View Full Version : PQ - Choose power query table destination range & sheet

03-02-2021, 02:01 AM
(question from the web (https://www.mrexcel.com/board/threads/choose-power-query-table-destination-range-sheet.1163359/#post-5648398))

I'm fairly new to using Power Query.
I'm pulling data from a website using the data "from web" method.
I'm putting the data into a table.
Everything's working well - the query gets the data (passing my credentials etc) and puts it into a sheet, as a table.
The problem I have, is that I don't appear to be able to select the destination; I want to put the fetched data into a particular sheet - alongside another table from a separate web query, but the query has created it's own sheet, and I don't appear to be able to change that anywhere.

delete this new sheet with query table
select destination sheet and then select place (cell eg D2) where you want your query table start
next Data tab - Show Queries (or Queries and Connections)
Right click on your Query table - Load to and then

that's all folks