later I might try out the first option

VPN Tunnelling What are we talking about
By virtual private network (VPN), in very simplified terms, we are talking about here about making it seem to everyone, except very qualified and resourceful computer sources, as if the computer that you are using is somewhere else.
As often with these sort of things, the History helps to explain it in simple terms…. Originally large companies used a form of encoding to route their computers or terminals to a central large private computer ( Server ) over a public network, the internet. It effectively made it look like all computers came from the single main private source, where the main computer was.
The term tunnelling was used to explain the encoded link. That was the main use at that time. The fact that it made it look like all computers were where the main computer was, was a by product.
The basic idea was then used to allow single sources/ normal users to "hide" behind people or companies allowing such a link to their main computer / Server, or more commonly to a large number of Severs which they have access to. This is often referred to as a virtual private network tunnel or virtual private network tunnel (VPN tunnelling).
Microsoft allow a way to set up such a link using the various operating system Internet system controlling features along with a Microsoft developed encoding.
That could be considered as one fairly low level/fundamental way to do VPN tunnelling requiring some good computer knowledge and experience at the "low level" computing.
At the other extreme, companies offering the service via a number of Servers , will often provide their own software which is at a "high level". In other words, you download their software , install it, after which typically you have a desktop icon or Smart phone type "Icon/App" to double click on, after which a fairly obvious to use user friendly interface pops up.

VPN and forum posting
The psychiatric illnesses/ Metal obsessions with many senior Forum Members and Moderators will likely remain a problem for people posting in forums for several years to come. Their desires to support their illusions of having a job of responsibility / authority, shows itself in the attempt to punish or control Members, imposes restrictions, and other tedious Nursery school children type rules. They attempt to give the illusion of controlling individuals as a form of proxy their sub ordinates. Stronger identities , that is to say, more longer term posting allows the identification as such an "individual" easier. It is therefore advantageous to have the ability to post using multiple accounts. ( Forum owners, ( who generally accept the idiosyncrasies of the "controlling" members , since they work for free), both secretly encourage and at the same time publicly give the appearance of discouraging multiple accounts. This helps with "business", as the increased apparent real Membership number raises).
Email accounts are very easy to create for each account registration; but the use of your real location , ( your real "IP address"* ) , can sometimes be monitored by Forum Moderators. So using a VPN service is an advantage.
(*In very simplified terms: The "thing" enabling your access to the internet, ( the "box" connected to your telephone cable, or the thing in your favourite Coffee bar giving you free internet access), has an identifying number, the "IP address").

Working example. hide.me VPN and SoftEther and OpenVPN clients
A general explanation of using a VPN is of little practical use, since the organisation of internet and associated network systems within computers, in windows is an imprecise jumbled up mess. I will report on a practical working example from start to finish. The example will use the provider hide.me. They have a free and paid service which from the perspective of setting up a working system is similar.
I will cover the operating systems of XP, Vista, Windows 7 and windows 8.1.
In this example I will go for a middle complex solution. This will not use the high level simple to use software("hide.me App") , but will not go as far "down" as the use of the Operating systems built in way to do VPN tunnelling. Later posts will explore this more fundamental "deep down" way.
The initial solution will discuss in detail the use of two popular freely available "Client" software, which is a medium level solution: It finally gives a final "App" type icon which on double clicking brings up a user friendly interface interface , but which also requires some knowledge of operating systems internet control systems, both for the extra setting up steps needed after the initial Client software instillation, and in dealing with typical problems that often crop up.

02-08-2018, 12:53 AM
Some notes to be added to in preparation for a Tutorial Thread…

http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests/page4 http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests/page4

Introduction to "VPN"
Aka. In Forum posting, hide your identity so that the insane Moderators don't get ya!

Very broadly speaking, there are 3 main ways to do this "hiding"
_ a "low level" solution: In Windows you can set up VPN using existing operating system things, if you know what you are doing.
_ a "high level" solution: Download and install all encompassing "App". Then click the button to Hide yourself.
_ An intermediate solution, requiring some software, but also requiring some understanding of your operating system in order to get it working like a an "App"

Here I will look at the last option. Later I might try out the first option

VPN Tunnelling What are we talking about
By virtual private network (VPN), in very simplified terms, we are talking about here about making it seem to everyone, except very qualified and resourceful computer sources, as if the computer that you are using is somewhere else.
As often with these sort of things, the History helps to explain it in simple terms…. Originally large companies used a form of encoding to route their computers or terminals to a central large private computer ( Server ) over a public network, the internet. It effectively made it look like all computers came from the single main private source, where the main computer was.
The term tunnelling was used to explain the encoded link. That was the main use at that time. The fact that it made it look like all computers were where the main computer was, was a by product.
The basic idea was then used to allow single sources/ normal users to "hide" behind people or companies allowing such a link to their main computer / Server, or more commonly to a large number of Severs which they have access to. This is often referred to as a virtual private network tunnel or virtual private network tunnel (VPN tunnelling).
Microsoft allow a way to set up such a link using the various operating system Internet system controlling features along with a Microsoft developed encoding.
That could be considered as one fairly low level/fundamental way to do VPN tunnelling requiring some good computer knowledge and experience at the "low level" computing.
At the other extreme, companies offering the service via a number of Servers , will often provide their own software which is at a "high level". In other words, you download their software , install it, after which typically you have a desktop icon or Smart phone type "Icon/App" to double click on, after which a fairly obvious to use user friendly interface pops up.

VPN and forum posting
The psychiatric illnesses/ Metal obsessions with many senior Forum Members and Moderators will likely remain a problem for people posting in forums for several years to come. Their desires to support their illusions of having a job of responsibility / authority, shows itself in the attempt to punish or control Members, imposes restrictions, and other tedious Nursery school children type rules. They attempt to give the illusion of controlling individuals as a form of proxy their sub ordinates. Stronger identities , that is to say, more longer term posting allows the identification as such an "individual" easier. It is therefore advantageous to have the ability to post using multiple accounts. ( Forum owners, ( who generally accept the idiosyncrasies of the "controlling" members , since they work for free), both secretly encourage and at the same time publicly give the appearance of discouraging multiple accounts. This helps with "business", as the increased apparent real Membership number raises).
Email accounts are very easy to create for each account registration; but the use of your real location , ( your real "IP address"* ) , can sometimes be monitored by Forum Moderators. So using a VPN service is an advantage.
(*In very simplified terms: The "thing" enabling your access to the internet, ( the "box" connected to your telephone cable, or the thing in your favourite Coffee bar giving you free internet access), has an identifying number, the "IP address").

Working example. hide.me VPN and SoftEther and OpenVPN clients
A general explanation of using a VPN is of little practical use, since the organisation of internet and associated network systems within computers, in windows is an imprecise jumbled up mess. I will report on a practical working example from start to finish. The example will use the provider hide.me. They have a free and paid service which from the perspective of setting up a working system is similar.
I will cover the operating systems of XP, Vista, Windows 7 and windows 8.1.
In this example I will go for a middle complex solution. This will not use the high level simple to use software("hide.me App") , but will not go as far "down" as the use of the Operating systems built in way to do VPN tunnelling. Later posts will explore this more fundamental "deep down" way.
The initial solution will discuss in detail the use of two popular freely available "Client" software, which is a medium level solution: It finally gives a final "App" type icon which on double clicking brings up a user friendly interface interface , but which also requires some knowledge of operating systems internet control systems, both for the extra setting up steps needed after the initial Client software instillation, and in dealing with typical problems that often crop up.

02-08-2018, 12:53 AM
Some notes to be added to in preparation for a Tutorial Thread…

http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests/page4 http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests/page4

Introduction to "VPN"
Aka. In Forum posting, hide your identity so that the insane Moderators don't get ya!

Very broadly speaking, there are 3 main ways to do this "hiding"
_ a "low level" solution: In Windows you can set up VPN using existing operating system things, if you know what you are doing.
_ a "high level" solution: Download and install all encompassing "App". Then click the button to Hide yourself.
_ An intermediate solution, requiring some software, but also requiring some understanding of your operating system in order to get it working like a an "App"

Here I will look at the last option. Later I might try out the first option

VPN Tunnelling What are we talking about
By virtual private network (VPN), in very simplified terms, we are talking about here about making it seem to everyone, except very qualified and resourceful computer sources, as if the computer that you are using is somewhere else.
As often with these sort of things, the History helps to explain it in simple terms…. Originally large companies used a form of encoding to route their computers or terminals to a central large private computer ( Server ) over a public network, the internet. It effectively made it look like all computers came from the single main private source, where the main computer was.
The term tunnelling was used to explain the encoded link. That was the main use at that time. The fact that it made it look like all computers were where the main computer was, was a by product.
The basic idea was then used to allow single sources/ normal users to "hide" behind people or companies allowing such a link to their main computer / Server, or more commonly to a large number of Severs which they have access to. This is often referred to as a virtual private network tunnel or virtual private network tunnel (VPN tunnelling).
Microsoft allow a way to set up such a link using the various operating system Internet system controlling features along with a Microsoft developed encoding.
That could be considered as one fairly low level/fundamental way to do VPN tunnelling requiring some good computer knowledge and experience at the "low level" computing.
At the other extreme, companies offering the service via a number of Servers , will often provide their own software which is at a "high level". In other words, you download their software , install it, after which typically you have a desktop icon or Smart phone type "Icon/App" to double click on, after which a fairly obvious to use user friendly interface pops up.

VPN and forum posting
The psychiatric illnesses/ Metal obsessions with many senior Forum Members and Moderators will likely remain a problem for people posting in forums for several years to come. Their desires to support their illusions of having a job of responsibility / authority, shows itself in the attempt to punish or control Members, imposes restrictions, and other tedious Nursery school children type rules. They attempt to give the illusion of controlling individuals as a form of proxy their sub ordinates. Stronger identities , that is to say, more longer term posting allows the identification as such an "individual" easier. It is therefore advantageous to have the ability to post using multiple accounts. ( Forum owners, ( who generally accept the idiosyncrasies of the "controlling" members , since they work for free), both secretly encourage and at the same time publicly give the appearance of discouraging multiple accounts. This helps with "business", as the increased apparent real Membership number raises).
Email accounts are very easy to create for each account registration; but the use of your real location , ( your real "IP address"* ) , can sometimes be monitored by Forum Moderators. So using a VPN service is an advantage.
(*In very simplified terms: The "thing" enabling your access to the internet, ( the "box" connected to your telephone cable, or the thing in your favourite Coffee bar giving you free internet access), has an identifying number, the "IP address").

Working example. hide.me VPN and SoftEther and OpenVPN clients
A general explanation of using a VPN is of little practical use, since the organisation of internet and associated network systems within computers, in windows is an imprecise jumbled up mess. I will report on a practical working example from start to finish. The example will use the provider hide.me. They have a free and paid service which from the perspective of setting up a working system is similar.
I will cover the operating systems of XP, Vista, Windows 7 and windows 8.1.
In this example I will go for a middle complex solution. This will not use the high level simple to use software("hide.me App") , but will not go as far "down" as the use of the Operating systems built in way to do VPN tunnelling. Later posts will explore this more fundamental "deep down" way.
The initial solution will discuss in detail the use of two popular freely available "Client" software, which is a medium level solution: It finally gives a final "App" type icon which on double clicking brings up a user friendly interface interface , but which also requires some knowledge of operating systems internet control systems, both for the extra setting up steps needed after the initial Client software instillation, and in dealing with typical problems that often crop up.

02-08-2018, 12:53 AM
Some notes to be added to in preparation for a Tutorial Thread…

http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests/page4 http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests/page4

Introduction to "VPN"
Aka. In Forum posting, hide your identity so that the insane Moderators don't get ya!

Very broadly speaking, there are 3 main ways to do this "hiding"
_ a "low level" solution: In Windows you can set up VPN using existing operating system things, if you know what you are doing.
_ a "high level" solution: Download and install all encompassing "App". Then click the button to Hide yourself.
_ An intermediate solution, requiring some software, but also requiring some understanding of your operating system in order to get it working like a an "App"

Here I will look at the last option. Later I might try out the first option

VPN Tunnelling What are we talking about
By virtual private network (VPN), in very simplified terms, we are talking about here about making it seem to everyone, except very qualified and resourceful computer sources, as if the computer that you are using is somewhere else.
As often with these sort of things, the History helps to explain it in simple terms…. Originally large companies used a form of encoding to route their computers or terminals to a central large private computer ( Server ) over a public network, the internet. It effectively made it look like all computers came from the single main private source, where the main computer was.
The term tunnelling was used to explain the encoded link. That was the main use at that time. The fact that it made it look like all computers were where the main computer was, was a by product.
The basic idea was then used to allow single sources/ normal users to "hide" behind people or companies allowing such a link to their main computer / Server, or more commonly to a large number of Severs which they have access to. This is often referred to as a virtual private network tunnel or virtual private network tunnel (VPN tunnelling).
Microsoft allow a way to set up such a link using the various operating system Internet system controlling features along with a Microsoft developed encoding.
That could be considered as one fairly low level/fundamental way to do VPN tunnelling requiring some good computer knowledge and experience at the "low level" computing.
At the other extreme, companies offering the service via a number of Servers , will often provide their own software which is at a "high level". In other words, you download their software , install it, after which typically you have a desktop icon or Smart phone type "Icon/App" to double click on, after which a fairly obvious to use user friendly interface pops up.

VPN and forum posting
The psychiatric illnesses/ Metal obsessions with many senior Forum Members and Moderators will likely remain a problem for people posting in forums for several years to come. Their desires to support their illusions of having a job of responsibility / authority, shows itself in the attempt to punish or control Members, imposes restrictions, and other tedious Nursery school children type rules. They attempt to give the illusion of controlling individuals as a form of proxy their sub ordinates. Stronger identities , that is to say, more longer term posting allows the identification as such an "individual" easier. It is therefore advantageous to have the ability to post using multiple accounts. ( Forum owners, ( who generally accept the idiosyncrasies of the "controlling" members , since they work for free), both secretly encourage and at the same time publicly give the appearance of discouraging multiple accounts. This helps with "business", as the increased apparent real Membership number raises).
Email accounts are very easy to create for each account registration; but the use of your real location , ( your real "IP address"* ) , can sometimes be monitored by Forum Moderators. So using a VPN service is an advantage.
(*In very simplified terms: The "thing" enabling your access to the internet, ( the "box" connected to your telephone cable, or the thing in your favourite Coffee bar giving you free internet access), has an identifying number, the "IP address").

Working example. hide.me VPN and SoftEther and OpenVPN clients
A general explanation of using a VPN is of little practical use, since the organisation of internet and associated network systems within computers, in windows is an imprecise jumbled up mess. I will report on a practical working example from start to finish. The example will use the provider hide.me. They have a free and paid service which from the perspective of setting up a working system is similar.
I will cover the operating systems of XP, Vista, Windows 7 and windows 8.1.
In this example I will go for a middle complex solution. This will not use the high level simple to use software("hide.me App") , but will not go as far "down" as the use of the Operating systems built in way to do VPN tunnelling. Later posts will explore this more fundamental "deep down" way.
The initial solution will discuss in detail the use of two popular freely available "Client" software, which is a medium level solution: It finally gives a final "App" type icon which on double clicking brings up a user friendly interface interface , but which also requires some knowledge of operating systems internet control systems, both for the extra setting up steps needed after the initial Client software instillation, and in dealing with typical problems that often crop up.

02-12-2018, 08:38 PM
Clients. Getting the VPN to work. Setting up VPN Clients, SoftEther Client , and OpenVPN Client

Very broadly speaking, there are 3 main ways to do this VPN stuff
_ a “low level” solution: In Windows you can set up VPN using existing operating system things, if you know what you are doing.
_ a “high level” solution: Download and install all encompassing “App”. Then click the button to Hide yourself.
_ An intermediate solution, requiring some software, but also requiring some understanding of your operating system in order to get it working like a an “App”

Here I will look at the last option. Later I might try out the first option

In the context of things VPN, a Client is only loosely defined. It broadly is referring to the software part of the final VPN tunnelling solution that is on the users computer.
So we need to get at this software.
For the low level solution, it is hard to define a "Client", since the software is all or mostly already there, buried / integrated into the Internet parts of the controlling system/ operating system. Here we would be broadly referring to the control panel as the part of the operating system that we can influence. Within that are, amongst other things, various Internet sections and related Network sections. They are all imprecisely defined and organised. Hence giving a working solution example is preferable to a general discussion which would be of little practical use.
At the other, high level extreme, a simple to use “App”, such as that from hide.me for operating systems Windows 7 and higher ( https://hide.me/de/software/windows ) , would be referred to as their “own VPN Client-Software”

Getting the VPN to work
The software that we will be mostly using in the worked examples, is from two popular free sources, SoftEther and OpenVPN. Principally the software from those free sources is involved with VPN things. Specifically the software from them that we want either has the word Client somewhere in name of the files that we need, or is referred to loosely as their “Client software” or “VPN Client software”.
As we are at a “mid/intermediate level”, we will see that we have to have some knowledge of various parts of the control panel associated with Internet and Network.
Using the high level option such as the hide.me app, the solution would simply involve downloading and installing the app. After doing this, a simple to use , user friendly window then pops up after double clicking a desktop icon which appears after a successful instillation. Sometimes the pop up may come up when restarting the computer.
For the option of using SoftEther or OpenVPN, there are some extra steps to be taken after the client software is installed.

Recap: To remind us what we are doing
Lets just step back, and say again clearly what we are doing.
We will be looking at a way to do VPN. There are a few ways to do this. I am looking at the way that uses one of two popular freely available softwares. (Later I will look at OpenVPN)
The software’s basic function is to organise and encrypt what you send to and what you receive from, a Server elsewhere. It does that in such a way that the Server sends and receives as if it had sent itself from that Server: Think of it as you digging a tunnel from your house to the Server. Then you somehow make a connection possibility through various cables from your computer via the tunnel to the Server. You organise the connection such that you can both
use the server as a normal computer surfing the internet,
then send back what the Server receives from the internet to your computer via the connection in the tunnel.
The main reason usually for doing this is to effectively “hide” behind the server – You want everyone to think that you are using that server , rather than your own computer. (In this case, the remote Server is just acting as a computer for you, surfing the internet.)
SoftEther or OpenVPN could be thought of the thing that digs the tunnel and makes your connection, or rather gives you a switch to allow you to connect or disconnect to the remote Server as and when you choose to. ( Usually witjh such Client software, a final user friendly interface will allow you to connect or disconnect to different Servers situated at different remote locations around the real World ).
VPN has generally been around for some time, and there will be software in many Servers allowing this sort of connection to be made. Usually, once you have the Client software installed and/or organised , then only 3 further things are required to allow your chosen Client software to make use of such a connection, all of which you will usually receive from your VPN provider :
_ An internet address, ( one for each Server that you want to be able to connect to - ( Either the provider owns them or has some agreement with the owner to allow them/you to use them))
_ A Username
_ A Password
The last two may or may not be the same Password and Username which you use to create an account with a VPN provider. This will likely vary with provider.
For example,
_for the VPN provider hide.me , with the free service allows you to have one connection at any one time. Your account Password and Username is also used in this case to allow that one connection at any one time to any of the 5 servers available. For each server you will need an internet address:
For Netherlands - free-nl.hide.me
for Singapore -free-sg.hide.me
for Canada - free-ca.hide.me
for US free-us.hide.me
for US-East free-us-east.hide.me
for US-West free-us-west.hide.me
_ for the VPN provider hide.me with the paid ( premium ) service allows you to have up to 5 simultaneous VPN connections. In this case, you still use your normal account Password , but have a modified Username@devicetwo for each separate connection. These different passwords may be referred to as devices .

Most Clients, such as SoftEther VPN Client and OpenVPN Client will, once set up, allow you to have a user friendly interface from which you can select from a list of Servers. You will typically need to repeat a set of steps for each of the Servers you want to use. In Other words you need to repeat a set of steps to add them to the list in the user friendly interface from which you select your Server when you want to use VPN

Usually, if you use a providers own Client software, which is the “high level” solution for VPN, ( sometimes referred to as their Client “App” ) , then all their available Servers are effectively already set up in it, and the list to choose from is already there. To get your VPN up and running using such a solution , you need to do little more than download and install their “App”. Often their app will start each time you start your computer thereafter. Its use is fairly obvious.

We are looking at an intermediate level solution for VPN, so we need to do a bit of extra work after installing the Client software

02-12-2018, 08:38 PM
Clients. Getting the VPN to work. Setting up VPN Clients, SoftEther Client , and OpenVPN Client

Very broadly speaking, there are 3 main ways to do this VPN stuff
_ a “low level” solution: In Windows you can set up VPN using existing operating system things, if you know what you are doing.
_ a “high level” solution: Download and install all encompassing “App”. Then click the button to Hide yourself.
_ An intermediate solution, requiring some software, but also requiring some understanding of your operating system in order to get it working like a an “App”

Here I will look at the last option. Later I might try out the first option

In the context of things VPN, a Client is only loosely defined. It broadly is referring to the software part of the final VPN tunnelling solution that is on the users computer.
So we need to get at this software.
For the low level solution, it is hard to define a "Client", since the software is all or mostly already there, buried / integrated into the Internet parts of the controlling system/ operating system. Here we would be broadly referring to the control panel as the part of the operating system that we can influence. Within that are, amongst other things, various Internet sections and related Network sections. They are all imprecisely defined and organised. Hence giving a working solution example is preferable to a general discussion which would be of little practical use.
At the other, high level extreme, a simple to use “App”, such as that from hide.me for operating systems Windows 7 and higher ( https://hide.me/de/software/windows ) , would be referred to as their “own VPN Client-Software”

Getting the VPN to work
The software that we will be mostly using in the worked examples, is from two popular free sources, SoftEther and OpenVPN. Principally the software from those free sources is involved with VPN things. Specifically the software from them that we want either has the word Client somewhere in name of the files that we need, or is referred to loosely as their “Client software” or “VPN Client software”.
As we are at a “mid/intermediate level”, we will see that we have to have some knowledge of various parts of the control panel associated with Internet and Network.
Using the high level option such as the hide.me app, the solution would simply involve downloading and installing the app. After doing this, a simple to use , user friendly window then pops up after double clicking a desktop icon which appears after a successful instillation. Sometimes the pop up may come up when restarting the computer.
For the option of using SoftEther or OpenVPN, there are some extra steps to be taken after the client software is installed.

Recap: To remind us what we are doing
Lets just step back, and say again clearly what we are doing.
We will be looking at a way to do VPN. There are a few ways to do this. I am looking at the way that uses one of two popular freely available softwares. (Later I will look at OpenVPN)
The software’s basic function is to organise and encrypt what you send to and what you receive from, a Server elsewhere. It does that in such a way that the Server sends and receives as if it had sent itself from that Server: Think of it as you digging a tunnel from your house to the Server. Then you somehow make a connection possibility through various cables from your computer via the tunnel to the Server. You organise the connection such that you can both
use the server as a normal computer surfing the internet,
then send back what the Server receives from the internet to your computer via the connection in the tunnel.
The main reason usually for doing this is to effectively “hide” behind the server – You want everyone to think that you are using that server , rather than your own computer. (In this case, the remote Server is just acting as a computer for you, surfing the internet.)
SoftEther or OpenVPN could be thought of the thing that digs the tunnel and makes your connection, or rather gives you a switch to allow you to connect or disconnect to the remote Server as and when you choose to. ( Usually witjh such Client software, a final user friendly interface will allow you to connect or disconnect to different Servers situated at different remote locations around the real World ).
VPN has generally been around for some time, and there will be software in many Servers allowing this sort of connection to be made. Usually, once you have the Client software installed and/or organised , then only 3 further things are required to allow your chosen Client software to make use of such a connection, all of which you will usually receive from your VPN provider :
_ An internet address, ( one for each Server that you want to be able to connect to - ( Either the provider owns them or has some agreement with the owner to allow them/you to use them))
_ A Username
_ A Password
The last two may or may not be the same Password and Username which you use to create an account with a VPN provider. This will likely vary with provider.
For example,
_for the VPN provider hide.me , with the free service allows you to have one connection at any one time. Your account Password and Username is also used in this case to allow that one connection at any one time to any of the 5 servers available. For each server you will need an internet address:
For Netherlands - free-nl.hide.me
for Singapore -free-sg.hide.me
for Canada - free-ca.hide.me
for US free-us.hide.me
for US-East free-us-east.hide.me
for US-West free-us-west.hide.me
_ for the VPN provider hide.me with the paid ( premium ) service allows you to have up to 5 simultaneous VPN connections. In this case, you still use your normal account Password , but have a modified Username@devicetwo for each separate connection. These different passwords may be referred to as devices .

Most Clients, such as SoftEther VPN Client and OpenVPN Client will, once set up, allow you to have a user friendly interface from which you can select from a list of Servers. You will typically need to repeat a set of steps for each of the Servers you want to use. In Other words you need to repeat a set of steps to add them to the list in the user friendly interface from which you select your Server when you want to use VPN

Usually, if you use a providers own Client software, which is the “high level” solution for VPN, ( sometimes referred to as their Client “App” ) , then all their available Servers are effectively already set up in it, and the list to choose from is already there. To get your VPN up and running using such a solution , you need to do little more than download and install their “App”. Often their app will start each time you start your computer thereafter. Its use is fairly obvious.

We are looking at an intermediate level solution for VPN, so we need to do a bit of extra work after installing the Client software

02-12-2018, 08:38 PM
Clients. Getting the VPN to work. Setting up VPN Clients, SoftEther Client , and OpenVPN Client

Very broadly speaking, there are 3 main ways to do this VPN stuff
_ a “low level” solution: In Windows you can set up VPN using existing operating system things, if you know what you are doing.
_ a “high level” solution: Download and install all encompassing “App”. Then click the button to Hide yourself.
_ An intermediate solution, requiring some software, but also requiring some understanding of your operating system in order to get it working like a an “App”

Here I will look at the last option. Later I might try out the first option

In the context of things VPN, a Client is only loosely defined. It broadly is referring to the software part of the final VPN tunnelling solution that is on the users computer.
So we need to get at this software.
For the low level solution, it is hard to define a "Client", since the software is all or mostly already there, buried / integrated into the Internet parts of the controlling system/ operating system. Here we would be broadly referring to the control panel as the part of the operating system that we can influence. Within that are, amongst other things, various Internet sections and related Network sections. They are all imprecisely defined and organised. Hence giving a working solution example is preferable to a general discussion which would be of little practical use.
At the other, high level extreme, a simple to use “App”, such as that from hide.me for operating systems Windows 7 and higher ( https://hide.me/de/software/windows ) , would be referred to as their “own VPN Client-Software”

Getting the VPN to work
The software that we will be mostly using in the worked examples, is from two popular free sources, SoftEther and OpenVPN. Principally the software from those free sources is involved with VPN things. Specifically the software from them that we want either has the word Client somewhere in name of the files that we need, or is referred to loosely as their “Client software” or “VPN Client software”.
As we are at a “mid/intermediate level”, we will see that we have to have some knowledge of various parts of the control panel associated with Internet and Network.
Using the high level option such as the hide.me app, the solution would simply involve downloading and installing the app. After doing this, a simple to use , user friendly window then pops up after double clicking a desktop icon which appears after a successful instillation. Sometimes the pop up may come up when restarting the computer.
For the option of using SoftEther or OpenVPN, there are some extra steps to be taken after the client software is installed.

Recap: To remind us what we are doing
Lets just step back, and say again clearly what we are doing.
We will be looking at a way to do VPN. There are a few ways to do this. I am looking at the way that uses one of two popular freely available softwares. (Later I will look at OpenVPN)
The software’s basic function is to organise and encrypt what you send to and what you receive from, a Server elsewhere. It does that in such a way that the Server sends and receives as if it had sent itself from that Server: Think of it as you digging a tunnel from your house to the Server. Then you somehow make a connection possibility through various cables from your computer via the tunnel to the Server. You organise the connection such that you can both
use the server as a normal computer surfing the internet,
then send back what the Server receives from the internet to your computer via the connection in the tunnel.
The main reason usually for doing this is to effectively “hide” behind the server – You want everyone to think that you are using that server , rather than your own computer. (In this case, the remote Server is just acting as a computer for you, surfing the internet.)
SoftEther or OpenVPN could be thought of the thing that digs the tunnel and makes your connection, or rather gives you a switch to allow you to connect or disconnect to the remote Server as and when you choose to. ( Usually witjh such Client software, a final user friendly interface will allow you to connect or disconnect to different Servers situated at different remote locations around the real World ).
VPN has generally been around for some time, and there will be software in many Servers allowing this sort of connection to be made. Usually, once you have the Client software installed and/or organised , then only 3 further things are required to allow your chosen Client software to make use of such a connection, all of which you will usually receive from your VPN provider :
_ An internet address, ( one for each Server that you want to be able to connect to - ( Either the provider owns them or has some agreement with the owner to allow them/you to use them))
_ A Username
_ A Password
The last two may or may not be the same Password and Username which you use to create an account with a VPN provider. This will likely vary with provider.
For example,
_for the VPN provider hide.me , with the free service allows you to have one connection at any one time. Your account Password and Username is also used in this case to allow that one connection at any one time to any of the 5 servers available. For each server you will need an internet address:
For Netherlands - free-nl.hide.me
for Singapore -free-sg.hide.me
for Canada - free-ca.hide.me
for US free-us.hide.me
for US-East free-us-east.hide.me
for US-West free-us-west.hide.me
_ for the VPN provider hide.me with the paid ( premium ) service allows you to have up to 5 simultaneous VPN connections. In this case, you still use your normal account Password , but have a modified Username@devicetwo for each separate connection. These different passwords may be referred to as devices .

Most Clients, such as SoftEther VPN Client and OpenVPN Client will, once set up, allow you to have a user friendly interface from which you can select from a list of Servers. You will typically need to repeat a set of steps for each of the Servers you want to use. In Other words you need to repeat a set of steps to add them to the list in the user friendly interface from which you select your Server when you want to use VPN

Usually, if you use a providers own Client software, which is the “high level” solution for VPN, ( sometimes referred to as their Client “App” ) , then all their available Servers are effectively already set up in it, and the list to choose from is already there. To get your VPN up and running using such a solution , you need to do little more than download and install their “App”. Often their app will start each time you start your computer thereafter. Its use is fairly obvious.

We are looking at an intermediate level solution for VPN, so we need to do a bit of extra work after installing the Client software

02-12-2018, 08:38 PM
Clients. Getting the VPN to work. Setting up VPN Clients, SoftEther Client , and OpenVPN Client

Very broadly speaking, there are 3 main ways to do this VPN stuff
_ a “low level” solution: In Windows you can set up VPN using existing operating system things, if you know what you are doing.
_ a “high level” solution: Download and install all encompassing “App”. Then click the button to Hide yourself.
_ An intermediate solution, requiring some software, but also requiring some understanding of your operating system in order to get it working like a an “App”

Here I will look at the last option. Later I might try out the first option

In the context of things VPN, a Client is only loosely defined. It broadly is referring to the software part of the final VPN tunnelling solution that is on the users computer.
So we need to get at this software.
For the low level solution, it is hard to define a "Client", since the software is all or mostly already there, buried / integrated into the Internet parts of the controlling system/ operating system. Here we would be broadly referring to the control panel as the part of the operating system that we can influence. Within that are, amongst other things, various Internet sections and related Network sections. They are all imprecisely defined and organised. Hence giving a working solution example is preferable to a general discussion which would be of little practical use.
At the other, high level extreme, a simple to use “App”, such as that from hide.me for operating systems Windows 7 and higher ( https://hide.me/de/software/windows ) , would be referred to as their “own VPN Client-Software”

Getting the VPN to work
The software that we will be mostly using in the worked examples, is from two popular free sources, SoftEther and OpenVPN. Principally the software from those free sources is involved with VPN things. Specifically the software from them that we want either has the word Client somewhere in name of the files that we need, or is referred to loosely as their “Client software” or “VPN Client software”.
As we are at a “mid/intermediate level”, we will see that we have to have some knowledge of various parts of the control panel associated with Internet and Network.
Using the high level option such as the hide.me app, the solution would simply involve downloading and installing the app. After doing this, a simple to use , user friendly window then pops up after double clicking a desktop icon which appears after a successful instillation. Sometimes the pop up may come up when restarting the computer.
For the option of using SoftEther or OpenVPN, there are some extra steps to be taken after the client software is installed.

Recap: To remind us what we are doing
Lets just step back, and say again clearly what we are doing.
We will be looking at a way to do VPN. There are a few ways to do this. I am looking at the way that uses one of two popular freely available softwares. (Later I will look at OpenVPN)
The software’s basic function is to organise and encrypt what you send to and what you receive from, a Server elsewhere. It does that in such a way that the Server sends and receives as if it had sent itself from that Server: Think of it as you digging a tunnel from your house to the Server. Then you somehow make a connection possibility through various cables from your computer via the tunnel to the Server. You organise the connection such that you can both
use the server as a normal computer surfing the internet,
then send back what the Server receives from the internet to your computer via the connection in the tunnel.
The main reason usually for doing this is to effectively “hide” behind the server – You want everyone to think that you are using that server , rather than your own computer. (In this case, the remote Server is just acting as a computer for you, surfing the internet.)
SoftEther or OpenVPN could be thought of the thing that digs the tunnel and makes your connection, or rather gives you a switch to allow you to connect or disconnect to the remote Server as and when you choose to. ( Usually witjh such Client software, a final user friendly interface will allow you to connect or disconnect to different Servers situated at different remote locations around the real World ).
VPN has generally been around for some time, and there will be software in many Servers allowing this sort of connection to be made. Usually, once you have the Client software installed and/or organised , then only 3 further things are required to allow your chosen Client software to make use of such a connection, all of which you will usually receive from your VPN provider :
_ An internet address, ( one for each Server that you want to be able to connect to - ( Either the provider owns them or has some agreement with the owner to allow them/you to use them))
_ A Username
_ A Password
The last two may or may not be the same Password and Username which you use to create an account with a VPN provider. This will likely vary with provider.
For example,
_for the VPN provider hide.me , with the free service allows you to have one connection at any one time. Your account Password and Username is also used in this case to allow that one connection at any one time to any of the 5 servers available. For each server you will need an internet address:
For Netherlands - free-nl.hide.me
for Singapore -free-sg.hide.me
for Canada - free-ca.hide.me
for US free-us.hide.me
for US-East free-us-east.hide.me
for US-West free-us-west.hide.me
_ for the VPN provider hide.me with the paid ( premium ) service allows you to have up to 5 simultaneous VPN connections. In this case, you still use your normal account Password , but have a modified Username@devicetwo for each separate connection. These different passwords may be referred to as devices .

Most Clients, such as SoftEther VPN Client and OpenVPN Client will, once set up, allow you to have a user friendly interface from which you can select from a list of Servers. You will typically need to repeat a set of steps for each of the Servers you want to use. In Other words you need to repeat a set of steps to add them to the list in the user friendly interface from which you select your Server when you want to use VPN

Usually, if you use a providers own Client software, which is the “high level” solution for VPN, ( sometimes referred to as their Client “App” ) , then all their available Servers are effectively already set up in it, and the list to choose from is already there. To get your VPN up and running using such a solution , you need to do little more than download and install their “App”. Often their app will start each time you start your computer thereafter. Its use is fairly obvious.

We are looking at an intermediate level solution for VPN, so we need to do a bit of extra work after installing the Client software

02-12-2018, 08:38 PM
Clients. Getting the VPN to work. Setting up VPN Clients, SoftEther Client , and OpenVPN Client

Very broadly speaking, there are 3 main ways to do this VPN stuff
_ a “low level” solution: In Windows you can set up VPN using existing operating system things, if you know what you are doing.
_ a “high level” solution: Download and install all encompassing “App”. Then click the button to Hide yourself.
_ An intermediate solution, requiring some software, but also requiring some understanding of your operating system in order to get it working like a an “App”

Here I will look at the last option. Later I might try out the first option

In the context of things VPN, a Client is only loosely defined. It broadly is referring to the software part of the final VPN tunnelling solution that is on the users computer.
So we need to get at this software.
For the low level solution, it is hard to define a "Client", since the software is all or mostly already there, buried / integrated into the Internet parts of the controlling system/ operating system. Here we would be broadly referring to the control panel as the part of the operating system that we can influence. Within that are, amongst other things, various Internet sections and related Network sections. They are all imprecisely defined and organised. Hence giving a working solution example is preferable to a general discussion which would be of little practical use.
At the other, high level extreme, a simple to use “App”, such as that from hide.me for operating systems Windows 7 and higher ( https://hide.me/de/software/windows ) , would be referred to as their “own VPN Client-Software”

Getting the VPN to work
The software that we will be mostly using in the worked examples, is from two popular free sources, SoftEther and OpenVPN. Principally the software from those free sources is involved with VPN things. Specifically the software from them that we want either has the word Client somewhere in name of the files that we need, or is referred to loosely as their “Client software” or “VPN Client software”.
As we are at a “mid/intermediate level”, we will see that we have to have some knowledge of various parts of the control panel associated with Internet and Network.
Using the high level option such as the hide.me app, the solution would simply involve downloading and installing the app. After doing this, a simple to use , user friendly window then pops up after double clicking a desktop icon which appears after a successful instillation. Sometimes the pop up may come up when restarting the computer.
For the option of using SoftEther or OpenVPN, there are some extra steps to be taken after the client software is installed.

Recap: To remind us what we are doing
Lets just step back, and say again clearly what we are doing.
We will be looking at a way to do VPN. There are a few ways to do this. I am looking at the way that uses one of two popular freely available softwares. (Later I will look at OpenVPN)
The software’s basic function is to organise and encrypt what you send to and what you receive from, a Server elsewhere. It does that in such a way that the Server sends and receives as if it had sent itself from that Server: Think of it as you digging a tunnel from your house to the Server. Then you somehow make a connection possibility through various cables from your computer via the tunnel to the Server. You organise the connection such that you can both
use the server as a normal computer surfing the internet,
then send back what the Server receives from the internet to your computer via the connection in the tunnel.
The main reason usually for doing this is to effectively “hide” behind the server – You want everyone to think that you are using that server , rather than your own computer. (In this case, the remote Server is just acting as a computer for you, surfing the internet.)
SoftEther or OpenVPN could be thought of the thing that digs the tunnel and makes your connection, or rather gives you a switch to allow you to connect or disconnect to the remote Server as and when you choose to. ( Usually witjh such Client software, a final user friendly interface will allow you to connect or disconnect to different Servers situated at different remote locations around the real World ).
VPN has generally been around for some time, and there will be software in many Servers allowing this sort of connection to be made. Usually, once you have the Client software installed and/or organised , then only 3 further things are required to allow your chosen Client software to make use of such a connection, all of which you will usually receive from your VPN provider :
_ An internet address, ( one for each Server that you want to be able to connect to - ( Either the provider owns them or has some agreement with the owner to allow them/you to use them))
_ A Username
_ A Password
The last two may or may not be the same Password and Username which you use to create an account with a VPN provider. This will likely vary with provider.
For example,
_for the VPN provider hide.me , with the free service allows you to have one connection at any one time. Your account Password and Username is also used in this case to allow that one connection at any one time to any of the 5 servers available. For each server you will need an internet address:
For Netherlands - free-nl.hide.me
for Singapore -free-sg.hide.me
for Canada - free-ca.hide.me
for US free-us.hide.me
for US-East free-us-east.hide.me
for US-West free-us-west.hide.me
_ for the VPN provider hide.me with the paid ( premium ) service allows you to have up to 5 simultaneous VPN connections. In this case, you still use your normal account Password , but have a modified Username@devicetwo for each separate connection. These different passwords may be referred to as devices .

Most Clients, such as SoftEther VPN Client and OpenVPN Client will, once set up, allow you to have a user friendly interface from which you can select from a list of Servers. You will typically need to repeat a set of steps for each of the Servers you want to use. In Other words you need to repeat a set of steps to add them to the list in the user friendly interface from which you select your Server when you want to use VPN

Usually, if you use a providers own Client software, which is the “high level” solution for VPN, ( sometimes referred to as their Client “App” ) , then all their available Servers are effectively already set up in it, and the list to choose from is already there. To get your VPN up and running using such a solution , you need to do little more than download and install their “App”. Often their app will start each time you start your computer thereafter. Its use is fairly obvious.

We are looking at an intermediate level solution for VPN, so we need to do a bit of extra work after installing the Client software

02-12-2018, 08:38 PM
Clients. Getting the VPN to work. Setting up VPN Clients, SoftEther Client , and OpenVPN Client

Very broadly speaking, there are 3 main ways to do this VPN stuff
_ a “low level” solution: In Windows you can set up VPN using existing operating system things, if you know what you are doing.
_ a “high level” solution: Download and install all encompassing “App”. Then click the button to Hide yourself.
_ An intermediate solution, requiring some software, but also requiring some understanding of your operating system in order to get it working like a an “App”

Here I will look at the last option. Later I might try out the first option

In the context of things VPN, a Client is only loosely defined. It broadly is referring to the software part of the final VPN tunnelling solution that is on the users computer.
So we need to get at this software.
For the low level solution, it is hard to define a "Client", since the software is all or mostly already there, buried / integrated into the Internet parts of the controlling system/ operating system. Here we would be broadly referring to the control panel as the part of the operating system that we can influence. Within that are, amongst other things, various Internet sections and related Network sections. They are all imprecisely defined and organised. Hence giving a working solution example is preferable to a general discussion which would be of little practical use.
At the other, high level extreme, a simple to use “App”, such as that from hide.me for operating systems Windows 7 and higher ( https://hide.me/de/software/windows ) , would be referred to as their “own VPN Client-Software”

Getting the VPN to work
The software that we will be mostly using in the worked examples, is from two popular free sources, SoftEther and OpenVPN. Principally the software from those free sources is involved with VPN things. Specifically the software from them that we want either has the word Client somewhere in name of the files that we need, or is referred to loosely as their “Client software” or “VPN Client software”.
As we are at a “mid/intermediate level”, we will see that we have to have some knowledge of various parts of the control panel associated with Internet and Network.
Using the high level option such as the hide.me app, the solution would simply involve downloading and installing the app. After doing this, a simple to use , user friendly window then pops up after double clicking a desktop icon which appears after a successful instillation. Sometimes the pop up may come up when restarting the computer.
For the option of using SoftEther or OpenVPN, there are some extra steps to be taken after the client software is installed.

Recap: To remind us what we are doing
Lets just step back, and say again clearly what we are doing.
We will be looking at a way to do VPN. There are a few ways to do this. I am looking at the way that uses one of two popular freely available softwares. (Later I will look at OpenVPN)
The software’s basic function is to organise and encrypt what you send to and what you receive from, a Server elsewhere. It does that in such a way that the Server sends and receives as if it had sent itself from that Server: Think of it as you digging a tunnel from your house to the Server. Then you somehow make a connection possibility through various cables from your computer via the tunnel to the Server. You organise the connection such that you can both
use the server as a normal computer surfing the internet,
then send back what the Server receives from the internet to your computer via the connection in the tunnel.
The main reason usually for doing this is to effectively “hide” behind the server – You want everyone to think that you are using that server , rather than your own computer. (In this case, the remote Server is just acting as a computer for you, surfing the internet.)
SoftEther or OpenVPN could be thought of the thing that digs the tunnel and makes your connection, or rather gives you a switch to allow you to connect or disconnect to the remote Server as and when you choose to. ( Usually witjh such Client software, a final user friendly interface will allow you to connect or disconnect to different Servers situated at different remote locations around the real World ).
VPN has generally been around for some time, and there will be software in many Servers allowing this sort of connection to be made. Usually, once you have the Client software installed and/or organised , then only 3 further things are required to allow your chosen Client software to make use of such a connection, all of which you will usually receive from your VPN provider :
_ An internet address, ( one for each Server that you want to be able to connect to - ( Either the provider owns them or has some agreement with the owner to allow them/you to use them))
_ A Username
_ A Password
The last two may or may not be the same Password and Username which you use to create an account with a VPN provider. This will likely vary with provider.
For example,
_for the VPN provider hide.me , with the free service allows you to have one connection at any one time. Your account Password and Username is also used in this case to allow that one connection at any one time to any of the 5 servers available. For each server you will need an internet address:
For Netherlands - free-nl.hide.me
for Singapore -free-sg.hide.me
for Canada - free-ca.hide.me
for US free-us.hide.me
for US-East free-us-east.hide.me
for US-West free-us-west.hide.me
_ for the VPN provider hide.me with the paid ( premium ) service allows you to have up to 5 simultaneous VPN connections. In this case, you still use your normal account Password , but have a modified Username@devicetwo for each separate connection. These different passwords may be referred to as devices .

Most Clients, such as SoftEther VPN Client and OpenVPN Client will, once set up, allow you to have a user friendly interface from which you can select from a list of Servers. You will typically need to repeat a set of steps for each of the Servers you want to use. In Other words you need to repeat a set of steps to add them to the list in the user friendly interface from which you select your Server when you want to use VPN

Usually, if you use a providers own Client software, which is the “high level” solution for VPN, ( sometimes referred to as their Client “App” ) , then all their available Servers are effectively already set up in it, and the list to choose from is already there. To get your VPN up and running using such a solution , you need to do little more than download and install their “App”. Often their app will start each time you start your computer thereafter. Its use is fairly obvious.

We are looking at an intermediate level solution for VPN, so we need to do a bit of extra work after installing the Client software

02-12-2018, 08:38 PM
Some notes to be added to in preparation for a Tutorial Thread…

http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests/page4 http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests/page4
https://excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests/page6 https://excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests/page6

Introduction to “VPN”
Aka. In Forum posting, hide your identity so that the insane Moderators don’t get ya!

Very broadly speaking, there are 3 main ways to do this “hiding”
_ a “low level” solution: In Windows you can set up VPN using existing operating system things, if you know what you are doing.
_ a “high level” solution: Download and install all encompassing “App”. Then click the button to Hide yourself.
_ An intermediate solution, requiring some software, but also requiring some understanding of your operating system in order to get it working like a an “App”

Here I will look at the last option. Later I might try out the first option

VPN Tunnelling…. What are we talking about here
By virtual private network (VPN), in very simplified terms, we are talking here about making it seem to everyone, except very qualified and resourceful computer sources, as if the computer that you are using is somewhere else.
As often with these sort of things, the History helps to explain it in simple terms…. Originally large companies used a form of encoding to route their computers or terminals to a central large private computer ( Server ) over a public network, the internet. It effectively made it look like all computers came from the single main private source, where the main computer was.
The term tunnelling was used to explain the encoded link. That was the main use at that time. The fact that it made it look like all computers were where the main computer was, was a by product.
The basic idea was then used to allow single sources/ normal users to “hide” behind people or companies allowing such a link to their main computer / Server, or more commonly to a large number of Severs which they have access to. This is often referred to as a virtual private network tunnel or virtual private network tunnel (VPN tunnelling).
Microsoft allow a way to set up such a link using the various operating system Internet system controlling features along with a Microsoft developed encoding.
That could be considered as one fairly low level/fundamental way to do VPN tunnelling requiring some good computer knowledge and experience at the “low level” computing.
At the other extreme, companies offering the service via a number of Servers , will often provide their own software which is at a “high level”. In other words, you download their software , install it, after which typically you have a desktop icon or Smart phone type “Icon/App” to double click on, after which a fairly obvious to use user friendly interface pops up.

VPN and forum posting
The psychiatric illnesses/ Metal obsessions with many senior Forum Members and Moderators will likely remain a problem for people posting in forums for several years to come. Their desires to support their illusions of having a job of responsibility / authority, shows itself in the attempt to punish or control Members, imposes restrictions, and other tedious Nursery school children type rules. They attempt to give the illusion of controlling individuals as a form of proxy their sub ordinates.
Stronger identities , that is to say, more longer term posting allows the identification as such an “individual” easier. It is therefore advantageous to have the ability to post using multiple accounts. ( Forum owners, ( who generally accept the idiosyncrasies of the “controlling” members , since they work for free), both secretly encourage and at the same time publicly give the appearance of discouraging multiple accounts. This helps with ”business”, as the increased apparent real Membership number raises).
Email accounts are very easy to create for each account registration; but the use of your real location , ( your real “IP address”* ) , can sometimes be monitored by Forum Moderators. So using a VPN service is an advantage.
(*In very simplified terms: The “thing” enabling your access to the internet, ( the “box” connected to your telephone cable, or the thing in your favourite Coffee bar giving you free internet access), has an identifying number, the “IP address”).

Working example. hide.me VPN and SoftEther and OpenVPN clients
A general explanation of using a VPN is of little practical use, since the organisation of internet and associated network systems within computers, in windows is an imprecise jumbled up mess. I will report on a practical working example from start to finish. The example will use the provider hide.me. They have a free and paid service which from the perspective of setting up a working system is similar.
I will cover the operating systems of XP, Vista, Windows 7 and windows 8.1.
In this example I will go for a middle complex solution. This will not use the high level simple to use software(“hide.me App”) , but will not go as far “down” as the use of the Operating systems built in way to do VPN tunnelling. Later posts will explore this more fundamental “deep down” way.
The initial solution will discuss in detail the use of two popular freely available “Client” software, which is a medium level solution: It finally gives a final “App” type icon which on double clicking brings up a user friendly interface interface , but which also requires some knowledge of operating systems internet control systems, both for the extra setting up steps needed after the initial Client software instillation, and in dealing with typical problems that often crop up.

02-17-2018, 05:06 PM
Clients. Getting the VPN to work. Setting up VPN Clients, SoftEther Client , and OpenVPN Client

Very broadly speaking, there are 3 main ways to do this VPN stuff
_ a “low level” solution: In Windows you can set up VPN using existing operating system things, if you know what you are doing.
_ a “high level” solution: Download and install all encompassing “App”. Then click the button to Hide yourself.
_ An intermediate solution, requiring some software, but also requiring some understanding of your operating system in order to get it working like a an “App”

Here I will look at the last option. Later I might try out the first option

In the context of things VPN, a Client is only loosely defined. It broadly is referring to the software part of the final VPN tunnelling solution that is on the users computer.
So we need to get at this software.
For the low level solution, it is hard to define a "Client", since the software is all or mostly already there, buried / integrated into the Internet parts of the controlling system/ operating system. Here we would be broadly referring to the control panel as the part of the operating system that we can influence. Within that are, amongst other things, various Internet sections and related Network sections. They are all imprecisely defined and organised. Hence giving a working solution example is preferable to a general discussion which would be of little practical use.
At the other, high level extreme, a simple to use “App”, such as that from hide.me for operating systems Windows 7 and higher ( https://hide.me/de/software/windows ) , would be referred to as their “own VPN Client-Software”

Getting the VPN to work
The software that we will be mostly using in the worked examples, is from two popular free sources, SoftEther and OpenVPN. Principally the software from those free sources is involved with VPN things. Specifically the software from them that we want either has the word Client somewhere in name of the files that we need, or is referred to loosely as their “Client software” or “VPN Client software”.
As we are at a “mid/intermediate level”, we will see that we have to have some knowledge of various parts of the control panel associated with Internet and Network.
Using the high level option such as the hide.me app, the solution would simply involve downloading and installing the app. After doing this, a simple to use , user friendly window then pops up after double clicking a desktop icon which appears after a successful instillation. Sometimes the pop up may come up when restarting the computer.
For the option of using SoftEther or OpenVPN, there are some extra steps to be taken after the client software is installed.

Recap: To remind us what we are doing
Lets just step back, and say again clearly what we are doing.
We will be looking at a way to do VPN. There are a few ways to do this. I am looking at the way that uses one of two popular freely available softwares. (Later I will look at OpenVPN)
The software’s basic function is to organise and encrypt what you send to and what you receive from, a Server elsewhere. It does that in such a way that the Server sends and receives as if it had sent itself from that Server: Think of it as you digging a tunnel from your house to the Server. Then you somehow make a connection possibility through various cables from your computer via the tunnel to the Server. You organise the connection such that you can both
use the server as a normal computer surfing the internet,
then send back what the Server receives from the internet to your computer via the connection in the tunnel.
The main reason usually for doing this is to effectively “hide” behind the server – You want everyone to think that you are using that server , rather than your own computer. (In this case, the remote Server is just acting as a computer for you, surfing the internet.)
SoftEther or OpenVPN could be thought of the thing that digs the tunnel and makes your connection, or rather gives you a switch to allow you to connect or disconnect to the remote Server as and when you choose to. ( Usually witjh such Client software, a final user friendly interface will allow you to connect or disconnect to different Servers situated at different remote locations around the real World ).
VPN has generally been around for some time, and there will be software in many Servers allowing this sort of connection to be made. Usually, once you have the Client software installed and/or organised , then only 3 further things are required to allow your chosen Client software to make use of such a connection, all of which you will usually receive from your VPN provider :
_ An internet address, ( one for each Server that you want to be able to connect to - ( Either the provider owns them or has some agreement with the owner to allow them/you to use them))
_ A Username
_ A Password
The last two may or may not be the same Password and Username which you use to create an account with a VPN provider. This will likely vary with provider.
For example,
_for the VPN provider hide.me , with the free service allows you to have one connection at any one time. Your account Password and Username is also used in this case to allow that one connection at any one time to any of the 5 servers available. For each server you will need an internet address:
For Netherlands - free-nl.hide.me
for Singapore -free-sg.hide.me
for Canada - free-ca.hide.me
for US free-us.hide.me
for US-East free-us-east.hide.me
for US-West free-us-west.hide.me
_ for the VPN provider hide.me with the paid ( premium ) service allows you to have up to 5 simultaneous VPN connections. In this case, you still use your normal account Password , but have a modified Username@devicetwo for each separate connection. These different passwords may be referred to as devices .

Most Clients, such as SoftEther VPN Client and OpenVPN Client will, once set up, allow you to have a user friendly interface from which you can select from a list of Servers. You will typically need to repeat a set of steps for each of the Servers you want to use. In Other words you need to repeat a set of steps to add them to the list in the user friendly interface from which you select your Server when you want to use VPN

Usually, if you use a providers own Client software, which is the “high level” solution for VPN, ( sometimes referred to as their Client “App” ) , then all their available Servers are effectively already set up in it, and the list to choose from is already there. To get your VPN up and running using such a solution , you need to do little more than download and install their “App”. Often their app will start each time you start your computer thereafter. Its use is fairly obvious.

We are looking at an intermediate level solution for VPN, so we need to do a bit of extra work after installing the Client software

02-17-2018, 05:06 PM
Setting up VPN Clients, SoftEther Client , and OpenVPN Client
Installing Client software
There are many good step by step explanations on the internet for setting up SoftEther and OpenVPN Clients, for example,
https://hide.me/de/vpnsetup/windowsvista/softether/ , https://hide.me/de/vpnsetup/windowsxp/softether/
https://hide.me/de/vpnsetup/windowsvista/openvpn/ , https://hide.me/de/vpnsetup/windowsxp/openvpn/

You may find other guides on the internet, such as various YouTube tutorials

The start point is usually downloading the client Software. This can be a weak point in some of the available explanations: Referenced links may not exist or may have changed their format.
In addition, the working of different versions may be influenced by various operating system versions and/ or things may be effected by which Microsoft updates you have installed.
I am giving a working example in my explanations, so I will give and discuss the specific software that I used, and which finally lead to a working VPN.
I will update this section as I try out different versions.

.exe files to install Clients
XP Vista Windows7 Windows8.1
'softether-vpnclient-v4.30-9696-beta-2019.07.08-windows-x86_x64-intel.exe' https://app.box.com/s/got5jknov33p9x8ky8951d0dhxc0hac1
The above .exe File may not run on some Vista Computers. This alternative may work in those cases:
'softether-vpnclient-v4.22-9634-beta-2016.11.27-windows-x86_x64-intel.exe' https://app.box.com/s/nj2rk76riakcpyg280fax35nmb7jev1q
Windows7 Windows8.1
'openvpn-install-2.4.7-I607-Win7.exe' https://app.box.com/s/bdlwnoan9f3a3re0ajs3x5mfoo4ibfud
XP Vista
'openvpn-install-2.3.18-I001-i686.exe' https://app.box.com/s/wykxqmh0c4wi9o2upoipzbo5z32zt16z
Note: In many literature it is suggested that the recent versions of the OpenVPN Connect Client are designed to function on Windows Vista, 7, 8, and Windows 10. In the practice , for Vista I have found that recent versions do not work, but the build given as still available for XP seems to work also for Vista. (The problem on Vista for the recent versions seems to be that a required "Tap adaptor" is not installed correctly. More on this on the detailed notes on the instillations).

Choose a Server provider / register an account
In the next posts a detailed discussion of the instillation and further steps necessary are discussed. In the course of this some details will be required of the Server that you are using. You will need to typically register an account with a VPN provider. This will be your choice, and there are many providers giving a paid and / or free service. Usually the initial registration is free and does not commit you to pay anything
You need to get yourself informed , and then maybe register with a few providers and possibly try their free service if they have one and possibly consider taking out a free trial period of a paid service. But this is your choice and responsibility. Be careful of trial periods where you have to give money up front, with a promise of returned money if you choose not to finally go with that provider**.
My recent experience and testing was not extensive. I tried the free account with hide.me whilst also trying out and looking at a few other providers, but I did not have time to look all other providers. I got good support, which has also continued after I paid for the premium service. I am happy to pay for a good service. But that is just personal choice.
One advantage of the hide.me option is that the free service the paid one works similarly, requiring the same Client software, and other steps if required are also similar, as is the case with using the SoftEther and OpenVPN way. So you can get your systems working before deciding if you want to part with any money. ( I was also given free use of their paid service, for a trial period. But this I think is decided on individual cases. My guess is that anyone appearing genuinely possibly interested with the paid service would be offered this trial period. Many others ask for money upfront, and there are reports of difficulty in getting that money back at the end of such a trial period**)

I recommend starting with SoftEther: It is slightly easier to install than OpenVPN, and usually requires less information from your provider.

02-17-2018, 05:06 PM

02-17-2018, 05:06 PM

02-17-2018, 05:06 PM

02-17-2018, 05:06 PM

02-17-2018, 05:06 PM

02-17-2018, 05:06 PM

03-18-2018, 04:01 PM

03-18-2018, 04:01 PM
Setting up Soft Ether ( XP)
I recommend starting with SoftEther: It is slightly easier to install than OpenVPN, and usually requires less information from your provider.

The explanations assume that you have registered an account with hide.me.
But if you are using a different provider, only the steps related to your Username, Password and finding Host Name at your registered account will usually be different ( UsernamePasswordHostname.jpg : https://imgur.com/fXtxVWM , https://imgur.com/zMZmqit , https://imgur.com/7huFyW2 , https://imgur.com/rXWYAyz )

Some tips before starting
_1) Set up just 1 – 2 Servers initially.
After the initial instillation, some steps need to be repeated for each Server that you want to connect to in order to “hide behind” it. You finally have a list of Servers to choose from.
It is advisable to just initially try out the software with 1 – 2 Servers closest to your actual location. In the early testing and learning how to adjust various settings, you may well likely encounter problems , some of which may require a de instillation and re instillation of software. After re installation you will need to repeat those steps.
So until you have a good understanding and stable running VPN system it may be advisable not to make many connections. 1-2 are enough to test out the system, and you would otherwise possibly need to repeat work unnecessarily.
_2) Make a list of all or some of you internet providers Server internet addresses. Along with your Username and Password you will need this info at various stages.

Setting up Soft Ether
The initial step is usually to download the SoftEther .exe file and open / run it which will guide you through installing the SoftEther Client.

I have used these successfully:
softether-vpnclient-v4.30-9696-beta-2019.07.08-windows-x86_x64-intel.exe Build 4.30.9696 : https://app.box.com/s/got5jknov33p9x8ky8951d0dhxc0hac1 :
softether-vpnclient-v4.19-9605-beta-2016.03.06-windows-x86_x64-intel.exe : https://app.box.com/s/nj2rk76riakcpyg280fax35nmb7jev1q

The instillation is fairly typical and self explanatory. Any of the suggested tutorials show the steps.

_2) Network connection organisation in Windows.
_2a) Network connections.
A basic understanding of Network connections in modern computers is very useful when using and setting up VPN since many issues and problems are associated with these things.
The true inner workings of Microsoft Windows may in the meantime not be understood anymore by anyone. Physical connections and actual connector ports, whether physical connection or the arial/antenna for a connection such as WLAN, are all combined deep in the low level software.
An attempt is made in the control panel software to give some organisation of this in a User friendly interface, the Network Connections console, https://imgur.com/sKLn3eb
_2b) Make a desktop icon for quick access of the Network Connections console.
You will likely frequently want to access this when first getting VPN up and running. It is a bit hidden amongst similar consoles, so you will save yourself sometime if you make a desktop icon link so as to get quickly at it.
To do this in xp: ( The exact steps may be slightly different on different XP versions )
Via Control Panel --- Control Connections navigation
(left) mouse click on the Microsoft Start button bottom left, and navigate to Control panel , https://imgur.com/sOpJ6ms , https://imgur.com/udmq5Fa , https://imgur.com/laCEZuo
use the command window way : To get that command window :
Hit the Microsoft Key + r, then type in cmd followed by OK https://imgur.com/sMOSbte
Then type in control , followed by Enter

Once you are in the Control Panel and have the list of available consoles, https://imgur.com/laCEZuo , then first left mouse click on Network Connections, then right mouse click on the Network Connections and select the option to make a quick access link https://imgur.com/BwktnNi
After this, a desktop icon should appear: https://imgur.com/4uDNTdr
_2b(ii) Using Desktop --- New – Link . To do this:
Right mouse click anywhere on a spare space on the desktop, and select from the options in the pop up, new --- link : https://imgur.com/S4zTU6g
Another pop up should come up. First type in ncpa.cpl , https://imgur.com/khfMD4P , then in the next window you can give it any name you like, such as Network Connections, https://imgur.com/n2Z1toj .
After this, a desktop icon should appear: https://imgur.com/xXTOJkL

2c) Network Adaptors.
2c)(i) What are they
Typically, each way you have to connect with the internet or other networks, will be represented by a separate thing in the Network Control Console. (You can select typically from 5 different ways to view these by selecting from a drop down list in the top toolbar of the Network Control Console window, https://imgur.com/sHRZuA2 )
The name given for these things are like Tap / and or adaptor or Network adaptor or Virtual Network Adaptor. These names are approximately consistent with an attempt to represent these virtual things with what might be there real life equivalent in the absence of computers.
Often when you install a VPN Client on your computer, it will install its own adaptor: It is the thing which allows you to connect some thing to your computer. It will somehow contain various settings, adjustments, encoding, transitions etc…

As example of typical adaptor views on one of my XP computers, here are two views of the Network Control Console showing 5 things, 4 of which are similar
https://imgur.com/5BcWHDi , https://imgur.com/sfu8wzx
At this stage the computer has no VPN client software installed
These adaptor things basically allow access to all the settings and information required to make work the particular connection that is representing/referring to.
These adaptors can be set up from scratch , but that would require a lot of low level Computer Network knowledge. Usually they are created automatically when either software is installed, or by physically connecting things to a computer.
In the example from the last screenshots, the last 2 of the 4 similar things were already on the computer as I purchased it second hand. I am not sure what actual thing and/ or process is that they represent. The first two represent my house “Router”, which is the “box” which is connected to my telephone line and somehow along with those 2 adaptors provides me with internet. I never had anything to do with making them appear: I expect somehow they were automatically made the first time I tried to use internet on my computer. The first , which was in use as I made those screenshots allows use via WLAN. The second would allow connection via a LAN RJ45 type cable, and would typically start working if I physically connected such a LAN RJ45 type cable between the router and my computer.
If now I connect a USB Internet “Dongle” stick to my computer, then I notice that another adaptor appears: https://imgur.com/bKC2Jgi

C2c)(ii) States of Network adaptors.
As with some computer things, the “On” and “Off” states are not always clear, and a source of confusion.
_ You could consider “On running” or “On in use” as when the adaptor is actually in use. This will usually be indicated by
the absence of a red cross on the device in some of the picture type views,
in some of the list views as “connected”.
Note that this will usually , but not always , mean that it is doing what you would regard as “working” and giving you, for example, a working internet.
Occasionally this “On” state might be referred to as active and enabled, but that is a bit confusing considering the next state:
_ Another state is usually referred to as Enabled or Activated. This could be regarded as ready for use and likely to start running easily.
_ A final state is known as something like Disabled or Deactivated. An adaptor may be disabled/deactivated by right-clicking on it in the Network Control Console window and selecting Disable/Deactivate. Disabling the device will automatically disconnect any connection to that device.

Deactivating and reactivating an adaptor may loose some information held by it, or loose and then replace information. The latter can be a form of resetting which occasionally solves strange problems with a connection, and note that this might not always be the same adaptor which caused the problem. More on that later when discussing typical problems.

C2c)(iii) Adaptor Properties.
Right-clicking on an adapter in the Network Control Console window and choosing Properties will bring up the more advanced properties of network connections and adapters.
You will likely need to access that occasionally when getting familiar with VPN things: Instillation of the SoftEther Client software will typically create an adaptor. That Adaptor will “take over” control and be the “On running” connection when you choose to use the SoftEther VPN. It may also effect other adaptor settings. Checking properties of adaptors can often help in solving problems with VPN stuff. Once again, you may need to check an adaptor other than the VPN adaptor to solve strange unexpected problems in either VPN stuff, or problems in your normal non VPN internet, which occur after you have been doing VPN stuff.

Config files : http://www.frostvpn.com/clients/knowledgebase/79/NEW-OpenVPN-configuration-files-and-usage.html

03-20-2018, 04:09 PM

03-20-2018, 04:09 PM

03-22-2018, 01:29 PM
Notes in support of these Threads

03-22-2018, 01:29 PM
Problems with SoftEtherVPN on a computer with operating system Windows XP

Problems with SoftEther connections in XP and work arounds
_1) Endless prompt to log in by first use of a connection.
Usually the first attempt to make a connection leads to an endless repeating prompt to give your Password , https://imgur.com/1TG4SV6 , https://imgur.com/KYOOtBo
If this occurs, which in XP usually does, then you will have to wait for approximately a day. Usually after this, the problem is gone.
_2) 10 minute settling down time
Once you have got rid of Problem _1) , then usually connections do then appear to be successful. But almost always they break , disconnect and reconnect automatically a few times. It always best to ignore this for about 10 minutes , after which it settles down and the connection I usually stable.
_3) Time out error.
If you have not made any attempts at a VPN SoftEther connection on your XP computer for a few days then you may have a working internet after the initial settling down period.
Otherwise you will usually get a Time out error, https://imgur.com/bLwfPqc , https://imgur.com/POQx7OF , https://imgur.com/5VVrVsX
This means, that, although you may appear to have a successful connection, you find that internet does not work. You typically get a time-out error, https://imgur.com/bLwfPqc , https://imgur.com/POQx7OF , https://imgur.com/5VVrVsX

I made many experiments with different computers , and always experience these connectivity problems with SoftEther on XP devices.

So far, the best workaround which will most likely get you a connection and a working internet is the following:

_3a) Either
De activate and re activate the Network connector for your typically working non VPN Internet .
Restart your computer

( After doing this, wait until you have a normal working internet ( without VPN )

_3b) Make a connection to a Server, via the SoftEther VPN Client Manager , https://imgur.com/ZnnEdSm

_3c) Wait approximately 10 minutes

_3d) if you now have the time out error in internet then..
_3d)(i) Bring up the black command window,
( using keyboard Keys: [MicrosoftSymbol] + [ r ] , then type cmd , then hit OK ) https://imgur.com/62pUXTh
_3d)(ii) Type the following 4 commands, fairly quickly
ipconfig /release Enter
ipconfig/ renew Enter
ipconfig /release Enter
ipconfig/ renew Enter
https://imgur.com/juzxT3C , https://imgur.com/9bP3hGw

Often, after a long time period of a working connection, the time-out problem may suddenly occur. This will often occur when a connection breaks and re connects automatically
Occasionally, you may find that the double
ipconfig/ release Enter
ipconfig /renew Enter pair of 3d) , without the 3a)-3c) , will recover this situation of a connection with internet time out error.

Occasionally, no work around will get you a working connection. There seems to be some mechanism/s, known or unknown, in place which reduce the likelihood of a successful connection by increased attempts a connection. So if you are beginning to have problems with a connection, then you can slip into a vicious circle if you try more and more.
If you do not easily get a connection in the first 15 minutes, then it is best to give up for a day or so on that particular computer with SoftEther.
If you need to be able to reliably get a connection via VPN at an time, then I would suggest that you should have a minimum of two computers available with at least two independent methods for getting a connection on each computer.

_4) Problem with your normal ( non VPN ) internet, most likely caused by a current or recent VPN connection.
You may hit a problem like this: You appear to have a typical situation which is known to you as your typical working system/Router/WLAN connection, etc., with a routinely healthy looking connection to your normal internet. This is the usual situation which almost always for you results in a working internet. ( For example: This is a typical indication of a healthy Internet WLAN connection which usually results in a working internet for me: )
However, in such a situation a computer may untypically give an error suggesting that there is no internet connection. (You may or may not at this time be able to get a working VPN connection on that computer, and most likely other computers, if you have them, may have a working internet as typically expected.
This may be the cause of the problem:
At some point the VPN software has required to fix temporarily some values in your internet source, which are usually set at dynamic/non fixed . Usually the VPN would reset to the typical dynamic/non fixed at some point. Occasionally this resetting may have not taken place.
For example.
Get the Network Connections Console up, as described in previous sections. Here is an example of one of my xp computers: https://imgur.com/bb2hYZJ
Right mouse click on the representation of your internet, in my example the WLAN connection to my house Router: https://imgur.com/89KZoYs
After Right mouse clicking, select Properties in the List of options which should have come up.
Look in the list for things of the IP and / or TCP nature. Most likely there will be one for something like Internetprotokoll TCP/IP, https://imgur.com/yahJIAQ , which is currently ticked
Left mouse click on the text to the right of the ticked box.
Then click on the Properties button. Selecting the Properties button should bring up a second Window. Typically you will see in such a window radio buttons selected which indicate of some form of automated selection, https://imgur.com/1GaOgcK
( If this Properties button is grayed out, then you may need to disable/deactivate the connection, or possibly close something else. A pop up might advise you on what action should be taken, when initially you left mouse clicked on the representation of your internet in the Network Connections Console.
If , instead of automatic options selected, you see something like this: https://imgur.com/r071G6X , then this is likely the cause of your strange internet problem.
If you change the settings to automatic, them typically your internet will immediately start working as normal.


03-22-2018, 01:29 PM
Notes in support of these Threads

03-23-2018, 12:48 PM
Further notes to XP SoftEther problems....

Automating fixes and investigations in XP

Information as text string, programmatically obtaining
In addition to time saving, advantages of automating the fixes discussed allow for more consistent results, since it was apparent from initial investigations that the timing at which commands such as ipconfig /release and ipconfig/ renew where typed manually seemed to have an effect.

It turns out that automating off theses commands via VBA is very simple, in principle a single code line does the main action http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=33775#p261628
of doing the command, and additionally storing the contents displayed as a result of the command, into a text file

Further manipulation of the text file information
Using VBA lends itself to bringing the data into a convenient form into Excel such as in columns for ease of comparing.
When doing this manually, some untidy behavior was sometimes seen, such as extra unnecessary blank lines and information spilling into adjoining columns. So some initial investigation into the actual build up of the text file is useful.
The complete text in a text file, or a column in Excel , is actually just a single long text string. The different “lines” of text as we perceive it is made possible by the inclusion “invisible characters” of the so called “line feed” and / or “carriage return” form. If we analyze typical strings in detail then this will help us in deciding how to manipulate them in order to get consistent / tidy results
We need to first produce a simple long text string, which we can then analyze, for example using this coding: http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2302-quot-What%E2%80%99s-in-a-String-quot-VBA-break-down-Loop-through-character-contents-of-a-string
The following macro example, will give us the required complete string for ipconfig /all in variable strIPcon

Sub cmdconsoleContentsToString()
Shell "cmd.exe /c ""ipconfig /all > """ & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ipconfig__all.txt"""""
' Get the entire text file as a string
Dim FileNum As Long: Let FileNum = FreeFile(1) '
Dim PathAndFileName As String, strIPcon As String
Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ipconfig__all.txt"
Open PathAndFileName For Binary As #FileNum 'Open Route to data. Binary is a fundemental type data input...
strIPcon = VBA.Strings.Space$(LOF(FileNum)) '....and wot recives it hs to be a string of exactly the right length
Get #FileNum, , strIPcon
Close #FileNum
' Analyse string
Call WtchaGot(strIn:=strIPcon)
End Sub
( Sub WtchaGot(ByVal strIn As String) can be found here : http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2302-quot-What%E2%80%99s-in-a-String-quot-VBA-break-down-Loop-through-character-contents-of-a-string?p=10946&viewfull=1#post10946

The results from Sub WtchaGot( ) can be used in analyzing the text format given out by the command prompt code live.

Alternatively, if you already have the results in a text file, then you use the same basic coding without the initial commend prompt code line. You will need to know the file name and location of the text file.

Sub StringContentsFromTextfile()
' Get the entire text file as a string
Dim FileNum As Long: Let FileNum = FreeFile(1) '
Dim PathAndFileName As String, strIPcon As String
Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\test1B"
Open PathAndFileName For Binary As #FileNum 'Open Route to data. Binary is a fundemental type data input...
strIPcon = VBA.Strings.Space$(LOF(FileNum)) '....and wot recives it hs to be a string of exactly the right length
Get #FileNum, , strIPcon
Close #FileNum
' Analyse string
Call WtchaGot(strIn:=strIPcon)
End Sub

Some Examples:
When trying to compare some similar measurements for Vista and XP operating systems, two annoying characteristics were noticed
_ In XP there seemed to be extra lines, XP Extra Blank Lines.JPG : https://imgur.com/flm1pjQ

Looking at the first part of a typical Vista output from Sub WtchaG( ) , we see this First Part of Typical Vista Output ipconfig all.JPG , https://imgur.com/Zxkyxkq

vbCr & vbLf & "Windows" & "-" & "IP" & "-" & "Konfiguration" & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & " " & " " & " " & "Hostname" & " " & "…………..
Comparing that with a similarly generated text in XP we see this First Part of Typical XP Output ipconfig all.JPG : https://imgur.com/nXtTeQH

vbCr & vbCr & vbLf & "Windows" & "-" & "IP" & "-" & "Konfiguration" & vbCr & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbCr & vbLf & " " & " " & " " & " " & " " & " " & " " & " " & "Hostname" & "."…………….
Clearly we see in the XP output a doubling of vbCr where we might more typically see a single vbCr
We can use a simple VBA code line to easily replace double occurrences of vbCr with a single vbCr

_ Spilling into neighboring columns when pasted into Excel
Another annoyance shows up as contents spilling into neighboring columns when pasted into Excel : XP Spilling into neighboring columns.JPG : https://imgur.com/8aWq5uj
Examining parts of the offending string, we see that there are some occurrences of vbTab, XP Spilling into neighboring columns due to vbTab.JPG :
…………" & " " & " " & "192" & "." & "168" & "." & "2" & "." & "105" & vbTab & " " & " " & "25" & vbCr & vbLf………..
In sinple text, vbTab is used as a sort of ordered positioning separation by empty spaces. Unfortunately , VBA uses them to indicate a cell vertical wall.
To overcome this problem we can use a simple VBA code line to easily replace occurrences of vbTab with a few empty spaces.

A final code to tidy the text given, by a command such as ipconfig /all , would have this form:

Sub cmdconsoleContentsToStringTidy() ' http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests?p=11568&viewfull=1#post11568
Shell "cmd.exe /c ""ipconfig /all > """ & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ipconfig__all.txt"""""
' Get the entire text file as a string
Dim FileNum As Long: Let FileNum = FreeFile(1) '
Dim PathAndFileName As String, strIPcon As String
Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ipconfig__all.txt"
Open PathAndFileName For Binary As #FileNum 'Open Route to data. Binary is a fundemental type data input...
strIPcon = VBA.Strings.Space$(LOF(FileNum)) '....and wot recives it hs to be a string of exactly the right length
Get #FileNum, , strIPcon
Close #FileNum
' Tidy the string
Let strIPcon = Replace(strIPcon, vbCr & vbCr, vbCr, 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
Let strIPcon = Replace(strIPcon, vbTab, " ", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
End Sub


03-23-2018, 12:48 PM
Further notes to XP SoftEther problems....

Automating fixes and investigations in XP
Bringing results into Excel File
It is convenient to bring the text results into an excel column.
Manually we do this by simply pasting into a single cell: Because the text string has already got a degree of formatting into lines via the vbCr & vbLf s , this is recognized by Excl, since excel also uses the convention of vbCr & vbLf as the line separator or, as Excel sees it, as a horizontal cell wall border.
So we simply need to add a few code lines to put the text string into the clipboard, and then paste into a convenient cell in Excel.
( A few probllems were encountered when adding some extra information. These are the subject of some other forum posts, for example: https://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=33834 )

Sub cmdconsoleContentsToExcel() ' http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests?p=11569&viewfull=1#post11569
Shell "cmd.exe /c ""ipconfig /all > """ & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ipconfig__all.txt"""""
' Get the entire text file as a string
Dim FileNum As Long: Let FileNum = FreeFile(1) '
Dim PathAndFileName As String, strIPcon As String
Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ipconfig__all.txt"
' Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\test2B.txt" ' Al
Open PathAndFileName For Binary As #FileNum 'Open Route to data. Binary is a fundemental type data input...
strIPcon = VBA.Strings.Space$(LOF(FileNum)) '....and wot recives it hs to be a string of exactly the right length
Get #FileNum, , strIPcon
Close #FileNum
' Tidy the string
Let strIPcon = Replace(strIPcon, vbCr & vbCr, vbCr, 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
Let strIPcon = Replace(strIPcon, vbTab, " ", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
' add any extra info to string
Let strIPcon = vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & """" & Format(Now, "DD MMM YYYY") & " " & vbLf & " " & Format(Now, "hh mm ss") & """" & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & strIPcon ' vbLf is recognised as a new line within an Excel"
' String content check
' Call WtchaGot(strIPcon)
' put the text in the clipboard
Dim objDataObject As Object: Set objDataObject = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
objDataObject.SetText strIPcon: objDataObject.PutInClipboard

' Excel Worksheet
Dim Ws As Worksheet: Set Ws = ActiveSheet
Dim Clm As Range, NxtClm As Long
Set Clm = Ws.Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=Ws.Range("A1"), LookAt:=xlPart, LookIn:=xlFormulas, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=False)
If Clm Is Nothing Then
Let NxtClm = 1
Let NxtClm = Clm.Column + 1
End If
' Put in next free column in Active sheet
Ws.Paste Destination:=Ws.Cells.Item(1, NxtClm)
Ws.Columns.AutoFit: Ws.Rows.AutoFit

End Sub

The next coding has a section to add the results obtained in the command window for the command route print

Sub ipconfigall_routeprint() '
Rem 1 ipconfig /all
Shell "cmd.exe /c ""ipconfig /all > """ & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ipconfig__all.txt"""""
' Get the entire text file as a string
Dim FileNum As Long: Let FileNum = FreeFile(1) '
Dim PathAndFileName As String, strIPcon As String
Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ipconfig__all.txt"
' Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\test2B.txt" ' Al
Open PathAndFileName For Binary As #FileNum 'Open Route to data. Binary is a fundemental type data input...
strIPcon = VBA.Strings.Space$(LOF(FileNum)) '....and wot recives it hs to be a string of exactly the right length
Get #FileNum, , strIPcon
Close #FileNum
' Tidy the string
Let strIPcon = Replace(strIPcon, vbCr & vbCr, vbCr, 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
Let strIPcon = Replace(strIPcon, vbTab, " ", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
' add any extra info to string
Let strIPcon = vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & """" & Format(Now, "DD MMM YYYY") & " " & vbLf & " " & Format(Now, "hh mm ss") & """" & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & strIPcon ' vbLf is recognised as a new line within an Excel"
' String content check
' Call WtchaGot(strIPcon)
' put the text in the clipboard
Dim objDataObject As Object: Set objDataObject = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
objDataObject.SetText strIPcon: objDataObject.PutInClipboard

' Excel Worksheet
Dim Ws As Worksheet: Set Ws = ActiveSheet
Dim Clm As Range, NxtClm As Long
Set Clm = Ws.Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=Ws.Range("A1"), LookAt:=xlPart, LookIn:=xlFormulas, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=False)
If Clm Is Nothing Then
Let NxtClm = 1
Let NxtClm = Clm.Column + 1
End If
' Put in next free column in Active sheet
Ws.Paste Destination:=Ws.Cells.Item(1, NxtClm)
' Ws.Columns.AutoFit: Ws.Rows.AutoFit

Rem 2 route print
Shell "cmd.exe /c ""route print > """ & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\route_print.txt"""""
' Get the entire text file as a string
Let FileNum = FreeFile(1) '
Dim strrouteprint As String
Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\route_print.txt"
' Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\test2B.txt" ' Al
Open PathAndFileName For Binary As #FileNum 'Open Route to data. Binary is a fundemental type data input...
strrouteprint = VBA.Strings.Space$(LOF(FileNum)) '....and wot recives it hs to be a string of exactly the right length
Get #FileNum, , strrouteprint
Close #FileNum
' Tidy the string
Let strrouteprint = Replace(strrouteprint, vbCr & vbCr, vbCr, 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
Let strrouteprint = Replace(strrouteprint, vbTab, " ", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
' put the text in the clipboard
objDataObject.SetText strrouteprint: objDataObject.PutInClipboard
' Excel Worksheet
Dim Lr As Long: Let Lr = Ws.Cells(Ws.Rows.Count, NxtClm).End(xlUp).Row
' Put in next free column in Active sheet
Ws.Paste Destination:=Ws.Cells.Item(Lr + 30, NxtClm)
Ws.Columns.AutoFit: Ws.Rows.AutoFit

End Sub

Typically , ipconfig/ all and route print are done together to get information concerning a connection.
A code version here, http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2345-Appendix-Thread-(-Codes-for-other-Threads-HTML-Tables-etc-)?p=11834&viewfull=1#post11834 , combines the two macros and the two sets of info is pasted out to the same column, with the and route print info under the ipconfig/ all info.
In addition the coding calls some Functions which give some extra information , such IP address, computer name. Details to those Functions is given here : http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests?p=11672&viewfull=1#post11672


03-23-2018, 12:48 PM
Further notes to XP SoftEther problems....

Other useful command prompt commands when experimenting with VPN are ipconfig /release and ipconfig /renew

Here is are a pair of macros to give a similar Excel column output for the commands are ipconfig /release and ipconfig /renew

Sub ipconfig_release() '
Rem 1 ipconfig /all
Shell "cmd.exe /c ""ipconfig /release > """ & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ipconfig_release.txt"""""
' Get the entire text file as a string
Dim FileNum As Long: Let FileNum = FreeFile(1) ' ' The "highway/ street/ link" to be built to transport the text will be given a number. It must be unique. So we use for convenience, the Freefile function: it returns an integer that represents the next file number that the Open statement can use. The optional argument for the range number is a variant that is used to specify a range from which the next free file number is returned. Enter a value of data type 0 (default) to return a file number in the range 1 - 255 inclusive. Enter 1 to return a file number in the range 256 - 511. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/language/reference/user-interface-help/freefile-function . Note also : Use file numbers in the range 1-255, inclusive, for files not accessible to other applications. Use file numbers in the range 256-511 for files accessible from other applications
Dim PathAndFileName As String, strIPcon As String
Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ipconfig_release.txt"
' Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\test2B.txt" ' Al
Open PathAndFileName For Binary As #FileNum 'Open Route to data. Binary is a fundemental type data input...
strIPcon = VBA.Strings.Space$(LOF(FileNum)) '....and wot recives it hs to be a string of exactly the right length
Get #FileNum, , strIPcon
Close #FileNum
' Tidy the string
Let strIPcon = Replace(strIPcon, vbCr & vbCr, vbCr, 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
Let strIPcon = Replace(strIPcon, vbTab, " ", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
' add any extra info to string
Dim PublicIP As String: Call PubicIP(PublicIP)
Let strIPcon = "ipconfig /release " & vbCr & vbLf & ComputerName & vbCr & vbLf & GetIpAddrTable & vbCr & vbLf & PublicIP & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & """" & Format(Now, "DD MMM YYYY") & " " & vbLf & " " & Format(Now, "hh mm ss") & """" & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & strIPcon ' vbLf is recognised as a new line within an Excel"
' String content check
' Call WtchaGot(strIPcon)
' put the text in the clipboard
Dim objDataObject As Object: Set objDataObject = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
objDataObject.SetText strIPcon: objDataObject.PutInClipboard

' Excel Worksheet
Dim Ws As Worksheet: Set Ws = ActiveSheet
Dim Clm As Range, NxtClm As Long
Set Clm = Ws.Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=Ws.Range("A1"), LookAt:=xlPart, LookIn:=xlFormulas, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=False)
If Clm Is Nothing Then
Let NxtClm = 2
Let NxtClm = Clm.Column + 1
End If
' Put in next free column in Active sheet
Ws.Paste Destination:=Ws.Cells.Item(1, NxtClm)
Ws.Columns.AutoFit: Ws.Rows.AutoFit
Ws.Cells.Item(1, NxtClm).Select

End Sub

Sub ipconfig_renew() '
Rem 1 ipconfig /all
Shell "cmd.exe /c ""ipconfig /renew > """ & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ipconfig_renew.txt"""""
' Get the entire text file as a string
Dim FileNum As Long: Let FileNum = FreeFile(1) ' ' The "highway/ street/ link" to be built to transport the text will be given a number. It must be unique. So we use for convenience, the Freefile function: it returns an integer that represents the next file number that the Open statement can use. The optional argument for the range number is a variant that is used to specify a range from which the next free file number is returned. Enter a value of data type 0 (default) to return a file number in the range 1 - 255 inclusive. Enter 1 to return a file number in the range 256 - 511. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/language/reference/user-interface-help/freefile-function . Note also : Use file numbers in the range 1-255, inclusive, for files not accessible to other applications. Use file numbers in the range 256-511 for files accessible from other applications
Dim PathAndFileName As String, strIPcon As String
Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ipconfig_renew.txt"
' Let PathAndFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\test2B.txt" ' Al
Open PathAndFileName For Binary As #FileNum 'Open Route to data. Binary is a fundemental type data input...
strIPcon = VBA.Strings.Space$(LOF(FileNum)) '....and wot recives it hs to be a string of exactly the right length
Get #FileNum, , strIPcon
Close #FileNum
' Tidy the string
Let strIPcon = Replace(strIPcon, vbCr & vbCr, vbCr, 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
Let strIPcon = Replace(strIPcon, vbTab, " ", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
' add any extra info to string
Dim PublicIP As String: Call PubicIP(PublicIP)
Let strIPcon = "ipconfig /renew " & vbCr & vbLf & ComputerName & vbCr & vbLf & GetIpAddrTable & vbCr & vbLf & PublicIP & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & """" & Format(Now, "DD MMM YYYY") & " " & vbLf & " " & Format(Now, "hh mm ss") & """" & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & strIPcon ' vbLf is recognised as a new line within an Excel"
' String content check
' Call WtchaGot(strIPcon)
' put the text in the clipboard
Dim objDataObject As Object: Set objDataObject = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
objDataObject.SetText strIPcon: objDataObject.PutInClipboard

' Excel Worksheet
Dim Ws As Worksheet: Set Ws = ActiveSheet
Dim Clm As Range, NxtClm As Long
Set Clm = Ws.Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=Ws.Range("A1"), LookAt:=xlPart, LookIn:=xlFormulas, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=False)
If Clm Is Nothing Then
Let NxtClm = 2
Let NxtClm = Clm.Column + 1
End If
' Put in next free column in Active sheet
Ws.Paste Destination:=Ws.Cells.Item(1, NxtClm)
Ws.Columns.AutoFit: Ws.Rows.AutoFit
Ws.Cells.Item(1, NxtClm).Select

End Sub

03-24-2018, 02:17 PM
Automating command prompt combinations

There are two main reasons for the automating of command prompts and associated coding which we have been discussing. One is the obvious time advantage compared with doing the commands manually.

A second important advantage is in consistency of results, since the specific time at which some commands were done were seen to effect the results.

It is easy to Call any combinations of the Functions , along with wait periods in between. Simple macros of this form can be written , Calling on the Functions which we have already developed.

Option Explicit
' ' https://www.myonlinetraininghub.com/pausing-or-delaying-vba-using-wait-sleep-or-a-loop
#If VBA7 Then ' Excel 2010 or later
Public Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Milliseconds As LongPtr)
#Else ' Excel 2007 or earlier
Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal Milliseconds As Long)
#End If
' '_

' Calls
Sub Calls2()
Call ipconfig_release
Call Sleep(500)
Call ipconfigall_routeprint(" after rel in single rel ren pair")
Call ipconfig_renew
Call Sleep(500)
Call ipconfigall_routeprint(" after ren of single rel ren pair")
End Sub

We can further use either buttons or event coding to trigger conveniently various coding combinations.

The uploaded file is an initial file version which I am currently using to do some experimenting with XP and SoftEther.

I will probably develop this further and edit this post accordingly.

“Test ipconfig XP.xls” https://app.box.com/s/hk3cl2sp9nmmyigcun71w54vn38xi6zq

03-24-2018, 02:17 PM
Problems with Automated Command prompts with VBA

Problems with Automated Command prompts with VBA
Problems uncounted in the execution of such coding is often difficult to debug, since often the code lines do not error. Often when problems occur, the commends are simply not done, but the VBA coding continues further.

One problem already noted is the presence of spaces in path strings. Care has to be taken in the correct syntax in the use of quotes, " , to overcome this problem

Another strange problem I once experienced , was that the command prompt coding lines were not working on one particular XP computer. I finally tracked the problem down to a point _ . _ in the computer name. Once I removed this point _ . _ all was well.
( I could not repeat the experiment, as any attempts to change the name to include a point _ . _ , were not allowed….. This particulate computer I did not have from new . I don’t know how a point was made in the computer name)

Change Computer name in XP : https://www.watchingthenet.com/how-to-change-your-computer-name-in-windows-xp-or-vista.html

03-24-2018, 02:17 PM
Some notes in support of these Threads

03-24-2018, 02:49 PM
VPN and IP Addresses
Some of the initial investigations into testing VPN and in looking at problems showed that it was useful to be able to monitor various IP addresses.
The main (Public) address, as already discussed, ( http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests?p=11597&viewfull=1#post11597 ) , is of course important to know . There is also a “local host”, which more typically is set to the same number for everyone, ( ). This is a number which conventionally is used to allow direct access to network aspects of your computer which might otherwise be accessed externally in some way or another. A characteristic of VPN software is that it manipulate your computer in a way such that, amongst other things , this number will change to the internal address used at your VPN provider to identify you within their system. It is part of the trickery in the Client software, that you “looking at yourself” gets manipulated into looking somewhere else. The provider in some ways is then in control of your computer allowing them to give the impression that your computer is physically somewhere else: Part of your computer “Soul” is with them.

Public address
Manually this is achieved typically by visiting various sites that provide you with this information. The automated way still needs to use such sites. The reason for this is that you need to be able to get the information by accessing yourself in the way that another computer connected to the internet “gets at you”. Part of this process involves obtaining your public address as you communicate initially with them. We could scrap any site offering the service and pick out the IP address information.
We can simplify the coding to do this by accessing a site available which only gives the IP information, and which shows as the website that you “see” just that IP address number.
So for example if you type in your browser URL bar, http://myip.dnsomatic.com/ , then all you will see is the IP address. You will even see only that if you are in Google Chrome Browser and right click and view the Page Source
Page Source myip dnsomatic .JPG : https://imgur.com/uceUKE4

This information will be the entire .responseText received back. In normal scrapping coding you might feed this supplied text string into an object model software which allows you to then pick out using OOP type techniques what you want. If we use the site http://myip.dnsomatic.com/ , we don’t need to take that extra step, and can simply view the entire .responseText , as this is the exact info we want.

( I found that sometimes the first one or few attemps did not work in the next coding, but almost always after a few attemopts it worked. So the recursion technique is used to call the Function a few times , if necerssary )

Option Explicit
Sub TestPubicIP()
Dim strIP As String
Call PubicIP(strIP)
MsgBox prompt:=strIP
'Call WtchaGot(strIP)
End Sub
' Because we have ByRef PublicIP , the is effectively taking the variable strIP into the function, and similarly in the recursion Call line that variable is taken. Hopefull in one of the 5 attepts at running the Function it will be filled.. We don't actually fill the pseudo variable PubicIP so no value is returned directly by the Function. (So we could have used a Sub()routine instead) To get a returned value we look at the value in strIP after runing the routine , because , as said, hopefully that particular variable will have been added to
Function PubicIP(ByRef PublicIP As String, Optional ByVal Tries As Long) As String
If Tries = 5 Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo Bed
With CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp")
.Open "GET", "http://myip.dnsomatic.com", True ' 'just preparing the request type, how and what type... "The True/False argument of the HTTP Request is the Asynchronous mode flag. If set False then control is immediately returns to VBA after Send is executed. If set True then control is returned to VBA after the server has sent back a response.
'No extra info here for type GET
'.setRequestHeader bstrheader:="Ploppy", bstrvalue:="Poo"
.setRequestHeader bstrheader:="If-Modified-Since", bstrvalue:="Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT" ' https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=9554 --- It will caching the contents of the URL page. Which means if you request the same URL more than once, you always get the same responseText even the website changes text every time. This line is a workaround : Set cache related headers.
.send ' varBody:= ' No extra info for type GET. .send actually makes the request
While .readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Wend ' Allow other processes to run while the web page loads. Think this is part of the True option
Dim PageSrc As String: Let PageSrc = .responseText ' Save the HTML code in the (Global) variable. ': Range("P1").Value = PageSrc 'For me for a print out copy to text file etc. The responseText property returns the information requested by the Open method as a text string
End With
Let PublicIP = PageSrc: ' Debug.Print PubicIP
'Call WtchaGot(PubicIP)
If PublicIP = "" Then Call PubicIP(PublicIP, Tries + 1) ' Recursion Call line. I do this because sometines it seems to need more than one try before it works
Exit Function
Let PubicIP = Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description: Debug.Print PubicIP
End Function

As an alternative , I have below a similar coding. It gets the page source from another site which shows your IP address. I found when looking at the page source in Google Chrome, that I could see the IP address conveniently showing between two simple text lines :
Page Source whatismyipaddress_com .JPG : https://imgur.com/LSvORAe

To VBA ( or most computer things), that text looks like a long string, and at that point we can imagine that it looks to the computer like any one of these 3 representations
……. ipt -->" & vbLf & "87" & "." & "101" & "." & "95" & "." & "204" & vbLf & "<!—do not scr……..
…….ipt --> vbLf vbLf <!—do not scr ………….

…….ipt --> vbLf vbLf
<!—do not scr ………….

We apply some simple VBA strings manipulation techniques to extract just the IP address number

Sub TestPubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com()
Dim strIP As String
Let strIP = PubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com
MsgBox prompt:=strIP
End Sub
Function PubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com() As String
On Error GoTo Bed
With CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp")
.Open "GET", "https://whatismyipaddress.com/de/meine-ip", False ' 'just preparing the request type, how and what type... "The True/False argument of the HTTP Request is the Asynchronous mode flag. If set False then control is immediately returns to VBA after Send is executed. If set True then control is returned to VBA after the server has sent back a response.
'No extra info here for type GET
'.setRequestHeader bstrheader:="Ploppy", bstrvalue:="Poo"
.setRequestHeader bstrheader:="If-Modified-Since", bstrvalue:="Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT" ' https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=9554 --- It will caching the contents of the URL page. Which means if you request the same URL more than once, you always get the same responseText even the website changes text every time. This line is a workaround : Set cache related headers.
.send ' varBody:= ' No extra info for type GET. .send actually makes the request
While .READYSTATE <> 4: DoEvents: Wend ' Allow other processes to run while the web page loads. Think this is part of the True option
Dim PageSrc As String: Let PageSrc = .responsetext ' Save the HTML code in the (Global) variable. ': Range("P1").Value = PageSrc 'For me for a print out copy to text file etc. The responseText property returns the information requested by the Open method as a text string
End With
Let PubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com = PageSrc: ' Debug.Print PubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com
Dim IPadres As String, posIPadres1 As Long, posIPadres2 As Long
Let posIPadres1 = InStr(1, PageSrc, "<!-- do not script -->", vbBinaryCompare) ' Screenshot ---> Page Source whatismyipaddress_com .JPG : https://imgur.com/LSvORAe
Let posIPadres2 = InStr(posIPadres1 + 1, PageSrc, "<!-- do not script -->", vbBinaryCompare)
Let PubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com = Mid(PageSrc, posIPadres1 + 23, ((posIPadres2 - 1) - (posIPadres1 + 23)))
Call WtchaGot(PubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com)
Exit Function
Let PubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com = Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description: Debug.Print PubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com
End Function

Local Host address and computer name in the next post

03-24-2018, 02:49 PM
VPN and IP Addresses
Some of the initial investigations into testing VPN and in looking at problems showed that it was useful to be able to monitor various IP addresses.
The main (Public) address, as already discussed, ( http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests?p=11597&viewfull=1#post11597 ) , is of course important to know . There is also a “local host”, which more typically is set to the same number for everyone, ( ). This is a number which conventionally is used to allow direct access to network aspects of your computer which might otherwise be accessed externally in some way or another. A characteristic of VPN software is that it manipulate your computer in a way such that, amongst other things , this number will change to the internal address used at your VPN provider to identify you within their system. It is part of the trickery in the Client software, that you “looking at yourself” gets manipulated into looking somewhere else. The provider in some ways is then in control of your computer allowing them to give the impression that your computer is physically somewhere else: Part of your computer “Soul” is with them.

Public address
Manually this is achieved typically by visiting various sites that provide you with this information. The automated way still needs to use such sites. The reason for this is that you need to be able to get the information by accessing yourself in the way that another computer connected to the internet “gets at you”. Part of this process involves obtaining your public address as you communicate initially with them. We could scrap any site offering the service and pick out the IP address information.
We can simplify the coding to do this by accessing a site available which only gives the IP information, and which shows as the website that you “see” just that IP address number.
So for example if you type in your browser URL bar, http://myip.dnsomatic.com/ , then all you will see is the IP address. You will even see only that if you are in Google Chrome Browser and right click and view the Page Source
Page Source myip dnsomatic .JPG : https://imgur.com/uceUKE4

This information will be the entire .responseText received back. In normal scrapping coding you might feed this supplied text string into an object model software which allows you to then pick out using OOP type techniques what you want. If we use the site http://myip.dnsomatic.com/ , we don’t need to take that extra step, and can simply view the entire .responseText , as this is the exact info we want.

( I found that sometimes the first one or few attemps did not work in the next coding, but almost always after a few attemopts it worked. So the recursion technique is used to call the Function a few times , if necerssary )

Option Explicit
Sub TestPubicIP()
Dim strIP As String
Call PubicIP(strIP)
MsgBox prompt:=strIP
'Call WtchaGot(strIP)
End Sub
' Because we have ByRef PublicIP , the is effectively taking the variable strIP into the function, and similarly in the recursion Call line that variable is taken. Hopefull in one of the 5 attepts at running the Function it will be filled.. We don't actually fill the pseudo variable PubicIP so no value is returned directly by the Function. (So we could have used a Sub()routine instead) To get a returned value we look at the value in strIP after runing the routine , because , as said, hopefully that particular variable will have been added to
Function PubicIP(ByRef PublicIP As String, Optional ByVal Tries As Long) As String
If Tries = 5 Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo Bed
With CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp")
.Open "GET", "http://myip.dnsomatic.com", True ' 'just preparing the request type, how and what type... "The True/False argument of the HTTP Request is the Asynchronous mode flag. If set False then control is immediately returns to VBA after Send is executed. If set True then control is returned to VBA after the server has sent back a response.
'No extra info here for type GET
'.setRequestHeader bstrheader:="Ploppy", bstrvalue:="Poo"
.setRequestHeader bstrheader:="If-Modified-Since", bstrvalue:="Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT" ' https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=9554 --- It will caching the contents of the URL page. Which means if you request the same URL more than once, you always get the same responseText even the website changes text every time. This line is a workaround : Set cache related headers.
.send ' varBody:= ' No extra info for type GET. .send actually makes the request
While .readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Wend ' Allow other processes to run while the web page loads. Think this is part of the True option
Dim PageSrc As String: Let PageSrc = .responseText ' Save the HTML code in the (Global) variable. ': Range("P1").Value = PageSrc 'For me for a print out copy to text file etc. The responseText property returns the information requested by the Open method as a text string
End With
Let PublicIP = PageSrc: ' Debug.Print PubicIP
'Call WtchaGot(PubicIP)
If PublicIP = "" Then Call PubicIP(PublicIP, Tries + 1) ' Recursion Call line. I do this because sometines it seems to need more than one try before it works
Exit Function
Let PubicIP = Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description: Debug.Print PubicIP
End Function

As an alternative , I have below a similar coding. It gets the page source from another site which shows your IP address. I found when looking at the page source in Google Chrome, that I could see the IP address conveniently showing between two simple text lines :
Page Source whatismyipaddress_com .JPG : https://imgur.com/LSvORAe

To VBA ( or most computer things), that text looks like a long string, and at that point we can imagine that it looks to the computer like any one of these 3 representations
……. ipt -->" & vbLf & "87" & "." & "101" & "." & "95" & "." & "204" & vbLf & "<!—do not scr……..
…….ipt --> vbLf vbLf <!—do not scr ………….

…….ipt --> vbLf vbLf
<!—do not scr ………….

We apply some simple VBA strings manipulation techniques to extract just the IP address number

Sub TestPubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com()
Dim strIP As String
Let strIP = PubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com
MsgBox prompt:=strIP
End Sub
Function PubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com() As String
On Error GoTo Bed
With CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp")
.Open "GET", "https://whatismyipaddress.com/de/meine-ip", False ' 'just preparing the request type, how and what type... "The True/False argument of the HTTP Request is the Asynchronous mode flag. If set False then control is immediately returns to VBA after Send is executed. If set True then control is returned to VBA after the server has sent back a response.
'No extra info here for type GET
'.setRequestHeader bstrheader:="Ploppy", bstrvalue:="Poo"
.setRequestHeader bstrheader:="If-Modified-Since", bstrvalue:="Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT" ' https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=9554 --- It will caching the contents of the URL page. Which means if you request the same URL more than once, you always get the same responseText even the website changes text every time. This line is a workaround : Set cache related headers.
.send ' varBody:= ' No extra info for type GET. .send actually makes the request
While .READYSTATE <> 4: DoEvents: Wend ' Allow other processes to run while the web page loads. Think this is part of the True option
Dim PageSrc As String: Let PageSrc = .responsetext ' Save the HTML code in the (Global) variable. ': Range("P1").Value = PageSrc 'For me for a print out copy to text file etc. The responseText property returns the information requested by the Open method as a text string
End With
Let PubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com = PageSrc: ' Debug.Print PubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com
Dim IPadres As String, posIPadres1 As Long, posIPadres2 As Long
Let posIPadres1 = InStr(1, PageSrc, "<!-- do not script -->", vbBinaryCompare) ' Screenshot ---> Page Source whatismyipaddress_com .JPG : https://imgur.com/LSvORAe
Let posIPadres2 = InStr(posIPadres1 + 1, PageSrc, "<!-- do not script -->", vbBinaryCompare)
Let PubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com = Mid(PageSrc, posIPadres1 + 23, ((posIPadres2 - 1) - (posIPadres1 + 23)))
Call WtchaGot(PubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com)
Exit Function
Let PubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com = Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description: Debug.Print PubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com
End Function

Local Host address and computer name in the next post

03-24-2018, 02:49 PM
Local Host address, Computer name
There are a couple of Win32 APIs which will get this information.
We just need to write a small amount of coding to get the function to do what we want and also a bit of manipulaation to give the information as we need it.
For the computer name this is simply a function to give us a string.

Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetComputerName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetComputerNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByRef nSize As Long) As Long
' "GetComputerNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByRef nSize As Long) As Long
Function ComputerName() As String ' GHB and sex..
Dim NmeLen As Long, lngX As Long, strCompName As String
Let NmeLen = 999: Let strCompName = " " ' variables must be initialised or API things often dont work ' String$(50, 0)
Let lngX = GetComputerName(strCompName, NmeLen) '
If lngX <> 0 Then ' returns 1 if it works
Let ComputerName = strCompName ' Left$(strCompName, NmeLen) ' The first argument variable gets like a LSet done on it
Let ComputerName = "Couldn't get Computer name"
End If
Let ComputerName = Left$(ComputerName, NmeLen) ' We must do this as there is a Chr(0) after the name .... Let ComputerName = Trim(ComputerName) ' this is no good, - it leaves Chr(0) on the end which means that ComputerName is the last thing that will get printed
'Call WtchaGot(ComputerName)
End Function

The Win32 API for the local IP address is slightly more complicated. It will give us a table/ array of all the IP addresses held. The first is generally that we are interested in. it seems to be added when a VPN connection is made

Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetIpAddrTable_API Lib "IpHlpApi" Alias "GetIpAddrTable" (ByRef pIPAddrTable As Any, ByRef pdwSize As Long, ByVal bOrder As Long) As Long ' http://www.source-code.biz/snippets/vbasic/8.htm
' "GetIpAddrTable" (ByRef pIPAddrTable As Any, ByRef pdwSize As Long, ByVal bOrder As Long) As Long
Public Function GetIpAddrTable() As String ' Christian d'Heureuse, www.source-code.biz http://www.source-code.biz/snippets/vbasic/8.htm
Rem 1 We give the API function some info , and that seems to make it fill up an array with table values
Dim Buf(0 To 1234) As Byte ' Buf(0 To 511) As Byte ' must be Byte or overflow at NrOfEntries
Dim BufSize As Long: Let BufSize = 12345
Dim rc As Long: Let rc = GetIpAddrTable_API(Buf(0), BufSize, 1)
'If rc <> 0 Then Err.Raise vbObjectError, , "GetIpAddrTable failed with return value " & rc
Dim NrOfEntries As Integer: NrOfEntries = Buf(1) * 256 + Buf(0)
'If NrOfEntries = 0 Then GetIpAddrTable = Array(): Exit Function

Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To NrOfEntries - 1
Dim j As Long, s As String
For j = 0 To 3
Dim Indcy As Long: Let Indcy = 4 + i * 24 + j
s = s & IIf(j > 0, ".", "") & Buf(Indcy): Debug.Print Indcy & " " & Buf(Indcy) ' This code line just builds the final string for each IP address, with a "." before all but the first of the 4 number parts --- for example like 192 . 168 . 2 . 110
Next j
Dim strIPs As String: Let strIPs = strIPs & " " & s: Let s = ""
GetIpAddrTable = strIPs: Debug.Print strIPs
End Function

' 4 127
' 5 0
' 6 0
' 7 1
' 28 192
' 29 168
' 30 2
' 31 110
' ' _

' 4 10
' 5 132
' 6 13
' 7 113
' 28 127
' 29 0
' 30 0
' 31 1
' 52 192
' 53 168
' 54 2
' 55 110
' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
' 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
' 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
' 10 132 13 127
' 127 0 0 1
' 192 168 2 110

If we examine that coding above, and experiment with what it does, we see a couple of things:
Rem 1
_ It is doing a strange thing, as API’s often do. That is to say the API works similarly to a normal VBA function, except the way each argument is a mystery.. following some set of rules/coding which probably the author wrote when he was drunk and no one can remember anymore.
You must make an array of Byte types. The array should be fairly big.
You must give the first array element and the size of the array to the API Function.
Then magically the array gets filled. Presumably some internally held table is put into the array
Rem 2
A bit of maths is done to pick out the elements we want from the returned filled array

The final analysis here of a typical output can be helpful to try and understand another way to get this information

' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
' 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
' 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
' 10 132 13 127
' 127 0 0 1
' 192 168 2 110

Or maybe not. I am not sure. I doubt many people are…

03-28-2018, 12:48 AM
Using Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
Why? – because it’s there. It’s not my fault.
Background ideas
Some background reading here, https://tinyurl.com/ydotkymx , might be of no interest: Linking and Embedding Component Model Object, LECMO (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jY-PEeX5xYY&t=2s)
It all seems to boil down to a lot of people employed by Microsoft with no clear idea of what to do. Initially a lot of effort has been put into modules that can somehow have available all or most of their functionality via their interface and that the interface has a form/ uses conventions that has at least a chance of being universally compatible. This can allow , for example, for a similar large amount of people now to be employed in making changes and adjustments, to what end, nobody knows.
Although aspects of the concepts discussed above concerned communication via internet, a variation to the above, Distributed Component Object Model , is a variation on an obscure theme specifically to address internet connectivity, or more generally Computer networks in which internet connection can also be included, or even, as in our considerations, hidden.

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
Based on COM and DCOM, WMI is an attempt to allow management computer systems including through the internet via tools independent of operating systems
In this case , the Object in COM and DCOM is referring more towards actual Object orientated Programming concepts. This is not always the case , at least in terms of COM stuff, so all of this is deliberately vague as nobody can really remember or can have any real idea about what it is all about.
The end result of interest to us is that we have an external shared library, ( http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2240-VBA-referring-to-external-shared-Libraries-1)-Early-1-5)-Laterly-Early-and-2)-Late-Binding-Techniques ) from which we can make an object. My guess is that the object of use to us looks something like the table we sketched in the last part of the last post, possibly in a more complex form including a lot of other information. The information is likely to be organized in such a way as to allow Object Orientated Programming techniques to access sub sets of the information. We can typically use this to obtain information about connections and IP addresses

Public Function getMyIPWMIObjectQuery() ' https://officetricks.com/find-local-ip-address-vba-macro-code/ 'Related Reference - Microsoft WMI Scripting V1.2 Library (wbemdisp.TLB) https://myengineeringworld.net/2014/12/public-ip-mac-address-vba.html
Dim objWMI As Object, objQuery As Object, objQueryItem As Object
Dim vIpAddress As Variant
'Create WMI Object 'Related Reference - Microsoft WMI Scripting V1.2 Library (wbemdisp.TLB)
Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & "." & "\root\cimv2") ' This probly gets a large table full, of infomation --- "'The root\cimv2 namespace is used to access the Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration class."
'Query WMI : The execQuery method retrieves a number of instances of something that match a query string. The query string is based on the SQL language... " A select query is used to get a collection of IP addresses from the network adapters that have the property IPEnabled equal to true."
Set objQuery = objWMI.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where IPEnabled = 1")

For Each objQueryItem In objQuery
Dim strIPs As String
For Each vIpAddress In objQueryItem.ipaddress
Let strIPs = strIPs & " " & vIpAddress
MsgBox prompt:=strIPs: Debug.Print strIPs
End Function

03-28-2018, 12:48 AM
Problem with your normal ( non VPN ) internet, most likely caused by a current or recent VPN connection.

03-28-2018, 12:48 AM

03-28-2018, 01:36 PM

03-29-2018, 04:13 PM

04-02-2018, 02:00 PM
Setting up SoftEther ( Vista )
The explanations assume that you have registered an account with hide.me.
But if you are using a different provider, only the steps related to your Username, Password and finding Host Name at your registered account will be different ( UsernamePasswordHostname.jpg : https://imgur.com/fXtxVWM , https://imgur.com/zMZmqit , https://imgur.com/7huFyW2 , https://imgur.com/rXWYAyz )

Some tips before starting
_1) Set up just 1 – 2 Servers initially.
After the initial instillation, some steps need to be repeated for each Server that you want to connect to in order to “hide behind” it. You finally have a list of Servers to choose from.
It is advisable to just initially try out the software with 1 – 2 Servers closest to your actual location. In the early testing and learning how to adjust various settings, you may encounter problems , some of which may require a de instillation and re instillation of software. After re installation you will need to repeat those steps.
So until you have a good understanding and stable running VPN system it may be advisable not to make many connections. 1-2 are enough to test out the system, and you would otherwise possibly need to repeat work unnecessarily.
_2) Make a list of all or some of you internet providers Server internet addresses. Along with your Username and Password you will need this info at various stages.

Setting up Soft Ether
The initial step is usually to download the SoftEther .exe file and open / run it which will guide you through installing the SoftEther Client.

I have used these successfully:
softether-vpnclient-v4.19-9605-beta-2016.03.06-windows-x86_x64-intel.exe : https://app.box.com/s/nj2rk76riakcpyg280fax35nmb7jev1q
The next one not run, that is to say, the file downloaded OK, but it would not run in order to do the instillation.
softether-vpnclient-v4.30-9696-beta-2019.07.08-windows-x86_x64-intel.exe : https://app.box.com/s/got5jknov33p9x8ky8951d0dhxc0hac1 :

The instillation is fairly typical and self explanatory. Any of the suggested tutorials show the steps.
You may see an extra warning of some initial blocking, https://imgur.com/xExTVjI . If so then choose the option not too block in future. Sometimes this blocking may have an effect on the successful running of SoftEther. It may be advisable to complete the instillation in such a case, then de install and wielder re install.

_2) Network connection organisation in Windows.
_2a) Network connections.
A basic understanding of Network connections in modern computers is very useful when using and setting up VPN since many issues and problems are associated with these things.
The true inner workings of Microsoft Windows may in the meantime not be understood anymore by anyone. Physical connections and actual connector ports, whether physical connection or the arial/antenna for a connection such as WLAN, are all combined deep in the low level software.
An attempt is made in the control panel software to give some organisation of this in a user friendly interface, the Network Connections console, https://imgur.com/sKLn3eb
This Console is particularly difficult to find in Vista: It often does not appear in options or in lists as you try to find it in navigation.
This route will demonstrate:
Take the usual navigation route to Control Panel : https://imgur.com/RJa6fII ,
(If you don't see Control Panel listed, the link may have been disabled as part of a Start menu customization. Instead, type control in the search box at the bottom of the Start menu and then click Control Panel when it appears in the list above )
Now follow the route Network and Internet https://imgur.com/AolK1mg , followed by Network and ShareCenter , https://imgur.com/ECkx3QL
You will not see the option for Network Connections anywhere, so you will need to start typing it in the search box top right, after which the option of Network Connections will appear: https://imgur.com/2TDaFlS
Alternatively, via the search box after clicking on the Microsoft symbol bottom left, type in ncpa.cpl , https://imgur.com/i5dLdnD
_2b) Make a desktop icon or , add " Network Connections " shortcut in Desktop context menu, for quick access of the Network Connections console.
You will likely frequently want to access this when, for example, first getting VPN up and running.
Because it is annoying to find in Vista , you will save yourself some time and frustration if you make a desktop icon link so as to get quickly at it.
To do this in Vista
_2b)(i) desktop Shortcut. Using Desktop Right Click --- New – Link . To do this:
Right mouse click anywhere on a spare space on the desktop, and select from the options in the pop up, new --- linkorShortcut : https://imgur.com/S4zTU6g
Another pop up should come up. First type in ncpa.cpl or explorer.exe ::{7007ACC7-3202-11D1-AAD2-00805FC1270E} https://imgur.com/khfMD4P , https://imgur.com/c5ysNFN , then in the next window you can give it any name you like, such as Network Connections, https://imgur.com/n2Z1toj .
After this, a desktop icon should appear: https://imgur.com/xXTOJkL or https://imgur.com/FK1QDqe
If you have difficulty getting this to work, then try to find the “thing” , for example the ncpa.cpl , https://imgur.com/3ltfV8n , then give full path, such as C:\Windows\System32\ncpa.cpl , https://imgur.com/tTcLtdv
_2b)(ii) Add " Network Connections " shortcut in “Desktop context menu” ( Desktop context menu is the list available when right clicking on a space on the Desktop )
Warning. This requires doing things to your “Registry”. This can be dangerous, so you do it at your own risk!!
The action starts by accessing “your registry”, via the Microsoft start symbol bottom left:
Type regedit in RUN or Start Menu search box and press Enter, or click on the option that should appear as you have part of regedit typed . https://imgur.com/lRXmUF6 .
That should open the Registry Editor.
Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\Shell
Right click on shell, then select New --- Key https://imgur.com/JGDprcj (This is known as “creating a new key under shell”)
A new Folder should then appear, which you should name Network Connections , https://imgur.com/WjgkeHb
Right click on this Folder , ( the new “key under shell” ) , and then select New --- Key https://imgur.com/JgjaeJj
Once again, a new Folder should then appear, which you should this time name command, https://imgur.com/8ZEp3xl
On the right-side pane, double click on Default/Standard . That should bring up a window, https://imgur.com/oQWIo3h , in which you should change the value to explorer shell:::{7007ACC7-3202-11D1-AAD2-00805FC1270E} , https://imgur.com/T36UoHC
At this stage you can close the Registry Editor Window.
By right clicking on a space on the desktop, you should now see the new option of Network Connections . Clicking on that Network Connections option should then bring up the Network Connections Console
2c) Network Adaptors.
2c)(i) What are they
Typically, each way you have to connect with the internet or other networks, will be represented by a separate thing in the Network Control Console. (You can select typically from 5 different ways to view these by selecting from a drop down list in the top toolbar of the Network Control Console window, https://imgur.com/sHRZuA2 )
The name given for these things are like Tap / and or adaptor or Network adaptor or Virtual Network Adaptor. These names are approximately consistent with an attempt to represent these virtual things with what might be there real life equivalent in the absence of computers.
Often when you install a VPN Client on your computer, it will install its own adaptor: It is the thing which allows you to connect some thing to your computer. It will somehow contain various settings, adjustments, encoding, transitions etc…

C2c)(ii) States of Network adaptors.
As with some computer things, the “On” and “Off” states are not always clear, and a source of confusion.
_ You could consider “On running” or “On in use” as when the adaptor is actually in use. This will usually be indicated by
the absence of a red cross on the device in some of the picture type views,
in some of the list views as “connected”.
Note that this will usually , but not always , mean that it is doing what you would regard as “working” and giving you, for example, a working internet.
Occasionally this “On” state might be referred to as active and enabled, but that is a bit confusing considering the next state:
_ Another state is usually referred to as Enabled or Activated. This could be regarded as ready for use and likely to start running easily.
_ A final state is known as something like Disabled or Deactivated. An adaptor may be disabled/deactivated by right-clicking on it in the Network Control Console window and selecting Disable/Deactivate. Disabling the device will automatically disconnect any connection to that device.

Deactivating and reactivating an adaptor may loose some information held by it, or loose and then replace information. The latter can be a form of resetting which occasionally solves strange problems with a connection, and note that this might not always be the same adaptor which caused the problem. More on that later when discussing typical problems.

C2c)(iii) Adaptor Properties.
Right-clicking on an adapter in the Network Control Console window and choosing Properties will bring up the more advanced properties of network connections and adapters.
You will likely need to access that occasionally when getting familiar with VPN things: Instillation of the SoftEther Client software will typically create an adaptor. That Adaptor will “take over” control and be the “On running” connection when you choose to use the SoftEther VPN. It may also effect other adaptor settings. Checking properties of adaptors can often help in solving problems with VPN stuff. Once again, you may need to check an adaptor other than the VPN adaptor to solve strange unexpected problems in either VPN stuff, or problems in your normal non VPN internet, which occur after you have been doing VPN stuff.

Config files : http://www.frostvpn.com/clients/knowledgebase/79/NEW-OpenVPN-configuration-files-and-usage.html

04-02-2018, 02:01 PM
Setting up SoftEtherVPN on a computer with operating system Windows Vista
For SoftEther use, We have to install the Client to make the GUI available on our computer, along with then some further work in the GUI to make the GUI have connection possibilities for one or more Servers

SoftEther Client Instillation
The set up instructions from hide.me, https://hide.me/de/vpnsetup/windowsvista/softether/ , are clear and easy to follow,
Initially you need to download the Client installing software, but as an alternative to the link given in the set up guide from hide.me to get the download software, these are the ones so far that I have used successfully: ( I may add to this list and edit in the future )
softether-vpnclient-v4.30-9696-beta-2019.07.08-windows-x86_x64-intel.exe : https://app.box.com/s/got5jknov33p9x8ky8951d0dhxc0hac1 :
softether-vpnclient-v4.19-9605-beta-2016.03.06-windows-x86_x64-intel.exe 4.22.9634 : https://app.box.com/s/nj2rk76riakcpyg280fax35nmb7jev1q
Download one of those files.
Opening the file or double clicking on the .exe file will start off a typical instillation process which is a sequential series of pop up windows. You do not need to do much other than just keep agreeing to everything or clicking on Next or OK etc
You might experience some problems if you have an active real time virus/security/protection software.
For example, I have experienced that my Microsoft Security Essentials causes a blank window during an instillation, whilst at the same time a warning pops up, https://imgur.com/6QhDrYl . This was likely caused by some real time security measures removing something that it thought might be harmful, https://imgur.com/vxWtYny
The solution to this problem was to temporarily disable the real time protection , https://imgur.com/tJwfoaL
After this, another attempt at an install did not have the empty window problem, https://imgur.com/VIEJ7xD

Once Installed, the SoftEther VPN Client manager window will likely open automatically the first time. If not, and in any case for subsequent use, you will need to double click on the desktop icon which should have appeared after a successful installation. ( If you look at the Network Connections console, you should not see any change there yet ). https://imgur.com/pmaGTxh
The SoftEther VPN Client manager window is effectively the User friendly interface which you use each time you want to “hide” behind a Server belonging to or used by your chosen VPN provider. But initially it is not much use. You need to repeat some further steps ( New VPN Connection Setting … ) for each of the Servers you want to be able later to choose from.
You also need to have a Network adaptor installed. But this will be offered the first time you try to right mouse click on Add VPN Connection and from the list select New VPN Connection Setting …

Servers and adapter set up
There are two main parts to the SoftEther VPN Client manager window. Later you will mostly be interested in the upper window which will eventually have the list of the Servers that you want to choose from.
( In preparation for filling in the ( New VPN Connection Settings, you might want to list the Server “Host Names” , that is to say their internet address given by your VPN provider. This is the sort of thing you are looking for: https://imgur.com/mOqOdIN : Typically when setting up a VPN, then in somewhere like the “Server name or address" field you would need to enter something of the form free-nl.hide.me , https://imgur.com/utS7isX
Adaptor Set Up
Right click on Add VPN Connection and from the offered drop down list select New VPN Connection Setting …
The first time you do this you will be offered he making of the required Virtual Network Adaptor. https://imgur.com/oLZMphb
You can choose any name up to 31 characters for that, https://imgur.com/WZBnWa2 but note that spaces are not allowed: - If you try that then the OK button will be greyed out and so you will not be able to select it.
This may take a while to be made. After this an entry should appear in the bottom window of the SoftEther VPN Client Manager.

Furthermore, if you now look in the Network Connections console , then you should see an new adaptor appear with the same name as you gave , but note that a red cross is shown indicating that it is “not in use” https://imgur.com/XAGFNzp , https://imgur.com/g000sqf , https://imgur.com/e4qKa91 ,

Servers Set Up
The following steps will need to be repeated for each Server that you want to have available in the list in the first window SoftEther VPN Client manager. I recommend that you initially just try out a single Server that is one of the nearest to your actual location. This is because many problems often occur before you get a stable VPN solution on your computer. Often a de installation helps cure such problems. So initially you should minimise the amount of work necessary after each re instillation. Once you have a stable solution connecting with one Server , then the solution is less likely to be effected greatly by different Servers: most problems are not directly dependant on Servers. Very remote Servers may occasionally cause problems themselves, so pick a close Server for your initial testing.
To add Servers to your list of Server choices in the upper window the SoftEther VPN Client manager , it is necessary initially to once again right click on Add VPN Connection and from the offered drop down list select New VPN Connection Setting … . If you already have the Virtual Network Adaptor , ( as described in the last section ) , then a new Window, VPN Connection Setting Properties should come up
Typically it is sufficient to add 6 settings, which include
_ any Setting Name you like, ( I would suggest one that includes the Server location )
_ Password
_ Username
_ a few other settings which I don’t understand
This is a working example of settings for use with provider hide.me . If you are using a different provider, then check with them for the settings you need
hide me berlin SoftEther Properties.JPG https://imgur.com/yGelKG6 , https://imgur.com/HF6AVPv , https://imgur.com/6P2vJx0 , https://imgur.com/UbEYrRB , https://imgur.com/QVJk5pU , https://imgur.com/itvWoJi
I am using the Host Name of berlin.hide.me which is the internet address of the provider hide.me for use of their Server in Berlin, Germany.

Adjusted Advanced Settings in Connection Properties
If you have the time, and are at an early stage of experimenting with VPN, then you might consider making a second connection, using some Advanced Settings differing from the default Advanced Settings.
To do this, make the same 6 steps as in the previous sample, but give this second connection a slightly different name to indicate that you are using adjusted Advanced Settings, and then before clicking OK on the SoftEther VPN Client Manager , click Advanced Settings …, then make these adjustments:
a) Increase the Number of TCP Connections to 8
b) check the box/enable next to "Use Half-Duplex Mode
c) check the box/enable next to Disable UDP acceleration
Adjusted Advanced Settings SoftEther.jpg : https://imgur.com/sVa5Jkh
https://imgur.com/YuxW14m , https://imgur.com/TtS20Vi
After making the adjustments, click OK
first on the
Advanced Settings Window
and then
on the SoftEther VPN Client Manager

( ( This is then another example of original Advanced Settings: https://imgur.com/e9PWaH3 )
This would then be the Advanced Settings after making the adjustments: https://imgur.com/g6DEDhT )

At this point, if all has gone well, then you will have one enabled , ( but not in use yet ) , VPN client adaptor and two available , ( but not yet connected ), connections

At this stage, nothing will have changed to the state of the SoftEther Client representation in the Network Connections Console. What we have done is setting up the various parameters/ configuration details required for when we want to use specific Servers, that is to say make a “live” connection to a Server

Connecting to a VPN connection: Hiding
This next step is what VPN is all about. You effectively have now the tunnels built and connections ready to be used.
Right-mouse-click on a connection from the list and then click on "Connect" to establish a VPN connection
The connection process starts, https://imgur.com/hFKQU4m , and you may see a few pop ups, https://imgur.com/lxEMbra , https://imgur.com/K3VUGN4 , As soon as the connection has been successfully established, briefly a pop up shows the internal IP address assigned for you at the Server, that is to say, a private IP belonging to an internal range, which is used for internal routing by the provider https://imgur.com/sULqeS5 , https://imgur.com/weefpvu , and the status "Connected" appears.
https://imgur.com/egXBYTK , https://imgur.com/h1yZN0b

If you now look at the Network Connections Console, the red cross will no longer be showing on the SoftEther Client representation, https://imgur.com/m4Qdhsm , https://imgur.com/SDxREMf

Most often, you will now have a working VPN, and can surf the internet “hidden behind” the Server you chose to connect to. However , some problems come up, particularly initially, but can usually be worked around

Problems with SoftEther connections in Vista and work around
_1) Endless prompt to log in by first use of a connection.
Sometimes the first attempt to make a connection leads to an endless repeating prompt to give your Password , https://imgur.com/1TG4SV6 , https://imgur.com/V1LEGbe
If this occurs, which in Vista is only occasionally does, then you will have to wait for approximately a day. Usually after this, the problem is gone.
_2) 1 minute settling down time
Once you have got rid of Problem _1) , then usually connections do then appear to be successful. But almost always they break , disconnect and reconnect automatically a few time, https://imgur.com/B282Nei , https://imgur.com/oLfSlA1 . It always best to ignore this for a couple of minutes , after which it settles down and the connection I usually stable.
_3) Occasional problems with launching.
Very rarely SoftEther has failed to launch. This may possibly have been the result of other VPN experiments. De installing and re installing SoftEther has always cured this problem
_4) Disconnecting and re connecting to a different Server.
If you are lucky, the simple way to do this will work:
_ right click on the VPN Connection Setting Name of the connected connection in the SoftEther VPN Client Manager ,
_ select disconnect from the options brought up.
_ right click on the VPN Connection Setting Name in the SoftEther VPN Client Manager of the Server you want to connect to
_ select connect from the options brought up.
Often the simple way will lead to an extended problem _2) . In most cases this problem is overcome by disconnecting, closing the SoftEther VPN Client Manager , re opening the SoftEther VPN Client Manager and then making the new connection.


04-02-2018, 02:26 PM

04-02-2018, 03:16 PM

This is very helpful. Thankyou. Continually navigating the “hidden” Vista Network Connections was annoying

Another option is a Desktop shortcut:
Right click on a space on the desktop , then New -->Shortcut , enter something like one of these
C:\Windows\explorer.exe ::{7007ACC7-3202-11D1-AAD2-00805FC1270E}
explorer.exe ::{7007ACC7-3202-11D1-AAD2-00805FC1270E}


04-02-2018, 05:28 PM
[FONT=Arial] [color="#3E0000"]

The main remaining issues for me are just:
_A) getting OpenVPN to work on my Vista Operating system machines. I have not ever managed that yet on any Vista operating system machine.
( SoftEther continues to work consistently on my Vista machines, as it has always since the very start of my experimenting with VPN)

_B) Time out problem issue with SoftEther on my XP machines: The issue remains here that I can always get an apparent successful connection. But only once in approximately 2 days does the internet then work. If I try to make a connection more often than that, then the connection appears successful, but I get time out error in internet. So it appears that I can only get a single working connection at approximately 2 day intervals with SoftEther on my XP operating system machines. ( OpenVPN continues to work consistently on my XP machines, as it has always since the very start of my experimenting with VPN )

Regarding operating systems, Vista and XP and available updates.
Since these Operating systems are no longer supported by Microsoft, they do not get any Windows updates automatically. Most of these machines I had from new, and they did regularly get updates. So I assume I have the
I am not too sure how I would now check that the updates are the latest? ( I can get old updates if I know the update KB number, for example form here: [size=1] https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Home.aspx )

I had a quick look in my update lists on my machines… and I seem to have…
_- On my vista machines:
Windows Operating System updates until 2016; .Net updates until 2016;
Microsoft Office still gets regular updates automatically on my Vista machines
_- On my XP machines:
The shown date on updates is known to have bugs and errors in Windows XP. But I estimate that Windows updates stopped coming on my XP machines from about 2014 .( This estimate is based on inspection of the updates that I have, and looking at the information given for those updates at https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Home.aspx ) ; ( I disabled updates early this year on my XP machines since all my XP machines have licensed and registered Microsoft Office versions which still get offered updates from Microsoft, which cause problems: The problem with this is
that Microsoft often send updates for Office, which when installed, break many things in XP operating systems ! ( http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=31405 ) )

( Currently my Windows 7 machines and the Windows 8.1 machine mostly get regular automatic updates. But currently I have no problems with hide.me VPN on those )


Regarding Administrator issues
All my machines are used privately by me or members of my family. As far as I know, or rather I assume, that anyone using any machine has "Administrator" status. I am not sure how I would check that.


Regarding "Devices" and simultaneous connections
I have not intentionally been using hide.me on more than 3 machinessimultaneously. I have not always "disconnected" or ended , since I leave some machines switched on even when I have not been using them.
Mostly I am still just experimenting with hide.me VPN currently. I have only occasionally used it purposely to do something anonymously on the internet.
I have left a "Robot" program running sometimes to see what happens: I notice then that sometimes a connection is unexpectedly disconnectedautomatically. Mostly it then re connects itself automatically. If it does not automatically re connect, and I have co incidentally noticed the , then often I can re connect it immediately easily.
Sometimes to get a reconnection to work I must end and restart hide.me and/ or restart the computer.
The exception to all that is on my XP operating system machines and SoftEther: On the rare occasions when SoftEWther works on my XP machines and if I have then the Robot program running on it, and if then the VPN connection automatically dis connects, then I can usually get an apparent successful re connection. But then usually the internet does not work and I get the time out problem issue once again. So then I must wait 1-3 days before a SoftEther/hide.me XP system connection results in a working internet without the time out problem.

Sometimes when I have been doing the various experiments I have had only a single connection to hide.me VPN. Other times I have had two or three simultaneous connections. I have often disconnected all but one connection
to see if it influences any issue. I have not noticed it have any effect so far.


Regarding the … new infrastructure ….- …"only Paris, Kiev, Seoul and Sydney are still on the new system……".. .
As far as I can remember I have not used yet any of those locations. So I expect that the new infrastructure issue will not have influenced any of my experimenting yet.


Regarding OpenVPN issues and openvpnserviceinteractive error.
This warning pop up occurs on all my machines even after a fresh install.
All the "Services" that I have been able to look at are set to start up automatic, and I suspect that most , if not all my machines are set to that start up automatic.
At the moment it is all supporting the idea that the warning pop up is best just to ignore.
But I will report back if anything I do changes the occurrence of that pop up warning


Regarding your suggestion of …" creating a new user on your computer and
check if OpenVPN is working there.."
I created a new User on a Vista machine and on a Windows 7 machine. All users have administrator status. ( Previously all my Vista and Windows 7 machines have had just one user

04-02-2018, 05:44 PM
[color=lightgrey][size=1] Nathan (hide.me Support)
Oct 12, 19:34 UTC
Hello Alan,
I'm sorry for the inconvenience, those were hyperlinks which you can click on and it will lead you directly to those public sources. When you hover with your mouse over it you will notice a link to which it is leading.

This article here also might help is this one: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/bc672ca5-0f70-47b7-bdeb-54ebbc189fad/cannot-start-servicesmsc?forum=itprovistasecurity
Some information is this article here https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/ticket/839 which suggest to ignore that error.
I'm sorry for the confusion, I was referring to these articles and I will also provide direct links for other articles mentioned in my previous reply:
You can check and follow the recommended steps these articles below.
It is mentioned in OpenVPN github section here https://github.com/OpenVPN/openvpn-gui/issues/303 that OpenVPNServiceInteractive error looks like a local issue.
For some users uninstalling both OpenVPN and TAP adapter helped as in this article here: https://forums.openvpn.net/viewtopic.php?t=25770
With this article you can see how to check if you have administrator privileges https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch001093.htm but from what you mentioned it seems that's not a problems.

On your Windows XP machine can you do the following commands in command prompt, press '[FONT=Courier New]Windows Key + R' and then type in cmd in the Run box and hit Enter. Now type in the following command in Command Prompt, enter this both when you are not connected to VPN and also while connected to VPN:
nslookup hide.me
nslookup hide.me
route print
And on your Vista computer, uninstall your previous OpenVPN client and download and install this OpenVPN version and try connecting with it later. If you're using 32-bit version download this one here: https://build.openvpn.net/downloads/releases/openvpn-install-2.3.18-I001-i686.exe
In case you're using 64-bit version try this one here: https://build.openvpn.net/downloads/releases/openvpn-install-2.3.18-I001-x86_64.exe
Regarding this screenshot https://imgur.com/KMk8m1F - VPN client Adapter is adapter for SoftEther and TAP Windows Adapter V9 adapter is for OpenVPN.
Please check that you are not connecting both SoftEther and OpenVPN connection at the same time.
Also, on Windows XP and Vista please try (this configuration file), you can also try it on other computer and let me know if it is working better.

Oct 22, 12:37 UTC
This is a follow-up to your previous request #9298971 "AW: [hide.me Support] Re: [..."
Hello Nathan.
Thanks for your last reply.
( I have been away for a while so am only just now looking again at my VPN
stuff, so sorry that the feedback is a bit late.
I have not had time to look thoroughly further at my XP/SoftEther issue yet. I will do this and then report back to you in another EMail. )

Mainly this Email is concerned with my Vista/OpenVPN issue…

Regarding the issue with starting Services on some of my machines.
Looking at some of the articles seems to suggest that I may need to fiddle around with some clever stuff on re booting etc. So I think I will leave that issue for a while. My guess is that the issue with starting Services on some of my machines is not too directly relevant to my main remaining VPN issues. So I do not want to risk doing any damage messing around with things outside my computer knowledge capabilities…
Maybe I will re look at the issue with starting Services on some of my machines at a later date.

Regarding OpenVPNServiceInteractive issues.
Once again I think this may not be so important or relevant directly to my main remaining VPN issues. As it has been mentioned a few times that the error can be ignored, then , for now, I will ignore that issue.

Regarding Tap issues and de installing / re installing things
I have de installed / re installed, restarted things, de activated / re activated things many more times than I can remember…. I am coming to the conclusion that if you use VPN then de installing / re installing ,
restarted things, de activating / re activating things is something that you need to do constantly….. continually I get strange sporadic internet problems more and more often since I have been using VPN. Often a strange
new problem goes away after de installing / re installing, restarted , de activating / re activating things.
So I am routinely doing all sorts of de installing / re installing, restarted things, de activating / re activating things. That often solves a new problem, which I get more of, the more I use VPN. But so far the main two issues that I have are not effected by after de installing / re installing, restarted things, de activating / re activating things.

Brief Update on my XP OpenVPN issue and the new device, TheDocIsHere@xp
As I mentioned in my last Email, I had made a new device, TheDocIsHere@xp , and used it briefly and solely for OpenVPN on a single XP operating system machine . As I further mentioned in my last Email, I could do
nothing with that device, since on attempting a connection I got an infinite repeating pop up asking me to confirm the password.
As I was expecting, that problem sorted itself out: a few days later a connection attempt was successful and I note that for that attempt I never once was asked to confirm the password. Also the connection lead to a working internet. It worked for a few hours before the connection disconnected itself. ( I have found that all VPN connection occasionally
disconnect themselves. How often that happens varies randomly and greatly, - it can be anything from a few hours to a few days ) . After the disconnection, any attempt at a re connection appeared to be successful, but I had the usual internet fail due to the time out problem.
A few days later I got a single one off successful internet after a connection again. This then worked for approximately 24 hrs. Then after a de connection, the usual problem came up again: a re connection appeared to be successful, but I had the usual internet fail due to the time out.

So the problem remains with XP that a connection leads to a successful internet approximately once every two days with SoftEther / hide.me on XP.
Attempts to disconnect / reconnect more often than that seem successful, but internet does not work

04-02-2018, 05:47 PM
So I tried again on a second Vista Computer..
Here, just to refresh, was the current situation, OpenVPN Version 2.4.7-I607-Win7 was installed, We note that the tap thing for SoftEther is there, but the one for OpenVPN does not seem to be there: https://imgur.com/Hw1kL1z
and every attempt at connection Failed like this https://imgur.com/U6pLegg .

I installed all 3 versions of Berlin configuration files, ( https://imgur.com/flNvm6c )
I rechecked connections a few times, re started computer, re tried etc, the result was always a fail like this: https://imgur.com/U6pLegg ( In addition, on restarting the computer , and/or launching OpenVPN I got the error pop up:
_ On computer restart: https://imgur.com/NqVJUjQ "OpenVPNServiceInteractive" ist nicht instilliert. Aufgaben, die administrativen Zugriff benötigen, funktionieren
möglicherweise nicht." "OpenVPNServiceInteractive "is not installed.
Tasks that require administrative access may not work. "

_ On Launching: https://imgur.com/WY3xPdw :
"OpenVPNServiceInteractive" ist nicht gestartet.
Aufgaben, die administrativen Zugriff benötigen, funktionieren
möglicherweise nicht." "OpenVPNServiceInteractive "is not started.
Tasks that require administrative access may not work. "

So I repeat the experiment that was successful with the previous vista
machine…… I de installed OpenVPN Version 2.4.7-I607-Win7 , https://imgur.com/PiTezXc
, https://imgur.com/Gak0EU2
, https://imgur.com/PSy6uLN
, https://imgur.com/KcKBktM
, https://imgur.com/QSK1aXY
I notice that after the de instillation, as previously, the program files, including the tap stuff are all gone, but the configuration files are still there: https://imgur.com/xmyas9A

I now install OpenVPN version 2 3 18-I001-i686 from here
or here https://app.box.com/s/wykxqmh0c4wi9o2upoipzbo5z32zt16z )

I made sure that the tap stuff was checked and installed:
https://imgur.com/vqTRjV5 , https://imgur.com/ZdfIJdr

I notice that after the instillation, I now have the " TAP Windows Adapter V9 adapter for OpenVPN " thing shown in my ControlPanel---Network and Internet---Networkconnection : https://imgur.com/w5GVzVl , https://imgur.com/g0EYUZq

So far , every attempt at a connection with the original Berlin configuration file on this second vista machine has been successful :) : https://imgur.com/h78uTOs ,
https://imgur.com/GaC4q3J ,

As with the first vista machine, have not been able to get a connection to work with the two new Berlin configuration files ( openvpn-berlin-21 , openvpn-berlin ) : https://imgur.com/8k9MYrS , https://imgur.com/NLNi13

( I also note that I do not get the error pop ups on a restart and/or OpenVPN launch )


Just out of interest: A re try with 2 4 7 I607 Win 7 .
Because the Vista issue seems now to be solved, I decided for completeness, and just out of interest, to check out the source of the problem.

I de installed version 2 3 18-I001-i686 on a Vista machine. After this, the program 2 3 18 I001 and the TAP Windows 9 9 2 are gone from the program list.
Also, the tap is gone from the ControlPanel---Network and Internet---Networkconnection : https://imgur.com/hIGDM8l

I now install version 2 4 7 I607 Win 7 . As always, I have the tap stuff checked: https://imgur.com/6kE2lJm
I note that in the instillation, no pop up came up to indicate a tap instillation.
After instillation completion, I see that I have the program files, including the tap thing, but the tap is not shown in the
ControlPanel---Network and Internet---Networkconnections tap connections. https://imgur.com/2iIBK59

As expected, a connection attempt fails, ( and I have the pop up errors on starting )

So I re installed version 2 3 18-I001-i686 . ( in this experiment I did not de install version 2 4 7 I607 Win 7 before installing version 2 4 7 I607 Win 7 )
As always , I checked the tap stuff. I was not asked this time to install the tap. Never the less , the tap appears in the ControlPanel---Network and Internet---Networkconnections
In the program list, the 2 4 7 I607 Win 7 and TAP windows 9 23 3 are gone and the 2 3 18-I001-i686 and TAP Windows 9 9 2 are there.
A connection to Berlin works , using the original configuration files. (Using the two new configuration files fails to make a connection)

As a last experiment, I re install version 2 4 7 I607 Win 7 without de installing version 2 3 18-I001-i686 .
In this instillation I get an error whilst installing the TAP device driver: https://imgur.com/T8cfsmy
After the instillation, in the program list, the 2 4 7 I607 Win 7 and TAP windows 9 23 3 are there
and the 2 3 18-I001-i686 and TAP Windows 9 9 2 are gone.
As expected, I get the start up pop up errors, and I cannot get any working connection.


Finally I re install version 2 3 18-I001-i686 , and all is well! :)


So this is good news. I seem to have OpenVPN consistently working now on


New Vista Device. TheDocIsHere@vista ( On Acer Aspire 7535G Lap top )
So far I have been doing my vista related experiments mostly on two machines, both of which I have from new, ( Lap top Acer Aspire 4810TZG, ACER computer Aspire X3200 ) . As far as I know they were regularly receiving all the Microsoft updates which were available up until Microsoft discontinued support for Vista
I expect that later this year most of my VPN use on a Vista machine will be on another Lap top of mine , ( Acer Aspire 7535G ). ( This was not in use for a long time and probably did not get all the most recent updates. Most of the listed updates seem to be from around 2013 )

So, I created a new device name, TheDocIsHere@vista , and I expect that I will later this year be using that machine for most of my VPN use on a vista machine, most likely one of my Acer Aspire 7535G machines )

So I installed OpenVPN 2 3 18-I001-i686 on an Acer Aspire Lap top 7535G.
During the instillation the TAP thing was installed, and it appeared in the ControlPanel---Network and Internet---Networkconnections list.
I included the three config files in the config folder: https://imgur.com/RKrm56v
The results were consistent with the recent vista findings, as reported in this Email: Berlin works fine, using the original config files. ( As previously, config files openvpn-berlin-21.ovpn and openvpn-berlin.ovpn do not work )

SoftEther on my Acer Aspire Lap top 7535G
As I mentioned a few times, I like to have two working solution to most computer things. The obvious choice for my VPN stuff on my Acer Aspire Lap top 7535G is SoftEther, since this has mostly worked consistently in all my VPN Vista experiments to date. I was expecting no problem with it…… But I had a problem: I tried a few of the most recent SoftEther Client downloads.
Unfortunately, the .exe would not run. I looked briefly in the internet and there were some suggestions that either missing updates or possibly registry corruption sometimes cause such problems. I have not investigated these two things yet.
I found an alternative solution to this new SoftEther Vista problem: I noticed co incidentally that another VPN provider supplied a link to a much older Soft Ether Client download within their Vista Set Up instructions , ( http://softether-download.com/files/softether/v4.22-9634-beta-2016.11.27-tree/Windows/SoftEther_VPN_Client/softether-vpnclient-v4.22-9634-beta-2016.11.27-windows-x86_x64-intel.exe )
So I tried this old download, and this time, the .exe file ran normally. I set up berlin . https://imgur.com/C4wA45E
All connections so far have been successful, :)

Current conclusions ( Vista/ OpenVPN ).

It seems now that one of my last main remaining issues, ( OpenVPN / Vista ) is close to, if not completely, solved. ( I just need to try other locations, and possibly try the older Clients on my other machines , just for completeness and comparison.) Thanks for sticking with me on this one, your support has been very helpful.
My initial conclusions are that the instillation using version 2 4 7 I607 Win 7 seems to have a problem when attempting to install on a vista machine: something seems to go wrong with the TAP instillation. Using the 2 3 18-I001-i686 version does not seem to have this problem.


Remaining XP SoftEther issue.
I have not had time to look thoroughly yet at this. I will do this and then report back to you. Firstly I will try the suggestions from your last Email. Another thing that I will possibly try is older Client versions


Just some thoughts........ I suppose it makes some sense to try older Clients if using older operating systems… ? I wonder if a "rule of thumb" could be to try a version whose issue date is close to and/or shortly after the most recent Windows update that is on the computer on which you want to install the Client. My reason for suggesting this is that I presume the people who write this software would routinely be testing their software on a fairly up to date system which would likely have the most recent windows updates of that time.

( I already know from my own small experience that unfortunately, Microsoft updates usually seem to cause at least as many problems as they solve……………. :( )


Thanks again for your help. I will write again once I have had time to look further, in particular at my remaining XP/ SoftEther issue


04-02-2018, 05:55 PM
[color=lightgrey] Nathan (hide.me Support)
Oct 24, 20:03 UTC
Hello Alan,
I'm glad to hear it is working now on both Vista computers and OpenVPN issues is a bit strange but I'm glad to hear the issue with OpenVPN on your Windows XP machine also sorted itself without additional intervention,
I will also prepare some configuration files for your computers with TCP mode in the settings as some service providers throttle UDP based protocols and TCP based protocol might work better for you.
Try this configuration file from (here) and download this one from (here).
Just make sure you don't start VPN connection on your XP computer with both SoftEther while OpenVPN connection was already active.
Some configuration files (openvpn-berlin and openvpn-berlin-21) won't work on older OpenVPN client versions since the configuration files have tls crypt which is not supported on OpenVPN 2.3 versions. You can download configuration files for Windows XP and Vista from your Members area as it still provides older versions.
Openvpn-berlin and openvpn-berlin-21 configuration files you can use with OpenVPN 2.4. on Windows 7, 8 and Windows 10.
It's nice to hear that OpenVPN consistently is now working on Vista.
Sorry to hear about issues with downloading SoftEther and on one of your computers you can also try using this link to check if there are any issues with downloading - http://www.softether-download.com/files/softether/v4.30-9696-beta-2019.07.08-tree/Windows/SoftEther_VPN_Server_and_VPN_Bridge/softether-vpnserver_vpnbridge-v4.30-9696-beta-2019.07.08-windows-x86_x64-intel.exe
The version you've successfully downloaded and installed is the build from 2016 and as you noticed it does make sense to try out older version as compatibility issues are resolved - https://www.softether-download.com/files/softether/v4.22-9634-beta-2016.11.27-tree/Windows/SoftEther_VPN_Server_and_VPN_Bridge/softether-vpnserver_vpnbridge-v4.22-9634-beta-2016.11.27-windows-x86_x64-intel.exe
And you can try this build on Windows XP machine as well.
Since you mentioned Windows updates bring more problems than fixes, recently what happened is just that - check this article for example: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/windows-10-1903-is-now-having-problems-with-network-adapters/
Thanks for the feedback,I'm glad to hear it's working better now and I hope SoftEther will also improve. If you need any further assistance, don't hesitate to contact me.
Customer Relations Manager
eVenture Limited

Oct 26, 16:57 UTC
Hello Nathan
Thanks for the extra stuff and info
Here is some general feedback, and also I have now tried out the things
you suggested in an earlier Email regarding trying some cmd stuff on my
main remaining SoftEther/ XP issue.


I have tried the two "[FONT=Courier New]tcp" config files from your last EMail,
Firstly I tried on one of my Vista machines, ( Acer Arpire lap top 4810TZG) https://imgur.com/f8ni8KI
( That is using OpenVPN 2 3 18-I001 , TAP-Windows 9 9 2
https://build.openvpn.net/downloads/releases/openvpn-install-2.3.18-I001-i686.exe )
Both were successful connections, (and the internet works with the connections): https://imgur.com/Y6eI6Ar ,
( During the Netherlands tcp connection I was asked for a Username and Password. The berlin tcp connection did not ask for a Username and Password ).

Just out of interest here are some more results:
Another Vista.. (Acer Aspire Lap top 7535G )
OpenVPN 2 3 18-I001 TAP-Windows 9 9 2
Berlin.ovpn ___ OK
Berlin-tcp.ovpn __ OK
openvpn-berlin.ovpn ___ FAIL
openvpn-berlin-21.ovpn ___ FAIL
Netherlands-ip-tcp.ovpn ___ OK

XP ( LG X120 )
OpenVPN 2 3 18 I001 TAP-Windows 9 9 2
Berlin.ovpn ___ OK
Berlin-tcp.ovpn __ OK
openvpn-berlin.ovpn ___ FAIL
openvpn-berlin-21.ovpn ___ FAIL
Netherlands-ip-tcp.ovpn ___ OK

Open VPN 2 4 7 I607 Win 7 TAP-Windows 9 23 3
Berlin.ovpn ___ OK
Berlin-tcp.ovpn __ OK
openvpn-berlin.ovpn ___ OK
openvpn-berlin-21.ovpn ___ OK
Netherlands-ip-tcp.ovpn ___ OK

OpenVPN 2 4 7-I607-Win10 TAP-Windows 9 23 3
Berlin.ovpn ___ OK
Berlin-tcp.ovpn __ OK
openvpn-berlin.ovpn ___ OK
openvpn-berlin-21.ovpn ___ OK
Netherlands-ip-tcp.ovpn ___ OK
Note: I have just de installed the above win 10 version, since it was originally installed by me in error as I had mistakenly thought that my new computer was Windows10. I have now installed the one recommended for
Windows 8, so I repeated the experiments:
Open VPN 2 4 7 I607 Win 7 TAP-Windows 9 23 3
Berlin.ovpn ___ OK
Berlin-tcp.ovpn __ OK
openvpn-berlin.ovpn ___ OK
openvpn-berlin-21.ovpn ___ OK
Netherlands-ip-tcp.ovpn ___ OK

( In all cases , in the connection to Netherlands-ip-tcp.ovpn , a Username and Password is asked for.
In the successful connection for openvpn-berlin.ovpn and openvpn-berlin-21.ovpn a Username and Password is asked for. ( https://imgur.com/hoW7853 )
In all cases , in the connection to Berlin.ovpn and Berlin-tcp.ovpn , a Username and Password is Not asked for )

My results are consistent with your comments about OpenVPN client versions and configuration files.


I have download and made a back up of all the current Windows OpenVPN
config files from the hide.me Members area.


I have a Question: How will the new config files that you are developing
effect my use of SoftEther on my older systems?


Regarding the two SoftEther downloads that you mentioned in your last
EMail. I have tried them on my Vista computers. All download OK. The
results from attempting to run them are as follows:

[size=1] https://www.softether-download.com/files/softether/v4.22-9634-beta-2016.11.27-tree/Windows/SoftEther_VPN_Server_and_VPN_Bridge/softether-vpnserver_vpnbridge-v4.22-9634-beta-2016.11.27-windows-x86_x64-intel.exe

The above downloaded file runs OK on all my Vista Computers.


The above downloaded file will only run on one of my Vista computers. On two of my Vista Computers, it will not run. ( one of those two computers is the computer which would also not run the latest SoftEther Client exe file)

( I broke off the instillations shortly after they started running, as I was not sure what they are supposed to do.
( Currently I have a working SoftEther version on all my Vista computers. Most have the SoftEther VPN Client Build 9696. The one that I had to use an older exe file to install has SoftEther VPN Client Build 9634
I may experiment further with different versions , as well as possibly I may also do some experimenting with updates: installing and/ or deleting updates. This I would find interesting to do, as I have solved a lot of problems in the past on the Help Forums that I sometimes participate in by tracking down updates that break things, but it is quite a lot of work, and as I have now OpenVPN consistently now working on Vista, I will leave further Vista work as a project to do later when I have more free time. )

XP Issure…
So, back to the XP / SoftEther remaining issue.
( [size=2] This is the issue whereby it appears that a connection will give a working internet only once at approximately a couple of day intervals. Attempts more often than that at a dis connection / connection, appear to be successful, but the internet will not work

04-02-2018, 06:15 PM
[color=lightgrey][size=1] Nathan (hide.me Support)
Oct 27, 23:38 UTC
Hello Alan,
You are more than welcome, regarding the connectivity problems with SoftEther on your XP devices, can you please open Command Prompt ( [FONT=Courier New]cmd ) on your Windows XP computers and enter the following command both when you are not connected to VPN and while connected to VPN and after the VPN connection and also upon reconnection:
ipconfig /all then press enter
route print and press enter
Right-click the window's top bar-> Edit -> Select All -> Copy and paste the results in text file and attach it here or to a new email.
Regarding your other question, configuration files are needed only for OpenVPN client and won't affect SoftEther at all as configuration files can be used only for OpenVPN setup. And as you noticed, just make sure you are not connecting both OpenVPN and SoftEther at the same time.
I assume you also tried to "Disable UDP acceleration" in the SoftEther clients Advanced Settings and bumping up the "Number of TCP connections" to 8 and connecting with these settings and it didn't result in any improvement .
Customer Relations Manager
eVenture Limited

Oct 28, 21:13 UTC
Hi Nathan,

Regarding your earlier suggested SoftEther adjusted Advanced settings
("Disabled UDP acceleration" and bumping up the "Number of TCP connections"
to 8 )…
I tried this a few times several weeks ago, and never noticed any improvements. Since then most of my experiments have been with normal
Advanced settings. But on one XP computer I still have the advanced settings alongside with normal settings for a couple of servers.
Occasionally I have repeated a few experiments with the advanced settings and have still not noticed any improvement. I will continue to occasionally try them in case they may have any effect.


Regarding the "ipconfig /all" then "route print" cmd suggestion from your
last Email….
On the two computers that I have done most experiments, I will need to wait a few days before I can include in the results for a new connection which produces a working internet, since I have had a single working connection
on those within the last day or so: Because of that, I would expect that any attempt at a connection will result in the internet not working with a time-out error

04-02-2018, 06:26 PM
[FONT=Arial][size=3] [color="#3E0000"]

So at this point, both my xp computers are in a similar state:
They have a working internet without VPN and an attempt at a SoftEther connection appears successful but the internet does not usually work

04-02-2018, 06:31 PM
Your request has been updated. Reply to this email.

Nathan (hide.me Support)
Nov 25, 11:28 UTC

Hello Alan,

Thanks for the information and regarding SoftEther standalone client, always download the official version from their website: http://www.softether-download.com/en.aspx

You can check and scan the files using Virustotal website and a you can see on the link - https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/2b9cd5753d9fccd9dbb342078dffd1ebd6082142f433ec5046 9c7d624c59f893/detection - the Google antivirus VirusTotal https://www.virustotal.com/ does not recognize it as a threat.

The Google antivirus VirusTotal - https://support.virustotal.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002126889-How-it-works does not recognize it as a threat. VirusTotal is a website that provides free checking of files for viruses. It uses over 70 different antivirus products and scan engines to check for viruses that the user's own antivirus solution may have missed, or to verify against any false positives.

I haven't encountered any of these issues, this might be a false alarm but you can remove it and install the one from the official website.

Regarding previous connection issues with SoftEther, also restart the SoftEther service from the Windows services list. Press and hold the WinKey and R button on your keyboard and that will launch the Run window. Next type in services.msc and click on OK and restart the SoftEther service.

When you will have time in the SoftEther VPN setup also try using this IP address instead of the host name for Berlin in the SoftEther setup.

But if you are still having issues after disconnecting type ipconfig /release in command prompt and connect again.

And in case this doesn't help, disable and re-enable SoftEther VPN adapter as you have done on previous occasions. If you will need any further assistance just let me know.


Customer Relations Manager
eVenture Limited


Nov 23, 13:21 UTC

This is a follow-up to your previous request #9352757 "AW: [hide.me Support] Re: A..."

Hi Nathan,
I am replying to your Email Nov 6, 00:13 UTC, - I am a bit late as I was
very busy mostly away from computer things…..
<……………How many devices (computers/phones) do you have active on your
network? Could be an issue with the router and DHCP and the older version
of Windows……………….>.
Regarding your question about how many devices (computers/phones) I have
active on our network…
Mostly I only have a few computers. Those actively using the internet
varies at any one time from 0 to approximately 7. ( They are not always in
use, but its been my experience that things of the electronic / computer
nature , go more often wrong on restarting, so in my family we just leave
are computers all switched on most of the time. ( Most of my older
computers I have modified physically such that they have a much more
powerful cooling system, which seems to increase there life expectancy,(
and sometimes their performance ) , considerably ) )
Currently we only have one smart phone in the family which automatically
connects to our Router when it is in the house.. That Smart phone is not
used much at home.
An old fixed cable telephone and an old answer machine is also connected
permanently to the Router, but they are hardly ever used.
( Most people in my family have a fairly basic/ older type mobile phone
which as far as I am aware has no interaction what so ever with the

My Router is a German Telecom ( Deutscher Telekom) "Speedport W405V TypA".
I have a flat rate for internet use.
Previously, I have sometimes been downloading large files on a couple of
computers which took a long time whilst other computers were surfing the
internet. I never noticed any issues. My guess is that I under use the
potential which I have with my router. My house is quite large, and the
local Telekom office that supplied my Router told me that I should be able
to use many computers simultaneously without noticing any performance
A far as I know there is no limit to the number of devices that I can
connect to my router. I have an extra splitter on my router which in total
I think gives me 7 fixed cable LAN RJ45 connection possibilities. In
addition, the router has a WLAN function constantly switched on. Most
computers seem to work the same with either the WLAN activated or via a
fixed LAN RJ-45 cable connection
Here is my typical set up at home: https://imgur.com/330yiMb
( I have an independent USB internet "Dongle". I rarely use this anymore .
It is mainly now my "reserve" internet connection in case of power
failures, or for a Router failure , etc. I used to use it when
travelling, but in the meantime, WLAN is available almost everywhere now in

I do not really understand what DHCP is.
But sometime when I was experimenting with the various VPN issues, I
disconnected all other internet connections except the computer I was
experimenting with. Then I repeated various experiments. I never noticed
any differences.

So my guess is that my main issues were not related to other devices
connected to my Router.

I have sometimes experienced effects / other minor short term issues
which might be related to different computers connected simultaneously to
my Router when doing VPN stuff. However these issues were less of a
problem: Restarting computers and/or restarting the Router usually solved
such short term issues.

My Router is quite old, ( approximately 7 years old). My internet
connection to my house comes through very old, ( > 40 years old ) copper
telephone cables.

Shortly I will be travelling away from home for a couple of weeks. I know
that at one location they keep their internet always updated to the very
best and newest stand. I will take an XP computer with me, and if I have
time, I will re try some of my experiments, especially the SoftEther/XP


The SoftEther/XP issue is the only one I don't have a consistent good
solution to currently.
I can mostly get a working connection now after a bit of fiddling around
with the fixes which we have discussed. But the various workarounds we have
discussed are sometimes a bit varied in what they do and in their success
at getting a working VPN internet connection.
I am not confident that I fully understand the problem there yet.
I would like to investigate it a bit more.
I will not have time for some time to look again in detail at this. When I
do, I might try to automate some of those Command things that you helped me
with, ( the various ipconfig stuff, etc. ). I have a feeling that the
workarounds were sometimes more successful if I managed to type the
different commands very quickly after each other.
So automating the commands might help, or at least automating parts of the
experiments might help give more consistent results.


<……….. we can't recommend the use of XP and I would recommend to use at
least Windows 7 since you already have it set up. If I remember correctly
Windows 7 VPN setup was working quite nicely……………..>
Regarding your comments about Win7 and security issues with older operating
My work background is not in computing, but is in research and design at a
fairly "state of the art" level . My instinct is to keep up to date with
newest versions, for example keeping software up to date and at the latest
My own experience with Microsoft, however, is that over approximately the
last 10 years, their development in the software that I have been using has
introduced problems and bugs which outweigh any security advantages.

My most reliable solution is often earlier versions of software, and in
addition the ability to reinstall operating systems and all software easily
and routinely. This ability to re install easily and quickly seems to get
more difficult with both newer software, in particular newer operating
systems on newer computers.
This "Wiping a computer clean" regularly via full reinstalling of all
software is an option I am trying to get more confident in, since I
personally see this as a very good option to combat possible security
problems that might arise.

I see the use of
_ VPN to "hide me"
_ the ability to "wipe a computer clean" easily
for my personal computer usage at home a good option.

I appreciate that in a working environment, one is forced often by external
factors to keep more up to date.

At home I use Microsoft Excel and Excel VBA and VBA a lot. I have become
quite confident at it.
Almost all the new features in Microsoft Office introduced in the last 10
years , as well as an infinite amount of unused features and
possibilities, are all possible to achieve via the VBA that has been freely
included as standard in all the Excel versions since over the last 20
Over the last 10 years, many serious Bugs have been introduced by newer
Excel versions and associated updates. Microsoft often are even unwilling
or unable to fix many of these issues. ( I seriously wonder if Microsoft
are deliberately trying to kill off some things!!! )


<…………... If I remember correctly Windows 7 VPN setup was working quite
Regarding your comments about Windows 7 and my VPN set up.
You are correct: You helped me solve all issues there and it was working
quite nicely.
But I have not yet had time to try fully out this option, as it has taken
me some time to look at all the Vista / XP / SoftEther / OpenVPN issues. (
And I think I still need to do a bit more work when I have time to fully
master the XP / SoftEther issue ).
However I do intend looking fully at this at a later date……
I have one device spare, so I may name that something like
"TheDocIsHere@hidemeclient", and then occasionally experiment with that in
the meantime.
For the time being , I will stay with SoftEther and OpenVPN, mostly just
because so far I have the most experience with those, and also because I
would like to look a bit further at the XP/SoftEther issue



"Trogen issue SoftEther" on a Windows 7 computer

I am not too concerned about the following issue, but I just thought I
would mention it in passing…..
_.... A recent scan with Microsoft Security Issues revealed potential
problem on one of my Windows 7 machines. https://imgur.com/wer1RmE

If I understand correctly, it is warning me about something in my SoftEther
installed software.

I did a quick google search, and found articles like


I get the impression that this may be a false alarm?
I may delete those Trogan things and see what happens…
Do you have any info on these things?


_.________________________________________________ ____________

Finally, not important, and just out if passing interest…
I personally need to make very detailed notes of anything I do on a
computer, since I have long periods away from the computer and tend to
forget things easily.
For most people these notes are much too long and boring, ( I don't enjoy
reading them myself half the time, LOL ! … )
Strangely, over the years, a small minority of people have found these
notes even more useful than myself, and they encourage me to share them.
So I sometimes post them in the various help forums in which I participate.
But initially, usually I do a sort of "beta" version in a "Scratchpad" Test
Forum which where only a few people I know ever go near (
<http://www.excelfox.com/forum/forumdisplay.php/17-Test-Area> )
I leave them there for a few months, then re look at them with a clear mind
at a later date, and possibly then modify them before posting in other
regular Forums, in Tips/Tutorial Sub forums such as these :

I have started some notes on my recent VPN work
OpenVPN :
SoftEther :
General notes on VPN :

You are welcome to make any comments on those or suggestions of anything to
But I expect it will be some time before I get around to posting them in a
regular Forum.
I might in the meant time add a section on the Windows 7 and higher
solutions , such as your App


So mostly all that above was just some feedback for you out of passing
I probably will take a break from experimenting a lot with the VPN stuff
for a while.
I will be using VPN often, and sometime I will make a log/ notes and or do
the occasional experiment.

Later I will look again in a bit more detail in the solutions for Windows 7
and higher.
I will try to refine the SoftEther/XP fix/workaround as well, possibly
using VBA automation. I do not know if that is possible yet.



04-02-2018, 06:44 PM
Hello Nathan.
First of all , best wishes for the new year to you.

I am responding here to your last Email from Nov 25, 11:28 UTC
Thanks for the extra info. that you gave in that Email.


And now some more feedback concerning the connection issues with SoftEther on XP operating system.

I was travelling in Germany and abroad, and repeated some of my SoftEther on XP experiments when using a variety of different internet connections. I did not notice any significantly different characteristics to any experiment when compared to doing them at home.

I took some time to look at the possibility of automating ( via VBA programming ) some of my experiments. This turned out to be quite simple, requiring only fairly simple coding. This has made experimenting both easier / quicker and gave more consistent results. In the same coding, I was also able to automate measuring all the IP addresses associated with a connection.
( http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=33775#p261628 )
( https://tinyurl.com/rwt2kx8 , https://tinyurl.com/yhrwdsdb ) (The last couple of links are to some of my own notes which I might use in a Blog at a later date )

I tried out ( at home ) some other XP machines that I have not used for a few years. So far the results of any experiments are similar on any machine. So that makes 7 XP machines in total that I have experimented with at some time or another.

I have mostly looked at Berlin connections, both berlin.hide.me , and the Berlin host name ( number ) which you gave me in your last Email , ( ) …………
So.. Regarding what you said in your last EMail………
( …<……..in the SoftEther VPN setup also try using this IP address instead of the host name for Berlin in the SoftEther setup…………>…..)

Here are some of my latest conclusions
Conclusions 1: Firstly, Similar characteristics of berlin.hide.me and are the following:
_(i) For any connection in SoftEher in XP, a connection will almost always result in a non working internet ( Almost always I get a timeout error after a connection in SoftEher in XP )
_(ii) Occasionally a connection does work. This is usually only the case if a computer has not been used for a few days, or more importantly, a single working connection may be possible the first time using SoftEther and XP if on that computer no attempt has been made at a connection using SoftEther for a few days. ( This is only successful if the first connection is successful: For any connection, if the connection should fail/disconnect and reconnect automatically, then the second and any subsequent re connections will always lead to an internet non working having the timeout problem … see next point _(iii)…….
_(iii) If I have a current working connection, but then disconnect, and re connect to the same host, I will no longer have a working internet. In other words. If I have a working internet, then disconnect, then reconnect to the same server, then the previously working internet will now give me the timeout error.
_(iv) I note that if I disconnect, reconnect, disconnect , reconnect etc. the 10.***.**.*** address remains the same in XP fror SoftEther, even if I wait a long time in between the disconnect and reconnect.
In some cases, the 10.***.**.*** address will however be different if the time in between is very long, such as a few days. One possible conclusion here is that every new connection must have a new 10.***.**.*** address in order to result in a working internet connection. Since a disconnection followed by a reconnection always seems to have the same 10.***.**.*** address in XP, this could explain why I rarely have a successful internet after making a connection, since usually the 10.***.**.*** address does not appear to change. ( I note in passing here, that if I disconnect , then reconnect the same server in SoftEther in Vista or Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, then the 10.***.**.*** address is always different . ( I continue to have no timeout problems in SoftEther in Vista and Windows 7 or Windows 8.1: Connections using SoftEther in Vista and Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 continue to mostly always result in working internet via hide me VPN)

Conclusions 2: Results from ipcongig/ release & ipcongig/ renew
Since automating these commands, I have been able to get more consistent and better results.
_a) I am coming to the conclusion that it is necessary after a connection is stable to do a quick ipconfig / release & ipconfig / renew. It is further important that the connection remains initially connected whilst this is done:
It almost always occurs that a connection is broken as a result of doing these commands. If the commends are done too slowly, then the connection seems to break before the commands are finished. In such cases the result is that the reconnection results in an internet with the timeout error. Without automation of these commends, the results are far less consistent, since by manually doing the commands it is difficult to accurately control the time at which they are done.
If an automatic reconnection is made immediately after these commands is done, then often this results in a working internet. ( We note again that the 10.***.**.*** address will be different to the previous 10.***.**.*** address in the case of a successfully working internet. If the current 10.***.**.*** address and that of a previous connection are the same, then we will usually have the timeout error and so have no working internet. )
It is a consistent result of doing a ipconfig / release & ipconfig / renew , that the 10.***.**.*** address is renewed. In XP the 10.***.**.*** address is never renewed as a result of disconnecting and re connecting. As mentioned previously, in Vista or Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 , the 10.***.**.*** address is always renewed as a result of disconnecting and re connecting
_b) I am coming to the conclusion that the previous 10.***.**.*** address and the one after a reconnection must be different in order to get a working internet. If they are the same, then we will usually have the timeout problem. However, obtaining a different 10.***.**.*** address is not a guarantee that a connection will work. It is required, but so are other things:
It is further important that a connection is stable, and that only one automatic reconnection is done after the quick ipconfig / release & ipconfig / renew. If the connection is unstable as is often the case after the first connection, then getting a working internet gets rather messy, involving a lot of fiddling involving trying doing to do a quick ipconfig / release & ipconfig / renew at the right moment… and / or waiting a long time until the connection is stable and remains connected.

Conclusions 3: berlin.hide.me Versus
It appears to me generally that using is much more stable. It is less likely to disconnect ( and then automatically re connect ). Because of this improved stability, the fixes are more likely to work.
For the case of berlin.hide.me I can have a "good day" or a "bad day". On a "bad day", a connection via SoftEther on XP results in the connection frequently disconnecting (and reconnecting automatically ) . Thus instability causes two problems:
_1) The fix is more difficult to do, since the connection may break in between the commands which gives less consistent results.
_2) For every disconnect and reconnect, a fix is usually needed. So more often the fix must be applied.
Occasionally on a very bad day, it has proved impossible to get a connection using XP SoftEther and berlin.hide.me. ( On such cases, as at othe times, I have occaisionally cross checked berlin.hide.me using other systems and Clients ,and connections were always possible in those other systems)

Because appears more stable, I can develop a coding to do the required fix, and have a better solution, all be it requiring extra coding. Since I often have Microsoft Office open on my computers, it is fairly convenient for me to do the fixes via VBA coding. I can for example have a code running in the background which occasionally does a ipconfig / release & ipconfig / renew:
For the case of a working connection using , doing a ipconfig / release & ipconfig / renew will result in both a disconnection and a new 10.***.**.*** address on re connection.
For the case of a non working connection using , doing a ipconfig / release & ipconfig / renew will result in both a disconnection and a new 10.***.**.*** address on re connection, and in addition usually the reconnection will result in a working connection.
In other words, doing a ipconfig / release & ipconfig / renew will "repair" a non working connection via ,and if the ipconfig / release & ipconfig / renew is done on a working connection via , then it does no harm: it simply changes the 10.***.**.*** address

If I am using berlin.hide.me and I have a code running in the background which occasionally does a ipconfig / release & ipconfig / renew, then it might occasionally fix a non working connection, but it could on other occasions cause a working connection to fail due to it causing multiple connections and re connections.

So generally the use of host name is a an improvement and works better for me in SoftEther in XP, compared the host name berlin.hide.me.

If you have any other number alternatives to use in place of other Server host names, then I would be very interested to see if they also give me better results.
( Is this number related to the IP address at which I finally appear when "hiding" via hide.me?

04-02-2018, 06:55 PM
Final results for first half of master File after second consolidation

Using Excel 2007 32 bit

S No
Team Member

$ 55.00
$ 1,210.00 02.Apr.2018RT1RT2RT3RT402.04.201802.Apr.2018Raghu

$ 13.66
$ 95.62 02.Apr.2018JT1JT2JT3JT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018John

$ 12.99
$ 64.95 02.Apr.2018GT1GT2GT3GT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Greg

$ 8.51
$ 102.12 02.Apr.2018MT1MT2MT3MT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Marga ret

$ 7.22
$ 447.64 02.Apr.2018RT1RT2RT3RT402.04.201802.Apr.2018Raghu

$ 3.99
$ 139.65 02.Apr.2018JT1JT2JT3JT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018John

$ 333.45
$ 33,011.55 02.Apr.2018GT1GT2GT3GT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Greg

$ 11.99
$ 11.99 02.Apr.2018MT1MT2MT3MT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Marga ret

$ 741.99
$ 74,940.99 02.Apr.2018RT1RT2RT3RT402.04.201802.Apr.2018Raghu

$ 55.00
$ 1,210.00 02.Apr.2018JT1JT2JT3JT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018John

$ 13.66
$ 95.62 02.Apr.2018GT1GT2GT3GT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Greg

$ 12.99
$ 64.95 02.Apr.2018MT1MT2MT3MT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Marga ret

$ 8.51
$ 102.12 02.Apr.2018RT1RT2RT3RT402.04.201802.Apr.2018Raghu

$ 7.22
$ 447.64 02.Apr.2018JT1JT2JT3JT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018John

$ 3.99
$ 139.65 02.Apr.2018GT1GT2GT3GT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Greg

$ 333.45
$ 33,011.55 02.Apr.2018MT1MT2MT3MT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Marga ret

$ 11.99
$ 11.99 02.Apr.2018RT1RT2RT3RT402.04.201802.Apr.2018Raghu

$ 741.99
$ 74,940.99 02.Apr.2018JT1JT2JT3JT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018John

$ 55.00
$ 1,210.00 02.Apr.2018GT1GT2GT3GT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Greg

$ 13.66
$ 95.62 02.Apr.2018MT1MT2MT3MT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Marga ret

$ 12.99
$ 64.95 02.Apr.2018RT1RT2RT3RT402.04.201802.Apr.2018Raghu

$ 8.51
$ 102.12 02.Apr.2018JT1JT2JT3JT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018John

$ 7.22
$ 447.64 02.Apr.2018GT1GT2GT3GT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Greg

$ 3.99
$ 139.65 02.Apr.2018MT1MT2MT3MT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Marga ret

$ 333.45
$ 33,011.55 02.Apr.2018RT1RT2RT3RT402.04.201802.Apr.2018Raghu
Worksheet: OriginalData

04-02-2018, 06:55 PM
Final results for first half of master File after second consolidation

Using Excel 2007 32 bit

S No
Team Member

$ 55.00
$ 1,210.00 02.Apr.2018RT1RT2RT3RT402.04.201802.Apr.2018Raghu

$ 13.66
$ 95.62 02.Apr.2018JT1JT2JT3JT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018John

$ 12.99
$ 64.95 02.Apr.2018GT1GT2GT3GT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Greg

$ 8.51
$ 102.12 02.Apr.2018MT1MT2MT3MT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Marga ret

$ 7.22
$ 447.64 02.Apr.2018RT1RT2RT3RT402.04.201802.Apr.2018Raghu

$ 3.99
$ 139.65 02.Apr.2018JT1JT2JT3JT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018John

$ 333.45
$ 33,011.55 02.Apr.2018GT1GT2GT3GT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Greg

$ 11.99
$ 11.99 02.Apr.2018MT1MT2MT3MT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Marga ret

$ 741.99
$ 74,940.99 02.Apr.2018RT1RT2RT3RT402.04.201802.Apr.2018Raghu

$ 55.00
$ 1,210.00 02.Apr.2018JT1JT2JT3JT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018John

$ 13.66
$ 95.62 02.Apr.2018GT1GT2GT3GT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Greg

$ 12.99
$ 64.95 02.Apr.2018MT1MT2MT3MT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Marga ret

$ 8.51
$ 102.12 02.Apr.2018RT1RT2RT3RT402.04.201802.Apr.2018Raghu

$ 7.22
$ 447.64 02.Apr.2018JT1JT2JT3JT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018John

$ 3.99
$ 139.65 02.Apr.2018GT1GT2GT3GT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Greg

$ 333.45
$ 33,011.55 02.Apr.2018MT1MT2MT3MT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Marga ret

$ 11.99
$ 11.99 02.Apr.2018RT1RT2RT3RT402.04.201802.Apr.2018Raghu

$ 741.99
$ 74,940.99 02.Apr.2018JT1JT2JT3JT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018John

$ 55.00
$ 1,210.00 02.Apr.2018GT1GT2GT3GT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Greg

$ 13.66
$ 95.62 02.Apr.2018MT1MT2MT3MT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Marga ret

$ 12.99
$ 64.95 02.Apr.2018RT1RT2RT3RT402.04.201802.Apr.2018Raghu

$ 8.51
$ 102.12 02.Apr.2018JT1JT2JT3JT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018John

$ 7.22
$ 447.64 02.Apr.2018GT1GT2GT3GT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Greg

$ 3.99
$ 139.65 02.Apr.2018MT1MT2MT3MT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Marga ret

$ 333.45
$ 33,011.55 02.Apr.2018RT1RT2RT3RT402.04.201802.Apr.2018Raghu
Worksheet: OriginalData

04-02-2018, 06:57 PM
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTmVtPHtiTg&lc=Ugy_RiNN_kAqUvZ8W994AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTmVtPHtiTg&lc=Ugy_RiNN_kAqUvZ8W994AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjEWAJ3d-jw&lc=UgxJLVpwY8fIla7G-pN4AaABAg.9BLeCWVhxdG9wgNsaS3Lp1 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjEWAJ3d-jw&lc=UgxJLVpwY8fIla7G-pN4AaABAg.9BLeCWVhxdG9wgNsaS3Lp1)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjEWAJ3d-jw&lc=UgxJLVpwY8fIla7G-pN4AaABAg.9BLeCWVhxdG9wgR1EPUkhw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjEWAJ3d-jw&lc=UgxJLVpwY8fIla7G-pN4AaABAg.9BLeCWVhxdG9wgR1EPUkhw)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjEWAJ3d-jw&lc=UgxJLVpwY8fIla7G-pN4AaABAg.9BLeCWVhxdG9wgNe_XC-jK (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjEWAJ3d-jw&lc=UgxJLVpwY8fIla7G-pN4AaABAg.9BLeCWVhxdG9wgNe_XC-jK)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjEWAJ3d-jw&lc=UgxJLVpwY8fIla7G-pN4AaABAg.9BLeCWVhxdG9wgNPOdiDuv (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjEWAJ3d-jw&lc=UgxJLVpwY8fIla7G-pN4AaABAg.9BLeCWVhxdG9wgNPOdiDuv)
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs-urI_o8jo&lc=UgxYgiEZuS9I3xkjJv54AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs-urI_o8jo&lc=UgxYgiEZuS9I3xkjJv54AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVFFApHzYVk&lc=Ugyi578yhj9zShmhuPl4AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVFFApHzYVk&lc=Ugyi578yhj9zShmhuPl4AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqzeFYWjTxI&lc=UgxvxlnuTRWiV6MUZB14AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqzeFYWjTxI&lc=UgxvxlnuTRWiV6MUZB14AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8i1fVEi5WY&lc=Ugz0ptwE5J-2CpX4Lzh4AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8i1fVEi5WY&lc=Ugz0ptwE5J-2CpX4Lzh4AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ltJS7uHfK4&lc=UgxoHAw8RwR7VmyVBUt4AaABAg.9C-br0lEl8V9xI0_6pCaR9 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ltJS7uHfK4&lc=UgxoHAw8RwR7VmyVBUt4AaABAg.9C-br0lEl8V9xI0_6pCaR9)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ltJS7uHfK4&lc=Ugz5DDCMqmHLeEjUU8t4AaABAg.9bl7m03Onql9xI-ar3Z0ME (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ltJS7uHfK4&lc=Ugz5DDCMqmHLeEjUU8t4AaABAg.9bl7m03Onql9xI-ar3Z0ME)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ltJS7uHfK4&lc=UgxYnpd9leriPmc8rPd4AaABAg.9gdrYDocLIm9xI-2ZpVF-q (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ltJS7uHfK4&lc=UgxYnpd9leriPmc8rPd4AaABAg.9gdrYDocLIm9xI-2ZpVF-q)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ltJS7uHfK4&lc=UgyjoPLjNeIAOMVH_u94AaABAg.9id_Q3FO8Lp9xHyeYSuv 1I (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ltJS7uHfK4&lc=UgyjoPLjNeIAOMVH_u94AaABAg.9id_Q3FO8Lp9xHyeYSuv 1I)
https://www.reddit.com/r/windowsxp/comments/pexq9q/comment/k81ybvj/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 (https://www.reddit.com/r/windowsxp/comments/pexq9q/comment/k81ybvj/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs-urI_o8jo&lc=UgxYgiEZuS9I3xkjJv54AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs-urI_o8jo&lc=UgxYgiEZuS9I3xkjJv54AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs-urI_o8jo&lc=UgyBACXgNY4j_cHgH5J4AaABAg.9oTkVdzfqfm9wlhQrYJP 3M (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs-urI_o8jo&lc=UgyBACXgNY4j_cHgH5J4AaABAg.9oTkVdzfqfm9wlhQrYJP 3M)
ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LP9fz2DCMBE (ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LP9fz2DCMBE)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LP9fz2DCMBE&lc=UgzbPgJUMCztIOQDym14AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LP9fz2DCMBE&lc=UgzbPgJUMCztIOQDym14AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LP9fz2DCMBE&lc=UgzbPgJUMCztIOQDym14AaABAg.9wdo_rWgxSH9wdpcYqrv p8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LP9fz2DCMBE&lc=UgzbPgJUMCztIOQDym14AaABAg.9wdo_rWgxSH9wdpcYqrv p8)
ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFxnXH4-L1A (ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFxnXH4-L1A)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFxnXH4-L1A&lc=UgxuODisjo6cvom7O-B4AaABAg.9w_AeS3JiK09wdi2XviwLG (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFxnXH4-L1A&lc=UgxuODisjo6cvom7O-B4AaABAg.9w_AeS3JiK09wdi2XviwLG)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFxnXH4-L1A&lc=UgxBU39bTptFznDC1PJ4AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFxnXH4-L1A&lc=UgxBU39bTptFznDC1PJ4AaABAg)
ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqzeFYWjTxI (ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqzeFYWjTxI)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqzeFYWjTxI&lc=UgwJnJDJ5JT8hFvibt14AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqzeFYWjTxI&lc=UgwJnJDJ5JT8hFvibt14AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA)

04-02-2018, 07:01 PM
Data files after final (second) consolidation:

Using Excel 2007 32 bit

$ 3.99
$ 139.65 02.Apr.2018GT1GT2GT3GT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Greg

$ 55.00
$ 1,210.00 02.Apr.2018GT1GT2GT3GT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Greg

$ 7.22
$ 447.64 02.Apr.2018GT1GT2GT3GT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Greg

$ 741.99
$ 74,940.99 02.Apr.2018GT1GT2GT3GT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Greg

$ 8.51
$ 102.12 02.Apr.2018GT1GT2GT3GT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Greg

$ 11.99
$ 11.99 02.Apr.2018GT1GT2GT3GT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Greg

$ 12.99
$ 64.95 02.Apr.2018Greg
Worksheet: Tabelle1

Using Excel 2007 32 bit

$ 55.00
$ 1,210.00 02.Apr.2018RT1RT2RT3RT4
02. Apr 1802.Apr.2018Raghu

$ 7.22
$ 447.64 02.Apr.2018RT1RT2RT3RT4
02. Apr 1802.Apr.2018Raghu

$ 741.99
$ 74,940.99 02.Apr.2018RT1RT2RT3RT4
02. Apr 1802.Apr.2018Raghu

333.45 €
33,011.55 €02.Apr.2018RT1RT2RT3RT4
02. Apr 1802.Apr.2018Raghu

11.99 €
11.99 €02.Apr.2018Raghu

Worksheet: Tabelle1

Using Excel 2007 32 bit

$ 55.00
$ 1,210.00 02.Apr.2018MT1MT2MT3MT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Marga ret

$ 7.22
$ 447.64 02.Apr.2018MT1MT2MT3MT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Marga ret

$ 741.99
$ 74,940.99 02.Apr.2018MT1MT2MT3MT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Marga ret

$ 8.51
$ 102.12 02.Apr.2018MT1MT2MT3MT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018Marga ret

$ 11.99
$ 11.99 02.Apr.2018Margaret

3.99 €
139.65 €02.Apr.2018Margaret
Worksheet: Tabelle1

Using Excel 2007 32 bit

$ 11.99
$ 11.99 02.Apr.2018JT1JT2JT3JT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018John

$ 12.99
$ 64.95 02.Apr.2018JT1JT2JT3JT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018John

$ 333.45
$ 33,011.55 02.Apr.2018JT1JT2JT3JT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018John

$ 13.66
$ 95.62 02.Apr.2018JT1JT2JT3JT402.Apr.201802.Apr.2018John

$ 3.99
$ 139.65 02.Apr.2018John
Worksheet: Tabelle1

04-02-2018, 07:17 PM
Code for anwser to this Thread:

Option Explicit
Sub consolidateToo() ' http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2238-Copy-data-from-Unique-files-into-Masterfile-all-the-files-in-the-same-folder?p=10595#post10595
Rem 1 ThisWorkbook Info
Dim MWs1 As Worksheet: Set MWs1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(1) 'Worksheets("OriginalData")
Dim DtaFName As String: Let DtaFName = VBA.Dir(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "*.xlsx") ' Search criteria set to all Files with .xlsx extension in the same Folder as this workbook, Dir returns first file name that fits criteria
Dim LrMWs1 As Long: Let LrMWs1 = MWs1.Range("A" & MWs1.Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row
Rem 2 main Loop for all data files
Do While DtaFName <> "" ' ==========================================
Workbooks.Open filename:=ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & DtaFName
Dim WBDta As Workbook: Set WBDta = ActiveWorkbook
Dim WBDtaWs1 As Worksheet: Set WBDtaWs1 = WBDta.Worksheets.Item(1) ' use variable to reference the first worksheet ( counting tabs from the left ) of last opened and therefore active( to be seen ) file
Dim arrIn() As Variant: Let arrIn() = WBDtaWs1.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Value
'2a) loop for all data rows, copy data from completed rows to master file, ( add date to inputed data array '_-##)
Dim Rw As Long ' --------------------------------
For Rw = 2 To UBound(arrIn(), 1) ' loop through "rows" in data array
If arrIn(Rw, 11) <> Empty And arrIn(Rw, 12) = Empty Then ' Condition for completed work not yet consolidated
Dim arrCsDte(1 To 1, 1 To 7) As String: Let arrCsDte(1, 1) = arrIn(Rw, 7): arrCsDte(1, 2) = arrIn(Rw, 8): arrCsDte(1, 3) = arrIn(Rw, 9): arrCsDte(1, 4) = arrIn(Rw, 10): arrCsDte(1, 5) = arrIn(Rw, 11): arrCsDte(1, 6) = Format(Date, "dd.mmm.yyyy"): arrCsDte(1, 7) = arrIn(Rw, 13) ' 7 "columns" of data to be added to master file
MWs1.Range("A2:A" & LrMWs1 & "").Find(what:=arrIn(Rw, 1), After:=MWs1.Range("A2"), LookIn:=xlValues, Lookat:=xlWhole, searchorder:=xlByRows, searchdirection:=xlNext).Offset(0, 6).Resize(1, 7) = arrCsDte() ' We look down the first column in the master file to find the cell comtaining the S No We apply the offest property to thast cell to get across to column G and then the resize property gives us the range of 7 columns to which we may apply the values in the array filled for the row data
Let arrIn(Rw, 12) = arrCsDte(1, 6) '(Put the current date in the array made from data range '_-##)
Else ' Datá row is completed and consolidated , so nothing to do for this row
End If
Next Rw ' End loop for all data rows --------
'2b) Update and close current data workbook
Let WBDtaWs1.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(arrIn(), 1), UBound(arrIn(), 2)).Value = arrIn() ' reassign the values from the input data array back to the range as this now has the consolidated date in it
WBDta.Close savechanges:=True
'2c Serch for next data file name
Let DtaFName = VBA.Dir() ' Unqualified Dir returns next found file with previos search criteria, but only returns each file name once
Loop ' Do While DtaFName <> "" again ==============================
End Sub

04-07-2018, 12:43 AM
Some sample data for other Posts and Threads:
Using this code:

Sub Its() ' snb 2017
Dim It As Variant
For Each It In ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References
Dim strIts As String
Let strIts = strIts & "Description:" & vbTab & It.Description & vbCr & "Name:" & vbTab & vbTab & It.Name & vbCr & "Buitin:" & vbTab & vbTab & It.BuiltIn & vbCr & "Minor:" & vbTab & vbTab & It.minor & vbCr & "Major:" & vbTab & vbTab & It.major & vbCr & "FullPath:" & vbTab & vbTab & It.fullpath & vbCr & "GUID:" & vbTab & vbTab & It.GUID & vbCr & "Type:" & vbTab & vbTab & It.Type & vbCr & "Isbroken:" & vbTab & vbTab & It.isbroken & vbCr & vbCr
Next It
Debug.Print strIts ' From VB Editor Ctrl+g to get Immediate Window from which info can be copied
End Sub
Here some results. ( If anyone passing has other Excel versions and would like to pass on what the code above gives, then that would be nice, thanks :) )

Excel 2007

Description: Visual Basic For Applications
Name: VBA
Buitin: Wahr
Minor: 0
Major: 4
FullPath: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VBA\VBA6\VBE6.DLL
GUID: {000204EF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
Type: 0
Isbroken: Falsch

Description: Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library
Name: Excel
Buitin: Wahr
Minor: 6
Major: 1
FullPath: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\EXCEL.EXE
GUID: {00020813-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
Type: 0
Isbroken: Falsch

Description: OLE Automation
Name: stdole
Buitin: Falsch
Minor: 0
Major: 2
FullPath: C:\Windows\system32\stdole2.tlb
GUID: {00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
Type: 0
Isbroken: Falsch

Description: Microsoft Office 12.0 Object Library
Name: Office
Buitin: Falsch
Minor: 4
Major: 2
FullPath: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE12\MSO.DLL
GUID: {2DF8D04C-5BFA-101B-BDE5-00AA0044DE52}
Type: 0
Isbroken: Falsch

Description: Microsoft Word 12.0 Object Library
Name: Word
Buitin: Falsch
Minor: 4
Major: 8
FullPath: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\MSWORD.OLB
GUID: {00020905-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
Type: 0
Isbroken: Falsch

Excel 2003

Description: Visual Basic For Applications
Name: VBA
Buitin: Wahr
Minor: 0
Major: 4
FullPath: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VBA\VBA6\VBE6.DLL
GUID: {000204EF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
Type: 0
Isbroken: Falsch

Description: Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object Library
Name: Excel
Buitin: Wahr
Minor: 5
Major: 1
FullPath: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\EXCEL.EXE
GUID: {00020813-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
Type: 0
Isbroken: Falsch

Description: OLE Automation
Name: stdole
Buitin: Falsch
Minor: 0
Major: 2
FullPath: C:\Windows\system32\stdole2.tlb
GUID: {00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
Type: 0
Isbroken: Falsch

Description: Microsoft Office 11.0 Object Library
Name: Office
Buitin: Falsch
Minor: 3
Major: 2
FullPath: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE11\MSO.DLL
GUID: {2DF8D04C-5BFA-101B-BDE5-00AA0044DE52}
Type: 0
Isbroken: Falsch

Description: Microsoft Word 12.0 Object Library
Name: Word
Buitin: Falsch
Minor: 4
Major: 8
FullPath: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\MSWORD.OLB
GUID: {00020905-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
Type: 0
Isbroken: Falsch

Excel 2010

Description: Visual Basic For Applications
Name: VBA
Buitin: Wahr
Minor: 1
Major: 4
GUID: {000204EF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
Type: 0
Isbroken: Falsch

Description: Microsoft Excel 14.0 Object Library
Name: Excel
Buitin: Wahr
Minor: 7
Major: 1
FullPath: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\EXCEL.EXE
GUID: {00020813-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
Type: 0
Isbroken: Falsch

Description: OLE Automation
Name: stdole
Buitin: Falsch
Minor: 0
Major: 2
FullPath: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\stdole2.tlb
GUID: {00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
Type: 0
Isbroken: Falsch

Description: Microsoft Office 14.0 Object Library
Name: Office
Buitin: Falsch
Minor: 5
Major: 2
FullPath: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\MSO.DLL
GUID: {2DF8D04C-5BFA-101B-BDE5-00AA0044DE52}
Type: 0
Isbroken: Falsch

Description: Microsoft Word 14.0 Object Library
Name: Word
Buitin: Falsch
Minor: 5
Major: 8
FullPath: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\MSWORD.OLB
GUID: {00020905-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
Type: 0
Isbroken: Falsch

05-13-2018, 02:28 PM
To support solution to this Thread:

Test data supplied by Thainguyen for this Thread :

Using Excel 2007 32 bit

1Equipment PM

Machine EQ.ID
Serial Number
Date of Service
Next Service
Date of Service
Next Service
Date of Service
Next Service



2JUKIKE-1070LSMT Placement MachineA124

9ACE ProductionKISS-101BSelective Wave SolderA125

59Heller1826 MK5Reflow OvenA126

62Exit Sign -- N/A -- Exit LightsN/AN/AA127

69South-Tek System N2-Gen 35STNitrogen GeneratorA128

75ACE ProductionKISS-102Selective Wave SolderA129

101FKN systemN100 NibblerDispensingA130

109MycronicMY200sxSMT MachineA131

112X-TEKXTV-160X-Ray SystemA132


116JUKIKE-2060RLSMT Placement MachineA134

127ELGIEG22-150Air CompressorA135


137JukiK3Screen printerA137

141Heller1826 MK5Reflow OvenA138


142NISSAN/yearly oil change and lubeMCU-112A331.VForkliftA140




Worksheet: Equipment PM

05-13-2018, 02:31 PM
[FONT=Arial] [color="#3E0000"]

_2) I am not sure how to "get started" , for example , with a computer with Vista Operating system: You mention "SoftEther setup" . I have been able to Google some information on SoftEther. But I am rather confused as to how
that fits in with a VPN from hide.me. In other words, I have no idea how to "get started" with a computer with
Vista Operating system: What do I download and from where. I am basically looking for a "computer idiots guide" to getting started with your VPN on a Vista computer.
Can you tell me what my first step or steps would be try out a VPN connection on a Vista operating system machine?
(I think I would prefer to get the more difficult option of Vista ( or XP ) working first: It would not be so helpful if I practiced on the simpler Windows 7, and then, after taking full membership option found that I had difficulty getting a VPN on one of my older machines… )

We have our own VPN clients on our website here: [size=1] https://hide.me/en/software
However there are alternative ways of setting up a VPN connection, you can find all our setup tutorials that do not require our software on https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/
You can establish VPN connection manually using your operating systems built-in VPN client and one of our setup guides from our tutorial section.
For example, for Windows 7 you can use this guide here: https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windows7/ikev2/
You can download all our latest VPN apps from this link, https://hide.me/en/software
Our own VPN client means our own VPN application that is solely our product and it was developed by us.
Please note that SoftEther standalone client/application is not our own product, OpenVPN and SoftEther standalone clients which are still viable for Windows XP/Vista are third party products - none of those are developed by us.
OpenVPN and SoftEther are open source projects and you can check https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenVPN
And more information on SoftEther project you can find here https://www.softether.org/
Both OpenVPN and SoftEther security wise are one of the best protocols available and you can check this article here: https://hide.me/en/blog/best-vpn-protocol/
For Windows Vista we no longer provide our own VPN application and you only need to follow the steps from SoftEther setup guide here: https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windowsvista/softether/
As mentioned in Step 1 of the setup guide you need to download SoftEther standalone client from their website here: http://www.softether-download.com/en.aspx?product=softether

SoftEther VPN
Following the hide me notes and tutorials choosing the SoftEther Option, ( which you also noted in your last Email ) , I have more success. The tutorial form hide me ties up exactly with what one finds at the softether-download site.
The hide me notes for getting the SoftEther VPN "Client" are very clear and easy to follow…
I followed all the steps and I seem to have success!!
( I did get some extra info appear as well , which I am not sure what it
means, .. yet.. : https://imgur.com/hhyGYKf )

_3) I also tried hide me on a lap top with XP operating system using the same SoftEther way which I had used yesterday on a Vista operating system lap top. Once again all went well today with the XP lap top attempt: https://imgur.com/fD5qIwd , https://imgur.com/Uvb82Yv


I can't get SoftEther to work on XP
I am mainly interested in getting the SoftEther working in XP and the OpenVPN working in Vista.


Reg arding SoftEther issues on your XP computer, please uninstall, restart your computer and reinstall SoftEther and follow this setup guide here: https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windowsxp/softether/

XP and SoftEther.
In the meantime I have occasionally had a working internet with a connection of hide.me/SoftEther on both the XP machines that I have tried.
It seems that I can occasionally do a connection / disconnection / connection approx 1-3 times and get a working internet. This then works continuously without problems. However if I try further a few times to disconnect and connect , then I get continually the time out error problem.
If I then wait a long period of time, I am then able to do a connection / disconnection / connection a few times and get a working internet once again. If I try further to disconnect/ connect, then once again the time out problem arises and so I must wait again for a long period before a connection produces a working internet.

I will follow your suggestion to de install and re install later when I have more time.

( Currently OpenVPN is working fairly reliably on those two XP machines)

( I note that I did not need to "Confirm a TAP" as I did in a previous instillation on an XP machine ( https://imgur.com/s9bgnNc )

_4 ) SoftEther
( The current main issue was that I could only get SoftEther to work occasionally on my XP machines)
_4a) I have de installed and re installed SoftEther on my XP machines.
The same previous obtained problem remains: If I wait a long period of time, then I am able to do a few reliable working connections and re connections to VPN which both are successful connections and I have a
working internet. After this further attempts at a connection appear successful, but internet does not work. I am not sure yet of exactly how the wait period is. I estimate that it is somewhere between 1

05-13-2018, 02:32 PM
SoftEther XP issue.

I am at a loss as to what new to try here.

I did register a new Device name on my account, TheDocIsHere@xp
I made one new SoftEther connection using TheDocIsHere@xp on an XPmachine, [size=1] https://imgur.com/59GGBc7
But I could not make much progress with that because attempting to use that for a connection shortly after registering the new Device results in an endless loop asking me again and again to verify the Username and Password.

I restarted a few times but that had no effect, I still got the endless loop asking me to verify the Username and Password

I experienced this issue early on in my testing of VPN with my original initial single Device name. So I expect this problem may sort itself out by itself eventually , as it did at that time.

( But I doubt that a working new device name will have any effect on the remaining SoftEther XP issue).

On your Windows XP machine can you do the following commands in command prompt, press '[FONT=Courier New][Color=Navy]Windows Key + R' and then type in cmd in the Run box and hit Enter. Now type in the following command in Command Prompt, enter this both when you are not connected to VPN and also while connected to VPN:
nslookup hide.me
nslookup hide.me
route print

Regarding this screenshot https://imgur.com/KMk8m1F - VPN client Adapter is adapter for SoftEther and TAP Windows Adapter V9 adapter is for OpenVPN.
Please check that you are not connecting both SoftEther and OpenVPN connection at the same time.
Also, on Windows XP and Vista please try (this configuration file), you can also try it on other computer

I have not had time to look thoroughly further at my XP/SoftEther issue yet. I will do this and then report back to you in another EMail. )

Remaining XP SoftEther issue.
I have not had time to look thoroughly yet at this. I will do this and then report back to you. Firstly I will try the suggestions from your last Email. Another thing that I will possibly try is older Client versions


Just some thoughts........ I suppose it makes some sense to try older Clients if using older operating systems… ? I wonder if a "rule of thumb" could be to try a version whose issue date is close to and/or shortly after the most recent Windows update that is on the computer on which you want to install the Client. My reason for suggesting this is that I presume the people who write this software would routinely be testing their software on a fairly up to date system which would likely have the most recent windows updates of that time.

( I already know from my own small experience that unfortunately, Microsoft updates usually seem to cause at least as many problems as they solve……………. :( )


I will also prepare some configuration files for your computers with TCP mode in the settings as some service providers throttle UDP based protocols and TCP based protocol might work better for you.
Try this configuration file from (here) and download this one from (here).
Just make sure you don't start VPN connection on your XP computer with both SoftEther while OpenVPN connection was already active.
Some configuration files (openvpn-berlin and openvpn-berlin-21) won't work on older OpenVPN client versions since the configuration files have tls crypt which is not supported on OpenVPN 2.3 versions. You can download configuration files for Windows XP and Vista from your Members area as it still provides older versions.
Openvpn-berlin and openvpn-berlin-21 configuration files you can use with OpenVPN 2.4. on Windows 7, 8 and Windows 10.
Sorry to hear about issues with downloading SoftEther and on one of your computers you can also try using this link to check if there are any issues with downloading - http://www.softether-download.com/files/softether/v4.30-9696-beta-2019.07.08-tree/Windows/SoftEther_VPN_Server_and_VPN_Bridge/softether-vpnserver_vpnbridge-v4.30-9696-beta-2019.07.08-windows-x86_x64-intel.exe
The version you've successfully downloaded and installed is the build from 2016 and as you noticed it does make sense to try out older version as compatibility issues are resolved - https://www.softether-download.com/files/softether/v4.22-9634-beta-2016.11.27-tree/Windows/SoftEther_VPN_Server_and_VPN_Bridge/softether-vpnserver_vpnbridge-v4.22-9634-beta-2016.11.27-windows-x86_x64-intel.exe
And you can try this build on Windows XP machine as well.
Since you mentioned Windows updates bring more problems than fixes, recently what happened is just that - check this article for example: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/windows-10-1903-is-now-having-problems-with-network-adapters/
Thanks for the feedback,I'm glad to hear it's working better now and I hope SoftEther will also improve.


XP ( LG X120 )
OpenVPN 2 3 18 I001 TAP-Windows 9 9 2
Berlin.ovpn ___ OK
Berlin-tcp.ovpn __ OK
openvpn-berlin.ovpn ___ FAIL
openvpn-berlin-21.ovpn ___ FAIL
Netherlands-ip-tcp.ovpn ___ OK

XP Issue…
So, back to the XP / SoftEther remaining issue.
( [size=2] This is the issue whereby it appears that a connection will give a working internet only once at approximately a couple of day intervals. Attempts more often than that at a dis connection / connection, appear to be successful, but the internet will not work

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=Ugxq4JHRza_zx3sz0fx4AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=Ugxq4JHRza_zx3sz0fx4AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=UgzMCQUIQgrbec400jl4AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=UgzMCQUIQgrbec400jl4AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=UgwhVTFaD469mW9wO194AaABAg.9gJzxwFcnPU9gORqKw5t W_ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=UgwhVTFaD469mW9wO194AaABAg.9gJzxwFcnPU9gORqKw5t W_)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=Ugyb8nmKKoXvcdM58gV4AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=Ugyb8nmKKoXvcdM58gV4AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=UgwvvXcl1oa79xS7BAV4AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=UgwvvXcl1oa79xS7BAV4AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=UgxvIFArksPprylHXYZ4AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=UgxvIFArksPprylHXYZ4AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=Ugxq4JHRza_zx3sz0fx4AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=Ugxq4JHRza_zx3sz0fx4AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA)

05-13-2018, 02:40 PM
[FONT=Arial][size=3] [color="#3E0000"]

So at this point, both my xp computers are in a similar state:
They have a working internet without VPN and an attempt at a SoftEther connection appears successful but the internet does not usually work

05-24-2018, 01:24 PM
Further hide.me xp notes to follow

06-02-2018, 11:30 AM

06-02-2018, 11:30 AM

06-22-2018, 10:34 AM

06-30-2018, 02:36 PM
For Windows Vista you can check this article here: https://hide.me/en/knowledgebase/hide-me-vpn-discontinues-support-for-windows-xp-vista/
As mentioned in the article, if you are using free membership you can set up VPN connection using SoftEther protocol and this setup guide here:
The OpenVPN protocol is only available to our Free members through our own VPN client apps here and we no longer provide our native VPN client for Windows XP and Vista.
You can check this article here: https://hide.me/en/knowledgebase/where-can-i-download-openvpn-configuration-files/
We also recommend to upgrade to newer version of the operating system to be able to receive security patches and regular updates from Microsoft and also to use our latest VPN app.
When you will have time please check these articles and with free membership you can continue using SoftEther setup on your Windows XP and Vista devices and for Windows 7 you can download our VPN client from here.

_2) I am not sure how to "get started" , for example , with a computer with Vista Operating system: You mention "SoftEther setup" . I have been able to Google some information on SoftEther. But I am rather confused as to how
that fits in with a VPN from hide.me. In other words, I have no idea how to "get started" with a computer with
Vista Operating system: What do I download and from where. I am basically looking for a "computer idiots guide" to getting started with your VPN on a Vista computer.
Can you tell me what my first step or steps would be try out a VPN connection on a Vista operating system machine?
(I think I would prefer to get the more difficult option of Vista ( or XP ) working first: It would not be so helpful if I practiced on the simpler Windows 7, and then, after taking full membership option found that I had difficulty getting a VPN on one of my older machines… )

_3) "VPN client" ..???
_3) (i) You have used the term "our VPN client" in your last Email….. On the internet this term, "VPN client", is used very imprecisely and vaguely, and appears to mean many different things depending on who uses it and in what context. Could you please elaborate on what you are referring to by "our VPN client"
_3) (ii) I have read that my "Router"###, "does not have the VPN client feature", and so "cannot connect directly to a VPN service". ( https://vpn-anbieter-vergleich-test.de/anleitung-telekom-speedport-neo-smart-hybrid-vpnanbieter/ ). Is this relevant?

We have our own VPN clients on our website here: https://hide.me/en/software
However there are alternative ways of setting up a VPN connection, you can find all our setup tutorials that do not require our software on https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/
You can establish VPN connection manually using your operating systems built-in VPN client and one of our setup guides from our tutorial section.
For example, for Windows 7 you can use this guide here: https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windows7/ikev2/
Our own VPN client means our own VPN application that is solely our product and it was developed by us.
Please note that SoftEther standalone client/application is not our own product, OpenVPN and SoftEther standalone clients which are still viable for Windows XP/Vista are third party products - none of those are developed by us.
OpenVPN and SoftEther are open source projects and you can check https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenVPN
And more information on SoftEther project you can find here https://www.softether.org/
Both OpenVPN and SoftEther security wise are one of the best protocols available and you can check this article here: https://hide.me/en/blog/best-vpn-protocol/
As mentioned in Step 1 of the setup guide you need to download SoftEther standalone client from their website here: http://www.softether-download.com/en.aspx?product=softether
have made changes in the meantime since the hide me notes and tutorials were written.

SoftEther VPN
Following the hide me notes and tutorials choosing the SoftEther Option, ( which you also noted in your last Email ) , I have more success. The tutorial form hide me ties up exactly with what one finds at the softether-download site.
The hide me notes for getting the SoftEther VPN "Client" are very clear and easy to follow…
I followed all the steps and I seem to have success!!
( I did get some extra info appear as well , which I am not sure what it
means, .. yet.. : https://imgur.com/hhyGYKf )

_b) This morning , I occasionally had an error after connection using my Vista laptop connection. The error occurred a few times, usually after connecting. But after a few minutes it sorted itself out by itself, and all was well. So it was not a major problem, just an occasional short term inconvenience. https://imgur.com/oLfSlA1
_c) regarding those German screenshots from yesterday.. That is not too important. I think I know what is _d) This morning when connecting my Vista laptop I consistently get told that my assigned IP address will be this: https://imgur.com/K3VUGN4
I disconnected and reconnected a few times and consistently I see as in that last screenshot
But on inspection I see a different IP address being used: https://imgur.com/EeuJ04F
I expect this is not too important for now, and as you mentioned, I may have more control of the IP address used with the premium version

Regarding the Softether error, it could be a temporary issue with the route between your ISP and our VPN server, there are many interconnecting links and you can reconnect again or try to connect to a VPN server closest to your real location, because that will provide you with the best internet speed and connection quality.
Regarding the notification about your assigned IP address, our DHCP server gives you a different internal IP address when you connect and the one that you see on the IP check is the external (public) IP address of our VPN server.
IP address in 10.x.x.x private range belongs to our internal range, which is used for internal routing. the ip address you see on hide.me/check is an external IP address available on the internet. This is called Network Address Translation (NAT for short) For more information about NAT, please check out this article.

On my Vista machine, I continually kept getting any of these , making it impossible to use any connection for more than a short period of time.: https://imgur.com/V1LEGbe https://imgur.com/B282Nei

So this is the results from my experiments today, Sunday.

_ My Vista Operating System Lap top ACER Aspire 4810TZG
Initially I did not change anything on my Vista machine, ( which still was/ is set up to use hide.me via the "SoftEther way".
Today, Sunday, it only seemed to have the problems mentioned from yesterday, Saturday, a few time initially. After that it had settled down.
So, initially I have not made the adjustments that you mentioned in your second screenshot in your last Email. For this machine. But I may look at them later on this machine.

.... regarding the OpenVPN client files for Vista and XP ..
… could these be a possible source for them? ( I found them after a short
Google search for "OpenVPN client download" )

I have not attempted to download them myself yet, as I am a bit apprehensive of downloading when I do not have any information about the source.

On my Vista and Win 7 machines all the VPN stuff is working OK

Regarding connection issues on your XP computer, perhaps something is interfering with your connection, maybe security software if you're using it but you can try restarting your router and your computer to check if it resolves these issues.
You mentioned if you need to add a new connection and then change the Advanced setting, that is not necessary- you only need to press OK to confirm it, first on the Advanced section and then on the main screen of SoftEther client.
Make sure that your firewall is not blocking the following ports or turn off the router's firewall:
SSTP / SoftEther require port 443
IKEv2 requires UDP ports 500 and 4500
PPTP requires TCP port 1723
L2TP requires UDP 1701, 500 and 4500
OpenVPN requires TCP/UDP 4000-4100

To connect to VPN, you have to allow ports through firewall for each respective protocol.
Forgive me for being stupid or missing the obvious again , but I am not seeing any mentioned download for Vista

TCP based protocols such as SSTP and SoftEther might work better for you.

OpenVPN client doesn't have a separate installer for Vista, you can use the one for Windows 7 - you can check this article here: https://openvpn.net/vpn-server-resources/connecting-to-access-server-with-windows/

07-01-2018, 02:17 PM
Code for Thai .

Option Explicit
Sub Sendfromexcellearninggmail()
Rem 6 EMail send 'For info see: http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2233-Urgent-support-needed-Multiple-emails-multiple-Excel-workbooks-at-once#post10519
'Working at my end With my With End With Created LCDCW Library, (LCD 1.0 Library ) (Linking Configuration Data_Cods Wollups)
With CreateObject("CDO.Message") ' -Linking Cods Wollups--------
Dim LCD_CW As String: Let LCD_CW = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/"
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "smtpusessl") = True '
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "smtpauthenticate") = 1 '
' ' Sever info
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "smtpserver") = "smtp.gmail.com" ' "smtp.office365.com" ' "smtp.live.com" ' "smtp-mail.outlook.com" ' "smtp.live.com" ' "smtp.gmail.com" ' "securesmtp.t-online.de" "smtp.mail.yahoo.com" "smtp.live.com" "pod51017.outlook.com" "smtp-mail.outlook.com" "smtp.live.com" "securesmtp.t-online.de"
' The mechanism to use to send messages.
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "sendusing") = 2 ' Based on the LCD_OLE Data Base of type DBTYPE_I4
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "smtpserverport") = 465 ' 465 or 25 for gmail '587 ' 25 ' 465 or 25 for t-online.de 'or 587 'or 25
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "sendusername") = "excellearning12@gmail.com" '
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "sendpassword") = "xxxxxxxxxxxxx" ' '
' .Configuration(LCD_CW & "sendusername") = "YourEMailAddress"
' .Configuration(LCD_CW & "sendpassword") = "YourEMailPassword"
' Optional - How long to try
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "smtpconnectiontimeout") = 30 '
' Intraction protocol is Set/ Updated
.Configuration.Fields.Update '
'End With 6a(i)' ---------------------- my Created LCDCW Library
'6a(ii) With ' -- ' Data to be sent--- my Created LCDCW Library
Dim strHTML As String: Let strHTML = "<font size=""3"" face=""Calibri"">" & _
"This is sent from EMail account:" & _
"<br>Username: ""excellearning12@gmail.com""" & _
"<br>Password: ""xxxxxxxxxxxxx""" & _
"<br><br>" & _
"<br>Please click on the 5 links below and tell me what happens, thanks!" & _
"<br>1 <A HREF=""https://app.box.com/s/x01liz3ralbdrt152i52fpwb0wx40ff3"">link to box net cloud free file sharing</A>" & _
"<br>2 <A HREF=""file://" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "Test file DOThtm to be stored on your computer to try to open with a Hyperlink in a received EMail.htm"""">htm file on your computer</A>" & _
"<br>3 <A HREF=""file://" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "Test file DOThtm to be stored on your computer to try to open with a Hyperlink in a received EMail.htm"""">htm file on your computer</A>" & _
"<br>4 <A HREF=""file://" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "Empty test file DOTxls stored on your computer to try to open from Hyperlink in arrived Email.xls"""">empty xls file on your computer</A>" & _
"<br>5 <A HREF=""file:///" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "Empty test file DOTxls stored on your computer to try to open from Hyperlink in arrived Email.xls"""">empty xls file on your computer</A>"
.To = "THai xxxxxxxxx"
'.CC = "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
.BCC = ""
.from = """excellearning12@gmail.com"" <excellearning12@gmail.com>"
.Subject = "Sent from EMail address: excellearning12@gmail.com"
.htmlbody = strHTML

.Send ' Do it
End With ' 6a(ii) CreateObject("CDO.Message") ---my Created LCDCW Library
End Sub

Testing files( sent privately ) :
I have also posted 3 files to you using our share g mail account , ExcelVBAExp@gmail.com
Please can you also try out the test…

Please do the following.

_1) Download all three files , and important: All must be stored in the same Folder.
( the three files are:
Test file DOThtm to be stored on your computer to try to open with a Hyperlink in a received Email.htm
Empty test file DOTxls stored on your computer to try to open from Hyperlink in arrived Email.xls
Test File Thai to send EMail containing Hyperlinks to Files.xlsm )

_2) Open only file Test File Thai to send EMail containing Hyperlinks to Files.xlsm
Run code Sub Sendfromexcellearninggmail()

You should receive an Email similar to these:
Alan 5 Links in German Telekom.JPG : https://imgur.com/LeASbhf
Alan 5 Links in gmail.JPG : https://imgur.com/0sdyZEj

_3) Please click on the links.

_4) Please reply and tell me what happens when you click each link


07-07-2018, 01:37 PM
First test code for solution to this thread:

( Run code Sub TestieCalls() )

Option Explicit
Sub TestieCalls()
Call Testie(Worksheets("Sheet1"), Worksheets("Sheet2"))
End Sub
Sub Testie(Ws1 As Worksheet, Ws2 As Worksheet)
Rem 1 Worksheet data info
'1a capture data
'1a(i) last data rows
Dim lr1_1 As Long, Lr1_2 As Long, Lr2_1 As Long, Lr2_2 As Long, Lr1 As Long, lr2 As Long
Let lr1_1 = Ws1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
Let Lr1_2 = Ws1.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).row: Lr2_1 = Ws2.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row: Lr2_2 = Ws2.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).row
If lr1_1 > Lr1_2 Then
Let Lr1 = lr1_1
Let Lr1 = Lr1_2
End If
Let lr2 = Lr2_2: If Lr2_1 > Lr2_2 Then Let lr2 = Lr2_1
'1a(ii) capture data into arrays in one go
Dim arrSht1() As Variant, arrSht2() As Variant
Let arrSht1() = Ws1.Range("A1:B" & Lr1 & "").Value
Let arrSht2() = Ws2.Range("A1:B" & lr2 & "").Value
Rem 2 arrays for check and output
Dim arrSht1b() As String, arrOut() As String
'2a size arrays to that of sheet 2 data
ReDim arrSht1b(1 To UBound(arrSht2(), 1), 1 To UBound(arrSht2(), 2))
ReDim arrOut(1 To UBound(arrSht2(), 1), 1 To UBound(arrSht2(), 2))
'2b fill modified sheet 1 array, arrSht1b() , initially with sheet 1 data
Dim Cnt As Long
For Cnt = 1 To UBound(arrSht1(), 1) Step 1
Let arrSht1b(Cnt, 1) = arrSht1(Cnt, 1): Let arrSht1b(Cnt, 2) = arrSht1(Cnt, 2)
Next Cnt
Rem 3 main loop ' == Start main loop ==========
For Cnt = 1 To UBound(arrSht2(), 1) - 1 Step 1 ' Counting at each row
Dim DifCnt As Long 'Count of different cells
' Condition check
If (arrSht2(Cnt, 1) <> arrSht1b(Cnt, 1) Or arrSht2(Cnt, 2) <> arrSht1b(Cnt, 2)) And (arrSht2(Cnt + 1, 1) = arrSht1b(Cnt + 1, 1) And arrSht2(Cnt + 1, 2) = arrSht1b(Cnt + 1, 2)) Then ' condition for changed row but next row is as previous : row had data changed, but a row was not inserted
Let arrSht1b(Cnt, 1) = arrSht2(Cnt, 1): arrSht1b(Cnt, 2) = arrSht2(Cnt, 2) 'change any changed cell
If arrSht1b(Cnt, 1) <> arrSht1(Cnt, 1) Then
Let arrOut(Cnt, 1) = arrSht1b(Cnt, 1) & " <> " & arrSht1(Cnt, 1)
Let DifCnt = DifCnt + 1
Else: End If
If arrSht1b(Cnt, 2) <> arrSht1(Cnt, 2) Then
Let arrOut(Cnt, 2) = arrSht1b(Cnt, 2) & " <> " & arrSht1(Cnt, 2)
Let DifCnt = DifCnt + 1
Else: End If
' Condition check
ElseIf ((arrSht2(Cnt, 1) <> arrSht1b(Cnt, 1) Or arrSht2(Cnt, 2) <> arrSht1b(Cnt, 2)) And (arrSht2(Cnt + 1, 1) <> arrSht1b(Cnt + 1, 1) Or arrSht2(Cnt + 1, 2) <> arrSht1b(Cnt + 1, 2))) Then ' main condition suggesting added new row
Dim AdedRows As Long: Let AdedRows = AdedRows + 1
'3b we need to shift all data down to allow space for new row in arrSht2()
Dim CntIn As Long
For CntIn = (UBound(arrSht2(), 1) - 1) To Cnt Step -1 'loop for all but last from this row
Let arrSht1b(CntIn + 1, 1) = arrSht1b(CntIn, 1): arrSht1b(CntIn + 1, 2) = arrSht1b(CntIn, 2) ' This effectively pulls up each row by one
Next CntIn
'3c add the new data to the modified array, Let arrSht1b()
Let arrSht1b(Cnt, 1) = arrSht2(Cnt, 1): arrSht1b(Cnt, 2) = arrSht2(Cnt, 2)
If arrSht1b(Cnt, 1) = "" Then arrSht1b(Cnt, 1) = " " ' Just to make final output more neat
If arrSht1b(Cnt, 2) = "" Then arrSht1b(Cnt, 2) = " "
'3d add info to the output array
If Cnt > UBound(arrSht1(), 1) Then ' case of new lines
Let arrOut(Cnt, 1) = "An new extra line contains " & arrSht1b(Cnt, 1): arrOut(Cnt, 2) = "An new extra line contains " & arrSht1b(Cnt, 2)

If arrSht1b(Cnt, 1) <> arrSht1(Cnt, 1) Then
Let arrOut(Cnt, 1) = arrSht1b(Cnt, 1) & " <> " & arrSht1(Cnt, 1)
Let DifCnt = DifCnt + 1
Else: End If
If arrSht1b(Cnt, 2) <> arrSht1(Cnt, 2) Then
Let arrOut(Cnt, 2) = arrSht1b(Cnt, 2) & " <> " & arrSht1(Cnt, 2)
Let DifCnt = DifCnt + 1
Else: End If
End If
Let Cnt = Cnt + 1 ' we need to skip the next row as that was just effectively added so we are done with it
Else ' row has not been added here

End If
Next Cnt ' ========= End main loop ==========
Rem 4 last row may be new
If arrSht2(lr2, 1) <> arrSht1(Lr1, 1) Or arrSht2(lr2, 2) <> arrSht1(Lr1, 2) Then ' either cell in last row is different
If arrSht2(lr2, 1) <> arrSht1(Lr1, 1) Then
Let arrOut(lr2, 1) = arrSht2(lr2, 1) & " on last row is new"
Let DifCnt = DifCnt + 1
Else: End If
If arrSht2(lr2, 2) <> arrSht1(Lr1, 2) Then
Let arrOut(lr2, 2) = arrSht2(lr2, 2) & " on last row is new"
Let DifCnt = DifCnt + 1
Else: End If
Else 'last row on sheet2 is as on sheet1
End If
Rem 5 Output in new file For testing purposes, I give the output in a third worksheet, Tabelle3
Dim Ws3 As Worksheet: Set Ws3 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Tabelle3")
Let Ws3.Range("A1:B1").Value = "Sheet1": Ws3.Range("C1:D1").Value = "Test Output": Ws3.Range("E1:F1").Value = "Sheet2"
Let Ws3.Range("A2").Resize(UBound(arrSht1(), 1), UBound(arrSht1(), 2)).Value = arrSht1()
Let Ws3.Range("C2").Resize(UBound(arrOut(), 1), UBound(arrOut(), 2)).Value = arrOut()
Let Ws3.Range("E2").Resize(UBound(arrSht2(), 1), UBound(arrSht2(), 2)).Value = arrSht2()
Rem 6 MsgBoox output
MsgBox Prompt:="inserted lines is " & AdedRows & vbCrLf & "Changed cells is " & DifCnt
End Sub

07-19-2018, 02:24 PM
Test runs from code
Sub TestyCalls() ' http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2277-Vba-button-Comparison-data-between-two-file-or-two-tabs?p=10741#post10741
' Call Testie(Worksheets("Sheet1"), Worksheets("Sheet2"))
Call Testy(Worksheets("Sheet1"), Worksheets("Sheet2"))
End Sub

For support of this excelfox Thread:

Using Excel 2007 32 bit

Sheet1Sheet1Test OutputTest OutputSheet2Sheet2

Customer Assembly Customer Assembly

Nu Torque
13456Nu Torque

Blu OriginSpaceshipBlu OriginSpaceship

Jet Blue21ABC




Jet Blue21ABC




Dup 2 of ToyotaDup 2 of SupraToyotaSupra

Dup 2 of EmirateDup 2 of ABC12345EmirateABC12345

Worksheet: Tabelle3

Using Excel 2007 32 bit

Sheet1Sheet1Test OutputTest OutputSheet2Sheet2

Customer Assembly Customer Assembly

Nu Torque
13456Nu Torque

Blu OriginSpaceshipAlaska

Jet Blue21ABCExcel123HiThaiExcel123HiThai

789Blu OriginSpaceship


EmirateABC12345Jet Blue21ABC

Worksheet: Tabelle3

07-19-2018, 02:40 PM
For Windows Vista you can check this article here: https://hide.me/en/knowledgebase/hide-me-vpn-discontinues-support-for-windows-xp-vista/
As mentioned in the article, if you are using free membership you can set up VPN connection using SoftEther protocol and this setup guide here: https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windowsxp/softether/
You just have to use one of the free VPN server address above, for example free-nl.hide.me to connect to our servers in the Netherlands.
With free plan you can connect to 5 of our VPN server locations: the Netherlands - in this case in the "Server name or address" field enter free-nl.hide.me
for Singapore enter free-sg.hide.me ; for Canada enter free-ca.hide.me and for US-East free-us-east.hide.me and US-West free-us-west.hide.me
The OpenVPN protocol is only available to our Free members through our own VPN client apps here and we no longer provide our native VPN client for Windows XP and Vista.
You can check this article here: https://hide.me/en/knowledgebase/where-can-i-download-openvpn-configuration-files/
We also recommend to upgrade to newer version of the operating system to be able to receive security patches and regular updates from Microsoft and also to use our latest VPN app.
If you would like to test OpenVPN setup I can activate a temporary paid membership on your account, free of charge, so you can download configuration files and complete OpenVPN setup. Just let me know your hide.me username you registered with and when would you like us to activate 1 day Premium trial.

You can easily connect and disconnect at your convenience with our VPN client apps or other setups. OpenVPN setup requires a little more work and since you're using old operating systems not many options are available to you. Please note that Microsoft will also end the support for Windows 7 after January 14th 2020 - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/windows/end-of-windows-7-support
When you will have time please check these articles and with free membership you can continue using SoftEther setup on your Windows XP and Vista devices and for Windows 7 you can download our VPN client from here.

But I am afraid that I am still not completely sure how to "get started"

We have our own VPN clients on our website here: https://hide.me/en/software
However there are alternative ways of setting up a VPN connection, you can find all our setup tutorials that do not require our software on https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/
You can establish VPN connection manually using your operating systems built-in VPN client and one of our setup guides from our tutorial section.
For example, for Windows 7 you can use this guide here: https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windows7/ikev2/
You can download all our latest VPN apps from this link, https://hide.me/en/software
Our own VPN client means our own VPN application that is solely our product and it was developed by us.
Please note that SoftEther standalone client/application is not our own product, OpenVPN and SoftEther standalone clients which are still viable for Windows XP/Vista are third party products - none of those are developed by us.
OpenVPN and SoftEther are open source projects and you can check https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenVPN
And more information on SoftEther project you can find here https://www.softether.org/
Both OpenVPN and SoftEther security wise are one of the best protocols available and you can check this article here: https://hide.me/en/blog/best-vpn-protocol/
For Windows Vista we no longer provide our own VPN application and you only need to follow the steps from SoftEther setup guide here: https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windowsvista/softether/
As mentioned in Step 1 of the setup guide you need to download SoftEther standalone client from their website here: http://www.softether-download.com/en.aspx?product=softether

I could not make any progress on this. I hit the same problem that I did right at the start of looking at VPN stuff: The notes from hide.me do not tie up with the info at OpenVPN:
If you follow this route: …. https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/ : https://imgur.com/la9kx1i
https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windowsvista/ : https://imgur.com/lTTJ6HN … then you get the Setup tutorial here: https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windowsvista/openvpn/
Those tutorial notes do not tie up with what you find at the openVPN site, ( https://openvpn.net/community-downloads/
At the openVPN net site you see this: https://imgur.com/0qzmHly . According to the hide me tutorial notes you should see this: https://imgur.com/IxiHHrq
In addition, in the notes, and in the tutorial video, it does not show clearly what you should actually download.
So an attempt at getting OpenVPN client fails at the first Step.
It does not appear that the hide me notes and tutorials for getting an OpenVPN client are any use… possibly they are out of date and/ or OpenVPN have made changes in the meantime since the hide me notes and tutorials were written.

Regarding the OpenVPN setup, as previously mentioned in our conversation, for this setup configuration files are needed, you can check this article here: https://hide.me/en/knowledgebase/where-can-i-download-openvpn-configuration-files/
But since OpenVPN protocol for free users is available only within our own/native VPN applications you won't be able to find configuration files in your Members area and for this setup paid membership is needed.
For this reason, when you're ready - over the weekend or when it suits you just let me know and I will activate temporary Premium membership on your account for a few days so you can complete the OpenVPN setup as well.
[size=2] regarding OpenVPN ......you are correct

07-23-2018, 03:57 PM
You only need to Logout from your VPN client and log in again with your TheDocIsHere username (not to be mistaken with your email) and your hide.me password to start using your Premium account.
Regarding connection issues, if you are having difficulties connecting please restart your computer and try using a different protocol. Start your VPN client, don't connect just yet, go to Options in the upper right corner (cog wheel icon) click on Protocol tab and please change the protocol to SSTP.

Hide me App settings.jpg : https://imgur.com/bcFulOe

Hide me App settings SSTPjpg https://imgur.com/EnSRTNx

It seems fallback protocol activated as our VPN app wasn't able to connect using automatic protocol and if you're receiving a message to install the TAP driver, don't worry as that driver is needed for connecting via OpenVPN and SoftEther VPN protocols.
Since those VPN protocols are not present in Windows by default, they need to be installed separately;
Have no worries as this driver is safe and will only install a virtual network adapter used for SoftEther or OpenVPN protocol (the same way as Windows does)
Our VPN client is configured to use OpenVPN as the default Fall back protocol (in case the configured VPN protocol cannot connect).
The second screenshot is a kill switch notification. When you enable this option and the VPN connection drops, your internet connection will disconnect and you will not be exposed.
it will disable your Internet connection in case your VPN connection drops and the client isn't able to reconnect to our VPN servers. It will alert you of this with a pop-up across the screen to re-enable your connection.

You can also setup your connection using OpenVPN protocol and this setup guide here: https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windowsvista/openvpn/
You can find configuration files needed in your Members area here, https://member.hide.me/en/server-status simply choose location you wish to connect to and click on "+ More Details " and download OpenVPN configuration file for your device.

I think that now that I am on premium.. this should "work", … so I decided to try on the Vista machine, ( which today was successfully working with hide.me, using SoftEther )
and also The XP machine, ( which I have not been able to get working constantly / consistently with hide.me over the past couple of days using SoftEther )

I followed this… https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windowsvista/openvpn/
As in all the previous attempts, I am stuck at Step 1, because clicking on this : https://imgur.com/afFlTK7 , does not
take me to the place suggested in the instructions.
_ XP
I followed this:.. https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windowsxp/openvpn/
Same problem as with the Vista attempt: I cannot find the download for the OpenVPN client

So my current issues are:

_ I cannot get internet to work always with a hide.me connection on my XP machine, currently almost never.
_ I cannot find the OpenVPN Client download: It is not at the link suggested in the hide.me Instructions.( or I may have missed something obvious…). .. Possibly those instructions are out of date? .
( I think I have now understood that I also need to download some configuration files, which are available to me whilst I have premium. But the problem is that I am not finding the OpenVPN client download).

.... regarding the OpenVPN client files for Vista and XP ..
… could these be a possible source for them? ( I found them after a short
Google search for "OpenVPN client download" )

You can download the OpenVPN client normally from their official website, they have only changed the layout of their website. There's no need to download from other sources.
When you click on the download link for the official OpenVPN Client from Step 1 in our OpenVPN setup guide it will take you to their website here: https://openvpn.net/community-downloads/
It is mentioned on the website that OpenVPN 2.4 installers will not work on Windows XP.
The last OpenVPN version that supports Windows XP is 2.3.18, which is downloadable as 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
You can download 32-bit version here: https://build.openvpn.net/downloads/releases/openvpn-install-2.3.18-I001-i686.exe
[color=lightgrey][size=1] And 64-bit version you can download from here:https://build.openvpn.net/downloads/releases/openvpn-install-2.3.18-I001-x86_64.exe

OpenVPN download ( XP).
Thanks for the heads up on that:- I carelessly missed that reference to the XP downloads. The info for the download is "hidden" in a lot of other stuff which I do not understand, so I did not read it all as carefully as I
should have.

Forgive me for being stupid or missing the obvious again , but I am not seeing any mentioned download for Vista

It also is not 100% clear to me which downloads are required for Windows 7.

In my opinion, that OpenVPN community download page is not much use for a beginner. It seems to assume that you already know all about OpenVPN , and that you have it already downloaded it, and that you already use it and that you are just looking at that page for a general discussion and update on the current stand of things. There is no clear download list for the Client

Can you clarify the position on OpenVPN client downloads please, that is to say the link to get them, for Vista and Windows 7 , ( and also Windows 10 as my wife has just bought a new laptop, so I will try to include that in my testing soon as well

So today I try OpenVPN ..
( initially I try today on the XP machine which is proving difficult to get
hide.me/SoftEther to work consistently)

Step 1 ( or rather, not.. )
I follow this, https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windowsxp/openvpn/ , except that I ignore Step 1 and instead download this

Step 2
( During the instillation ( Step 2 ) , I got this extra pop up: https://imgur.com/s9bgnNc (I chose the option to carry on with the instillation. ) )

Step 3.
This is a bit confusing . If I click on configuration file , ( https://imgur.com/f5Kfn7w ) , then I am directed to https://member.hide.me/en/server-status . Sometime that resulted in me getting the Server list. But also sometimes today, ( on any computer ,even my Vista or Windows 7 ), I get the "Time out" error: https://imgur.com/bLwfPqc (I get this error sometimes today, Tuesday on all computers, even when all other internet is working on those computers )
So I ignore Step 3, and instead follow the link that you gave me a few days ago (
https://hide.me/en/knowledgebase/where-can-i-download-openvpn-configuration-files/ )
Possibly I understand what is going on… maybe I need to download different configuration files for different location??

07-23-2018, 04:03 PM
As previously mentioned if you're receiving a message to install the TAP driver, don't worry as that driver is needed for connecting via OpenVPN VPN protocol and it will only install a virtual network adapter used for OpenVPN protocol.
Since that VPN protocol isn't present in Windows by default, it needs to be installed separately. Regarding connection issues and accessing your members area, for additional security it is possible that you experienced certain temporary limit if you tried unusual action and regarding configuration files, You can download other configuration files and copy them to your OpenVPN config folder (by default C:/Program Files/OpenVPN/config/ ) and confirm that you allow it and you can switch between the locations when you right click on the OpenVPN icon from your system tray.
On your new laptop you can also you can also install OpenVPN standalone client, the method is basically the same but you can check this guide here: And for Windows 10 download this OpenVPN file - https://swupdate.openvpn.org/community/releases/openvpn-install-2.4.7-I607-Win10.exe

So the remaining issues are
I can't get OpenVPN to work on Vista or Windows 10
I can't get SoftEther to work on XP
I can't get the hide.me app to work on Windows 10

I am mainly interested in getting the SoftEther working in XP and the OpenVPN working in Vista.

For error regarding OpenVPN service not starting please check this article here: https://superuser.com/questions/1432674/openvpnserviceinteractive-is-not-started-tasks-requiring-administrative-access
It is a Windows system service and this error indicates that your Windows operating system is having problems starting a required service.
Please download the latest Windows updates first.
Regarding TAP adapter errors, uninstall OpenVPN client and make sure you confirm the "User Account Control" (UAC) dialog with "Yes" button but I would also recommend to check this article here : https://jochen.kirstaett er.name/openvpn-on-windows-all-tap-windows-adapters-on-this-system-are-currently-in-use/

( Currently OpenVPN is working fairly reliably on those two XP machines)

OpenVPN Vista
So far I have not been able to get this to work on any Vista machines ever.
I still get this error on attempting to start OpenVPN:
https://imgur.com/Zpf72AF ( In English that is
something like …." "OpenVPNServiceinteractive" is not started.
Tasks that require administrative access may not work."…
I will look in detail later when I have more time at all your latest suggestions regarding this.

Regarding the issue with configuration file, those files are dynamically created, they are not hard linked and it could be an issue with your browser, please try using a different browser.
For OpenVPNServiceinteractive error please check this article here: https://superuser.com/questions/1432674/openvpnserviceinteractive-is-not-started-tasks-requiring-administrative-access
_2 error regarding OpenVPN service
( As noted previously I could originally only get OpenVPN to work reliably
on my older XP machines ).
_2a Regarding this article, which you referenced: :

It is not clear to me whether this is known problem that stops OpenVPN working, or whether it is just an irritancy.. ,
but anyway, I have tried to look into "Services" as discussed in that above article.
I tried two Vista machines:
_2a) (i) On one Vista machine I could not get very far because clicking on "Services" ( Step 3 here: https://imgur.com/9AGSZpe ) , had no effect: Nothing happens after clicking on the "Services" on that machine.
_2a(ii) On another Vista machine, I can get further, ( via "Services Running on this Computer" : Step 3 here: https://imgur.com/KQLZ1Ii
I then see similar windows as in the article. https://imgur.com/034GRiM
I appear to already have the correct setting of "Automatic" :
So on at least one of my Vista machines, the issue discussed in the article , is probably not causing the problem. ( Both my Vista machines were purchased from new at almost the same time. I have rarely changed any default settings, so I expect there is a good chance that both machines have this "Automatic" setting )
I tried a de install and re install ( using the same newest windows 7 version as previously, openvpn-install-2.4.7-I607-Win7.exe ). I noted the comments here,
, about the TAP stuff, so observed the TAP checked stings: The instillation has by default, ( as I believe was the case on all my previous instillations ) , the correct checked boxes: https://imgur.com/zuoWyzl
( I note that I did not need to "Confirm a TAP" as I did in a previous instillation on an XP machine ( https://imgur.com/s9bgnNc )
Finally I see this installed on the Vista machine: https://imgur.com/bE0ifIQ
This looks the same as I had previously.
After the new instillation, I restart my laptop. As previously, I get the start up error: https://imgur.com/PUflNhk
( Note: I get this start up error even on machines where OpenVPN is working consistently. So the start up error may not be so significant. )

As previously on all Vista machines, a connection fails: https://imgur.com/RwxfP4W
So OpenVPN remains not working on my XP Vista machines : https://imgur.com/9UVqf7o , https://imgur.com/TPq6vZN
I have not had time to look fully at the TAP issue yet. I would like to spend some more time on that to try to understand what TAP stuff is all about first before I start meddling with it, just in case I mess up something badly on my existing working (non VPN) internet.
I have made a copy of some of my recent OpenVPN Logs, for example from 30th September, and one for when OpenVPN suddenly started working on my new
„Berlin Win 7 success 30 Sept.log" :
„Berlin XP Success 30 Sept.log" :
"Berlin Vista fail 30 Sept.txt" :
****"Berlin Win 10 fail log 30 Sept.txt" :
OpenVPN Sudden first succes Berlin Win 8.1.txt :
There may be some information there in those logs that may be useful when I
re look at the OpenVPN problems, possibly something to do with TAP stuff.

5) Regarding the information you gave me about TAP errors.
I have not looked into the information that you gave me on this in detail yet.
The logs that I have seen often mention TAP errors or TAP failures, like "All TAP-Windows adapters on this system are currently in use".
These are shown for both unsuccessful and successful working VPN attempts.
So it is not clear to me yet what the relevance of these errors are.
I may look again at this TAP stuff later. I might understand later the significance..
I have a feeling that sometimes "TAP" errors seems to cure themselves… if you are lucky..
The only working option is SoftEther. I remain keen to get OpenVPN to work on my Vista machines

07-26-2018, 02:33 PM
_A) getting OpenVPN to work on my Vista Operating system machines. I have not ever managed that yet on any Vista operating system machine.
( SoftEther continues to work consistently on my Vista machines, as it has always since the very start of my experimenting with VPN)

Regarding operating systems, Vista and XP and available updates.
Since these Operating systems are no longer supported by Microsoft, they do not get any Windows updates automatically. Most of these machines I had from new, and they did regularly get updates. So I assume I have the
I am not too sure how I would now check that the updates are the latest? ( I can get old updates if I know the update KB number, for example form here: https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Home.aspx )

I had a quick look in my update lists on my machines… and I seem to have…
_- On my vista machines:
Windows Operating System updates until 2016; .Net updates until 2016;
Microsoft Office still gets regular updates automatically on my Vista machines
_- On my XP machines:
The shown date on updates is known to have bugs and errors in Windows XP. But I estimate that Windows updates stopped coming on my XP machines from about 2014 .( This estimate is based on inspection of the updates that I have, and looking at the information given for those updates at https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Home.aspx ) ; ( I disabled updates early this year on my XP machines since all my XP machines have licensed and registered Microsoft Office versions which still get offered updates from Microsoft, which cause problems: The problem with this is
that Microsoft often send updates for Office, which when installed, break many things in XP operating systems ! ( http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=31405 ) )

( Currently my Windows 7 machines and the Windows 8.1 machine mostly get regular automatic updates. But currently I have no problems with hide.me VPN on those )


Regarding the … new infrastructure ….- …"only Paris, Kiev, Seoul and Sydney are still on the new system……".. .
As far as I can remember I have not used yet any of those locations. So I expect that the new infrastructure issue will not have influenced any of my experimenting yet.


Regarding OpenVPN issues and openvpnserviceinteractive error.
This warning pop up occurs on all my machines even after a fresh install.
All the "Services" that I have been able to look at are set to start up automatic, and I suspect that most , if not all my machines are set to that start up automatic.
At the moment it is all supporting the idea that the warning pop up is best just to ignore.
But I will report back if anything I do changes the occurrence of that pop up warning


Regarding your suggestion of …" creating a new user on your computer and
check if OpenVPN is working there.."
I created a new User on a Vista machine and on a Windows 7 machine. All users have administrator status. ( Previously all my Vista and Windows 7 machines have had just one user

07-26-2018, 02:43 PM
I'm sorry for the confusion, I was referring to these articles and I will also provide direct links for other articles mentioned in my previous reply:
You can check and follow the recommended steps these articles below.
It is mentioned in OpenVPN github section here https://github.com/OpenVPN/openvpn-gui/issues/303 that OpenVPNServiceInteractive error looks like a local issue.
For some users uninstalling both OpenVPN and TAP adapter helped as in this article here: https://forums.openvpn.net/viewtopic.php?t=25770
With this article you can see how to check if you have administrator privileges https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch001093.htm but from what you mentioned it seems that's not a problems.

And on your Vista computer, uninstall your previous OpenVPN client and download and install this OpenVPN version and try connecting with it later. If you're using 32-bit version download this one here: https://build.openvpn.net/downloads/releases/openvpn-install-2.3.18-I001-i686.exe
In case you're using 64-bit version try this one here: https://build.openvpn.net/downloads/releases/openvpn-install-2.3.18-I001-x86_64.exe
Regarding this screenshot https://imgur.com/KMk8m1F - VPN client Adapter is adapter for SoftEther and TAP Windows Adapter V9 adapter is for OpenVPN.
Please check that you are not connecting both SoftEther and OpenVPN connection at the same time.
Also, on Windows XP and Vista please try (this configuration file), you can also try it on other computer [size=1]
Mainly this Email is concerned with my Vista/OpenVPN issue…

Regarding the issue with starting Services on some of my machines.
Looking at some of the articles seems to suggest that I may need to fiddle around with some clever stuff on re booting etc. So I think I will leave that issue for a while. My guess is that the issue with starting Services on some of my machines is not too directly relevant to my main remaining VPN issues. So I do not want to risk doing any damage messing around with things outside my computer knowledge capabilities…
Maybe I will re look at the issue with starting Services on some of my machines at a later date.

Regarding OpenVPNServiceInteractive issues.
Once again I think this may not be so important or relevant directly to my main remaining VPN issues. As it has been mentioned a few times that the error can be ignored, then , for now, I will ignore that issue.

Regarding Tap issues and de installing / re installing things
I have de installed / re installed, restarted things, de activated / re activated things many more times than I can remember…. I am coming to the conclusion that if you use VPN then de installing / re installing ,
restarted things, de activating / re activating things is something that you need to do constantly….. continually I get strange sporadic internet problems more and more often since I have been using VPN. Often a strange
new problem goes away after de installing / re installing, restarted , de activating / re activating things.
So I am routinely doing all sorts of de installing / re installing, restarted things, de activating / re activating things. That often solves a new problem, which I get more of, the more I use VPN. But so far the main two issues that I have are not effected by after de installing / re installing, restarted things, de activating / re activating things.

07-29-2018, 11:51 AM
So the main theme of this EMail....

Regarding your suggestion to uninstall previous OpenVPN on Vista , etc….
( just to refresh on previously/ currently…
_ I have / had 2.4.7-I607-Win7 : https://imgur.com/Q5LeptZ
. And typically I get the error: https://imgur.com/Q51VKiw
_ I see something like this typically on all my vista machines in my ControlPanel---Network and Internet---Networkconnection : https://imgur.com/YJaM6nB
I note your comments about my xp screenshot, which in comparison has also a " TAP Windows Adapter V9 adapter for OpenVPN "... … that " TAP Windows Adapter V9 adapter for OpenVPN ".. seems to have been missing on all my
Vista machines, despite always carefully checking for it to be installed during the many re instillations that I did… )
So I de installed 2.4.7-I607-Win7, ( I note that the de instillation did not removed the configuration files).
I downloaded and installed this one ( all my Vista machines are 32 Bit ) openvpn-install-2.3.18-I001-x86_64.exe
As always, I check during the instillation that I have the tap stuff … https://imgur.com/ISzIoCR … and if I am given
the option to install it, then I take that option.. https://imgur.com/JwkiSsP

Finally, after the instillation is finished, as I expected, I appear to have the OpenVPN 2 3 18 - I001 in my program list: https://imgur.com/BYa46N4 .. and for the first time ever on a vista machine, I now see an extra thing
in my ControlPanel---Network and Internet---Networkconnection https://imgur.com/B9FkEYU
… and it works !!!!! - https://imgur.com/7AK3m8w
https://imgur.com/Gs7x2rX it works almost always!!
The last screen shots are for the successful connection using the original Berlin configuration file.

In addition to the original Berlin configuration file, is also another one still there which you gave me with your Email from Oct 7, 21:25 UTC. ( openvpn-berlin.ovpn ) Trying that, I usually get an empty window and then a fail : https://imgur.com/0hghzuB

I have from your last Email (Oct 12, 19:34 UTC ) a third Berlin configuration file ( openvpn-berlin-21.ovpn ). So I have added that as well: https://imgur.com/nc5P8Fr
I have not yet been able to get that to work. It always fails and the window is empty : https://imgur.com/KSW4CUf

So I tried again on a second Vista Computer..
Here, just to refresh, was the current situation, OpenVPN Version 2.4.7-I607-Win7 was installed, We note that the tap thing for SoftEther is there, but the one for OpenVPN does not seem to be there: https://imgur.com/Hw1kL1z
and every attempt at connection Failed like this https://imgur.com/U6pLegg .

I installed all 3 versions of Berlin configuration files, ( https://imgur.com/flNvm6c )
I rechecked connections a few times, re started computer, re tried etc, the result was always a fail like this: https://imgur.com/U6pLegg ( In addition, on restarting the computer , and/or launching OpenVPN I got the error pop up:
_ On computer restart: https://imgur.com/NqVJUjQ "OpenVPNServiceInteractive" ist nicht instilliert. Aufgaben, die administrativen Zugriff benötigen, funktionieren
möglicherweise nicht." "OpenVPNServiceInteractive "is not installed.
Tasks that require administrative access may not work. "

_ On Launching: https://imgur.com/WY3xPdw :
"OpenVPNServiceInteractive" ist nicht gestartet.
Aufgaben, die administrativen Zugriff benötigen, funktionieren
möglicherweise nicht." "OpenVPNServiceInteractive "is not started.
Tasks that require administrative access may not work. "

So I repeat the experiment that was successful with the previous vista
machine…… I de installed OpenVPN Version 2.4.7-I607-Win7 , https://imgur.com/PiTezXc
, https://imgur.com/Gak0EU2
, https://imgur.com/PSy6uLN
, https://imgur.com/KcKBktM
, https://imgur.com/QSK1aXY
I notice that after the de instillation, as previously, the program files, including the tap stuff are all gone, but the configuration files are still there: https://imgur.com/xmyas9A

I now install OpenVPN version 2 3 18-I001-i686 from here
or here https://app.box.com/s/wykxqmh0c4wi9o2upoipzbo5z32zt16z )

I made sure that the tap stuff was checked and installed:
https://imgur.com/vqTRjV5 , https://imgur.com/ZdfIJdr

I notice that after the instillation, I now have the " TAP Windows Adapter V9 adapter for OpenVPN " thing shown in my ControlPanel---Network and Internet---Networkconnection : https://imgur.com/w5GVzVl , https://imgur.com/g0EYUZq

So far , every attempt at a connection with the original Berlin configuration file on this second vista machine has been successful :) : https://imgur.com/h78uTOs ,
https://imgur.com/GaC4q3J ,

As with the first vista machine, have not been able to get a connection to work with the two new Berlin configuration files ( openvpn-berlin-21 , openvpn-berlin ) : https://imgur.com/8k9MYrS , https://imgur.com/NLNi13

( I also note that I do not get the error pop ups on a restart and/or OpenVPN launch )


Just out of interest: A re try with 2 4 7 I607 Win 7 .
Because the Vista issue seems now to be solved, I decided for completeness, and just out of interest, to check out the source of the problem.

I de installed version 2 3 18-I001-i686 on a Vista machine. After this, the program 2 3 18 I001 and the TAP Windows 9 9 2 are gone from the program list.
Also, the tap is gone from the ControlPanel---Network and Internet---Networkconnection : https://imgur.com/hIGDM8l

I now install version 2 4 7 I607 Win 7 . As always, I have the tap stuff checked: https://imgur.com/6kE2lJm
I note that in the instillation, no pop up came up to indicate a tap instillation.
After instillation completion, I see that I have the program files, including the tap thing, but the tap is not shown in the
ControlPanel---Network and Internet---Networkconnections tap connections. https://imgur.com/2iIBK59

As expected, a connection attempt fails, ( and I have the pop up errors on starting )

So I re installed version 2 3 18-I001-i686 . ( in this experiment I did not de install version 2 4 7 I607 Win 7 before installing version 2 4 7 I607 Win 7 )
As always , I checked the tap stuff. I was not asked this time to install the tap. Never the less , the tap appears in the ControlPanel---Network and Internet---Networkconnections
In the program list, the 2 4 7 I607 Win 7 and TAP windows 9 23 3 are gone and the 2 3 18-I001-i686 and TAP Windows 9 9 2 are there.
A connection to Berlin works , using the original configuration files. (Using the two new configuration files fails to make a connection)

As a last experiment, I re install version 2 4 7 I607 Win 7 without de installing version 2 3 18-I001-i686 .
In this instillation I get an error whilst installing the TAP device driver: https://imgur.com/T8cfsmy
After the instillation, in the program list, the 2 4 7 I607 Win 7 and TAP windows 9 23 3 are there
and the 2 3 18-I001-i686 and TAP Windows 9 9 2 are gone.
As expected, I get the start up pop up errors, and I cannot get any working connection.


Finally I re install version 2 3 18-I001-i686 , and all is well! :)


So this is good news. I seem to have OpenVPN consistently working now on


New Vista Device. TheDocIsHere@vista ( On Acer Aspire 7535G Lap top )
So far I have been doing my vista related experiments mostly on two machines, both of which I have from new, ( Lap top Acer Aspire 4810TZG, ACER computer Aspire X3200 ) . As far as I know they were regularly receiving all the Microsoft updates which were available up until Microsoft discontinued support for Vista
I expect that later this year most of my VPN use on a Vista machine will be on another Lap top of mine , ( Acer Aspire 7535G ). ( This was not in use for a long time and probably did not get all the most recent updates. Most of the listed updates seem to be from around 2013 )

So, I created a new device name, TheDocIsHere@vista , and I expect that I will later this year be using that machine for most of my VPN use on a vista machine, most likely one of my Acer Aspire 7535G machines )

So I installed OpenVPN 2 3 18-I001-i686 on an Acer Aspire Lap top 7535G.
During the instillation the TAP thing was installed, and it appeared in the ControlPanel---Network and Internet---Networkconnections list.
I included the three config files in the config folder: https://imgur.com/RKrm56v
The results were consistent with the recent vista findings, as reported in this Email: Berlin works fine, using the original config files. ( As previously, config files openvpn-berlin-21.ovpn and openvpn-berlin.ovpn do not work )

SoftEther on my Acer Aspire Lap top 7535G
As I mentioned a few times, I like to have two working solution to most computer things. The obvious choice for my VPN stuff on my Acer Aspire Lap top 7535G is SoftEther, since this has mostly worked consistently in all my VPN Vista experiments to date. I was expecting no problem with it…… But I had a problem: I tried a few of the most recent SoftEther Client downloads.
Unfortunately, the .exe would not run. I looked briefly in the internet and there were some suggestions that either missing updates or possibly registry corruption sometimes cause such problems. I have not investigated these two things yet.
I found an alternative solution to this new SoftEther Vista problem: I noticed co incidentally that another VPN provider supplied a link to a much older Soft Ether Client download within their Vista Set Up instructions , ( http://softether-download.com/files/softether/v4.22-9634-beta-2016.11.27-tree/Windows/SoftEther_VPN_Client/softether-vpnclient-v4.22-9634-beta-2016.11.27-windows-x86_x64-intel.exe )
So I tried this old download, and this time, the .exe file ran normally. I set up berlin . https://imgur.com/C4wA45E
All connections so far have been successful, :)

Current conclusions ( Vista/ OpenVPN ).

It seems now that one of my last main remaining issues, ( OpenVPN / Vista ) is close to, if not completely, solved. ( I just need to try other locations, and possibly try the older Clients on my other machines , just for completeness and comparison.) Thanks for sticking with me on this one, your support has been very helpful.
My initial conclusions are that the instillation using version 2 4 7 I607 Win 7 seems to have a problem when attempting to install on a vista machine: something seems to go wrong with the TAP instillation. Using the 2 3 18-I001-i686 version does not seem to have this problem.

Just some thoughts........ I suppose it makes some sense to try older Clients if using older operating systems… ? I wonder if a "rule of thumb" could be to try a version whose issue date is close to and/or shortly after the most recent Windows update that is on the computer on which you want to install the Client. My reason for suggesting this is that I presume the people who write this software would routinely be testing their software on a fairly up to date system which would likely have the most recent windows updates of that time.

07-29-2018, 12:00 PM
Current conclusions ( Vista/ OpenVPN ).

It seems now that one of my last main remaining issues, ( OpenVPN / Vista ) is close to, if not completely, solved. ( I just need to try other locations, and possibly try the older Clients on my other machines , just for completeness and comparison.) Thanks for sticking with me on this one, your support has been very helpful.
My initial conclusions are that the instillation using version 2 4 7 I607 Win 7 seems to have a problem when attempting to install on a vista machine: something seems to go wrong with the TAP instillation. Using the 2 3 18-I001-i686 version does not seem to have this problem.

Just some thoughts........ I suppose it makes some sense to try older Clients if using older operating systems… ? I wonder if a "rule of thumb" could be to try a version whose issue date is close to and/or shortly after the most recent Windows update that is on the computer on which you want to install the Client. My reason for suggesting this is that I presume the people who write this software would routinely be testing their software on a fairly up to date system which would likely have the most recent windows updates of that time.

I'm glad to hear it is working now on both Vista computers and OpenVPN issues is a bit strange but I'm glad to hear the issue with OpenVPN on your Windows XP machine also sorted itself without additional intervention, [/size][/color]
I will also prepare some configuration files for your computers with TCP mode in the settings as some service providers throttle UDP based protocols and TCP based protocol might work better for you.
Try this configuration file from (here) and download this one from (here).
Just make sure you don't start VPN connection on your XP computer with both SoftEther while OpenVPN connection was already active.
Some configuration files (openvpn-berlin and openvpn-berlin-21) won't work on older OpenVPN client versions since the configuration files have tls crypt which is not supported on OpenVPN 2.3 versions. You can download configuration files for Windows XP and Vista from your Members area as it still provides older versions.
Openvpn-berlin and openvpn-berlin-21 configuration files you can use with OpenVPN 2.4. on Windows 7, 8 and Windows 10.
It's nice to hear that OpenVPN consistently is now working on Vista.
Sorry to hear about issues with downloading SoftEther and on one of your computers you can also try using this link to check if there are any issues with downloading - http://www.softether-download.com/files/softether/v4.30-9696-beta-2019.07.08-tree/Windows/SoftEther_VPN_Server_and_VPN_Bridge/softether-vpnserver_vpnbridge-v4.30-9696-beta-2019.07.08-windows-x86_x64-intel.exe
The version you've successfully downloaded and installed is the build from 2016 and as you noticed it does make sense to try out older version as compatibility issues are resolved - https://www.softether-download.com/files/softether/v4.22-9634-beta-2016.11.27-tree/Windows/SoftEther_VPN_Server_and_VPN_Bridge/softether-vpnserver_vpnbridge-v4.22-9634-beta-2016.11.27-windows-x86_x64-intel.exe
And you can try this build on Windows XP machine as well.
Just out of interest here are some more results:
Another Vista.. (Acer Aspire Lap top 7535G )
OpenVPN 2 3 18-I001 TAP-Windows 9 9 2
Berlin.ovpn ___ OK
Berlin-tcp.ovpn __ OK
openvpn-berlin.ovpn ___ FAIL
openvpn-berlin-21.ovpn ___ FAIL
Netherlands-ip-tcp.ovpn ___ OK

XP ( LG X120 )
OpenVPN 2 3 18 I001 TAP-Windows 9 9 2
Berlin.ovpn ___ OK
Berlin-tcp.ovpn __ OK
openvpn-berlin.ovpn ___ FAIL
openvpn-berlin-21.ovpn ___ FAIL
Netherlands-ip-tcp.ovpn ___ OK

( In all cases , in the connection to Netherlands-ip-tcp.ovpn , a Username and Password is asked for.
In the successful connection for openvpn-berlin.ovpn and openvpn-berlin-21.ovpn a Username and Password is asked for. ( https://imgur.com/hoW7853 )
In all cases , in the connection to Berlin.ovpn and Berlin-tcp.ovpn , a Username and Password is Not asked for )

My results are consistent with your comments about OpenVPN client versions and configuration files.


[size=2] I have download and made a back up of all the current Windows OpenVPN
config files from the hide.me Members area.


Hello Alan,
Thanks for the feedback regarding re-enabling adapter. How many devices (computers/phones) do you have active on your network? Could be an issue with the router and DHCP and the older version of Windows.
It's nice to hear that OpenVPN works nicely and while this fix for SoftEther helped but security-wise, we can't recommend the use of XP and I would recommend to use at least Windows 7 since you already have it set up. If I remember correctly Windows 7 VPN setup was working quite nicely for you but in case you opt for the use of XP and Vista having operational both OpenVPN and now SoftEther is a nice addition.

07-29-2018, 01:31 PM

07-29-2018, 01:33 PM
Sample test results for code from last post ( http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2056-Appendix-Thread-(-Codes-for-other-Threads-HTML-Tables-etc-)?p=10758#post10758 )

Using Excel 2007 32 bit

OriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalOriginalTe st OutputTest OutputTest OutputTest OutputTest OutputNEWNEWNEWNEWNEWNEW

Assembly #:Assembly Name: Assembly #:Assembly Name:

Qty PerRef/DesignatorDescriptionCustomer PNInternal PNManufacture PNQty PerRef/DesignatorDescriptionCustomer PNInternal PNManufacture PN

1Nu Torque
1Nu Torque

1Blu OriginSpaceship
1Blu OriginSpaceship

2Jet Blue21ABC
4582Jet Blue21 < > Jet Blue23ABC458 < > DEF458 < > DEF




2Jet Blue21ABC
Worksheet: Result

Using Excel 2007 32 bit

Test OutputTest OutputTest OutputTest OutputTest Output

2Jet Blue21 < > Jet Blue23ABC458 < > DEF458 < > DEF

Worksheet: Result

07-30-2018, 12:38 PM
Code for alternative(2) output
In support of this post:

Sub TestyCalls() ' http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2277-Vba-button-Comparison-data-between-two-file-or-two-tabs?p=10741#post10741
' Call Testie(Worksheets("Original"), Worksheets("NEW"))
' Call Testy(Worksheets("Original"), Worksheets("NEW"))
' Call Testies(Worksheets("Original"), Worksheets("NEW"))
' Call Tests28July(Worksheets("Original"), Worksheets("NEW"))
Call Out2Testies(Worksheets("Original"), Worksheets("NEW"))
End Sub
Sub Out2Testies(Ws1 As Worksheet, Ws2 As Worksheet)
Rem 1 Worksheet data info
'1a capture data
'1a(i) last data rows
Dim lr1_1 As Long, Lr1_2 As Long, Lr2_1 As Long, Lr2_2 As Long, Lr1 As Long, lr2 As Long
Let lr1_1 = Ws1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
Let Lr1_2 = Ws1.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).row: Lr2_1 = Ws2.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row: Lr2_2 = Ws2.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).row
If lr1_1 > Lr1_2 Then
Let Lr1 = lr1_1
Let Lr1 = Lr1_2
End If
Let lr2 = Lr2_2: If Lr2_1 > Lr2_2 Then Let lr2 = Lr2_1
'1a(ii) capture data into arrays in one go
Dim arrSht1() As Variant, arrSht2() As Variant
Let arrSht1() = Ws1.Range("B1:G" & Lr1 & "").Value
Let arrSht2() = Ws2.Range("B1:G" & Lr1 & "").Value
Rem 2 arrays for check and output
Dim arrSht1b() As String, arrOut() As String, arrSht1Chk() As String, arrSht2Chk() As String, arrSht2ChkKopie() As String
'2a size arrays to that of sheet 2 data
' ReDim arrSht1b(1 To UBound(arrSht2(), 1), 1 To UBound(arrSht2(), 2))
' ReDim arrOut(1 To UBound(arrSht2(), 1), 1 To UBound(arrSht2(), 2) - 1) ' -1 as one column , D is not required
ReDim arrOut(1 To UBound(arrSht2(), 1), 1 To 1) ' arrOut() is now only one column, as I am using the concatenated string in the output
ReDim arrSht1Chk(1 To UBound(arrSht1(), 1))
ReDim arrSht2Chk(1 To UBound(arrSht2(), 1))
ReDim arrSht2ChkKopie(1 To UBound(arrSht2(), 1))
'2b make check arrays fill modified sheet 1 array, arrSht1b() , initially with sheet 1 data
Dim Cnt As Long
For Cnt = 1 To UBound(arrSht1(), 1) Step 1
' Let arrSht1b(Cnt, 1) = arrSht1(Cnt, 1): Let arrSht1b(Cnt, 2) = arrSht1(Cnt, 2)
' Let arrSht1Chk(Cnt) = arrSht1(Cnt, 1) & "|" & arrSht1(Cnt, 2)
Let arrSht1Chk(Cnt) = arrSht1(Cnt, 1) & " " & arrSht1(Cnt, 2) & " " & arrSht1(Cnt, 4) & " " & arrSht1(Cnt, 5) & " " & arrSht1(Cnt, 6)
Next Cnt
For Cnt = 1 To UBound(arrSht2(), 1) Step 1
' Let arrSht2Chk(Cnt) = arrSht2(Cnt, 1) & "|" & arrSht2(Cnt, 2)
Let arrSht2Chk(Cnt) = arrSht2(Cnt, 1) & " " & arrSht2(Cnt, 2) & " " & arrSht2(Cnt, 4) & " " & arrSht2(Cnt, 5) & " " & arrSht2(Cnt, 6)
Next Cnt
Let arrSht2ChkKopie() = arrSht2Chk() ' Arrays of same size and type can be assiigned to eachother
'2c make contents of array for output initially all dat from NEW
For Cnt = 1 To UBound(arrSht2(), 1) Step 1
Let arrOut(Cnt, 1) = arrSht2Chk(Cnt)
Next Cnt
Rem 3 main loop ' == Start Main loop ================
For Cnt = 1 To UBound(arrSht1(), 1) Step 1 ' Counting at each row of NEW
Dim MtchRes As Variant
Let MtchRes = Application.Match(arrSht1Chk(Cnt), arrSht2Chk(), 0)
' If IsError(MtchRes) Then ' case data is MISSING: NEW ( MISSING: ) ' This straight forward modification to the existing code will not work. This is because the code modifies the check array , arrSht2Chk() , when checking for the data from Original in NEW
' Let arrOut(Cnt, 1) = "Missing: " & arrSht1(Cnt, 1): arrOut(Cnt, 2) = "MISSING:: " & arrSht1(Cnt, 2)
' Else:
'3a(ii) action whilst match is found --Inner Loop------
Do While Not IsError(MtchRes) ' The 3a Loop
Dim DupyCnt As Long: Let DupyCnt = DupyCnt + 1
If DupyCnt > 1 Then
Let arrOut(MtchRes, 1) = "Dup " & DupyCnt & " of " & arrSht2ChkKopie(MtchRes)
Let arrOut(MtchRes, 1) = ""
End If
Let arrSht2Chk(MtchRes) = "" ' remove entry in check array so that next line can look for possible duplicate
Let MtchRes = Application.Match(arrSht1Chk(Cnt), arrSht2Chk(), 0)
Loop ' ----------------------------------------
' End If '
Let DupyCnt = 0 ' reset the Duplicated data count for next row of data in Original
Next Cnt ' ========= End Main loop ================= effectively we go to next row of data in Original with this line
Rem 3b Second Loop ' ##### Start Second loop #####
For Cnt = 1 To UBound(arrSht1(), 1) Step 1 ' Counting at each row of NEW
'Dim MtchRes As Variant
Let MtchRes = Application.Match(arrSht1Chk(Cnt), arrSht2ChkKopie, 0)
If IsError(MtchRes) Then ' case data is missing NEW ( MISSING: )
Let arrOut(Cnt, 1) = "MISSING: " & arrSht1Chk(Cnt)
End If '
Let DupyCnt = 0 ' reset the Duplicated data count for next row of data in Original
Next Cnt ' ##### End Second Loop ################# effectively we go to next row of data in Original with this line
Rem 3c(i) Third Loop ' @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
For Cnt = 1 To UBound(arrOut(), 1) Step 1 ' Counting at each row of output arrray
If InStr(1, arrOut(Cnt, 1), "MISSING:", vbBinaryCompare) <> 1 Then
If arrOut(Cnt, 1) <> "" Then '
Let arrOut(Cnt, 1) = arrSht1Chk(Cnt) & " < > " & arrOut(Cnt, 1)
End If
Else ' case we have a Missing row, so no action in Third Loop 3c
End If
Next Cnt ' @@@@@ End Third Loop ' @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

Rem 5 Output in new file For testing purposes, I give the output in a third worksheet, Tabelle3
Dim Ws3 As Worksheet: Set Ws3 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Result")
Let Ws3.Range("A1:F1").Value = "Original": Ws3.Range("G1").Value = "Test Output": Ws3.Range("H1:M1").Value = "NEW"
Let Ws3.Range("A2").Resize(UBound(arrSht1(), 1), UBound(arrSht1(), 2)).Value = arrSht1()
Let Ws3.Range("G2").Resize(UBound(arrOut(), 1), 1).Value = arrOut()
Let Ws3.Range("H2").Resize(UBound(arrSht2(), 1), UBound(arrSht2(), 2)).Value = arrSht2()
Rem 6 MsgBox output
' MsgBox Prompt:="Inserted lines is " & AdedRows & vbCrLf & "Changed cells is " & DifCnt
End Sub

07-30-2018, 12:43 PM
Some notes to be added to in preparation for a Tutorial Thread…
http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests?p=11652&viewfull=1#post11652 http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests?p=11652&viewfull=1#post11652
See here for more detailed intro and SoftEther : http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests?p=11597&viewfull=1#post11597

OpenVPN VPN on older computers with Operating systems XP and Vista

Introduction / Comparison with SoftEther
Skip reading this if you have not read the previous posts concerning SoftEther and XP/Vista, ( http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests?p=11597&viewfull=1#post11597 )
I have experienced much more consistent results and less problems with OpenVPN compared with SoftEther on my older computers with Operating systems XP and Vista. Problems are mostly limited to minor inconveniences or very minor irritations. In short: it most always seems to work!
The main points to note:
_ There is a specific older version of the Client installing software recommended to use for XP. The newer versions are not expected to work with XP
_ In my experience, the older version should also be used for Vista: Theoretically the newer versions should work with Vista, but there appears to be a problem installing the TAP Adaptor. ( In my experience the newer versions work OK for Windows 7 and above )
_ The main difference in the Client Software is that you will likely need some extra information, configuration files, from your provider for each Server which you want to use.
This information, which is required for the OpenVPN solution, needs to be placed in your computer in an appropriate way after the main OpenVPN Client Software instillation

Introduction/ Recap
The “thing” enabling your access to the internet, ( the “box” connected to your telephone cable, or the thing in your favorite Coffee bar giving you free internet access), has an identifying number, the “IP address”)
By virtual private network (VPN), in very simplified terms, we are talking here about making it seem to everyone, except very qualified and resourceful computer sources, as if the computer that you are using is somewhere else.
We can use our existing Operating software, or commercially and/ or freely available software , ( often referred to as “Client” software) , or a combination of both, to do something called VPN tunneling. In simple terms the software is used to organize and encrypt what you send to and what you receive from, a Server elsewhere. It does that in such a way that the Server sends and receives as if it had sent itself from that Server: Think of it as you digging a tunnel from your house to the Server. Then you somehow make a connection possibility through various cables from your computer via the tunnel to the Server. You organize the connection such that you can both
use the server as a normal computer surfing the internet,
then send back what the Server receives from the internet to your computer via the encrypted connection in the tunnel.
OpenVPN is a freely available software which is part of a “intermediate level” type solution: (Very broadly speaking, there are 3 main ways to get a solution to do this VPN stuff
_ a “low level” solution: In Windows you can set up VPN using existing operating system things, if you know what you are doing.
_ a “high level” solution: Download and install all encompassing “App” provided by a VPN provider. Then click the button do what you want.
_ An intermediate solution, requiring some external software, but also requiring some understanding of your operating system in order to get it working like a an “App”
)In the context of things VPN, a “Client” is only loosely defined. It broadly is referring to the software part of the final VPN tunneling solution that is on the user’s computer

Sign up to a provider/ Obtain access to other Servers
Regardless of how you want to do VPN, you need to get access to one or more Servers. The usual way is to register an account with a company providing this Service: The Service is Basically allowing you access to either their Servers, or the Servers that they have access to for the purposes of providing VPN possibilities.
If you intend using OpenVPN Client software, then there are 4 important things you will most likely need to obtain from your chosen provider. These things you need in order to set up connection possibilities using the OpenVPN Client software:
_ Username ( This may be a single Username, or may be several depending on how the particular provider organizes use of his product ) ;
_ Password ( This may be a single Username, or may be several depending on how the particular provider organizes use of his product ) ;
_ A Server internet address for each Server you want to use ;
_ A configuration file for each Server you want to use . ( Typically this is like a small text file, but has the .ovpn extension, ( https://imgur.com/8JYHMTH ) Some providers will therefore, as an alternative, tell you what information is in such a file for a specific Server. You then make this file yourself as a simple text file, and finally change the extension on the final file from .txt to .ovpn )

Working example. hide.me VPN and OpenVPN client
A general explanation of using a VPN is of little practical use, since the organization of internet and associated network systems within computers, in windows, is an imprecise jumbled up mess. I will report on a practical working example from start to finish. The example will use the provider hide.me. They have a free and paid service which from the perspective of the initial setting up is similar. But note that the configuration files are only available for the paid service from hide.me

I will cover the operating systems of XP, Vista in the next few post. Later I may cover newer operating systems.

07-31-2018, 12:54 PM
Example of VPN with OpenVPN in Operating System XP

For OpenVPN use, We have broadly speaking two things to do.
_Part 1 The Client instillation to make the GUI available on our computer
_ Part 2 …further work not directly in the GUI to make the GUI have connection possibilities for one or more Servers

Part 1
Installing OpenVPN Client Software
Download and Open/run this software:
'openvpn-install-2.3.18-I001-i686.exe' https://app.box.com/s/wykxqmh0c4wi9o2upoipzbo5z32zt16z
The installation process is standard and straight forward, typically 6 steps: https://imgur.com/8SvE5Xf ,
But some things to note :
Step 3: The instillation should also install the required TAP adaptor, if you do not already have one of the type required.
Make sure at this Step of the instillation that the option is checked to Install this TAP adaptor, https://imgur.com/riN5CtP , https://imgur.com/6VqsAoj
If the instillation intends to create the required TAP adaptor, you may see a pop up warning about problems, https://imgur.com/s9bgnNc , https://imgur.com/5Xc8K35 , !!! https://imgur.com/bS6Cbn0 !!! . I have often seen these warnings, but so far have never experienced problems which I have been able to trace back to this “compatibility” issue. So I have always just continued the instillation at this point, https://imgur.com/VK7pT4R
You can check to see if the instillation of the TAP adaptor takes place
_ By observing the representations of your various adaptors in the Network Connections Console, before and after the instillation ( See here http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2336-Excel-and-XP-Operating-System-Tests-(proc-entry-pt-quot-GetDataFormEX-quot-not-found-in-the-DLL-quot-KERNEL32)?p=11761&viewfull=1#post11761 for info about getting to Network Connections Console in XP )
Before OpenVPN Instillation:
https://imgur.com/2VRDnyc , https://imgur.com/s8s5o3d 25482549

After OpenVPN Instillation
https://imgur.com/s8s5o3d , https://imgur.com/92I4aeu 25502551
_ In addition . if things have gone OK, then you should see two new entries in Control panel ---- Software .
Navigate to Control Panel: https://imgur.com/oS37gjp , https://imgur.com/BvnEjbG
Then select something like Software or Add or Remove Software https://imgur.com/BgX4zlK , https://imgur.com/tIcnBwa
Step 4 : make a note of the URL path of the Install location. You will need to go there later for the extra work required after the instillation.
( You can copy it from the URL bar as it is highlighted ). Typically the default location is something like C:\Programme\OpenVPN or C:\Program\OpenVPN . You can also choose a different location by manually typing it or via the Browse… button. Note that you do not need to include the last bit , \OpenVPN , as this is always added. If you do include this, then your last part of the URL will look like this: \OpenVPN\OpenVPN ) I chose for this example an untypical place, in this a case a few folders down in my desktop: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Alan\Desktop\VPN\OpenVPN Client\OpenVPN https://imgur.com/XndDiM4

The instillation is finished at this point, but there is further work to do….
You can run by using the Client General User Interface, GUI. To use the OpenVPN GUI, double click on the desktop icon or start menu icon which should have been created by the instillation . This starts the OpenVPN Client software. The OpenVPN GUI is a what is known as a “system-tray applet”, so an icon for the GUI will now appear in the lower-right corner of the screen. It should be a small grey rectangle with a padlock on at this stage, https://imgur.com/4WPc3SJ
Right click on this system tray icon, and a menu should appear. But you will only see the options of Settings… and Exit https://imgur.com/Ut7mvOL , … …but…there is further work to do , such that other options become available to allow you to select ( if you set up more than one Sever connection ) the Server you want, and then to make the live connection
Finally you would see something like this when right clicking on the system tray icon:
For one Server : https://imgur.com/1SB5MHj , https://imgur.com/Qki76HF
For more than one Server https://imgur.com/9vjrEUo , https://imgur.com/cqjB2gx , https://imgur.com/8rMFE3I
_...But there is further work to do to get that far

08-02-2018, 11:57 AM
Example of VPN with OpenVPN in Operating System XP

Part 2 Setting up connection to Server possibilities
OpenVPN Connection Setting Parameters
In preparation for this work you need
_ (i) You need to know the location of the OpenVPN Folder , \OpenVPN , as discussed in Step 4 of the instillation
_ (ii)a) The internet address , ( supplied by your provider ) , of all the Servers that you wish to make a connection to. As example, a server in Berlin Germany used by the VPN provider Hide.me ( https://hide.me/en/ ) , has an address of berlin.hide.me . You may or may not specifically need this directly, depending on how your provider organizes supplying you with all the information that you need, but is likely to be useful in any case for later reference.
_(ii)b) Configuration files for all the Servers that you wish to make a connection to. These you do specifically need when using the OpenVPN Client software. Typically, for each Server, this is like a small text file, but has the .ovpn extension, ( https://imgur.com/8JYHMTH instead of the usual .txt extension. ) These files can be created , opened and viewed using a simple text editor, but simply need to be saved with the .ovpn extension. Some providers will therefore, as an alternative, tell you what information is in such a file for a specific Server. You then make this file yourself as a simple text file, and finally change the extension on the final file from .txt to .ovpn
_ (iii) key/certificate file. This will likely be a text file either made yourself, or supplied by your VPN provider, or a combination of both. In most cases this will contain some sort of information in the form of a Username and a Password .

OpenVPN Connection Setting Parameters obtaining them
The information, and way to get it, for (ii) and (iii) , may vary from provider to provider.
As a working example, consider that I want this information from the provider Hide.me such that I can set up a connection possibility using OpenVPN Client software , to their Server located in Berlin, Germany.
( Hide.me organize that you get partially (ii) and (iii) together).

I will need to have registered an account, and will log in. https://imgur.com/YrwnvLK
I have a list of their server locations, and alongside the Server location for Berlin, Germany , I have the internet address , berlin.hide.me , https://imgur.com/ZM0xI32
Clicking on + more details , https://imgur.com/yAgKbc1 , will give you the option of obtaining OpenVPN Configuration , for example , for windows https://imgur.com/nLtQYGC
The download consists of a Zipped folder containing two files.
The zipped folder can be saved anywhere. Download anywhere you like : https://imgur.com/ICbrz8L
It needs to be unzipped , and finally the files must be saved in a specific place.
But initially , I would recommend saving it to some other place , such as somewhere where you store such files as a backup.
The exact steps to do this may vary a little depending on how you handle zipped files in your XP. Here is a set of steps I take to finally save the two files in a Folder named OpenVPN config files. ( I was able to create this folder during the unzipping, the after clicking the Browse… ( Durchsuchen…) in one of the following screenshots)
Download anywhere you like : https://imgur.com/ICbrz8L
Unzip : https://imgur.com/zX8JTtf , https://imgur.com/piQSRoq , , https://imgur.com/0VEarc8
If you view the two files in a text editor you will see something like this: https://imgur.com/LwrjJRI
The config file, Berlin.ovpn in this example , is in its final state, and no further action on it is required.
The file userpass.txt , is a “key/certificate file”. Currently, for the provider Hide.me , the first line is given as your account Username , and you may need to change that. The second line is a Password which you currently need to edit to your account password. Hide.me are currently in the middle of changing how they organize which password you use, so for this information you should check with them if you choose Hide.me as your provider.
For other providers, they may have other ways to organize the key/certificate file and possibly also the config file
So, before proceeding to the next steps, you need to have those 2 files in the required format. If in doubt, check with your provider.

( A note of warning here for the case of Hide.me provider:
_T he config files are generated when you obtain them.
_You are automatically logged out after a short time, although you can still navigate around the site, so it may appear that you are still logged in.
_ A check is probably made of if you are still logged in when you attempting to download config files. If you are logged out, the downloads process still works … but the download Folders are empty!

To overcome this problem, simply download fairly quickly after logging in, or refresh the page before downloading. )

Including Connection Parameter Setting into your computer
This step basically is just copying initially the final two files to the correct location which is where OpenVPN Client is expecting to find them. This will make one server available, in the current example, the Server used by Hide.me in Berlin, Germany.
The correct location is a folder with the name config , which should be seen in the location that you chose in step 4 of the instillation.
So now copy the two files to that folder
At this point, if all has gone well, then you now see by right clicking on the system tray some more options including one to make a connection, https://imgur.com/Qki76HF

Subsequently , to have more than one Server available, you repeat the steps so far, except that you ignore the further copies of userpass.txt which are downloaded: In the final location, you just require a single appropriately edited text file with the name userpass.txt
So in our example, the correct location for one correctly edited text file, userpass.txt , and one or more Server config files is a Folder with the name config within the Folder named OpenVPN in the path used in the instillation.
So you should have the two initial Files and any further config files at that location:
In this example, I have an untypical place, in this a case a few folders down in my desktop
…………………\Desktop\VPN\OpenVPN Client\OpenVPN\config https://imgur.com/qu7i6h5

Having copied the initial two files there, if I now right click on the grey rectangle padlocked symbol in the system try below, I see this: https://imgur.com/gH8vsmL
If I repeat for another Server, say for a Server in Frankfurt, Germany, the set up steps , ( ignoring any more downloaded userpass.txt files ) , then I now see that I have similar extra options for each Server : https://imgur.com/SDw5j7i , https://imgur.com/gdy7PML

You effectively have now the tunnels built and connections ready to be used.

Connecting to a VPN connection: Hiding. “Launch” the “Applet”
This next step is what VPN is all about: being able to “hide” with a few mouse clicks. In order to do that we need to connect up to one of the “tunnel” links which we have set up: The steps up until now have set up the various wiring required to make such a connection to a couple of Servers.

The OpenVPN software application that we are using is a so called “system-tray applet”. Once installed, an OpenVPN icon will normally be present on your desktop, https://imgur.com/rnqaVY3 , and double clicking on it will “start”/”launch” the “Applet” ( If you click once on the desktop item and drag the desktop item towards the Microsoft symbol/ Start button, bottom left, then the icon will also appear in the start menu. You can then click once on the icon there to “launch” the “Applet” , https://imgur.com/rnqaVY3 ).
Once launched, a right click on the small grey padlocked rectangle will show the options.
Click at the desired Server location on “Connect” , https://imgur.com/F9rPyfS
Once the connection has been successfully established, the OpenVPN icon turns green, and you may see for a very short time a small pop up coming from the system tray icon indicating the allocated IP address. ( The IP address shown will likely start with 10. - , IP address in 10.x.x.x private range belongs to Hide.me internal range, which is allocated to you for the current connection that you have made. It is used for internal routing.
To most people, your IP addressee now gives the indication that you are at the Server you chose to “hide behind” ). Most likely you will not notice this pop up, but more likely see another one for a longer period indicating that OpenVPN Client has successfully connected.

That is it … you are “hidden” – most people will think that your computer is at the location you chose!

Ref !!! https://imgur.com/bS6Cbn0 , https://imgur.com/5Xc8K35
'Logo Incompatibility by OpenVPN xp Install.doc' ( Help File ) : https://app.box.com/s/xhs2asljckrl6k1o53ugt7fdavs5du2p

08-02-2018, 12:18 PM
Problems and Problem Solving with OpenVPN in XP
I have rarely experienced any serious problem.
Problems encountered with OpenVPN are mostly the general problems associated with VPN or anything which is involved with adjustments to how your computer is connected to the internet.
The final problem is often not the VPN, but your normal internet connection which has been adversely effected by it: VPN clients are one of many things that can cause Internet connection problems.
In very general terms, such problems are mostly solved by doing various resetting type adjustments.

Think of it as like you have an old b/w television which you have got to give a good picture on a particular day on a particular channel.
Another day you try a different channel. You then spend a lot of time on your house roof with the Arial positioning, fiddle around with various cables, switches on the television, you might turn the television on and off , and possibly take the back off the Television and use various tools to adjust things. You will probably need to repeat these exercises and probably the working solution is rarely the same, even if you are trying to do the same thing on the television on another day! After a while you develop an instinct for what you need to do, and usually can get the thing working as you want, but can't give an exact set of instructions that would always work…..

The list of trouble shooting below I will add to from time to time as I get more experience. The order of the solutions are approximately in the order that they should be done, but you may need some combination of all of them.
_1) Using internal offered Microsoft diagnosing and problem solving..
Microsoft themselves have noticed the hap hazard occurrences and possibly have an approximate idea of the likely solutions at any one time. When problems occur, various options to repair may appear, or are added to a list of options in other menus which you are likely to use in the course of the associated internet activity.
Here for example , in the system tray the icon for one my usually internet connections ( non VPN ) occasionally shows a yellow warning triangle when my internet no longer works. This occurs mostly when I have recently been doing something with VPN. If I right click on the icon , my list of options may be different to those usually there, and often in such cases, an extra option for Diagnose and/ or repair is given. What option I finally get seems to vary and the success of them also varies. But this is often the easiest to try. https://imgur.com/5onc5M8
_2) reset IP/TCP to automatic
Get the Network Connections Console up, as described in previous sections. Here is an example of one of my xp computers: https://imgur.com/bb2hYZJ
Right mouse click on the representation of your internet, in my example the WLAN connection to my house Router: https://imgur.com/89KZoYs
After Right mouse clicking, select Properties in the List of options which should have come up.
Look in the list for things of the IP and / or TCP nature. Most likely there will be one for something like Internetprotokoll TCP/IP, https://imgur.com/yahJIAQ , which is currently ticked
Left mouse click on the text to the right of the ticked box.
Then click on the Properties button. Selecting the Properties button should bring up a second Window. Typically you will see in such a window radio buttons selected which indicate of some form of automated selection, https://imgur.com/1GaOgcK
( If this Properties button is grayed out, then you may need to disable/deactivate the connection, or possibly close something else. A pop up might advise you on what action should be taken, when initially you left mouse clicked on the representation of your internet in the Network Connections Console.
If , instead of automatic options selected, you see something like this: https://imgur.com/r071G6X , then this is likely the cause of your strange internet problem.
If you change the settings to automatic, them typically your internet will immediately start working as normal.
3) De activate / Re activate adaptor.
Get the Network Connections Console up, as described in previous sections. Here is an example of one of my xp computers: https://imgur.com/bb2hYZJ
Right mouse click on the representation of your internet, in my example the WLAN connection to my house Router: https://imgur.com/89KZoYs
After Right mouse clicking, Select Deactivate/Disable . Wait a few seconds. Select Activate/Enable
4) Restart your computer and/ or restart your Router or device which provides you with internet.

Some other notes when using.
I would recommend closing and restarting the Client software when wanting to change to a different location. This is only a few extra mouse clicks, does not take long, and seems to increase the chances of a successful connection and reduced the chances of problems later.

Ref !!! https://imgur.com/bS6Cbn0 , https://imgur.com/5Xc8K35
'Logo Incompatibility by OpenVPN xp Install.doc' ( Help File ) : https://app.box.com/s/xhs2asljckrl6k1o53ugt7fdavs5du2p

11-04-2018, 06:43 PM

11-11-2018, 03:47 PM

11-18-2018, 06:03 PM
Example of VPN with OpenVPN in Operating System Vista

For OpenVPN use, We have broadly speaking two things to do.
_Part 1 The Client instillation to make the General User Interface , GUI available on our computer. ( The Open VPN Client software that we are using results finally in a “system tray applet”: finally, once it is run/launched/, we have our GUI as a pop up when we further click on a small icon bottom right in the small ribbon below, “the system tray”)
_ Part 2 …further work not directly in the GUI to make the GUI have connection possibilities for one or more Servers

Part 1
Installing OpenVPN Client Software
Download and Open/run this software:
'openvpn-install-2.3.18-I001-i686.exe' https://app.box.com/s/wykxqmh0c4wi9o2upoipzbo5z32zt16z
The installation process is standard and straight forward, typically 6 steps, in the so called “Install wizard” windows type progression: https://imgur.com/8SvE5Xf ,
_1 https://imgur.com/tcGUFZm
_2 https://imgur.com/lzk3JGG
##At this point, you might consider making a simple text file for later reference. https://imgur.com/SQT6yO5 . The License notes here may be of less interest , but later some things such as file storage location can be useful to have. Note, you can easily copy the entire contents of an instillation window in one go , by selecting inside the window with text in , and then using the keys
_3 https://imgur.com/uXOG8BM
It is important to make sure that the virtual Network adaptor, TAP Virtual Ethernet Adaptor , is checked. Make sure at this Step of the instillation that the option is checked to Install this TAP adaptor, https://imgur.com/zivKnsw
( You can check after the instillation is finished to see if the instillation of the TAP adaptor takes place
_ By observing the representations of your various adaptors in the Network Connections Console, before and after the instillation ( See here http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2334-Tests-Windows-Vista-and-Excel?p=11768&viewfull=1#post11768 for info about getting to Network Connections Console in Vista )
Before OpenVPN Instillation:
https://imgur.com/TWHUEEs , https://imgur.com/JJG4fmF , https://imgur.com/aOa1Vrr , https://imgur.com/KmOhe7s , https://imgur.com/nij9FO7
There are 3 adaptors currently present before OpenVPN Instillation: 2 are my normal internet connection possibilities to my Router via WLAN ( Drahtlosnetzwerk ) or a fixed LAN RJ45 cable. The third, hide.meVPN-VPN Client , is the connector created in the previous experiments with SoftEther VPN ( http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests?p=11609&viewfull=1#post11609 )
After OpenVPN Instillation the situation should be
https://imgur.com/r1TV5dY , https://imgur.com/qmOocqS , https://imgur.com/2azgm2H
_ In addition . if things have gone OK, then after the instillation is finished , you should see two new entries if you navigate something like Control panel --- Program or software --- Software or Add or Remove Software … https://imgur.com/SSaf2zK , https://imgur.com/dzoWPEj )
_4 make a note of the URL path of the Install location. You will need to go there later for the extra work required after the instillation. You can copy it from the URL bar as it is highlighted, https://imgur.com/58rQ6mL . Typically the default location is something like C:\Programme\OpenVPN or C:\Program\OpenVPN . You can also choose a different location by manually typing it or via the Browse… button. You can also add a folder via the Browse window, https://imgur.com/hhf5xd2
Note that you do not need to include the last bit , \OpenVPN , as this is always added. If you do include this, then your last part of the URL will look like this: \OpenVPN\OpenVPN. I chose for this example an untypical place, in this a case a few folders down in my desktop: C:\Users\elston\Desktop\VPN\OpenVPN\OpenVPNClient\ OpenVPN https://imgur.com/XDPRqCB , https://imgur.com/XndDiM4
Later , after the instillation you can find other information in text editor readable form at this location , https://imgur.com/PD8DifQ , and finally there will also be logs of attempts to make a working connection to servers, https://imgur.com/bFrLKWX

When you have chosen the location, hit Install to continue https://imgur.com/Ip8CCSq
The installing of the software should then take place, https://imgur.com/DdENsye . At some point , the TAP adaptor should be installed also https://imgur.com/umIQ9vL , and you will likely be asked to confirm that you want it.
_5 The install is completed https://imgur.com/umIQ9vL I would recommend making a copy of the install details as shown in the Install Wizard window in the text file## if you have started one for all the various details. ( Click in the inner window, hit keys Ctrl+a followed by Ctrl+c to copy all the contents easily in one go, then paste into your text file )
_6 Finish , https://imgur.com/aGzWUNA
The instillation is finished at this point, but there is further work to do….

You can run by using the Client General User Interface, GUI. To use the OpenVPN GUI, double click on the desktop icon or start menu icon which should have been created by the instillation . This starts the OpenVPN Client software. The OpenVPN GUI is a what is known as a “system-tray applet”, so an icon for the GUI will now appear in the lower-right corner of the screen. It should be a small grey rectangle with a padlock on at this stage, https://imgur.com/4WPc3SJ
Right click on this system tray icon, and a menu should appear. But you will only see the options of Settings… and Exit https://imgur.com/Ut7mvOL , … …but…there is further work to do , such that other options become available to allow you to select ( if you set up more than one Sever connection ) the Server you want, and then to make the live connection
Finally you would see something like this when right clicking on the system tray icon:
For one Server : https://imgur.com/1SB5MHj , https://imgur.com/Qki76HF
For more than one Server https://imgur.com/9vjrEUo , https://imgur.com/cqjB2gx , https://imgur.com/8rMFE3I

_...But there is further work to do to get that far

Ref !!! https://imgur.com/bS6Cbn0 , https://imgur.com/5Xc8K35
'Logo Incompatibility by OpenVPN xp Install.doc' ( Help File ) : https://app.box.com/s/xhs2asljckrl6k1o53ugt7fdavs5du2p

Share ‘Okt 2023 Config’ https://app.box.com/s/atn7t9muqy8f21mly4uoy08056bb8m8n
Share ‘Okt 2023 Legacy config’ https://app.box.com/s/6dnvdb2lxhgpo42k4jq9rek29uxvw7o2

Share ‘Okt 2023 Legacy config.zip’ https://app.box.com/s/apraonwjr6rgpkkso14ho76epfhl7fq0
Share ‘Okt 2023 Config.zip’ https://app.box.com/s/c6edxrnhebo8v6bek8e22fbkry0tmjrl

11-18-2018, 06:06 PM
Example of VPN with OpenVPN in Operating System Vista

Part 2 Setting up connection to Server possibilities
OpenVPN Connection Setting Parameters
In preparation for this work you need
_ (i) You need to know the location of the OpenVPN Folder , \OpenVPN , as discussed in Step 4 of the instillation
_ (ii)a) The internet address , ( supplied by your provider ) , of all the Servers that you wish to make a connection to. As example, a server in Berlin Germany used by the VPN provider Hide.me ( https://hide.me/en/ ) , has an address of berlin.hide.me . You may or may not specifically need this directly, depending on how your provider organizes supplying you with all the information that you need, but is likely to be useful in any case for later reference.
_(ii)b) Configuration files for all the Servers that you wish to make a connection to. These you do specifically need when using the OpenVPN Client software. Typically, for each Server, this is like a small text file, but has the .ovpn extension, ( https://imgur.com/8JYHMTH instead of the usual .txt extension. ) These files can be created , opened and viewed using a simple text editor, but simply need to be saved with the .ovpn extension. Some providers will therefore, as an alternative, tell you what information is in such a file for a specific Server. You then make this file yourself as a simple text file, and finally change the extension on the final file from .txt to .ovpn
_ (iii) key/certificate file. This will likely be a text file either made yourself, or supplied by your VPN provider, or a combination of both. In most cases this will contain some sort of information in the form of a Username and a Password .

OpenVPN Connection Setting Parameters obtaining them
The information, and way to get it, for (ii) and (iii) , may vary from provider to provider.
As a working example, consider that I want this information from the provider Hide.me such that I can set up a connection possibility using OpenVPN Client software , to their Server located in Berlin, Germany.
( Hide.me organize that you get partially (ii) and (iii) together).

I will need to have registered an account, and will log in. https://imgur.com/YrwnvLK
I have a list of their server locations, and alongside the Server location for Berlin, Germany , I have the internet address , berlin.hide.me , https://imgur.com/ZM0xI32
Clicking on + more details , https://imgur.com/cz0tGX7 , https://imgur.com/yAgKbc1 , will give you the option of obtaining OpenVPN Configuration , for example , for windows https://imgur.com/SBnvkMO , https://imgur.com/nLtQYGC
The files , may need some editing , and are finally required on a specific location.
The download consists of a Zipped folder containing two files, https://imgur.com/ICbrz8L
I would recommend that you download initially to a convenient place, rather than directly to where they must be finally. This is advantageous
_a A back up
_b There can be problems making any necessary modifications at the final required location, so it is best to do all editing before copying the file or files to the required location.
I chose something like
……….. Desktop\OpenVPN\hide me config files\
In other words, on my desktop, I have a Folder named OpenVPN , and within that I have a sub folder named hide me config files
So save the file somewhere, https://imgur.com/PmbHvFU
It now needs to be unzipped. The exact steps to do this may vary a little depending on how you handle zipped folders in your Vista. On my Vista computers, simply copying the contents of the zipped Folder and pasting the contents into any folder will unzip them automatically. Typically I paste the contents into the Same Folder as where I have the original zipped Folder

The config file, Berlin.ovpn in this example , is in its final state, and no further action on it is required.
The file userpass.txt , is a “key/certificate file”. Currently, for the provider Hide.me , the first line is given as your account Username , and you may need to change that. The second line is a Password which you currently need to edit to your account password. Hide.me are currently in the middle of changing how they organize which password you use, so for this information you should check with them if you choose Hide.me as your provider.
Here is the edited userpass.txt that I require to use Hide.me provider on my Vista computer: https://imgur.com/ofHDKpl ( remember to save this filem after editing, https://imgur.com/eD8qpOz )
For other providers, they may have other ways to organize the key/certificate file and possibly also the config file
So, before proceeding to the next steps, you need to have those 2 files in the required format. If in doubt, check with your provider.

( A note of warning here for the case of Hide.me provider:
_T he config files are generated when you obtain them.
_You are automatically logged out after a short time, although you can still navigate around the site, so it may appear that you are still logged in.
_ A check is probably made of if you are still logged in when you attempting to download config files. If you are logged out, the downloads process still works … but the download Folders are empty!

To overcome this problem, simply download fairly quickly after logging in, or refresh the page before downloading. )

Including Connection Parameter Setting into your computer
This step basically is just copying initially the final two files to the correct location which is where OpenVPN Client is expecting to find them. This will make one server available, in the current example, the Server used by Hide.me in Berlin, Germany.
The correct location is a folder with the name config , which should be seen in the location that you chose in step 4 of the instillation.
So now copy the two files to that folder
At this point, if all has gone well, then you now see by right clicking on the system tray some more options including one to make a connection, https://imgur.com/Qki76HF

Subsequently , to have more than one Server available, you repeat the steps so far, except that you ignore the further copies of userpass.txt which are downloaded: In the final location, you just require a single appropriately edited text file with the name userpass.txt
For example, to add Frankfurt, Germany to the Severs available to me:

Just to recap: The correct location for one correctly edited text file, userpass.txt , and one or more Server config files is a Folder with the name config within the Folder named OpenVPN in the path used in the instillation. ( the two folders, config , and OpenVPN , were created by the OpenVPN Client instillation )
So you should copy the two initial Files and any further config files to that location:
In this example, I have an untypical place, in this a case a few folders down in my desktop
…………………\Desktop\VPN\OpenVPN Client\OpenVPN\config https://imgur.com/qu7i6h5
Finally I should see these files in the config folder ( and also in my initial saved back up location ) :
Having firstly only copied the initial two files in the config folder , if I right click on the grey rectangle padlocked symbol in the system try below, I see this: https://imgur.com/gH8vsmL
If I repeat for another Server, say for a Server in Frankfurt, Germany, the set up steps , ( ignoring any more downloaded userpass.txt files ) , then I now see that I have similar extra options for each Server : https://imgur.com/SDw5j7i , https://imgur.com/gdy7PML

You effectively have now the tunnels built and connections ready to be used.

Connecting to a VPN connection: Hiding. “Launch” the “Applet”
This next step is what VPN is all about: being able to “hide” with a few mouse clicks. In order to do that we need to connect up to one of the “tunnel” links which we have set up: The steps up until now have set up the various wiring required to make such a connection to a couple of Servers.

The OpenVPN software application that we are using is a so called “system-tray applet”. Once installed, an OpenVPN icon will normally be present on your desktop, https://imgur.com/rnqaVY3 , and double clicking on it will “start”/”launch” the “Applet” ( If you click once on the desktop item and drag the desktop item towards the Microsoft symbol/ Start button, bottom left, then the icon will also appear in the start menu. You can then click once on the icon there to “launch” the “Applet” , https://imgur.com/rnqaVY3 ).
Once launched, a right click on the small grey padlocked rectangle will show the options.
Click at the desired Server location on “Connect” , https://imgur.com/F9rPyfS
Once the connection has been successfully established, the OpenVPN icon turns green, and you may see for a very short time a small pop up coming from the system tray icon indicating the allocated IP address. ( The IP address shown will likely start with 10. - , IP address in 10.x.x.x private range belongs to Hide.me internal range, which is allocated to you for the current connection that you have made. It is used for internal routing.
To most people, your IP addressee now gives the indication that you are at the Server you chose to “hide behind” ).
For example, connect Frankfurt:
Double click on the OpenVPN desktop icon
Right click on the grey rectangle that appears bottom right in the system tray
Left click on Frankfurt , and then left click on Connect , https://imgur.com/bdgtwBD
A window should come up showing you what is being done in the connect attempt , https://imgur.com/fA5IOBB , and if all has gone well, a small pop up will appear for a short time confirming the connection and showing the IP address allocated to you for internal routing by your provider, https://imgur.com/4I8ceZr
( You can also see the successful connection details if you hover over the green rectangle with the cursor, https://imgur.com/FaEe64Q , https://imgur.com/3iq4MVv )

That is it … you are “hidden” – most people will think that your computer is at the location you chose!
For example, visit any of the internet sites which claim to show you your IP address and physical location , and you should see that they are fooled into thinking you are at a location near the Server that you connected to: https://imgur.com/vA0TGwr

As a last step, I would recommend copying the log information for the first few successful connections. This could be useful to compare with logs later if you have unsuccessful attempts connection.
The information could get a bit a bit difficult to see in a text file: A useful alternative would be to copy the log information to the column of an Excel file. This can be done in a few simple steps,
Open an Excl file, and
Open the text file,
select anywhere in the text file,
and use the Keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+A Ctrl+c , to copy the entire text file to the Clipboard
https://imgur.com/kFUQhkT ,
Select the cell in Excel at which the text file lines should start,
Paste in https://imgur.com/iLu1KTX , https://imgur.com/zHZ2IB3 or keyboard shortcut Ctrl+v
Save the Excel file https://imgur.com/S08sDmN


11-18-2018, 06:08 PM
Problems and Problem Solving with OpenVPN in Vista
I have rarely experienced any serious problem.
Problems encountered with OpenVPN in Vista that I have experienced are mostly the general problems associated with VPN or anything which is involved with adjustments to how your computer is connected to the internet.
The final problem is often not the VPN, but your normal internet connection which has been adversely effected by it: VPN clients are one of many things that can cause Internet connection problems.
In very general terms, such problems are mostly solved by doing various resetting type adjustments.

Think of it as like you have an old b/w television which you have got to give a good picture on a particular day on a particular channel.
Another day you try a different channel. You then spend a lot of time on your house roof with the Arial positioning, fiddle around with various cables, switches on the television, you might turn the television on and off , and possibly take the back off the Television and use various tools to adjust things. You will probably need to repeat these exercises and probably the working solution is rarely the same, even if you are trying to do the same thing on the television on another day! After a while you develop an instinct for what you need to do, and usually can get the thing working as you want, but can’t give an exact set of instructions that would always work…..

The list of trouble shooting below I will add to from time to time as I get more experience. The order of the solutions are approximately in the order that they should be done, but you may need some combination of all of them.
_1) Using internally offered Microsoft diagnosing and problem solving..
Microsoft themselves have noticed the hap hazard and seemingly random occurrences and possibly have an approximate idea of the likely solutions at any one time. When problems occur, various options to repair may appear, or are added to a list of options in other menus which you are likely to use in the course of the associated internet activity.
Here for example , in the system tray the icon for one my usually internet connections ( non VPN ) occasionally shows a yellow warning triangle when my internet no longer works. This occurs mostly when I have recently been doing something with VPN. If I right click on the icon , my list of options may be different to those usually there, and often in such cases, an extra option for Diagnose and/ or Repair is given. What option I finally get seems to vary and the success of them also varies. But this is often the easiest to try. https://imgur.com/5onc5M8
Note that you may find that new options for diagnosing/repairing after you choose an initial Diagnose/Repair option

Do not try to make any conclusions too quickly on any solution that you find to any internet problem.
The following is just one of many solutions to a problem that has come up.
A few of my computers were working OK, a couple via VPN , the others using my normal internet connection without VPN. One computer which was working OK via normal internet without VPN suddenly gave an internet error, https://imgur.com/SkseHrj , https://imgur.com/ESSE4Zf
This particular computer has been extremely reliable for many years, and I rarely had any internet error, until I started using VPN: Since then I occasionally get errors of this nature, but the errors rarely are exactly the same.
I clicked on Diagnose on system tray https://imgur.com/ZhGjDdP
This gives me a set of options https://imgur.com/i1Ix74a The option Neue IP-Einstellungen für den Netzwerkadaptor “LAN-Verbindung” automatisch ermitteln , ( Automatically detect new IP settings for the network adapter "LAN connection" ) is a good one usually, which I don't get offered often, and when I get it and take it, it often brings my internet back to life.
But it did not work this time. After this I was just told to connect all the adaptors , https://imgur.com/tdNyFsD . This does not help, as the LAN cable, my normal internet cable connection for this computer, was connected properly as it had been for many years!!!
So I tried the Diagnose option on the adaptor representation in Network Connections Console, https://imgur.com/aXU3Rp3
This told me that there was a problem with My Router , https://imgur.com/GiFtmo0 . So restarted the Router I and took the option to check if this Router resetting had been successful after restarting my router. On clicking the option to tell me if that had worked, it gave me another option, to rested the adaptor , https://imgur.com/IiKlepV , but I did not take it since all was OK
A few minutes later all my other computers which were still connected reset themselves so that internet was working on the as previously. One exception was a Notebook with XP operating system, which had been connected to VPN using the SoftEther / Hide.me VPN way discussed in earlier posts. Despite many attempts at all the reported workarounds, VPN via the SoftEther / Hide.me VPN proved impossible for a few days on this particular computer following this incident.

_2) Reset IP/TCP to automatic
Get the Network Connections Console up, as described in previous sections. Here is an example of one of my Vista computers: https://imgur.com/6jvj0En
2_1_) Right mouse click on the representation of your internet, in my example the WLAN connection to my house Router: https://imgur.com/J1mP0KB
2_2_) After Right mouse clicking, select the option of Properties in the List of options which should have come up.
2_3_) Look in the list for things of the IP and / or TCP nature. Most likely there will be one or two checked with something like Internetprotokoll TCP/IP,
Left mouse click on the text to the right of the ticked box.
2_4_) After left mouse clicking , select the Properties button
Selecting the Properties button should bring up a second Window. Typically you will see in such a window radio buttons selected which indicate of some form of automated selection.
( If this Properties button is grayed out, then you may need to disable/deactivate the connection, or possibly close something else. A pop up might advise you on what action should be taken, when initially you left mouse clicked on the representation of your internet in the Network Connections Console.
If , instead of automatic options selected, you see something like these: https://imgur.com/Z3bCgC7 , https://imgur.com/r071G6X , then this is likely the cause of your strange internet problem.
If you change the settings to automatic, them typically your internet will immediately start working as normal.
3) De activate / Re activate adaptor.
Get the Network Connections Console up, as described in previous sections. Here is an example of one of my Vista computers: https://imgur.com/oMXTQFJ
Right mouse click on the representation of your internet, in my example the WLAN connection to my house Router. After Right mouse clicking, Select Deactivate/Disable , https://imgur.com/QsKjPhO . Wait a few seconds. Then select Enable/Activate , https://imgur.com/pGRfKaG
4) Restart your computer and/ or restart your Router or device which provides you with internet.

Some other notes when using.
I would recommend closing and restarting the Client software when wanting to change to a different location. This is only a few extra mouse clicks, does not take long, and seems to increase the chances of a successful connection and reduced the chances of problems later.



11-18-2018, 06:21 PM

11-20-2018, 06:12 PM
I am trying to do 2 things: Use 2 named ranges.. One works. The other doesn’t.
I have made a demo to help explain my problem
I have 3 Files: I have a Main Excel workbook file, usually open, and two other files, usually closed
_Main File is:- “Main.xls” https://app.box.com/s/u8yy4rcqg0eglvy362v13hyro8cgd9n7 – - This is usually open. It has all my codes in it
_A DataFile is:- “ClsdData.xls.” https://app.box.com/s/65w1hnih1vvay70vtdzk3da50we3gxvh – This is usually closed. It has 2 data ranges and one named range name object in it
ClsdDataDataRanges.JPG : https://imgur.com/vs0vX0G
_____ Workbook: ClsdData.xls ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )


Worksheet: DataSht_1

_A third file is:- “NameObjectFile.xls” https://app.box.com/s/wsxycb3t2y1hmv0wr12cqav0qlcytzjn – This is usually closed, ( preferably ). It only has a named range name object in it

So the goal is to have a main file, “Main.xls” open whilst the files “ClsdData.xls.” and “NameObjectFile.xls” are closed, and from a code in the main file, “Main.xls” , put formulas of this sort of form in the first two cells of the main workbook.
NamedRangeReferrenceFormulasPutInMainFile.JPG : https://imgur.com/1wDM3ug
_____ Workbook: Main.xls ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )

1= ' C: \ FolderPath \ [ClsdData.xls] DataSht_1 ' ! NameForDataSht_1A1 = ' C: \ FolderPath \ [NameObjectFile.xls] NameObjectsSht_1 ' ! NameForDataSht_1B1
Worksheet: Tabelle1
Those formulas “go” to the name objects of the named ranges with string names:
“ NameForDataSht_1A1” referring to the range of data file first cell ,
“NameForDataSht_1B1” referring to the range of data file second cell
The result of those formulas should then be to have the actual seen values in those two cells as:
MainFileDataIn.JPG : https://imgur.com/vQlhedZ
_____ Workbook: Main.xls ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )

Worksheet: Tabelle1
( I have determined that, contrary to much literature, you can actually access a named range from anywhere as long as you include the full path and full string range name: the so called “scope” only determines the default path that Excel uses if you only give the string range name )

Demo Code:
(This code is in File: “Main.xls” )
With all the files in the same Folder, this code can be used to make the two named range Name objects. ( I put one named range Name object in the first worksheet of the file: “ClsdData.xls” and the other named range Name object in the first worksheet of the file: “NameObjectFile.xls” ).
The code also tries to access the first two cells values from the closed workbook using named ranges in these two code lines: The code lines put in those two long named range reference formulas

Workbooks("Main.xls").Worksheets.Item(1).Range("A1").Value = "='" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\[ClsdData.xls]DataSht_1'!NameForDataSht_1A1"

Workbooks("Main.xls").Worksheets.Item(1).Range("B1").Value = "='" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\[NameObjectFile.xls]NameObjectsSht_1'!NameForDataSht_1B1".
Those are the two things I am trying to do.
That last code line fails.
That last code line does not fail if I have the workbook “NameObjectFile.xls” open
Full Code:
Sub Make2NamedRangeObjectsAndTryToUseEm()
' scope named range to first worksheet's collection of Name objects object of Workbook "ClsdData.xls"
Workbooks.Open Filename:=ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "ClsdData.xls"
'Let Workbooks("ClsdData.xls").Worksheets.Item(1).Name = "DataSht_1"
Workbooks("ClsdData.xls").Worksheets("DataSht_1").Names.Add Name:="NameForDataSht_1A1", RefersTo:=Workbooks("ClsdData.xls").Worksheets("DataSht_1").Range("A1")
Workbooks("ClsdData.xls").Close savechanges:=True ' Save Added name object
'_1 access first cell in closed data workbook from main file using named range name object with string name "NameForDataSht_1A1
Let Workbooks("Main.xls").Worksheets.Item(1).Range("A1").Value = "='" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\[ClsdData.xls]DataSht_1'!NameForDataSht_1A1"
' scope named range to first worksheet's collection of Name objects object of Workbook "NameObjectFile.xls "
Workbooks.Open Filename:=ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "NameObjectFile.xls"
'Let Workbooks("NameObjectFile.xls").Worksheets.Item(1).Name = "NameObjectsSht_1"
Workbooks.Open Filename:=ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "ClsdData.xls" ' Needed for RefersTo below
Workbooks("NameObjectFile.xls").Worksheets("NameObjectsSht_1").Names.Add Name:="NameForDataSht_1B1", RefersTo:=Workbooks("ClsdData.xls").Worksheets("DataSht_1").Range("B1")
Workbooks("ClsdData.xls").Close savechanges:=False ' No changes made - was only needed for RefersTo above
Workbooks("NameObjectFile.xls").Close savechanges:=True ' Save Added name object
'_2 access second cell in closed dataworkbook from main file using named range name object with string NameForDataSht_1B1
Let Workbooks("Main.xls").Worksheets.Item(1).Range("B1").Value = "='" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\[NameObjectFile.xls]NameObjectsSht_1'!NameForDataSht_1B1"

End Sub
Let me put again into words what I am doing. I am doing two things:

'_1 This works: I have a closed data workbook, ("ClsdData.xls" ). That has a named range, ( string name is “NameForDataSht_1A1” ) . That name, “NameForDataSht_1A1” , is for the first cell in that closed data workbook, ("ClsdData.xls" ). That named range is scoped to the first worksheet in that closed data file, (closed data workbook, ("ClsdData.xls" ) . In other words, the named range object with string name “NameForDataSht_1A1” is in the first worksheets name objects collection of the closed data workbook ( "ClsdData.xls" ). This named range object with string name “NameForDataSht_1A1” refers to the first cell, A1, in the closed data workbook, ("ClsdData.xls" ).

'_2 This does not work , ( unless file "NameObjectFile.xls" is open ). I am using a file, ( "NameObjectFile.xls" ), only for holding name range objects. It has one named range name object in it which has the string name "NameForDataSht_1B1". This is the name range object for the second cell in the closed data workbook, ("ClsdData.xls" ). In other words, the named range object with string name “NameForDataSht_1B1” is in the first worksheets name objects collection of the workbook “NameObjectFile.xls”. This named range object with string name “NameForDataSht_1B1” refers to the second cell, B1, in the closed data workbook, ("ClsdData.xls" ).

I don’t understand yet why '_2 does not work. I am not totally sure why '_1 does work either.
I guess I don’t really understand exactly what I am doing. I don’t really understand what is really going on in the two cases.

I am thinking that I should be able somehow to get the string reference information that I require , that is to say, for the right hand side of the last equation I have this:
"='" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\[NameObjectFile.xls]NameObjectsSht_1'!NameForDataSht_1B1"
But somehow I am thinking that I should be able to get the referred to string reference of
"='" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\ [ClsdData.xls]DataSht_1'!$A$1"

11-20-2018, 09:44 PM
I did this..
Took file “NameObjectFile.xls”,
first save as .xlsx,
then save as .zip ( “NameObjectFile - Kopie.zip” : https://app.box.com/s/ih9k6o7s5f3vkb21jyyso0mcqoh82isb )
and then double click on it and get this: NameObjectFile_xls_xlsx_zip.JPG : https://imgur.com/iAVFSOh

I get stuff like this:
_____ Workbook: Main.xls ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )





















Worksheet: NameObjectsFileAsZip

_____________________[Content_Types].XML Content Types--xml.jpg . https://imgur.com/n9FQUxR
NameObjectsFileAsZip\docProps_______docProps docProps.JPG : https://imgur.com/SRBBdyg
____________________________________app.XML app xml.JPG : https://imgur.com/qeeWrpm
____________________________________core.XML core xml.JPG : https://imgur.com/jZ3iSo7
NameObjectsFileAsZip\xl_____________xl xl.JPG : https://imgur.com/408pO7A
____________________________________Styles.XML styles xml.JPG : https://imgur.com/71fDgcw
____________________________________Workbook.XML workbook xml.JPG : https://imgur.com/AJ3et9N
NameObjectsFileAsZip\xl\externalLinks___________ex ternalLinks externalLinks.JPG : https://imgur.com/SPj3lZY
________________________________________________ex ternalLink1.XML externalLink1 xml rels.JPG : https://imgur.com/qHnFz7u
NameObjectsFileAsZip\xl\externalLinks\_rels_______ _______rels _ rels.JPG : https://imgur.com/GwEBoFG
__________________________________________________ _______externalLink1.XML.rels externalLink1 xml rels.JPG : https://imgur.com/qHnFz7u
NameObjectsFileAsZip\xl\theme___________________th eme theme.JPG : https://imgur.com/KyceI30

________________________________________________th eme1.XML theme1 xml.JPG : https://imgur.com/hGgsgOQ
NameObjectsFileAsZip\xl\worksheets______________wo rksheets worksheets.JPG : https://imgur.com/D8hqFpr
________________________________________________sh eet1.XML Sheet1 xml.JPG : https://imgur.com/ycxiL62
NameObjectsFileAsZip\xl\_rels____________________r els _ rels.JPG https://imgur.com/u84DcoX

________________________________________________Wo rkbook.XML.rels workbook xml rels.JPG : https://imgur.com/L8fNakM
NameObjectsFileAsZip\_rels___________rels _rels.JPG https://imgur.com/Tahoick
____________________________________.rels rels.jpg . https://imgur.com/pWaSeIo

11-21-2018, 02:02 AM
I took this, “ClsdData.xls” , saved it as “ClsdData.xlsx” ,
then changed it to “ClsdData.zip” ,
closed it,
then double clicked on it and get this:
ClsdDataZip.JPG : https://imgur.com/oUtHu34
I copied all that to one folder,
and put that Folder in another folder:
copied all that to one folder, and put that Folder in another folder.JPG : https://imgur.com/an58FA7
I ran the code Sub DoStuffInFoldersInFolderRecursion() which is in the uploaded version of “Main.xls” , and that gives a Folder and File tree something like this if you select one of the above folders when it asks you to select a Folder:
_____ Workbook: Main.xls ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )

FolderForClsdDataZipContentsFolderForClsdDataZipCo ntents












FolderForClsdDataZipContents\xl\worksheetsworkshee ts





Worksheet: ClsdDataZipTree

'FolderForClsdDataZipContents_FolderForClsdDataZip Contents
'FolderForClsdDataZipContents\docProps_______docPr ops docProps.JPG : https://imgur.com/6i1gIK4
'____________________________________________app.X ML app XML.JPG : https://imgur.com/XxiZCL9
'____________________________________________core. XML core XML.JPG : https://imgur.com/BwQxqi6
'____________________________________________thumb nail.wmf
'FolderForClsdDataZipContents\xl_____________xl xl.JPG : https://imgur.com/YxJFYV4
'____________________________________________share dStrings.XML sharedStrings XML.JPG : https://imgur.com/7dSdvM6
'____________________________________________Style s.XML Styles XML.JPG : https://imgur.com/whytQOj
'____________________________________________Workb ook.XML Workbook XML.JPG: https://imgur.com/P3G2qNC
'FolderForClsdDataZipContents\xl\theme____________ theme theme.JPG : https://imgur.com/Vj2RSyM
'_________________________________________________ theme1.XML theme1 XML.JPG : https://imgur.com/zimRsPL
'FolderForClsdDataZipContents\xl\worksheets_______ worksheets worksheets.JPG : https://imgur.com/O8KBgSB
'_________________________________________________ sheet1.XML sheet1 XML.JPG : https://imgur.com/LWVPyXn
'FolderForClsdDataZipContents\xl\_rels____________ _rels xl_rels.JPG : https://imgur.com/fwYmQwR
'_________________________________________________ Workbook.XML.rels Workbook XML rels.JPG : https://imgur.com/NOxE816
'FolderForClsdDataZipContents\_rels___________rels _rels.JPG : https://imgur.com/RTVajJI
'____________________________________________.rels Dot rels.JPG : https://imgur.com/NOxE816

11-21-2018, 06:13 PM
Summary of info in the XML files for "ClsdData.xls" and "NameObjectFile.xls"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="true"?>
<Properties xmlns:vt="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/docPropsVTypes" xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/extended-properties"><TotalTime>0</TotalTime><Application>Microsoft Excel</Application><DocSecurity>0</DocSecurity><ScaleCrop>false</ScaleCrop><HeadingPairs><vt:vector baseType="variant" size="4"><vt:variant><vt:lpstr>Arbeitsblätter</vt:lpstr></vt:variant><vt:variant><vt:i4>1</vt:i4></vt:variant><vt:variant><vt:lpstr>Benannte Bereiche</vt:lpstr></vt:variant><vt:variant><vt:i4>2</vt:i4></vt:variant></vt:vector></HeadingPairs><TitlesOfParts><vt:vector baseType="lpstr" size="3"><vt:lpstr>DataSht_1</vt:lpstr><vt:lpstr>DataSht_1!NameForDataSht_1A1</vt:lpstr><vt:lpstr>DataSht_1!Sht_1A1</vt:lpstr></vt:vector></TitlesOfParts><LinksUpToDate>false</LinksUpToDate><SharedDoc>false</SharedDoc><HyperlinksChanged>false</HyperlinksChanged><AppVersion>12.0000</AppVersion></Properties>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="true"?>
<Properties xmlns:vt="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/docPropsVTypes" xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/extended-properties"><TotalTime>0</TotalTime><Application>Microsoft Excel</Application><DocSecurity>0</DocSecurity><ScaleCrop>false</ScaleCrop><HeadingPairs><vt:vector baseType="variant" size="2"><vt:variant><vt:lpstr>Arbeitsblätter</vt:lpstr></vt:variant><vt:variant><vt:i4>1</vt:i4></vt:variant></vt:vector></HeadingPairs><TitlesOfParts><vt:vector baseType="lpstr" size="1"><vt:lpstr>NameObjectsSht_1</vt:lpstr></vt:vector></TitlesOfParts><LinksUpToDate>false</LinksUpToDate><SharedDoc>false</SharedDoc><HyperlinksChanged>false</HyperlinksChanged><AppVersion>12.0000</AppVersion></Properties>

_.________________________________________________ _________________

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="true"?>
-<sst uniqueCount="2" count="2" xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main">-<si><t>dataA1</t></si>-<si><t>dataB1</t></si></sst>

_.________________________________________________ _____________________

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="true"?>
<workbook xmlns:r="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships" xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main"><fileVersion rupBuild="4507" lowestEdited="4" lastEdited="4" appName="xl"/><workbookPr defaultThemeVersion="124226" codeName="DieseArbeitsmappe"/><bookViews><workbookView windowHeight="11535" windowWidth="14910" yWindow="30" xWindow="240"/></bookViews><sheets><sheet r:id="rId1" sheetId="1" name="DataSht_1"/></sheets><definedNames><definedName name="NameForDataSht_1A1" localSheetId="0">DataSht_1!$A$1</definedName><definedName name="Sht_1A1" localSheetId="0">DataSht_1!$A$1</definedName></definedNames><calcPr calcId="125725"/></workbook>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="true"?>
<workbook xmlns:r="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships" xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main"><fileVersion rupBuild="4507" lowestEdited="4" lastEdited="4" appName="xl"/><workbookPr defaultThemeVersion="124226" codeName="DieseArbeitsmappe"/><bookViews><workbookView windowHeight="11535" windowWidth="14910" yWindow="30" xWindow="240"/></bookViews><sheets><sheet r:id="rId1" sheetId="1" name="NameObjectsSht_1"/></sheets><externalReferences><externalReference r:id="rId2"/></externalReferences><definedNames><definedName name="NameForDataSht_1B1" localSheetId="0">[1]DataSht_1!$B$1</definedName></definedNames><calcPr calcId="125725"/></workbook>

_.________________________________________________ __________________________________________

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="true"?>
<worksheet xmlns:r="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships" xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main"><sheetPr codeName="Tabelle1"/><dimension ref="A1:B1"/><sheetViews><sheetView workbookViewId="0" tabSelected="1"><selection sqref="B8" activeCell="B8"/></sheetView></sheetViews><sheetFormatPr defaultRowHeight="12" baseColWidth="10"/><sheetData><row r="1" spans="1:2"><c r="A1" t="s"><v>0</v></c><c r="B1" t="s"><v>1</v></c></row></sheetData><pageMargins footer="0.3" header="0.3" bottom="0.78740157499999996" top="0.78740157499999996" right="0.7" left="0.7"/></worksheet>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="true"?>
<worksheet xmlns:r="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships" xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main"><sheetPr codeName="Tabelle1"/><dimension ref="A1"/><sheetViews><sheetView workbookViewId="0" tabSelected="1"/></sheetViews><sheetFormatPr defaultRowHeight="12" baseColWidth="10"/><sheetData/><pageMargins footer="0.3" header="0.3" bottom="0.78740157499999996" top="0.78740157499999996" right="0.7" left="0.7"/></worksheet>

_.________________________________________________ _______
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="true"?>
<Relationships xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships"><Relationship Target="styles.xml" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/styles" Id="rId3"/><Relationship Target="theme/theme1.xml" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/theme" Id="rId2"/><Relationship Target="worksheets/sheet1.xml" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/worksheet" Id="rId1"/><Relationship Target="sharedStrings.xml" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/sharedStrings" Id="rId4"/></Relationships>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="true"?>
<Relationships xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships"><Relationship Target="theme/theme1.xml" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/theme" Id="rId3"/><Relationship Target="externalLinks/externalLink1.xml" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/externalLink" Id="rId2"/><Relationship Target="worksheets/sheet1.xml" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/worksheet" Id="rId1"/><Relationship Target="styles.xml" Type="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/styles" Id="rId4"/></Relationships>

12-06-2018, 10:13 PM
Some notes to support other posts: A brief introduction to objects and class objects in VBA

This is to support a Tips and Tutorial on advanced Event coding. ( http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2294-WithEvents-of-Excel-Application-Events ) It is difficult to look at advanced events coding without hitting some fundamental ideas behind objects and class objects in VBA.

This thing, "Tabelle2" , ( https://imgur.com/hHHdxyD ) .._
2114 , _.. could loosely be described as a ""worksheet" object with a code in it"…

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Address = "$A$1" Then MsgBox prompt:="You just changed the value in the first cell in worksheet " & Me.Name & " in the Workbook " & Me.Parent.Name
End Sub
Right mouse click Or double click in VBA explorer Project window to get code module.JPG : https://imgur.com/gsz6s2N
That coding results in you getting a simple message if you change the value in the first worksheet cell :
Automatic message after change value in first cell .JPG : https://imgur.com/WFINlbq , https://imgur.com/hHHdxyD

_ The actual object: where what how to get at or change
_ what precisely/ physically any object is, is not precisely defined. Consequently what we actually use, and where, in order to "use" an object is somewhat abstract and can be different at different times or for different purposes. As example, In the code example above we were using the second worksheet in a workbook. That worksheet object could "physically" be described as the spreadsheet we "see" when clicking on the second tab. Writing into cells could be described as using the worksheet object. But you will see that in the simple routine above, we referred to the second worksheet object using ".Me" ( Me.JPG : https://imgur.com/R5nJ4n9 ). This is because the code module and code window shown in the screenshots above is also often considered to be that worksheet object. This should confuse you. The concept is not precise. I think possibly in the last 20 years there were too many people employed in the computer industry who had nothing to do. They may have gone a bit mad in their boredom.

_ Class. Class object
_ If we "go back up" the programming hierarchy from, say a worksheet, then we would often have a class object which could / is sometimes seen as actually physically being a Class code module. So that would be a code module similar "looking" to our worksheet code module, but placed somewhere further "up" the hierarchy. A "Class" in VBA is as vague a concept as most VBA stuff follows the word definition of something along the lines of a blueprint or template or Type.
One could thing of the Class as the instructions, as simple text , on how to build something, and a VBA object could be built following those instructions.
A Variable used for an object will generally need to be declared ( Dimed ) to a specific type, and early on in VBA programming one may have, unknowingly, used a Class without realising it, for example , in code lines like these , the word Range , refers to the class Range
Dim Rng As Range
_ Set Rng=Range("A1")
In general, any object will be of a certain type , and the coding or information needed to use those objects will to a large extent be contained in its class. This may or may not be "see able" or accessible to us: it may or may not have a class code module. Such a code module, if it exists, can , and often is, loosely define as that Class object and which we then may or may not be able to access, see and/ or change:…
Class Class object WorksheetType2.JPG : https://imgur.com/PPUfc2w
Class Class object.JPG : https://imgur.com/3WDRcpU
It is very confusing to try and get a clear picture of this structure in the VBA Project window because Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Excel VBA is a disorganised mess:
On the one hand: We see in the VB Editor VBA Project window the individual worksheet objects modules, but not the Class object module from which they "come".
On the other hand: We can add a Class module , which we see then in the VBA Project window, MakeClass.JPG: https://imgur.com/GoKHDoq , but usually we cannot see the individual objects which we make from that Class.

[Class "WorksheetType2" made by us, seen as module ] _ [Class "Worksheet" made by Microsoft, invisible to us ]
___ [ "ShTyp2_1" ] _ [ __ ] [ _ ] ….. ___________________________ ["Sheet1"] ["Tabelle2"] ["MySheet"] ["Sht_4"]…..

So we could make one of those Classes / class modules , for example from the VB Editor VBA Project window by selecting the appropriate right mouse click option… _..
InsertClassModule.JPG : https://imgur.com/vcZSEAj , https://imgur.com/u1orh81
_.. and change its name to, for example , WorksheetType2 via the VBA Project properties window
NameClass.JPG : https://imgur.com/S6u7Gbf
We could add some simple coding "within that object" to "make that object" , for example a simple "Name" Property.
BuildAClass.JPG : https://imgur.com/4WGRbDC
(There is no significance to what that Name Property for the Class WorksheetType2 is at this stage. For the Class Worksheet the Name property is given further significance due to other coding in the Worksheet Class module which we do not have any access to. )

Class Module, Named by us - "WorksheetType2"

' Class (Modules) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHa8W52mD1k&index=65&list=PLS7iHfqXNVhK3yzd_4XS5k4zsvnu2mkJC : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjbmsVDnAL0
Public Name As String
We can then use that class "WorksheetType2" in a similar way to which we use the existing class "Worksheet". We even get the options added to the intellisense drop down lists:
SimpleWorksheetNamingCode.jpg : https://imgur.com/5pYovYt
SimpleWorksheetNamingCode .jpg : https://imgur.com/v8ZUVVx
So in any code module, we can now do like:

Sub NameAWsType2()
' Make a Worksheet object
Dim Ws4 As Worksheet
Set Ws4 = Worksheets.Item(4)
' Make a WorksheetType2 object
Dim WsTyp2 As WorksheetType2
Set WsTyp2 = New WorksheetType2
' Name the worksheets
Let Ws4.Name = "Sht_4"
Let WsTyp2.Name = "ShTyp2_1"
' Access the names
MsgBox prompt:=Ws1.Name & vbCrLf & WsTyp2.Name
End Sub
The way that our given name WorksheetType2 is used in coding such as that above, supports the idea that in the case of a Class the code module itself can be thought of as the Class object

Just to help clarify. There will be somewhere "hidden" from us, a Worksheet class module, and that will include a vast amount of coding, some of which will include functions / methods which will be associated with the Worksheet Name Property. I guess if we had access to that it might be dangerous as we might change something that could cause a chaos somewhere, as other things will likely be organised in the Excel we use, based on how that coding is.
The word New "creates" an object (a process called instantiating ).
The internal coding which we have no access to will have created the Worksheets already "existing".
We have to do this instantiating for any objects we create, either
through instancing a Class which we have made, as we are discussing here
by accessing other objects not included as default in Excel, often referred to as Binding ( http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2240-VBA-referring-to-external-shared-Libraries-1)-Early-1-5)-Laterly-Early-and-2)-Late-Binding-Techniques )
As I am not allowed such access to the Worksheet class, I cannot use Set __ = New ___ , I can only assign a variable to the existing object like Set __ = ___

Finally, I try to here to sketch in
_ the "invisible" Class object module for the standard Excel worksheets,
_ two object modules for the objects I might "make" from the see able Class object module which we "made" with the coding above
Class Object Mess.JPG : https://imgur.com/r6hrPSK

[Class Worksheet]_ [First worksheet object]
_____________________[Second worksheet object]

_ [Class WorksheetType2 ] __ [First object (ShTyp2_1)]
________________________________[Second object]

Also we have a code module, which is not so often called an object, and a Thisworkbook ( In German DieseArbeitsmappe ) code module usually regarded as an object.

It is a mess because it is a mess. :-)

Here is a special "Excel" file which I have which has 6 worksheets.
It has the Class object modules and object modules for
the Application Excel
the worksheets. ( Each worksheet has a Class object with just one worksheet "made" from it )
Alans Full Excel.JPG : https://app.box.com/s/iaozdmu9jhu33wo9r2ntcdhkkz1bwu9g , https://imgur.com/0k2NDVX

[Class ExcelAppThisWorkbook] _ [ThisWorkbook object]

_[ Class Worksheet1 ] ________ [First worksheet object]

_ [Class Worksheet2 ] ________ [Second worksheet object ]

_ [Class Worksheet3 ] ________ [Third worksheet object]

_ [Class Worksheet4 ] ________[ Forth worksheet object]

_ [Class Worksheet5 ] ________ [Fifth worksheet object]

_ [Class Worksheet6 ] ________ [Sixth worksheet object]

_ [Class Worksheet7 ] ________ [Seventh worksheet object]

http://www.cpearson.com/excel/classes.aspx ( RiP Chip Pearson http://excelmatters.com/2018/04/30/rip-chip-pearson/ )

12-09-2018, 08:40 PM
Code for this post:

' Leave some lines free above
' http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=31395#p242918

Sub WotchaGotInHorizontalClit() 'Examine what is copied to clipboard from a row, and paste it into code module
Rem 0 Test range
Range("A1:C1").Value = Array("A1", "B1", "C1")
Rem 1 Clitbored
Dim objDataObject As Object ' DataObject Late Binding equivalent ' http://excelmatters.com/2013/09/23/vba-references-and-early-binding-vs-late-binding/ http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2240-VBA-referring-to-external-shared-Libraries-1)-Early-1-5)-Laterly-Early-and-2)-Late-Binding-Techniques
Set objDataObject = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}") ' http://excelmatters.com/2013/10/04/late-bound-msforms-dataobject/
Dim strIn As String: Let strIn = objDataObject.GetText() 'String of range as held in clitbored
Rem 2 examine string from clitbored
Dim myLenf As Long: Let myLenf = Len(strIn)
Dim cnt As Long
For cnt = 1 To myLenf
Dim Caracter As Variant ' String
Let Caracter = Mid(strIn, cnt, 1)
Dim WotchaGot As String
If Caracter Like "[A-Z]" Or Caracter Like "[0-9]" Then ' Check for normal characters
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & Caracter & """" & " & "
Select Case Caracter
Case " "
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & " " & """" & " & "
Case vbCr
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbCr & "
Case vbLf
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbLf & "
Case vbCrLf
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbCrLf & "
Case """"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & """" & """" & " & "
Case vbTab
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbTab & "
Case Else
WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "SomeFink" & """" & " & "
'Let CaseElse = Caracter
End Select
End If
Next cnt
If WotchaGot <> "" Then Let WotchaGot = Left(WotchaGot, Len(WotchaGot) - 3) ' take off last " & "
MsgBox Prompt:=WotchaGot: Debug.Print WotchaGot
Rem 4 paste into code module
On Error Resume Next
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(Me.CodeName).C odeModule.AddFromString "Rem " & strIn ' a Rem is added to stop the code module showing red error
Set objDataObject = Nothing
End Sub

Sub WotchaGotInCodeWindowHorizontal() ' Examine first line of text in the code module
Rem 1 Put first line from code module into a string
Dim strVonCodMod As String
Let strVonCodMod = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(Me.CodeName).C odeModule.Lines(Startline:=1, Count:=1)
Let strVonCodMod = Replace(strVonCodMod, "Rem ", "", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
Rem 2 examine string from code module line 1
Dim myLenf As Long: Let myLenf = Len(strVonCodMod)
Dim cnt As Long
For cnt = 1 To myLenf
Dim Caracter As Variant ' String
Let Caracter = Mid(strVonCodMod, cnt, 1)
Dim WotchaGot As String
If Caracter Like "[A-Z]" Or Caracter Like "[0-9]" Then
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & Caracter & """" & " & "
Select Case Caracter
Case " "
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & " " & """" & " & "
Case vbCr
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbCr & "
Case vbLf
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbLf & "
Case vbCrLf
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbCrLf & "
Case """"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & """" & """" & " & "
Case vbTab
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbTab & "
Case Else
WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "SomeFink" & """" & " & "
'Let CaseElse = Caracter
End Select
End If
Next cnt
If WotchaGot <> "" Then Let WotchaGot = Left(WotchaGot, Len(WotchaGot) - 3)
MsgBox Prompt:=WotchaGot: Debug.Print WotchaGot
Rem 3 clipbored
'3a Put string from first code module line in clipbored
Dim objDataObject As Object '
Set objDataObject = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
objDataObject.SetText strVonCodMod
Set objDataObject = Nothing
'3b paste string from first code module line into worksheet
Paste Destination:=Range("A1")
Rem 4 Delete first line from code module
On Error Resume Next
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(Me.CodeName).C odeModule.DeleteLines Startline:=1, Count:=1
End Sub

Sub WotchaGotInVirticalClit() ''Examine what is copied to clipboard from a column, and paste it into code module
Rem 0 Test range
Dim WhoRay(1 To 3, 1 To 1) As String: Let WhoRay(1, 1) = "A1": Let WhoRay(2, 1) = "A2": Let WhoRay(3, 1) = "A3"
Let Range("A1:A3").Value = WhoRay
Rem 1 Clipboard
Dim objDataObject As Object
Set objDataObject = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
Dim strIn As String: Let strIn = objDataObject.GetText()
Rem 2 Examine string held in clipboard from a copy from a column
Dim myLenf As Long: Let myLenf = Len(strIn)
Dim cnt As Long
For cnt = 1 To myLenf
Dim Caracter As Variant ' String
Let Caracter = Mid(strIn, cnt, 1)
Dim WotchaGot As String
If Caracter Like "[A-Z]" Or Caracter Like "[0-9]" Then
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & Caracter & """" & " & "
Select Case Caracter
Case " "
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & " " & """" & " & "
Case vbCr
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbCr & "
Case vbLf
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbLf & "
Case vbCrLf
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbCrLf & "
Case """"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & """" & """" & " & "
Case vbTab
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbTab & "
Case Else
WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "SomeFink" & """" & " & "
Let CaseElse = Caracter
End Select
End If
Next cnt
If WotchaGot <> "" Then Let WotchaGot = Left(WotchaGot, Len(WotchaGot) - 3)
MsgBox Prompt:=WotchaGot: Debug.Print WotchaGot
Rem 4 Paste stringt from clipboard into top of code module
On Error Resume Next
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(Me.CodeName).C odeModule.AddFromString "Rem " & Replace(strIn, vbLf, vbLf & "Rem ", 1, 2, vbBinaryCompare)
Set objDataObject = Nothing
End Sub

Sub WotchaGotInCodeWindowVertical() ' Examins what is held in a code module after pasting in a column froma worksheet
Rem 1 Put first 4 lines from code module into a string
Dim strVonCodMod As String
Let strVonCodMod = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(Me.CodeName).C odeModule.Lines(Startline:=1, Count:=4)
Let strVonCodMod = Replace(strVonCodMod, "Rem ", "", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
Rem 2 Examine contents of string
Dim myLenf As Long: Let myLenf = Len(strVonCodMod)
Dim cnt As Long
For cnt = 1 To myLenf
Dim Caracter As Variant ' String
Let Caracter = Mid(strVonCodMod, cnt, 1)
Dim WotchaGot As String
If Caracter Like "[A-Z]" Or Caracter Like "[0-9]" Then
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & Caracter & """" & " & "
Select Case Caracter
Case " "
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & " " & """" & " & "
Case vbCr
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbCr & "
Case vbLf
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbLf & "
Case vbCrLf
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbCrLf & "
Case """"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & """" & """" & " & "
Case vbTab
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbTab & "
Case Else
WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "SomeFink" & """" & " & "
'Let CaseElse = Caracter
End Select
End If
Next cnt
If WotchaGot <> "" Then Let WotchaGot = Left(WotchaGot, Len(WotchaGot) - 3)
MsgBox Prompt:=WotchaGot: Debug.Print WotchaGot
Rem 3 Clipboard
'3a Put string into clipboard
Dim objDataObject As Object '
Set objDataObject = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
objDataObject.SetText strVonCodMod
Set objDataObject = Nothing
'3b Paste into worksheet from clipboard
Paste Destination:=Range("A1")
Rem 4 Delet first 4 rows from code module
On Error Resume Next
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(Me.CodeName).C odeModule.DeleteLines Startline:=1, Count:=4
End Sub

12-09-2018, 08:42 PM
Continued from above....

Sub Pubic_Properly_Let_RngAsString_() ' Examination of a range copied to clipboard, then paste to Private Class code module
Range("A1:C1").Value = Array("A1", "B1", "C1")
Range("A2:C2").Value = Array("A2", "B2", "C2")
Range("A3:C3").Value = Array("A3", "B3", "C3")
Dim objDataObject As Object
Set objDataObject = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
Dim strIn As String: Let strIn = objDataObject.GetText()
Dim myLenf As Long: Let myLenf = Len(strIn)
Dim cnt As Long
For cnt = 1 To myLenf
Dim Caracter As Variant ' String
Let Caracter = Mid(strIn, cnt, 1)
Dim WotchaGot As String
If Caracter Like "[A-Z]" Or Caracter Like "[0-9]" Then
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & Caracter & """" & " & "
Select Case Caracter
Case " "
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & " " & """" & " & "
Case vbCr
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbCr & "
Case vbLf
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbLf & "
Case vbCrLf
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbCrLf & "
Case """"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & """" & """" & " & "
Case vbTab
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbTab & "
Case Else
WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "SomeFink" & """" & " & "
End Select
End If
Next cnt
If WotchaGot <> "" Then Let WotchaGot = Left(WotchaGot, Len(WotchaGot) - 3)
MsgBox Prompt:=WotchaGot: Debug.Print WotchaGot: Debug.Print
MsgBox Prompt:=Replace(WotchaGot, "vbLf & ", "vbLf" & vbCrLf, 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare): Debug.Print Replace(WotchaGot, "vbLf & ", "vbLf" & vbCrLf, 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare): Debug.Print
MsgBox Prompt:=Replace(WotchaGot, "vbTab", """ | """, 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare): Debug.Print Replace(WotchaGot, "vbTab", """ | """, 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare): Debug.Print

Let strIn = Replace(strIn, vbTab, " | ", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare) ' replace tab with |
MsgBox Prompt:=strIn: Debug.Print strIn

Let strIn = "Rem " & Replace(strIn, vbLf, vbLf & "Rem ", 1, 2, vbBinaryCompare) ' add some Rems to prevent red error in code window
On Error Resume Next
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("Tabelle1").CodeModule.AddFromString strIn
Set objDataObject = Nothing
End Sub

Sub Fumic_Properly_Get_Rng_AsString() ' Paste rworksheet range stored in code modulle back to worksheet
Dim strVonCodMod As String
Let strVonCodMod = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("Tabelle1").CodeModule.Lines(Startline:=1, Count:=4)
Let strVonCodMod = Replace(strVonCodMod, "Rem ", "", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
Let strVonCodMod = Replace(strVonCodMod, " | ", vbTab, 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
Dim objDataObject As Object '
Set objDataObject = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
objDataObject.SetText strVonCodMod
Set objDataObject = Nothing
Paste Destination:=Range("A1")
On Error Resume Next
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("Tabelle1").CodeModule.DeleteLines Startline:=1, Count:=4
End Sub

_.________________________________________________ ______________
Extra Codes For Yassers Normal Excel File, "NormalExcelFile.xlsm" : http://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=31395#p242964

Option Explicit
Private Sub Publics_Probably_Let_RngAsString__() ' Input of range to Private Properties storage
Rem 0 test data range is selection. Select a range before running this code
Dim rngSel As Range: Set rngSel = Selection ' selected range for later reference
Rem 1 Copy range to clipbored
Rem 2 put data currently in clipboard into a string
Dim objDataObject As Object ' DataObject ' This will be for an an Object from the class MS Forms. This will be a Data Object of what we "send" to the Clipboard. But it is a DataObject. It has the Methods I need to send to and get text to the Clipboard. ' http://excelmatters.com/2013/09/23/vba-references-and-early-binding-vs-late-binding/ http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2240-VBA-referring-to-external-shared-Libraries-1)-Early-1-5)-Laterly-Early-and-2)-Late-Binding-Techniques
Set objDataObject = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}") ' http://excelmatters.com/2013/10/04/late-bound-msforms-dataobject/
objDataObject.GetFromClipboard ' The data object has the long text string from the clipboard at this point
'rngSel.ClearContents ' we can't do this here, not sure why??
Dim strIn As String: Let strIn = objDataObject.GetText() ' The string variable, strIn, is given the long string
rngSel.ClearContents ' do this now. (If we did it before, the contents of the clipboard are typically emptied, so that would be poo. I don't know why the clipboard needs to be full still fir the last code line??
Rem 3 manipulate string to substitute vbTab with arbritrary character combination - in next code this will be replaced. We do this because the vbTab is lost when pasting into a code module
Let strIn = Replace(strIn, vbTab, " | ", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare) ' replacing( in the string , replace vbTab , with " | " , start at first position , replace all occurances , look for an excact case sensitive match as this is qiucker if we don't need to be case insensitive as with option vbTextCompare )
Let strIn = "'_-" & Replace(strIn, vbLf, vbLf & "'_-", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare) ' add some comment bits to prevent red error in code window
Rem 4 add range data
Let strIn = "'_-Worksheets(""" & rngSel.Parent.Name & """).Range(""" & rngSel.Address & """)" & vbCrLf & strIn ' Add an extra first header line to indicate the worksheet and range used
On Error Resume Next ' I am not quite sure why this is needed
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("YassersDump").CodeModule.AddFromString strIn ' As far as i know, this adds from the start of the module.
Set objDataObject = Nothing ' This probably is not needed. It upsets Kyle when i do it, but he can take it :-)
End Sub

Private Sub Publics_Probably_Get_Rng__AsString() ' Output of range from Private Properties Storage
Rem 2 get string data form code module Private properties storage
Dim strVonCodMod As String
'2a Range infomation first line
Dim Ws As Worksheet, Rng As Range ' These will be used for the range identification infomation which the next code line gets from the first line in the code module used for the
Let strVonCodMod = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("YassersDump").CodeModule.Lines(Startline:=1, Count:=1) ' First line has the
Let strVonCodMod = Replace(Replace(Replace(strVonCodMod, "'_-Worksheets(""", ""), """).Range(""", " "), """)", "") ' we want to reduce and change like "Worksheets("Sht").Range("A1")" to "Sht A1" so that we can use split to get the Sheet name and the range address strVonCodMod = Replace(strVonCodMod, "'_-Worksheets(""", "") : strVonCodMod = Replace(strVonCodMod, """).Range(""", " ") : strVonCodMod = Replace(strVonCodMod, """)", "")
Set Ws = Worksheets(Split(strVonCodMod)(0)): Set Rng = Ws.Range(Split(strVonCodMod)(1)) ' The returned array from spliting by the space , " " , will have first element (indicie(0)) of like "Sht" and the second element (indicie(1)) of like "A1"
'2b get range data
Let strVonCodMod = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("YassersDump").CodeModule.Lines(Startline:=2, Count:=Rng.Rows.Count + 1) ' We need rows count+1 because there seems to be a last & vbCr & vbLf http://eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=31395#p242941
Let strVonCodMod = Replace(strVonCodMod, "'_-", "", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare) ' remove the '_- Comment bits
Let strVonCodMod = Replace(strVonCodMod, " | ", vbTab, 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare) ' Replace the " | " with a carriage return
Rem 3 Put the string into the clipboard
Dim objDataObject As Object '
Set objDataObject = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
objDataObject.SetText strVonCodMod
Set objDataObject = Nothing
Rem 4 Output range data values to spreadsheet
Ws.Paste Destination:=Rng
Rem 5
On Error Resume Next
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("YassersDump").CodeModule.DeleteLines Startline:=1, Count:=Rng.Rows.Count + 1 + 1 ' remove the first header row and all data and the extra last row caused by the extra & vbCr & vbLf
End Sub

( XL2020alsm.xlsb https://app.box.com/s/26frr0zzc93q6zsraktove3qypqj714p )

12-24-2018, 01:10 PM
Routine for following excelfox Thread:
http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2295-ExtendingInsensibility-into-Code-modules-Copy-table-contents-to-VBIDE-VB-Editor-code-modules?p=10863#post10863 ...

Sub PubProliferous_Let_RngAsString__() ' Make hardcopy of spreadsheet range to VB Editor insensibly http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=31395#p243002
Rem 0 VBA project instantiated VBIDE
Dim VBIDEVBAProj As Object ' For convenience a variable is used for this code module
Set VBIDEVBAProj = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBE.ActiveCodePane.codemodu le ' ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(Me.CodeName) 'varible referring to this code module
Rem 1 Indicate that this module is being used for text.
If Not Right(VBIDEVBAProj.Name, 4) = "_txt" Then Let VBIDEVBAProj.Name = VBIDEVBAProj.Name & "_txt" ' If Not Right(Me.CodeName, 4) = "_txt" Then Let VBIDEVBAProj.Name = Me.CodeName & "_txt"
Rem 2 Selected range to clipboard
Dim rngSel As Range: Set rngSel = Selection: rngSel.Copy
Dim objDataObject As Object ' DataObject ' This will be for an an Object from the class MS Forms. This will be a Data Object of what we "send" to the Clipboard. But it is a DataObject. It has the Methods I need to send to and get text to the Clipboard. ' http://excelmatters.com/2013/09/23/vba-references-and-early-binding-vs-late-binding/ http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2240-VBA-referring-to-external-shared-Libraries-1)-Early-1-5)-Laterly-Early-and-2)-Late-Binding-Techniques
Set objDataObject = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}") ' http://excelmatters.com/2013/10/04/late-bound-msforms-dataobject/
objDataObject.GetFromClipboard ' The data object has the long text string from the clipboard at this point
Dim strIn As String: strIn = objDataObject.GetText() 'This gets the test string from the Data Object
' rngSel.ClearContents ' range is cleared after copying table values to clipboard
Rem 3
'3a) replace vbTab with "|" as cell divider to use in the VB editor range value display
Let strIn = Replace(strIn, vbTab, "|") ' : Call WotchaGot(strIn)
'3b) typically the last two "characters" from the text obtained from a spreadsheet range via the clipboard has a last vbCr & vbLf pair. We rely on this in further lines so this is just to be sure
If Not Right(strIn, 2) = vbCr & vbLf Then Let strIn = strIn & vbCr & vbLf ' Typically a last vbcr & vblf is there, and we rely on it, so we make sure here ###
Rem 4 add start and stop info
Let strIn = "'_-" & Format(Date, "DD MM YYYY") & " Worksheets(""" & rngSel.Parent.Name & """).Range(""" & rngSel.Address & """)" & vbCr & vbLf & strIn & "'_- EOF " & Format(Date, "DD MM YYYY") ' Note in last bit I am relying on having a vbcr & vbLf after existing strIn ###
Rem 5 Make array from string using the vbCr & vbLf pair as seperator. This willbe an array of data and the extra start and end rows
Dim SpltRws() As String: Let SpltRws() = Split(strIn, vbCr & vbLf, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
Rem 6 Determination of code module table characteristics
'6a) from split rows array, we can get the number of columns and rows
Dim RwCnt As Long, ClCnt As Long
Let RwCnt = (UBound(SpltRws()) - LBound(SpltRws())) + 1 ' Allow for any base
Dim SpltCls() As String: Let SpltCls() = Split(SpltRws(LBound(SpltRws()) + 1), "|", -1, vbBinaryCompare) ' assume second row is representative of all rows for column number
Let ClCnt = (UBound(SpltCls()) - LBound(SpltCls())) + 1
'6b) The next line is a way to make a free line... Because we give a line number in the argument .insertlines Line:= of greater than the current last line number, then that actual number given bears no relation to the actual line number of the code line at which it will be added. ( The line number of the code I am talking about here is , as defined by, or rather as held internally by, and accessed in code coding, by a sequential integer starting at 1 at the top of the code window and counting by +1 for every successive line/row ) Because we give a line number in the argument .insertlines Line:= of greater than the current last line number, then lines will always be added at the next free line, that is to say one line above the last used line. The actual number we give is irrelevant, for numbers we give which are greater than that of the current last used line in the code module.
VBIDEVBAProj.insertlines Line:=VBIDEVBAProj.countoflines + 9996, String:="" ' An attempt to insert a line anywhere above the last used line will force a new line at the end. So this is how we force a space. (Trying to insert a line anywhere above the last used line won't work.
'6c) Find next free row and last row that we will effectively use
Dim CdTblStt As Long, CdTblStp As Long ' these variables will actual hold our start and end lines, but when used below they actually force a new line by virtual of attempting to insert a line above the current last line
Let CdTblStt = VBIDEVBAProj.countoflines + 1 ' We find that + 1 or more will take us to the next free line. (We can insert below or equal to last used line and then all will be shifted up. If we add to the last line =___.CountOfLines then the last line will shift up. Effectively CdTblStt is the start row as it is one up from the last row. But if we used any number >=1 for the 1 , then the actual start line which we obtain would still be at .countoflines + 1
Let CdTblStp = CdTblStt + RwCnt - 1 ' last row in this code module to be used. In actual fact this nimber is what it will be. Effectively with using this later in our code, we try to insert at one line furthter than the last line. For any attempt at an insert >= .countoflines+1 we actually add a new line at the end.
Rem 7 Add lines from array to to code module , using some string formating http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2230-Built-in-VBA-methods-and-functions-to-alter-the-contents-of-existing-character-strings --- Dim TabulatorSyncrenator As String: Let TabulatorSyncrenator = "123456789" ' any lengthed string
'7a) Header
VBIDEVBAProj.insertlines Line:=CdTblStt, String:=SpltRws(LBound(SpltRws()))
'7b) Main looping Start for data rows ===============================
Dim Rws As Long
For Rws = CdTblStt + 1 To CdTblStp - 1 Step 1 ' At each row of data
Dim rvec As Long: Let rvec = -CdTblStt + LBound(SpltRws()) ' This gives the adjustment necerssary to take us from a code module line number to an array indicie in the range rows array, SpltRws(). This works as follows: Our used row number actually forces a new line which has that line number. For the relavant array line number, for example , the first line will need to be the first indicie. For zero base, we need to take off excactly CdTblStt For base 1 iwe need to take off 1 less, so rvec would be -(CdTblStt + 1)
Let SpltCls() = Split(SpltRws(Rws + rvec), "|", -1, vbBinaryCompare) 'Split each data row into data columns
'7c) to allow some formatting, a string is built up from each column/cell value
Dim Cls As Long
For Cls = LBound(SpltCls()) To UBound(SpltCls())
Dim TabulatorSyncrenator As String: Let TabulatorSyncrenator = "123456789" ' any lengthed string will do
LSet TabulatorSyncrenator = Trim(SpltCls(Cls)) ' this cause a number like " 56" to change to "56 " This allows us to have a fixed length format here in the displayed code editor
Dim LineAut As String
Let LineAut = LineAut & " | " & TabulatorSyncrenator ' : Debug.Print LineAut
Next Cls
Let LineAut = Replace(LineAut, " | ", "'_-", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare) 'Replace first " | " with some sort of 'comment thing
VBIDEVBAProj.insertlines Line:=Rws, String:=LineAut ' Note: you could use any from and including one more than the last current line. - effectively here we always try to go >=+1, we are not really defining the line, but just making sure that we add on to the end. Effectively the number in the Line:= does become the line where the string is finally. But it is not directly defined by that.
Let LineAut = "" ' Ready for next line use
Next Rws ' End main data rows Loop ==============================
'7d) End row
VBIDEVBAProj.insertlines Line:=CdTblStp, String:=SpltRws(UBound(SpltRws())) ' Note: this line would not go further than last line, so it must be done here ***
End Sub

12-24-2018, 01:12 PM
Routine for following excelfox Thread
http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2295-ExtendingInsensibility-into-Code-modules-Copy-table-contents-to-VBIDE-VB-Editor-code-modules?p=10864#post10864 .....

Sub PubProliferous_Get_Rng__AsString() ' This pastes out all held table range values in this code module
Rem 0 VBA project instantiated VBIDE
Dim VBIDEVBAProj As Object ' For convenience a variable is used for this code module
Set VBIDEVBAProj = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBE.ActiveCodePane.codemodu le ' ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(Me.CodeName) 'varible referring to this code module
Rem 1 Do it all
Do: Dim EndOFSub As Boolean ' looping while not at End Sub =================================
Do: Dim FOB As Boolean ' looping while in range data ------------------------------
Dim ReedLineIn As String
If ReedLineIn = "" Then ' because there is no code line in the next line we will go to Let ReedLineIn = if the condition "" is met
'for an empty line we do nothing apart from having already deleted it ( for all but the first time here at the code start)
Else ' We are in data or start or stop-----------------|
Dim arrOut As String ' A string for output from clipboard for each found range
If Mid(ReedLineIn, 15, 12) = "Worksheets(""" Then ' we are at backward looping end(start) of data
Let ReedLineIn = Replace(Replace(Mid(ReedLineIn, 27), """).Range(""", " "), """)", "") 'Let ReedLineIn = Mid(ReedLineIn, 27): ReedLineIn = Replace(ReedLineIn, """).Range(""", " ", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare): ReedLineIn = Replace(ReedLineIn, """)", "", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
'MsgBox ReedLineIn: Debug.Print ReedLineIn ' ' This is particularly useful in developing codes of this nature, as usally step (F8) mode will often fail due to code lines referrencig this code module which trip up the process somehow
Dim Ws As Worksheet, Rng As Range 'variables to use for output range details
Set Ws = Worksheets(Split(ReedLineIn)(0)): Set Rng = Ws.Range(Split(ReedLineIn)(1)) ' The returned array from spliting by the space , " " , will have first element (indicie(0)) of like "Sheet1" and the second element (indicie(1)) of like "$B$1:$D$13"
' Section to prepare data for, and to do, the paste out of a data value range Output preparing section !!
'MsgBox arrOut: Debug.Print arrOut
Let arrOut = Replace(Replace(arrOut, "'_-", ""), " | ", vbTab) ' The "inner" Replace takes out the "'_-" bit at the start of a line, and the "outer" Replace changes the seperator used in the code module " | " for that which appears to be used by Excel to determine a cell "wall" vbTab
'MsgBox arrOut: Debug.Print arrOut
Let arrOut = Replace(arrOut, " ", "", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare) ' this is intended as a partial solution to removing most of the extra spaces that we added, whilst not removing any intentionally there. You may want to adjust this along with the actual character used to fill in the unused spaces in oder to come up with a better solution to suit specific data types
'MsgBox arrOut: Debug.Print arrOut 'WotchaGot (arrOut) ' routine to examine contents of string
Dim objDataObject As Object: Set objDataObject = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}"): objDataObject.SetText arrOut: objDataObject.PutInClipboard ' Text is given to Data object which in turn uses its method to put that in the clipboard
Ws.Paste Destination:=Rng 'Worksheets Paste method with optional argument to determine where, ( default would be from top left of active range )
Let arrOut = "" ' Clear the string to allow for collection of next range
If Right(VBIDEVBAProj.Name, 4) = "_txt" Then Let VBIDEVBAProj.Name = Replace(VBIDEVBAProj.Name, "_txt", "", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare)
' Section to collect the range value data ( If not at the end section of a data range held in the code window like '_- EOF 22 12 2018 )
If Left(ReedLineIn, 8) = "'_- EOF " Then '
' Let FOB = True ' Let FOB = True is not needed, as clearing the string arrOut effectively starts us again afresh
'for last data we do nothing apart from having already deleted it
Else ' from here we are in data collecting/concatanating into string arrOut +++++
Let arrOut = ReedLineIn & vbCr & vbLf & arrOut ' A simple concatenation along with a new line indicator will give a convenient format of the final data range for use in the Output preparing section !! above Note: we build the string "bachwards" with the next line as first and previous lies after it because the code is looping backwards
End If ' we were collecting/concatenating range value data +++++
End If
End If ' we are did stuff in data or start or stop-----|
Let ReedLineIn = VBIDEVBAProj.Lines(StartLine:=VBIDEVBAProj.countof lines, Count:=1)
If ReedLineIn = "End Sub" Or ReedLineIn = "End Function" Then
Let EndOFSub = True
Else ' after reading in any line, we delete it, unless it was the End of a routine
VBIDEVBAProj.DeleteLines StartLine:=VBIDEVBAProj.countoflines, Count:=1
End If
Loop While Not EndOFSub = True ' And FOB = False '------------------------------------
'MsgBox Prompt:="In between data ranges": Let FOB = False ' we could do something here to tell us we are in between range, such as count the ranges, and then set FOB back to zero
Loop While EndOFSub = False ' ================================================== ==============
End Sub

12-24-2018, 01:16 PM
Routine for following excelfox Thread

Sub TestieCall()
Call PubeProFannyTeas__GLetner("23 12 2018")
End Sub
Sub PubeProFannyTeas__GLetner(ByVal strDte As String)
Rem 0 VBA project instantiated VBIDE
Dim VBIDEVBAProj As Object ' For convenience a variable is used for this code module
Set VBIDEVBAProj = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBE.ActiveCodePane.codemodu le ' ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(Me.CodeName) 'varible referring to this code module
Rem 1 This code module data range
'1a) get full data range as string
Dim Cnt As Long, Lr As Long, ReedLineIn As String
Let Lr = VBIDEVBAProj.countoflines: Let Cnt = Lr + 1
Let Cnt = Cnt - 1
Let ReedLineIn = VBIDEVBAProj.Lines(StartLine:=Cnt, Count:=1)
Loop While Not (Left(ReedLineIn, 7) = "End Sub" Or Left(ReedLineIn, 7) = "End Fun")
If Cnt = Lr Then MsgBox Prompt:="No range data values in code module " & VBIDEVBAProj.Name: Exit Sub
'1b) Complete data region as single string.
Dim strIn As String: Let strIn = VBIDEVBAProj.Lines(StartLine:=Cnt + 1, Count:=Lr - Cnt)
Let strIn = Mid(strIn, 3) ' take off first vbCr & vbLf
'WotchaGot (strIn)
'1c) split into date ranges, get most recent of any dates to match given strDte
Dim DtedRngs() As String: Let DtedRngs() = Split(strIn, vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf) ' Split range by empty line which is double vbCr & vbLf
'WotchaGot (DtedRngs(0)): Debug.Print: WotchaGot (DtedRngs(1))
For Cnt = UBound(DtedRngs()) To LBound(DtedRngs()) Step -1
'1d)Check for date match, if so the main code working begins
Dim FndDte As String: Let FndDte = Mid(DtedRngs(Cnt), 4, 10) ' looking at like this typical start of a data range, '_-23 12 2018 Wo.... we see that 10 characters from character 4 will give us the date
If FndDte = strDte Then
'MsgBox Prompt:=FndDte
Rem 2 manipulation of found date range
Dim strRng As String: Let strRng = DtedRngs(Cnt)
Let strRng = Mid(strRng, 27) 'takes off up to start of worksheet name... no speacial reason toher than why not? - its not needed anymore
'2a) range info
Dim RngInfo As String: Let RngInfo = Left(strRng, InStr(1, strRng, """)" & vbCr & vbLf, vbBinaryCompare) - 1) ' This gets us at like Tabelle1").Range("$I$2513:$J$2514
Dim ShtName As String, RngAdrs As String
Let ShtName = Split(RngInfo, """).Range(""", 2, vbBinaryCompare)(0) ' split above string , using as seperator ").Range(" , into 2 bits , for exact computer binary type compare Then we have first array element (indicie (0)) as the worksheet name and the second array element (indicie (1)) as the range address
Let RngAdrs = Split(RngInfo, """).Range(""", 2, vbBinaryCompare)(1) ': Debug.Print ShtName & " " & RngAdrs
Dim Ws As Worksheet, Rng As Range: Set Ws = Worksheets("" & ShtName & ""): Set Rng = Ws.Range(RngAdrs)
'2b) get data value range
Let strRng = Mid(strRng, InStr(1, strRng, vbCr & vbLf, vbBinaryCompare) + 2) ' take off first line & the first vbCr & vbLf
Let strRng = Left(strRng, InStr(1, strRng, "'_- EOF ", vbBinaryCompare) - 1) ' take off last line, ( but leave on the vbCr & vbLf as that seems to typically be on a string from an excel range
'WotchaGot strRng
Let strRng = Replace(strRng, " | ", vbTab, 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare) 'Change code window cell wall seperator for that used by Excel
Let strRng = Replace(strRng, "'_-", "", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
Let strRng = Replace(strRng, " ", "", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare) ' Bit of bodge to remove my added spaces
'Debug.Print strRng
Rem 3 output to worksheet
Dim objDataObject As Object: Set objDataObject = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}"): objDataObject.SetText strRng: objDataObject.PutInClipboard ' Text is given to Data object which in turn uses its method to put that in the clipboard
Ws.Paste Destination:=Rng 'Worksheets Paste method with optional argument to determine where, ( default would be from top left of active range )
Exit Sub 'This code only gets the first found range looking from code window bottom
Else ' No matching date found yet, so do nothing but
End If ' go on to
Next Cnt ' next date range ' ( There is no check for no matching date. The code will simple end after all ranges have been looped through.)
End Sub

12-30-2018, 08:47 PM
Some notes in support of these Threads

VPN and IP Addresses
Some of the initial investigations into testing VPN and in looking at problems showed that it was useful to be able to monitor various IP addresses.
The main (Public) address, as already discussed, ( http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2384-VPN-Forum-access-and-IP-addresse-Tests?p=11597&viewfull=1#post11597 ) , is of course important to know . There is also a "local host", which more typically is set to the same number for everyone, ( ). This is a number which conventionally is used to allow direct access to network aspects of your computer which might otherwise be accessed externally in some way or another. A characteristic of VPN software is that it manipulate your computer in a way such that, amongst other things , this number will change to the internal address used at your VPN provider to identify you within their system. It is part of the trickery in the Client software, that you "looking at yourself" gets manipulated into looking somewhere else. The provider in some ways is then in control of your computer allowing them to give the impression that your computer is physically somewhere else: Part of your computer "Soul" is with them.

Public address
Manually this is achieved typically by visiting various sites that provide you with this information. The automated way still needs to use such sites. The reason for this is that you need to be able to get the information by accessing yourself in the way that another computer connected to the internet "gets at you". Part of this process involves obtaining your public address as you communicate initially with them. We could scrap any site offering the service and pick out the IP address information.
We can simplify the coding to do this by accessing a site available which only gives the IP information, and which shows as the website that you "see" just that IP address number.
So for example if you type in your browser URL bar, http://myip.dnsomatic.com/ , then all you will see is the IP address. You will even see only that if you are in Google Chrome Browser and right click and view the Page Source
Page Source myip dnsomatic .JPG : https://imgur.com/uceUKE4 2567

This information will be the entire .responseText received back. In normal scrapping coding you might feed this supplied text string into an object model software which allows you to then pick out using OOP type techniques what you want. If we use the site http://myip.dnsomatic.com/ , we don't need to take that extra step, and can simply view the entire .responseText , as this is the exact info we want.

( I found that sometimes the first one or few attemps did not work in the next coding, but almost always after a few attemopts it worked. So the recursion technique is used to call the Function a few times , if necerssary )

Option Explicit
Sub TestPubicIP()
Dim strIP As String
Call PubicIP(strIP)
MsgBox prompt:=strIP
'Call WtchaGot(strIP)
End Sub
' Because we have ByRef PublicIP , the is effectively taking the variable strIP into the function, and similarly in the recursion Call line that variable is taken. Hopefull in one of the 5 attepts at running the Function it will be filled.. We don't actually fill the pseudo variable PubicIP so no value is returned directly by the Function. (So we could have used a Sub()routine instead) To get a returned value we look at the value in strIP after runing the routine , because , as said, hopefully that particular variable will have been added to
Function PubicIP(ByRef PublicIP As String, Optional ByVal Tries As Long) As String
If Tries = 5 Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo Bed
With CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp")
.Open "GET", "http://myip.dnsomatic.com", True ' 'just preparing the request type, how and what type... "The True/False argument of the HTTP Request is the Asynchronous mode flag. If set False then control is immediately returns to VBA after Send is executed. If set True then control is returned to VBA after the server has sent back a response.
'No extra info here for type GET
'.setRequestHeader bstrheader:="Ploppy", bstrvalue:="Poo"
.setRequestHeader bstrheader:="If-Modified-Since", bstrvalue:="Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT" ' https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=9554 --- It will caching the contents of the URL page. Which means if you request the same URL more than once, you always get the same responseText even the website changes text every time. This line is a workaround : Set cache related headers.
.send ' varBody:= ' No extra info for type GET. .send actually makes the request
While .readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Wend ' Allow other processes to run while the web page loads. Think this is part of the True option
Dim PageSrc As String: Let PageSrc = .responseText ' Save the HTML code in the (Global) variable. ': Range("P1").Value = PageSrc 'For me for a print out copy to text file etc. The responseText property returns the information requested by the Open method as a text string
End With
Let PublicIP = PageSrc: ' Debug.Print PubicIP
'Call WtchaGot(PubicIP)
If PublicIP = "" Then Call PubicIP(PublicIP, Tries + 1) ' Recursion Call line. I do this because sometines it seems to need more than one try before it works
Exit Function
Let PubicIP = Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description: Debug.Print PubicIP
End Function

As an alternative , I have below a similar coding. It gets the page source from another site which shows your IP address. I found when looking at the page source in Google Chrome, that I could see the IP address conveniently showing between two simple text lines :
Page Source whatismyipaddress_com .JPG : https://imgur.com/LSvORAe

To VBA ( or most computer things), that text looks like a long string, and at that point we can imagine that it looks to the computer like any one of these 3 representations
……. ipt -->" & vbLf & "87" & "." & "101" & "." & "95" & "." & "204" & vbLf & "<!—do not scr……..
…….ipt --> vbLf vbLf <!—do not scr ………….

…….ipt --> vbLf vbLf
<!—do not scr ………….

We apply some simple VBA strings manipulation techniques to extract just the IP address number

Sub TestPubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com()
Dim strIP As String
Let strIP = PubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com
MsgBox prompt:=strIP
End Sub
Function PubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com() As String
On Error GoTo Bed
With CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp")
.Open "GET", "https://whatismyipaddress.com/de/meine-ip", False ' 'just preparing the request type, how and what type... "The True/False argument of the HTTP Request is the Asynchronous mode flag. If set False then control is immediately returns to VBA after Send is executed. If set True then control is returned to VBA after the server has sent back a response.
'No extra info here for type GET
'.setRequestHeader bstrheader:="Ploppy", bstrvalue:="Poo"
.setRequestHeader bstrheader:="If-Modified-Since", bstrvalue:="Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT" ' https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=9554 --- It will caching the contents of the URL page. Which means if you request the same URL more than once, you always get the same responseText even the website changes text every time. This line is a workaround : Set cache related headers.
.send ' varBody:= ' No extra info for type GET. .send actually makes the request
While .READYSTATE <> 4: DoEvents: Wend ' Allow other processes to run while the web page loads. Think this is part of the True option
Dim PageSrc As String: Let PageSrc = .responsetext ' Save the HTML code in the (Global) variable. ': Range("P1").Value = PageSrc 'For me for a print out copy to text file etc. The responseText property returns the information requested by the Open method as a text string
End With
Let PubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com = PageSrc: ' Debug.Print PubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com
Dim IPadres As String, posIPadres1 As Long, posIPadres2 As Long
Let posIPadres1 = InStr(1, PageSrc, "<!-- do not script -->", vbBinaryCompare) ' Screenshot ---> Page Source whatismyipaddress_com .JPG : https://imgur.com/LSvORAe
Let posIPadres2 = InStr(posIPadres1 + 1, PageSrc, "<!-- do not script -->", vbBinaryCompare)
Let PubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com = Mid(PageSrc, posIPadres1 + 23, ((posIPadres2 - 1) - (posIPadres1 + 23)))
Call WtchaGot(PubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com)
Exit Function
Let PubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com = Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description: Debug.Print PubicIPwhatismyipaddress_com
End Function

Local Host address and computer name in the next post

12-31-2018, 12:43 AM
Local Host address, Computer name
There are a couple of Win32 APIs which will get this information.
We just need to write a small amount of coding to get the function to do what we want and also a bit of manipulaation to give the information as we need it.
For the computer name this is simply a function to give us a string.

Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetComputerName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetComputerNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByRef nSize As Long) As Long
' "GetComputerNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByRef nSize As Long) As Long
Function ComputerName() As String ' GHB and sex..
Dim NmeLen As Long, lngX As Long, strCompName As String
Let NmeLen = 999: Let strCompName = " " ' variables must be initialised or API things often dont work ' String$(50, 0)
Let lngX = GetComputerName(strCompName, NmeLen) '
If lngX <> 0 Then ' returns 1 if it works
Let ComputerName = strCompName ' Left$(strCompName, NmeLen) ' The first argument variable gets like a LSet done on it
Let ComputerName = "Couldn't get Computer name"
End If
Let ComputerName = Left$(ComputerName, NmeLen) ' We must do this as there is a Chr(0) after the name .... Let ComputerName = Trim(ComputerName) ' this is no good, - it leaves Chr(0) on the end which means that ComputerName is the last thing that will get printed
'Call WtchaGot(ComputerName)
End Function

The Win32 API for the local IP address is slightly more complicated. It will give us a table/ array of all the IP addresses held. The first is generally that we are interested in. it seems to be added when a VPN connection is made

Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetIpAddrTable_API Lib "IpHlpApi" Alias "GetIpAddrTable" (ByRef pIPAddrTable As Any, ByRef pdwSize As Long, ByVal bOrder As Long) As Long ' http://www.source-code.biz/snippets/vbasic/8.htm
' "GetIpAddrTable" (ByRef pIPAddrTable As Any, ByRef pdwSize As Long, ByVal bOrder As Long) As Long
Public Function GetIpAddrTable() As String ' Christian d'Heureuse, www.source-code.biz http://www.source-code.biz/snippets/vbasic/8.htm
Rem 1 We give the API function some info , and that seems to make it fill up an array with table values
Dim Buf(0 To 1234) As Byte ' Buf(0 To 511) As Byte ' must be Byte or overflow at NrOfEntries
Dim BufSize As Long: Let BufSize = 12345
Dim rc As Long: Let rc = GetIpAddrTable_API(Buf(0), BufSize, 1)
'If rc <> 0 Then Err.Raise vbObjectError, , "GetIpAddrTable failed with return value " & rc
Dim NrOfEntries As Integer: NrOfEntries = Buf(1) * 256 + Buf(0)
'If NrOfEntries = 0 Then GetIpAddrTable = Array(): Exit Function

Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To NrOfEntries - 1
Dim j As Long, s As String
For j = 0 To 3
Dim Indcy As Long: Let Indcy = 4 + i * 24 + j
s = s & IIf(j > 0, ".", "") & Buf(Indcy): Debug.Print Indcy & " " & Buf(Indcy) ' This code line just builds the final string for each IP address, with a "." before all but the first of the 4 number parts --- for example like 192 . 168 . 2 . 110
Next j
Dim strIPs As String: Let strIPs = strIPs & " " & s: Let s = ""
GetIpAddrTable = strIPs: Debug.Print strIPs
End Function

' 4 127
' 5 0
' 6 0
' 7 1
' 28 192
' 29 168
' 30 2
' 31 110
' ' _

' 4 10
' 5 132
' 6 13
' 7 113
' 28 127
' 29 0
' 30 0
' 31 1
' 52 192
' 53 168
' 54 2
' 55 110
' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
' 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
' 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
' 10 132 13 127
' 127 0 0 1
' 192 168 2 110

If we examine that coding above, and experiment with what it does, we see a couple of things:
Rem 1
_ It is doing a strange thing, as API's often do. That is to say the API works similarly to a normal VBA function, except the way each argument is a mystery.. following some set of rules/coding which probably the author wrote when he was drunk and no one can remember anymore.
You must make an array of Byte types. The array should be fairly big.
You must give the first array element and the size of the array to the API Function.
Then magically the array gets filled. Presumably some internally held table is put into the array
Rem 2
A bit of maths is done to pick out the elements we want from the returned filled array

The final analysis here of a typical output can be helpful to try and understand another way to get this information

' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
' 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
' 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
' 10 132 13 127
' 127 0 0 1
' 192 168 2 110

Or maybe not. I am not sure. I doubt many people are…

01-01-2019, 07:41 PM

[color=#417394]Using Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)

01-01-2019, 07:49 PM

01-01-2019, 07:51 PM
4, 5, 6 and 7 data section output after running Sub SpltTests() from http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2056-Appendix-Thread-(-Codes-for-other-Threads-HTML-Tables-etc-)?p=10881#post10881

_____ Workbook: Sample.xlsm ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )
















































Worksheet: Result

01-09-2019, 09:11 PM
Main Routine in support of these Threads Part 1

The coding is split into 2 parts to fil it into a Forum Post. But this and the coding in the next post form a single routine. That forms the main routine. In addition, a routine Called by the Main routine is required, Public Sub GetElemsText( ) , which is posted in the over next post.

Option Explicit
Sub EP() ' http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?t=1148621&page=7&p=4452110&highlight=#post4452110
Rem 1)File Info
'Dim wsLkUp As Worksheet: Set wsLkUp = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Tabelle1"): wsLkUp.Activate
Dim strURL As String ' File with Page ' file:///G:/Excel0202015Jan2016/OffenFragensForums/eileenslounge/XP/Updates/report.html
Let strURL = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Updates\" & "report.html" ' '"http://www.ernaehrung.de/lebensmittel/de/W233000/Fleischkaese.php" ' "http://www.ernaehrung.de/lebensmittel/de/W233000/PloppyPooFukYou"
' Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02") '
Rem 2) '
'2a xmlHTTP stuff MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0 IXMLHTTPRequest Alan: "simple xml request here, so you could give URL a simple File of the HTML code" 'Dim Request As Object: Set Request = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") 'Late Inding https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms759148(v=vs.85).aspx
Dim request As MSXML2.XMLHTTP: Set request = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP 'Early Binding Requires --- TOOLS --- REFERENCES -- tick Microsoft XML, v6.0 http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/759592-help-createobject-msxml2-xmlhttp-macro.html
'Application.Cursor = xlWait'cursor disable..just to be on the safe side???
With request '(or With CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp"))'By virtue of GET this is a simplified "xml" request
.Open bstrmethod:="GET", bstrURL:=strURL, varasync:=True ' ("GET", strURL, True) 'just preparing the request type, how and what type. The second argument determines type. This may then require further info in next lines Only diferrence to pike's and Kyle's opening and sending stuff is argument:- Leith: "The True/False argument of the HTTP Request is the Asynchronous mode flag. If set False then control is immediately returns to VBA after Send is executed. If set True then control is returned to VBA after the server has sent back a response. I prefer to use asynchronous mode and test if my timeout period has expired to prevent the code from hanging due to an unresponsive server. In the example I provided I used synchronous mode to reduce the amount the code and keep it easier to understand."
'No extra info here for type GET ' ' '.setRequestHeader "DNT", "1"
'.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ' Content-Type is the property name, x-www-form-urlencoded is the value (content type in the html is "text/html" not "x-www-form-urlencoded" - that is something diifferent) You can have different request header properties and pass different values. This isn't unusual, just not required in this case When you POST data to a server, you need to tell it what format you are sending it in. So the Type of Content sent in the body of the request (the send bit) is application/x-www-form-urlencoded
.setRequestHeader bstrheader:="Ploppy", bstrvalue:="Poo"
.send ' varBody:= ' No extra info for type GET. .send actually makes the request
While .readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Wend ' Allow other processes to run while the web page loads. Think this is part of the True option
Dim PageSrc As String: Let PageSrc = .responseText ' Save the HTML code in the (Global) variable. ': Range("P1").Value = PageSrc 'For me for a print out copy to text file etc. The responseText property returns the information requested by the Open method as a text string
End With
Set request = Nothing ' This section is finished. We no longer need the Library. Optionally can therefore Set request = Nothing, a step most appropriate if required for some reason. Previous arguments of good practice to prevent memory leaks and data corruption appear outdated in favour of only using when a good reason is apparent to avoid masking when it is a good idea.
'_..EP2ab Explicit Pedantry. We intend using PagrSrc through a method to produce a model Object Orientated stylio for later use through use of its Methods and Properties. This model is frequently referred to as a Document Orientated Model, DOM. Some steps in this creation of the "DOM" can frequently be confused with the processes in '2a which are in fact now finished. Part of the .Send , "finishes all processes. We move on to '2b. Only PagrSrc is required to be "taken over" as it were
'2b DOM stuff' Make OOP type model of HTML code, using Microsoft HTML Office Library
'Dim HTMLdoc As HTMLDocument: Set HTMLdoc = New HTMLDocument 'Early binding - will not work with .Write:- Leith "This is a case where late binding has to be used. The htmlfile is an ActiveX object that is a wrapper function for the IHTMLDocument2 interface in MSXML2. This gets into a lot of low level system operation......." https://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/367030-copy-table-website-into-excel-vba-2.html#post4031122 https://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming-vba-macros/1214789-late-binding-2.html#post4820307 'Early binding TOOLS >>> REFERENCES >>Microsoft HTML Object Library
Dim HTMLdoc As Object: Set HTMLdoc = CreateObject("htmlfile") 'Late Binding, ' Create an empty HTML Document.
HTMLdoc.Open 'EP2b(i) This clears the values in the HTMLdoc. Complete Explicit Pedantry. in usage outside VBA, Methods for an instance will often be required which require a clearing of an instance before "using". Approximately in VBA this can be considered putting the DOM back to as if it were at the point just before it is given "loaded" with the PageSrc String. Effectively in VBA doing a pair of Set = Nothing , with either a Dim and Create Dom or Set = New type code line It serves no purpose usually in VBA. Effectively we reset a situation back to as it is. It can however be used through .Open
HTMLdoc.Write PageSrc 'EP2b(ii). Convert the HTML code into an HTML Document Object Model, DOM 'give it somehow the info it needs to work further? ---- Fills the DOM HTML .. Wiki Dom http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?t=1148621&page=3#post4441761
'HTMLdoc.body.innerHTML = PageSrc ' Most people do that, but The Write method of an HTML file is designed to convert the page source text into an HTML DOM document. Both methods achieve the same results. The more common way Body of the Page Source code when converting it to an HTML DOM document oustside of VBA. Withiin VBA it just works harder to achieve the same. This excludes the Meta data, Java scripts, and Class information from being converted. Generally speaking, this information is not used when retrieving only text data from a web page.
HTMLdoc.Close 'EP2b(iii) _ 2 b or not in 2b , that was the ?? http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?t=1148621&page=6.. Briefly When used outside VBA, some processes started by .Open() can or should be finished after the corresponding outside VBA .write(). This is done using .Close(). Once again this can be used in VBA through .Close. It has no conceivable merit or known as yet reason to use it in VBA. Pike thinks it It closes the document you have just written. As such he describes it as optional. He would also not have the HTMLdoc.Open. Kyle thinks nothing is open. Leith uses it but has made no comment to Date. This may be just his style, like my EP's just not including the HTMLdoc.Open 'EP2b(i)
Rem 3
Rem 3a) Directly

01-09-2019, 09:27 PM
Part 2 of Main code.
This coding in this post should be copied diretly under the coding from the last post. Together they form a single routine, the Main routine

(The routine, Public Sub GetElemsText( ) , which is posted in the next post is also required for the Main routine to work )

Rem 3a) Directly
' Simple text file print out using just result of PageSrc from '2a
Debug.Print PageSrc ' unfortunately you will unlikely be able to view the whole String as it appears too big. Also pasting to a cell will not make it all visible. However if after pasting the .value from the cell is put in a string and that used in place of Pagesrc in the creation of the DOM it does work, so indicating that the data is there, but just not possible for us to "see".
Dim strTextFile As String: Let strTextFile = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Updates\strTextFile.txt"
Dim HghWyNo2 As Long: Let HghWyNo2 = FreeFile(RangeNumber:=1)
Open strTextFile For Binary As #HghWyNo2
Put #HghWyNo2, 1, PageSrc ' Use Put to write the whole array at once http://www.vb-helper.com/howto_read_write_binary_file.html https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/language/reference/user-interface-help/put-statement
Close HghWyNo2
'Application.Cursor = xlDefault' Restore the cursor to normal.
Rem 3b) Large Object from main made OOP type model object, (HTMLdoc) ( Rem 3b)(i) ) ' Dim Head As Object
'Dim Head As IHTMLElementCollection 'requires Early Binding. getElementsBy___ returns a NodeList which is an interface to the DispHTMLElementCollection which is an internal class that you're not supposed to see/use. It does implement the IHTMLElementCollection though so you can use that.
Dim Head As Object ' Unusually this Large main Object is Dim ed as an Object, ..as you find you cannot Dim it as what its TypeName( ) returns ( or as displayed in the Watch Window ), “DispHTMLElementCollection“ .
Set Head = HTMLdoc.getElementsByTagName("Table") 'This Object is a massive thing again with loads in, but this time it would appear to be the things "tagged" with < table > < /table > which look like the headings of each table I am interested in
Rem 4)(Rem 3b)(ii)) Often we would loop here for each "Table" but in our example we only have one
'Dim oTable As THMLTable ' If we had Early binding, then this would work, because omehow Head has been recognised as a table oTable as HTMLTable.JPG : https://imgur.com/R309JjC , and for ..._
Dim oTable As Object ' _... this table we have typically present in the object ' HTML TableRow count , "column" Count for final Table will need to be calculated, "HTML Cell" count in Entire Table
Dim C As Long, r As Long 'Indicies for getting appropriate Row and HTMLTableCell
'Dim n As Long ' Not needed if only one table so only "1 Loop"
'4b)=== main working would be Outer loop for each Table in many similar routines==============Building Array from HTML Table
'For n = 0 To Head.Length - 1 ' We only have one table so don't need to loop. The word Length in HTML things is often similar to what Count is in many VBA objects
Set oTable = Head(0) ' Somehow Head has been recognised as a table oTable as HTMLTable.JPG : https://imgur.com/R309JjC
'4b(i) Fill variable for dimensions variable for each, one on our case, Main loop
Dim rowCnt As Long: Let rowCnt = oTable.Rows.Length ' "length" / number of rows in this table
Dim colCt As Long: Let colCt = oTable.Cells.Length 'In this object the cells "length" would appear to be the number / count of cells in the entire table
Dim colCnt As Long: Let colCnt = Application.WorksheetFunction.RoundUp((colCt / oTable.Rows.Length), 0) ' 'This rounds up to the nearest avarage row width, that is to say column number in a row ' I thought this did ? colCt \ oTable.Rows.Length
Dim Data() As String 'Array with string element used for output table. Fixed (static) String type for Text.
ReDim Data(0 To rowCnt - 1, 0 To colCnt - 1) 'Output Array, reDimed to table being looked at. ( Hopefully always same column number, might want to hard Code to rowCnt, 11 columns . Because I am using "base" of indicie to start at 0 then I go from 0 to one less than the Count(Length)
'4b(ii) Looping through rows to build output array-----------|
'---Inner loop does at each row, ....
For r = 0 To rowCnt - 1 'Going along the HTML Table rows exactly as pike ' https://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/367030-copy-table-website-into-excel-vba.html#post4026613
'--- .... 'go through each Cell( "column" ) in that row.
For C = 0 To colCnt - 1 'Going along the HTML Table Cells (columns) exactly the same as pike
'4b(ii)a Build Output Array
Call GetElemsText(oTable.Rows(r).Cells(C), Data(r, C)) 'Data(r, c) = oTable.Rows(r).Cells(c).innerText ' pike, kyle type alternative to calling sub
'4b(ii)b "post processing last column of unified units. ' Probably bad place to put this, other than Speed.. checking / changing units
' If C = .....
' Else
' End If
Next C
'--- .... 'go to next "Cell" in that table row (next Column we "see" in the table row)
Next r
'--- 'Go to next row in this table----------------------------|
'4b(ii)c Output from Array
Let Range("A1").Resize(UBound(Data(), 1) + 1, UBound(Data(), 2) + 1).Value = Data()
'Next n 'go back with a new item, n in large collection Object(item) to get next object within and start checking that one out.
'Go to the next table====
Set HTMLdoc = Nothing ' If done then when we no longer need it
End Sub '

01-09-2019, 09:29 PM
This is required for the single Main routine which is posted in two parts in the last two posts

[Code]'2 Alan http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?t=1148621&page=3#post4441761
'5 Leith Ross http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/367030-copy-table-website-into-excel-visual-basic-applications-2.html#post4031122
'10 '....' "This is a recursive procedure to extract text from between an element's start tag and end tag and everything in between. Usually the Calling program will have passed a HTML code ( either from, for example, a .HTML File, a .Tex File, a .txt file, or from a returned such file after a request to a web page) into a Document Object Model. ( DOM ). This somehow organises things in a tree type structure , approximately as like you might see if you carefully indented the HTML code yourself, such that tag pairs were clear to see within tag pairs, each level down as it were. ( a "next level down" is often referred to as a "Child" ). The exact structure is less obvious, but in any case the DOM will have some ordered structure and every constitute part of the code is referred to as an Element. In a simple case most Elements have a start and stop pointed bracket. They are all nodes. Text is usually squeezed in between somewhere within a paired tag set, but is also referred to as a node.
'12 'I think a node is a point, usually a junction point in the tree type structure. Usually before the procedure is run a first time, an Element will have been obtained from the DOM and this is to be passed in the signature line of the procedure, as an Object. VBA then makes a Copy of the procedure and runs that with the given Element.
'15 'The macro will examine this Element Object brought in for a Text Node: If the element .NodeType is not 3 (a text node) then there are possibly child nodes ( Nodes "next down" in a Tree type listing ) that need to examined. The procedure then "Calls itself". In other words the first Copy stops at the Call Point. At the Call point another Copy of the procedure is made and runs in a loop for each child node.
'20 'The next Copy of the macro will again examine the element for a Text Node. If found (If element node type is 3), the text is concatenated with the ElemText String. If this is the ElemText string is empty then ElemText is set to this value. If not then this value is concatenated with any previous text and separated by a tilde character. This character can be used later to parse the text string into the individual strings from each element. The macro will exit the Sub at this point. When this happens, this copy of the macro is "removed from the call stack", in other words it Ends, and the last Copy continues from the Call point at which it was stopped.
Public Sub GetElemsText(ByRef Elem As Object, ByRef ElemText As String) 'It takes an Object, (variable Elem), a HTML Element, or a ( child ) node thereof. (Wiki says "An HTML element is an individual component of an HTML document or web page, once this has been parsed into the Document Object Model. (DOM). HTML is composed of a tree of HTML Elements and other nodes, such as text nodes." May be close to but not excactly what you se by carefully indenting down "Child" levels
'25 Dim strobjElem As String: Let strobjElem = TypeName(Elem)' http://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming-vba-macros/1149427-vba-determine-object-type-from-html-dom-object-put-type-in-string-variable-as-shown-in.html
65 Rem 1) Do we have an Element
70 If Elem Is Nothing Then GoTo LEndSub [color=darkgreen]'If the Object Elem is empty, or rather we are not given one, Then we End

01-09-2019, 09:54 PM
Post to support this Thread:
_1) This part of Rick’s solution
Evaluate(Replace(Replace("IF(ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2:A#,"" "",""""),"","","""")),IF(LEFT(A1:A@,4)=""2018"",TRIM(A1:A@&"" ""&A2:A#),""""),IF(LEFT(A1:A@,4)=""2018"",A1:A@,""""))", "#", LastRow + 1), "@", LastRow))

I have seen something similar to this before, but it is lost to mankind hidden down in the comment section of a Blog site, Allen Wyatt’s I think…… so its nice that something like this has seen the light of day here…
If I am not mistaken, this non-looping macro should also work...

Sub ThisShouldWork()
Dim LastRow As Long
LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Range("A1:A" & LastRow) = Evaluate(Replace(Replace("IF(ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2:A#,"" "",""""),"","","""")),IF(LEFT(A1:A@,4)=""2018"",TRIM(A1:A@&"" ""&A2:A#),""""),IF(LEFT(A1:A@,4)=""2018"",A1:A@,""""))", "#", LastRow + 1), "@", LastRow))
Range("A1:A" & LastRow).SpecialCells(xlBlanks).EntireRow.Delete
End Sub

To help simplify the explanation, lets take it that we know our range , ( http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2293-Move-values-in-rows-at-the-end-of-the-preceding-row#post10870 ) so we have LastRow = 40
Two arbitrarily chosen characters, @ and # , are being used to enter into the main formula the LastRow or LastRow +1
Pseudo like we are doing this sort of thing
Replace( “A#” , “#” , “40” ) in order to end up with like “A40”
By inspection of the main formula, and with a bit of eye straining you can probably see where you replace those @ and # with 40 and 41
Just to be sure , running this will get you a nice copy able version of the main formula in the immediate window , ( after running you Hit Ctrl+g from the VB Editor to get the immediate window up):

Sub ThisShouldWork()
Dim LastRow As Long, strEval As String
Let LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Let strEval = Replace(Replace("IF(ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2:A#,"" "",""""),"","","""")),IF(LEFT(A1:A@,4)=""2018"",TRIM(A1:A@&"" ""&A2:A#),""""),IF(LEFT(A1:A@,4)=""2018"",A1:A@,""""))", "#", LastRow + 1), "@", LastRow)
'Range("B1:B" & LastRow).FormulaArray = "=" & strEval
Debug.Print strEval 'IF(ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2:A41," ",""),",","")),IF(LEFT(A1:A40,4)="2018",TRIM(A1:A40&" "&A2:A41),""),IF(LEFT(A1:A40,4)="2018",A1:A40,""))

That did work.JPG : https://imgur.com/01sQ91X

Before moving on a useful note: It is always useful when developing these formulas to view the string in the Immediate window: That can help with tricky syntaxes : The formula seen on the Immediate window must look like a formula in the same syntax as you would manually type it into a cell. So you can see immediately if you get something wrong , such as an error in the finally seen quotes.
So we have our final formula:
IF(ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2:A41," ",""),",","")),IF(LEFT(A1:A40,4)="2018",TRIM(A1:A40&" "&A2:A41),""),IF(LEFT(A1:A40,4)="2018",A1:A40,""))
The way these formulas appear to work within the Evaluate(“ “) appears to be tapping into an along the columns , down a row, then along the columns… type updating raster to update a worksheet. The available output then seems to be that which encompasses the deepest and widest ranges. It is a ,little bit more complicated than that ( http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2145-Excel-VBA-Interception-and-Implicit-Intersection-and-VLookUp ) , but for our formula we have nice regular equally sized ranges so we are expecting an output of 1 “wide” and 40 “deep”. So for analysis purposes, we can reduce the formula to 40 similar ones.

Lets take the example of the formula for the 13th “down” output ..
IF(ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A14," ",""),",","")),IF(LEFT(A13,4)="2018",TRIM(A13&" "&A14),""),IF(LEFT(A13,4)="2018",A13,""))
Clearly we need to look at this data to see what that formula will do, because this data is used in that formula
_____ Workbook: NormanOrrinRickFilter.xlsm ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )

132018, 1, 90709, 10020009, P4, Blabla og Blalala (NY), CHE, Blabla,Bla-ah,

1410006098, 15392.64
Worksheet: Rick

We have some nested IFs , and I find it is always a good idea to break those down so that we can start doing them as Excel or VBA would do them, that is to say from the middle working outwards. I tend to do this in a text editor with a horizontal scroll bar, or in the VB Editor window
Formula in VB Editor as comment.JPG : https://imgur.com/3cjyqSR

So this is what we have, broken down into the constituent IF sections.
( It may be better to copy this and view in your VB Editor in a wide window. I am working from the bottom , upwards )

' IF( ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A14," ",""),",","")), IF(LEFT(A13,4)="2018" , TRIM(A13" "&A14) , "") , IF( LEFT(A13,4)="2018" , A13 ,"" ) )
' IF( ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A14," ",""),",","")),IF(LEFT(A13,4)="2018",TRIM(A13" "&A14),"") , IF(LEFT(A13,4)="2018",A13,"") )
' IF(ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A14," ",""),",","")),IF(LEFT(A13,4)="2018",TRIM(A13" "&A14),""),IF(LEFT(A13,4)="2018",A13,""))

Examining the first line , I can evaluate the two innermost IFs and reduce the formula to

' IF( ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A14," ",""),",","")), TRIM(A13" "&A14) , A13 )
' IF( ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A14," ",""),",","")), IF(LEFT(A13,4)="2018" , TRIM(A13" "&A14) , "") , IF( LEFT(A13,4)="2018" , A13 ,"" ) )

I will now evaluate some of those SUBSTITUTEs
( Excel Substitute, seems to work similarly to VBA Replace )

' IF( ISNUMBER(0+1000609815392.64), TRIM(A13" "&A14) , A13 )
' IF( ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(10006098,15392.64),",","")), TRIM(A13" "&A14) , A13 )

( I am guessing that 0+ will ensure that a number will not be mistaken as a text )

For the case of the 13th “down” formula the final steps in the evaluation go as follows

' 2018, 1, 90709, 10020009, P4, Blabla og Blalala (NY), CHE, Blabla,Bla-ah, 10006098, 15392.64
' TRIM(A13" "&A14)

' IF( True , TRIM(A13" "&A14) , A13 )

Here are all the steps together again

' 2018, 1, 90709, 10020009, P4, Blabla og Blalala (NY), CHE, Blabla,Bla-ah, 10006098, 15392.64
' TRIM(A13" "&A14)

' IF( True , TRIM(A13" "&A14) , A13 )

' IF( ISNUMBER(0+1000609815392.64), TRIM(A13" "&A14) , A13 )
' IF( ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(10006098,15392.64),",","")), TRIM(A13" "&A14) , A13 )

' IF( ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A14," ",""),",","")), TRIM(A13" "&A14) , A13 )
' IF( ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A14," ",""),",","")), IF(LEFT(A13,4)="2018" , TRIM(A13" "&A14) , "") , IF( LEFT(A13,4)="2018" , A13 ,"" ) )

' IF( ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A14," ",""),",","")), IF(LEFT(A13,4)="2018" , TRIM(A13" "&A14) , "") , IF( LEFT(A13,4)="2018" , A13 ,"" ) )
' IF( ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A14," ",""),",","")),IF(LEFT(A13,4)="2018",TRIM(A13" "&A14),"") , IF(LEFT(A13,4)="2018",A13,"") )
' IF(ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A14," ",""),",","")),IF(LEFT(A13,4)="2018",TRIM(A13" "&A14),""),IF(LEFT(A13,4)="2018",A13,""))

The final result will appear in the 13th down position of the 40 “deep” array final results for the entire formula evaluation.
If you can view that last summary on a wide window, it should be able to see how the differing results for the other 39 results are achieved from the formula
Just to make clear once again what seems to go on in these sort of Evaluate formulas, in the next post is a table showing the actual Evaluateions done by VBA


_2 The final part of Rick’s solution is
Range("A1:A" & LastRow).SpecialCells(xlBlanks).EntireRow.Delete
This uses the VBA SpecialCells Method to get at the cells with nothing in them. Those are then deleted
VBA SpecialCells Method ( https://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/21342-xlcelltypesameformatconditions.html , https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/excel.range.specialcells ) returns you a range object ( that range object must not be contiguous ( connected ) cells ) consisting of those cells meeting a specific characteristic. We can choose from a number of characteristics. Here we choose xlBlanks , which refers to the characteristic of the cell being empty. So, if we applied that .SpecialCells(xlBlanks) to this range:.._



112018, 1, 90515, 10024515, G9, SBlabla (HQ), CHE, BLABLA, blabla, 10012098, 12003.5

122018, 1, 90629, 10022334, P3, BLABLA blabla (blablabla), CHE, BLABLA,blabla, 10033609, 13941.72

132018, 1, 90709, 10020009, P4, Blabla og Blalala (NY), CHE, Blabla,Bla-ah, 10006098, 15392.64


152018, 1, 90765, 10012123, P4, Ch of Blabla(Blabla of Blabla), CHE, BLA-BLA,Bla Blabla, 10005678, 16231.7

_ … then the returned range from that would be Range(“B9:B10,B14”).
If we then apply .Delete to that range then those cells are removed. If you remove a cell via .Delete then initially there is a real hole, like a “black hole” that can’t really exist in a spreadsheet. So Excel might explode or implode, or you would be sucked into that hole , never to return!!! To prevent that happening, Excel shifts all cells to close that hole, ( and adds a new virgin cell at the bottom or right side to fill the indent there caused by the shift. The default Delete option for the direction of that shift is in our case upwards. Hence after applying the .Delete after applying .SpecialCells(xlBlanks) to the above range, ( pseudo like doing something this Range(“B9:B10,B14”).Delete(Shift:=xlUp) ) we will be left with

92018, 1, 90515, 10024515, G9, SBlabla (HQ), CHE, BLABLA, blabla, 10012098, 12003.5

102018, 1, 90629, 10022334, P3, BLABLA blabla (blablabla), CHE, BLABLA,blabla, 10033609, 13941.72

112018, 1, 90709, 10020009, P4, Blabla og Blalala (NY), CHE, Blabla,Bla-ah, 10006098, 15392.64

122018, 1, 90765, 10012123, P4, Ch of Blabla(Blabla of Blabla), CHE, BLA-BLA,Bla Blabla, 10005678, 16231.7



What has happened there is the following: Those empty cells ( which were yellow ) have been removed. Other cells have been shifted up to fill up the “holes” created by the removal
( Rick’s code line actually deletes the EntireRow of that row on which the empty cells are found )


Just to make clear once again what seems to go on in these sort of Evaluate formulas, in the next post is a table showing the actual Evaluateions done by VBA

01-09-2019, 09:55 PM
Continued from last post

In a range evaluate type code line like the one we are considering, Excel VBA seems to do the following ( simplified ) ( refs *** )

Excel will have an output "window" ( this could be considered as an output table or output array ). The dimensions of this will be that rectangle that allows all used ranges in the formula to be fitted in,
There are some complicated ways in which Excel handles the situation of ranges of varying size, ( http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2145-Excel-VBA-Interception-and-Implicit-Intersection-and-VLookUp ) but for a simpler case of all ranges having the same size, ( in terms of "width" and "depth" ) , as we have, Excel VBA will "expand" its "output window" to this sort of thing:

Excel VBA will do its normal "along the columns, down a row, along the columns…" type thing, in any "Evaluation run". In our case this will mean that it does an evaluation at each row, going down the rows. This is what Excel VBA does in order to fill that last window of cells, ( I am just showing the first 7 of 40 similar formulas as the full list is to big to fit in a forum post )

=IF(ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",""),",","")),IF(LEFT(A1,4)="2018",TRIM(A1&" "&A2),""),IF(LEFT(A1,4)="2018",A1,""))

=IF(ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A3," ",""),",","")),IF(LEFT(A2,4)="2018",TRIM(A2&" "&A3),""),IF(LEFT(A2,4)="2018",A2,""))

=IF(ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A4," ",""),",","")),IF(LEFT(A3,4)="2018",TRIM(A3&" "&A4),""),IF(LEFT(A3,4)="2018",A3,""))

=IF(ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A5," ",""),",","")),IF(LEFT(A4,4)="2018",TRIM(A4&" "&A5),""),IF(LEFT(A4,4)="2018",A4,""))

=IF(ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A6," ",""),",","")),IF(LEFT(A5,4)="2018",TRIM(A5&" "&A6),""),IF(LEFT(A5,4)="2018",A5,""))

=IF(ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A7," ",""),",","")),IF(LEFT(A6,4)="2018",TRIM(A6&" "&A7),""),IF(LEFT(A6,4)="2018",A6,""))

=IF(ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A8," ",""),",","")),IF(LEFT(A7,4)="2018",TRIM(A7&" "&A8),""),IF(LEFT(A7,4)="2018",A7,""))

Excel VBA will effectively make 40 formulas and place in the "output window" the result of the evaluation of those formulas
The full demo code in the next post includes a code line to put in all 40 formulas in an arbitrary 40 "deep" x 1 "wide" range ("J5:J44")

refs ***

01-09-2019, 09:56 PM
Full demo code to accompany last post:

Option Explicit
Sub ThisShouldWork()
Dim LastRow As Long, strEval As String
Let LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Let strEval = Replace(Replace("IF(ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2:A#,"" "",""""),"","","""")),IF(LEFT(A1:A@,4)=""2018"",TRIM(A1:A@&"" ""&A2:A#),""""),IF(LEFT(A1:A@,4)=""2018"",A1:A@,""""))", "#", LastRow + 1), "@", LastRow)
Debug.Print strEval ' Hit Ctrl+g from the VB Editor to get the Immediate window up. 'IF(ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2:A41," ",""),",","")),IF(LEFT(A1:A40,4)="2018",TRIM(A1:A40&" "&A2:A41),""),IF(LEFT(A1:A40,4)="2018",A1:A40,""))
'This is the spreadsheet equivalent to Rick's Evaluate
Range("B1:B" & LastRow).FormulaArray = "=" & strEval
'This gives a demo of the actual formulas that Excel VBA does
Range("J5:J44").Value = "=IF(ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2,"" "",""""),"","","""")),IF(LEFT(A1,4)=""2018"",TRIM(A1&"" ""&A2),""""),IF(LEFT(A1,4)=""2018"",A1,""""))" ' Applying the fixed vector notation (Excel instructed to do that by no $s) will result in the same relative formula. Displayed will be the actual formula ( in the relative form, but that is not important)

' Final solution Rick : http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2293-Move-values-in-rows-at-the-end-of-the-preceding-row?p=10888#post10888
Range("A1:A" & LastRow) = Evaluate(Replace(Replace("IF(ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2:A#,"" "",""""),"","","""")),IF(LEFT(A1:A@,4)=""2018"",TRIM(A1:A@&"" ""&A2:A#),""""),IF(LEFT(A1:A@,4)=""2018"",A1:A@,""""))", "#", LastRow + 1), "@", LastRow))
' Range("A1:A" & LastRow).SpecialCells(xlBlanks).EntireRow.Delete ' This will mess up now due to my .FormulaArray as you can't delete bits of that
End Sub

' 2018, 1, 90709, 10020009, P4, Blabla og Blalala (NY), CHE, Blabla,Bla-ah, 10006098, 15392.64
' TRIM(A13" "&A14)

' IF( True , TRIM(A13" "&A14) , A13 )

' IF( ISNUMBER(0+1000609815392.64), TRIM(A13" "&A14) , A13 )
' IF( ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(10006098,15392.64),",","")), TRIM(A13" "&A14) , A13 )

' IF( ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A14," ",""),",","")), TRIM(A13" "&A14) , A13 ) )
' IF( ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A14," ",""),",","")), IF(LEFT(A13,4)="2018" , TRIM(A13" "&A14) , "") , IF( LEFT(A13,4)="2018" , A13 ,"" ) )

' IF( ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A14," ",""),",","")), IF(LEFT(A13,4)="2018" , TRIM(A13" "&A14) , "") , IF( LEFT(A13,4)="2018" , A13 ,"" ) )
' IF( ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A14," ",""),",","")),IF(LEFT(A13,4)="2018",TRIM(A13" "&A14),"") , IF(LEFT(A13,4)="2018",A13,"") )
' IF(ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A14," ",""),",","")),IF(LEFT(A13,4)="2018",TRIM(A13" "&A14),""),IF(LEFT(A13,4)="2018",A13,""))

and here it is again ... in "Ricks Table Code Tags" ( http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/1976-Code-Tag-Test-with-Long-Comments?p=10902#post10902 )

Option Explicit
Sub ThisShouldWork()
Dim LastRow As Long, strEval As String
Let LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Let strEval = Replace(Replace("IF(ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2:A#,"" "",""""),"","","""")),IF(LEFT(A1:A@,4)=""2018"",TRIM(A1:A@&"" ""&A2:A#),""""),IF(LEFT(A1:A@,4)=""2018"",A1:A@,""""))", "#", LastRow + 1), "@", LastRow)
Debug.Print strEval ' Hit Ctrl+g from the VB Editor to get the Immediate window up. 'IF(ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2:A41," ",""),",","")),IF(LEFT(A1:A40,4)="2018",TRIM(A1:A40&" "&A2:A41),""),IF(LEFT(A1:A40,4)="2018",A1:A40,""))
'This is the spreadsheet equivalent to Rick's Evaluate
Range("B1:B" & LastRow).FormulaArray = "=" & strEval
'This gives a demo of the actual formulas that Excel VBA does
Range("J5:J44").Value = "=IF(ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2,"" "",""""),"","","""")),IF(LEFT(A1,4)=""2018"",TRIM(A1&"" ""&A2),""""),IF(LEFT(A1,4)=""2018"",A1,""""))" ' Applying the fixed vector notation (Excel instructed to do that by no $s) will result in the same relative formula. Displayed will be the actual formula ( in the relative form, but that is not important)

' Final solution Rick : http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2293-Move-values-in-rows-at-the-end-of-the-preceding-row?p=10888#post10888
Range("A1:A" & LastRow) = Evaluate(Replace(Replace("IF(ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2:A#,"" "",""""),"","","""")),IF(LEFT(A1:A@,4)=""2018"",TRIM(A1:A@&"" ""&A2:A#),""""),IF(LEFT(A1:A@,4)=""2018"",A1:A@,""""))", "#", LastRow + 1), "@", LastRow))
' Range("A1:A" & LastRow).SpecialCells(xlBlanks).EntireRow.Delete ' This will mess up now due to my .FormulaArray as you can't delete bits of that
End Sub

' 2018, 1, 90709, 10020009, P4, Blabla og Blalala (NY), CHE, Blabla,Bla-ah, 10006098, 15392.64
' TRIM(A13" "&A14)

' IF( True , TRIM(A13" "&A14) , A13 )

' IF( ISNUMBER(0+1000609815392.64), TRIM(A13" "&A14) , A13 )
' IF( ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(10006098,15392.64),",","")), TRIM(A13" "&A14) , A13 )

' IF( ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A14," ",""),",","")), TRIM(A13" "&A14) , A13 ) )
' IF( ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A14," ",""),",","")), IF(LEFT(A13,4)="2018" , TRIM(A13" "&A14) , "") , IF( LEFT(A13,4)="2018" , A13 ,"" ) )

' IF( ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A14," ",""),",","")), IF(LEFT(A13,4)="2018" , TRIM(A13" "&A14) , "") , IF( LEFT(A13,4)="2018" , A13 ,"" ) )
' IF( ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A14," ",""),",","")),IF(LEFT(A13,4)="2018",TRIM(A13" "&A14),"") , IF(LEFT(A13,4)="2018",A13,"") )
' IF(ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A14," ",""),",","")),IF(LEFT(A13,4)="2018",TRIM(A13" "&A14),""),IF(LEFT(A13,4)="2018",A13,""))

remember to scroll down first to find the scroll bar:
Scroll down to find Ricks Code bar.JPG : https://imgur.com/R3jgXek

01-30-2019, 01:08 AM
test post in support of this forum question

Yellow is effectively the array fed to a sort routine.
Green is how that array looks like after running the sort routine

_____ Workbook: YassBub.xlsm ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )










Worksheet: Sheet1

_____ Workbook: YassBub.xlsm ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )







Worksheet: Sheet1

_____ Workbook: YassBub.xlsm ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )



Worksheet: Sheet1

Test calling routine : ( called routines in next 2 posts )

Sub TestsStringArray() ' http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=31691&p=245488#p245488
Dim arrSel() As Variant
Let arrSel() = Selection.Value
Dim DumDom() As String: ReDim DumDom(0 To UBound(arrSel(), 1) - 1, 0 To UBound(arrSel(), 2) - 1)
Dim rCnt As Long, cCnt As Long
For rCnt = 0 To UBound(arrSel(), 1) - 1
For cCnt = 0 To UBound(arrSel(), 2) - 1
Let DumDom(rCnt, cCnt) = CStr(arrSel(rCnt + 1, cCnt + 1))
Next cCnt
Next rCnt
Call subSort2DArrayMultiElements(DumDom(), "1 2")
' Paste reorganised Array next to the selection
Dim OutRange As Range: Set OutRange = Selection.Offset(0, Selection.Columns.Count)
Let OutRange.Value = DumDom()
End Sub

_____ Workbook: YassBub.xlsm ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )







Worksheet: Sheet1

01-30-2019, 01:18 AM
Routines called by test code , Sub TestsStringArray() , in last post:

Sub subSort2DArrayMultiElements( _
sparray() As String, _
spOrder As String _
' Sort an array with TWO dimensions.
' Assume Sort on the 2nd Dimension
' so assumes it IS a 2 Dim array.
' Sort on more than one element.
' This uses a merge sort.
' The sort is set up as ascending and not case sensitive.
' Use
' subSortMultiElements Array, Order
' Ex Order = "1 4 0 3 2".
' Not all elements need be specified.
' Any delimiter may be used.

Dim lnglArrayIndex As Long
Dim lnglElements As Long
Dim lnglEndArray As Long
Dim lnglKey As Long
Dim lnglLbound As Long
Dim lnglM As Long
Dim lnglN As Long
Dim lnglNumSortKeys As Long
Dim lnglO As Long
Dim lnglP As Long
Dim lnglPrevKeyCol As Long
Dim lnglThisKeyCol As Long
Dim lnglUBound As Long
Dim lngSubArrayRows As Long
Dim slKeyVal As String
Dim slOrder As String
Dim slOrderArray() As String
Dim slSubArray() As String
Dim slTopKeyVal As String

lnglElements = UBound(sparray, 2)

' Make an Order Array.
slOrder = spOrder

' Delimiter?
' Disappear the numbers.
For lnglN = 0 To 9
slOrder = Replace(slOrder, CStr(lnglN), "")
Next lnglN
slOrder = Trim$(slOrder)

' Should only have the delimiter left.
If Len(slOrder) = 0 Then
slOrderArray = Split(spOrder, " ")
slOrderArray = Split(spOrder, Mid$(slOrder, 1, 1))
End If

lnglNumSortKeys = UBound(slOrderArray) + 1

' Always Sort on the FIRST Key.
lnglKey = CLng(slOrderArray(0))
subArrayMergeSort sparray, lnglKey

' Only one key?
If lnglNumSortKeys = 1 Then

Exit Sub

End If

' Now go through the rest of the keys.
' We extract a series of arrays based on the KEY - 1.
' Any records to sort?
If UBound(slOrderArray) > 0 Then
For lnglN = 1 To lnglNumSortKeys - 1

' Pick up the start Value from Key-1.
lnglPrevKeyCol = slOrderArray(lnglN - 1)
lnglThisKeyCol = slOrderArray(lnglN)

slTopKeyVal = sparray(0, lnglPrevKeyCol)

lnglLbound = 0
lnglUBound = UBound(sparray, 1)

' All the same.
If sparray(lnglUBound, 0) = slTopKeyVal Then
Exit For
End If

lnglArrayIndex = 0
lnglEndArray = UBound(sparray)
lnglLbound = lnglArrayIndex
slTopKeyVal = sparray(lnglArrayIndex, lnglPrevKeyCol)
If lnglArrayIndex > lnglEndArray Then
Exit Do
End If

slKeyVal = sparray(lnglArrayIndex, lnglPrevKeyCol)

If slKeyVal <> slTopKeyVal Then

lnglUBound = lnglArrayIndex - 1
Exit Do

End If

lnglArrayIndex = lnglArrayIndex + 1


' No need to sort if there's only ONE row.
lngSubArrayRows = lnglUBound - lnglLbound
If lngSubArrayRows > 1 Then

' Get those rows.
ReDim slSubArray(lnglUBound - lnglLbound, lnglElements)
lnglP = 0
For lnglM = lnglLbound To lnglUBound
For lnglO = 0 To lnglElements
slSubArray(lnglP, lnglO) = sparray(lnglM, lnglO)
Next lnglO
lnglP = lnglP + 1
Next lnglM

' Sort 'em.
subArrayMergeSort slSubArray, lnglThisKeyCol

' Put 'em back.
lnglP = 0
For lnglM = lnglLbound To lnglUBound
For lnglO = 0 To lnglElements
sparray(lnglM, lnglO) = slSubArray(lnglP, lnglO)
Next lnglO
lnglP = lnglP + 1
Next lnglM

End If

If lnglArrayIndex > lnglEndArray Then
Exit Do
End If


Next lnglN
End If

' ************************************************** *********************
End Sub

01-30-2019, 01:18 AM
Sub subArrayMergeSort( _
ByRef vpArray As Variant, _
ByVal lngpElement As Long, _
Optional vpMirror As Variant, _
Optional ByVal lngpLeft As Long, _
Optional ByVal lngpRight As Long _
' http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?t=473677
' Recurse Merge Sort a TWO Dim array.
' Use...
' subMergeSort Array, Element
' lngpLeft and lngpRight are 0 at the start.
' Sorts on ONE element.

Dim blnlRightIsLessThanLeft As Boolean
Dim blnlLeftIsGreaterThanRight As Boolean
Dim blnlIsNumeric As Boolean
Dim lnglLeftStart As Long
Dim lnglMid As Long
Dim lnglOutputStart As Long
Dim lnglRightStart As Long
Dim vlSwap As Variant
Dim lnglCElement As Long
Dim lnglNumElements As Long
Dim vlSwapRow() As Variant

' This is just to gain a tiiiny bit of speed.
If IsNumeric(vpArray(0, lngpElement)) = True Then
blnlIsNumeric = True
blnlIsNumeric = False
End If

lnglNumElements = UBound(vpArray, 2)
ReDim vlSwapRow(lnglNumElements)
If lngpRight = 0 Then
lngpLeft = LBound(vpArray, 1)
lngpRight = UBound(vpArray, 1)
ReDim vpMirror(lngpLeft To lngpRight, 0 To lnglNumElements)
End If
lnglMid = lngpRight - lngpLeft

Select Case lnglMid
Case 0

Case 1

' Changed this to make it case insensitive.
' If vpArray(lngpLeft) > vpArray(lngpRight) Then
If blnlIsNumeric = True Then
If CLng(vpArray(lngpLeft, lngpElement)) _
> CLng(vpArray(lngpRight, lngpElement)) _
blnlLeftIsGreaterThanRight = True
blnlLeftIsGreaterThanRight = False
End If
If StrComp( _
vpArray(lngpLeft, lngpElement), _
vpArray(lngpRight, lngpElement), _
vbTextCompare) _
= 1 _
blnlLeftIsGreaterThanRight = True
blnlLeftIsGreaterThanRight = False
End If
End If

If blnlLeftIsGreaterThanRight Then

' SWAP the whole row.
For lnglCElement = 0 To lnglNumElements
vlSwapRow(lnglCElement) = vpArray(lngpLeft, lnglCElement)
Next lnglCElement

For lnglCElement = 0 To lnglNumElements
vpArray(lngpLeft, lnglCElement) = vpArray(lngpRight, lnglCElement)
Next lnglCElement

For lnglCElement = 0 To lnglNumElements
vpArray(lngpRight, lnglCElement) = vlSwapRow(lnglCElement)
Next lnglCElement

' vlSwap = vpArray(lngpLeft)
' vpArray(lngpLeft) = vpArray(lngpRight)
' vpArray(lngpRight) = vlSwap

End If

Case Else

lnglMid = lnglMid \ 2 + lngpLeft
subArrayMergeSort vpArray, lngpElement, vpMirror, lngpLeft, lnglMid
subArrayMergeSort vpArray, lngpElement, vpMirror, lnglMid + 1, lngpRight

' Merge the resulting halves

lnglLeftStart = lngpLeft ' start of first (left) half
lnglRightStart = lnglMid + 1 ' start of second (right) half
lnglOutputStart = lngpLeft ' start of output (mirror array)


' Changed this to make it case insensitive.
' If vpArray(lnglRightStart) < vpArray(lnglLeftStart) Then

If blnlIsNumeric = True Then

If CLng(vpArray(lnglRightStart, lngpElement)) _
< CLng(vpArray(lnglLeftStart, lngpElement)) _
blnlRightIsLessThanLeft = True
blnlRightIsLessThanLeft = False
End If
If StrComp( _
vpArray(lnglRightStart, lngpElement), _
vpArray(lnglLeftStart, lngpElement), _
vbTextCompare) = _
-1 _
blnlRightIsLessThanLeft = True
blnlRightIsLessThanLeft = False
End If
End If

If blnlRightIsLessThanLeft Then

' COPY the complete row.
' vpMirror(lnglOutputStart) = vpArray(lnglRightStart)
For lnglCElement = 0 To lnglNumElements
vpMirror(lnglOutputStart, lnglCElement) = vpArray(lnglRightStart, lnglCElement)
Next lnglCElement

lnglRightStart = lnglRightStart + 1
If lnglRightStart > lngpRight Then
For lnglLeftStart = lnglLeftStart To lnglMid
lnglOutputStart = lnglOutputStart + 1

' COPY the whole row.
' vpMirror(lnglOutputStart) = vpArray(lnglLeftStart)
For lnglCElement = 0 To lnglNumElements
vpMirror(lnglOutputStart, lnglCElement) = vpArray(lnglLeftStart, lnglCElement)
Next lnglCElement

Exit Do
End If

' COPY the complete row.
' vpMirror(lnglOutputStart) = vpArray(lnglLeftStart)
For lnglCElement = 0 To lnglNumElements
vpMirror(lnglOutputStart, lnglCElement) = vpArray(lnglLeftStart, lnglCElement)
Next lnglCElement

lnglLeftStart = lnglLeftStart + 1
If lnglLeftStart > lnglMid Then
For lnglRightStart = lnglRightStart To lngpRight
lnglOutputStart = lnglOutputStart + 1

' COPY the complete row.
' vpMirror(lnglOutputStart) = vpArray(lnglRightStart)
For lnglCElement = 0 To lnglNumElements
vpMirror(lnglOutputStart, lnglCElement) = vpArray(lnglRightStart, lnglCElement)
Next lnglCElement


Exit Do
End If
End If

lnglOutputStart = lnglOutputStart + 1

For lnglOutputStart = lngpLeft To lngpRight

' Swap the complete row.
' vpArray(lnglOutputStart) = vpMirror(lnglOutputStart)
For lnglCElement = 0 To lnglNumElements
vpArray(lnglOutputStart, lnglCElement) = vpMirror(lnglOutputStart, lnglCElement)
Next lnglCElement

End Select

' ************************************************** *******************
End Sub

02-03-2019, 04:46 PM
Coding for answer to this Thread

There are two main routines. They both are event routines reacting when the range A2 : A_ last data row is used.
A selection change routine will make the drop down list the first time that a cell is selected.
A value change routine, ( in the next post ) , makes a filtered range containing just columns having the selected value in that selected row

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
This makes a drop down list in column A when a cell is selected ( The range of ordered values needed to fill the drop down lists is made by this routine and it is placed in a worksheet with Name "DataSaladinValagationLists" )
This is briefly how this routine works:
It only does anything for a selection in the A column range.
It only does anything if there is not already a range of ordered values needed to fill the drop down list for the selected row
The range of data for that row is copied to the clipboard, excluding empty cells . The text held in the clipboard is retrieved.
A row in Excel is held in the clipboard as a string with a vbTab as separator, and this string also has a trailing vbCr & vbLf which we remove. http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=31395#p242941
A 1 Dimensional array is made from the retrieved string, strSptInDrpPlop() , and this is used to produce a simple string which only has unique cell values in it. This string is then used to replace the strSptInDrpPlop() contents with unique values
The unique values as well as a leading “-“ and trailing “Blank” are pasted out to the worksheet "DataSaladinValagationLists"

Sub test()
Let Application.EnableEvents = True
Call Worksheet_SelectionChange(Me.Range("A3"))
Let Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
' =DataSaladinValagationLists!A2:A3

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) ' for initial making of list for drop down
If IsArray(Target.Value) Then Exit Sub
Rem 1 main worksheet data range info
Dim CntItms As Long: Let CntItms = Me.Range("B" & Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row
If Application.Intersect(Target, Me.Range("A2:A" & CntItms & "")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub ' only do anything for a selection in the A column range.
If Worksheets("DataSaladinValagationLists").Range("A" & Target.Row & "").Value <> "" Then Exit Sub ' We already have made a drop down list - only does anything if there is not already a range of ordered values needed to fill the drop down list for the selected row
Dim CntClms As Long: Let CntClms = Me.Cells.Item(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Rem 2 make drop down list for this row
' 2a) get unique list of all values in row
Let Application.EnableEvents = False
Me.Range("C" & Target.Row & "", Me.Cells.Item(Target.Row, CntClms)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).Copy ' The range of data for that row is copied to the clipboard, excluding empty cells
Let Application.EnableEvents = True
Dim Dtaobj As Object ' Late Binding equivalent' If you declare a variable as Object, you are late binding it. http://excelmatters.com/2013/09/23/vba-references-and-early-binding-vs-late-binding/
Set Dtaobj = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}") ' http://excelmatters.com/2013/10/04/late-bound-msforms-dataobject/ http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=31547#p244124
Dtaobj.GetFromClipboard: Dim strClip As String: Let strClip = Dtaobj.GetText()
Let strClip = Left(strClip, Len(strClip) - 2) ' Take off last vbCr & vbLf
Application.CutCopyMode = False ' Clear clipboard, stop screen flicker
Dim strSptInDrpPlop() As String: Let strSptInDrpPlop() = Split(strClip, vbTab, -1, vbBinaryCompare) ' a row in Excel is held as a string with a vbTab as seperator. The array made here may contain duplicated cell values
Dim UnEeks As String: Let UnEeks = " " ' this string will have unique cell values only. I need an initial " " to make sure i can check for a number like " 7 " not just "7" as that might get confused with "27"
Dim Cnt As Long
For Cnt = 0 To UBound(strSptInDrpPlop())
If InStr(1, UnEeks, " " & Trim(strSptInDrpPlop(Cnt)) & " ", vbBinaryCompare) = 0 And Not Trim(strSptInDrpPlop(Cnt)) = "" And Not strSptInDrpPlop(Cnt) = vbTab Then ' I am not sure yet if the last check is needed.
Let UnEeks = UnEeks & Trim(strSptInDrpPlop(Cnt)) & " " ' A similar string to the original retrieved from the clipboard strClip is made with the difference that the seperator is a space and we have no duplicated cell values
End If
Next Cnt
'Let UnEeks = Replace(UnEeks, vbTab, "", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare) 'remove rogue vbtabs
Let UnEeks = Mid(UnEeks, 2, Len(UnEeks) - 2) ' take off first and last " " ' Left(UnEeks, Len(UnEeks) - 3) ' take off " " & vbCr & vbLf
'Let UnEeks = "-" & " " & UnEeks & "Blanks"
Let strSptInDrpPlop() = Split(UnEeks, " ", -1, vbBinaryCompare) ' Replace the 1 Dimensional array values with only unique values
' 2b) sort list ( Bubble sort )
Dim Eye As Long, Jay As Long
For Eye = 0 To UBound(strSptInDrpPlop()) - 1 'I want to take the next in the array, starting at the first. The process below should result in the smallest being put at this position, because I go through the rest , the inner Jay loop, and when ever i find something smaller i swap so the smalles comes here
For Jay = Eye + 1 To UBound(strSptInDrpPlop()) ' I now go through comparing with each of the rest, the Jays
If IsNumeric(strSptInDrpPlop(Eye)) And IsNumeric(strSptInDrpPlop(Jay)) Then ' This is to overcome an extra problem that I have: I have strings, and VBA thinks that "6" is bigger than "35" but it thinks 6 is less than 35
If CLng(strSptInDrpPlop(Eye)) > CLng(strSptInDrpPlop(Jay)) Then ' This means that I am bigger than the next. So I will swap . I keep doing this which will have the effect of putting the smallest in the current Eye. By the next Eye, I miss out the last, and any previous, which means I effectively do the same which puts the next smallest in this next Eye
Dim Temp As String: Let Temp = strSptInDrpPlop(Jay): Let strSptInDrpPlop(Jay) = strSptInDrpPlop(Eye): Let strSptInDrpPlop(Eye) = Temp
End If
Else ' if we have text, then VBA still allows a comparison to sort - like B > A returns True
If strSptInDrpPlop(Eye) > strSptInDrpPlop(Jay) Then
Let Temp = strSptInDrpPlop(Jay): Let strSptInDrpPlop(Jay) = strSptInDrpPlop(Eye): Let strSptInDrpPlop(Eye) = Temp ' The element being compared with all the rest is bigger, so we swap it. The effect of this is that the smallest in the rest of the list being looked at, ( The Jay loop ) , will finally end up in the current Eye position.
End If
End If
Next Jay
Next Eye
' 2c) paste in values in DataSaladinValagationLists worksheet
With Worksheets("DataSaladinValagationLists")
Let .Range("A" & Target.Row & "").Value = "-" ' ' a leading "-" ,
Let .Cells.Item(Target.Row, 2).Resize(1, UBound(strSptInDrpPlop()) + 1).Value = strSptInDrpPlop() ' unique values
Let .Cells.Item(Target.Row, UBound(strSptInDrpPlop()) + 3).Value = "Blank" ' ' and trailing "Blank"
End With
' 2d) Make dropdown list
Target.Validation.Delete ' This is only necerssary if a drop down is already there
Target.Validation.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:=xlBetween, Formula1:="=DataSaladinValagationLists!A" & Target.Row & ":" & CLDoWhile(UBound(strSptInDrpPlop()) + 3) & "" & Target.Row & ""
End Sub
Sub testieCLDoWhile()
Dim testieletter As String
Let testieletter = CLDoWhile(3) ' should return "C"
End Sub
' CLDoWhile is a Function to get column letter from column number
Function CLDoWhile(ByVal lclm As Long) As String 'Using chr function and Do while loop For example http://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming-vba-macros/796472-how-to-go-from-column-number-to-column-letter.html
Dim rest As Long 'Variable for what is "left over" after subtracting as many full 26's as possible
' Let rest = ((lclm - 1) Mod 26) 'Gives 0 to 25 for Column Number "Left over" 1 to 26. Better than ( lclm Mod 26 ) which gives 1 to 25 for clm 1 to 25 then 0 for 26
' Let FukOutChrWithDoWhile = Chr(65 + rest) & FukOutChrWithDoWhile 'Convert rest to Chr Number, initially with full number so the "units" (0-25), then number of 26's left over (if the number was so big to give any amount of 26's in it, then number of 26's in the 26's left over (if the number was so big to give any amount of 26 x 26's in it, Enit ?
' 'OR
Let CLDoWhile = Chr(65 + (((lclm - 1) Mod 26))) & CLDoWhile
Let lclm = (lclm - (1)) \ 26 'This gives the number of 26's ( if any ), but just the excact part, in the next number down , - so applying the rest formula to this new number will again leave a difference "left over" rest.
'lclm = (lclm - (rest + 1)) \ 26 ' As the number is effectively truncated here, any number from 1 to (rest +1) will do in the formula
Loop While lclm > 0 'Only loop further if number was big enough to still have 0-25's in it
End Function

Sub testsort()

Dim df As String, d As String
df = "df"
Dim var
If IsNumeric(df) Then var = CLng(df)
Dim dg As String
dg = "dg"
MsgBox (dg > df) & " " & (dg > d)
MsgBox "7" < "77"
Dim seven As String, seventyseven As String
Let seven = "7": Let seventyseven = "77"
MsgBox seven < seventyseven
If seven < seventyseven Then MsgBox "True"
Dim arrStr(0 To 1) As String
Let arrStr(0) = "7": Let arrStr(1) = "77"
MsgBox arrStr(0) < arrStr(1)
MsgBox "6" < "34" ' FALSE !!!!!!!!!!******************
End Sub

02-03-2019, 04:52 PM
continued from last post.......

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
This reacts to changes of values in column A, for example when selecting a value from the drop down list
Initially a "Blank" selection is changed to "" , and if a "-" was given then the original range is restored

The rest of this routine is very similar to the routine here https://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=31687&p=245286#p245218 The difference is that we need here now to determine one set of column indices to use in a code line like pseudo the following to get the required filtered range
Output() = Index ( Cells , allRowIndicies , someColumnIndicies)
( The previous example at that link required all columns and 2 sets of some rows for two outputs based on a column having a Y or not )

Sub testieCLDoWhile()
Dim testieletter As String
Let testieletter = CLDoWhile(3) ' should return "C"
End Sub
' CLDoWhile is a Function to get column letter from column number
Function CLDoWhile(ByVal lclm As Long) As String 'Using chr function and Do while loop For example http://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming-vba-macros/796472-how-to-go-from-column-number-to-column-letter.html
Dim rest As Long 'Variable for what is "left over" after subtracting as many full 26's as possible
' Let rest = ((lclm - 1) Mod 26) 'Gives 0 to 25 for Column Number "Left over" 1 to 26. Better than ( lclm Mod 26 ) which gives 1 to 25 for clm 1 to 25 then 0 for 26
' Let FukOutChrWithDoWhile = Chr(65 + rest) & FukOutChrWithDoWhile 'Convert rest to Chr Number, initially with full number so the "units" (0-25), then number of 26's left over (if the number was so big to give any amount of 26's in it, then number of 26's in the 26's left over (if the number was so big to give any amount of 26 x 26's in it, Enit ?
' 'OR
Let CLDoWhile = Chr(65 + (((lclm - 1) Mod 26))) & CLDoWhile
Let lclm = (lclm - (1)) \ 26 'This gives the number of 26's ( if any ), but just the excact part, in the next number down , - so applying the rest formula to this new number will again leave a difference "left over" rest.
'lclm = (lclm - (rest + 1)) \ 26 ' As the number is effectively truncated here, any number from 1 to (rest +1) will do in the formula
Loop While lclm > 0 'Only loop further if number was big enough to still have 0-25's in it
End Function
Sub testieWksChange()
Call Worksheet_Change(Me.Range("A2"))
Let Application.EnableEvents = True ' Just incase it got turned off
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If IsArray(Target.Value) Then Exit Sub
Rem 1 main worksheet data range info
Dim CntItms As Long: Let CntItms = Me.Range("B" & Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row
If Application.Intersect(Target, Me.Range("A2:A" & CntItms & "")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub ' only do anything for a selection in the A column range.
Dim CntClms As Long: Let CntClms = Me.Cells.Item(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
If Target.Value = "Blank" Then Let Application.EnableEvents = False: Let Target.Value = "": Let Application.EnableEvents = True
Rem 2 test data range reset
If Target.Value = "-" Then
Let Application.EnableEvents = False
Let Me.Range("C1", Me.Cells.Item(CntItms, Worksheets("Sheet1 (2)").Cells.Item(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column)).Value = Worksheets("Sheet1 (2)").Range("C1", Worksheets("Sheet1 (2)").Cells.Item(CntItms, Worksheets("Sheet1 (2)").Cells.Item(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column)).Value
Let Application.EnableEvents = True
Rem 3 Get indices( column numbers) for required columns, and all row indicies
'3a) indices( column numbers) for required columns
Else ' selected value is a unique value or "" for "Blank"
Dim arrLine() As Variant: Let arrLine() = Me.Range(Me.Cells.Item(Target.Row, 1), Me.Cells.Item(Target.Row, CntClms)).Value ' I dont need the first and third column, but it makes it easier to keep track of the correct columns indicie
Dim Cnt As Long
Dim strClms As String: Let strClms = "1 2 " ' For our required columns containing in this row the target selected value
For Cnt = 3 To CntClms ' check columns from 3 for a match to the value in column 1
If CStr(arrLine(1, Cnt)) = CStr(Target.Value) Then ' This is indication of wanted column as it contains the value
Let strClms = strClms & Cnt & " "
End If
Next Cnt
Let strClms = Left(strClms, Len(strClms) - 1) ' Take off last " "
Dim clmsSpt() As String: Let clmsSpt() = Split(strClms, " ", -1, vbBinaryCompare)
Dim Clms() As String: ReDim Clms(1 To UBound(clmsSpt()) + 1) ' for {1,2,7,9} = required columns
For Cnt = 0 To UBound(clmsSpt())
Let Clms(Cnt + 1) = clmsSpt(Cnt)
Next Cnt
'3b) all data ro indicies
Dim Rws() As Variant: Let Rws() = Evaluate("=Row(1:" & CntItms & ")") ' = {1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;.......... , CntItms} = required rows ( all rows are required )
Rem 4 Output filtered columns
Dim arrOut() As Variant: Let arrOut() = Application.Index(Cells, Rws(), Clms())
Let Application.EnableEvents = False
Let Range("A1").Resize(UBound(arrOut(), 1), UBound(arrOut(), 2)).Value = arrOut()
Let Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
End Sub

Sub testsort()

Dim df As String, d As String
df = "df"
Dim var
If IsNumeric(df) Then var = CLng(df)
Dim dg As String
dg = "dg"
MsgBox (dg > df) & " " & (dg > d)

End Sub

02-03-2019, 08:06 PM
Simplified coding for yasser

Coding for worksheet code module for worksheet "Sheet1"

Option Explicit
Public Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If IsArray(Target.Value) Then Exit Sub
Rem 1 main worksheet data range info
Dim CntItms As Long: Let CntItms = Me.Range("B" & Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row
If Application.Intersect(Target, Me.Range("A2:A" & CntItms & "")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If Worksheets("DataSaladinValagationLists").Range("A" & Target.Row & "").Value <> "" Then Exit Sub
Dim CntClms As Long: Let CntClms = Me.Cells.Item(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Rem 2 make drop down list for this row

Let Application.EnableEvents = False
Me.Range("C" & Target.Row & "", Me.Cells.Item(Target.Row, CntClms)).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).Copy
Let Application.EnableEvents = True
Dim Dtaobj As Object
Set Dtaobj = GetObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
Dtaobj.GetFromClipboard: Dim strClip As String: Let strClip = Dtaobj.GetText()
Let strClip = Left(strClip, Len(strClip) - 2)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Dim strSptInDrpPlop() As String: Let strSptInDrpPlop() = Split(strClip, vbTab, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
Dim UnEeks As String
Dim Cnt As Long
For Cnt = 0 To UBound(strSptInDrpPlop())
If InStr(1, UnEeks, Trim(strSptInDrpPlop(Cnt)), vbBinaryCompare) = 0 And Not Trim(strSptInDrpPlop(Cnt)) = "" And Not strSptInDrpPlop(Cnt) = vbTab Then
Let UnEeks = UnEeks & Trim(strSptInDrpPlop(Cnt)) & " "
End If
Next Cnt

Let UnEeks = Left(UnEeks, Len(UnEeks) - 1)

Let strSptInDrpPlop() = Split(UnEeks, " ", -1, vbBinaryCompare)

Dim Eye As Long, Jay As Long
For Eye = 0 To UBound(strSptInDrpPlop()) - 1
For Jay = Eye + 1 To UBound(strSptInDrpPlop())
If IsNumeric(strSptInDrpPlop(Eye)) And IsNumeric(strSptInDrpPlop(Jay)) Then
If CLng(strSptInDrpPlop(Eye)) > CLng(strSptInDrpPlop(Jay)) Then
Dim Temp As String: Let Temp = strSptInDrpPlop(Jay): Let strSptInDrpPlop(Jay) = strSptInDrpPlop(Eye): Let strSptInDrpPlop(Eye) = Temp
End If
If strSptInDrpPlop(Eye) > strSptInDrpPlop(Jay) Then
Let Temp = strSptInDrpPlop(Jay): Let strSptInDrpPlop(Jay) = strSptInDrpPlop(Eye): Let strSptInDrpPlop(Eye) = Temp
End If
End If
Next Jay
Next Eye

With Worksheets("DataSaladinValagationLists")
Let .Range("A" & Target.Row & "").Value = "-"
Let .Cells.Item(Target.Row, 2).Resize(1, UBound(strSptInDrpPlop()) + 1).Value = strSptInDrpPlop()
Let .Cells.Item(Target.Row, UBound(strSptInDrpPlop()) + 3).Value = "Blank"
End With

Target.Validation.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:=xlBetween, Formula1:="=DataSaladinValagationLists!A" & Target.Row & ":" & CLDoWhile(UBound(strSptInDrpPlop()) + 3) & "" & Target.Row & ""
End Sub
Function CLDoWhile(ByVal lclm As Long) As String
Dim rest As Long

Let CLDoWhile = Chr(65 + (((lclm - 1) Mod 26))) & CLDoWhile
Let lclm = (lclm - (1)) \ 26

Loop While lclm > 0
End Function
Public Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If IsArray(Target.Value) Then Exit Sub
Rem 1 main worksheet data range info
Dim CntItms As Long: Let CntItms = Me.Range("B" & Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row
If Application.Intersect(Target, Me.Range("A2:A" & CntItms & "")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Dim CntClms As Long: Let CntClms = Me.Cells.Item(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
If Target.Value = "Blank" Then Let Application.EnableEvents = False: Let Target.Value = "": Let Application.EnableEvents = True
Rem 2 test data range reset
If Target.Value = "-" Then
Let Application.EnableEvents = False
Let Me.Range("C1", Me.Cells.Item(CntItms, Worksheets("Sheet1 (2)").Cells.Item(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column)).Value = Worksheets("Sheet1 (2)").Range("C1", Worksheets("Sheet1 (2)").Cells.Item(CntItms, Worksheets("Sheet1 (2)").Cells.Item(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column)).Value
Let Application.EnableEvents = True
Rem 3 Get indices( column numbers) for required columns, and all row indicies

Dim arrLine() As Variant: Let arrLine() = Me.Range(Me.Cells.Item(Target.Row, 1), Me.Cells.Item(Target.Row, CntClms)).Value
Dim Cnt As Long
Dim strClms As String: Let strClms = "1 2 "
For Cnt = 3 To CntClms
If CStr(arrLine(1, Cnt)) = CStr(Target.Value) Then
Let strClms = strClms & Cnt & " "
End If
Next Cnt
Let strClms = Left(strClms, Len(strClms) - 1)
Dim clmsSpt() As String: Let clmsSpt() = Split(strClms, " ", -1, vbBinaryCompare)
Dim Clms() As String: ReDim Clms(1 To UBound(clmsSpt()) + 1)
For Cnt = 0 To UBound(clmsSpt())
Let Clms(Cnt + 1) = clmsSpt(Cnt)
Next Cnt

Dim Rws() As Variant: Let Rws() = Evaluate("=Row(1:" & CntItms & ")")
Rem 4 Output filtered columns
Dim arrOut() As Variant: Let arrOut() = Application.Index(Cells, Rws(), Clms())
Let Application.EnableEvents = False
Let Range("A1").Resize(UBound(arrOut(), 1), UBound(arrOut(), 2)).Value = arrOut()
Let Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
End Sub

Extra coding to go in normal code module

Option Explicit
Sub Phillip_Filters()
Dim Ws1 As Worksheet: Set Ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Dim Lr As Long: Let Lr = Ws1.Range("B" & Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row
Dim Cnt As Long
Let Application.EnableEvents = False
For Cnt = 2 To Lr
Call Sheet1.Worksheet_SelectionChange(Ws1.Range("A" & Cnt & ""))
Next Cnt
Let Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Sub ClearFilers()
Dim Ws1 As Worksheet: Set Ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Dim Lr As Long: Let Lr = Ws1.Range("B" & Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row
Let Application.EnableEvents = False
Ws1.Range("A2:A" & Lr & "").Validation.Delete
Ws1.Range("A2:A" & Lr & "").ClearContents
Let Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

02-05-2019, 08:44 PM
Positioning of procedure separation Line in the Visual Basic Development Environment

These are some notes based on a discussion here.. http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=31756
Lisa Green had noticed something strange in how VBA divides procedures.....

It appears that in VBA, that is to say in the Visual Basic Development Environment Window , ( that window seen by hitting Alt+F11 from a spreadsheet ) , the convention has been set to separate procedures by a line extending across the code pane Window.
We see these as appearing as a series of underscores, __________________ , extending across the Visual Basic Development Environment Window

End Sub ' The dividing line appears to us as a line of underscores ____

Usually, if we did write exactly this ' The dividing line appears to us as a line of underscores ____ ' , on that terminating line above , then we would not see those underscores, ____ , as they get hidden in the terminating line:
Hidden_____InDividingLine.JPG : https://imgur.com/7DyP9Om
The above screenshot shows the simplest case of routines with no “space” in between. In that simple case, the position of the dividing line is as expected in between the procedures. The situation is a bit more complicated if there is a separation in between procedures….

Effect of blank lines ( or ‘commented lines ) In Between
Between procedures we may add blank lines or ' comment lines. If this is done, it appears that the convention has been set to place the line somewhere between the procedures in this blank/ ‘comment range, and the lines above the line “belong” to the procedure above, that is to say the last or preeceding procedure, and the lines below the line “belong” to the procedure below, that is to say the next procedure, http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=31756#p245845

The documentation is not 100% clear on how the position of the dividing is determined , that is to say how the row on which it physically appears as a long series of underscores, __________________ is determined
There is no obvious logic to the way in which the dividing line can be positioned, that is to say , how to determine on which the dividing line appears as a long series of underscores, __________________

Some initial experiments suggest that is influenced by positioning of blank lines and any single underscores _

Line continuation / Break points : single underscores _
We note in passing , that single underscores are used in coding generally to allow us to divide a single line of code into several lines for ease of reading. For example:

' http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2293-Move-values-in-rows-at-the-end-of-the-preceding-row-*SOLVED*?p=10891#post10891
Sub LineContunuationUnderscores() ' https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/visual-basic/programming-guide/program-structure/how-to-break-and-combine-statements-in-code
Dim LastRow As Long
LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

' Without line breaks
Range("A1:A" & LastRow) = Evaluate(Replace(Replace("IF(ISNUMBER(0+SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2:A#,"" "",""""),"","","""")),IF(LEFT(A1:A@,4)=""2018"",TRIM(A1:A@&"" ""&A2:A#),""""),IF(LEFT(A1:A@,4)=""2018"",A1:A@,""""))", "#", LastRow + 1), "@", LastRow))

' With Line breaks
LastRow = _
Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Range("A1:A" & LastRow) = Evaluate(Replace(Replace( _
"A2:A#,"" "",""""),"","","""")),IF(LEFT(A1:A@,4)" & _
"=""2018"",TRIM(A1:A@&"" ""&A2:A#),"""")," & _
"IF(LEFT(A1:A@,4)=""2018"",A1:A@,""""))", "#", _
LastRow + 1), "@", LastRow))
' This is _
acceptable in _
or out of a procedure
End Sub
' This is _
acceptable in _
or out of a procedure_________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________
Further, we note that the line continuation , sometimes called a line break, _ , also applies to comments whether in a procedure or between procedures:
' This is _
acceptable in _
or out of a procedure


Determining position of horizontal line dividing procedures when blank or comment lines are between procedures
Sir Narios .
The documentation is not 100% clear on how the position of the dividing is determined , that is to say how the row on which it physically appears as a long series of underscores, __________________ is determined
There is no obvious logic to the way in which the dividing line can be positioned, that is to say , how to determine on which the dividing line appears as a long series of underscores, __________________
Some initial experiments suggest that is influenced by positioning of blank lines and any single underscores _
There appear to be 3 scenarios to consider in order to place the line somewhere in between, ( 4 if you consider the simple case of all lines containing comments or all lines being blank )

Scenario 0
' _(0)
If all lines are blank, or all lines are full with comments ( which exclude line continuations )
No single underscores in any line
The break is immediately after the Last/ upper procedure. (This is the same as the case for no separation between routines )
Scenario 0 .JPG : https://imgur.com/pA4grFL

Sub Scenario_0()
' _(0)
End Sub_______________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______

Sub senario_0()
' _(0)
End Sub_______________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________
Sub surnario_0()
' _(0)
End Sub_______________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________

Scenario 1
' _(i) 2141 SirNario_1.JPG . https://imgur.com/zmr2up2
If no line continuations are present and there is a one or more blank lines, then the line before the first blank line down from the upper routine is taken as the break point.
No single underscores in any line

Sub Senario_1()
' _(i)
End Sub
'_________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________

Sub surnaria_1()
' _(i)
End Sub
'_________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____________________________


Sub Sirnario_1()
' _(i)
End Sub_______________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________

Sub snaria_1()
' _(i)
End Sub

Scenario 2
' _(ii) 2144 SirNario_2.JPG : https://imgur.com/D2LqloV
If there are one or more line continuations present then the break point will be placed at the first blank line down after the last line after the line continuation … unless scenario (iii)

Sub Scnari_2()
' _(ii)
End Sub

' _

'_________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____________________________


Sub Sernario_2()
' _(ii)
End Sub
' _
'_________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________________

Sub Sirnarnio_2()
' _(ii)
End Sub

Scenario 3
' _ (iii) 2146 SirNario_3.JPG : https://imgur.com/ho56uBN
There are no blank lines after the first line looking down after the last line continuation looking down, or after the first line looking down after the last line continuation looking down all lines contain comments . In this case, the break is at the line after the line on which the line continuation is on.

Sub scenario_3()
' _(iii)
End Sub
' _
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________________
Sub SirNario_3()
' _(iii)
End Sub

' _
'_________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____________________________
Sub snuaro_3()
' _(iii)
End Sub

' _
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________________

Sub SirNario_3()

End Sub
' _
'_________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____________________________

Sub SurNario_3()

End Sub

02-07-2019, 10:50 PM
Rotines for this excelfox Thread

This is part 1 of the coding. The second part is in the next post. The second part must be copied directly under this part in the same code module

Option Explicit '
Option Compare Binary ' https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/dotnet/visual-basic/language-reference/statements/option-compare-statement

Sub TestWtchaGot()
' In the practice we would likely have our string obtained from some method and would have it held in some string variable
Dim strTest As String ' "Pointer" to a "Blue Print" (or Form, Questionnaire not yet filled in, a template etc.)"Pigeon Hole" in Memory, sufficient in construction to house a piece of Paper with code text giving the relevant information for the particular Variable Type. VBA is sent to it when it passes it. In a Routine it may be given a particular “Value”, or (“Values” for Objects). There instructions say then how to do that and handle(store) that(those). At Dim the created Paper is like a Blue Print that has some empty spaces not yet filled in. A String is a bit tricky. The Blue Print code line Paper in the Pigeon Hole will allow to note the string Length and an Initial start memory Location. This Location well have to change frequently as strings of different length are assigned. Instructions will tell how to do this. Theoretically a special value vbNullString is set to aid in quick checks.. But..http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/361246-vbnullstring-2.html#post44116
Let strTest = Chr(1) & "Hi" & vbCrLf & vbTab & """u."""
Call WtchaGot(strIn:=strTest)
' Call WtchaGot(Chr(1) & "Hi" & vbCrLf & vbTab & """u.""")
End Sub

Sub WtchaGot(ByVal strIn As String)
Rem 1 ' Output "sheet hardcopies"
'1a) Worksheets 'Make a Temporary Sheet, if not already there, in Current Active Workbook, for a simple list of all characters
If Not Evaluate("=ISREF(" & "'" & "WotchaGotInString" & "'!Z78)") Then ' ( the ' are not important here, but iin general allow for a space in the worksheet name like "Wotcha Got In String"
Dim Wb As Workbook ' ' ' Dim: ' Preparing a "Pointer" to an Initial "Blue Print" in Memory of the Object ( Pigeon Hole with a bit of paper or code lines on that can be filled in to refer to a specific Objec of this type ) . This also us to get easily at the Methods and Properties throught the applying of a period ( .Dot) ( intellisense ) '
Set Wb = ActiveWorkbook ' ' Set now (to Active Workbook - one being "looked at"), so that we carefull allways referrence this so as not to go astray through Excel Guessing inplicitly not the one we want... Set: Values are filled at the memory locations and the directions there are specified in the variable "Blue Print "Pointer". In this case a Filled in Blue Print is passed. http://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming-vba-macros/1138804-help-understanding-class-instancing-cant-set-ws-new-worksheet-intellisense-offers-it-4.html#post4387191 '
Wb.Worksheets.Add After:=Wb.Worksheets.Item(Worksheets.Count) 'A sheeet is added and will be Active
Dim ws As Worksheet '
Set ws = ActiveSheet 'Rather than rely on always going to the active sheet, we referr to it Explicitly so that we carefull allways referrence this so as not to go astray through Excel Guessing implicitly not the one we want... Set: Values are filled at the memory locations and the directions there are specified in the variable "Blue Print "Pointer". In this case a Filled in Blue Print is passed. http://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming-vba-macros/1138804-help-understanding-class-instancing-cant-set-ws-new-worksheet-intellisense-offers-it-4.html#post4387191 ' Values are filled at the memory locations and the directions there are specified in the variable "Blue Print "Pointer". In this case a Filled in Blue Print is passed. http://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming-vba-macros/1138804-help-understanding-class-instancing-cant-set-ws-new-worksheet-intellisense-offers-it-4.html#post4387191
ws.Activate: ws.Cells(1, 1).Activate ' ws.Activate and activating a cell sometimes seemed to overcome a strange error
Let ws.Name = "WotchaGotInString"
Else ' The worksheet is already there , so I just need to set my variable to point to it
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("WotchaGotInString")
End If
'1b) Array
Dim myLenf As Long: Let myLenf = Len(strIn) ' ' Long is very simple to handle, - final memory "size" type is known (123.456 and 000.001 have same "size" computer memory ) , and so a Address suggestion can be given for the next line when the variable is filled in. '( Long is a Big whole Number limit (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647) If you need some sort of validation the value should only be within the range of a Byte/Integer otherwise there's no point using anything but Long.--upon/after 32-bit, Integers (Short) need converted internally anyways, so a Long is actually faster. ) https://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/803662-byte-backward-loop-4.html
Dim arrWotchaGot() As String: ReDim arrWotchaGot(1 To myLenf + 1, 1 To 2) ' +1 for header Array for the output 2 column list. The type is known and the size, but I must use this ReDim method simply because the dim statement Dim( , ) is complie time thing and will only take actual numbers
Let arrWotchaGot(1, 1) = Format(Now, "DD MMM YYYY") & vbLf & "Lenf is " & myLenf: Let arrWotchaGot(1, 2) = Left(strIn, 20)
Rem 2 String anylaysis
'Dim myLenf As Long: Let myLenf = Len(strIn)
Dim Cnt As Long
For Cnt = 1 To myLenf ' ===Main Loop============================================== ==========================
' Character analysis: Get at each character
Dim Caracter As Variant ' String is probably OK.
Let Caracter = Mid(strIn, Cnt, 1) ' ' the character in strIn at position from the left of length 1
'2a) The character added to a single WotchaGot long character string to look at and possibly use in coding
Dim WotchaGot As String ' This will be used to make a string that I can easilly see and also is in a form that I can copy and paste in a code line required to build the full string of the complete character string
'2a)(i) Most common characters and numbers to be displayed as "seen normally" ' -------2a)(i)--
If Caracter Like "[A-Z]" Or Caracter Like "[0-9]" Or Caracter Like "[a-z]" Then ' Check for normal characters
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & Caracter & """" & " & " ' This will give the sort of output that I need to write in a code line, so for example if I have a123 , this code line will be used 4 times and give like a final string for me to copy of "a" & "1" & "2" & "3" & I would phsically need to write in code like strVar = "a" & "1" & "2" & "3" - i could of course also write = "a123" but the point of this routine is to help me pick out each individual element
Else ' Some other things that I would like to "see" normally - not "normal simple character" - or by a VBA constant, like vbCr vbLf vbTab
Select Case Caracter ' 2a)(ii)_1
Case " "
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & " " & """" & " & "
Case "!"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "!" & """" & " & "
Case "$"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "$" & """" & " & "
Case "%"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "%" & """" & " & "
Case "~"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "~" & """" & " & "
Case "&"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "&" & """" & " & "
Case "("
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "(" & """" & " & "
Case ")"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & ")" & """" & " & "
Case "/"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "/" & """" & " & "
Case "\"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "\" & """" & " & "
Case "="
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "=" & """" & " & "
Case "?"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "?" & """" & " & "
Case "'"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "'" & """" & " & "
Case "+"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "+" & """" & " & "
Case "-"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "-" & """" & " & "
Case "_"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "_" & """" & " & "
Case "."
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "." & """" & " & "
' Case " "
' Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & " " & """" & " & "
' Case " "
' Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & " " & """" & " & "
' Case " "
' Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & " " & """" & " & "
' Case " "
' Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & " " & """" & " & "
' Case " "
' Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & " " & """" & " & "
' Case " "
' Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & " " & """" & " & "

02-07-2019, 10:52 PM
This is the second part of the coding from the last post

This should be copied and pasted directly under the coding from the last post

' Case " "
' Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & " " & """" & " & "
' Case " "
' Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & " " & """" & " & "
' Case " "
' Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & " " & """" & " & "
' Case " "
' Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & " " & """" & " & "
' Case " "
' Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & " " & """" & " & "
' Case " "
' Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & " " & """" & " & "
' Case " "
' Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & " " & """" & " & "
' Case " "
' Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & " " & """" & " & "
' Case " "
' Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & " " & """" & " & "
' ' 2a)(ii)_2
' Case " "
' Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & " " & """" & " & "
' Case " "
' Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & " " & """" & " & "
Case vbCr
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbCr & " ' I actuall would write manually in this case like vbCr &
Case vbLf
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbLf & "
Case vbCrLf
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbCrLf & "
Case """" ' This is how to get a single " No one is quite sure how this works. My theory that, is as good as any other, is that syntaxly """" or " """ or """ " are accepted. But in that the """ bit is somewhat strange for VBA. It seems to match the first and Third " together as a valid pair but the other " in the middle of the 3 "s is also syntax OK, and does not error as """ would because of the final 4th " which it syntaxly sees as a valid pair matched simultaneously as it does some similar check on the first and Third as a concluding string pair. All is well except that the second " is captured within a accepted enclosing pair made up of the first and third " At the same time the 4th " is accepted as a final concluding " paired with the second which it is using but at the same time now isolated from.
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & """" & """" & """" & " & " ' The reason why "" "" would not work is that at the end of the "" the next empty character signalises the end of a string pair, and only if it saw a " would it keep checking the syntax rules which then lead in the previous case to the situation described above.
Case vbTab
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbTab & "
' 2a)(iii)
Case Else
WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "Chr(" & Asc(Caracter) & ")" & " & "
'Let CaseElse = Caracter
End Select
End If ' End of the "normal simple character" or not ' -------2a)------Ended-----------
'2b) A 2 column Array for convenience of a list
Let arrWotchaGot(Cnt + 1, 1) = Cnt & " " & Caracter: Let arrWotchaGot(Cnt + 1, 2) = Asc(Caracter) ' +1 for header
Next Cnt ' ========Main Loop============================================== ===================================
If WotchaGot <> "" Then Let WotchaGot = Left(WotchaGot, Len(WotchaGot) - 3) ' take off last " & " ( 2 spaces one either side of a & )
Rem 3 Output
'3a) String
MsgBox prompt:=WotchaGot: Debug.Print WotchaGot ' Hit Ctrl+g from the VB Editor to get a copyable version of the entire string
'3b) List
Dim NxtClm As Long: Let NxtClm = 1 ' In conjunction with next If this prevents the first column beine taken as 0 for an empty worksheet
If Not ws.Range("A1").Value = "" Then Let NxtClm = ws.Cells.Item(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column + 1
Let ws.Cells.Item(1, NxtClm).Resize(UBound(arrWotchaGot(), 1), UBound(arrWotchaGot(), 2)).Value = arrWotchaGot()
End Sub

02-18-2019, 02:51 PM
You've entered a domain name. We've found an IP address from the domain name you've entered. Your translated IP address is

Geolocation data from IP2Location (Product: DB6, 2024-5-1)


United States




Not available


Geolocation data from ipinfo.io (Product: API, real-time)


United States



Not available

AS19871 Network Solutions, LLC


Geolocation data from DB-IP (Product: API, real-time )


United States



Network Solutions, LLC



Geolocation data from IPregistry.co (Product: API, real-time)


United States



Network Solutions, LLC

WEBSITEWELCOME.COM (websitewelcome.com)


Geolocation data from IPGeolocation.io (Product: API, real-time)


United States






Geolocation data from IPapi.co (Product: API, real-time)


United States






Geolocation data from ipbase.com (Product: API, real-time)


United States






Geolocation data from criminalip.io (Product: API, real-time)


United States

Not available

Not available

Not available

Network Solutions Hosting



02-18-2019, 02:58 PM
Further Examples using the routines from the previous post
The sorted array is displayed in the spreadsheet along side the original range used as test data for the inputted array. ( The yellow highlighted range is that produced by the array sort routine, Sub SimpleArraySort() , and the green highlighted range is that produced by the VBA Range.Sort method routine, Sub Range_Sort()

_____ ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )










Worksheet: Sorting

To reverse this to descending so that things “get smaller as you go down the rows”, you simply need to change
the > to a < in the array routine
the Order1:=xlAscending to Order1:=xlDescending in the VBA Range.Sort routine
_____ ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )










Worksheet: Sorting

I intended developing the solution into a function, so as a start to this, the routine will be modified to take an Optional argument of 0 or 1 , with the default of 0 being the case for an Ascending list. I am not being particularly efficient with the coding, and will duplicate sections.

A full routine is posted in the next post

02-19-2019, 10:52 PM
The last routine, Sub TestieSimpleArraySort(), has a section dupilcated to allow for selection of a final list sorted in Ascending or descending order.
If supplied 0, or , no GlLl argument is given, then the final list should be sorted in Ascending order

' Simplist Sort2
Sub TestieSimpleArraySort2()
Call SimpleArraySort2(0)
End Sub
Sub SimpleArraySort2(Optional ByVal GlLl As Long)
Rem 0 test data, worksheets info
Dim WsS As Worksheet: Set WsS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sorting")
Dim RngToSort As range: Set RngToSort = WsS.range("A2:B9")
' alternative:
' Set RngToSort = Selection ' ' Selection.JPG : https://imgur.com/HnCdBt8
Dim arrTS() As Variant: Let arrTS() = RngToSort.Value ' We would have to use .Value for a range capture of this sort because .Value returns a field of Variant types. But also at this stage we want to preserve string and number types
Dim arrOut() As Variant: Let arrOut() = arrTS() ' could simply use the original array and sort that
' column to be used for determining order of rows sorted array: the values in this column will be looked at
Dim Clm As Long: Let Clm = 1
Rem 1 Simple Bubble Sort
Dim rOuter As Long ' ========"Left Hand"=====================Outer Loop=====================================
For rOuter = 1 To UBound(arrTS(), 1) - 1 ' For row 1 to the (last row -1) last row, given by the first dimension upper limit of the array
Dim rInner As Long ' -------Inner Loop-------------"Right Hand"--------------------------
For rInner = rOuter + 1 To UBound(arrOut(), 1)
'If arrOut(rOuter, Clm) > arrOut(rInner, Clm) Then ' This means that I am bigger than the next. So I will swap . I keep doing this which will have the effect of putting the smallest in the current rOuter. By the this and all next rOuter, I miss out the last, and any previous, which means I effectively do the same which puts the next smallest in this next rOuter.
If GlLl = 0 Then ' We want Ascending list
'If UCase(CStr(arrOut(rOuter, Clm))) > UCase(CStr(arrOut(rInner, Clm))) Then
If UCase(CStr(arrOut(rOuter, Clm))) > UCase(CStr(arrOut(rInner, Clm))) Then
Dim temp As Variant ' I want to Swap those 2 above - I cant easilly in any coding change two values simulataneosly. So one of them Element values will put in this temporary place. This Element Values will then be given the other. Finally the other Element will be given this temporary value
Dim Clms As Long '-------| with the condition met a loop is done for all columns in the array in which those two values used in the comparison are replaced at each column
For Clms = 1 To UBound(arrOut(), 2)
Let temp = arrOut(rOuter, Clms): Let arrOut(rOuter, Clms) = arrOut(rInner, Clms): Let arrOut(rInner, Clms) = temp
Next Clms '----------| for each column in the array at the two rows rOuter and rInner
End If
Else ' GlLl is not 0 , so presumably we want Descending list
If UCase(CStr(arrOut(rOuter, Clm))) < UCase(CStr(arrOut(rInner, Clm))) Then
'Dim temp As Variant ' I want to Swap those 2 above - I cant easilly in any coding change two values simulataneosly. So one of them Element values will put in this temporary place. This Element Values will then be given the other. Finally the other Element will be given this temporary value
'Dim Clms As Long '-------| with the condition met a loop is done for all columns in the array in which those two values used in the comparison are replaced at each column
For Clms = 1 To UBound(arrOut(), 2)
Let temp = arrOut(rOuter, Clms): Let arrOut(rOuter, Clms) = arrOut(rInner, Clms): Let arrOut(rInner, Clms) = temp
Next Clms '----------| for each column in the array at the two rows rOuter and rInner
End If
End If ' End of Ascending or Descending example
Next rInner ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Next rOuter ' ================================================== =========================================
Rem 2 Output for easy of demo
RngToSort.Offset(0, RngToSort.Columns.Count).Clear ' WsS.Columns("C:D").Clear ' CHANGE TO SUIT
Let RngToSort.Offset(0, RngToSort.Columns.Count).Value = arrOut()
Let RngToSort.Offset(0, RngToSort.Columns.Count).Interior.Color = vbYellow
End Sub

Results for this callind procedure

Sub TestieSimpleArraySort2()
Call SimpleArraySort2(0)
Call SimpleArraySort
End Sub
_____ ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )








Worksheet: Sorting

Results for this calling procedure

Sub TestieSimpleArraySort2()
Call SimpleArraySort2(732847)
End Sub
_____ ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )








Worksheet: Sorting

02-19-2019, 11:55 PM
A further modification is done to the previous routines so that values that can be seen as numbers are compared as numbers in sorting. This is done so that, for example, a number like 46 would be seen as greater than 7. In previous routines, these would be compared as text values of "46" and "7". In a text comparison, the sort is done initially on the first character so that "4" would be seen as less that "7". ( The second character, "6", in this exampple is not used. A second character would only be used to sort if we had two values such as "46" and "49". In such an example VBA would place "49" above "46" for a text comparison

We find that the VBA Range.Sort Method sees text as text and numbers typically as numbers , and the final purpose of the routines we are developing in the associated main forum Thread is to do somethhing similar to the VBA Range.Sort Method

' Simplist Sort3
Sub TestieSimpleArraySort3()
Call SimpleArraySort3(0)
End Sub
Sub SimpleArraySort3(Optional ByVal GlLl As Long)
Rem 0 test data, worksheets info
Dim WsS As Worksheet: Set WsS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sorting")
Dim RngToSort As range: Set RngToSort = WsS.range("A2:B9")
' alternative:
' Set RngToSort = Selection ' ' Selection.JPG : https://imgur.com/HnCdBt8
Dim arrTS() As Variant: Let arrTS() = RngToSort.Value ' We would have to use .Value for a range capture of this sort because .Value returns a field of Variant types. But also at this stage we want to preserve string and number types
Dim arrOut() As Variant: Let arrOut() = arrTS() ' could simply use the original array and sort that
' column to be used for determining order of rows sorted array: the values in this column will be looked at
Dim Clm As Long: Let Clm = 1
Rem 1 Simple Bubble Sort
Dim rOuter As Long ' ========"Left Hand"=====================Outer Loop=====================================
For rOuter = 1 To UBound(arrTS(), 1) - 1 ' For row 1 to the (last row -1) last row, given by the first dimension upper limit of the array
Dim rInner As Long ' -------Inner Loop-------------"Right Hand"--------------------------
For rInner = rOuter + 1 To UBound(arrOut(), 1)
'If arrOut(rOuter, Clm) > arrOut(rInner, Clm) Then ' This means that I am bigger than the next. So I will swap . I keep doing this which will have the effect of putting the smallest in the current rOuter. By the this and all next rOuter, I miss out the last, and any previous, which means I effectively do the same which puts the next smallest in this next rOuter.
If GlLl = 0 Then ' We want Ascending list
If IsNumeric(arrOut(rOuter, Clm)) And IsNumeric(arrOut(rInner, Clm)) Then ' Numeric case
'If UCase(CStr(arrOut(rOuter, Clm))) > UCase(CStr(arrOut(rInner, Clm))) Then
'If arrOut(rOuter, Clm) > arrOut(rInner, Clm) Then' If both values are seen to be numeric then this line would probably work, but as "belt and braces" we do the next
If CDbl(arrOut(rOuter, Clm)) > CDbl(arrOut(rInner, Clm)) Then
Dim temp As Variant ' I want to Swap those 2 above - I cant easilly in any coding change two values simulataneosly. So one of them Element values will put in this temporary place. This Element Values will then be given the other. Finally the other Element will be given this temporary value
Dim Clms As Long '-------| with the condition met a loop is done for all columns in the array in which those two values used in the comparison are replaced at each column
For Clms = 1 To UBound(arrOut(), 2)
Let temp = arrOut(rOuter, Clms): Let arrOut(rOuter, Clms) = arrOut(rInner, Clms): Let arrOut(rInner, Clms) = temp
Next Clms '----------| for each column in the array at the two rows rOuter and rInner
End If
Else ' Non numeric case
'If UCase(CStr(arrOut(rOuter, Clm))) > UCase(CStr(arrOut(rInner, Clm))) Then
If UCase(CStr(arrOut(rOuter, Clm))) > UCase(CStr(arrOut(rInner, Clm))) Then
'Dim temp As Variant ' I want to Swap those 2 above - I cant easilly in any coding change two values simulataneosly. So one of them Element values will put in this temporary place. This Element Values will then be given the other. Finally the other Element will be given this temporary value
'Dim Clms As Long '-------| with the condition met a loop is done for all columns in the array in which those two values used in the comparison are replaced at each column
For Clms = 1 To UBound(arrOut(), 2)
Let temp = arrOut(rOuter, Clms): Let arrOut(rOuter, Clms) = arrOut(rInner, Clms): Let arrOut(rInner, Clms) = temp
Next Clms '----------| for each column in the array at the two rows rOuter and rInner
End If
End If ' End of numeric or text comparison
Else ' GlLl is not 0 , so presumably we want Descending list
If IsNumeric(arrOut(rOuter, Clm)) And IsNumeric(arrOut(rInner, Clm)) Then
If CDbl(arrOut(rOuter, Clm)) < CDbl(arrOut(rInner, Clm)) Then
'Dim temp As Variant ' I want to Swap those 2 above - I cant easilly in any coding change two values simulataneosly. So one of them Element values will put in this temporary place. This Element Values will then be given the other. Finally the other Element will be given this temporary value
'Dim Clms As Long '-------| with the condition met a loop is done for all columns in the array in which those two values used in the comparison are replaced at each column
For Clms = 1 To UBound(arrOut(), 2)
Let temp = arrOut(rOuter, Clms): Let arrOut(rOuter, Clms) = arrOut(rInner, Clms): Let arrOut(rInner, Clms) = temp
Next Clms '----------| for each column in the array at the two rows rOuter and rInner
End If
Else ' non numeric case
If UCase(CStr(arrOut(rOuter, Clm))) < UCase(CStr(arrOut(rInner, Clm))) Then
'Dim temp As Variant ' I want to Swap those 2 above - I cant easilly in any coding change two values simulataneosly. So one of them Element values will put in this temporary place. This Element Values will then be given the other. Finally the other Element will be given this temporary value
'Dim Clms As Long '-------| with the condition met a loop is done for all columns in the array in which those two values used in the comparison are replaced at each column
For Clms = 1 To UBound(arrOut(), 2)
Let temp = arrOut(rOuter, Clms): Let arrOut(rOuter, Clms) = arrOut(rInner, Clms): Let arrOut(rInner, Clms) = temp
Next Clms '----------| for each column in the array at the two rows rOuter and rInner
End If
End If ' End of numeric or text comparison
End If ' End of Ascending or Descending example
Next rInner ' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Next rOuter ' ================================================== =========================================
Rem 2 Output for easy of demo
RngToSort.Offset(0, RngToSort.Columns.Count).Clear ' WsS.Columns("C:D").Clear ' CHANGE TO SUIT
Let RngToSort.Offset(0, RngToSort.Columns.Count).Value = arrOut()
Let RngToSort.Offset(0, RngToSort.Columns.Count).Interior.Color = vbYellow
End Sub

Final comparison results are shown in the next post

02-20-2019, 12:12 AM
The sorted array is displayed in the spreadsheet along side the original range used as test data for the inputted array. ( The yellow highlighted range is that produced by the array sort routine, Sub SimpleArraySort3() , and the green highlighted range is that produced by the VBA Range.Sort method routine, Sub Range_Sort()

Ascending Order

Sub TestieSimpleArraySort3()
Call SimpleArraySort3(0)
End Sub

Sub Range_Sort()
Rem 0 test data, worksheets info
Dim WsS As Worksheet: Set WsS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sorting")
Dim RngToSort As range: Set RngToSort = WsS.range("A2:B9")
' alternative:
' Set RngToSort = Selection ' ' Selection.JPG : https://imgur.com/HnCdBt8
Rem 1 For demo purposes we will sort a copy of the range
RngToSort.Offset(0, RngToSort.Columns.Count * 2).Clear ' WsS.Columns("E:F").Clear ' CHANGE TO SUIT
RngToSort.Copy Destination:=RngToSort.Offset(0, RngToSort.Columns.Count * 2)
Dim RngCopy As range: Set RngCopy = RngToSort.Offset(0, RngToSort.Columns.Count * 2)
RngCopy.Sort Key1:=RngCopy.Columns("A:A"), Order1:=xlAscending, MatchCase:=False
'RngCopy.Sort Key1:=RngCopy.Columns("A:A"), Order1:=xlDescending, MatchCase:=False
Let RngCopy.Interior.Color = vbGreen
End Sub
_____ ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )










Worksheet: Sorting

Descending Order

Sub TestieSimpleArraySort3()
Call SimpleArraySort3(2246)
End Sub

Sub Range_Sort()
Rem 0 test data, worksheets info
Dim WsS As Worksheet: Set WsS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sorting")
Dim RngToSort As range: Set RngToSort = WsS.range("A2:B9")
' alternative:
' Set RngToSort = Selection ' ' Selection.JPG : https://imgur.com/HnCdBt8
Rem 1 For demo purposes we will sort a copy of the range
RngToSort.Offset(0, RngToSort.Columns.Count * 2).Clear ' WsS.Columns("E:F").Clear ' CHANGE TO SUIT
RngToSort.Copy Destination:=RngToSort.Offset(0, RngToSort.Columns.Count * 2)
Dim RngCopy As range: Set RngCopy = RngToSort.Offset(0, RngToSort.Columns.Count * 2)
'RngCopy.Sort Key1:=RngCopy.Columns("A:A"), Order1:=xlAscending, MatchCase:=False
RngCopy.Sort Key1:=RngCopy.Columns("A:A"), Order1:=xlDescending, MatchCase:=False
Let RngCopy.Interior.Color = vbGreen
End Sub
_____ ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )










Worksheet: Sorting