View Full Version : Notes tests. Application.Run.OnTime Multiple Variable Arguments ByRef ByVal

09-16-2015, 03:25 PM
Re: Appendix Thread. ( Codes for other Threads, HTML Tables, etc. )<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
. I would like to use this Thread as an Appendix for codes in other Threads so as to help reduce clutter in that Thread should the code be a bit long, or not directly relevant.<o:p></o:p>
. Also as HTML code is on in this Test Sub Forum I would like to reference HTML Tables should I wish to use them in answering threads<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
@ Moderators, Administrator:<o:p></o:p>
. I hope the above is OK to do and if so please do not delete this Thread. ( Or advise if I should post my "Appendix" somewhere else ( If possible where HTML code is on ) )<o:p></o:p>
. Many Thanks<o:p></o:p>

This Post http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2345-Appendix-Thread-(-Codes-for-other-Threads-HTML-Tables-etc-)

2404 Jan 2020 Post 11860

09-16-2015, 06:44 PM
Coding for these Threads

Open workbook - MainFile.xls : https://app.box.com/s/prqhroiqcb0qccewz5si0h5kslsw5i5h

Module "Modul1" in MainFile.xls
(This is the main module from which all macros are run)

Option Explicit
' Public variable code section
Private Pbic_Arg1 As String
Public Pbic_Arg2 As Double

Dim sTemp As String
' _

Sub MainMacro() ' https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31439866/multiple-variable-arguments-to-application-ontime/31464597 http://markrowlinson.co.uk/articles.php?id=10
Rem 1
Debug.Print "Rem 1" & vbCr & vbLf & "This workbook module, single arrgument"
' This workbook module, single argument
Application.OnTime Now(), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'" & "!'Modul1.UnderMainMacro 465'": Debug.Print "!'Modul1.UnderMainMacro 465'"
Application.OnTime Now(), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'" & "!'Modul1.UnderMainMacro ""465""'": Debug.Print "!'Modul1.UnderMainMacro ""465""'"
Application.OnTime Now(), "'Modul1.UnderMainMacro 465'" ' --- more usual simplified form. In this case I nned the extra Modul1. because Sub UnderMainMacro( ) is private
Debug.Print vbCr & vbLf & "UverFile module, single argument"
' UverFile module, single argument
Application.OnTime Now(), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "UverFile.xls" & "'" & "!'Modul1.MacroInUverFile 465'": Debug.Print "!'Modul1.MacroInUverFile 465'"
Application.OnTime Now(), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "UverFile.xls" & "'" & "!'Modul1.MacroInUverFile ""465""'": Debug.Print "!'Modul1.MacroInUverFile ""465""'"
Debug.Print vbCr & vbLf & "Thisworkbook module, multiple arguments"
' Thisworkbook module, multiple arguments
Application.OnTime Now(), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'" & "!'Modul1.UnderUnderMainMacro 465, 25'": Debug.Print "!'Modul1.UnderUnderMainMacro 465, 25'"
Application.OnTime Now(), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'" & "!'Modul1.UnderUnderMainMacro 465, ""25""'": Debug.Print "!'Modul1.UnderUnderMainMacro 465, ""25""' "
Application.OnTime Now(), "'UnderUnderMainMacro 465, 25 '" ' --- more usual simplified form. I don't even need the extra Modul1. because it is not private
Debug.Print vbCr & vbLf & "UverFile module, multiple argument"
' UverFile module, multiple argument
Application.OnTime Now(), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "UverFile.xls" & "'" & "!'Modul1.MacroUnderMacroInUverFile 465, 25'": Debug.Print "!'Modul1.MacroUnderMacroInUverFile 465, 25'"
Application.OnTime Now(), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "UverFile.xls" & "'" & "!'Modul1.MacroUndermacroInUverFile 465, ""25""'": Debug.Print "!'Modul1.MacroUndermacroInUverFile 465, ""25""'"
Debug.Print vbCr & vbLf & "mess about with argument positions"
' mess about with argument positions
Application.OnTime Now(), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'" & "!'Modul1.UnderUnderMainMacro 465 , ""25"" '": Debug.Print "!'Modul1.UnderUnderMainMacro 465 , ""25"" '"
Debug.Print vbCr & vbLf & "This workbook first worksheet code module, single arrgument"
' This workbook first worksheet code module, single arrgument
Application.OnTime Now(), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'" & "!'" & ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(1).CodeName & ".InLisWbFirstWsCodeModule 465'": Debug.Print "!'" & ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(1).CodeName & ".InLisWbFirstWcCodeModule 465'"
Application.OnTime Now(), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'" & "!'" & ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(1).CodeName & ".InLisWbFirstWsCodeModule ""465""'": Debug.Print "!'" & ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(1).CodeName & ".InLisWbFirstWcCodeModule ""465""'"
Debug.Print vbCr & vbLf & "UverFile first worksheet code module, single arrgument"
' UverFile first worksheet code module, single arrgument
Application.OnTime Now(), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "UverFile.xls" & "'" & "!'" & "Tabelle1" & ".InUverFileFirstWsCodeModule 465'": Debug.Print "!'" & "Tabelle1" & ".InUverFileFirstWsCodeModule 465'"
Application.OnTime Now(), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "UverFile.xls" & "'" & "!'" & "Tabelle1" & ".InUverFileFirstWsCodeModule ""465""'": Debug.Print "!'" & "Tabelle1" & ".InUverFileFirstWsCodeModule ""465""'"
Debug.Print vbCr & vbLf & "This workbook first worksheet code module, multiple arguments"
' This workbook first worksheet code module, multiple arguments
Application.OnTime Now(), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'" & "!'" & ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(1).CodeName & ".InLisWbFirstWsCodeModuleMultipleArguments 465 , ""25"" '": Debug.Print "!'" & ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(1).CodeName & ".InLisWbFirstWcCodeModuleMultipleArguments 465 , ""25"" '"
Application.OnTime Now(), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'" & "!'" & ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(1).CodeName & ".InLisWbFirstWsCodeModuleMultipleArguments ""465"" , 25 '": Debug.Print "!'" & ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(1).CodeName & ".InLisWbFirstWcCodeModuleMultipleArguments ""465"" , 25 '"
Debug.Print vbCr & vbLf & "UverFile first worksheet code module, Multiple arrgument"
' UverFile first worksheet code module, Multiple arrgument
Application.OnTime Now(), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "UverFile.xls" & "'" & "!'" & "Tabelle1" & ".InUverFileFirstWsCodeModuleMultipleArguments 465 , ""25"" '": Debug.Print "!'" & "Tabelle1" & ".InUverFileFirstWsCodeModuleMultipleArguments 465 , ""25"" '"
Application.OnTime Now(), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "UverFile.xls" & "'" & "!'" & "Tabelle1" & ".InUverFileFirstWsCodeModuleMultipleArguments ""465"" , ""25"" '": Debug.Print "!'" & "Tabelle1" & ".InUverFileFirstWsCodeModuleMultipleArguments ""465"" , ""25"" '"
Debug.Print vbCr & vbLf & "Doubles do not have to be in quotes either ' This workbook module, double argument arrgument"
' Doubles do not have to be in quotes either ' This workbook module, double argument arrgument
Application.OnTime Now(), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'" & "!'Modul1.DoubleCheck 465.5 , ""25.4"" '": Debug.Print "!'Modul1.DoubleCheck 465.5 , ""25.4"" '"

Rem 2 Variables
Debug.Print vbCr & vbLf & "Rem 2 Variables" & vbCr & vbLf & "'2a) ""Pseudo"" variables use"
'2a) "Pseudo" variables use
Dim Arg1_str465 As String, Arg2_Dbl25 As Double
Let Arg1_str465 = "465.42": Let Arg2_Dbl25 = 25.4
' Application.OnTime Now(), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'" & "!'Modul1.DoubleCheck Arg1_str465 , Arg2_Dbl25 '": Debug.Print "!'Modul1.DoubleCheck Arg1_str465 , Arg2Db_l25 '" ' This code line will not work, that is to say it will not find the varables and take 0 values when VBA later runs the Scheduled macro, Sub DoubleCheck( )
Application.OnTime Now(), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'" & "!'Modul1.DoubleCheck """ & Arg1_str465 & """ , """ & Arg2_Dbl25 & """ '": Debug.Print "!'Modul1.DoubleCheck """ & Arg1_str465 & """ , """ & Arg2_Dbl25 & """ '"
Application.OnTime Now(), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'" & "!'Modul1.DoubleCheck """ & Arg1_str465 & """ , " & Arg2_Dbl25 & " '": Debug.Print "!'Modul1.DoubleCheck """ & Arg1_str465 & """ , " & Arg2_Dbl25 & " '"
Debug.Print vbCr & vbLf & "'2b) Real varable use"
'2b) Real varable use
Let Modul1.Pbic_Arg1 = "465.42": Let Pbic_Arg2 = 25.4
Application.OnTime Now(), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'" & "!'Modul1.DoubleCheck Modul1.Pbic_Arg1 , Pbic_Arg2 '": Debug.Print "!'Modul1.DoubleCheck Modul1.Pbic_Arg1 , Pbic_Arg2 '"

Application.OnTime Now(), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'" & "!'Modul1.DoubleCheck Modul1.Pbic_Arg1, Pbic_Arg2'"
'' Debug.Print Pbic_Arg2 '' This gives 999.99 in Debug F8 mode , 25.4 in normal run

Rem 3 ByRef check
Application.OnTime Now(), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'" & "!'Modul1.ByRefCheck'"
Application.OnTime Now() + TimeValue("00:00:00"), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'" & "!'Modul1.ByRefCheck'"
Application.OnTime Now() + TimeValue("00:00:01"), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisWorkbook.Name & "'" & "!'Modul1.ByRefCheck'"
End Sub
Private Sub UnderMainMacro(ByVal Nmbr As Long)
MsgBox prompt:="Arg1 is " & Nmbr
End Sub
Sub UnderUnderMainMacro(ByVal Nmbr As Long, ByVal NuverNmbr As Long)
MsgBox prompt:="Arg1 is " & Nmbr & ", Arg2 is " & NuverNmbr
End Sub
Sub DoubleCheck(ByVal DblNmr1 As Double, ByRef DblNmr2 As Double) ' provided the signature line is declared appropriately, all number argument types dont have to be in ""
MsgBox prompt:="Arg1 is " & DblNmr1 & ", Arg2 is " & DblNmr2
Let DblNmr2 = 999.99
End Sub

Sub ByRefCheck()
Debug.Print vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & vbCr & vbLf & "Rem 3 ByRef Check" & vbCr & vbLf & Pbic_Arg2
End Sub

09-16-2015, 06:47 PM
Function Code for getting Column Letter from Column Number
Shortened version used in Post #14
Public Function CL(ByVal lclm As Long) As String

And Fuller version with explaining 'Comments

Public Function CL(ByVal lclm As Long) As String ' http://www.excelforum.com/development-testing-forum/1101544-thread-post-appendix-no-reply-needed-please-do-not-delete-thanks-4.html#post4213980
Do: Let CL = Chr(65 + (((lclm - 1) Mod 26))) & CL: Let lclm = (lclm - (1)) \ 26: Loop While lclm > 0
End Function

Function FukOutChrWithDoWhile(ByVal lclm As Long) As String 'Using chr function and Do while loop For example http://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming-vba-macros/796472-how-to-go-from-column-number-to-column-letter.html
Dim rest As Long 'Variable for what is "left over" after subtracting as many full 26's as possible
' Let rest = ((lclm - 1) Mod 26) 'Gives 0 to 25 for Column Number "Left over" 1 to 26. Better than ( lclm Mod 26 ) which gives 1 to 25 for clm 1 to 25 then 0 for 26
' Let FukOutChrWithDoWhile = Chr(65 + rest) & FukOutChrWithDoWhile 'Convert rest to Chr Number, initially with full number so the "units" (0-25), then number of 26's left over (if the number was so big to give any amount of 26's in it, then number of 26's in the 26's left over (if the number was so big to give any amount of 26 x 26's in it, Enit ?
' 'OR
Let FukOutChrWithDoWhile = Chr(65 + (((lclm - 1) Mod 26))) & FukOutChrWithDoWhile
Let lclm = (lclm - (1)) \ 26 'This gives the number of 26's ( if any ), but just the excact part, in the next number down , - so applying the rest formula to this new number will again leave a difference "left over" rest.
'lclm = (lclm - (rest + 1)) \ 26 ' As the number is effectively truncated here, any number from 1 to (rest +1) will do in the formula
Loop While lclm > 0 'Only loop further if number was big enough to still have 0-25's in it
End Function
Rem Ref http://www.excelforum.com/development-testing-forum/1101544-thread-post-appendix-no-reply-needed-please-do-not-delete-thanks-4.html#post4213980
Rem Ref http://www.excelforum.com/tips-and-tutorials/1108643-vba-column-letter-from-column-number-explained.html

09-16-2015, 09:00 PM

05-29-2016, 08:07 PM
Obtaining grid coordinates for an Area of contiguous cells in a Spreadsheet using [ ] and Evaluate(“ “) through the use of a Named Range for that Area

Aka ' It is a Range Name Test : Its n Range Name Test : 's 'n Rng Name Test : s n Rg Name Testie : snRg.Name = "snRgNme"
This code is in support of other Posts in various Threads. ( I will edit the Links as I reference this post )
For example:

The code takes in a hard coded Range, A1:E10.
That Range is given a Name as held in the Names Register of a Worksheet.
Various code lines are developed which reference this Named Range and return the Grid Coordinates.

These coordinates are held within the following Long Type Variables
Cs is the start column
sClm is the column count
stpClm is the stop column
Rs is the start row
sRw is the rows count
stpRw is the stop row

'10 ' It is a Range Name Test : Its n Range Name Test : 's 'n Rng Name Test : s n Rg Name Testie : snRg.Name = "snRgNme"
Sub snRgNameTest() ' Inspired by.. snb .. " array [ ] " ' http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2083-Delete-One-Row-From-A-2D-Variant-Array?p=9714#post9714
20 ' Worksheets Info
30 Dim ws As Worksheet ' ' Preparing a "Pointer" to an Initial "Blue Print" ( or a Form, or a Questionnaire not yet filled in, a template etc.) in Memory of the Object ( Pigeon Hole with a bit of paper or code lines on that can be filled in to refer to a specific Object of this type ) . This also us to get easily at the Methods and Properties through the applying of a period ( .Dot) ( intellisense )
40 'Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("NPueyoGyanArraySlicing") 'The worksheets collection object is used to Set ws to the Sheet we are playing with, so that we carefull allways referrence this so as not to go astray through Excel Guessing inplicitly not the one we want... ' Values are filled at the memory locations and the directions there are specified in the variable "Blue Print "Pointer". In this case a Filled in Blue Print is passed. http://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming-vba-macros/1138804-help-understanding-class-instancing-cant-set-ws-new-worksheet-intellisense-offers-it-4.html#post4387191
50 Set ws = ActiveSheet ' Alternative to last line, make code apply to the current active sheet, - That being "looked at" when running this code '
60 Dim vTemp As Variant ' To help development when you are not sure what type is retuned. "Suck and see what comnes out!" Highlight it and Hit Shift+F9 to see it in the imediate Window
70 ' Named range referrencing Invoke Pike Evaluate Rabbit Rabbit. How's the Bunny ? Bunnytations Banters
80 Dim snRg As Range: Set snRg = ws.Range("A1:E10")
90 Dim sName As String: Let sName = "snRgNme" '
100 Let snRg.Name = "snRgNme" ' It is a Range Name me - " 's 'n Range Name me " .. "snRgNme" ;) This name appears permanentlly in then sheet. It remains referrencing this range unless the name iis deleted or the range referrenced is overwritten by a similar code line which has a different range in it on RHS of = http://www.thespreadsheetguru.com/blog/2014/6/20/the-vba-guide-to-listobject-excel-tables
110 Let snRg.Name = sName ' Identical to last line
120 Dim ReturnedsnRgName As String
130 Let ReturnedsnRgName = snRg.Name ' The returned name is full, like "NPueyoGyanArraySlicing!$A$1:$E$10". This will not work in the Address Formulas
140 Dim NameOnly As String: Let NameOnly = Replace((snRg.Name), "!", "", (InStr(1, (snRg.Name), "!"))): Debug.Print snRg.Name: Dim pos&: pos = InStr(1, (snRg.Name), "!"): NameOnly = Replace((snRg.Name), "!", "", pos) ' We had ---- "NPueyoGyanArraySlicing!$A$1:$E$10" so here I return a string that starts at the position of the ! and which replaces in that truncated shortened string - "!$A$1:$E$10" the "!" with nothing
150 Let NameOnly = Replace((ReturnedsnRgName), "!", "", (InStr(1, (ReturnedsnRgName), "!")))
160 If InStr(NameOnly, "!") > 0 Then MsgBox prompt:="NameOnly is " & vbCr & """" & NameOnly & """" & vbCr & "so will chop off up to and including the ""!""": Let NameOnly = Replace((NameOnly), "!", "", (InStr(1, (NameOnly), "!"))) ' Just to demo that you need to do this if you are not sure that a ! is there, or the code line would error if no ! was in there..
170 '
180 ' Count, Start, and Stop of columns in an Area of contiguous cells in a Spreadsheet
190 Dim sClm As Long 'Variable for ColumnsCount. -This makes a Pigeon Hole sufficient in construction to house a piece of Paper with code text giving the relevant information for the particular Variable Type. VBA is sent to it when it passes it. In a Routine it may be given a particular “Value”, or (“Values” for Objects). There instructions say then how to do that and handle(store) that(those). At Dim the created Paper is like a Blue Print that has some empty spaces not yet filled in. Long is very simple to handle, final memory "size" type is known (13.456, 00.001 have same "size" computer memory ),so an Address suggestion can be given for when the variable is filled in. (Long is a Big whole Number limit (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647). If you need some sort of validation the value should only be within the range of a Byte/Integer otherwise there's no point using anything but Long.-upon/after 32-bit, Integers (Short) need converted internally anyway, so a Long is actually faster)
200 Let sClm = Evaluate("columns(snRgNme)") ' = 5
210 'Let sClm = Evaluate("columns(RetunedsnRgName)") 'Run time Error as expected
220 Let sClm = [columns(snRgNme)] ' = 5 'Is this Most Powerful Command in VBA?, or what ... http://www.ozgrid.com/forum/showthread.php?t=52372 http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/899117-visual-basic-applications-range-a1-a5-vs-%5Ba1-a5%5D-benefits-dangers.html
230 'Let sClm = [columns(RetunedsnRgName)] 'Run time Error as expected
240 Let sClm = [columns(A1:E10)] ' = 5
250 Let vTemp = Evaluate("column(snRgNme)") ' Reveals an Array {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} - 1 Dimension "pseudo Horizontal" Array
260 Dim Cs As Long 'Variable for Start Column
270 Let Cs = Evaluate("column(A1:E10)")(1)
280 Let Cs = Evaluate("column(snRgNme)")(1) ' = 1
290 Let vTemp = [column(snRgNme)]: vTemp = vTemp(1) ' Anololie erklart: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?t=1141369&p=4398930&highlight=#post4398930 http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?t=1141369&p=4398966#post4398966
300 Let Cs = [column(A1:E10)]()(1)
310 Let Cs = [column(snRgNme)]()(1)
320 '
330 Dim stpClm% ' Variable for Stop column Number ' ( % is shorthand for As Long ..http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?t=1116127&p=4256569#post4256569
340 Let stpClm = Cs + (sClm - 1) ' = 5
350 ' [ ]
360 Let stpClm = [column(snRgNme)]()(1) + ([columns(snRgNme)] - 1)
370 Let stpClm = [column(snRgNme)]()(1) + ([columns(snRgNme)] - 1)
380 ' In between step [ ] and Evaluate(" ")
390 Let stpClm = [column(snRgNme)]()(UBound([column(snRgNme)]))
400 ' Now Full Evaluate(" ")
410 Let stpClm = Evaluate("column(snRgNme)")(1) + (Evaluate("columns(snRgNme)") - 1)
420 Let stpClm = Evaluate("column(snRgNme)")(UBound(Evaluate("column(snRgNme)")))
430 '
440 ' Start, Count and Stop of rows in an Area of contiguous cells in a Spreadsheet
450 Dim sRw As Long 'Rows Count
460 Let sRw = Evaluate("rows(snRgNme)")
470 Let sRw = [rows(snRgNme)]
480 Let sRw = [rows(A1:E10)]
490 Let vTemp = Evaluate("row(snRgNme)") ' = {1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10}
500 Dim Rs As Long 'Start Row
510 Let Rs = Evaluate("row(A1:E10)")(1, 1) 'Note a 2 Dimensional, 1 column, "vertical" Array is returned : ' vTemp = {1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10}
520 Let Rs = Evaluate("row(snRgNme)")(1, 1)
530 Let vTemp = [row(snRgNme)]: vTemp = vTemp(1, 1)
540 Let Rs = [row(A1:E10)]()(1, 1)
550 Let Rs = [row(snRgNme)]()(1, 1)
560 '
570 Dim stpRw% 'Stop Row
580 Let stpRw = Rs + (sRw - 1)
590 Let stpRw = [row(snRgNme)]()(1, 1) + ([rows(snRgNme)] - 1)
600 Let stpRw = [row(snRgNme)]()(1, 1) + ([rows(snRgNme)] - 1)
610 '
620 Let stpRw = [row(snRgNme)]()(UBound([row(snRgNme)], 1), 1) 'UBound([row(snRgNme)], 1) is Ubound first ( "row" ) dimension. UBound([row(snRgNme)], 2) would be the second dimension ( "column" ) count
630 '
640 Let stpRw = Evaluate("row(snRgNme)")(1, 1) + (Evaluate("rows(snRgNme)") - 1)
650 Let stpRw = Evaluate("row(snRgNme)")(UBound(Evaluate("row(snRgNme)")), 1)
660 '
End Sub

06-07-2016, 10:31 PM
"Opened up" Rick code:

' To Test Function, Type some arbitrary values in range A1:E10, step through Test Code in F8 Debug Mode in VB Editor, and examine Worksheet, Immediate Window ( Ctrl+G when in VB Editor ), hover over variables in the VB Editor Window with mouse cursor, set watches on variables ( Highlight any occurrence of a variable in the VB Editor and Hit Shift+F9 ) , etc.. and then you should expected the required Output to be pasted out starting Top Left at cell M17

(_... Original Code:
' http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2083-Delete-One-Row-From-A-2D-Variant-Array?p=9658#post9658

' To Test Function, Type some arbitrary values in range A1:E10, step through Test Code in F8 Debug Mode in VB Editor, and examine Worksheet, Immediate Window ( Ctrl+G when in VB Editor ), hover over variables in the VB Editor Window with mouse cursor, set watches on variables ( Highlight any occurrence of a variable in the VB Editor and Hit Shift+F9 ) , etc.. and then you should expected the required Output to be pasted out starting Top Left at cell M17
' http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2083-Delete-One-Row-From-A-2D-Variant-Array?p=9658#post9658
Sub Rick()
Dim sp() As Variant
Dim DataArr() As Variant: Let DataArr() = Range("A1:E10").Value
Let sp() = Fu_Rick(DataArr(), 5)
Range("M17").Resize(UBound(sp(), 1), UBound(sp(), 2)).ClearContents
Let Range("M17").Resize(UBound(sp(), 1), UBound(sp(), 2)) = sp()
End Sub

Required Function_...
Function Fu_Rick(ByRef arrIn() As Variant, ByVal RowToDelete As Long) As Variant
_... in next Post

06-07-2016, 10:32 PM
Function Required for last Post:

Function Fu_Rick(ByRef arrIn() As Variant, ByVal RowToDelete As Long) As Variant
10 ' use "neat magic" code line arrOut() = Application.Index(arrIn(), rwsT(), clms())
20 ' So we have directly the Input Array, arrIn(). For clms(), do some extra stuff to get a column letter ( usiing the Split Address Method ) then column indices diectly from Spreadsheet column() Function. Rows from joinig the Row indicies above and below the row to be deleted
30 Dim Cols As String: Cols = "A:" & Split(Columns(UBound(arrIn(), 2) - LBound(arrIn(), 2) + 1).Address(, 0), ":")(0)
40 ' Fu_Rick = Application.Index(arrIn(), Application.Transpose(Split(Join(Application.Trans pose(Evaluate("Row(1:" & (RowToDelete - 1) & ")"))) & " " & Join(Application.Transpose(Evaluate("Row(" & (RowToDelete + 1) & ":" & UBound(arrIn()) & ")"))))), Evaluate("COLUMN(" & Cols & ")"))
60 ' clms() = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
61 'clms() Rick Evaluate("COLUMN(" & "A:" & Split(Columns(UBound(arrIn(), 2) - LBound(arrIn(), 2) + 1).Address(, 0), ":")(0) & ")")
70 ' Start point is last column in Output Array using.. Split Address technique http://www.excelforum.com/development-testing-forum/1101544-thread-post-appendix-no-reply-needed-please-do-not-delete-thanks-4.html#post4213969
80 Dim larrClm As Long: Let larrClm = ((UBound(arrIn(), 2) - LBound(arrIn(), 2)) + 1) ' For our Output Array ( base 1 ) staring at 1 - not yet pinned to a Top left Output Range cell the ( ( stop "column" - start "column" ) + 1 ) gives "last" "column"
90 Dim AdrsRel As String: Let AdrsRel = Columns(larrClm).Address(ColumnAbsolute:=False) 'False absolute Address gives no $ prefix and format like "E:E" (true Relative Address) , so split by ":" and then either (0) or (1) returned arrAddressSplit() Element will do for the letter..
100 Dim arrAddressSplit() As String
110 Let arrAddressSplit() = VBA.Split(AdrsRel, ":", 2, vbTextCompare) 'Splits into like ("E", "E") for no or -1 second argument.. Here 2 gives just the 2 you would get E, and E - ... http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/general-excel-discussion-other-questions/929381-visual-basic-applications-split-function-third-argument-refers-maximum-outputs-%93when-splitting-stops-%94.html
120 Dim clmLtr As String
130 Let clmLtr = arrAddressSplit(0) 'Returns first element "along" in 1 Dimensional "Psuedo Horizontal" Array ( Elements for 1 Dimensional Array are by default 0,1, 2, 3 ....etc )
140 ' Now use spreadsheet column function , column(A:E"), to get a {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} Array
150 Dim clms() As Variant: Let clms() = Evaluate("column(A:" & clmLtr & ")")

160 'rwsT() Rick Application.Transpose(Split(Join(Application.Trans pose(Evaluate("Row(1:" & (RowToDelete - 1) & ")"))) & " " & Join(Application.Transpose(Evaluate("Row(" & (RowToDelete + 1) & ":" & UBound(arrIn()) & ")")))))
170 'Final required row Indicies, with a missing indicie, as 2 strings ( Hard Copy )
180 Dim strRwsDBelow As String, strRwsDAbove As String, strrwsD As String
190 Let strRwsDBelow = "1 2 3 4": Let strRwsDAbove = "6 7 8 9 10"
200 Let strrwsD = "1 2 3 4" & " " & "6 7 8 9 10"
210 Let strrwsD = strRwsDBelow & " " & strRwsDAbove
240 'Get row indicies conveniently from Row Function - ( correct "orintation" to use in "neat magic" code line, but wrong "orientation" to use Join Function {1; 2; 3; 4} and {6; 7; 8; 9; 10} )
250 Dim arr_2D1rowBelow() As Variant, arr_2D1rowAbove() As Variant
260 Let arr_2D1rowBelow() = Evaluate("Row(1:" & (RowToDelete - 1) & ")") ' 1 To 4, 1 To 1 {1; 2; 3; 4} Array
270 Let arr_2D1rowAbove() = Evaluate("Row(" & (RowToDelete + 1) & ":" & UBound(arrIn()) & ")") ' 1 To 5, 1 To 1 {6; 7; 8; 9; 10} Array
280 'Get sequential below and above row strings.... transpose back again! so Join will work, dear oh dear.....
290 Let strRwsDBelow = Join(Evaluate("transpose(Row(1:" & (RowToDelete - 1) & "))"), " ") 'Join must have eindimensional Array, as given by transpose working on a 2D 1 column Array
300 Let strRwsDBelow = Join(Application.Transpose((Evaluate("Row(1:" & (RowToDelete - 1) & ")"))), " ") ' "1 2 3 4"
310 Let strRwsDBelow = Join(Application.Transpose((arr_2D1rowBelow())), " ") ' "1 2 3 4"
320 Let strRwsDAbove = Join(Application.Transpose((arr_2D1rowAbove())), " ") ' "6 7 8 9 10"

330 'Final required row Indicies, with a missing indicie, as a string
340 Let strrwsD = strRwsDBelow & " " & strRwsDAbove
360 'Split Final String by " " to get 1 1D "Pseudo Horizontal" Array
370 Dim rws() As String: Let rws() = VBA.Split(strrwsD, " ") ' 1 D Array
380 'final Transposed Array for "magic neat" code line
390 Dim rwsT() As Variant: Let rwsT() = Application.Transpose(rws()) ' 2 D 1 "column" Array
440 'Output Array
450 Dim arrOut() As Variant
460 Let arrOut() = Application.Index(arrIn(), rwsT(), clms())
480 Let Fu_Rick = arrOut()
490 'Or
Fu_Rick = Application.Index(arrIn(), Application.Transpose(Split(Join(Application.Trans pose(Evaluate("Row(1:" & (RowToDelete - 1) & ")"))) & " " & Join(Application.Transpose(Evaluate("Row(" & (RowToDelete + 1) & ":" & UBound(arrIn()) & ")"))))), Evaluate("COLUMN(" & "A:" & Split(Columns(UBound(arrIn(), 2) - LBound(arrIn(), 2) + 1).Address(, 0), ":")(0) & ")"))
End Function

06-07-2016, 10:39 PM
"Opened up" snb Code

(_.. Original code here

' To Test Function, Type some arbitrary values in range A1:E10, step through code in F8 Debug Mode in VB Editor, and examine Worksheet, Immediate Window ( Ctrl+G when in VB Editor ), hover over variables in the VB Editor Window with mouse cursor, set watches on variables ( Highlight any occurrence of a variable in the VB Editor and Hit Shift+F9 ) , etc.. and then you should expected the required Output to be pasted out starting Top Left at cell M17

' Delete One Row From a ... group of contiguous cells in a Spreadsheet

' To Test Function, Type some arbitrary values in range A1:E10, step through code in F8 Debug Mode in VB Editor, and examine Worksheet, Immediate Window ( Ctrl+G when in VB Editor ), hover over variables in the VB Editor Window with mouse cursor, set watches on variables ( Highlight any occurrence of a variable in the VB Editor and Hit Shift+F9 ) , etc.. and then you should expected the required Output to be pasted out starting Top Left at cell M17
' http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2083-Delete-One-Row-From-A-2D-Variant-Array?p=9714#post9714
Sub snb_()
Dim sp() As Variant
Let sp() = Fu_snb(Range("A1:E10"), 5)
Range("M17").Resize(UBound(sp(), 1), UBound(sp(), 2)).ClearContents
Let Range("M17").Resize(UBound(sp(), 1), UBound(sp(), 2)) = sp
End Sub

Required Function_...
Function Fu_snb(ByVal sn As Range, ByVal y As Long) As Variant
_...in next Post

06-07-2016, 10:42 PM
Required Function for last Post

Function Fu_snb(ByVal sn As Range, ByVal y As Long) As Variant
10 ' use "neat magic" code line arrOut() = Application.Index(arrIn(), rwsT(), clms()) http://www.excelforum.com/excel-new-users-basics/1099995-application-index-with-look-up-rows-and-columns-arguments-as-vba-arrays.html http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/908760-visual-basic-applications-copy-2-dimensional-array-into-1-dimensional-single-column-2.html#post4375354
20 ' So we have sn as a range sn, ( can be uses syntaxly for arrIn() in "neat magic" line. ). Consequtive columns indicies as simple transpose of consequtive row Indicies from Spreadsheet row Funnction. Row indicies as the consequtive row indicies with the row to be deleted taken out
30 ' so snb does arrOut() = Application.Index(sn, rwsT(), clms())
60 ' clms() = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
70 'clms()
80 Dim clms() As Variant: Let clms() = Evaluate("column(A1:E10)")
90 Let clms() = Evaluate("column(" & sn.Address & ")")
100 Dim sName As String: Let sName = "snb_002"
110 Let sn.Name = sName
120 Let clms() = Evaluate("column(" & sName & ")")
129 Let clms() = Evaluate("column(snb_002)")
130 '== DANGER: === Pitful: Above we gave the Range Object a Name, but now see what "Name" or "Name" 's comes back "!" !
132 Dim retRefstrName As String, retObjName As Object
133 Let retRefstrName = sn.Name: Set retObjName = sn.Name: Debug.Print sn.Name 'something of the form "NPueyoGyanArraySlicing!$A$1:$E$10" is reveald in Immediate ( Ctrl+G when in VB Editor ) Window
134 'Let clms() = Evaluate("column(=NPueyoGyanArraySlicing!$A$1:$E$10)") 'Let clms() = Evaluate("column(" & retRefstrName & ")")' Rintime Error 13: Incompatiblee types
135 Let clms() = Evaluate("column(NPueyoGyanArraySlicing!$A$1:$E$10)") 'Works
137 Dim NameOnly As String: Let NameOnly = Replace((sn.Name), "!", "", (InStr(1, (sn.Name), "!"))): 'Debug.Print sn.Name: Dim pos&: pos = InStr(1, (sn.Name), "!"): NameOnly = Replace((sn.Name), "!", "", pos) ' We had ---- "NPueyoGyanArraySlicing!$A$1:$E$10" This is a String referrece returned when the Name Object is used directly or set to a String Variable. so here I return a string that starts at the position of the ! and which replaces in that truncated shortened string - "!$A$1:$E$10" the "!" with nothing
138 Let clms() = Evaluate("column(" & NameOnly & ")"): Let clms() = Evaluate("column(" & Replace((sn.Name), "!", "", (InStr(1, (sn.Name), "!"))) & ")")
140 Dim strName As String: Let strName = sn.Name.Name: Debug.Print strName: Let strName = retObjName.Name: Debug.Print strName ' returns our original "CoN"
142 Let clms() = Evaluate("column(" & strName & ")")
150 Dim rngF1G2 As Range: Set rngF1G2 = Range("F1:G2"): Let Range("F1:G2").Value = "From Line 150"
151 Let Range("=NPueyoGyanArraySlicing!F1:G2").Value = "From Line 151"
152 Let rngF1G2.Name = "snFG": Let Range("snFG").Value = "From Line 152"
149 '===============
160 'rwsT() snb rws() = VBA.Split(Trim(Replace(" " & Join(Evaluate("transpose(row(A1:E10))")) & " ", " " & y & " ", " ")))
170 'Final required row Indicies, with a missing indicie, as a string ( Hard Copy )
180 Dim strrwsD As String
190 Let strrwsD = "1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10"
200 Let strrwsD = Replace("1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10", " 5 ", " ", 1)
210 Dim strRws As String: Let strRws = "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10"
220 Let strrwsD = Replace(strRws, " 5 ", " ", 1)
240 'Get full sequential row conveniently from Row Function - ( correct "orientation" to use in "neat magic" code line, but wrong "orientation" to use Join Function {1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10} )
250 Dim arr_2D1row() As Variant
260 Let arr_2D1row() = Evaluate("row(A1:E10)") ' 1 To 10, 1 To 1
280 'Get full sequential row string.
290 Let strRws = Join(Evaluate("transpose(row(A1:E10))"), " ") 'Join must have eindimensional Array, as given by transpose working on a 2D 1 column Array
300 Let strRws = Join(Application.Transpose((Evaluate("row(A1:E10)"))), " ")
310 Let strRws = Join(Application.Transpose((arr_2D1row())), " ") ' Join ( Transpose ( { 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10} ) ) = Join ( { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} )
330 'Final required row Indicies, with a missing indicie, as a string
340 Let strrwsD = Replace(strRws, " 5 ", " ", 1)
350 Let strrwsD = Replace(strRws, " " & y & " ", " ", 1)

360 'Split Final String by " " to get 1 1d "Pseudo Horizontal" Array
370 Dim rws() As String: Let rws() = VBA.Split(strrwsD, " ") ' 1 D Array
380 'Final Transposed Array for "magic neat" code line
390 Dim rwsT() As Variant: Let rwsT() = Application.Transpose(rws()) ' 2 D 1 "column" Array
440 'Output Array
450 Dim arrOut() As Variant
460 arrOut() = Application.Index(sn, rwsT(), clms())
480 Let Fu_snb = arrOut()
490 'Or
Let Fu_snb = Application.Index(sn, Application.Transpose(VBA.Split(Replace(Join(Appli cation.Transpose((Evaluate("row(A1:E10)"))), " "), " " & y & " ", " ", 1), " ")), Evaluate("column(A1:E10)"))
'Finally the "extra" named range bit:
'Let sn.Name = "snb_002"
Let Fu_snb = Application.Index(sn, Application.Transpose(VBA.Split(Replace(Join(Appli cation.Transpose((Evaluate("row(snb_002)"))), " "), " " & y & " ", " ", 1), " ")), Evaluate("column(snb_002)"))
' "Shorthand" evaluate
Let Fu_snb = Application.Index(sn, Application.Transpose(VBA.Split(Replace(Join(Appli cation.Transpose(([row(snb_002)])), " "), " " & y & " ", " ", 1), " ")), [column(snb_002)])
'Let Fu_snb = Application.Index(sn, Application.Transpose(VBA.Split(Trim(Replace(" " & Join(Evaluate("transpose(row(snb_002))")) & " ", " " & y & " ", " ")))), Evaluate("column(snb_002)"))
'Let Fu_snb = Application.Index(sn, Application.Transpose(Split(Trim(Replace(" " & Join([transpose(row(snb_002))]) & " ", " " & y & " ", " ")))), [column(snb_002)])
End Function

06-07-2016, 11:52 PM
' To Test Function, Type some arbitrary values in range A1:E10, step through code in F8 Debug Mode in VB Editor, and examine Worksheet, Immediate Window ( Ctrl+G when in VB Editor ), hover over variables in the VB Editor Window with mouse cursor, set watches on variables ( Highlight any occurrence of a variable in the VB Editor and Hit Shift+F9 ) , etc.. and then you should expected the required Output to be pasted out starting Top Left at cell M17

Main Test Code ( Required Function given a couple of Posts down )

' Delete One Row From A 2D Excel Range Area
' To Test Function, Type some arbitrary values in range A1:E10, step through code in F8 Debug Mode in VB Editor, and examine Worksheet, Immediate Window ( Ctrl+G when in VB Editor ), hover over variables in the VB Editor Window with mouse cursor, set watches on variables ( Highlight any occurrence of a variable in the VB Editor and Hit Shift+F9 ) , etc.. and then you should expected the required Output to be pasted out starting Top Left at cell M17

Sub Alan()
Dim sp() As Variant
'Dim DataArr() As Variant: Let DataArr() = Range("A1:E10").Value
Let sp() = FuR_Alan(Range("A1:E10"), 5)
'Let sp() = FuRSHg(Range("A1:E10"), 5)
'Let sp() = FuRSHgDotT(Range("A1:E10"), 5)
'Let sp() = FuRSHgShtHd(Range("A1:E10"), 5)
Range("M17").Resize(UBound(sp(), 1), UBound(sp(), 2)).ClearContents
Let Range("M17").Resize(UBound(sp(), 1), UBound(sp(), 2)) = sp()
End Sub


For no particular reason I am considering this as my Input "Area"

Using Excel 2007 32 bit












Sheet: NPueyoGyanArraySlicing


Expected Output shown in next Post

06-07-2016, 11:53 PM
In Support of this Forum Question:

Multiple Variable Arguments to Application.OnTime

I have fought with the tricky syntax for arguments to Application.OnTime ( or Application.Run, which is similar ) every time I have needed it. I have often gone here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31439866/multiple-variable-arguments-to-application-ontime , as well as arrived a few times at the other links referenced below in the second post. As often they almost, but not quite, got me there.

I spent some time making myself some worked examples to reference in the future, and also convinced myself finally that I understand what is going on.

So I am sharing my solutions , and finally I think I can have a stab at answering thel question regarding concisely explaining / justifying the syntax..

I am deliberately giving very full explicit code lines for two reasons

_ 1. Its easy to simplify it to the more usual shortened version if you only need that, but going the other way , from the more common simplified form to the full explicit form, should you need that, is quite hard.

_ 2.Showing the full explicit code line syntax helps with my attempt at explain the syntax, and so is needed in answering the question fully.

The full explicit syntax would be needed , for example , to ensure the corrects file were opened, when we want to trigger a macro in a closed workbook. ( In such a case, the closed workbook would be opened. The VBA Application.OnTime code line will do this opening, provided it has the full explicit form )

I am using 2 example files, the first would be opened , the second can be closed or open , but the second should be in the same folder. ( The reason why it needs to be in the same folder is just for simplified demonstration, - I have organised that demonstration macros will look for the closed workbook in the same folder. In the practice, the closed workbook can be anywhere if you replace exactly this bit , ( including the first " ) , with the full path and file name of the closed workbook

" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "" & "UverFile.xls

In other words, you would replace that last bit with something like …_


_ .. giving a complete code line of this sort of form:

Application.OnTime Now(), "'" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "UverFile.xls" & "'" & "!'Modul1.MacroInUverFile ""465""'": Debug.Print "!'Modul1.MacroInUverFile ""465""'"

Open workbook - MainFile.xls : https://app.box.com/s/prqhroiqcb0qccewz5si0h5kslsw5i5h

Module "Modul1" in MainFile.xls
(This is the main module from which all macros are run)

See here: http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2404-Notes-tests-Application-Run-OnTime-Multiple-Variable-Arguments-ByRef-ByVal?p=11861&viewfull=1#post11861

Worksheets Class module of first worksheet "Tabelle1" in MainFile.xls

Option Explicit
Sub InLisWbFirstWsCodeModule(ByRef Nmbr As Long)
MsgBox prompt:="Arg1 is " & Nmbr
Let Nmbr = 999
End Sub
Sub InLisWbFirstWsCodeModuleMultipleArguments(ByVal Nmbr As Long, ByVal NuverNmbr As Long)
MsgBox prompt:="Arg1 is " & Nmbr & ", Arg2 is " & NuverNmbr
End Sub

Closed workbook - UverFile.xls : https://app.box.com/s/u7r2jw79m8ou70otn7xcxced2qkot4w4

Module "Modul1" in UverFile.xls

Option Explicit
Private Sub MacroInUverFile(ByVal Nmbr As Long)
MsgBox prompt:="Arg1 is " & Nmbr
End Sub
Sub MacroUnderMacroInUverFile(ByVal Nmbr As Long, ByVal NuverNmbr As Long)
MsgBox prompt:="Arg1 is " & Nmbr & ", Arg2 is " & NuverNmbr
End Sub

Worksheets Class module of first worksheet "Tabelle1" in UverFile.xls

Option Explicit
Sub InUverFileFirstWsCodeModule(ByVal Nmbr As Long)
MsgBox prompt:="Arg1 is " & Nmbr
End Sub
Sub InUverFileFirstWsCodeModuleMultipleArguments(ByVal Nmbr As Long, ByVal NuverNmbr As Long)
MsgBox prompt:="Arg1 is " & Nmbr & ", Arg2 is " & NuverNmbr
End Sub

I have tried to give a good spread of working examples, which I found useful to then use as a template to modify to exactly my needs.

Here is the explanation to how things work , which makes the syntax more understandable:

First the nested '
This is generally how VBA handles making any spaces be taken as literal spaces, ( rather than , for example, mistaking them as separating arguments). You will see that in the codes, as I have posted I have done some exaggerated spaces in all code lines which helps to split up
_ the LHS , which in a simplified / shortened use would be typically be left out
_ the RHS , most of which is always needed . (Most likely are likely typically to see the macro name and the arguments . The extra module code name allows you to use macros in any modules , ( regardless of if they are ] Private or Pubic )

Just to make that clear, I have some exaggerated spaces in the code windows above either side of one of the `&`s , so pseudo I have

"---------LHS-------------" & "---------RHS------------------"
or like, pseudo

"String bit containing full path and file name what you mostly don't use" & "String bit containing the macro name and the arguments like you more typically see"
Those exaggerated extra spaces will vanish if you copy and paste that code into the VB editor code window. If I add spaces within the path string on the LHS, such as changing a file name from UverFile.xls to Uver File.xls , then as perhaps expected, the spaces will not change. This is because the enclosing ' ' is doing its job of ensuring that all is taken as literally as it is given.

On the RHS we need also that the information is taken exactly as we give it. This needs to be stored into a buffer from when it is then retrieved and pseudo physically put in. This is why I can add some rogue spaces, as I have done in the code section named ' mess about with argument positions. This modification is also not changed when you post into the VB Code window. This helps us to understand the nested " "

the nested " " in the variable arguments bit.

This is much less difficult then a lot of literature suggests. The only time you need those enclosing quote pair is if you are giving string values in the argument. That is generally the case in VBA code lines, the enclosing quote indicating that a string is being given. ( Since you are already inside a string, then the double quotes need to be doubled, as is standard VBA syntax).
If you are using variables, rather than hard coding, you never need this following often seen complicated syntax, ( provided you have your variables at the top of a module, outside any subroutine ). What I am saying is, that the following complicated argument syntax is, in most cases, more complicated than needed

""" & Arg1 & """ , """ & Arg2 & """

In most cases, that complicated form above can be reduced to this sort of form below

Arg1 , Arg2

To use that simplified form, the variables must be outside the macro with the scheduling Application.OnTime code line, and it must be at the top of the code module, or else, the scheduled macro which is to be set off by VBA later , won't know where to get the variables from

So do not really "need" that complicated syntax, provided you use "module level" variables. But if you use that complicated syntax, it will have the effect of placing the value from the variable in the final argument string that VBA puts into the code line it write to run the scheduled macro later. This would have the effect of that if you use that syntax, and your variables are local, then you might be fooled into thinking that you , ( that is to say VBA in the scheduled macro later ), are using the variables. In fact you are hard coding with values into the string that will finally be used by VBA later in the scheduled macro. I suppose you might say that is using variables within the calling macro, at least from the practical point of use. But understanding what is actually going on, helps , I think, to see where the sometime daunting syntax comes from.

In my demo macros, I refer to that way of using the calling macro variables as "Pseudo" variables use.

Further more, the point that Nick P was making in his answer, is that 4 of those quotes around each variable in that very complicated argument syntax, are there to give the typical required finally seen double enclosing " " pair around a string value. If one of those variables in the example, for example Arg2 , is a number, then even for the case of using the "trick" to make it appear that you are using variable within the scheduling macro, you can do away with some of those quotes, in particular the ones giving finally seen by VBA the the enclosing " " pair, reducing it to

""" & Arg1 & """ , " & Arg2 & "

Examining the right hand side syntax for macro name and arguments.

In all the coding I have a Debug.Print after each Application.OnTime code line. What this is showing is the actual RHS part of the string that VBA uses later when running the scheduled macro. So that is showing the part containing the macro name and the arguments. This helps to show the main point I am trying to get across.

For example, the string in what I refer to as the "Pseudo" variables use , looks like this:

!'Modul1.DoubleCheck "465.42" , "25.4" '

Or, as noted, if a variable, for example, the second is a number , then you can also use this

!'Modul1.DoubleCheck "465.42" , 25.4 '

For what I call the 'Real variable use , the string "seen" must actually use the variable names

!'Modul1.DoubleCheck Modul1.Pbic_Arg1 , Pbic_Arg2 '

Just to clarify that Last code line above. The sub routine being scheduled is Sub DoubleCheck( ) which I have located in my code module with the code name Modul1

Also in that same code module are placed at the top of the module , declarations for the variable, Pbic_Arg1 and Pbic_Arg2 . Pbic_Arg1 is Private , and Pbic_Arg2 is Publc

If you try my coding out running from the VB Editor in step ( F8 ) mode , whilst you have the Immediate Window open , then I think that will help make everything clear

See next post

06-07-2016, 11:56 PM

At the end of the day, the key to getting the syntax correct , and to understanding it , is as follows: You must arrange it such that what VBA "has", ( which you can check via a Debug.Print of the string you are giving ) needs to have a similar form to how you might manually write in arguments in a code line to call a sub routine taking in arguments. You can add a few extra spaces between multiple arguments and the separating comer , just as you might do carelessly when typing in manually a series of arguments. Presumably, VBA later, when it uses exactly your given string, it does something similar to what happens when you physically write or paste such things in, the result of which is that those extra spaces get removed.

The point of the enclosing ' ' is to indicate to VBA to take literally exactly as you have written it. In my explicit code lines we need that for both the LHS and the RHS. More typically the LHS is omitted.

Any use of a complicated combination of many double or triple " pairs is more of a trick to give you a way to effectively use variables that are within the scheduling macro , in the scheduling Application.OnTime code line. If your variables are in a code module outside of any sub routine, then the variable syntax is much simplified. In this case you do not actually need any quotes within the main string, not even if the a variable type is string. ( The complete second argument of the Application.OnTime always needs to be enclosed in a quote pair )


http://www.tushar-mehta.com/publish_train/xl_vba_cases/1022_ByRef_Argument_with_the_Application_Run_metho d.shtml

@ Holger Leichsenring - Hi . I think the apostrophes must enclose the macro name AND the arguments. Any number types can be passed without quotes. The macro you want to call can reside in any module, in any workbook, (open or closed) , and need not be Public. ( My geuss is that `Application.OnTime` uses the same wiring as `Application.Run` , which has the advantage, over simple Calling a sub , that it will run both Public and Private subs ( https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55266228/difference-between-calling-a-sub-and-application-run/59809370#59809370 ) )

Gruß, Alan

06-08-2016, 02:24 PM
This is the sort of output seen in the Immediate window, which is showing the right hand side of the Application.OnTime second argument string

Rem 1
This workbook module, single arrgument
!'Modul1.UnderMainMacro 465'
!'Modul1.UnderMainMacro "465"'

UverFile module, single argument
!'Modul1.MacroInUverFile 465'
!'Modul1.MacroInUverFile "465"'

Thisworkbook module, multiple arguments
!'Modul1.UnderUnderMainMacro 465, 25'
!'Modul1.UnderUnderMainMacro 465, "25"'

UverFile module, multiple argument
!'Modul1.MacroUnderMacroInUverFile 465, 25'
!'Modul1.MacroUndermacroInUverFile 465, "25"'

mess about with argument positions
!'Modul1.UnderUnderMainMacro 465 , "25" '

This workbook first worksheet code module, single arrgument
!'Tabelle1.InLisWbFirstWcCodeModule 465'
!'Tabelle1.InLisWbFirstWcCodeModule "465"'

UverFile first worksheet code module, single arrgument
!'Tabelle1.InUverFileFirstWsCodeModule 465'
!'Tabelle1.InUverFileFirstWsCodeModule "465"'

This workbook first worksheet code module, multiple arguments
!'Tabelle1.InLisWbFirstWcCodeModuleMultipleArgumen ts 465 , "25" '
!'Tabelle1.InLisWbFirstWcCodeModuleMultipleArgumen ts "465" , 25 '

UverFile first worksheet code module, Multiple arrgument
!'Tabelle1.InUverFileFirstWsCodeModuleMultipleArgu ments 465 , "25" '
!'Tabelle1.InUverFileFirstWsCodeModuleMultipleArgu ments "465" , "25" '

Doubles do not have to be in quotes either ' This workbook module, double argument arrgument
!'Modul1.DoubleCheck 465.5 , "25.4" '

Rem 2 Variables
'2a) "Pseudo" variables use
!'Modul1.DoubleCheck "465.42" , "25.4" '
!'Modul1.DoubleCheck "465.42" , 25.4 '

'2b) Real varable use
!'Modul1.DoubleCheck Modul1.Pbic_Arg1 , Pbic_Arg2 '
!'Modul1.DoubleCheck Modul1.Pbic_Arg1, Pbic_Arg2'
!'Modul1.DoubleCheck module2.Pbic_Arg1, Pbic_Arg2'

Rem 3 ByRef Check

Rem 3 ByRef Check

Rem 3 ByRef Check

06-08-2016, 11:12 PM
Second Code with further lines to overcome extra () required for start row and star column codes

Obtaining grid coordinates for an Area of contiguous cells in a Spreadsheet using [ ] and Evaluate(" ") through the use of a Named Range for that Area

Aka ' It is a Range Name Test 2: Its n Range Name Test 2: 's 'n Rng Name Test 2: s n Rg Name Testie 2: snRg.Name = "snRgNme"
This code is in support of other Posts in various Threads. ( I will edit the Links as I reference this post )

The code takes in a hard coded Range, A1:E10.
That Range is given a Name as held in the Names Register of a Workbook ( Workbooks Scope ).
Various code lines are developed which reference this Named Range and return the Grid Coordinates.

These coordinates are held within the following Long Type Variables
Cs is the column count
sClm is the start column
stpClm is the stop column
Rs is the rows count start row
sRw is the start row
stpRw is the stop row

' Code 2
'10 ' It is a Range Name Test 2: Its n Range Name Test 2: 's 'n Rng Name Test 2: s n Rg Name Testie 2: snRg.Name = "snRgNme"
Sub snRgNameTest2() ' Inspired by.. snb .. " array [ ] " ' http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2083-Delete-One-Row-From-A-2D-Variant-Array?p=9714#post9714
20 ' Worksheets Info
30 Dim ws As Worksheet ' ' Preparing a "Pointer" to an Initial "Blue Print" ( or a Form, or a Questionnaire not yet filled in, a template etc.) in Memory of the Object ( Pigeon Hole with a bit of paper or code lines on that can be filled in to refer to a specific Object of this type ) . This also us to get easily at the Methods and Properties through the applying of a period ( .Dot) ( intellisense )
40 'Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("NPueyoGyanArraySlicing") 'The worksheets collection object is used to Set ws to the Sheet we are playing with, so that we carefull allways referrence this so as not to go astray through Excel Guessing inplicitly not the one we want... ' Values are filled at the memory locations and the directions there are specified in the variable "Blue Print "Pointer". In this case a Filled in Blue Print is passed. http://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming-vba-macros/1138804-help-understanding-class-instancing-cant-set-ws-new-worksheet-intellisense-offers-it-4.html#post4387191
50 Set ws = ActiveSheet ' Alternative to last line, make code apply to the current active sheet, - That being "looked at" when running this code '
60 Dim vTemp As Variant ' To help development when you are not sure what type is retuned. "Suck and see what comnes out!" Highlight it and Hit Shift+F9 to see it in the imediate Window
70 ' Named Range referrencing ' Workbooks ( Default ) Scope Invoke Pike Evaluate Rabbit Rabbit. How's the Bunny ? Bunnytations Banters
80 Dim snRg As Range: Set snRg = ws.Range("A1:E10")
90 Dim sName As String: Let sName = "snRgNme" '
100 Let snRg.Name = "snRgNme" ' It is a Range Name me - " 's 'n Range Name me " .. "snRgNme" ;) This name appears permanentlly in then sheet. It remains referrencing this range unless the name iis deleted or the range referrenced is overwritten by a similar code line which has a different range in it on RHS of = http://www.thespreadsheetguru.com/blog/2014/6/20/the-vba-guide-to-listobject-excel-tables
110 Let snRg.Name = sName ' Identical to last line
130 '== DANGER: === Pitful: Above we gave the Range Object a Name, but now see what "Name" or "Name" 's comes back "!" !
131 Dim clms() As Variant 'Array to take returned Variant type Field of sequential column numbers
132 Dim retRefstrName As String, retObjName As Object
133 Let retRefstrName = snRg.Name: Set retObjName = snRg.Name: Debug.Print snRg.Name 'something of the form "NPueyoGyanArraySlicing!$A$1:$E$10" is reveald in Immediate ( Ctrl+G when in VB Editor ) Window
134 'Let clms() = Evaluate("column(=NPueyoGyanArraySlicing!$A$1:$E$10)") 'Let clms() = Evaluate("column(" & retRefstrName & ")")' Rintime Error 13: Incompatiblee types
135 Let clms() = Evaluate("column(NPueyoGyanArraySlicing!$A$1:$E$10)") 'Works
137 Dim NameOnly As String: Let NameOnly = Replace((snRg.Name), "!", "", (InStr(1, (snRg.Name), "!"))): 'Debug.Print snRg.Name: Dim pos&: pos = InStr(1, (snRg.Name), "!"): NameOnly = Replace((snRg.Name), "!", "", pos) ' We had ---- "NPueyoGyanArraySlicing!$A$1:$E$10" This is a String referrece returned when the Name Object is used directly or set to a String Variable. so here I return a string that starts at the position of the ! and which replaces in that truncated shortened string - "!$A$1:$E$10" the "!" with nothing
138 Let clms() = Evaluate("column(" & NameOnly & ")"): Let clms() = Evaluate("column(" & Replace((snRg.Name), "!", "", (InStr(1, (snRg.Name), "!"))) & ")")
140 Dim strName As String: Let strName = snRg.Name.Name: Debug.Print strName: Let strName = retObjName.Name: Debug.Print strName ' returns our original "CoN"
142 Let clms() = Evaluate("column(" & strName & ")")
150 Dim rngF1G2 As Range: Set rngF1G2 = Range("F1:G2"): Let Range("F1:G2").Value = "From Line 150"
151 Let Range("=NPueyoGyanArraySlicing!F1:G2").Value = "From Line 151"
152 Let rngF1G2.Name = "snFG": Let Range("snFG").Value = "From Line 152"
159 '===============
160 Let clms() = Evaluate("column(snRgNme)"): Let clms() = [column(snRgNme)] ' Full and "shorthand" Simple 1 D "pseudo horizontal" Array of column Indicies.
170 '
180 ' Count, Start, and Stop of columns in an Area of contiguous cells in a Spreadsheet
190 Dim Cs As Long 'Variable for ColumnsCount. -This makes a Pigeon Hole sufficient in construction to house a piece of Paper with code text giving the relevant information for the particular Variable Type. VBA is sent to it when it passes it. In a Routine it may be given a particular "Value", or ("Values" for Objects). There instructions say then how to do that and handle(store) that(those). At Dim the created Paper is like a Blue Print that has some empty spaces not yet filled in. Long is very simple to handle, final memory "size" type is known (13.456, 00.001 have same "size" computer memory ),so an Address suggestion can be given for when the variable is filled in. (Long is a Big whole Number limit (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647). If you need some sort of validation the value should only be within the range of a Byte/Integer otherwise there's no point using anything but Long.-upon/after 32-bit, Integers (Short) need converted internally anyway, so a Long is actually faster)
200 Let Cs = Evaluate("columns(snRgNme)") ' = 5
210 'Let Cs = Evaluate("columns(RetunedsnRgName)") 'Run time Error as expected
220 Let Cs = [columns(snRgNme)] ' = 5 'Is this Most Powerful Command in VBA?, or what ... http://www.ozgrid.com/forum/showthread.php?t=52372 http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/899117-visual-basic-applications-range-a1-a5-vs-%5Ba1-a5%5D-benefits-dangers.html
230 'Let Cs = [columns(RetunedsnRgName)] 'Run time Error as expected
240 Let Cs = [columns(A1:E10)] ' = 5
250 Let vTemp = Evaluate("column(snRgNme)") ' Reveals an Array {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} - 1 Dimension "pseudo Horizontal" Array
260 Dim sClm As Long 'Variable for Start Column
270 Let sClm = Evaluate("column(A1:E10)")(1)
280 Let sClm = Evaluate("column(snRgNme)")(1) ' = 1
290 Let sClm = [column(A1:E10)]()(1)
300 Let sClm = [column(snRgNme)]()(1)
302 Let sClm = Evaluate("=MIN(column(snRgNme))"): Let sClm = [=MIN(column(snRgNme))] 'Alternative using Spreadsheet Functions to avoid having to VBA ()( ) after the Evaluate
329 '
330 Dim stpClm% ' Variable for Stop column Number ' ( % is shorthand for As Long ..http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?t=1116127&p=4256569#post4256569
340 Let stpClm = sClm + (Cs - 1) ' = 5
350 ' [ ]
360 Let stpClm = [column(A1:E10)]()(1) + ([columns(A1:E10)] - 1)
370 Let stpClm = [column(snRgNme)]()(1) + ([columns(snRgNme)] - 1)
380 ' In between step [ ] and Evaluate(" ")
390 Let stpClm = [column(snRgNme)]()(UBound([column(snRgNme)]))
400 ' Now Full Evaluate(" ")
410 Let stpClm = Evaluate("column(snRgNme)")(1) + (Evaluate("columns(snRgNme)") - 1)
420 Let stpClm = Evaluate("column(snRgNme)")(UBound(Evaluate("column(snRgNme)")))
430 Let stpClm = Evaluate("=MIN(column(snRgNme))") + (Evaluate("columns(snRgNme)") - 1) ''Alternatives using Spreadsheet Functions to avoid having to VBA ()( ) after the Evaluate
431 Let stpClm = [=MIN(column(snRgNme))] + ([columns(snRgNme)] - 1)
432 Let stpClm = [=MIN(column(snRgNme)) + (columns(snRgNme) - 1)]
439 '
440 ' Start, Count and Stop of rows in an Area of contiguous cells in a Spreadsheet
450 Dim Rs As Long 'Rows Count
460 Let Rs = Evaluate("rows(snRgNme)")
470 Let Rs = [rows(snRgNme)]
480 Let Rs = [rows(A1:E10)]
490 Let vTemp = Evaluate("row(snRgNme)") ' = {1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10}
500 Dim sRw As Long 'Start Row
510 Let sRw = Evaluate("row(A1:E10)")(1, 1) 'Note a 2 Dimensional, 1 column, "vertical" Array is returned : ' vTemp = {1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10}
520 Let sRw = Evaluate("row(snRgNme)")(1, 1)
530 Let sRw = [row(A1:E10)]()(1, 1)
540 Let sRw = [row(snRgNme)]()(1, 1)
550 Let sRw = Evaluate("=MIN(Row(snRgNme))"): Let sRw = [=MIN(Row(snRgNme))] '''Alternatives using Spreadsheet Functions to avoid having to VBA ()( ) after the Evaluate
570 Dim stpRw% 'Stop Row
580 Let stpRw = sRw + (Rs - 1)
590 Let stpRw = [row(A1:E10)]()(1, 1) + ([rows(A1:E10)] - 1)
600 Let stpRw = [row(snRgNme)]()(1, 1) + ([rows(snRgNme)] - 1)
610 '
620 Let stpRw = [row(snRgNme)]()(UBound([row(snRgNme)], 1), 1) 'UBound([row(snRgNme)], 1) is Ubound first ( "row" ) dimension. UBound([row(snRgNme)], 2) would be the second dimension ( "column" ) count
630 '
640 Let stpRw = Evaluate("row(snRgNme)")(1, 1) + (Evaluate("rows(snRgNme)") - 1)
650 Let stpRw = Evaluate("row(snRgNme)")(UBound(Evaluate("row(snRgNme)")), 1)
660 '
670 Let stpRw = Evaluate("=MIN(Row(snRgNme))") + (Evaluate("rows(snRgNme)") - 1) ''''Alternatives using Spreadsheet Functions to avoid having to VBA ()( ) after the Evaluate
680 Let stpRw = [=MIN(Row(snRgNme))] + [rows(snRgNme)] - 1
690 Let stpRw = [=MIN(Row(snRgNme))] + [rows(snRgNme)] - 1
700 Let stpRw = [=MIN(Row(snRgNme)) + rows(snRgNme) - 1]
End Sub

06-08-2016, 11:42 PM
Alternative Codes using [ ] shorthand
Delete One Row From A 2D Excel Range Area

' To Test Function, Type some arbitrary values in range A1:E10, step through Main Test Code in F8 Debug Mode in VB Editor, and examine Worksheet, Immediate Window ( Ctrl+G when in VB Editor ), hover over variables in the VB Editor Window with mouse cursor, set watches on variables ( Highlight any occurrence of a variable in the VB Editor and Hit Shift+F9 ) , etc.. and then you should expected the required Output to be pasted out starting Top Left at cell M17

' Delete One Row From A 2D Excel Range Area
' To Test Function, Type some arbitrary values in range A1:E10, step through code in F8 Debug Mode in VB Editor, and examine Worksheet, Immediate Window ( Ctrl+G when in VB Editor ), hover over variables in the VB Editor Window with mouse cursor, set watches on variables ( Highlight any occurrence of a variable in the VB Editor and Hit Shift+F9 ) , etc.. and then you should expected the required Output to be pasted out starting Top Left at cell M17
' "Short hand", ShtHd, version using []
' requires snb and kalak "neat trick" so you can to all intents and purpose do very close to doing vba Un Hard coded in [ ] - http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2083-Delete-One-Row-From-A-2D-Variant-Array?p=9714#post9714 http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/899117-visual-basic-applications-range-a1-a5-vs-%5Ba1-a5%5D-benefits-dangers.html#post4331217
' and Evaluate [ ] Properties , AloPerties, Methods - Alan Dynamic Coding Wonks http://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming-vba-macros/1141369-evaluate-and-differences-evaluated-array-return-needs-extra-bracket-for.html#post4400666
Function FuR_AlanShtHd(ByVal rngIn As Range, ByVal FoutRw As Long) As Variant
1 Let rngIn.Name = "snRgNme"
5 Dim vTemp As Variant 'A varyable to fill with something and "suck and see" what you get
10 ' use "neat magic" code line arrOut() = Application.Index(arrIn(), rwsT(), clms()) ' http://www.excelforum.com/excel-new-users-basics/1099995-application-index-with-look-up-rows-and-columns-arguments-as-vba-arrays.html http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/908760-visual-basic-applications-copy-2-dimensional-array-into-1-dimensional-single-column-2.html#post4375354
20 ' BUT in Cells form arrOut() = Application.Index(Cells, rwsT(), clms()) ' http://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming-vba-macros/1105617-trouble-writing-huge-array-into-worksheet-range-2.html
30 Dim ws As Worksheet ' ' Preparing a "Pointer" to an Initial "Blue Print" ( or a Form, or a Questionnaire not yet filled in, a template etc.) in Memory of the Object ( Pigeon Hole with a bit of paper or code lines on that can be filled in to refer to a specific Object of this type ) . This also us to get easily at the Methods and Properties through the applying of a period ( .Dot) ( intellisense )
40 Set ws = rngIn.Parent ' Values are filled at the memory locations and the directions there are specified in the variable "Blue Print "Pointer". In this case a Filled in Blue Print is passed. http://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming-vba-macros/1138804-help-understanding-class-instancing-cant-set-ws-new-worksheet-intellisense-offers-it-4.html#post4387191
50 ws.Range("K30").ClearContents: ws.Range("K30").Value = "Here I am, in this Worksheet!"
60 'clms()
70 Dim sClm As Long, Cs As Long 'Variable for Count of, Start Column. - This makes a Pigeon Hole sufficient in construction to house a piece of Paper with code text giving the relevant information for the particular Variable Type. VBA is sent to it when it passes it. In a Routine it may be given a particular "Value", or ("Values" for Objects). There instructions say then how to do that and handle(store) that(those). At Dim the created Paper is like a Blue Print that has some empty spaces not yet filled in. Long is very simple to handle, final memory "size" type is known (13.456, 00.001 have same "size" computer memory ),so an Address suggestion can be given for when the variable is filled in. (Long is a Big whole Number limit (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647). If you need some sort of validation the value should only be within the range of a Byte/Integer otherwise there's no point using anything but Long.-upon/after 32-bit, Integers (Short) need converted internally anyway, so a Long is actually faster)
80 Let sClm = [=MIN(column(snRgNme))] '###Not needed now. Alternative using Spreadsheet Functions to avoid having to VBA ()( ) after the Evaluate
90 Dim clms() As Variant ' Evaluate Function used below returns a Field of Variant Element Types so the Array Elemments must be Declared appropriately. Must be adynamic Array to accept and be effectivelly sized by the Field size assigned to it.
95 Let clms() = [column(snRgNme)] ' snb Range Name equivalent so ### 'Let clms() = Evaluate("column(" & CL(sClm) & ":" & CL(sClm + (Cs - 1)) & ")")
160 'rwsT()
170 Dim sRw As Long, Rs As Long, stpRw As Long '
180 Let sRw = [=MIN(Row(snRgNme))] '''Alternatives using Spreadsheet Functions to avoid having to VBA ()( ) after the Evaluate ' Let sRw = rngIn.Areas.Item(1).Row
190 Let Rs = [rows(snRgNme)] 'Let Rs = rngIn.Areas.Item(1).Rows.Count
191 Let stpRw = [=MIN(Row(snRgNme)) + rows(snRgNme) - 1] '''Alternatives using Spreadsheet Functions to avoid having to VBA ()( ) after the Evaluate
240 'Get Full row indicies convenientally ( As 1 D "pseudo horizontal" Array ) from Spreadsheet Column() Function
250 Dim rws() As Variant: Let rws() = Evaluate("column(" & CL(sRw) & ":" & CL(sRw + (Rs - 1)) & ")")
251 Let vTemp = [CL(1)]: vTemp = [CL(MIN(Row(snRgNme)))] 'Both Return "A"
252 vTemp = [CL(MIN(Row(snRgNme)) + rows(snRgNme) - 1)] 'Returns "J"
254 Let rws() = [column(A:J)] ' Works
257 'Let rws() = [column(CL(1):J)] ' Fails - Bug in Excel ! ? !
258 'Let rws() = [column(CL(MIN(Row(snRgNme))):CL(MIN(Row(snRgNme)) + rows(snRgNme) - 1))] ' Fails - Bug in Excel ! ? !
260 Let rws() = Evaluate("column(" & [CL(MIN(Row(snRgNme)))] & ":" & [CL(MIN(Row(snRgNme)) + rows(snRgNme) - 1)] & ")")
280 'Get full sequential row indicies in a string.
290 Dim strRws As String: Let strRws = VBA.Strings$.Join(rws(), "|") ' 'The VBA strings collection such as Join in there basic form must not returnn a string, they can also return for example Null, a special type of variant. That lies within it's "powers. - It will coerce even an Empty, or Null to a variant type and return that. That takes extra ( unecerssary work here ). If the result of a function is used as a string or assigned it to a string variable, use the $ form of the function. This results in faster executing code, because a conversion from a variant to a string is unnecessary. http://www.excelforum.com/excel-new-users-basics/1058406-range-dimensioning-range-and-value-referencing-and-referring-to-arrays-5.html#post4084783 I believe that without $ a Strings collection Function coerces the first parameter into Variant, with $ does not - that's why $ is preferable over no $ , it's theoretically more efficient. http://www.xoc.net/standards/rvbacc.asp#DollarSignFunctions
330 'Get String with missing row
340 Dim strrwsD As String: Let strrwsD = Replace(strRws, "|" & FoutRw & "", "", 1, -1)
360 'Get Array ( 1 D Pseudo Horizontal ) of required row indicies
370 Dim rwsS() As String ' The VBA Strings Collection Function, Split, used below returns a Field of String Element Types so the Array Elemments must be Declared appropriately. It must be adynamic Array to accept and be effectivelly sized by the Field size assigned to it.
375 Let rwsS() = VBA.Strings$.Split(strrwsD, "|", -1)
380 'final Transposed Array for "magic neat" code line
390 Dim rwsT() As String: ReDim rwsT(0 To (UBound(rwsS())), 1 To 1) ' Both the type and size of Array is known so can be decared initially appropriatelly. Re Dim must be used as Dim only takes values, not variables
400 Dim Cnt As Long
410 For Cnt = 0 To UBound(rwsS())
420 Let rwsT(Cnt, 1) = rwsS(Cnt)
430 Next Cnt

440 'Output Array
450 Dim arrOut() As Variant
460 Let arrOut() = Application.Index(ws.Cells, rwsT(), clms()) '"Magic neat" Code line in Cells first argument Form
480 Let FuR_AlanShtHd = arrOut()
500 ' . Transpose
510 Dim rwsDotT() As Variant ' Transpose Function used below returns a Field of Variant Element Types so the Array Elemments must be Declared appropriately. Must be adynamic Array to accept and be effectivelly sized by the Field size assigned to it.
520 Let rwsDotT() = Application.Transpose(rwsS())
530 Let arrOut() = Application.Index(ws.Cells, rwsDotT(), clms())
550 Let FuR_AlanShtHd = arrOut()
End Function

06-26-2016, 10:27 PM
More Named Range Scope Wonks. Problems when Worksheet Scoped WorkSheet is different from Worksheet refered to in RefersTo:= Range Object argument

Here is a another partial solution to the This Thread

It was also used to answer a few questions I had here:
http://www.thespreadsheetguru.com/blog/the-vba-guide-to-named-ranges[I][COLOR="#000080"] ( Comment 22 )
Here is what I wrote there:
Reply Posted at
6 th June 2016:

Hi Just feeding back from my "experiments" over the weekend_...
_..So now o answer my questions:
_1) I have not yet seen anything to suggest the answer to that is not yes.

10-23-2016, 02:19 PM
Referrences in suppost of this post:

and solution to this post

' http://www.snb-vba.eu/VBA_Arraylist_en.html
' http://www.snb-vba.eu/VBA_Arraylist_en.html#L_11.3

' https://usefulgyaan.wordpress.com/2013/06/12/vba-trick-of-the-week-slicing-an-array-without-loop-application-index/comment-page-1/#comment-587

' https://usefulgyaan.wordpress.com/2013/06/12/vba-trick-of-the-week-slicing-an-array-without-loop-application-index/comment-page-1/#comment-515

' https://usefulgyaan.wordpress.com/2013/06/12/vba-trick-of-the-week-slicing-an-array-without-loop-application-index/comment-page-1/#comment-587
Sub M_snbSortof() ' http://www.snb-vba.eu/VBA_Arraylist_en.html#L_11.3
Dim rngVoll As Range: Set rngVoll = Tabelle3.Range("A1:E10")
Dim snAll() As Variant, Sported() As Variant
Let snAll() = rngVoll.Value
Dim j As Long, jj As Long
With CreateObject("System.Collections.Arraylist")
For j = 1 To UBound(snAll(), 1)
.Add snAll(j, 3)
Let Sported() = .ToArray
For j = 0 To UBound(Sported())
For jj = 1 To UBound(snAll(), 1)
If snAll(jj, 3) = Sported(j) Then
' Use Range to overcome Array size Limits of Worksheets Functions
'Dim Clm As Range: Set Clm = Application.Index(rngVoll, jj, 0)
' .Add Clm.Value
' .Add (Application.Index(rngVoll, jj, 0).Value)

' Use Cells to overcome Array size Limits of Worksheets Functions
Dim LB As Long, UB As Long '…User Given start and Stop Column as a Number
Let LB = LBound(snAll(), 2): Let UB = UBound(snAll(), 2)
Dim strLtrLB As String, strLtrUB As String '…Column Letter corresponding to Column Number
'There are many ways to get a Column Letter from a Column Number – excelforum.com/tips-and-tutorials/1108643-vba-column-letter-from-column-number-explained.html
Let strLtrLB = Split(Cells(1, LB).Address, "$")(1) 'An Address Method
Let strLtrUB = Replace (Replace(Cells(1, UB).Address, "1", ""), "$", "") 'A Replace Method
'Obtain Column Indicies using Spreadsheet Function Column via VBA Evaluate Method
Dim clms() As Variant
Let clms() = Evaluate("column(" & strLtrLB & ":" & strLtrUB & ")") 'Returns 1 D “pseudo” Horizontal Array of sequential numbers from column number of LB to UB
clms() = Evaluate("column(" & Split(Cells(1, LB).Address, "$")(1) & ":" & Replace (Replace(Cells(1, UB).Address, "1", ""), "$", "") & ")")
.Add (Application.Index(Tabelle3.Cells, jj, clms()))

'Let snAll(jj, 3) = ""
Exit For
End If
Next jj
Next j
For j = 0 To .Count - 1
Tabelle3.Cells(j + 1 + 10, 1).Resize(, UBound(snAll, 2)) = .Item(j)
Next j
End With
End Sub
Sub M_snb()
Dim sn, sp, j As Long, jj As Long
sn = Tabelle3.Range("A1:E10")
With CreateObject("System.Collections.Arraylist")
For j = 1 To UBound(sn)
.Add sn(j, 3)
sp = .ToArray
For j = 0 To UBound(sp)
For jj = 1 To UBound(sn)
If sn(jj, 3) = sp(j) Then
.Add Application.Index(sn, jj)
sn(jj, 3) = ""
Exit For
End If
For j = 0 To .Count - 1
Tabelle3.Cells((j + 1) + 10, 1).Resize(, UBound(sn, 2)) = .Item(j)
End With
End Sub

'Rem Ref
' http://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming-vba-macros/1139207-how-to-move-a-userform-and-module-from-one-book-to-another-2.html
' http://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming-vba-macros/1138300-vba-userform-value-check-if-user-form-buttons-checked-not-working-check-button-on-open.html
' http://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming-vba-macros/1139742-workbooks_open-crashes-when-file-opened-with-code-manually-open-ok-userform-issue.html
' http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2130-Sort-an-array-based-on-another-array-VBA?p=9985#post9985
' http://www.snb-vba.eu/VBA_Arraylist_en.html
' http://www.snb-vba.eu/VBA_Arraylist_en.html#L_11.3
' http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?t=1154829&page=4#post4502593
' http://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming-vba-macros/1160648-how-to-create-a-pop-up-notification-for-two-different-conditions-at-the-same-time.html#post4507157
' http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2130-Sort-an-array-based-on-another-array-VBA?p=9985#post9985


01-30-2017, 04:58 AM
Hi Nelson,
I think both
_ the ways to do this,
_and the possibly output forms
are infinite

_ You must try to be a bit more precise in exactly what you want.

_ I have done another fairly simple code:

It is here:

It runs though all the Worksheets to calculate normal overtime and holiday overtime. The total added for all Worksheets is displayed in a message box:
NelsonMessageBox.jpg http://imgur.com/XSvQpQi

I expect the code is not yet want you finally want. It tells you the total sum for Normal Overtime and Holiday overtime.
( I still do not understand what calculations should be done for total days :confused: )

Please start a new Thread here: _.. http://www.excelfox.com/forum/forumdisplay.php/2-Excel-Help

_.. Please try again to explain exactly what you want.
_.. I will then look at it again for you on Monday



' An Initial code for Nelson for Post in this Forum http://www.excelfox.com/forum/forumdisplay.php/2-Excel-Help
Sub SomeingSumTotals() ' https://www.dropbox.com/s/u76eo5trrtppgoi/SAMPLE2.xlsx?dl=0
Rem 1) Worksheets info.
Dim WsStear As Worksheet ' Dim: For Object variabls: Address location to a "pointer". That has all the actual memory locations (addresses) of the various property values , and it holds all the instructions what / how to change them , should that be wanted later. That helped explain what occurs when passing an Object to a Call ed Fucntion or Sub Routine By Val ue. In such an occurance, VBA actually passes a copy of the pointer. So that has the effect of when you change things like properties on the local variable , then the changes are reflected in changes in the original object. (The copy pointer instructs how to change those values, at the actual address held in that pointer). That would normally be the sort of thing you would expect from passing by Ref erence. But as that copy pointer "dies" after the called routine ends, then any changes to the Addresses of the Object Properties in the local variable will not be reflected in the original pointer. So you cannot actually change the pointer.)
' Set: Fill or partially Fill: Setting to a Class will involve the use of an extra New at this code line. I will then have an Object referred to as an instance of a Class. At this point I include information on my Pointer Pigeon hole for a distinct distinguishable usage of an Object of the Class. For the case of something such as a Workbook this instancing has already been done, and in addition some values are filled in specific memory locations which are also held as part of the information in the Pigeon Hole Pointer. We will have a different Pointer for each instance. In most excel versions we already have a few instances of Worksheets. Such instances Objects can be further used., - For this a Dim to the class will be necessary, but the New must be omitted at Set. I can assign as many variables that I wish to the same existing instance
Rem 2) varables for some totals ;)
Dim NOHrsV2 As Double, HOHrsV2 As Double, TDays As Long
Let NOHrsV2 = 0: Let HOHrsV2 = 0: Let TDays = 0
Rem 3) Loop through worksheets and give some Totals
Dim Cnt As Long ' Loop Bound variable count for going through all worksheets
For Cnt = 1 To ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count
Set WsStear = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(Cnt) ' Set: Fill or partially Fill: Setting to a Class will involve the use of an extra New at this code line. I will then have an Object referred to as an instance of a Class. At this point I include information on my Pointer Pigeon hole for a distinct distinguishable usage of an Object of the Class. For the case of something such as a Workbook this instancing has already been done, and in addition some values are filled in specific memory locations which are also held as part of the information in the Pigeon Hole Pointer. We will have a different Pointer for each instance. In most excel versions we already have a few instances of Worksheets. Such instances Objects can be further used., - For this a Dim to the class will be necessary, but the New must be omitted at Set. I can assign as many variables that I wish to the same existing instance
Dim lr As Long ' Long is very simple to handle, - final memory "size" type is known (123.456 and 000.001 have same "size" computer memory ) , and so a Address suggestion can be given for the next line when the variable is filled in. '( Long is a Big whole Number limit (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647) If you need some sort of validation the value should only be within the range of a Byte/Integer otherwise there's no point using anything but Long.--upon/after 32-bit, Integers (Short) need converted internally anyways, so a Long is actually faster. )
Let lr = WsStear.Range("E" & Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row ' The Range Object ( cell ) that is the last cell in the column of interest (CHOOSE a column typically that will always have a last Entry in any Data) ,( Row Number given by .Count Property applied to ( any Worksheet would do, so leaving unqualified is OK here, ) Spreadsheet Range Rows Property) has the Property .End ( argument "Looking back up" ) appled to it. This Returns a new Range ( cell ) object which is that of the first Range ( cell ) with something in it "looking back up" in the XL spreadsheet from that last Cell. Then the .Row Property is applied to return a long number equal to the Row number of that cell: Rows.Count is the very last row number in your Worksheet. It is different for earlier versions of Excel. The End(xlUp) is the same as pressing a Ctrl+UpArrow key combination. The final ".Row" returns the row where the cursor stops after moving up.
Dim FstDtaCel As Range: Set FstDtaCel = WsStear.Range("A2") ' Worksheets Range(" ") Property used to return Range object of first cell in second row
Dim arrInNorm() As Variant, arrInOver() As Variant ' In the next lines the .Value2 Property is applied a Range object which presents the the Value2 value or values in a single variable of appropriate type or a field of member Elements of varaint types.We are expecting the latter, so declare ( Dim ) a dynamic Array variable appropriately. It must be dynamic as its size will be defined at that assignment
Let arrInNorm() = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 8).Resize(lr - 1, 1).Value2 ' One thing you pick up when learning VBA programming is that referring to cells from one to another via an offset is both fundamental and efficient. That makes sense as Excel is all about using the offsets mentioned above. So like if you use them you can “cut out the middle man”. ( The middle man here might be considered as, for example, in VBA, using extra variables for different Range objects: A fundamental thing to do with any cell ( or strictly speaking the Range object associated to a cell ) is the Range Item Property of any range Object, through which you can “get at” any other Range object. http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?t=1154829&page=13&p=4563838&highlight=#post4563838 ( It is often quicker than using a separate variable for each Range object – probably as all the variable does is hold the offset , so you might as well use the offset in the first place.. ) )
Let arrInOver() = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 9).Resize(lr - 1, 1).Value2 ' Similarly Another thing you pick up along the way is that the cells ( or strictly speaking the Range objects associated with it ) can be organised into groups of cells which then are also called Range objects and are organised in their constituent parts exactly the same as for the single cell Range object. Once again this is all an indication of organising so that we get at information by sliding along a specific amount ( offset value). The Offset and Resize properties therefore return a new range object. I use the .Value 2 here as i seemed to get it for .Value anyway, not sure why yet, - so i thought be on the safe side , get it always and work somehow with that for now and convert as necerssary.
Dim ShtCnt As Long ' Loop Bound Variable Count for hours columns looping
For ShtCnt = 1 To UBound(arrInNorm(), 1) Step 1
If arrInNorm(ShtCnt, 1) <> 0 And arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1) <> 0 Then Let NOHrsV2 = NOHrsV2 + arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1)
If arrInNorm(ShtCnt, 1) = 0 And arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1) <> 0 Then Let HOHrsV2 = HOHrsV2 + arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1)
Next ShtCnt
Next Cnt
Rem 4) Output some totals ;)
MsgBox prompt:="Normal Overtime is " & NOHrsV2 * 24 & vbCrLf & "Holiday Overtime is" & HOHrsV2 * 24 ' NelsonMessageBox.jpg http://imgur.com/XSvQpQi
'4b) Tell you Totals ' Sub Speach() ' Richard Buttrey http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?t=1164765&p=4535112#post4535112
Dim Saps As Object
Set Saps = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")
Saps.Speak "Hello Nelson. These are Sum totals for Normal Overtime and Holiday Overtime for the two Worksheets you gave.. Normal Overtime is " & NOHrsV2 * 24 & ".. Holiday Overtime is " & HOHrsV2 * 24 & ".. I expect this is not yet quite what you want."
' ' End Sub
End Sub

02-03-2017, 07:13 PM
Code for Nelson in this Thread

Option Explicit
Sub IJAdjustTotalAllWorksheet() ' http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2144-Code-Required-to-calculate-number-of-days-worked-normal-overtime-and-holiday-overtime?p=10060#post10060
Rem 1) Workbooks Info.
Dim Wb As Workbook ' Dim: For Object variabls: Address location to a "pointer". That has all the actual memory locations (addresses) of the various property values , and it holds all the instructions what / how to change them , should that be wanted later. That helped explain what occurs when passing an Object to a Call ed Fucntion or Sub Routine By Val ue. In such an occurance, VBA actually passes a copy of the pointer. So that has the effect of when you change things like properties on the local variable , then the changes are reflected in changes in the original object. (The copy pointer instructs how to change those values, at the actual address held in that pointer). That would normally be the sort of thing you would expect from passing by Ref erence. But as that copy pointer "dies" after the called routine ends, then any changes to the Addresses of the Object Properties in the local variable will not be reflected in the original pointer. So you cannot actually change the pointer.)
Set Wb = ActiveWorkbook ' Set: Fill or partially Fill: Setting to a Class will involve the use of an extra New at this code line. I will then have an Object referred to as an instance of a Class. At this point I include information on my Pointer Pigeon hole for a distinct distinguishable usage of an Object of the Class. For the case of something such as a Workbook this instancing has already been done, and in addition some values are filled in specific memory locations which are also held as part of the information in the Pigeon Hole Pointer. We will have a different Pointer for each instance. In most excel versions we already have a few instances of Worksheets. Such instances Objects can be further used., - For this a Dim to the class will be necessary, but the New must be omitted at Set. I can assign as many variables that I wish to the same existing instance
Dim wsStear As Worksheet ' Used for each Worksheet counting Tabs from left from 1 To Total
Rem 2) varables for some totals ;)
Const TDays As Long = 30 'Total days just taken as 30 ' Long is very simple to handle, - final memory "size" type is known (123.456 and 000.001 have same "size" computer memory ) , and so a Address suggestion can be given for the next line when the variable is filled in. '( Long is a Big whole Number limit (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647) If you need some sort of validation the value should only be within the range of a Byte/Integer otherwise there's no point using anything but Long.--upon/after 32-bit, Integers (Short) need converted internally anyways, so a Long is actually faster. )
Dim NOHrsV2 As Double, HOHrsV2 As Double ' I am proposing to use the underlying number an adjust as necerssary to get the reqired format
Dim Dte As Date, DteNo As Long ' I am hoping Dte will sort out getting a date in a format that I can use the Weekday function to see what week day it is and get that as a nuumber to check for..
Rem 3) Loop through worksheets and give some Totals
Dim Cnt As Long ' Loop Bound variable count for going through all worksheets
'3a) main Loop start============================================= ========
For Cnt = 1 To Wb.Worksheets.Count ' The Worksheets collection Object Property returns the number of worksheet items in the Workbook
Let NOHrsV2 = 0: Let HOHrsV2 = 0 ' The varaibles are emtied before run for each worksheet
Set wsStear = Wb.Worksheets.Item(Cnt) ' At each loop the variable is set to the current Worksheet counting from the Cnt'ths tab from left
Dim lr As Long ' Used for last row number in column E
Let lr = wsStear.Range("E" & Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row ' The Range Object ( cell ) that is the last cell in the column of interest (CHOOSE a column typically that will always have a last Entry in any Data) ,( Row Number given by .Count Property applied to ( any Worksheet would do, so leaving unqualified is OK here, ) Spreadsheet Range Rows Property) has the Property .End ( argument "Looking back up" ) appled to it. This Returns a new Range ( cell ) object which is that of the first Range ( cell ) with something in it "looking back up" in the XL spreadsheet from that last Cell. Then the .Row Property is applied to return a long number equal to the Row number of that cell: Rows.Count is the very last row number in your Worksheet. It is different for earlier versions of Excel. The End(xlUp) is the same as pressing a Ctrl+UpArrow key combination. The final ".Row" returns the row where the cursor stops after moving up.
Dim FstDtaCel As Range: Set FstDtaCel = wsStear.Range("A1") ' Worksheets Range(" ") Property used to return Range object of first cell in second row
'3b) Data arrays from worksheet. We need columns E H I J .... Date ( Column E ) and Total hrs ( Column H ) are required to use in calculations
Dim arrDte() As Variant, arrTotHrs() As Variant ' In the next lines the .Value2 or .value Property is applied a Range object which presents the Value or Value2 value or values in a single variable of appropriate type or a field of member Elements of varaint types.We are expecting the latter, so declare ( Dim ) a dynamic Array variable appropriately. It must be dynamic as its size will be defined at that assignment
Let arrDte() = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 4).Resize(lr, 1).Value ' E ' One thing you pick up when learning VBA programming is that referring to cells from one to another via an offset is both fundamental and efficient. That makes sense as Excel is all about using the offsets mentioned above. So like if you use them you can “cut out the middle man”. ( The middle man here might be considered as, for example, in VBA, using extra variables for different Range objects: A fundamental thing to do with any cell ( or strictly speaking the Range object associated to a cell ) is the Range Item Property of any range Object, through which you can “get at” any other Range object. http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?t=1154829&page=13&p=4563838&highlight=#post4563838 ( It is often quicker than using a separate variable for each Range object – probably as all the variable does is hold the offset , so you might as well use the offset in the first place.. )
Let arrTotHrs() = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 7).Resize(lr, 1).Value ' H ' Similarly Another thing you pick up along the way is that the cells ( or strictly speaking the Range objects associated with it ) can be organised into groups of cells which then are also called Range objects and are organised in their constituent parts exactly the same as for the single cell Range object. Once again this is all an indication of organising so that we get at information by sliding along a specific amount ( offset value). The Offset and Resize properties therefore return a new range object. I use the .Value 2 here as i seemed to get it for .Value anyway, not sure why yet, - so i thought be on the safe side , get it always and work somehow with that for now and convert as necerssary. Also 1 breadth Arrays due to Alan Intercept theory are held in such a ways as to be very effient in usage of values within:

Dim arrInNorm() As Variant, arrInOver() As Variant
Let arrInNorm() = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 8).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 ' I ' Normal Hrs ( Column I ) are needed as they must be set to zero for Holy ?? Holidays ?? Friday ??
Let arrInOver() = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 9).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 ' J ' Overtime ( Column J ) is needed as it will be changed and then used in calculations
'3c) Inner loop for rows
Dim ShtCnt As Long ' Loop Bound Variable Count for hours columns looping
For ShtCnt = 1 To UBound(arrDte(), 1) Step 1 '------------------- For "rows" in data arrays
'3d) We need to check for a Holy?? Holiday?? Friday?? Adjust columns I and J so that column I has no hours for holiday day and total hours goes to over time hours with criteria 9 or less than 9 hrs all total hours added overtime, 10 or above 10 hrs one hour deducted from total hours and added to column J
Let Dte = arrDte(ShtCnt, 1): Let DteNo = Weekday(Dte, [vbSunday]) ' I do not really nead this extra variable, but for dates I prefer always to do this to help in looking into the variable in Debugging
If DteNo = 6 Then ' 6 I think is Friday, Nelson's Holy HoliDay ?
If (arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) * 24) <= 9 Then '(i) If Total Hrs are less than or equal to 9 ,Then all Total Hrs are added to Overtime Hrs
Let arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1) = arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) ' Given To ' Added to arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1) + arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1)
ElseIf (arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) * 24) > 9 Then ' (ii) If Total Hrs are less greater than 9 , Then ( Total Hrs - 1 ) are added to Overtime Hrs
Let arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1) = arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) - 1 / 24 ' Given To ' arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1) + arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) - 1 / 24 'Added to 1 hr less overtime for more than 9 hrs worked
End If
Let arrInNorm(ShtCnt, 1) = Empty ' (iii) As array is variant type can empty Remove normal Hrs Array for(Column I) is then set tom zerow for this "row"o
Else ' No Holy Holiday
End If
If arrInNorm(ShtCnt, 1) <> 0 And arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1) <> 0 Then Let NOHrsV2 = NOHrsV2 + arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1) ' Normal Overtime is simply calculated from summing hours in column J only If there are Overtime hours in column J And there are Normal hours are in column I.
If arrInNorm(ShtCnt, 1) = Empty And arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1) <> 0 Then Let HOHrsV2 = HOHrsV2 + arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1) ' Holiday Overtime is simply calculated from summing hours in column J only If there are Overtime hours in column J And there are no Normal hours are in column I.
Next ShtCnt '--------------------------End Inner loop for rows-----
'3f) Paste out final Totals and days to current Worksheet
Let wsStear.Range("G34").Value = NOHrsV2 * 24 'Normal Overtime is held in Array as fraction of a day
Let wsStear.Range("J34").Value = HOHrsV2 * 24 'Holiday Overtime is held in Array as fraction of a day
Let wsStear.Range("C34").Value = TDays ' The constant value of Total days is simply added to cell C34
'3g) Normal Hrs ( Column I ) and Overtime Hrs ( Column J ) are changed
Let FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 9).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 = arrInOver() ' J ' The required spreadsheet cells range has its Range Object .Value2 values filled an allowed direct assignment to an array of values
Let FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 8).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 = arrInNorm() ' I
Next Cnt '==End main Loop==============================================
End Sub

' Rem Ref '_- http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2145-Excel-VBA-Interception-and-Implicit-Intersection-and-VLookUp?p=10062#post10062
'_- http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2138-Understanding-VBA-Range-Object-Properties-and-referring-to-ranges-and-spreadsheet-cells?p=10012#post10012

02-05-2017, 07:02 PM
Second Code for nelson
Post 9

Sub IJAdjustKAddTotalAllWorksheet() ' http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2144-Code-Required-to-calculate-number-of-days-worked-normal-overtime-and-holiday-overtime?p=10060#post10060
Rem 1) Workbooks Info.
Dim Wb As Workbook ' Dim: For Object variabls: Address location to a "pointer". That has all the actual memory locations (addresses) of the various property values , and it holds all the instructions what / how to change them , should that be wanted later. That helped explain what occurs when passing an Object to a Call ed Fucntion or Sub Routine By Val ue. In such an occurance, VBA actually passes a copy of the pointer. So that has the effect of when you change things like properties on the local variable , then the changes are reflected in changes in the original object. (The copy pointer instructs how to change those values, at the actual address held in that pointer). That would normally be the sort of thing you would expect from passing by Ref erence. But as that copy pointer "dies" after the called routine ends, then any changes to the Addresses of the Object Properties in the local variable will not be reflected in the original pointer. So you cannot actually change the pointer.)
Set Wb = ActiveWorkbook ' Set: Fill or partially Fill: Setting to a Class will involve the use of an extra New at this code line. I will then have an Object referred to as an instance of a Class. At this point I include information on my Pointer Pigeon hole for a distinct distinguishable usage of an Object of the Class. For the case of something such as a Workbook this instancing has already been done, and in addition some values are filled in specific memory locations which are also held as part of the information in the Pigeon Hole Pointer. We will have a different Pointer for each instance. In most excel versions we already have a few instances of Worksheets. Such instances Objects can be further used., - For this a Dim to the class will be necessary, but the New must be omitted at Set. I can assign as many variables that I wish to the same existing instance
Dim wsStear As Worksheet ' Used for each Worksheet counting Tabs from left from 1 To Total
Rem 2) varables for some totals ;)
Const TDays As Long = 30 'Total days just taken as 30 ' Long is very simple to handle, - final memory "size" type is known (123.456 and 000.001 have same "size" computer memory ) , and so a Address suggestion can be given for the next line when the variable is filled in. '( Long is a Big whole Number limit (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647) If you need some sort of validation the value should only be within the range of a Byte/Integer otherwise there's no point using anything but Long.--upon/after 32-bit, Integers (Short) need converted internally anyways, so a Long is actually faster. )
Dim Dte As Date, DteNo As Long ' I am hoping Dte will sort out getting a date in a format that I can use the Weekday function to see what week day it is and get that as a nuumber to check for..
Rem 3) Loop through worksheets and give some Totals
Dim Cnt As Long ' Loop Bound variable count for going through all worksheets
'3a) main Loop start============================================= ========
For Cnt = 1 To Wb.Worksheets.Count ' The Worksheets collection Object Property returns the number of worksheet items in the Workbook
Set wsStear = Wb.Worksheets.Item(Cnt) ' At each loop the variable is set to the current Worksheet counting from the Cnt'ths tab from left
Dim lr As Long ' Used for last row number in column E
Let lr = wsStear.Range("E" & Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row ' The Range Object ( cell ) that is the last cell in the column of interest (CHOOSE a column typically that will always have a last Entry in any Data) ,( Row Number given by .Count Property applied to ( any Worksheet would do, so leaving unqualified is OK here, ) Spreadsheet Range Rows Property) has the Property .End ( argument "Looking back up" ) appled to it. This Returns a new Range ( cell ) object which is that of the first Range ( cell ) with something in it "looking back up" in the XL spreadsheet from that last Cell. Then the .Row Property is applied to return a long number equal to the Row number of that cell: Rows.Count is the very last row number in your Worksheet. It is different for earlier versions of Excel. The End(xlUp) is the same as pressing a Ctrl+UpArrow key combination. The final ".Row" returns the row where the cursor stops after moving up.
Dim FstDtaCel As Range: Set FstDtaCel = wsStear.Range("A1") ' Worksheets Range(" ") Property used to return Range object of first cell in second row
'3b) Data arrays from worksheet. We need columns E H I J .... Date ( Column E ) and Total hrs ( Column H ) are required to use in calculations
Dim arrInNorm() As Variant, arrInOver() As Variant ' In the next lines the .Value2 or .value Property is applied a Range object which presents the Value or Value2 value or values in a single variable of appropriate type or a field of member Elements of varaint types.We are expecting the latter, so declare ( Dim ) a dynamic Array variable appropriately. It must be dynamic as its size will be defined at that assignment
Let arrInNorm() = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 8).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 ' I ' Normal Hrs ( Column I ) are needed as they must be set to zero for Holy ?? Holidays ?? Friday ??
Let arrInOver() = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 9).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 ' J ' Overtime ( Column J ) is needed as it will be changed and then used in calculations
Dim arrTotHrs() As Variant ' ,' ## ' arrDteClr() As Variant
Let arrTotHrs() = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 7).Resize(lr, 1).Value ' H ' ' One thing you pick up when learning VBA programming is that referring to cells from one to another via an offset is both fundamental and efficient. That makes sense as Excel is all about using the offsets mentioned above. So like if you use them you can “cut out the middle man”. ( The middle man here might be considered as, for example, in VBA, using extra variables for different Range objects: A fundamental thing to do with any cell ( or strictly speaking the Range object associated to a cell ) is the Range Item Property of any range Object, through which you can “get at” any other Range object. http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?t=1154829&page=13&p=4563838&highlight=#post4563838 ( It is often quicker than using a separate variable for each Range object – probably as all the variable does is hold the offset , so you might as well use the offset in the first place.. )
' Similarly Another thing you pick up along the way is that the cells ( or strictly speaking the Range objects associated with it ) can be organised into groups of cells which then are also called Range objects and are organised in their constituent parts exactly the same as for the single cell Range object. Once again this is all an indication of organising so that we get at information by sliding along a specific amount ( offset value). The Offset and Resize properties therefore return a new range object. I use the .Value 2 here as i seemed to get it for .Value anyway, not sure why yet, - so i thought be on the safe side , get it always and work somehow with that for now and convert as necerssary. Also 1 breadth Arrays due to Alan Intercept theory are held in such a ways as to be very effient in usage of values within
Dim arrK() As String 'I know the size, but must make it dynamic as Dim declaration only takes numbers, and so I use ReDim method below wehich can also take variables or formulas
ReDim arrK(1 To UBound(arrInNorm(), 1), 1 To 1) ' Any array first dimension ("row") will do

'This will not work. ' ## ' Let arrDteClr() = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 4).Resize(lr, 1).Interior.Color ' because .Interior property for a Range object shows only one value for the entire range which seems to be zero unless all the cells have a colour
Dim arrDteClr() As Double, rngDts As Range
Set rngDts = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 4).Resize(lr, 1)
Dim Rws As Long: ReDim arrDteClr(1 To lr, 1 To 1) ' so must loop in each Interior color value
For Rws = 1 To UBound(arrDteClr(), 1) Step 1 'InnerLoop for dates background colors
Let arrDteClr(Rws, 1) = rngDts.Item(Rws, "A").Interior.Color
Next Rws
'3c) Inner loop for rows
Dim ShtCnt As Long ' Loop Bound Variable Count for hours columns looping
For ShtCnt = 1 To UBound(arrDteClr(), 1) Step 1 '------------------- For "rows" in data arrays
'3d) We need to check Interior color Adjust columns I and J so that column I has no hours for holiday day and total hours goes to over time hours with criteria 9 or less than 9 hrs all total hours added overtime, 10 or above 10 hrs one hour deducted from total hours and added to column J ..... and add a H or N in helper column K
If arrDteClr(ShtCnt, 1) = 65535 Then
If (arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) * 24) <= 9 Then '(i) If Total Hrs are less than or equal to 9 ,Then all Total Hrs are added to Overtime Hrs
Let arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1) = arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) ' Given To ' Added to arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1) + arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1)
ElseIf (arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) * 24) > 9 Then ' (ii) If Total Hrs are less greater than 9 , Then ( Total Hrs - 1 ) are added to Overtime Hrs
Let arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1) = arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) - 1 / 24 ' Given To ' arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1) + arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) - 1 / 24 'Added to 1 hr less overtime for more than 9 hrs worked
End If
Let arrInNorm(ShtCnt, 1) = Empty ' (iii) As array is variant type can empty Remove normal Hrs Array for(Column I) is then set tom zerow for this "row"o
Let arrK(ShtCnt, 1) = "H" ' Give string, "" value of H for Holiday in Admin's help column K
Else ' No Holy Holiday
Let arrK(ShtCnt, 1) = "N" ' give string N for normal
End If
'3e) ' from last code, is not now used to calculate totals
Next ShtCnt '--------------------------End Inner loop for rows-----
'3f) Paste out final Totals and days to current Worksheet
Let wsStear.Range("G35").Value = "=SUMIF(K1:K" & lr & ",""N"",J1:J" & lr & ")*24"
Let wsStear.Range("J35").Value = "=SUMIF(K1:K" & lr & ",""H"",J1:J" & lr & ")*24"
Let wsStear.Range("C34").Value = TDays ' The constant value of Total days is simply added to cell C34
'3g) Normal Hrs ( Column I ) and Overtime Hrs ( Column J ) are changed ' And can paste out help column if you like
Let FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 9).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 = arrInOver() ' J ' The required spreadsheet cells range has its Range Object .Value2 values filled an allowed direct assignment to an array of values
Let FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 8).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 = arrInNorm() ' I
Let FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 10).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 = arrK() ' K
Next Cnt '==End main Loop==============================================
End Sub

02-09-2017, 02:39 PM
'Testies: NOT FINAL CODE --- TEST CODE FOR LATER REFERRENCE ! TEST ! --- Testies to you '_-
' Code for approximately Posts: 14 - 23
Sub IJAdjustLAddTotalAllWorksheetCode3()

For Thread ' http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2144-Code-Required-to-calculate-number-of-days-worked-normal-overtime-and-holiday-overtime?p=10078#post10078

'Testies: NOT FINAL CODE --- TEST CODE FOR LATER REFERRENCE ! TEST ! --- Testies to you '_-
' Code for approximately Posts: 14 - 23
Sub IJAdjustLAddTotalAllWorksheetCode3() 'http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2144-Code-Required-to-calculate-number-of-days-worked-normal-overtime-and-holiday-overtime?p=10078#post10078
Rem 1) Workbooks Info.
Dim Wb As Workbook ' Dim: For Object variabls: Address location to a "pointer". That has all the actual memory locations (addresses) of the various property values , and it holds all the instructions what / how to change them , should that be wanted later. That helped explain what occurs when passing an Object to a Call ed Fucntion or Sub Routine By Val ue. In such an occurance, VBA actually passes a copy of the pointer. So that has the effect of when you change things like properties on the local variable , then the changes are reflected in changes in the original object. (The copy pointer instructs how to change those values, at the actual address held in that pointer). That would normally be the sort of thing you would expect from passing by Ref erence. But as that copy pointer "dies" after the called routine ends, then any changes to the Addresses of the Object Properties in the local variable will not be reflected in the original pointer. So you cannot actually change the pointer.)
Set Wb = ActiveWorkbook ' Set: Fill or partially Fill: Setting to a Class will involve the use of an extra New at this code line. I will then have an Object referred to as an instance of a Class. At this point I include information on my Pointer Pigeon hole for a distinct distinguishable usage of an Object of the Class. For the case of something such as a Workbook this instancing has already been done, and in addition some values are filled in specific memory locations which are also held as part of the information in the Pigeon Hole Pointer. We will have a different Pointer for each instance. In most excel versions we already have a few instances of Worksheets. Such instances Objects can be further used., - For this a Dim to the class will be necessary, but the New must be omitted at Set. I can assign as many variables that I wish to the same existing instance
Dim wsStear As Worksheet ' Used for each Worksheet counting Tabs from left from 1 To Total
Rem 2) varables for some totals ;)
'Const TDays As Long = 30 'Total days just taken as 30 ' Long is very simple to handle, - final memory "size" type is known (123.456 and 000.001 have same "size" computer memory ) , and so a Address suggestion can be given for the next line when the variable is filled in. '( Long is a Big whole Number limit (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647) If you need some sort of validation the value should only be within the range of a Byte/Integer otherwise there's no point using anything but Long.--upon/after 32-bit, Integers (Short) need converted internally anyways, so a Long is actually faster. )
Dim Dte As Date, DteNo As Long ' I am hoping Dte will sort out getting a date in a format that I can use the Weekday function to see what week day it is and get that as a nuumber to check for..
Rem 3) Loop through worksheets and give some Totals
Dim Cnt As Long ' Loop Bound variable count for going through all worksheets
'3a) main Loop start============================================= ========
For Cnt = 1 To Wb.Worksheets.Count ' The Worksheets collection Object Property returns the number of worksheet items in the Workbook
Set wsStear = Wb.Worksheets.Item(Cnt) ' At each loop the variable is set to the current Worksheet counting from the Cnt'ths tab from left
Dim lr As Long ' Used for last row number in column E
Let lr = wsStear.Range("E" & Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row ' The Range Object ( cell ) that is the last cell in the column of interest (CHOOSE a column typically that will always have a last Entry in any Data) ,( Row Number given by .Count Property applied to ( any Worksheet would do, so leaving unqualified is OK here, ) Spreadsheet Range Rows Property) has the Property .End ( argument "Looking back up" ) appled to it. This Returns a new Range ( cell ) object which is that of the first Range ( cell ) with something in it "looking back up" in the XL spreadsheet from that last Cell. Then the .Row Property is applied to return a long number equal to the Row number of that cell: Rows.Count is the very last row number in your Worksheet. It is different for earlier versions of Excel. The End(xlUp) is the same as pressing a Ctrl+UpArrow key combination. The final ".Row" returns the row where the cursor stops after moving up.
Let lr = 30 ' maybe nelson means thís ? "...For all Month no. of days we take as 30 only..."
Dim FstDtaCel As Range: Set FstDtaCel = wsStear.Range("A1") ' Worksheets Range(" ") Property used to return Range object of first cell in second row
'3b) Data arrays from worksheet. We need columns E H I J .... Date ( Column E ) and Total hrs ( Column H ) are required to use in calculations
Dim arrInNorm() As Variant, arrInOver() As Variant ' In the next lines the .Value2 or .value Property is applied a Range object which presents the Value or Value2 value or values in a single variable of appropriate type or a field of member Elements of varaint types.We are expecting the latter, so declare ( Dim ) a dynamic Array variable appropriately. It must be dynamic as its size will be defined at that assignment
Let arrInNorm() = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 8).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 ' I ' Normal Hrs ( Column I ) are needed as they must be set to zero for Holy ?? Holidays ?? Friday ??
Let arrInOver() = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 9).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 ' J ' Overtime ( Column J ) is needed as it will be changed and then used in calculations
Dim arrTotHrs() As Variant ' ,' ## ' arrDteClr() As Variant
Let arrTotHrs() = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 7).Resize(lr, 1).Value ' H ' ' One thing you pick up when learning VBA programming is that referring to cells from one to another via an offset is both fundamental and efficient. That makes sense as Excel is all about using the offsets mentioned above. So like if you use them you can “cut out the middle man”. ( The middle man here might be considered as, for example, in VBA, using extra variables for different Range objects: A fundamental thing to do with any cell ( or strictly speaking the Range object associated to a cell ) is the Range Item Property of any range Object, through which you can “get at” any other Range object. http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?t=1154829&page=13&p=4563838&highlight=#post4563838 ( It is often quicker than using a separate variable for each Range object – probably as all the variable does is hold the offset , so you might as well use the offset in the first place.. )
' Similarly Another thing you pick up along the way is that the cells ( or strictly speaking the Range objects associated with it ) can be organised into groups of cells which then are also called Range objects and are organised in their constituent parts exactly the same as for the single cell Range object. Once again this is all an indication of organising so that we get at information by sliding along a specific amount ( offset value). The Offset and Resize properties therefore return a new range object. I use the .Value 2 here as i seemed to get it for .Value anyway, not sure why yet, - so i thought be on the safe side , get it always and work somehow with that for now and convert as necerssary. Also 1 breadth Arrays due to Alan Intercept theory are held in such a ways as to be very effient in usage of values within
Dim arrL() As String 'I know the size, but must make it dynamic as Dim declaration only takes numbers, and so I use ReDim method below wehich can also take variables or formulas
ReDim arrL(1 To UBound(arrInNorm(), 1), 1 To 1) ' Any array first dimension ("row") will do
Dim arrAbscentK() As String 'K column to have ABSCENT in for person Abscent on not Holiday
ReDim arrAbscentK(1 To UBound(arrInNorm(), 1), 1 To 1)
'Must Loop to get interior color as this will not work. ' ## ' Let arrDteClr() = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 4).Resize(lr, 1).Interior.Color ' because .Interior property for a Range object shows only one value for the entire range which seems to be zero unless all the cells have a colour
Dim arrDteClr() As Double, rngDts As Range
Set rngDts = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 4).Resize(lr, 1)
Dim Rws As Long: ReDim arrDteClr(1 To lr, 1 To 1) ' so must loop in each Interior color value
For Rws = 1 To UBound(arrDteClr(), 1) Step 1 'InnerLoop for dates background colors
Let arrDteClr(Rws, 1) = rngDts.Item(Rws, "A").Interior.Color
Next Rws
'3c) Inner loop for rows
Dim ShtCnt As Long ' Loop Bound Variable Count for hours columns looping
Dim ValidHoliday As Boolean: Let ValidHoliday = True 'Assume for now Holiday days are valid for Holiday adjustments
For ShtCnt = 1 To UBound(arrDteClr(), 1) Step 1 '------------------- For "rows" in data arrays
'3d) We need to check Interior color, and a few other things, Adjust columns I and J so that column I has no hours for holiday day and total hours goes to over time hours with criteria 9 or less than 9 hrs all total hours added overtime, 10 or above 10 hrs one hour deducted from total hours and added to column J ..... and add a H or N in helper column K
If arrDteClr(ShtCnt, 1) = 65535 Then ' We have a Holiday, ...but... have some other checks
If Not (ShtCnt = 1 Or ShtCnt = UBound(arrDteClr(), 1)) Then ' ....but... Possible futher checks for not adjusting Normal Total Hrs to overtime and remove normal Hrs
'It is possible to check for absent before and after current day
If (arrTotHrs(ShtCnt - 1, 1) <> Empty And arrTotHrs(ShtCnt + 1, 1)) <> Empty Then '...."...holiday is deducted if the person does not come the day before and after the holiday..."....
Let ValidHoliday = False
Let ValidHoliday = True
End If
Else 'It is not possible for absence before AND after to check for absence as one will lie in last or next month
End If ' We remmain at default or last set true or just set true
'We had Holiday ...
If ValidHoliday = True Then ' ...and all conditions for valid Holiday pay adjustments
'Conditions met to adjust make all of 1 less of Normal Hrs to overtime
If (arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) * 24) <= 9 Then '(i) If Total Hrs are less than or equal to 9 ,Then all Total Hrs are added to Overtime Hrs
Let arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1) = arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) ' Given To ' Added to arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1) + arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1)
ElseIf (arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) * 24) > 9 Then ' (ii) If Total Hrs are less greater than 9 , Then ( Total Hrs - 1 ) are added to Overtime Hrs
Let arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1) = arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) - 1 / 24 ' Given To ' arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1) + arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) - 1 / 24 'Added to 1 hr less overtime for more than 9 hrs worked
End If
Let arrInNorm(ShtCnt, 1) = Empty ' (iii) As array is variant type can empty Remove normal Hrs Array for(Column I) is then set tom zerow for this "row"o
Let arrL(ShtCnt, 1) = "H" ' ' (iv)H Give string, "" value of H for Holiday in Admin's help column
Else ' We had a Holiday but abscence before and after, we need
Let ValidHoliday = True 'we need to reset to true
End If
Else ' No Holy Holiday
Let arrL(ShtCnt, 1) = "N" ' give string N for normal ' (iv)N
End If
If arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) = Empty And Not arrDteClr(ShtCnt, 1) = 65535 Then Let arrAbscentK(ShtCnt, 1) = "ABSENT" ' column K absent days should be marked as ABSENT.
'3e) ' from last code, is not now used to calculate totals
Next ShtCnt '--------------------------End Inner loop for rows-----
'3f) Paste out final Totals and days to current Worksheet
Let wsStear.Range("G34").Value = "=SUMIF(L1:L" & lr & ",""N"",J1:J" & lr & ")*24"
Let wsStear.Range("J34").Value = "=SUMIF(L1:L" & lr & ",""H"",J1:J" & lr & ")*24"
Let wsStear.Range("C34").Value = "=COUNT(F1:F31)" ' TDays ' The constant value of Total days is simply added to cell C34
'3g) Normal Hrs ( Column I ) and Overtime Hrs ( Column J ) are changed ' And can paste out help column if you like
Let FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 9).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 = arrInOver() ' J ' The required spreadsheet cells range has its Range Object .Value2 values filled an allowed direct assignment to an array of values
Let FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 8).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 = arrInNorm() ' I
Let FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 11).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 = arrL() ' L
Let FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 10).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 = arrAbscentK() ' K
'3h) Set Booleans for
Next Cnt '==End main Loop==============================================
End Sub

02-09-2017, 04:43 PM
Post 22 Before

<b>Excel 2007 32 bit</b><table cellpadding="2.5px" rules="all" style=";background-color: #FFFFFF;border: 1px solid;border-collapse: collapse; border-color: #A6AAB6"><colgroup><col width="25px" style="background-color: #E0E0F0" /><col /><col /><col /><col /><col /><col /><col /><col /></colgroup><thead><tr style=" background-color: #E0E0F0;text-align: center;color: #161120"><th></th><th>C</th><th>D</th><th>E</th><th>F</th><th>G</th><th>H</th><th>I</th><th>J</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">1</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">21.Dec.16</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">2</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">22.Dec.16</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">3</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;background-color: #FFFF00;;">23.Dec.16</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">15:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">8:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">0:00</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">4</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">24.Dec.16</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">5</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">25.Dec.16</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">6</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">26.Dec.16</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">7</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">27.Dec.16</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">17:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">10:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">1:00</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">8</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">28.Dec.16</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">9</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">29.Dec.16</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">10</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;background-color: #FFFF00;;">30.Dec.16</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">11</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">31.Dec.16</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">12</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">1.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">13</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">2.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">14</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">3.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">15</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">4.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">16</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">5.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;background-color: #FFFF00;;">6.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">18</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">7.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">19</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">8.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">20</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">9.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">21</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">10.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">22</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">11.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">23</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">12.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">24</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;background-color: #FFFF00;;">13.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">25</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">14.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:30</td><td style="text-align: right;;">17:30</td><td style="text-align: right;;">10:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">1:00</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">26</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">15.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:30</td><td style="text-align: right;;">17:30</td><td style="text-align: right;;">10:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">1:00</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">27</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">16.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:30</td><td style="text-align: right;;">17:30</td><td style="text-align: right;;">10:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">1:00</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">28</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">17.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:30</td><td style="text-align: right;;">17:30</td><td style="text-align: right;;">10:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">1:00</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">29</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">18.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">30</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">19.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">31</td><td style="text-align: right;;">121</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;background-color: #FFFF00;;">20.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">32</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">33</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">34</td><td style="font-weight: bold;background-color: #FFFFFF;;"></td><td style="font-weight: bold;;"></td><td style="text-align: center;;"></td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">Normal Overtime &nbsp;-----&gt;</td><td style="font-weight: bold;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">Holiday Overtime &nbsp;-----&gt;</td><td style="font-weight: bold;;"></td></tr></tbody></table><p style="width:1.8em;font-weight:bold;margin:0;padding:0.2em 0.6em 0.2em 0.5em;border: 1px solid #A6AAB6;border-top:none;text-align: center;background-color: #E0E0F0;color: #161120">121</p><br /><br />

02-09-2017, 04:46 PM
Post 22 Before ( BB Code )


Using Excel 2007 32 bit



































Normal Overtime ----->
Holiday Overtime ----->
Worksheet: Post22Before121

02-09-2017, 04:48 PM
After from last two posts after running code :
Sub IJAdjust_LAdd_AbsentKAdd_TotalsFormulas_AllWorkshe etsCode4()

Using Excel 2007 32 bit



































Normal Overtime ----->39
Holiday Overtime ----->18
Worksheet: Aftert121

Using Excel 2007 32 bit


Normal Overtime ----->=SUMIF(L1:L31,"N",J1:J31)*24
Holiday Overtime ----->=SUMIF(L1:L31,"H",J1:J31)*24
Worksheet: After121

02-09-2017, 04:57 PM
After from running code (HTML) :
Sub IJAdjust_LAdd_AbsentKAdd_TotalsFormulas_AllWorkshe etsCode4()

<b>Excel 2007 32 bit</b><table cellpadding="2.5px" rules="all" style=";background-color: #FFFFFF;border: 1px solid;border-collapse: collapse; border-color: #A6AAB6"><colgroup><col width="25px" style="background-color: #E0E0F0" /><col /><col /><col /><col /><col /><col /><col /><col /><col /></colgroup><thead><tr style=" background-color: #E0E0F0;text-align: center;color: #161120"><th></th><th>D</th><th>E</th><th>F</th><th>G</th><th>H</th><th>I</th><th>J</th><th>K</th><th>L</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">1</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">21.Dec.16</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">N</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">2</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">22.Dec.16</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">N</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">3</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;background-color: #FFFF00;;">23.Dec.16</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">15:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">8:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;">8:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">H</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">4</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">24.Dec.16</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">N</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">5</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">25.Dec.16</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">N</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">6</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">26.Dec.16</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">N</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">7</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">27.Dec.16</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">17:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">10:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">1:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">N</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">8</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">28.Dec.16</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">N</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">9</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">29.Dec.16</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">ABSENT</td><td style=";">N</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">10</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;background-color: #FFFF00;;">30.Dec.16</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">ABSENT</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">11</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">31.Dec.16</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">ABSENT</td><td style=";">N</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">12</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">1.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">N</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">13</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">2.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">N</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">14</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">3.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">N</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">15</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">4.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">N</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">16</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">5.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">N</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">17</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;background-color: #FFFF00;;">6.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">H</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">18</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">7.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">N</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">19</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">8.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">N</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">20</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">9.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">ABSENT</td><td style=";">N</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">21</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">10.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">N</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">22</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">11.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">N</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">23</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">12.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">N</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">24</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;background-color: #FFFF00;;">13.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;">10:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">H</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">25</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">14.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:30</td><td style="text-align: right;;">17:30</td><td style="text-align: right;;">10:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">1:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">N</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">26</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">15.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:30</td><td style="text-align: right;;">17:30</td><td style="text-align: right;;">10:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">1:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">N</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">27</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">16.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:30</td><td style="text-align: right;;">17:30</td><td style="text-align: right;;">10:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">1:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">N</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">28</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">17.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:30</td><td style="text-align: right;;">17:30</td><td style="text-align: right;;">10:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">1:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">N</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">29</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">18.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;">7:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">18:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">11:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">9:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;">2:00</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">N</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">30</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">19.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">ABSENT</td><td style=";">N</td></tr><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">31</td><td style=";">TEAM LEADER</td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;background-color: #FFFF00;;">20.Jan.17</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style=";">H</td></tr></tbody></table><p style="width:9em;font-weight:bold;margin:0;padding:0.2em 0.6em 0.2em 0.5em;border: 1px solid #A6AAB6;border-top:none;text-align: center;background-color: #E0E0F0;color: #161120">After121</p><br /><br />

02-09-2017, 04:58 PM
Totals output for last post ( HTML )

<b>Excel 2007 32 bit</b><table cellpadding="2.5px" rules="all" style=";background-color: #FFFFFF;border: 1px solid;border-collapse: collapse; border-color: #A6AAB6"><colgroup><col width="25px" style="background-color: #E0E0F0" /><col /><col /><col /><col /><col /><col /><col /><col /><col /></colgroup><thead><tr style=" background-color: #E0E0F0;text-align: center;color: #161120"><th></th><th>B</th><th>C</th><th>D</th><th>E</th><th>F</th><th>G</th><th>H</th><th>I</th><th>J</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr ><td style="color: #161120;text-align: center;">34</td><td style="font-weight: bold;background-color: #FFFFFF;;">TOTAL NO. OF DAYS &nbsp;-----&gt;</td><td style="font-weight: bold;background-color: #FFFFFF;;">25</td><td style="font-weight: bold;;"></td><td style="text-align: center;;"></td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">Normal Overtime &nbsp;-----&gt;</td><td style="font-weight: bold;;">39</td><td style="text-align: right;;"></td><td style="font-weight: bold;text-align: right;;">Holiday Overtime &nbsp;-----&gt;</td><td style="font-weight: bold;;">18</td></tr></tbody></table><p style="width:9em;font-weight:bold;margin:0;padding:0.2em 0.6em 0.2em 0.5em;border: 1px solid #A6AAB6;border-top:none;text-align: center;background-color: #E0E0F0;color: #161120">After121</p><br /><br /><table width="85%" cellpadding="2.5px" rules="all" style=";border: 2px solid black;border-collapse:collapse;padding: 0.4em;background-color: #FFFFFF" ><tr><td style="padding:6px" ><b>Worksheet Formulas</b><table cellpadding="2.5px" width="100%" rules="all" style="border: 1px solid;text-align:center;background-color: #FFFFFF;border-collapse: collapse; border-color: #A6AAB6"><thead><tr style=" background-color: #E0E0F0;color: #161120"><th width="10px">Cell</th><th style="text-align:left;padding-left:5px;">Formula</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><th width="10px" style=" background-color: #E0E0F0;color: #161120">C34</th><td style="text-align:left">=30-COUNTIF(<font color="#0000FF">K1:K31,"ABSENT"</font>)</td></tr><tr><th width="10px" style=" background-color: #E0E0F0;color: #161120">G34</th><td style="text-align:left">=SUMIF(<font color="#0000FF">L1:L31,"N",J1:J31</font>)*24</td></tr><tr><th width="10px" style=" background-color: #E0E0F0;color: #161120">J34</th><td style="text-align:left">=SUMIF(<font color="#0000FF">L1:L31,"H",J1:J31</font>)*24</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></table><br />

02-09-2017, 05:05 PM
Sub IJAdjust_LAdd_AbsentKAdd_TotalsFormulas_AllWorkshe etsCode4()

This is the first part of a single code.
The second part shpuld be copied directly under the first part in the same code module

For this Post
' http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2144-Code-Required-to-calculate-number-of-days-worked-normal-overtime-and-holiday-overtime?

'10 ' Code 4 for Nelson ' Post 27 http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2144-Code-Required-to-calculate-number-of-days-worked-normal-overtime-and-holiday-overtime?p=10094#post10094
Sub IJAdjust_LAdd_AbsentKAdd_TotalsFormulas_AllWorkshe etsCode4() 'http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2144-Code-Required-to-calculate-number-of-days-worked-normal-overtime-and-holiday-overtime?p=10078#post10078
20 Rem 1) Workbooks Info.
30 Dim Wb As Workbook ' Dim: For Object variabls: Address location to a "pointer". That has all the actual memory locations (addresses) of the various property values , and it holds all the instructions what / how to change them , should that be wanted later. That helped explain what occurs when passing an Object to a Call ed Fucntion or Sub Routine By Val ue. In such an occurance, VBA actually passes a copy of the pointer. So that has the effect of when you change things like properties on the local variable , then the changes are reflected in changes in the original object. (The copy pointer instructs how to change those values, at the actual address held in that pointer). That would normally be the sort of thing you would expect from passing by Ref erence. But as that copy pointer "dies" after the called routine ends, then any changes to the Addresses of the Object Properties in the local variable will not be reflected in the original pointer. So you cannot actually change the pointer.)
40 Set Wb = ActiveWorkbook ' Set: Fill or partially Fill: Setting to a Class will involve the use of an extra New at this code line. I will then have an Object referred to as an instance of a Class. At this point I include information on my Pointer Pigeon hole for a distinct distinguishable usage of an Object of the Class. For the case of something such as a Workbook this instancing has already been done, and in addition some values are filled in specific memory locations which are also held as part of the information in the Pigeon Hole Pointer. We will have a different Pointer for each instance. In most excel versions we already have a few instances of Worksheets. Such instances Objects can be further used., - For this a Dim to the class will be necessary, but the New must be omitted at Set. I can assign as many variables that I wish to the same existing instance
50 Dim wsStear As Worksheet ' Used for each Worksheet counting Tabs from left from 1 To Total
60 Rem 2) varables for some totals ;)
70 'Const TDays As Long = 30 'Total days just taken as 30 INITIALLY ' Long is very simple to handle, - final memory "size" type is known (123.456 and 000.001 have same "size" computer memory ) , and so a Address suggestion can be given for the next line when the variable is filled in. '( Long is a Big whole Number limit (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647) If you need some sort of validation the value should only be within the range of a Byte/Integer otherwise there's no point using anything but Long.--upon/after 32-bit, Integers (Short) need converted internally anyways, so a Long is actually faster. )
80 Dim Dte As Date, DteNo As Long ' I am hoping Dte will sort out getting a date in a format that I can use the Weekday function to see what week day it is and get that as a nuumber to check for..
90 Rem 3) Loop through worksheets and give some Totals
100 Dim Cnt As Long ' Loop Bound variable count for going through all worksheets
110 '3a) main Loop start============================================= ========
120 For Cnt = 1 To Wb.Worksheets.Count ' The Worksheets collection Object Property returns the number of worksheet items in the Workbook
130 Set wsStear = Wb.Worksheets.Item(Cnt) ' At each loop the variable is set to the current Worksheet counting from the Cnt'ths tab from left
140 Dim lr As Long ' Used for last row number in column E ( The number of “Entries” is taken as the filled dates in column E )
150 Let lr = wsStear.Range("E" & Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row ' The Range Object ( cell ) that is the last cell in the column of interest (CHOOSE a column typically that will always have a last Entry in any Data) ,( Row Number given by .Count Property applied to ( any Worksheet would do, so leaving unqualified is OK here, ) Spreadsheet Range Rows Property) has the Property .End ( argument "Looking back up" ) appled to it. This Returns a new Range ( cell ) object which is that of the first Range ( cell ) with something in it "looking back up" in the XL spreadsheet from that last Cell. Then the .Row Property is applied to return a long number equal to the Row number of that cell: Rows.Count is the very last row number in your Worksheet. It is different for earlier versions of Excel. The End(xlUp) is the same as pressing a Ctrl+UpArrow key combination. The final ".Row" returns the row where the cursor stops after moving up.
160 'Let lr = 30 ' maybe nelson means thís ? "...For all Month no. of days we take as 30 only..." For all Months, the “TOTAL NO. OF DAYS” ( to be placed in cell C34 ) is not necessarily the number of days worked.
170 Let lr = wsStear.Range("E33").End(xlUp).Row ' To allow text below row 33
180 'TOTAL NO. OF DAYS The formula for calculating this is:
190 ' _Assuming the employee is not Absent for any day, then the “TOTAL NO. OF DAYS” is always taken as 30
200 ' _ If the employee has one or more normal days of absence, ( normal days with no total working hours ), then the formula for calculating “TOTAL NO. OF DAYS” is as follows:
210 ' TOTAL NO. OF DAYS = 30 – ( Count of “ABSENT” )
220 Dim FstDtaCel As Range: Set FstDtaCel = wsStear.Range("A1") 'Top Left data ' Worksheets Range(" ") Property used to return Range object of first cell in second row
230 '3b) Data arrays from worksheet. We need columns E H I J .... Date ( Column E ) and Total hrs ( Column H ) are required to use in calculations
240 Dim arrInNorm() As Variant, arrInOver() As Variant ' In the next lines the .Value2 or .Value "values" Property is applied a Range object which presents the Value or Value2 value or values in a single variable of appropriate type or a field of member Elements of varaint types.We are expecting the latter, so declare ( Dim ) a dynamic Array variable appropriately. It must be dynamic as its size will be defined at that assignment
250 Let arrInNorm() = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 8).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 ' I ' Normal Hrs ( Column I ) are needed as they must be set to zero for Holy ?? Holidays ?? Friday ??
260 Let arrInOver() = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 9).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 ' J ' Overtime ( Column J ) is needed as it will be changed and then used in calculations
270 Dim arrTotHrs() As Variant ' ,' ## ' arrDteClr() As Variant
280 Let arrTotHrs() = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 7).Resize(lr, 1).Value ' H ' ' One thing you pick up when learning VBA programming is that referring to cells from one to another via an offset is both fundamental and efficient. That makes sense as Excel is all about using the offsets mentioned above. So like if you use them you can “cut out the middle man”. ( The middle man here might be considered as, for example, in VBA, using extra variables for different Range objects: A fundamental thing to do with any cell ( or strictly speaking the Range object associated to a cell ) is the Range Item Property of any range Object, through which you can “get at” any other Range object. http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?t=1154829&page=13&p=4563838&highlight=#post4563838 ( It is often quicker than using a separate variable for each Range object – probably as all the variable does is hold the offset , so you might as well use the offset in the first place.. )
290 ' Similarly Another thing you pick up along the way is that the cells ( or strictly speaking the Range objects associated with it ) can be organised into groups of cells which then are also called Range objects and are organised in their constituent parts exactly the same as for the single cell Range object. Once again this is all an indication of organising so that we get at information by sliding along a specific amount ( offset value). The Offset and Resize properties therefore return a new range object. I use the .Value 2 here as i seemed to get it for .Value anyway, not sure why yet, - so i thought be on the safe side , get it always and work somehow with that for now and convert as necerssary. Also 1 breadth Arrays due to Alan Intercept theory are held in such a ways as to be very effient in usage of values within
300 'Column L ( help column ) Column L ( help column )
310 ' Nelson has chosen the second code. It puts formulas in cells C34, G34, and J34.
320 ' This requires “H” or “N” to indicate Holiday or Normal working day. This will be written by the code in column L
330 Dim arrL() As String 'I know the size, but must make it dynamic as Dim declaration only takes numbers, and so I use ReDim method below wehich can also take variables or formulas
340 ReDim arrL(1 To UBound(arrInNorm(), 1), 1 To 1) ' Any array first dimension ("row") will do
350 '“ABSENT” “ABSENT” ( to be written in some rows in Column K by the program )
360 ' Count of “ABSENT” is the number of occurrences of ABSENT in column K in the final ( After ) Worksheet “ABSENT” is to be written in some rows of column K by the code under certain criteria.
370 ' ( “ABSENT” is not necessarily the normal working days in which an employee is absent and / or has no total working hours. )
380 ' “ABSENT” is to be written in column K by the code under the following criteria:
390 ' _ For the rows of all normal days when the employee has no working hours, ( days when the employee is absent ), “ABSENT” is to be written in column K.
400 ' _ In addition , should it occur that an employee is absent for both the days before and after a holiday, then for the ( Holiday ) row in between those two days, “ABSENT” is to be written in column K.
410 ' ( No consideration of this ““ABSENT” criteria thereof” is made for the case of a Holiday at the first or last “Entries” )
420 Dim arrAbscentK() As String 'K column to have ABSCENT in for person Absent on not Holiday or Holiday written in K cloumn as ABSENT
430 ReDim arrAbscentK(1 To UBound(arrInNorm(), 1), 1 To 1)
440 'Must Loop to get interior color as this will not work. ' ## ' Let arrDteClr() = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 4).Resize(lr, 1).Interior.Color ' because .Interior property for a Range object shows only one value for the entire range which seems to be zero unless all the cells have a colour

02-09-2017, 05:10 PM
Sub IJAdjust_LAdd_AbsentKAdd_TotalsFormulas_AllWorkshe etsCode4() Part 2

For Post http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2144-Code-Required-to-calculate-number-of-days-worked-normal-overtime-and-holiday-overtime?p=10094#post10094

This is the second part os a single code.
This second part shpuld be copied directly under the first part in the same code module

'440 'Must Loop to get interior color as this will not work. ' ## ' Let arrDteClr() = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 4).Resize(lr, 1).Interior.Color ' because .Interior property for a Range object shows only one value for the entire range which seems to be zero unless all the cells have a colour
450 Dim arrDteClr() As Double, rngDts As Range
460 Set rngDts = FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 4).Resize(lr, 1)
470 Dim Rws As Long: ReDim arrDteClr(1 To lr, 1 To 1) ' so must loop in each Interior color value
480 For Rws = 1 To UBound(arrDteClr(), 1) Step 1 'InnerLoop for dates background colors
490 Let arrDteClr(Rws, 1) = rngDts.Item(Rws, "A").Interior.Color
500 Next Rws
510 '3c) Inner loop for rows
520 Dim ShtCnt As Long ' Loop Bound Variable Count for hours columns looping
530 Dim ValidHoliday As Boolean: Let ValidHoliday = True 'Assume for now Holiday days are valid for Holiday adjustments
540 For ShtCnt = 1 To UBound(arrDteClr(), 1) Step 1 '------------------- For "rows" in data arrays
550 '3d) We need to check Interior color, and a few other things, Adjust columns I and J so that column I has no hours for holiday day and total hours goes to over time hours with criteria 9 or less than 9 hrs all total hours added overtime, 10 or above 10 hrs one hour deducted from total hours and added to column J ..... and add a H or N in helper column K
560 If arrDteClr(ShtCnt, 1) = 65535 Then ' We have a Holiday, ...but... have some other checks
570 If Not (ShtCnt = 1 Or ShtCnt = UBound(arrDteClr(), 1)) Then ' ....but... Possible futher checks for not adjusting Normal Total Hrs to overtime and remove normal Hrs
580 'It is possible to check for absent before and after current day
590 If arrTotHrs(ShtCnt - 1, 1) = Empty And arrTotHrs(ShtCnt + 1, 1) = Empty Then '...."...holiday is deducted if the person does not come the day before and after the holiday...".... To facilitate this "ABSENT" is written in column K so that 30 - CountIf ABSENT will "remove a Holiday pay"
600 Let ValidHoliday = False
610 Else
620 Let ValidHoliday = True
630 End If
640 Else 'It is not possible for absence before AND after to check for absence as one will lie in last or next month
650 End If ' We remmain at default or last set true or just set true or false
660 'We had Holiday ...
670 If ValidHoliday = True Then ' ...and all conditions for valid Holiday pay adjustments
680 'Conditions met to adjust make all of 1 less of Normal Hrs to overtime
690 If (arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) * 24) <= 9 Then '(i) If Total Hrs are less than or equal to 9 ,Then all Total Hrs are added to Overtime Hrs
700 Let arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1) = arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) ' Given To ' Added to arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1) + arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1)
710 ElseIf (arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) * 24) > 9 Then ' (ii) If Total Hrs are less greater than 9 , Then ( Total Hrs - 1 ) are added to Overtime Hrs
720 Let arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1) = arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) - 1 / 24 ' Given To ' arrInOver(ShtCnt, 1) + arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) - 1 / 24 'Added to 1 hr less overtime for more than 9 hrs worked
730 End If
740 Let arrInNorm(ShtCnt, 1) = Empty ' (iii) As array is variant type can empty Remove normal Hrs Array for(Column I) is then set tom zerow for this "row"
750 Let arrL(ShtCnt, 1) = "H" ' ' (iv)H '_-Give string, "" value of H for valid Holiday in Admin's help column
760 Else ' We had a Holiday but abscence before and after, we make in this case the AbsentK column ABSENT
770 Let arrAbscentK(ShtCnt, 1) = "ABSENT" '_- This is unusual "Abscent" case. If after and before the Holiday, the employee is absent, then the Holiday is "marked" ( in column K ) as ABSENT. This
780 Let ValidHoliday = True 'we need to reset to true
790 End If
800 Else ' No Holy Holiday
810 Let arrL(ShtCnt, 1) = "N" ' give string N for normal ' (iv)N '_-Give string, "" value of N for normal Day
820 End If
830 If arrTotHrs(ShtCnt, 1) = Empty And Not arrDteClr(ShtCnt, 1) = 65535 Then Let arrAbscentK(ShtCnt, 1) = "ABSENT" '_- column K absent days should be marked as ABSENT. This is normal Absent case for normal workdays when employee is abscent
840 '3e) ' from last code, is not now used to calculate totals
850 Next ShtCnt '--------------------------End Inner loop for rows-----
860 '3f) Paste out final Totals and days to current Worksheet
870 Let wsStear.Range("G34").Value = "=SUMIF(L1:L" & lr & ",""N"",J1:J" & lr & ")*24"
880 Let wsStear.Range("J34").Value = "=SUMIF(L1:L" & lr & ",""H"",J1:J" & lr & ")*24"
890 Let wsStear.Range("C34").Value = "=30-COUNTIF(K1:K" & lr & ",""ABSENT"")"
900 '3g) Normal Hrs ( Column I ) and Overtime Hrs ( Column J ) are changed ' And can paste out help column if you like
910 Let FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 9).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 = arrInOver() ' J ' The required spreadsheet cells range has its Range Object .Value2 values filled an allowed direct assignment to an array of values
920 Let FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 8).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 = arrInNorm() ' I
930 Let FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 11).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 = arrL() ' L
940 Let FstDtaCel.Offset(0, 10).Resize(lr, 1).Value2 = arrAbscentK() ' K
950 '3h) Set Booleans for
960 Next Cnt '==End main Loop==============================================
End Sub
'970 '
'980 'Rem Ref: http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2138-Understanding-VBA-Range-Object-Properties-and-referring-to-ranges-and-spreadsheet-cells
'990 '

12-29-2017, 12:20 AM
Codes required for contribution to , and to be referenced from, this Thread: http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/1324-Loop-Through-Files-In-A-Folder-Using-VBA

Theses are

_ the main initial code , ( Sub ( ) ) , used in a two code solution "recursion type" solution for Looping through all Folders and Subfolders and Files , starting from an in initial Folder which is given in this code and passed to the second code,

_ a "recursion type" code. This code successively takes a Folder, looks into its subfolders, and then passes all the subfolders successively to "itself" and repeats the process of then looking into the Sub Folders, and then passes all the subfolders successively to "itself" and repeats the process of then looking into the Sub Folders, and then passes all the subfolders successively to "itself" and repeats the process of then looking into the Sub Folders, …. Etc…..

The codes are discussed in detail at that Thread , starting from this post:

Initial Code to call the recursion code given below

' Dec 2017 For Python Comparison. Tutorial Post: excelforum: Tutorial Post: ExcelFox:
'http://excelpoweruser.blogspot.de/2012/04/looping-through-folders-and-files-in.html http://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming-vba-macros/1126751-get-value-function-loop-through-all-files-in-folder-and-its-subfolders.html#post4316662 http://www.excelfox.com/forum/f5/loop-through-files-in-a-folder-using-vba-1324/
Sub VBADoStuffInFoldersInFolderRecursion() 'Main routine to "Call" the first copy of the second routine, VBALoopThroughEachFolderAndItsFile(
Rem 1A) Some Worksheets and General Variables Info
Dim Ws As Worksheet '_-Dim: Prepares "Pointer" to a "Blue Print" (or Form, Questionaire not yet filled in, a template etc.)"Pigeon Hole" in Memory, sufficient in construction to house a piece of Paper with code text giving the relevant information for the particular Variable Type. VBA is sent to it when it passes it. In a Routine it may be given a particular "Value", or ("Values" for Objects). There instructions say then how to do that and handle(store) that(those). At Dim the created Paper is like a Blue Print that has some empty spaces not yet filled in. A String is a a bit tricky. The Blue Print code line Paper in the Pigeon Hole will allow to note the string Length and an Initial start memory Location. This Location well have to change frequently as strings of different length are assigned. Instructiions will tell how to do this. Theoretically a specilal value vbNullString is set to aid in quich checks.. But..http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/361246-vbnullstring-2.html#post4411
Set Ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(1) 'Worksheets("EFFldr") 'CHANGE TO SUIT YOUR WORKSHEET '_- Set: Fill or partially Fill: Setting to a Class will involve the use of an extra New at this code line. I will then have an Object referred to as an instance of a Class. At this point I include information on my Pointer Pigeon hole for a distinct distinguishable usage of an Object of the Class. For the case of something such as a Workbook this instancing has already been done, and in addition some values are filled in specific memory locations which are also held as part of the information in the Pigeon Hole Pointer. We will have a different Pointer for each instance. In most excel versions we already have a few instances of Worksheets. Such instances Objects can be further used., - For this a Dim to the class will be necessary, but the New must be omitted at Set. I can assign as many variables that I wish to the same existing instance
Ws.Range("B3:F30").ClearContents ' This line only needed for demo code
Dim celTL As Range: Set celTL = Ws.Range("B3") 'Top left of where Listing should go
Rem 2A) Get Folder Info
Dim strWB As String ' "Pointer" to a "Blue Print" (or Form, Questionaire not yet filled in, a template etc.)"Pigeon Hole" in Memory, sufficient in construction to house a piece of Paper with code text giving the relevant information for the particular Variable Type. VBA is sent to it when it passes it. In a Routine it may be given a particular "Value", or ("Values" for Objects). There instructions say then how to do that and handle(store) that(those). At Dim the created Paper is like a Blue Print that has some empty spaces not yet filled in. A String is a a bit tricky. The Blue Print code line Paper in the Pigeon Hole will allow to note the string Length and an Initial start memory Location. This Location well have to change frequently as strings of different length are assigned. Instructiions will tell how to do this. Theoretically a specilal value vbNullString is set to aid in quich checks.. But..http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/361246-vbnullstring-2.html#post44116
Let strWB = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "EileensFldr" ' 'CHANGE TO SUIT if you store the main Folder to be looked through somewhere other than in the same Folder as this workbook in which the codes are in
Rem 3A ) ' FileSystemObject Object
Dim FSO As Object: Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Late Binding
'Dim FSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject 'Early Binding alternative activate a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime Library ( MSRL ) in the Tools References menu of VB Editor Options.
'Set FSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject 'Create an Instance of the Class Scripting FileSystemObject
Dim myFolder As Object 'An Object from myFolder, can be an declared as Dim myFolder As Folder also for Early Binding
Set myFolder = FSO.GetFolder(strWB) 'Set the selected Folder to the Object Folder using this Method which takes as arbument the Full String Path
Rem 4A )
Dim rCnt As Long: Let rCnt = 1: Dim CopyNumber1 As Long: Let CopyNumber1 = 1 '"Run progressin ( "down vertical" ) axis ( Row count for output ), "Down Folder chain to the right", The Count of the Copy of the called Procedue, here set to 1 for the first called copy of the second routine, which is done from this Sub( ) . Any subsequent calls of further second routine copies will be made by the current copy as it "freezes" and sets of that next copy
celTL.Value = myFolder.Path: celTL.Offset(0, 1).Value = myFolder.Name: Ws.Columns("A:C").AutoFit 'First output Row
'( -- Rem 5A) )
Call LoopThroughEachFolderAndItsFile(myFolder, celTL, rCnt, CopyNumber1) 'Up until now we just got the initial Folder. Now we go to all sub folders then all subfolders then all subfolders.......
' let Application.ScreenUpdating = True ' If this had been set to False earlier towards the start, as is often done, then the code might run a bit quicker by virtue of not updating the worksheet everytime an entry is made, but it is not really nacerssary unless the number of Files and Folders is massive. Even then it is probably better not to do that so that in the case of an error one has an additional way in the worksheet to see where the code stopped / errored
MsgBox "All Excel Files processed", vbInformation
End Sub
'Rem 5A) --



Second code. Recursion routine

'Rem 5A) --
Sub VBALoopThroughEachFolderAndItsFile(ByVal fldFldr As Object, ByRef celTL As Range, ByRef rCnt As Long, ByVal CopyNumberFroNxtLvl As Long) 'In below function we have a nested loop to iterate each files also
Dim myFldrs As Object ''This is used continuously as the "steering" thing, that is to say each Sub Folder in Folder loops, in loops, in loops......etc ....can be Dim myFldrs As Folder for early bindingDim CopyNumber As Long 'equivalent to clmLvl in Rudis Q code
Dim CopyNumber As Long 'equivalent to clmLvl in Rudis Q code
Let CopyNumber = CopyNumberFroNxtLvl 'This variable is local to the current running or paused copy of this routine.
'5Ab) Doing stuff for current Folder
For Each myFldrs In fldFldr.SubFolders 'SubFolders collection used to get at all Sub Folders
''''''''Doing stuff for each Folder, .. in this example giving '_-
'_- its full path including name : and just Flder Name ' -- *
Let rCnt = rCnt + 1 + 1 ''At each folder we always move down a line, and a dd amm extra line as a space between Folders ( The indication of the "column" or "down" to the right comes from the Copy Number of the Sub Procedure
Let celTL.Cells(rCnt, 1).Value = myFldrs.Path: celTL.Cells(rCnt, CopyNumber).Offset(0, 2).Value = myFldrs.Name ' -- * 'Print out current Folder Path and Name in next free row.
''''''''End doing stuff for each Folder
'5Ac) Doing stuff for current file.
Dim oFile As Object ' ... for early binding can Dim oFile As file
For Each oFile In myFldrs.Files 'Looking at all Files types initially '#####
''''''''Doing Stuff for Each File
' Dim Extension As String: Let Extension = Right(oFile.Name, (Len(oFile.Name) - (InStrRev(oFile.Name, ".")))) 'To get the bit just after the . dot. #####
' If Left(Extension, 3) = "xls" Then 'Check for your required File Type #####
Let rCnt = rCnt + 1
celTL.Cells(rCnt, CopyNumber).Offset(0, 2).Value = oFile.Name ' Do your stuff here
' Dim wkb As Workbook
On Error GoTo ErrHdlr 'In case problem opening file for example
' Set wkb = Workbooks.Open(oFile)
' wkb.Close SaveChanges:=True
' Else 'Do not do stuff for a Bad Extension ' #####
' End If ' #####
''''''''End Doing Sttuff for Each File
NxtoFile: Next oFile ' Spring Point after error handler so as to go on to next File after the File action that errored
Call LoopThroughEachFolderAndItsFile(myFldrs, celTL, rCnt, CopyNumber + 1) 'This is an example of recursion. It is actually very simple once you understand it. But it is just incredibly difficult to put in words. It is basically a Procedure that keeps calling itself as much as necessary as it goes "along", "down", or "to the right" of the Path "roots". Every time it goes off calling itself VBA runs a copy of that Procedure. It "Stacks" all info carefully for each "Copy" Run and continues to do this "drilling" down as far as it must, in this case finding the Next Folder, and then the next Folder in that, then the next Folder in that, then the next Folder in that...I think you get the point! Each time VBA makes a copy of the Routine and you go into that. The calling Routine then "freezes at its current state and all variable keep there values. The "Frozen" Routine then re starts when the copy finishes
Exit Sub 'Normal End for no Errors
Rem 6 ) Error handler section just put here for convenience
ErrHdlr: 'Hopefully we know why we are here, and after informing can continue ( to next file )
MsgBox prompt:="Error " & Err.Description & " with File " & oFile & ""
On Error GoTo -1 'This needs to be done to reset the VBA exceptional error state of being. Otherwise VBA "thinks" Errors are being handeled and will not respond again to the Error handler.
On Error GoTo 0 ' Swiches off the current error handler. I do not really need to do this. But it is good practice so the error handler is only in place at the point where i next am expecting an error
GoTo NxtoFile
End Sub


( Codes are also in the first Worksheet Code module of this Workbook: ( '== ' Dec 2017 For Python Comparison. https://app.box.com/s/gfuintgifu1hgw5nap3jriz2x8mp911x ) )

02-07-2018, 03:49 PM
Dumping Logs for support of this Thread Post:

Test Function used to produce the Log below

'Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc - Copy number_GlobinalCntChopsLog - a few copies of this are made and run. (Recursion)
'_-=Rem 4===================??? Got me hook lochprocedue in my code , 5 times simple run then another + 29 new copies of it are run = 5+30=35 times in total calling it it a few times http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/1324-Loop-Through-Files-In-A-Folder-Using-VBA#post10421 .... wanking myself up and down a few times
Private Function HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc(ByVal lMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long ' ByVal CopyNumberFroNxtLvl As Long) As Long
Let GlobinalCntChopsLog = GlobinalCntChopsLog + 1: Debug.Print " Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc"; GlobinalCntChopsLog; "(1Msg"; lMsg; ", wParam"; wParam; ", lParam"; lParam; ") Function Copy Number_"; GlobinalCntChopsLog
'If GlobinalCntChopsLog = 2 Then Let GlobinalCntChopsLog = GlobinalCntChopsLog - 1: UnHookWindowsHookCodEx hHookTrapCrapNumber: Exit Function
If lMsg = 5 Then '_-.... ( Hook type: HCBT_ACTIVATE = 5 but not here?) ... this runs a further 29 copies of HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrap all coming here, so 30 times in total
Debug.Print "Expose Interface"; Tab(30); GlobinalCntChopsLog
SetWindowPosition wParam, 0, poX, pussY, 400, 150, 40 ' SWP_NOZORDER is 4 .. but not here?? 'SWP_NOSIZE + SWP_NOZORDER ' Pull the Chainge position ...
UnHookWindowsHookCodEx hHookTrapCrapNumber ' Release the Hook 30 times this is done
Debug.Print "No InterOfCourse"; Tab(30); GlobinalCntChopsLog; Tab(50); hHookTrapCrapNumber
End If ' 5 times here then '_-....
Debug.Print "Wipe chain WRap"; Tab(30); GlobinalCntChopsLog; Tab(50); hHookTrapCrapNumber
Let HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc = 0 ' Done 5+30=35 times in total '0 (or False) makes it work, all other numbers and I get no Message box
Let GlobinalCntChopsLog = GlobinalCntChopsLog - 1
End Function ' HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc

MutsNuts AkaApi working ApplicationPromptToRangeInputBox
Select Range

WndNumber 66770 HandleWndOfMyParent 983700 hWndDskTop 66204 hHookTrapCrapNumber
State of Much Such Penialtration's Number HookCodeXcretion's
================== AliAs Pull of my chain AliAs my long Hook
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 1 (1Msg 3 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2353392 ) Function Copy Number_ 1
No InterOfCourse 1 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 1 276039693
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 1 (1Msg 3 , wParam 1377832 , lParam 2353500 ) Function Copy Number_ 1
No InterOfCourse 1 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 1 276039693
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 1 (1Msg 3 , wParam 3934358 , lParam 2353500 ) Function Copy Number_ 1
No InterOfCourse 1 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 1 276039693
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 1 (1Msg 3 , wParam 984706 , lParam 2353480 ) Function Copy Number_ 1
No InterOfCourse 1 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 1 276039693
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 1 (1Msg 9 , wParam 3934358 , lParam 66766 ) Function Copy Number_ 1
No InterOfCourse 1 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 1 276039693
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 1 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2353812 ) Function Copy Number_ 1
Expose Interface 1
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 2 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2353500 ) Function Copy Number_ 2
Expose Interface 2
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 3 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2353188 ) Function Copy Number_ 3
Expose Interface 3
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 4 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2352876 ) Function Copy Number_ 4
Expose Interface 4
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 5 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2352564 ) Function Copy Number_ 5
Expose Interface 5
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 6 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2352252 ) Function Copy Number_ 6
Expose Interface 6
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 7 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2351940 ) Function Copy Number_ 7
Expose Interface 7
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 8 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2351628 ) Function Copy Number_ 8
Expose Interface 8
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 9 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2351316 ) Function Copy Number_ 9
Expose Interface 9
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 10 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2351004 ) Function Copy Number_ 10
Expose Interface 10
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 11 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2350692 ) Function Copy Number_ 11
Expose Interface 11
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 12 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2350380 ) Function Copy Number_ 12
Expose Interface 12
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 13 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2350068 ) Function Copy Number_ 13
Expose Interface 13
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 14 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2349756 ) Function Copy Number_ 14
Expose Interface 14
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 15 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2349444 ) Function Copy Number_ 15
Expose Interface 15
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 16 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2349132 ) Function Copy Number_ 16
Expose Interface 16
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 17 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2348820 ) Function Copy Number_ 17
Expose Interface 17
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 18 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2348508 ) Function Copy Number_ 18
Expose Interface 18
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 19 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2348196 ) Function Copy Number_ 19
Expose Interface 19
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 20 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2347884 ) Function Copy Number_ 20
Expose Interface 20
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 21 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2347572 ) Function Copy Number_ 21
Expose Interface 21
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 22 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2347260 ) Function Copy Number_ 22
Expose Interface 22
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 23 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2346948 ) Function Copy Number_ 23
Expose Interface 23
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 24 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2346636 ) Function Copy Number_ 24
Expose Interface 24
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 25 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2346324 ) Function Copy Number_ 25
Expose Interface 25
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 26 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2346012 ) Function Copy Number_ 26
Expose Interface 26
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 27 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2345700 ) Function Copy Number_ 27
Expose Interface 27
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 28 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2345388 ) Function Copy Number_ 28
Expose Interface 28
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 29 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2345076 ) Function Copy Number_ 29
Expose Interface 29
Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc 30 (1Msg 5 , wParam 2623104 , lParam 2344764 ) Function Copy Number_ 30
Expose Interface 30
Wipe chain WRap 30 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 29 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 28 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 27 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 26 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 25 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 24 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 23 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 22 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 21 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 20 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 19 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 18 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 17 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 16 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 15 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 14 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 13 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 12 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 11 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 10 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 9 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 8 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 7 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 6 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 5 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 4 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 3 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 2 276039693
Wipe chain WRap 1 276039693


Windows Handleing Info:

' 1b) To hang in the Excel Window malking it effectively a Excel Msgbox... Normally if I did not do this ... don't do this .. that is to say leave it at 0 , specifically no window is 0 , and it "hanging in mid air so isn't even if it is imaginatively speaking
Public Declare Function FindWndNumber Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (Optional ByVal lpClassName As String, Optional ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
Dim HandleWndOfMyParent As Long ' I wanted to comment this 1b)(i) and ( 1b(ii) later ) out to leave it hanging in mid air in a virtual inadvirtual not thereness ... but somehow this complicated hook stuff does hang it somwhere but not in my Excel Window but I don't know what my parent's fart has to do with anything
' 1d) For some Misc experiments
Private Declare Function FindWindowExtremeNutty Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowExA" (ByVal hWnd1 As Long, ByVal hWnd2 As Long, ByVal lpsz1 As String, ByVal lpsz2 As String) As Long
Dim WndNumber As Long, hWndDskTop As Long

Sub AkaApiApplicationPromptToRangeInputBox() ' This one works.. but HTF
' 1b(ii) This section is some how over written in / by the section part or some strange Addressing of HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrap
Let WndNumber = FindWndNumber(lpClassName:=vbNullString, lpWindowName:=vbNullString)
Let HandleWndOfMyParent = FindWndNumber(lpClassName:="XLMAIN", lpWindowName:=vbNullString) ' This is a case where vbNullstring is important - that signifies that I am not giving it, which i do not have to. The second option is a bit flaky and does not often work. it certainly won't work if you make it "" as that is a specific string of zero. Null is a special idea in computing of not set yet / not defined - that is required if I do not want to give it
' 1d) Just some experiments, I forgot why as my brain has goine comfortably numb
Dim HeavyWindBreak As Long: Let HeavyWindBreak = HandleWndOfMyParent
Let hWndDskTop = FindWindowExtremeNutty(HandleWndOfMyParent, 0&, "XLDESK", vbNullString)
Debug.Print "WndNumber"; WndNumber; " HandleWndOfMyParent"; HandleWndOfMyParent; " hWndDskTop"; hWndDskTop; " hHookTrapCrapNumber"
Rem 3 Mess with me hook? God knows what this all does and it seems to make no difference if the proXYs poX or pussY are before or after SetWindowsHooksExample

02-08-2018, 12:53 AM
Per PM request: One full working example of above code:

Option Explicit
Rem 1 ' This I understand. it is a simple more basic version of the VBA Message Box Function http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=28885#p223629
' 1a) UnWRap it and..
Private Declare Function APIssinUserDLL_MsgBox Lib "user32" Alias "MessageBoxA" (Optional ByVal HowManyFartsCanYouHandle As Long, Optional ByVal Prompt As String, Optional ByVal Title As String, Optional ByVal buttons As Long) As Long '
' 1b) To hang in the Excel Window malking it effectively a Excel Msgbox... Normally if I did not do this ... don't do this .. that is to say leave it at 0 , specifically no window is 0 , and it "hanging in mid air so isn't even if it is imaginatively speaking
Public Declare Function FindWndNumber Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (Optional ByVal lpClassName As String, Optional ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
Dim HandleWndOfMyParent As Long ' I wanted to comment this 1b)(i) and ( 1b(ii) later ) out to leave it hanging in mid air in a virtual inadvirtual not thereness ... but somehow this complicated hook stuff does hang it somwhere but not in my Excel Window but I don't know what my parent's fart has to do with anything
' 1d) For some Misc experiments
Private Declare Function FindWindowExtremeNutty Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowExA" (ByVal hWnd1 As Long, ByVal hWnd2 As Long, ByVal lpsz1 As String, ByVal lpsz2 As String) As Long
Dim WndNumber As Long, hWndDskTop As Long
Dim Booloks As Boolean
'_-=================??? main Declarations that I don't really understand
Rem 2 Position my box --- From here on I do not really have a clue
' 2(a) This will tie something on the chain for when you pull it https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms644990(v=vs.85).aspx
Private Declare Function SetWindowsHooksExample Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowsHookExA" (ByVal Hooktype As Long, ByVal lokprocedureAddress As Long, Optional ByVal hmod As Long, Optional ByVal dwThreadId As Long) As Long
' 2(b) Wipe the chain clean
Private Declare Function UnHookWindowsHookCodEx Lib "user32" Alias "UnhookWindowsHookEx" (ByVal hHookTrapCrapNumber As Long) As Long
' 2(c) Don't loose the Thread? - This seems to have no effect , - maybe it would if something else was going on at the time. You don't want to loose the Thread I guess
'Public Declare Function GetCurrentThreadId Lib "kernel32" () As Long ' Effectively long Null acttuall not ?? -
Public Declare Function GetCurrentFredId Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetCurrentThreadId" () As Long ' Effectively long Null acttuall not ?? -
' 2(d) This looks understandable almost, z(0 for top), posLeft, posTop, x pixels, y pixels,
Private Declare Function SetWindowPosition Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowPos" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal zNumber As Long, ByVal CoedX As Long, ByVal CoedY As Long, ByVal xPiXel As Long, ByVal yPiYel As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
' 2e)
Private hHookTrapCrapNumber As Long ' Handle to the Hook procedure
' 2f)
Private poX As Long: Private pussY As Long ' Positional By proXYs
Dim GlobinalCntChopsLog As Long ' Only used in this test code to keep track of the copies of a Function(HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrap) used in a recursion process
' 2g) bits to do with 1 that i am resonably happy with
Sub AkaApiApplicationPromptToRangeInputBox() ' This one works.. but HTF
' 1b(ii) This section is some how over written in / by the section part or some strange Addressing of HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrap
Let WndNumber = FindWndNumber(lpClassName:=vbNullString, lpWindowName:=vbNullString)
Let HandleWndOfMyParent = FindWndNumber(lpClassName:="XLMAIN", lpWindowName:=vbNullString) ' This is a case where vbNullstring is important - that signifies that I am not giving it, which i do not have to. The second option is a bit flaky and does not often work. it certainly won't work if you make it "" as that is a specific string of zero. Null is a special idea in computing of not set yet / not defined - that is required if I do not want to give it
' 1d) Just some experiments, I forgot why as my brain has goine comfortably numb
Dim HeavyWindBreak As Long: Let HeavyWindBreak = HandleWndOfMyParent
Let hWndDskTop = FindWindowExtremeNutty(HandleWndOfMyParent, 0&, "XLDESK", vbNullString)
Debug.Print "WndNumber"; WndNumber; " HandleWndOfMyParent"; HandleWndOfMyParent; " hWndDskTop"; hWndDskTop; " hHookTrapCrapNumber"
Rem 3 Mess with me hook? God knows what this all does and it seems to make no difference if the proXYs poX or pussY are before or after SetWindowsHooksExample
Debug.Print "State of Much Such"; Tab(20); "Penialtration's Number"; Tab(45); "HookCodeXcretion's"
Debug.Print "=================="; Tab(20); "AliAs Pull of my chain"; Tab(45); "AliAs my long Hook"
Let GlobinalCntChopsLog = 0:
'_-======================== Weird thing with an AddressOf ???
Let poX = 10: pussY = 50 ' These can go before or after the next line, makes no diffference.. - I bet no Pro noticed that...
'Let hHookTrapCrapNumber = SetWindowsHooksExample(5, AddressOf HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrap, 0, GetCurrentThreadId) ' (5-pull before flush, somehow arranges that the function gets called ,
Debug.Print ; Tab(75); hHookTrapCrapNumber ' 'APIssinUserDLL_MsgBox HeavyWindBreak, "Excel MsgBox", "This is Center Position", vbOKOnly ' This breaks Wnd in Excel Window
Call HookAPIssinUserDLL_MsgBoxThenDropIt
'APIssinUserDLL_MsgBox &H0, "Select Range", "MutsNuts AkaApi working ApplicationPromptToRangeInputBox", vbOKOnly ' Pseudo Non Modal
'APIssinUserDLL_MsgBox &H0, "Select Range", "MutsNuts AkaApi working ApplicationPromptToRangeInputBox", vbOKOnly ' Pseudo Non Modal

Dim Rng As Range: Set Rng = Selection
' (Optional ByVal hwnd As Long, Optional ByVal Prompt As String, Optional ByVal Title As String, Optional ByVal buttons As Long) As Long '
End Sub ' AkaApiApplicationPromptToRangeInputBox
Sub HookAPIssinUserDLL_MsgBoxThenDropIt()

Sub HookAPIssinUserDLL_MsgBoxThenDropIt()
' a) HOOK Hook the pseudo Windows Sub Class Function WinSubWinCls_JerkBackOffHooKerd
Dim BookMarkClassTeachMeWind As Long: Let BookMarkClassTeachMeWind = 5
'Let hHookTrapCrapNumber = SetWindowsHooksExample(BookMarkClassTeachMeWind, AddressOf HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTraped, 0, GetCurrentThreadId) ' (5-pull before flush, somehow arranges that the function gets called ,
'Let hHookTrapCrapNumber = SetWindowsHooksExample(BookMarkClassTeachMeWind, AddressOf HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc, 0, GetCurrentThreadId) ' (5-pull before flush, somehow arranges that the function gets called ,
Let hHookTrapCrapNumber = SetWindowsHooksExample(BookMarkClassTeachMeWind, AddressOf HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc, 0, GetCurrentFredId) ' (5-pull before flush, somehow arranges that the function gets called ,
' b) Call the MessageBoxA
APIssinUserDLL_MsgBox &H0, "Select Range", "MutsNuts AkaApi working ApplicationPromptToRangeInputBox", vbOKOnly ' Pseudo Non Modal
End Sub
'_-=Rem 4===================??? Got me hook lochprocedue in my code , 5 times simple run then another + 29 new copies of it are run = 6+29=35 times in total calling it it a few times http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/1324-Loop-Through-Files-In-A-Folder-Using-VBA#post10421 .... wanking myself up and down a few times

'_-=Rem 4===================??? Got me hook lochprocedue in my code , 5 times simple run then another + 29 new copies of it are run = 5+30=35 times in total calling it it a few times http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/1324-Loop-Through-Files-In-A-Folder-Using-VBA#post10421 .... wanking myself up and down a few times
Private Function HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc(ByVal lMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long ' ByVal CopyNumberFroNxtLvl As Long) As Long
Let GlobinalCntChopsLog = GlobinalCntChopsLog + 1: Debug.Print " Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc"; GlobinalCntChopsLog; "(1Msg"; lMsg; ", wParam"; wParam; ", lParam"; lParam; ") Function Copy Number_"; GlobinalCntChopsLog
'If GlobinalCntChopsLog = 2 Then Let GlobinalCntChopsLog = GlobinalCntChopsLog - 1: UnHookWindowsHookCodEx hHookTrapCrapNumber: Exit Function
If lMsg = 5 Then '_-.... ( Hook type: HCBT_ACTIVATE = 5 but not here?) ... this runs a further 29 copies of HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrap all coming here, so 30 times in total
Debug.Print "Expose Interface"; Tab(30); GlobinalCntChopsLog
Call SetWindowPosition(wParam, 0, poX, pussY, 400, 150, 40) ' SWP_NOZORDER is 4 .. but not here?? 'SWP_NOSIZE + SWP_NOZORDER ' Pull the Chainge position ...
UnHookWindowsHookCodEx hHookTrapCrapNumber ' Release the Hook 30 times this is done
Debug.Print "No InterOfCourse"; Tab(30); GlobinalCntChopsLog; Tab(50); hHookTrapCrapNumber
End If ' 5 times here then '_-....
Debug.Print "Wipe chain WRap"; Tab(30); GlobinalCntChopsLog; Tab(50); hHookTrapCrapNumber
Let HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc = 0 ' Done 5+30=35 times in total '0 (or False) makes it work, all other numbers and I get no Message box
Let GlobinalCntChopsLog = GlobinalCntChopsLog - 1
End Function ' HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc

02-08-2018, 12:53 AM
Per PM request: One full working example of above code:

Option Explicit
Rem 1 ' This I understand. it is a simple more basic version of the VBA Message Box Function http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=28885#p223629
' 1a) UnWRap it and..
Private Declare Function APIssinUserDLL_MsgBox Lib "user32" Alias "MessageBoxA" (Optional ByVal HowManyFartsCanYouHandle As Long, Optional ByVal Prompt As String, Optional ByVal Title As String, Optional ByVal buttons As Long) As Long '
' 1b) To hang in the Excel Window malking it effectively a Excel Msgbox... Normally if I did not do this ... don't do this .. that is to say leave it at 0 , specifically no window is 0 , and it "hanging in mid air so isn't even if it is imaginatively speaking
Public Declare Function FindWndNumber Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (Optional ByVal lpClassName As String, Optional ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
Dim HandleWndOfMyParent As Long ' I wanted to comment this 1b)(i) and ( 1b(ii) later ) out to leave it hanging in mid air in a virtual inadvirtual not thereness ... but somehow this complicated hook stuff does hang it somwhere but not in my Excel Window but I don't know what my parent's fart has to do with anything
' 1d) For some Misc experiments
Private Declare Function FindWindowExtremeNutty Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowExA" (ByVal hWnd1 As Long, ByVal hWnd2 As Long, ByVal lpsz1 As String, ByVal lpsz2 As String) As Long
Dim WndNumber As Long, hWndDskTop As Long
Dim Booloks As Boolean
'_-=================??? main Declarations that I don't really understand
Rem 2 Position my box --- From here on I do not really have a clue
' 2(a) This will tie something on the chain for when you pull it https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms644990(v=vs.85).aspx
Private Declare Function SetWindowsHooksExample Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowsHookExA" (ByVal Hooktype As Long, ByVal lokprocedureAddress As Long, Optional ByVal hmod As Long, Optional ByVal dwThreadId As Long) As Long
' 2(b) Wipe the chain clean
Private Declare Function UnHookWindowsHookCodEx Lib "user32" Alias "UnhookWindowsHookEx" (ByVal hHookTrapCrapNumber As Long) As Long
' 2(c) Don't loose the Thread? - This seems to have no effect , - maybe it would if something else was going on at the time. You don't want to loose the Thread I guess
'Public Declare Function GetCurrentThreadId Lib "kernel32" () As Long ' Effectively long Null acttuall not ?? -
Public Declare Function GetCurrentFredId Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetCurrentThreadId" () As Long ' Effectively long Null acttuall not ?? -
' 2(d) This looks understandable almost, z(0 for top), posLeft, posTop, x pixels, y pixels,
Private Declare Function SetWindowPosition Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowPos" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal zNumber As Long, ByVal CoedX As Long, ByVal CoedY As Long, ByVal xPiXel As Long, ByVal yPiYel As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
' 2e)
Private hHookTrapCrapNumber As Long ' Handle to the Hook procedure
' 2f)
Private poX As Long: Private pussY As Long ' Positional By proXYs
Dim GlobinalCntChopsLog As Long ' Only used in this test code to keep track of the copies of a Function(HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrap) used in a recursion process
' 2g) bits to do with 1 that i am resonably happy with
Sub AkaApiApplicationPromptToRangeInputBox() ' This one works.. but HTF
' 1b(ii) This section is some how over written in / by the section part or some strange Addressing of HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrap
Let WndNumber = FindWndNumber(lpClassName:=vbNullString, lpWindowName:=vbNullString)
Let HandleWndOfMyParent = FindWndNumber(lpClassName:="XLMAIN", lpWindowName:=vbNullString) ' This is a case where vbNullstring is important - that signifies that I am not giving it, which i do not have to. The second option is a bit flaky and does not often work. it certainly won't work if you make it "" as that is a specific string of zero. Null is a special idea in computing of not set yet / not defined - that is required if I do not want to give it
' 1d) Just some experiments, I forgot why as my brain has goine comfortably numb
Dim HeavyWindBreak As Long: Let HeavyWindBreak = HandleWndOfMyParent
Let hWndDskTop = FindWindowExtremeNutty(HandleWndOfMyParent, 0&, "XLDESK", vbNullString)
Debug.Print "WndNumber"; WndNumber; " HandleWndOfMyParent"; HandleWndOfMyParent; " hWndDskTop"; hWndDskTop; " hHookTrapCrapNumber"
Rem 3 Mess with me hook? God knows what this all does and it seems to make no difference if the proXYs poX or pussY are before or after SetWindowsHooksExample
Debug.Print "State of Much Such"; Tab(20); "Penialtration's Number"; Tab(45); "HookCodeXcretion's"
Debug.Print "=================="; Tab(20); "AliAs Pull of my chain"; Tab(45); "AliAs my long Hook"
Let GlobinalCntChopsLog = 0:
'_-======================== Weird thing with an AddressOf ???
Let poX = 10: pussY = 50 ' These can go before or after the next line, makes no diffference.. - I bet no Pro noticed that...
'Let hHookTrapCrapNumber = SetWindowsHooksExample(5, AddressOf HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrap, 0, GetCurrentThreadId) ' (5-pull before flush, somehow arranges that the function gets called ,
Debug.Print ; Tab(75); hHookTrapCrapNumber ' 'APIssinUserDLL_MsgBox HeavyWindBreak, "Excel MsgBox", "This is Center Position", vbOKOnly ' This breaks Wnd in Excel Window
Call HookAPIssinUserDLL_MsgBoxThenDropIt
'APIssinUserDLL_MsgBox &H0, "Select Range", "MutsNuts AkaApi working ApplicationPromptToRangeInputBox", vbOKOnly ' Pseudo Non Modal
'APIssinUserDLL_MsgBox &H0, "Select Range", "MutsNuts AkaApi working ApplicationPromptToRangeInputBox", vbOKOnly ' Pseudo Non Modal

Dim Rng As Range: Set Rng = Selection
' (Optional ByVal hwnd As Long, Optional ByVal Prompt As String, Optional ByVal Title As String, Optional ByVal buttons As Long) As Long '
End Sub ' AkaApiApplicationPromptToRangeInputBox
Sub HookAPIssinUserDLL_MsgBoxThenDropIt()

Sub HookAPIssinUserDLL_MsgBoxThenDropIt()
' a) HOOK Hook the pseudo Windows Sub Class Function WinSubWinCls_JerkBackOffHooKerd
Dim BookMarkClassTeachMeWind As Long: Let BookMarkClassTeachMeWind = 5
'Let hHookTrapCrapNumber = SetWindowsHooksExample(BookMarkClassTeachMeWind, AddressOf HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTraped, 0, GetCurrentThreadId) ' (5-pull before flush, somehow arranges that the function gets called ,
'Let hHookTrapCrapNumber = SetWindowsHooksExample(BookMarkClassTeachMeWind, AddressOf HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc, 0, GetCurrentThreadId) ' (5-pull before flush, somehow arranges that the function gets called ,
Let hHookTrapCrapNumber = SetWindowsHooksExample(BookMarkClassTeachMeWind, AddressOf HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc, 0, GetCurrentFredId) ' (5-pull before flush, somehow arranges that the function gets called ,
' b) Call the MessageBoxA
APIssinUserDLL_MsgBox &H0, "Select Range", "MutsNuts AkaApi working ApplicationPromptToRangeInputBox", vbOKOnly ' Pseudo Non Modal
End Sub
'_-=Rem 4===================??? Got me hook lochprocedue in my code , 5 times simple run then another + 29 new copies of it are run = 6+29=35 times in total calling it it a few times http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/1324-Loop-Through-Files-In-A-Folder-Using-VBA#post10421 .... wanking myself up and down a few times

'_-=Rem 4===================??? Got me hook lochprocedue in my code , 5 times simple run then another + 29 new copies of it are run = 5+30=35 times in total calling it it a few times http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/1324-Loop-Through-Files-In-A-Folder-Using-VBA#post10421 .... wanking myself up and down a few times
Private Function HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc(ByVal lMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long ' ByVal CopyNumberFroNxtLvl As Long) As Long
Let GlobinalCntChopsLog = GlobinalCntChopsLog + 1: Debug.Print " Going a HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc"; GlobinalCntChopsLog; "(1Msg"; lMsg; ", wParam"; wParam; ", lParam"; lParam; ") Function Copy Number_"; GlobinalCntChopsLog
'If GlobinalCntChopsLog = 2 Then Let GlobinalCntChopsLog = GlobinalCntChopsLog - 1: UnHookWindowsHookCodEx hHookTrapCrapNumber: Exit Function
If lMsg = 5 Then '_-.... ( Hook type: HCBT_ACTIVATE = 5 but not here?) ... this runs a further 29 copies of HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrap all coming here, so 30 times in total
Debug.Print "Expose Interface"; Tab(30); GlobinalCntChopsLog
Call SetWindowPosition(wParam, 0, poX, pussY, 400, 150, 40) ' SWP_NOZORDER is 4 .. but not here?? 'SWP_NOSIZE + SWP_NOZORDER ' Pull the Chainge position ...
UnHookWindowsHookCodEx hHookTrapCrapNumber ' Release the Hook 30 times this is done
Debug.Print "No InterOfCourse"; Tab(30); GlobinalCntChopsLog; Tab(50); hHookTrapCrapNumber
End If ' 5 times here then '_-....
Debug.Print "Wipe chain WRap"; Tab(30); GlobinalCntChopsLog; Tab(50); hHookTrapCrapNumber
Let HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc = 0 ' Done 5+30=35 times in total '0 (or False) makes it work, all other numbers and I get no Message box
Let GlobinalCntChopsLog = GlobinalCntChopsLog - 1
End Function ' HoldYaBackCalledYaBackClapTrapRuc

02-12-2018, 08:38 PM
Code solution for this Thread

Option Explicit
Sub Moshe() ' http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2229-complete-page-numbers
Rem 1 Make array for holding inoput data and output data - ' Input data can be handled as simple text so Array work is satisfactory
Dim arrIn() As Variant ' We know the data type can be taken as string, but I want to get the data quickly in a spreadsheet "capture" type way, using the .Value Property applied to a range object which returns a field of values for more than 1 cell returns a field of values held in Variant types, - so the type must be variant or a type mismatch runtime error will occcur
Let arrIn() = Range("A1:A" & Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count & "").Value
Dim arrOut() As String: ReDim arrOut(1 To UBound(arrIn())) ' I can use string type to suit my final data. I also know the array size, but I must make the array a dynamic ( unknown size ) type as the Dim declare statement will only take actual numbers, but I determine my size from the size of the input array by UBound(arrIn()) : the ReDim method will accept the UBound(arrIn()) , wheras the Dim declaration syntax will not accept this, as the Dim is done at complie and not runtime
Rem 2 Effectively looping for each data row
Dim Cnt As Long ' For going through each "row"
For Cnt = 1 To UBound(arrIn()) ' Going through each element in arrIn()
'2a) split the data in a cell into an array of data. The VBA strings collection split function will return a 1 dimentsional array of string types starting at indicie 0
Dim spltEnt() As String ' For the string row split into each number entry, in other words an array of the data in a cell
If InStr(1, arrIn(Cnt, 1), ", ", vbBinaryCompare) <> 0 Then ' case more than 1 entry in cell. starting at the first character , in the current Cnt array element , I look for ", " , stipulating an excact computer match search type This Function will return eitheer the position counting from the left that it finds the first ", " or it will return 0 if it does not find at least one occurance of the ", "
Let spltEnt() = VBA.Strings.Split(arrIn(Cnt, 1), ", ", -1, vbBinaryCompare) ' we now have a number or number pair
Else ' case a single entry I cannot split by a ", " as i don't have any, ...
ReDim spltEnt(0): Let spltEnt(0) = arrIn(Cnt, 1) ' ... so i just make a single element array and put the single element in it
End If
'2b) working through each data part in a cell
Dim strOut As String 'String in each "row" '_-"Pointer" to a "Blue Print" (or Form, Questionaire not yet filled in, a template etc.)"Pigeon Hole" in Memory, sufficient in construction to house a piece of Paper with code text giving the relevant information for the particular Variable Type. VBA is sent to it when it passes it. In a Routine it may be given a particular "Value", or ("Values" for Objects). There instructions say then how to do that and handle(store) that(those). At Dim the created Paper is like a Blue Print that has some empty spaces not yet filled in. A String is a a bit tricky. The Blue Print code line Paper in the Pigeon Hole will allow to note the string Length and an Initial start memory Location. This Location well have to change frequently as strings of different length are assigned. Instructiions will tell how to do this. Theoretically a specilal value vbNullString is set to aid in quich checks.. But..http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/361246-vbnullstring-2.html#post44116
Dim CntX As Long ' '_-Long is very simple to handle, - final memory "size" type is known (123.456 and 000.001 have same "size" computer memory ) , and so a Address suggestion can be given for the next line when the variable is filled in. '( Long is a Big whole Number limit (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647) If you need some sort of validation the value should only be within the range of a Byte/Integer otherwise there's no point using anything but Long.--upon/after 32-bit, Integers (Short) need converted internally anyways, so a Long is actually faster. ) https://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/803662-byte-backward-loop-4.html
For CntX = 0 To UBound(spltEnt()) ' for going through each entry in a row in other words for going through each piece of data in a cell
'2c)(i) case just data for a single page
If InStr(1, spltEnt(CntX), "-", vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then ' case of no "-"
Let strOut = strOut & spltEnt(CntX) & ", " ' just the single number goes in the output string, strOut
Else ' we have a "-"
Dim NmbrPear() As String ' this will be am Array of 2 elements for each number pair
Let NmbrPear() = VBA.Strings.Split(spltEnt(CntX), "-", -1, vbBinaryCompare)
'2c)(ii) case no correction needed in the data
If Len(NmbrPear(0)) = Len(NmbrPear(1)) Then ' the numbers are the same
Let strOut = strOut & spltEnt(CntX) & ", " ' the same number pair goes in the output string
Else ' from here on, we need to do some adjustment before adding to the output string
'2c)(iii) cases data correction needed
Select Case Len(NmbrPear(0)) - Len(NmbrPear(1)) ' selecting the case of the difference in length of the two parts of the data "FirstNumberPart-SecondNumberPart"
Case 1 ' Like 123-24 or 12345-2345
Let NmbrPear(1) = VBA.Strings.Mid$(NmbrPear(0), 1, 1) & NmbrPear(1) ' like 1 & 24 or 1 & 2345 ' VBA strings collection Mid Function: This returns the part of ( NmbrPear(0) , the starts at character 1 , and has the length of 1 character )
Case 2 ' like 123-4
Let NmbrPear(1) = VBA.Strings.Mid$(NmbrPear(0), 1, 2) & NmbrPear(1) ' like 12 & 4
Case 3 ' like 1234-6
Let NmbrPear(1) = VBA.Strings.Mid$(NmbrPear(0), 1, 3) & NmbrPear(1) ' like 123 & 6
Case 3 ' like 12345-8
Let NmbrPear(1) = VBA.Strings.Mid$(NmbrPear(0), 1, 4) & NmbrPear(1) ' like 1234 & 8
End Select ' at this point we have corrected our second number part from the pair
Let strOut = strOut & VBA.Strings.Join(NmbrPear(), "-") & ", " ' The number pair is rejoined with the corrected second number part before adding the number parts pair to the output string
End If
End If
Next CntX
'2d) The string of corrected data can now be added to the array for output
Let strOut = VBA.Strings.Left$(strOut, Len(strOut) - 2) ' This removes the last unwanted ", " ' 'VBA Strings collection Left function returns a Variant- initially tries to coerces the first parameter into Variant, Left$ does not, that's why Left$ is preferable over Left, it's theoretically slightly more efficient, as it avoids the overhead/inefficieny associated with the Variant. It allows a Null to be returned if a Null is given. https://www.excelforum.com/excel-new...ml#post4084816 .. it is all to do with ya .."Null propagation".. maties ;) '_-.. http://allenbrowne.com/casu-12.html Null is a special "I do not know, / answer unknown" - handy to hav... propogetion wonks - math things like = 1+2+Null returns you null. Or string manipulation stuff like, left(Null returns you Null. Count things like Cnt (x,y,Null) will return 2 - there are two known things there..Hmm - bit iffy although you could argue that Null has not been entered yet.. may never
Let arrOut(Cnt) = strOut ' Finally the string is aded to the current "row" in the outout array
Let strOut = "" ' Empty variable holding a row string for use ijn next loop
Next Cnt
Rem 3 I have the final data array, and so umst now paste it out where I want it.
Dim arrClmOut() As String: ReDim arrClmOut(1 To UBound(arrOut), 1 To 1) ' This is for a 1 column 2 Dimensional array which I need for the orientation of my final output
'3(i) a simple loop to fill the transposed array
Dim rCnt As Long '
For rCnt = 1 To UBound(arrOut())
Let arrClmOut(rCnt, 1) = arrOut(rCnt)
Next rCnt
'3(ii) Output to worksheet
Let Range("B1").Resize(UBound(arrOut())).Value = arrClmOut() ' The cell Top left of where the output should go is resized to the required row size, and 1 column. The .Value Property of that range object may have the values in an Array assigned to it in a simpla one line assignment
End Sub
' http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2157-Re-Defining-multiple-variables-in-VBA?p=10192#post10192
' https://www.excelforum.com/word-programming-vba-macros/1175184-vba-word-repeat-character-in-string-a-number-of-times.html#post4591171

02-12-2018, 08:38 PM
Code solution for this Thread

Option Explicit
Sub Moshe() ' http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2229-complete-page-numbers
Rem 1 Make array for holding inoput data and output data - ' Input data can be handled as simple text so Array work is satisfactory
Dim arrIn() As Variant ' We know the data type can be taken as string, but I want to get the data quickly in a spreadsheet "capture" type way, using the .Value Property applied to a range object which returns a field of values for more than 1 cell returns a field of values held in Variant types, - so the type must be variant or a type mismatch runtime error will occcur
Let arrIn() = Range("A1:A" & Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count & "").Value
Dim arrOut() As String: ReDim arrOut(1 To UBound(arrIn())) ' I can use string type to suit my final data. I also know the array size, but I must make the array a dynamic ( unknown size ) type as the Dim declare statement will only take actual numbers, but I determine my size from the size of the input array by UBound(arrIn()) : the ReDim method will accept the UBound(arrIn()) , wheras the Dim declaration syntax will not accept this, as the Dim is done at complie and not runtime
Rem 2 Effectively looping for each data row
Dim Cnt As Long ' For going through each "row"
For Cnt = 1 To UBound(arrIn()) ' Going through each element in arrIn()
'2a) split the data in a cell into an array of data. The VBA strings collection split function will return a 1 dimentsional array of string types starting at indicie 0
Dim spltEnt() As String ' For the string row split into each number entry, in other words an array of the data in a cell
If InStr(1, arrIn(Cnt, 1), ", ", vbBinaryCompare) <> 0 Then ' case more than 1 entry in cell. starting at the first character , in the current Cnt array element , I look for ", " , stipulating an excact computer match search type This Function will return eitheer the position counting from the left that it finds the first ", " or it will return 0 if it does not find at least one occurance of the ", "
Let spltEnt() = VBA.Strings.Split(arrIn(Cnt, 1), ", ", -1, vbBinaryCompare) ' we now have a number or number pair
Else ' case a single entry I cannot split by a ", " as i don't have any, ...
ReDim spltEnt(0): Let spltEnt(0) = arrIn(Cnt, 1) ' ... so i just make a single element array and put the single element in it
End If
'2b) working through each data part in a cell
Dim strOut As String 'String in each "row" '_-"Pointer" to a "Blue Print" (or Form, Questionaire not yet filled in, a template etc.)"Pigeon Hole" in Memory, sufficient in construction to house a piece of Paper with code text giving the relevant information for the particular Variable Type. VBA is sent to it when it passes it. In a Routine it may be given a particular "Value", or ("Values" for Objects). There instructions say then how to do that and handle(store) that(those). At Dim the created Paper is like a Blue Print that has some empty spaces not yet filled in. A String is a a bit tricky. The Blue Print code line Paper in the Pigeon Hole will allow to note the string Length and an Initial start memory Location. This Location well have to change frequently as strings of different length are assigned. Instructiions will tell how to do this. Theoretically a specilal value vbNullString is set to aid in quich checks.. But..http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/361246-vbnullstring-2.html#post44116
Dim CntX As Long ' '_-Long is very simple to handle, - final memory "size" type is known (123.456 and 000.001 have same "size" computer memory ) , and so a Address suggestion can be given for the next line when the variable is filled in. '( Long is a Big whole Number limit (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647) If you need some sort of validation the value should only be within the range of a Byte/Integer otherwise there's no point using anything but Long.--upon/after 32-bit, Integers (Short) need converted internally anyways, so a Long is actually faster. ) https://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/803662-byte-backward-loop-4.html
For CntX = 0 To UBound(spltEnt()) ' for going through each entry in a row in other words for going through each piece of data in a cell
'2c)(i) case just data for a single page
If InStr(1, spltEnt(CntX), "-", vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then ' case of no "-"
Let strOut = strOut & spltEnt(CntX) & ", " ' just the single number goes in the output string, strOut
Else ' we have a "-"
Dim NmbrPear() As String ' this will be am Array of 2 elements for each number pair
Let NmbrPear() = VBA.Strings.Split(spltEnt(CntX), "-", -1, vbBinaryCompare)
'2c)(ii) case no correction needed in the data
If Len(NmbrPear(0)) = Len(NmbrPear(1)) Then ' the numbers are the same
Let strOut = strOut & spltEnt(CntX) & ", " ' the same number pair goes in the output string
Else ' from here on, we need to do some adjustment before adding to the output string
'2c)(iii) cases data correction needed
Select Case Len(NmbrPear(0)) - Len(NmbrPear(1)) ' selecting the case of the difference in length of the two parts of the data "FirstNumberPart-SecondNumberPart"
Case 1 ' Like 123-24 or 12345-2345
Let NmbrPear(1) = VBA.Strings.Mid$(NmbrPear(0), 1, 1) & NmbrPear(1) ' like 1 & 24 or 1 & 2345 ' VBA strings collection Mid Function: This returns the part of ( NmbrPear(0) , the starts at character 1 , and has the length of 1 character )
Case 2 ' like 123-4
Let NmbrPear(1) = VBA.Strings.Mid$(NmbrPear(0), 1, 2) & NmbrPear(1) ' like 12 & 4
Case 3 ' like 1234-6
Let NmbrPear(1) = VBA.Strings.Mid$(NmbrPear(0), 1, 3) & NmbrPear(1) ' like 123 & 6
Case 3 ' like 12345-8
Let NmbrPear(1) = VBA.Strings.Mid$(NmbrPear(0), 1, 4) & NmbrPear(1) ' like 1234 & 8
End Select ' at this point we have corrected our second number part from the pair
Let strOut = strOut & VBA.Strings.Join(NmbrPear(), "-") & ", " ' The number pair is rejoined with the corrected second number part before adding the number parts pair to the output string
End If
End If
Next CntX
'2d) The string of corrected data can now be added to the array for output
Let strOut = VBA.Strings.Left$(strOut, Len(strOut) - 2) ' This removes the last unwanted ", " ' 'VBA Strings collection Left function returns a Variant- initially tries to coerces the first parameter into Variant, Left$ does not, that's why Left$ is preferable over Left, it's theoretically slightly more efficient, as it avoids the overhead/inefficieny associated with the Variant. It allows a Null to be returned if a Null is given. https://www.excelforum.com/excel-new...ml#post4084816 .. it is all to do with ya .."Null propagation".. maties ;) '_-.. http://allenbrowne.com/casu-12.html Null is a special "I do not know, / answer unknown" - handy to hav... propogetion wonks - math things like = 1+2+Null returns you null. Or string manipulation stuff like, left(Null returns you Null. Count things like Cnt (x,y,Null) will return 2 - there are two known things there..Hmm - bit iffy although you could argue that Null has not been entered yet.. may never
Let arrOut(Cnt) = strOut ' Finally the string is aded to the current "row" in the outout array
Let strOut = "" ' Empty variable holding a row string for use ijn next loop
Next Cnt
Rem 3 I have the final data array, and so umst now paste it out where I want it.
Dim arrClmOut() As String: ReDim arrClmOut(1 To UBound(arrOut), 1 To 1) ' This is for a 1 column 2 Dimensional array which I need for the orientation of my final output
'3(i) a simple loop to fill the transposed array
Dim rCnt As Long '
For rCnt = 1 To UBound(arrOut())
Let arrClmOut(rCnt, 1) = arrOut(rCnt)
Next rCnt
'3(ii) Output to worksheet
Let Range("B1").Resize(UBound(arrOut())).Value = arrClmOut() ' The cell Top left of where the output should go is resized to the required row size, and 1 column. The .Value Property of that range object may have the values in an Array assigned to it in a simpla one line assignment
End Sub
' http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2157-Re-Defining-multiple-variables-in-VBA?p=10192#post10192
' https://www.excelforum.com/word-programming-vba-macros/1175184-vba-word-repeat-character-in-string-a-number-of-times.html#post4591171

02-17-2018, 05:06 PM
Code for this Thread:

Function CStrSepDbl

'10 ' http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=22850#p208624
Function CStrSepDbl(Optional ByVal strNumber As String) As Double ' Return a Double based on a String Input which is asssumed to "Look" like a Number. The code will work for Leading and Trailing zeros, but will not return them. )
20 Rem 0 At the Dim stage a '_-String is "Pointer" to a "Blue Print" (or Form, Questionaire not yet filled in, a template etc.)"Pigeon Hole" in Memory, sufficient in construction to house a piece of Paper with code text giving the relevant information for the particular Variable Type. VBA is sent to it when it passes it. In a Routine it may be given a particular “Value”, or (“Values” for Objects). There instructions say then how to do that and handle(store) that(those). At Dim the created Paper is like a Blue Print that has some empty spaces not yet filled in. A String is a bit tricky. The Blue Print code line Paper in the Pigeon Hole will allow to note the string Length and an Initial start memory Location. This Location well have to change frequently as strings of different length are assigned. Instructiions will tell how to do this. Theoretically a specilal value vbNullString is set to aid in quich checks, But http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/361246-vbnullstring-2.html#post44116
30 If StrPtr(strNumber) = 0 Then Let CStrSepDbl = "9999999999": Exit Function '_- StrPtr(MyVaraibleNotYetUsed)=0 .. http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/1828-How-To-React-To-The-Cancel-Button-in-a-VB-(not-Application)-InputBox?p=10463#post10463 https://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/35206-test-inputbox-cancel-2.html?highlight=strptr#post2845398 https://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/917689-passing-array-class-byval-byref.html#post4412382
40 Rem 1 'Adding a leading zero if no number before a comma or point, change all seperators to comma ,
50 If VBA.Strings.Left$(strNumber, 1) = "," Or VBA.Strings.Left$(strNumber, 1) = "." Then Let strNumber = "0" & strNumber ' case for like .12 or ,7 etc 'VBA Strings collection Left function returns a Variant- initially tries to coerces the first parameter into Variant, Left$ does not, that's why Left$ is preferable over Left, it's theoretically slightly more efficient, as it avoids the overhead/inefficieny associated with the Variant. It allows a Null to be returned if a Null is given. https://www.excelforum.com/excel-new...ml#post4084816 .. it is all to do with ya .."Null propagation".. maties ;) '_-.. http://allenbrowne.com/casu-12.html Null is a special "I do not know, / answer unknown" - handy to hav... propogetion wonks - math things like = 1+2+Null returns you null. Or string manipulation stuff like, left(Null returns you Null. Count things like Cnt (x,y,Null) will return 2 - there are two known things there..Hmm -bit iffy although you could argue that Null has not been entered yet..may never
60 If VBA.Strings.Left$(strNumber, 2) = "-," Or VBA.Strings.Left$(strNumber, 2) = "-." Then Let strNumber = Application.WorksheetFunction.Replace(strNumber, 1, 1, "-0") ' case for like -.12 or -,274 etc
70 Let strNumber = Replace(strNumber, ".", ",", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare) 'Replace at start any . to a , After this point there should be either no or any amount of ,
80 'Check If a Seperator is present, then MAIN CODE is done
90 If InStr(1, strNumber, ",") > 0 Then 'Check we have at least one seperator, case we have, then..
100 Rem 2 'MAIN CODE part ====
110 'Length of String: Position of last ( Decimal ) Seperator
120 Dim LenstrNumber As Long: Let LenstrNumber = Len(strNumber): Dim posDecSep As Long: Let posDecSep = VBA.Strings.InStrRev(strNumber, ",", LenstrNumber) ' from right the positom "along" from left ( (in strNumber) , for a (",") , starting at the ( Last character ) which BTW. is the default
130 'Whole Number Part
140 Dim strHlNumber As String: Let strHlNumber = VBA.Strings.Left$(strNumber, (posDecSep - 1))
150 Let strHlNumber = Replace(strHlNumber, ",", Empty, 1, -1) 'In (strHlNumber) , I look for a (",") , and replace it with "VBA Nothing there" , considering and returning the strNumber from the start of the string , and replace all occurances ( -1 ).
160 Dim HlNumber As Long: Let HlNumber = CLng(strHlNumber) 'Long Number is a Whole Number, no fractional Part
170 'Fraction Part of Number
180 Dim strFrction As String: Let strFrction = VBA.Strings.Mid$(strNumber, (posDecSep + 1), (LenstrNumber - posDecSep)) 'Part of string (strNumber ) , starting from just after Decimal separator , and extending to a length of = ( the length of the whole strNumber minus the position of the separator )
190 Dim LenstrFrction As Long: Let LenstrFrction = Len(strFrction) 'Digits after Seperator. This must be done at the String Stage, as length of Long, Double etc will allways be 8, I think?.
200 Dim Frction As Double: Let Frction = CDbl(strFrction) 'This will convert to a Whole Double Number. Double Number can have Fractional part
210 Let Frction = Frction * 1 / (10 ^ (LenstrFrction)) 'Use 1/___, rather than a x 0.1 or 0,1 so as not to add another , . uncertainty!!
220 'Re join, using Maths to hopefully get correct Final Value
230 Dim DblReturn As Double 'Double Number to be returned in required Format after maniplulation.
240 If Left(strHlNumber, 1) <> "-" Then 'Case positive number
250 Let DblReturn = CDbl(HlNumber) + Frction 'Hopefully a simple Mathematics + will give the correct Double Number back
260 Else 'Case -ve Number
270 Let strHlNumber = Replace(strHlNumber, "-", "", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare) ' strHlNumber * (-1) ' "Remove" -ve sign
280 Let DblReturn = (-1) * (CDbl(strHlNumber) + Frction) 'having constructed the value of the final Number we multiply by -1 to put the Minus sign back
290 End If 'End checking polarity.
300 'Final Code Line(s) At this point we have what we want. We need to place this in the "Double Type variable" , CStrSepDbl , so that an assinment like = CStrSepDbl( ) will return this final value
310 Let CStrSepDbl = DblReturn 'Final Double value to be returned by Function
320 Else 'End MAIN CODE. === We came here if we have a Whole Number with no seperator, case no seperator
330 'Simple conversion of a string "Number" with no Decimal Seperator to Double Format
340 Let CStrSepDbl = CDbl(strNumber) 'String to be returned by Function is here just a simple convert to Double ' I guess this will convert a zero length string "" to 0 also
350 End If 'End checking for if a Seperator is present.
End Function

'Long code lines: Referrences http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/about-board/830361-board-wish-list-2.html http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/test-here/928092-http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=22850
Function CStrSepDblshg(strNumber As String) As Double ' http://excelxor.com/2014/09/05/index-returning-an-array-of-values/ http://www.techonthenet.com/excel/formulas/split.php
5 If Left(strNumber, 1) = "," Or Left(strNumber, 1) = "." Then Let strNumber = "0" & strNumber
20 Let strNumber = Replace(strNumber, ".", ",", 1, -1)
40 If InStr(1, strNumber, ",") > 0 Then
170 If Left(Replace(Left(strNumber, (InStrRev(strNumber, ",", Len(strNumber)) - 1)), ",", Empty, 1, 1), 1) <> "-" Then
180 Let CStrSepDblshg = CDbl(CLng(Replace(Left(strNumber, (InStrRev(strNumber, ",", Len(strNumber)) - 1)), ",", Empty, 1, 1))) + CDbl(Mid(strNumber, (InStrRev(strNumber, ",", Len(strNumber)) + 1), (Len(strNumber) - InStrRev(strNumber, ",", Len(strNumber))))) * 1 / (10 ^ (Len(Mid(strNumber, (InStrRev(strNumber, ",", Len(strNumber)) + 1), (Len(strNumber) - InStrRev(strNumber, ",", Len(strNumber)))))))
190 Else
210 Let CStrSepDblshg = (-1) * (CDbl(Replace(Left(strNumber, (InStrRev(strNumber, ",", Len(strNumber)) - 1)), ",", Empty, 1, 1) * (-1)) + CDbl(Mid(strNumber, (InStrRev(strNumber, ",", Len(strNumber)) + 1), (Len(strNumber) - InStrRev(strNumber, ",", Len(strNumber))))) * 1 / (10 ^ (Len(Mid(strNumber, (InStrRev(strNumber, ",", Len(strNumber)) + 1), (Len(strNumber) - InStrRev(strNumber, ",", Len(strNumber))))))))
220 End If
250 Else
270 Let CStrSepDblshg = CDbl(strNumber)
280 End If
End Function

Demo Code to call Function

Sub TestieCStrSepDbl() ' using adeptly named TabulatorSyncranartor ' / Introducing LSet TabulatorSyncranartor Statement : http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2230-Built-in-VBA-methods-and-functions-to-alter-the-contents-of-existing-character-strings
Dim LooksLikeANumber(1 To 17) As String
Let LooksLikeANumber(1) = "001,456"
Let LooksLikeANumber(2) = "1.0007"
Let LooksLikeANumber(3) = "123,456.2"
Let LooksLikeANumber(4) = "0023.345,0"
Let LooksLikeANumber(5) = "-0023.345,0"
Let LooksLikeANumber(6) = "1.007"
Let LooksLikeANumber(7) = "1.3456"
Let LooksLikeANumber(8) = "1,2345"
Let LooksLikeANumber(9) = "01,0700000"
Let LooksLikeANumber(10) = "1.3456"
Let LooksLikeANumber(11) = "1,2345"
Let LooksLikeANumber(12) = ".2345"
Let LooksLikeANumber(13) = ",4567"
Let LooksLikeANumber(14) = "-,340"
Let LooksLikeANumber(15) = "00.04"
Let LooksLikeANumber(16) = "-0,56000000"
Let LooksLikeANumber(17) = "-,56000001"
Dim Stear As Variant, MyStringsOut As String
For Each Stear In LooksLikeANumber()
Dim Retn As Double
Let Retn = CStrSepDbl(Stear)
Dim TabulatorSyncranartor As String: Let TabulatorSyncranartor = " "
LSet TabulatorSyncranartor = Stear
Let MyStringsOut = MyStringsOut & TabulatorSyncranartor & Retn & vbCrLf
Debug.Print Stear; Tab(15); Retn
Next Stear
MsgBox MyStringsOut
End Sub

Code also Here:

02-17-2018, 05:06 PM
Code for this Thread:

Function CStrSepDbl

'10 ' http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=22850#p208624
Function CStrSepDbl(Optional ByVal strNumber As String) As Double ' Return a Double based on a String Input which is asssumed to "Look" like a Number. The code will work for Leading and Trailing zeros, but will not return them. )
20 Rem 0 At the Dim stage a '_-String is "Pointer" to a "Blue Print" (or Form, Questionaire not yet filled in, a template etc.)"Pigeon Hole" in Memory, sufficient in construction to house a piece of Paper with code text giving the relevant information for the particular Variable Type. VBA is sent to it when it passes it. In a Routine it may be given a particular “Value”, or (“Values” for Objects). There instructions say then how to do that and handle(store) that(those). At Dim the created Paper is like a Blue Print that has some empty spaces not yet filled in. A String is a bit tricky. The Blue Print code line Paper in the Pigeon Hole will allow to note the string Length and an Initial start memory Location. This Location well have to change frequently as strings of different length are assigned. Instructiions will tell how to do this. Theoretically a specilal value vbNullString is set to aid in quich checks, But http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/361246-vbnullstring-2.html#post44116
30 If StrPtr(strNumber) = 0 Then Let CStrSepDbl = "9999999999": Exit Function '_- StrPtr(MyVaraibleNotYetUsed)=0 .. http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/1828-How-To-React-To-The-Cancel-Button-in-a-VB-(not-Application)-InputBox?p=10463#post10463 https://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/35206-test-inputbox-cancel-2.html?highlight=strptr#post2845398 https://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/917689-passing-array-class-byval-byref.html#post4412382
40 Rem 1 'Adding a leading zero if no number before a comma or point, change all seperators to comma ,
50 If VBA.Strings.Left$(strNumber, 1) = "," Or VBA.Strings.Left$(strNumber, 1) = "." Then Let strNumber = "0" & strNumber ' case for like .12 or ,7 etc 'VBA Strings collection Left function returns a Variant- initially tries to coerces the first parameter into Variant, Left$ does not, that's why Left$ is preferable over Left, it's theoretically slightly more efficient, as it avoids the overhead/inefficieny associated with the Variant. It allows a Null to be returned if a Null is given. https://www.excelforum.com/excel-new...ml#post4084816 .. it is all to do with ya .."Null propagation".. maties ;) '_-.. http://allenbrowne.com/casu-12.html Null is a special "I do not know, / answer unknown" - handy to hav... propogetion wonks - math things like = 1+2+Null returns you null. Or string manipulation stuff like, left(Null returns you Null. Count things like Cnt (x,y,Null) will return 2 - there are two known things there..Hmm -bit iffy although you could argue that Null has not been entered yet..may never
60 If VBA.Strings.Left$(strNumber, 2) = "-," Or VBA.Strings.Left$(strNumber, 2) = "-." Then Let strNumber = Application.WorksheetFunction.Replace(strNumber, 1, 1, "-0") ' case for like -.12 or -,274 etc
70 Let strNumber = Replace(strNumber, ".", ",", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare) 'Replace at start any . to a , After this point there should be either no or any amount of ,
80 'Check If a Seperator is present, then MAIN CODE is done
90 If InStr(1, strNumber, ",") > 0 Then 'Check we have at least one seperator, case we have, then..
100 Rem 2 'MAIN CODE part ====
110 'Length of String: Position of last ( Decimal ) Seperator
120 Dim LenstrNumber As Long: Let LenstrNumber = Len(strNumber): Dim posDecSep As Long: Let posDecSep = VBA.Strings.InStrRev(strNumber, ",", LenstrNumber) ' from right the positom "along" from left ( (in strNumber) , for a (",") , starting at the ( Last character ) which BTW. is the default
130 'Whole Number Part
140 Dim strHlNumber As String: Let strHlNumber = VBA.Strings.Left$(strNumber, (posDecSep - 1))
150 Let strHlNumber = Replace(strHlNumber, ",", Empty, 1, -1) 'In (strHlNumber) , I look for a (",") , and replace it with "VBA Nothing there" , considering and returning the strNumber from the start of the string , and replace all occurances ( -1 ).
160 Dim HlNumber As Long: Let HlNumber = CLng(strHlNumber) 'Long Number is a Whole Number, no fractional Part
170 'Fraction Part of Number
180 Dim strFrction As String: Let strFrction = VBA.Strings.Mid$(strNumber, (posDecSep + 1), (LenstrNumber - posDecSep)) 'Part of string (strNumber ) , starting from just after Decimal separator , and extending to a length of = ( the length of the whole strNumber minus the position of the separator )
190 Dim LenstrFrction As Long: Let LenstrFrction = Len(strFrction) 'Digits after Seperator. This must be done at the String Stage, as length of Long, Double etc will allways be 8, I think?.
200 Dim Frction As Double: Let Frction = CDbl(strFrction) 'This will convert to a Whole Double Number. Double Number can have Fractional part
210 Let Frction = Frction * 1 / (10 ^ (LenstrFrction)) 'Use 1/___, rather than a x 0.1 or 0,1 so as not to add another , . uncertainty!!
220 'Re join, using Maths to hopefully get correct Final Value
230 Dim DblReturn As Double 'Double Number to be returned in required Format after maniplulation.
240 If Left(strHlNumber, 1) <> "-" Then 'Case positive number
250 Let DblReturn = CDbl(HlNumber) + Frction 'Hopefully a simple Mathematics + will give the correct Double Number back
260 Else 'Case -ve Number
270 Let strHlNumber = Replace(strHlNumber, "-", "", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare) ' strHlNumber * (-1) ' "Remove" -ve sign
280 Let DblReturn = (-1) * (CDbl(strHlNumber) + Frction) 'having constructed the value of the final Number we multiply by -1 to put the Minus sign back
290 End If 'End checking polarity.
300 'Final Code Line(s) At this point we have what we want. We need to place this in the "Double Type variable" , CStrSepDbl , so that an assinment like = CStrSepDbl( ) will return this final value
310 Let CStrSepDbl = DblReturn 'Final Double value to be returned by Function
320 Else 'End MAIN CODE. === We came here if we have a Whole Number with no seperator, case no seperator
330 'Simple conversion of a string "Number" with no Decimal Seperator to Double Format
340 Let CStrSepDbl = CDbl(strNumber) 'String to be returned by Function is here just a simple convert to Double ' I guess this will convert a zero length string "" to 0 also
350 End If 'End checking for if a Seperator is present.
End Function

'Long code lines: Referrences http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/about-board/830361-board-wish-list-2.html http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/test-here/928092-http://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=22850
Function CStrSepDblshg(strNumber As String) As Double ' http://excelxor.com/2014/09/05/index-returning-an-array-of-values/ http://www.techonthenet.com/excel/formulas/split.php
5 If Left(strNumber, 1) = "," Or Left(strNumber, 1) = "." Then Let strNumber = "0" & strNumber
20 Let strNumber = Replace(strNumber, ".", ",", 1, -1)
40 If InStr(1, strNumber, ",") > 0 Then
170 If Left(Replace(Left(strNumber, (InStrRev(strNumber, ",", Len(strNumber)) - 1)), ",", Empty, 1, 1), 1) <> "-" Then
180 Let CStrSepDblshg = CDbl(CLng(Replace(Left(strNumber, (InStrRev(strNumber, ",", Len(strNumber)) - 1)), ",", Empty, 1, 1))) + CDbl(Mid(strNumber, (InStrRev(strNumber, ",", Len(strNumber)) + 1), (Len(strNumber) - InStrRev(strNumber, ",", Len(strNumber))))) * 1 / (10 ^ (Len(Mid(strNumber, (InStrRev(strNumber, ",", Len(strNumber)) + 1), (Len(strNumber) - InStrRev(strNumber, ",", Len(strNumber)))))))
190 Else
210 Let CStrSepDblshg = (-1) * (CDbl(Replace(Left(strNumber, (InStrRev(strNumber, ",", Len(strNumber)) - 1)), ",", Empty, 1, 1) * (-1)) + CDbl(Mid(strNumber, (InStrRev(strNumber, ",", Len(strNumber)) + 1), (Len(strNumber) - InStrRev(strNumber, ",", Len(strNumber))))) * 1 / (10 ^ (Len(Mid(strNumber, (InStrRev(strNumber, ",", Len(strNumber)) + 1), (Len(strNumber) - InStrRev(strNumber, ",", Len(strNumber))))))))
220 End If
250 Else
270 Let CStrSepDblshg = CDbl(strNumber)
280 End If
End Function

Demo Code to call Function

Sub TestieCStrSepDbl() ' using adeptly named TabulatorSyncranartor ' / Introducing LSet TabulatorSyncranartor Statement : http://www.excelfox.com/forum/showthread.php/2230-Built-in-VBA-methods-and-functions-to-alter-the-contents-of-existing-character-strings
Dim LooksLikeANumber(1 To 17) As String
Let LooksLikeANumber(1) = "001,456"
Let LooksLikeANumber(2) = "1.0007"
Let LooksLikeANumber(3) = "123,456.2"
Let LooksLikeANumber(4) = "0023.345,0"
Let LooksLikeANumber(5) = "-0023.345,0"
Let LooksLikeANumber(6) = "1.007"
Let LooksLikeANumber(7) = "1.3456"
Let LooksLikeANumber(8) = "1,2345"
Let LooksLikeANumber(9) = "01,0700000"
Let LooksLikeANumber(10) = "1.3456"
Let LooksLikeANumber(11) = "1,2345"
Let LooksLikeANumber(12) = ".2345"
Let LooksLikeANumber(13) = ",4567"
Let LooksLikeANumber(14) = "-,340"
Let LooksLikeANumber(15) = "00.04"
Let LooksLikeANumber(16) = "-0,56000000"
Let LooksLikeANumber(17) = "-,56000001"
Dim Stear As Variant, MyStringsOut As String
For Each Stear In LooksLikeANumber()
Dim Retn As Double
Let Retn = CStrSepDbl(Stear)
Dim TabulatorSyncranartor As String: Let TabulatorSyncranartor = " "
LSet TabulatorSyncranartor = Stear
Let MyStringsOut = MyStringsOut & TabulatorSyncranartor & Retn & vbCrLf
Debug.Print Stear; Tab(15); Retn
Next Stear
MsgBox MyStringsOut
End Sub

Code also Here:

02-23-2018, 03:16 PM
Further notes in support of answer to this Thread:

Microsoft Outlook.
WTF is that and HTF do you do anything with it, and WTF is it supposed to do.
I didn't know. And still don't......
The internet is full of stuff on this, but there is no clear explanation of what it is or what it should do or how you do anything with it.

But I had a go
Microsoft Outlook: what is that ( using manually )
You would normally get the software to run on its own ( visible as it were ) in a similar way to which you might get Word or Excel to start, for example
Find it single click on it:
FindOutlook Start AllProgrammes Microsoft MicrosoftOutlook.JPG : https://imgur.com/LaGs6HA
FindOutlook Start TypeInSearchBox Outlook.JPG : https://imgur.com/IbFOSHz
Make a Desktop icon from a Copy/ paste and double click on it :
MicrosoftOutlook Make a desktop Icon to double click on.JPG : https://imgur.com/ZNNPmOI
The first time you try to open it with a click or two, a set up starts.
Outlook2003Start.JPG https://imgur.com/tSQDoTe
The main use of the Outlook software is to do Email stuff, so usually you will have at least one Email account “registered in it” You can do this at the set up or later.
I had a go,
the start was OK:
Outlook2003Start.JPG https://imgur.com/R71pKfy
Outlook2003Start2.JPG https://imgur.com/XUFMpEm
These following steps took me a few hours of Emails, Internet surfing and annoying Telephone calls to my Internet provider before I
_ chose IMAP here : Outlook2003Start3ServerType.JPG : https://imgur.com/Jmnd6Vb
_ got the two required things to put in the 2 server information bars, and other stuff to fill in this : Outlook2003Start4ServerConfiguration.JPG : https://imgur.com/NXNAt9J

Von: "Doc.AElstein@t-online.de" <Doc.AElstein@t-online.de>
An: "elston, alan" <Doc.AElstein@t-online.de>
* Serveradresse Port* Sicherheit
Posteingang securepop.t-online.de 995 SSL / TLS
Postausgang securesmtp.t-online.de 465 SSL
E-Mails über IMAP4 abrufen
* Serveradresse Port* Sicherheit
Posteingang secureimap.t-online.de 993 SSL
Postausgang securesmtp.t-online.de 465 SSL

From: "Doc.AElstein@t-online.de" <Doc.AElstein@t-online.de>
To: "elston, alan" <Doc.AElstein@t-online.de>
Server address Port Security
Inbox securepop.t-online.de 995 SSL / TLS
Outbox securesmtp.t-online.de 465 SSL

Retrieve emails via IMAP4
Server address Port Security
Inbox secureimap.t-online.de 993 SSL
Outbox securesmtp.t-online.de 465 SSL

Outlook2003Start4ServerConfiguration.JPG : https://imgur.com/NXNAt9J
MyTelekomNameUsernamePassword.JPG : https://imgur.com/K6qZgsE
TelekomInternetConfiguration.JPG : https://imgur.com/Z3XcsJu

Then I hit Finish:
Outlook2003Start5Fertig.JPG : https://imgur.com/wIMvqBb ´
I get an error in the left Pane atz that point or later as well sometimes :
Outlook2003Start6LeftpaneErrror.JPG : https://imgur.com/35XLQv6

could not connect to the server secureimap t online.JPG : https://imgur.com/UqEZtQe
Fehler (0x800CCC0E) beim Ausführen der Aufgabe "Suchen nach neuen Nachrichten in den abonnierten Ordnern auf secureimap.t-online.de.": "Der Download des Ordners "(null)" von Konto "secureimap.t-online.de" vom IMAP-Mailserver ist fehlgeschlagen. Fehler: Die Verbindung zum Server konnte nicht hergestellt werden. Falls dieser Fehler weiterhin auftritt, wenden Sie sich an den Serveradministrator oder den Internetdienstanbieter."

Fehler (0x800CCC0E) beim Ausführen der Aufgabe "secureimap.t-online.de: Posteingang - Auf neue E-Mail überprüfen.": "Der Download des Ordners "Posteingang" von Konto "secureimap.t-online.de" vom IMAP-Mailserver ist fehlgeschlagen. Fehler: Die Verbindung zum Server konnte nicht hergestellt werden. Falls dieser Fehler weiterhin auftritt, wenden Sie sich an den Serveradministrator oder den Internetdienstanbieter."

Error (0x800CCC0E) while performing the task "Search for new messages in the subscribed folders on secureimap.t-online.de.": "Downloading the folder" (null) "from account" secureimap.t-online.de "from IMAP mail server failed Error: Unable to connect to server If this error persists, contact your server administrator or ISP. "

Error (0x800CCC0E) when executing the task "secureimap.t-online.de: Inbox - Check for new e-mail.": "The download of the folder" Inbox "of account" secureimap.t-online.de "from IMAP- Mail server failed Error: Unable to connect to server If this error persists, contact your server administrator or ISP. "

Every time I open Microsoft Outlook after that I get a pop up : could not connect to the server secureimap t online.JPG : https://imgur.com/UqEZtQe

Es Konnte keine Verbindung zum Server hergestellt werden. secureimap.t-online.de befindet sich jetzt im Offlinemodus

It could not connect to the server. secureimap.t-online.de is now in offline mode

So I am still none the wiser, but It is worth doing all that anyway as you may need some of that information later in one or more of the ways to send an Email using VBA.

02-23-2018, 03:16 PM
Further notes in support of answer to this Thread:

Microsoft Outlook.
WTF is that and HTF do you do anything with it, and WTF is it supposed to do.
I didn't know. And still don't......
The internet is full of stuff on this, but there is no clear explanation of what it is or what it should do or how you do anything with it.

But I had a go
Microsoft Outlook: what is that ( using manually )
You would normally get the software to run on its own ( visible as it were ) in a similar way to which you might get Word or Excel to start, for example
Find it single click on it:
FindOutlook Start AllProgrammes Microsoft MicrosoftOutlook.JPG : https://imgur.com/LaGs6HA
FindOutlook Start TypeInSearchBox Outlook.JPG : https://imgur.com/IbFOSHz
Make a Desktop icon from a Copy/ paste and double click on it :
MicrosoftOutlook Make a desktop Icon to double click on.JPG : https://imgur.com/ZNNPmOI
The first time you try to open it with a click or two, a set up starts.
Outlook2003Start.JPG https://imgur.com/tSQDoTe
The main use of the Outlook software is to do Email stuff, so usually you will have at least one Email account “registered in it” You can do this at the set up or later.
I had a go,
the start was OK:
Outlook2003Start.JPG https://imgur.com/R71pKfy
Outlook2003Start2.JPG https://imgur.com/XUFMpEm
These following steps took me a few hours of Emails, Internet surfing and annoying Telephone calls to my Internet provider before I
_ chose IMAP here : Outlook2003Start3ServerType.JPG : https://imgur.com/Jmnd6Vb
_ got the two required things to put in the 2 server information bars, and other stuff to fill in this : Outlook2003Start4ServerConfiguration.JPG : https://imgur.com/NXNAt9J

Von: "Doc.AElstein@t-online.de" <Doc.AElstein@t-online.de>
An: "elston, alan" <Doc.AElstein@t-online.de>
* Serveradresse Port* Sicherheit
Posteingang securepop.t-online.de 995 SSL / TLS
Postausgang securesmtp.t-online.de 465 SSL
E-Mails über IMAP4 abrufen
* Serveradresse Port* Sicherheit
Posteingang secureimap.t-online.de 993 SSL
Postausgang securesmtp.t-online.de 465 SSL

From: "Doc.AElstein@t-online.de" <Doc.AElstein@t-online.de>
To: "elston, alan" <Doc.AElstein@t-online.de>
Server address Port Security
Inbox securepop.t-online.de 995 SSL / TLS
Outbox securesmtp.t-online.de 465 SSL

Retrieve emails via IMAP4
Server address Port Security
Inbox secureimap.t-online.de 993 SSL
Outbox securesmtp.t-online.de 465 SSL

Outlook2003Start4ServerConfiguration.JPG : https://imgur.com/NXNAt9J
MyTelekomNameUsernamePassword.JPG : https://imgur.com/K6qZgsE
TelekomInternetConfiguration.JPG : https://imgur.com/Z3XcsJu

Then I hit Finish:
Outlook2003Start5Fertig.JPG : https://imgur.com/wIMvqBb ´
I get an error in the left Pane atz that point or later as well sometimes :
Outlook2003Start6LeftpaneErrror.JPG : https://imgur.com/35XLQv6

could not connect to the server secureimap t online.JPG : https://imgur.com/UqEZtQe
Fehler (0x800CCC0E) beim Ausführen der Aufgabe "Suchen nach neuen Nachrichten in den abonnierten Ordnern auf secureimap.t-online.de.": "Der Download des Ordners "(null)" von Konto "secureimap.t-online.de" vom IMAP-Mailserver ist fehlgeschlagen. Fehler: Die Verbindung zum Server konnte nicht hergestellt werden. Falls dieser Fehler weiterhin auftritt, wenden Sie sich an den Serveradministrator oder den Internetdienstanbieter."

Fehler (0x800CCC0E) beim Ausführen der Aufgabe "secureimap.t-online.de: Posteingang - Auf neue E-Mail überprüfen.": "Der Download des Ordners "Posteingang" von Konto "secureimap.t-online.de" vom IMAP-Mailserver ist fehlgeschlagen. Fehler: Die Verbindung zum Server konnte nicht hergestellt werden. Falls dieser Fehler weiterhin auftritt, wenden Sie sich an den Serveradministrator oder den Internetdienstanbieter."

Error (0x800CCC0E) while performing the task "Search for new messages in the subscribed folders on secureimap.t-online.de.": "Downloading the folder" (null) "from account" secureimap.t-online.de "from IMAP mail server failed Error: Unable to connect to server If this error persists, contact your server administrator or ISP. "

Error (0x800CCC0E) when executing the task "secureimap.t-online.de: Inbox - Check for new e-mail.": "The download of the folder" Inbox "of account" secureimap.t-online.de "from IMAP- Mail server failed Error: Unable to connect to server If this error persists, contact your server administrator or ISP. "

Every time I open Microsoft Outlook after that I get a pop up : could not connect to the server secureimap t online.JPG : https://imgur.com/UqEZtQe

Es Konnte keine Verbindung zum Server hergestellt werden. secureimap.t-online.de befindet sich jetzt im Offlinemodus

It could not connect to the server. secureimap.t-online.de is now in offline mode

So I am still none the wiser, but It is worth doing all that anyway as you may need some of that information later in one or more of the ways to send an Email using VBA.

02-28-2018, 12:22 AM
_1 ) Way 1) Use the CDO (Collaboration Data Objects ) object library available in VBA
Main Code , Sub PetrasDailyProWay1_COM_Way() ,
Function Code for solution to this Thread and Post

Option Explicit ' Daily Diet plan, Sending of Notes and an Excel File
Sub PetrasDailyProWay1_COM_Way() ' Allow access to deep down cods wollops from Microsoft to collaborating in particular in the form of messaging. An available library of ddl library functions and associated things is available on request, the Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000. We require some of these ' CDO is an object library that exposes the interfaces of the Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI). API: interfaces that are fairly easy to use from a fairly higher level from within a higher level programming language. In other words this allows you to get at and use some of the stuff to do with the COM OLE Bollocks from within a programming language such as VBA API is often referring loosely to do with using certain shipped with Windows software in Folders often having the extension dll. This extension , or rather the dll stands for direct link libraries. These are special sort of executable files of functions shared by many other (Windows based usually) software’s.
' Rem1 The deep down fundamental stuff , which includes stuff been there the longest goes by the name of Component Object Model. Stuff which is often, but not always, later stuff, or at a slightly higher level of the computer workings, or slightly more to a specific application ( an actual running "runtime" usage / at an instance in time , "instance of" ) orientated goes to the name of Object Linking and Embedding. At this lower level, there are protocols for communicating between things, and things relate are grouped into the to Office application available Library, CDO. An important object there goes by the name of Message.
'Rem 1) Library made available ====================#
With CreateObject("CDO.Message") ' Folders mostly but not always are in some way referenced using dll, either as noted with the extension or maybe refered to as dll Files or dll API files.
'Rem 2 ' Intraction protocols are given requird infomation and then set
'2a) 'With --------------------* my Created LCDCW Library, (LCD 1.0 Library ) (Linking Configuration Data_Cods Wollups) which are used and items configured for the Exchange at Microsoft’s protocol thereof; http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/ ......This section provides the configuration information for the remote SMTP server
Dim LCD_CW As String: Let LCD_CW = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/" ' Linking Configuration Data : defines the majority of fields used to set configurations for various Linking Collaboration (LCD) Objects Cods Wollops: These configuration fields are set using an implementation of the IConfiguration.Fields collection. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms872853(v=exchg.65).aspx
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "smtpusessl") = True ' ' ' HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) appears in the URL when a website is secured by an SSL certificate. The details of the certificate, including the issuing authority and the corporate name of the website owner, can be viewed by clicking on the lock symbol on the browser bar. in short, it's the standard technology for keeping an internet connection secure and safeguarding any sensitive data that is being sent between two systems, preventing criminals from reading and modifying any information transferred, including potential personal details. ' SSL protocol has always been used to encrypt and secure transmitted data
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "smtpauthenticate") = 1 ' ... possibly this also needed .. When you also get the Authentication Required Error you can add this three lines.
' ' Sever info
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "smtpserver") = "smtp.gmail.com" ' "securesmtp.t-online.de" '"smtp.gmail.com" "smtp.mail.yahoo.com" "smtp.live.com" "pod51017.outlook.com" "smtp-mail.outlook.com" "smtp.live.com" "securesmtp.t-online.de" 465 SMTP is just used to mean the common stuff..... Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) server is used to send outgoing e-mails. The SMTP server receives emails from your Mail program and sends them over the Internet to their destination.
' The mechanism to use to send messages.
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "sendusing") = 2 ' Based on the LCD_OLE Data Base of type DBTYPE_I4
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "smtpserverport") = 25 ' 465or25fort-online ' 465 'or 587 'or 25 ' The port of type somehow refered to by the last line
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "sendusername") = "excelvbaexp@gmail.com" ' "Doc.AElstein@t-online.de" ' .... "server rejected your response". AFAIK : This will happen if you haven't setup an account in Outlook Express or Windows Mail .... Runtime error '-2147220975 (800440211)': The message could not be sent to the SMTP server. The transport error code is 0x80040217. The server response is not available
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "sendpassword") = "Bollocks" ' "Bollox"
' Optional - How long to try ( End remote SMTP server configuration section )
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "smtpconnectiontimeout") = 30 ' Or there Abouts ;) :)
' Intraction protocol is Set/ Updated
.Configuration.Fields.Update ' 'Not all infomation is given, some will have defaults. - possibly this might be needed initially .. .Configuration.Load -1 ' CDO Source Defaults
'End With ' -------------------* my Created LCDCW Library ( Linking Configuration Data Cods Wollups) which are used and items configured for the Exchange at Microsoft's protocol therof;
'2b) ' Data to be sent
'.To = "Doc.AElstein@t-online.de"
.To = "excelvbaexp@gmail.com"
.CC = ""
.BCC = ""
.from = """Alan"" <Doc.AElstein@t-online.de>"
.Subject = "Bollox"
'.TextBody = "Hi" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Please find the Excel workbook attached."
.HTMLBody = MyLengthyStreaming
.AddAttachment "G:\ALERMK2014Marz2016\NeueBlancoAb27.01.2014\AbJan 2016\Übersicht aktuell.xlsx" ' ' Full File path and name. File must be closed
Rem 3 Do it
End With ' CreateObject("CDO.Message") (Rem 1 Library End =======#
End Sub
Public Function MyLengthyStreaming() As String
Rem 1 Make a long string from a Microsoft Word doc
'1(i) makes available the Library of stuff, objects, Methods etc.
Dim Fso As Object: Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'1(ii) makes the big File Object " Full path and file name of Word doc saved as .htm "
Dim FileObject As Object: Set FileObject = Fso.GetFile("G:\ALERMK2014Marz2016\NeueBlancoAb27.01.2014\AbJan 2016\ProMessage.htm"): Debug.Print FileObject
'1(iii) sets up the data "stream highway"
Dim Textreme As Object: Set Textreme = FileObject.OpenAsTextStream(iomode:=1, Format:=-2) ' reading only, Opens using system default https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa265341(v=vs.60).aspx
'1(iv) pulls in the data, in our case into a simple string variable
Let MyLengthyStreaming = Textreme.ReadAll ' Let MyLengthyStreaming = Replace(MyLengthyStreaming, "align=center x:publishsource=", "align=left x:publishsource=")
Set Textreme = Nothing
Set Fso = Nothing
Rem 2 possible additions to MyLengthyStreaming

Last bit of Function ( must go here in the excelfox Test Sub Forum in HTML Tags as there are HTML Tags in the final text string string and this makes a mess in normal BB code tags, because in excelfox Test Forum HTML is activated ) :

Rem 2
Let MyLengthyStreaming = "<p><span style=""color: #ff00ff;"">Start=========== " & Format(Now(), "DD MMMM YYYY") & " " & Now() & " ------------------------------------</span></p>" & MyLengthyStreaming & "<p><span style=""color: #ff00ff;"">-- " & Format(Now(), "DD MMMM YYYY") & " " & Now() & " ==End, Sent from Doc.AElstein Mail ======</span></p>"
End Function

02-28-2018, 12:22 AM
_1 ) Way 1) Use the CDO (Collaboration Data Objects ) object library available in VBA
Main Code , Sub PetrasDailyProWay1_COM_Way() ,
Function Code for solution to this Thread and Post

Option Explicit ' Daily Diet plan, Sending of Notes and an Excel File
Sub PetrasDailyProWay1_COM_Way() ' Allow access to deep down cods wollops from Microsoft to collaborating in particular in the form of messaging. An available library of ddl library functions and associated things is available on request, the Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000. We require some of these ' CDO is an object library that exposes the interfaces of the Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI). API: interfaces that are fairly easy to use from a fairly higher level from within a higher level programming language. In other words this allows you to get at and use some of the stuff to do with the COM OLE Bollocks from within a programming language such as VBA API is often referring loosely to do with using certain shipped with Windows software in Folders often having the extension dll. This extension , or rather the dll stands for direct link libraries. These are special sort of executable files of functions shared by many other (Windows based usually) software’s.
' Rem1 The deep down fundamental stuff , which includes stuff been there the longest goes by the name of Component Object Model. Stuff which is often, but not always, later stuff, or at a slightly higher level of the computer workings, or slightly more to a specific application ( an actual running "runtime" usage / at an instance in time , "instance of" ) orientated goes to the name of Object Linking and Embedding. At this lower level, there are protocols for communicating between things, and things relate are grouped into the to Office application available Library, CDO. An important object there goes by the name of Message.
'Rem 1) Library made available ====================#
With CreateObject("CDO.Message") ' Folders mostly but not always are in some way referenced using dll, either as noted with the extension or maybe refered to as dll Files or dll API files.
'Rem 2 ' Intraction protocols are given requird infomation and then set
'2a) 'With --------------------* my Created LCDCW Library, (LCD 1.0 Library ) (Linking Configuration Data_Cods Wollups) which are used and items configured for the Exchange at Microsoft’s protocol thereof; http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/ ......This section provides the configuration information for the remote SMTP server
Dim LCD_CW As String: Let LCD_CW = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/" ' Linking Configuration Data : defines the majority of fields used to set configurations for various Linking Collaboration (LCD) Objects Cods Wollops: These configuration fields are set using an implementation of the IConfiguration.Fields collection. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms872853(v=exchg.65).aspx
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "smtpusessl") = True ' ' ' HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) appears in the URL when a website is secured by an SSL certificate. The details of the certificate, including the issuing authority and the corporate name of the website owner, can be viewed by clicking on the lock symbol on the browser bar. in short, it's the standard technology for keeping an internet connection secure and safeguarding any sensitive data that is being sent between two systems, preventing criminals from reading and modifying any information transferred, including potential personal details. ' SSL protocol has always been used to encrypt and secure transmitted data
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "smtpauthenticate") = 1 ' ... possibly this also needed .. When you also get the Authentication Required Error you can add this three lines.
' ' Sever info
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "smtpserver") = "smtp.gmail.com" ' "securesmtp.t-online.de" '"smtp.gmail.com" "smtp.mail.yahoo.com" "smtp.live.com" "pod51017.outlook.com" "smtp-mail.outlook.com" "smtp.live.com" "securesmtp.t-online.de" 465 SMTP is just used to mean the common stuff..... Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) server is used to send outgoing e-mails. The SMTP server receives emails from your Mail program and sends them over the Internet to their destination.
' The mechanism to use to send messages.
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "sendusing") = 2 ' Based on the LCD_OLE Data Base of type DBTYPE_I4
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "smtpserverport") = 25 ' 465or25fort-online ' 465 'or 587 'or 25 ' The port of type somehow refered to by the last line
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "sendusername") = "excelvbaexp@gmail.com" ' "Doc.AElstein@t-online.de" ' .... "server rejected your response". AFAIK : This will happen if you haven't setup an account in Outlook Express or Windows Mail .... Runtime error '-2147220975 (800440211)': The message could not be sent to the SMTP server. The transport error code is 0x80040217. The server response is not available
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "sendpassword") = "Bollocks" ' "Bollox"
' Optional - How long to try ( End remote SMTP server configuration section )
.Configuration(LCD_CW & "smtpconnectiontimeout") = 30 ' Or there Abouts ;) :)
' Intraction protocol is Set/ Updated
.Configuration.Fields.Update ' 'Not all infomation is given, some will have defaults. - possibly this might be needed initially .. .Configuration.Load -1 ' CDO Source Defaults
'End With ' -------------------* my Created LCDCW Library ( Linking Configuration Data Cods Wollups) which are used and items configured for the Exchange at Microsoft's protocol therof;
'2b) ' Data to be sent
'.To = "Doc.AElstein@t-online.de"
.To = "excelvbaexp@gmail.com"
.CC = ""
.BCC = ""
.from = """Alan"" <Doc.AElstein@t-online.de>"
.Subject = "Bollox"
'.TextBody = "Hi" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Please find the Excel workbook attached."
.HTMLBody = MyLengthyStreaming
.AddAttachment "G:\ALERMK2014Marz2016\NeueBlancoAb27.01.2014\AbJan 2016\Übersicht aktuell.xlsx" ' ' Full File path and name. File must be closed
Rem 3 Do it
End With ' CreateObject("CDO.Message") (Rem 1 Library End =======#
End Sub
Public Function MyLengthyStreaming() As String
Rem 1 Make a long string from a Microsoft Word doc
'1(i) makes available the Library of stuff, objects, Methods etc.
Dim Fso As Object: Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'1(ii) makes the big File Object " Full path and file name of Word doc saved as .htm "
Dim FileObject As Object: Set FileObject = Fso.GetFile("G:\ALERMK2014Marz2016\NeueBlancoAb27.01.2014\AbJan 2016\ProMessage.htm"): Debug.Print FileObject
'1(iii) sets up the data "stream highway"
Dim Textreme As Object: Set Textreme = FileObject.OpenAsTextStream(iomode:=1, Format:=-2) ' reading only, Opens using system default https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa265341(v=vs.60).aspx
'1(iv) pulls in the data, in our case into a simple string variable
Let MyLengthyStreaming = Textreme.ReadAll ' Let MyLengthyStreaming = Replace(MyLengthyStreaming, "align=center x:publishsource=", "align=left x:publishsource=")
Set Textreme = Nothing
Set Fso = Nothing
Rem 2 possible additions to MyLengthyStreaming

Last bit of Function ( must go here in the excelfox Test Sub Forum in HTML Tags as there are HTML Tags in the final text string string and this makes a mess in normal BB code tags, because in excelfox Test Forum HTML is activated ) :

Rem 2
Let MyLengthyStreaming = "<p><span style=""color: #ff00ff;"">Start=========== " & Format(Now(), "DD MMMM YYYY") & " " & Now() & " ------------------------------------</span></p>" & MyLengthyStreaming & "<p><span style=""color: #ff00ff;"">-- " & Format(Now(), "DD MMMM YYYY") & " " & Now() & " ==End, Sent from Doc.AElstein Mail ======</span></p>"
End Function

02-28-2018, 12:37 AM
Hi Smellbum,

It seems I was incredibly very stupidly in the rush to get the USB stick and stuff to the post, such that I did not copy all that was on the stick somewhere. How incredibly stupid for the “computer expert” I am trying to be.
I was intending to put a copy of it all here, later, working from the Microsoft Office Word file on the stick. So I can’t do that now, :(

Sorry about that.

It’s wet and cold today, but should warm up a bit tomorrow, for a last week of late summer. I was intending to sit indoors and do a few things on the computer. As a punishment for my stupidity, to help me kick myself in the arse so as to remember to not do it again, I will go out in the rain, in the wet mud, and do some stuff on my latest unconventional gardening project... ... its getting close to finished ....

(If you click on the small pics, then it should get bigger. There should be a bigger pic as well. It may or may not be there for you. And there is a small link to the pic. Hopefully at least one of them will work for you)



5908 https://i.postimg.cc/Kc7vLsMc/Garden-Project-Sept-2024.jpg (https://postimg.cc/t7TjGkk8)


5909 https://i.postimg.cc/zXnWyjJT/Garden-Project-Sept-2024.jpg (https://postimg.cc/0byr37KN)

The green metal mesh stuff is conventional fence elements, but I am using them very unconventionally. The land before the “fence” is owned by the Town. I tend to use it, and I call it my occupied safety zone. I found that over the years it is quite effective at minimising the effect of all the stupid officially they have routinely inspecting / controlling etc. I fight them there, and it keeps them busy and they don’t look as much as they used to at the activities I do on my property. The end effect suits me better. The land behind the fence belongs to a fairly new neighbour. The older one it used to belong to was a real old miserable prat and pain in the arse to us. As with most of the neighbours nowadays, the new one gets on very well with me. We ( I now ) , have , one way or another, kind of organised the neighbours to suit. Its one of the many now really good things we worked hard to achieve, but are partly wasted, at least for Petra, as she seems to have gone totally mental and brain dead, as far as the two of us are concerned, and seems to have forgotten a lot of great and significant things that were the two of us, here, :(

02-28-2018, 12:37 AM
Hi Smellbum,
Just on the off-chance you pass here today….. Happy Birthday!! :-)

I probably won’t post much more here, at least not for a while. See first if my recent letter or whatever got across. (This is the first of three Birthday posts)

By the way, I don’t think anyone other than me and perhaps you will see these postings. They are in an old Thread thing, well down the list, and not many people even catch any of the new stuff here, let alone ever going down looking at the older Threads. Anyway I have almost “all power” here, so can edit, move , delete stuff of mine or anyone’s

The night before last I went to my “Pooh Bahnhof”, my original train station where I grilled a lot last year. Because of my new train area and special activities this summer season, I have not been there much yet this summer season. Possibly the last time would have been when I took your last letter to read, ( the one before the latest birthday wod of stuff )

The Bushes that hide me a bit, those in between my two tracks and the main two tracks still in use, ( I think I mentioned in a letter that they got massacred early this year by a random attack from the track workers that occasionally, seemingly randomly, tidy away some area alongside the main tracks ), they have not fully recovered yet, so I am less well hidden so it suits perhaps that I was there less this season. (remember to click on these small pics, then they should get bigger for you to see, or click on the small URL link )

I was pleased to see that it appears no one has been there, everything was just as I left it. Just a bit more messy and untidy, - I think a few strong winds recently caused that, blowing around my buckets of rubbish, which in the previous year would have long since been burnt away on a grilling evening. My Beer Bottles are just as I left them. An oversight on my behalf, - when its dark, late and I am a bit drunk, I sometimes forget something, my two mates are always the top priority not to forget, - I have not forgotten yet to take them home with me at the end of a session

So I had your Birthday card as last to open still. (After the couple of wet cold days, the temperature went back up nicely, so it looks like my one off in a lifetime extended Birthday has / is going on a bit in extra time ) So we settled in nicely for the evening.

We have a new friend, since this year. Even if we don’t go there for a while, he consistently appears, a little mouse. Usually he likes to play with and lick a small veggie meat-ball, but we had none this evening, but he was happy to chew on a veggie burger whilst chatting to Pooh

03-01-2018, 06:02 PM
Later, just as it was starting to get dark, when I went to check out my new little area where I sit later in the dark, and had a nice surprise. – The very big story from the start of the year, ( which I have only given you some hints of so far ), gave me some concern that it looked rather obvious and substantial what I had done, and quite frankly I am amazed there was not a lot more interest taken by the track workers, railway police and people walking nearby occasionally. Many days at the end of my activity I threw a few random seed of anything I had. As it turned out, little came from those other than a few yellow mustard things, as in a pic I sent you last time. Instead nature was very kind and some torrential rain downpours encouraged a rapid growth in weeds and stuff that pretty well totally hid all I had been doing. Anyways, the nice surprise, was that in the weeks / months I have not been there, it seems a sunflower has appeared, almost certainly from a seed I threw, as since over 100 years only weeds and similar had ever grown there.
My old digital camera does strange things when it is starting to get dark. I have not figured out why yet. If it flashes the pic is good, but it looks darker than it is. Without the flash, if it chooses randomly not to use it, the quality is poor with a fuzzy pic. Some setting to do with the exposure time I expect, so for a good evening pic without the flash I need to have the camera mounted solidly perhaps. Here is the best few I managed to take on the evening

5924 5925

I went back the next day, partly just to get a better pic, and give it a couple of metal props to help it survive a few strong winds we are having in these last few otherwise nice late summer sunny days
( I had to hide first near my signal to let a long tanker train pass )

( https://i.postimg.cc/5yqVZhbh/Hide-from-Tanker-Train.jpg ) https://i.postimg.cc/W4CTrm5H/Day-Pic-and-pretty-props.jpg
( 5926 ) 5927

That sun flower is just about the only visible evidence of the major thing I did there early this year.

03-01-2018, 06:02 PM
The other reason I popped back in daylight was that again I forgot a few things, - your card, and I left my Beer in the sun. I must be more careful

Just one of my hundreds or sunflower attempts at home this year, has turned into a big one, almost 4 meters. I may have sent a pic of that. As I stupidly did not make a copy of all I sent you for your Birthday, I am not sure.
Anyway, its showing quite nicely this morning in the late summer sun, making a reasonable attempt to be pretty for your Birthday.


03-01-2018, 09:54 PM

03-01-2018, 09:54 PM

03-18-2018, 04:01 PM

03-18-2018, 04:01 PM

03-20-2018, 04:09 PM
just testing some links, ignore me

( The blue Triffids have mostly gone for this year, they tend not to stay around much after Summer, just one relatively smaller one hanging on between the park spaces https://i.postimg.cc/9F4ywJ6J/Last-middle-sized-Triffid-2024.jpg )

The blue wheelbarrow up on its makeshift pedestal was still struggling for most of Summer to do much other than have some quite long stems, stubbornly refusing to flower (

https://i.postimg.cc/d3wStgHH/Blue-Wheelbarrow-on-white-platform-late-August-2024.jpg )

That is making some attempt now to get a few flowers out


One of my two orange wheelbarrows has definitely suffered badly from the over population, and had unhealthy thin stems all Summer, ( https://i.postimg.cc/ZKfD47rH/Orange-Wheelbarrow-still-no-flowers-Sept-2024-too-densly-populated.jpg

https://i.postimg.cc/RZysnWpn/Orange-Wheelbarrow-too-densly-populated.jpg ) , this morning in the sun it has not really made a serious attempt to flower, just a few small unhealthy looking flowers


A similar story, just slightly better with the second orange wheelbarrow


I had forgot about a bunch of Sunflowers behind my VW Bus, - I just took a look, and they don’t look so bad, they have made a last attempt to flower a bit


I had not been to my railway station much this summer, due to all the activities here. A few days ago I popped by. r At the end of zhe day working on an activity there early this year, I always threw a few seeds around, anything I had, so that hopefully things would grow to hide my river. As it happened some very heavy rain pours very conveniently encouraged weeds and bushes to grow rapidly. Few things seemed to appear from my seeding’s. Or so I thought… I was pleased to see a solitary Sunflower, which had grown in my absence. That is very likely from me, no flowers have ever grown there for the last 100 years I expect. It’s the only visible piece of evidence from what I did


03-20-2018, 04:09 PM