View Full Version : LookUp Value and Concatenate All Found Results

Rick Rothstein
03-27-2012, 12:57 AM
The idea for this UDF (user defined function) came from this article which I saw in another forum...

Excel udf: Lookup and return multiple values concatenated into one cell | Get Digital Help - Microsoft Excel resource (http://www.get-digital-help.com/2010/12/20/excel-udf-lookup-and-return-multiple-values-concatenated-into-one-cell/comment-page-1/)

This is actually an old article that someone just commented on which, in turn, brought it to the top of that forum's "Recent Comments" list and, hence, to my attention. When I looked at the article, I decided the UDF presented by that programmer could be expanded to make it more flexible, hence this current article by me (you should follow the above link in order to see the type of data being processed and the expected resulting output from it). Here is the code I came up with...

Function LookUpConcat(ByVal SearchString As String, _
SearchRange As Range, _
ReturnRange As Range, _
Optional Delimiter As String = " ", _
Optional MatchWhole As Boolean = True, _
Optional UniqueOnly As Boolean = False, _
Optional MatchCase As Boolean = False)

Dim X As Long, CellVal As String, ReturnVal As String, Result As String

If (SearchRange.Rows.Count > 1 And SearchRange.Columns.Count > 1) Or _
(ReturnRange.Rows.Count > 1 And ReturnRange.Columns.Count > 1) Then
LookUpConcat = CVErr(xlErrRef)
If Not MatchCase Then SearchString = UCase(SearchString)
For X = 1 To SearchRange.Count
If MatchCase Then
CellVal = SearchRange(X).Value
CellVal = UCase(SearchRange(X).Value)
End If
ReturnVal = ReturnRange(X).Value
If MatchWhole And CellVal = SearchString Then
If UniqueOnly And InStr(Result & Delimiter, Delimiter & _
ReturnVal & Delimiter) > 0 Then GoTo Continue
Result = Result & Delimiter & ReturnVal
ElseIf Not MatchWhole And CellVal Like "*" & SearchString & "*" Then
If UniqueOnly And InStr(Result & Delimiter, Delimiter & _
ReturnVal & Delimiter) > 0 Then GoTo Continue
Result = Result & Delimiter & ReturnVal
End If

LookUpConcat = Mid(Result, Len(Delimiter) + 1)
End If

End Function

The first three arguments are required. The first argument is the text you want to search for. The second argument is the range to be searched... this range can either be a column of cell references or a row of cell reference (it cannot be a two-dimensional array of cells though). The third argument is the range from which the matching results will be taken from... this range can be a column of cell references or a row of cell reference (it cannot be a two-dimensional array of cells though). Note that while normally the orientation of the search and result ranges will be the same (easier to coordinate between the two I would think), this is not a requirement... one can be a reference to a row of cells and the other can be a reference to a column of cells.

The remaining arguments are all optional. The fourth argmument, a String, is the text (one or more characters) that you want to be the delimiter between the concatenated text that is found during the lookup (the default value is a space character). The fifth argument, a Boolean, determines whether the lookup should be trying to match the entire cell value or only part of the cell value (the default value is True meaning the lookup will have to match the entire cell value). The sixth argument, a Boolean, determines if the concatenated list that is returned should allow duplicated values to be listed or whether a found value should only be listed one time, that being the first occurrence in the range (the default value is False meaning found values will be listed as many times as they are found within the search range). The seventh argument, a Boolean, determines whether the lookup process will be case sensitive or not (the default value is False meaning the searched for text does not have to be of the same case as the text being searched).

That is pretty much it. Hopefully my explanation has been clear enough but, if not, please feel free to ask me go into more detail on any parts that seem "murky" to you.

If you are new to UDFs, they are easy to install and use. To install it, simply press ALT+F11 to go into the VB editor and, once there, click Insert/Module on its menu bar, then copy/paste the above code into the code window that just opened up. That's it.... you are done. You can now use LookUpConcat just like it was a built-in Excel function.

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06-09-2012, 07:14 PM
Hi Rick

I'd prefer

LookUpConcat = Mid(Result, 2)


LookUpConcat = Mid(Result, Len(Delimiter) + 1)

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07-03-2012, 09:47 PM
Thank you so much for this! :D This has enabled me to save an extraordinary amount of time on one of our admin tasks and will probably save whoever succeeds me in post several days work a month. The explanation of the arguments is especially helpful.

I'm sure advanced users would do this anyway, but I just wanted to add that I had to lock the ranges when applying the lookup all down the column, or it would not look for the previously searched on values, which in my case I need it to do. This means my formula comes out =LookUpConcat(B3,$B$3:$B$6941,$AU$3:$AU$6941) rather than =LookUpConcat(B3,B3:B6941,AU3:AU6941) which is where I was originally going wrong.

Applying the calculation to the whole column takes about 6 minutes if I just sit back and let it work.

Thank you so much.

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Rick Rothstein
07-03-2012, 11:15 PM
I am glad you were able to put the UDF in my article to such practical use... thank you so much for letting me know. As for using the absolute reference... you will find that necessary to do whenever referencing a fixed range from within a formula that you copy (drag down) into other cells.

I was just wondering, though, do you really need "live" formulas for what you are doing or would a macro be more practical for you needs? I ask because you are loading up your worksheet with a lot of formulas for what looks to me like a task that only needs to be done infrequently for any give set of data. If a macro would be more useful, let me know and I'll convert the UDF into one for you.

07-04-2012, 05:24 PM
A macro would probably be more useful - I'm so out of practice with Excel that I didn't consider it :o, but the udf does seem to be overloading the workbook somewhat.

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Rick Rothstein
07-04-2012, 06:44 PM
A macro would probably be more useful.
Let me get some setup information from you first then; please answer the following questions...

1. Will the macro always look for its words to match in Column B, or could the column vary from file to file?

2. Will the macro always look in AU for the items to concatenate, or could the column vary from file to file?

3. You show the lookup and concatenate lists going from Row 3 to Row 6941. I am guessing the starting row will always be Row 3, but that last row seems strange. Will it always be 6941 or should the macro simply look for the last row with data in the lookup column?

4. What column should the output go to? Will it always be the same column for all the files you will use the macro against?

07-04-2012, 07:13 PM
Hi Rick,

I was wondering whether this code could perform the same task (or am I overloooking something ?)

Function search_con_snb(sp As Range, c01 As String)
sn = sp.Value
For j = 1 To UBound(sn)
c02 = c02 & "|" & Join(Application.Index(sn, j), "|")
search_con_snb = Join(Filter(Split(c02, "|"), c01), "|")
End Function

sp is the range to look in
c01 is the string to be looked for.
| is the concatenation delimiter

e.g to look for "rick" in range A1:B2000 and concatenate by a | all cell values in which 'rick' has been found and put the result into cell F1:


PS. Basically I consider every multiple search as a filter (autofilter, advancedfilter, VBA-filter) operation.

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Rick Rothstein
07-04-2012, 08:50 PM
I was wondering whether this code could perform the same task (or am I ovrloooking something ?)

Function search_con_snb(sp As Range, c01 As String)
sn = sp.Value
For j = 1 To UBound(sn)
c02 = c02 & "|" & Join(Application.Index(sn, j), "|")
search_con_snb = Join(Filter(Split(c02, "|"), c01), "|")
End Function

sp is the range to look in
c01 is the string to be looked for.
| is the concatenation delimiter
Our functions are quite different from each other. My function looks in a row or column and, if it finds a match, can return concatentations of values from a different range (sort of like how SUMIF works, but with text and concatenation rather than numbers and summation). Within that functionality, the UDF allows the user to control whether the search is case sensitive or not and whether the search should match the entire contents of the cells it searches or just find the text somewhere within the cell. It also allows you to filter the return list so that all items are returned from the ReturnRange or so that repeated items are listed only once. Also, the function allows the delimiter to be set by the user rather than hard-coding it into the body of the function.

Rick Rothstein
07-12-2012, 07:33 PM
1+2. I will set up the instructions for other users so that the data will always be in column B/AU.
3. The macro should simply look for the last row with data in the lookup column.
4. I will set up the instructions so the output will always be column D.

Okay, I started to set things up and I need clarification on one point please. In your earlier message, you said this...

[I'm sure advanced users would do this anyway, but I just wanted to add that I had to lock the ranges when applying the lookup all down the column, or it would not look for the previously searched on values, which in my case I need it to do. This means my formula comes out =LookUpConcat(B3,$B$3:$B$6941,$AU$3:$AU$6941) rather than =LookUpConcat(B3,B3:B6941,AU3:AU6941) which is where I was originally going wrong.

I am gathering from your last message that you put the the above formula in D3 and then copied it down to Row 6941 (the last row of data), is that correct? If so, that means column D will have multiple copies of the same concatenated text; that is, everytime B3 repeats itself in Column B (and there should be repeats or why else would you be using my LookUpConcat function), the concatenated list will be displayed "next to it" in Column D. Did you really want all those repeats? Or would putting the concatenated list next to (in Column D) the first occurrence of the lookup word be enough (leaving Column D's row blank for when the word is repeated later on)? Seems like the latter would be less cluttered and would allow you to find each word's concatentation easier.

Rick Rothstein
07-12-2012, 08:34 PM
You are correct in your interpretation of what I am doing, and in any other case I would prefer your suggested output, but in this particular case I need the output in every cell.

Okay, here's the solution. Rather than create a new procedure, I simply wrote a macro that repeatedly calls my LookUpConcat function (while it can be used as a UDF, it is also a perfectly good VB function as well). So, put the LookUpConcat function in a module and then put this macro in the same module...

Sub LookUpAndConcatenate()
Dim Cell As Range, LastRow As Long, ResultRow As Long
Dim SearchRange As Range, ReturnRange As Range
Const SearchCol As String = "B"
Const ReturnCol As String = "AU"
Const ResultCol As String = "D"
Const StartRow As Long = 3
LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, SearchCol).End(xlUp).Row
Set SearchRange = Cells(StartRow, SearchCol).Resize(LastRow - StartRow + 1)
Set ReturnRange = Cells(StartRow, ReturnCol).Resize(LastRow - StartRow + 1)
For Each Cell In SearchRange
Cells(Cell.Row, ResultCol).Value = LookUpConcat(Cell.Value, SearchRange, ReturnRange)
End Sub

Then, when you want to fill the cells, just run the above LookUpAndConcatenate macro. Note that I used Const statements (they declare constants) to set the various parameters from your worksheet so that you can change them later on in case things change on your worksheet for some reason.

07-17-2012, 05:57 AM
Hi Rick,

I was looking at your code and it works perfectly except I was hoping to modify it a little to help me which a problem which I am having. Here's a little information regarding my problem.

I have a workbook which gives me a list of email addresses which are in no order at all, this data is laced in Sheet in Column A . eg.


What i am trying to do is search lastname1 and it display Firstname1.lastname1(a)domain.com, firstname2.lastname1(a)domain.com, firstname3.lastname1(a)domain.com.

Is there any way to change the code to allow me to do this?:confused:

Thank you in advanced,

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Rick Rothstein
07-17-2012, 07:49 AM
Hi Rick,

I was looking at your code and it works perfectly except I was hoping to modify it a little to help me which a problem which I am having. Here's a little information regarding my problem.

I have a workbook which gives me a list of email addresses which are in no order at all, this data is laced in Sheet in Column A . eg.


What i am trying to do is search lastname1 and it display Firstname1.lastname1(a)domain.com, firstname2.lastname1(a)domain.com, firstname3.lastname1(a)domain.com.

Is there any way to change the code to allow me to do this?:confused:

If you do not mind the concatenated result not being in sort order, then the code I posted will do what you want right now. The secret is to specify the same range for both the SearchRange and the ResultRange and to specify FALSE for the optional MatchWhole argument. I guess you would also want to specify FALSE for the optional MatchCase argument as well. Give this formula try...

=LookUpConcat(".lastname1",A1:A6,A1:A6,", ",FALSE,,FALSE)

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07-17-2012, 11:30 AM
Hi Rick,

Thank you so much for you help it's worked a charm!

Just one last request if you don't mind, would there be any way to change the UDF to display the list on separate line within the same cell instead of separating them with ", ". i've just noticed that some cells have up to 40 emails in it and it would be easier to understand if it was like that.


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Rick Rothstein
07-17-2012, 01:44 PM
Just one last request if you don't mind, would there be any way to change the UDF to display the list on separate line within the same cell instead of separating them with ", ". i've just noticed that some cells have up to 40 emails in it and it would be easier to understand if it was like that.
Sure, all we have to do is replace the ", " delimiter with the Line Feed character. Since the Line Feed character has an ASCII code of 10, we can use CHAR(10) for the delimiter...


Don't forget to turn "Wrap text" on for the cell you put this formula in. You will also have to widen the column enough so that the individual lines do not wordwrap at the right edge of the cell.

07-18-2012, 07:31 AM
That's perfect, thanks a lot Rick.

Only thing I need to work out now is why my spreadsheet keeps crashing on me :(.

Rick Rothstein
07-23-2012, 01:44 PM
Thank you, this works brilliantly - being able to adjust the three column names turned out very useful in the end as I needed to change the output destination.

The macro takes a bit longer to run than just using the UDF on the column repeatedly, but the result is far easier to work with and the spreadsheet is more stable.
You are quite welcome... I am glad everything ended up working out for you.

07-25-2012, 04:57 PM
I'm going to sound really dumb...

but how do i implement the Marco instead of the UDF.... My spread sheet is driving me nuts atm.

Rick Rothstein
07-25-2012, 07:34 PM
...how do i implement the Marco instead of the UDF....

If you are new to macros, they are easy to install and use. To install it, simply press ALT+F11 to go into the VB editor and, once there, click Insert/Module on its menu bar, then copy/paste the above code into the code window that just opened up. That's it.... you are done. To use the macro, go back to the worksheet with your data on it and press ALT+F8, select the macro name (LookUpAndConcatenate) from the list that appears and click the Run button. The macro will execute and perform the action(s) you asked for. To make things simpler for you (especially if you will need to call this macro often), when you select the macro from the list, before clicking Run, you can click the Options button and assign a keyboard shortcut to it first and then use that keyboard shortcut the next time you want to run the macro.

05-08-2013, 09:15 AM
Guys, Please ask the questions related this UDF at http://www.excelfox.com/forum/f2/question-udf-lookupconcat-950/]here

03-11-2014, 02:42 AM
I have tried tinkering with this to make it skip cells with "" - but I have had no luck. Is there an easy workaround for this?

06-19-2014, 11:13 PM
Super bit of code, saved me all sorts of hassle. Thanks!

Applying the calculation to the whole column takes about 6 minutes if I just sit back and let it work.
The time taken to process whole columns gets out of hand if you are running the code on lots of input strings (e.g. down the side of a long table of search strings). It helps a bit to use a COUNTIF to trigger a normal VLOOKUP instead where there is only one value to find, but if all your data has multiple 'hits' then constraining your input ranges is very necessary.

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06-27-2014, 09:10 PM

Is there a way to integrate the multiple criteria lookup_concat function created by Oscar with specifically the functionality to remove duplicates?

Thank you in advance for your help.

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08-14-2014, 06:01 PM
The idea for this UDF (user defined function) came from this article which I saw in another forum...

Excel udf: Lookup and return multiple values concatenated into one cell | Get Digital Help - Microsoft Excel resource (http://www.get-digital-help.com/2010/12/20/excel-udf-lookup-and-return-multiple-values-concatenated-into-one-cell/comment-page-1/)

This is actually an old article that someone just commented on which, in turn, brought it to the top of that forum's "Recent Comments" list and, hence, to my attention. When I looked at the article, I decided the UDF presented by that programmer could be expanded to make it more flexible, hence this current article by me (you should follow the above link in order to see the type of data being processed and the expected resulting output from it). Here is the code I came up with...

Function LookUpConcat(ByVal SearchString As String, SearchRange As Range, ReturnRange As Range, _
Optional Delimiter As String = " ", Optional MatchWhole As Boolean = True, _
Optional UniqueOnly As Boolean = False, Optional MatchCase As Boolean = False)

Dim X As Long, CellVal As String, ReturnVal As String, Result As String

If (SearchRange.Rows.Count > 1 And SearchRange.Columns.Count > 1) Or _
(ReturnRange.Rows.Count > 1 And ReturnRange.Columns.Count > 1) Then
LookUpConcat = CVErr(xlErrRef)
If Not MatchCase Then SearchString = UCase(SearchString)
For X = 1 To SearchRange.Count
If MatchCase Then
CellVal = SearchRange(X).Value
CellVal = UCase(SearchRange(X).Value)
End If
ReturnVal = ReturnRange(X).Value
If MatchWhole And CellVal = SearchString Then
If UniqueOnly And InStr(Result & Delimiter, Delimiter & ReturnVal & Delimiter) > 0 Then GoTo Continue
Result = Result & Delimiter & ReturnVal
ElseIf Not MatchWhole And CellVal Like "*" & SearchString & "*" Then
If UniqueOnly And InStr(Result & Delimiter, Delimiter & ReturnVal & Delimiter) > 0 Then GoTo Continue
Result = Result & Delimiter & ReturnVal
End If

LookUpConcat = Mid(Result, Len(Delimiter) + 1)
End If

End Function

hello sir please is there anyway so we can put a comma in between the concatenated results
Thank you

Rick Rothstein
08-17-2014, 09:33 PM
hello sir please is there anyway so we can put a comma in between the concatenated results

There is an optional Delimiter argument (it is the fourth argument) that allows you do specify whatever character or characters you want to be the delimiter.

11-17-2014, 08:29 PM

Is there a way to integrate the multiple criteria lookup_concat function created by Oscar with specifically the functionality to remove duplicates?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Has this been responded to? I have the same predicament that I am trying to solve for. In short, the lookup_Concat UDF works very well for validating a single criterion and returning the concatenated results into a single cell. However, in my particular use case, I have 2 criterion that require validation prior to returning the concatenated results. This would be equivalent to an "=if(and(" type function. Is this possible, and if so, any assistance in how to properly operate it would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance - and nice work on the UDF as it gets me 90% of the way there!


11-18-2014, 06:17 PM
Has this been responded to? I have the same predicament that I am trying to solve for. In short, the lookup_Concat UDF works very well for validating a single criterion and returning the concatenated results into a single cell. However, in my particular use case, I have 2 criterion that require validation prior to returning the concatenated results. This would be equivalent to an "=if(and(" type function. Is this possible, and if so, any assistance in how to properly operate it would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance - and nice work on the UDF as it gets me 90% of the way there!


So after some digging, I eventually found the below VBA. It works, but causes my spreadsheet to operate VERY slowly. Looking to use a macro now instead of calling the UDF in every cell....hopefully I am able to figure that out. In any event, figured it would be a good idea to share the VBA for the multiple criteria UDF. Here goes:

Function Lookup_concat(Search_stringA As String, Search_in_colA As Range, _
Search_stringB As String, Search_in_colB As Range, Return_val_col As Range)

Dim i As Long
Dim result As String

For i = 1 To Search_in_colA.Count
If Search_in_colA.Cells(i, 1) = Search_stringA And _
Search_in_colB.Cells(i, 1) = Search_stringB Then
result = result & " " & Return_val_col.Cells(i, 1).Value
End If
Next i

Lookup_concat = Trim(result)

End Function

The formula syntax in the cell would be:

=lookup_concat(cell of first value,'Sheet Name'!range:range,cell of second value,'Sheet name'!range:range,'Sheet name'!return results range: return results range)

For instance:
=lookup_concat(E$3,'Consolidated Data'!$I:$I,$B5,'Consolidated Data'!$E:$E,'Consolidated Data'!$A:$A)

Again, just trying to share what I have learned. Hopefully it helps others who are digging for the solution of multiple criteria. I will update if/when I am able to effectively write a macro to call this UDF vs. using the UDF (again, causes my workbook to perform SUPER slowly).


12-10-2014, 09:35 PM
So after some digging, I eventually found the below VBA. It works, but causes my spreadsheet to operate VERY slowly. Looking to use a macro now instead of calling the UDF in every cell....hopefully I am able to figure that out. In any event, figured it would be a good idea to share the VBA for the multiple criteria UDF. Here goes:

Function Lookup_concat(Search_stringA As String, Search_in_colA As Range, _
Search_stringB As String, Search_in_colB As Range, Return_val_col As Range)

Dim i As Long
Dim result As String

For i = 1 To Search_in_colA.Count
If Search_in_colA.Cells(i, 1) = Search_stringA And _
Search_in_colB.Cells(i, 1) = Search_stringB Then
result = result & " " & Return_val_col.Cells(i, 1).Value
End If
Next i

Lookup_concat = Trim(result)

End Function

The formula syntax in the cell would be:

=lookup_concat(cell of first value,'Sheet Name'!range:range,cell of second value,'Sheet name'!range:range,'Sheet name'!return results range: return results range)

For instance:
=lookup_concat(E$3,'Consolidated Data'!$I:$I,$B5,'Consolidated Data'!$E:$E,'Consolidated Data'!$A:$A)

Again, just trying to share what I have learned. Hopefully it helps others who are digging for the solution of multiple criteria. I will update if/when I am able to effectively write a macro to call this UDF vs. using the UDF (again, causes my workbook to perform SUPER slowly).


First, for multiple columns, simple create a third column with the concatenation of the two. So the search string in your query would be E$3&$B5 and on Consolidated Data, you would put in column P (or some such) the values of column I and column E (i.e. =$I1&$E1 would go in P1 and copy it down). Then you'd just code the use 'Consolidated Data'!$P:$P for the search range.

OK, for those wanting a version that removes blanks, the following is a cleaned up (got rid of this bad "GoTo" calls) that has an additional flag to suppress blanks.

Function LookUpConcat(ByVal SearchString As String, SearchRange As Range, ReturnRange As Range, _
Optional Delimiter As String = " ", Optional MatchWhole As Boolean = True, _
Optional UniqueOnly As Boolean = False, Optional MatchCase As Boolean = False, Optional SupressBlanks As Boolean = False)

Dim X As Long, CellVal As String, ReturnVal As String, Result As String

If (SearchRange.Rows.Count > 1 And SearchRange.Columns.Count > 1) Or _
(ReturnRange.Rows.Count > 1 And ReturnRange.Columns.Count > 1) Or _
(SearchRange.Count <> ReturnRange.Count) Then
LookUpConcat = "CVErr(xlErrRef)"
Result = ""
If Not MatchCase Then
SearchString = UCase(SearchString)
End If
For X = 1 To SearchRange.Count
If MatchCase Then
CellVal = SearchRange(X).Value
CellVal = UCase(SearchRange(X).Value)
End If
ReturnVal = ReturnRange(X).Value
If (Not SupressBlanks) Or Trim(ReturnVal) <> "" Then
If MatchWhole And CellVal = SearchString Then
If (Not UniqueOnly) Or InStr(Result & Delimiter, Delimiter & ReturnVal & Delimiter) < 1 Then
If Trim(Result) > "" Then Result = Result & Delimiter
Result = Result & ReturnVal
End If
ElseIf (Not MatchWhole) And CellVal Like "*" & SearchString & "*" Then
If (Not UniqueOnly) Or InStr(Result & Delimiter, Delimiter & ReturnVal & Delimiter) < 1 Then
If Trim(Result) > "" Then Result = Result & Delimiter
Result = Result & ReturnVal
End If
End If
End If
LookUpConcat = Result
End If
End Function

12-10-2014, 10:25 PM
Hi Rick ,

I have tried your solution , at first it is all working well, but when I open it again there are some errors

=LookUpConcat(A2,$A$2:$A$20,$C$2:$C$20,", ")

A2 is the lookup where as it came out as #VALUE!
and then the final result came out as NAME?

anyway of fixing this ?
Many thanks

Rick Rothstein
12-10-2014, 10:36 PM
Hi Rick ,

I have tried your solution , at first it is all working well, but when I open it again there are some errors

=LookUpConcat(A2,$A$2:$A$20,$C$2:$C$20,", ")

A2 is the lookup where as it came out as #VALUE!
and then the final result came out as NAME?

anyway of fixing this ?
Many thanks
Assuming there is no sensitive data... can you post a copy of the workbook so I can debug the problem with a live sheet? If there is sensitive data, can you delete it without affecting the problem you are reporting and then post of copy of that modified workbook instead?

12-11-2014, 07:26 AM
I guess he might have saved the workbook as .xlsx. Save the workbook either .xlsm or .xlsb.

01-09-2015, 09:16 PM
Hi Rick,

Thanks for this code. Would it be possible to modify it to find a combination of strings in different columns? I have attached my example spreadsheet in case it makes it easier.


Basically, I want my users to select values from three different dropdowns (B2:B4 in my example). Based on these selections I'd like the function to determine which combo of columns H-J fits and return the corresponding value from G.

Perhaps I'm barking up the wrong tree?

Thanks so much!


01-11-2015, 09:36 PM
Assuming there is no sensitive data... can you post a copy of the workbook so I can debug the problem with a live sheet? If there is sensitive data, can you delete it without affecting the problem you are reporting and then post of copy of that modified workbook instead?

Sample attached. Thanks for your help.

Rick Rothstein
01-16-2015, 02:04 AM
Sample attached. Thanks for your help.
I think Admin posted the solution for you in Message #32... you need to save the workbook as an "Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm)" and NOT as plain "Excel Workbook (*.xlsx)". When you save the workbook with the macro code in place, click the drop-down under the "File name" field (it is labeled "Save as type:") and select what should be the second item in the list (with the wording I show above). After that, when you reopen the workbook, you will have to click the button to enable the macro code.

01-16-2015, 03:03 AM
I think Admin posted the solution for you in Message #32... you need to save the workbook as an "Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm)" and NOT as plain "Excel Workbook (*.xlsx)". When you save the workbook with the macro code in place, click the drop-down under the "File name" field (it is labeled "Save as type:") and select what should be the second item in the list (with the wording I show above). After that, when you reopen the workbook, you will have to click the button to enable the macro code.

Hi Thanks,

I have retry to do it , still not joy. At first even .xlsx working fine but after a while it just does not work anymore
file attached. Thanks again


Rick Rothstein
01-16-2015, 03:26 AM
I have retry to do it , still not joy. At first even .xlsx working fine but after a while it just does not work anymore
file attached. Thanks again

You have the code installed in the wrong module. Delete what you now have and then go back to Message #1 and read the instructions at the bottom of the article labeled "HOW TO INSTALL UDFs".

04-01-2015, 03:50 PM
Hi Rick. Great UDF! Thanks much!

The formula seems to fall over for me when the SearchRange is > 44k rows and I'm actually trying to compare against a 180+k rows.
Is there a possible workaround?

05-04-2015, 10:10 AM
The idea for this UDF (user defined function) came from this article which I saw in another forum...

Excel udf: Lookup and return multiple values concatenated into one cell | Get Digital Help - Microsoft Excel resource (http://www.get-digital-help.com/2010/12/20/excel-udf-lookup-and-return-multiple-values-concatenated-into-one-cell/comment-page-1/)

This is actually an old article that someone just commented on which, in turn, brought it to the top of that forum's "Recent Comments" list and, hence, to my attention. When I looked at the article, I decided the UDF presented by that programmer could be expanded to make it more flexible, hence this current article by me (you should follow the above link in order to see the type of data being processed and the expected resulting output from it). Here is the code I came up with...

Function LookUpConcat(ByVal SearchString As String, SearchRange As Range, ReturnRange As Range, _
Optional Delimiter As String = " ", Optional MatchWhole As Boolean = True, _
Optional UniqueOnly As Boolean = False, Optional MatchCase As Boolean = False)

Dim X As Long, CellVal As String, ReturnVal As String, Result As String

If (SearchRange.Rows.Count > 1 And SearchRange.Columns.Count > 1) Or _
(ReturnRange.Rows.Count > 1 And ReturnRange.Columns.Count > 1) Then
LookUpConcat = CVErr(xlErrRef)
If Not MatchCase Then SearchString = UCase(SearchString)
For X = 1 To SearchRange.Count
If MatchCase Then
CellVal = SearchRange(X).Value
CellVal = UCase(SearchRange(X).Value)
End If
ReturnVal = ReturnRange(X).Value
If MatchWhole And CellVal = SearchString Then
If UniqueOnly And InStr(Result & Delimiter, Delimiter & ReturnVal & Delimiter) > 0 Then GoTo Continue
Result = Result & Delimiter & ReturnVal
ElseIf Not MatchWhole And CellVal Like "*" & SearchString & "*" Then
If UniqueOnly And InStr(Result & Delimiter, Delimiter & ReturnVal & Delimiter) > 0 Then GoTo Continue
Result = Result & Delimiter & ReturnVal
End If

LookUpConcat = Mid(Result, Len(Delimiter) + 1)
End If

End Function

The first three arguments are required. The first argument is the text you want to search for. The second argument is the range to be searched... this range can either be a column of cell references or a row of cell reference (it cannot be a two-dimensional array of cells though). The third argument is the range from which the matching results will be taken from... this range can be a column of cell references or a row of cell reference (it cannot be a two-dimensional array of cells though). Note that while normally the orientation of the search and result ranges will be the same (easier to coordinate between the two I would think), this is not a requirement... one can be a reference to a row of cells and the other can be a reference to a column of cells.

The remaining arguments are all optional. The fourth argmument, a String, is the text (one or more characters) that you want to be the delimiter between the concatenated text that is found during the lookup (the default value is a space character). The fifth argument, a Boolean, determines whether the lookup should be trying to match the entire cell value or only part of the cell value (the default value is True meaning the lookup will have to match the entire cell value). The sixth argument, a Boolean, determines if the concatenated list that is returned should allow duplicated values to be listed or whether a found value should only be listed one time, that being the first occurrence in the range (the default value is False meaning found values will be listed as many times as they are found within the search range). The seventh argument, a Boolean, determines whether the lookup process will be case sensitive or not (the default value is False meaning the searched for text does not have to be of the same case as the text being searched).

That is pretty much it. Hopefully my explanation has been clear enough but, if not, please feel free to ask me go into more detail on any parts that seem "murky" to you.

If you are new to UDFs, they are easy to install and use. To install it, simply press ALT+F11 to go into the VB editor and, once there, click Insert/Module on its menu bar, then copy/paste the above code into the code window that just opened up. That's it.... you are done. You can now use LookUpConcat just like it was a built-in Excel function.

HI Rick,
thanks for your help on this topic. I don't know how to write or interpret VBA all together but I have downloaded your sample and seems like its working when I move my own data into it.
Except, I am looking for 2 items in a separate tab and using the vlookup,choose formula together.
so the formula goes and look for a date and project number in a different tab and bring the match back but only the first match and ignore the rest.
However, your VBA is bringing all the matching items back but only from one selected cell. I tried to add if function or the vlookup match function to your vba formula but didn't work .
any suggestion? Appreciate your help and support.

09-07-2016, 09:07 AM
Rick, this is digging up old posts, I know. But this VB really saved me so much trouble.

I do have one need from this code though, that is, to add 'and' for the last two sets to variables looked up by the code.

Basically, I'm using your code to make a mail merge section for my Word, which is a contract for family signing, so, by looking up Reference numbers in the MasterList, your code helps me generate all the values and complies it into one cell, where I can easily merge to my contract form.

The issue is that I'd like to have 'and' for the last two person's names, which is an essential thing because it is a standardised format of the contract....so if I have 3 names, for example, Michael Jones, Amy Jones, Lincoln Jones, I'd like the cell to display 'Michael Jones, Amy Jones, and Lincoln Jones'

Is there a code that helps detect that it is the last entry and thus add prefix to the final variable?

Rick Rothstein
09-07-2016, 01:29 PM
I do have one need from this code though, that is, to add 'and' for the last two sets to variables looked up by the code.

Here is the code where I replaced the last line of code before the last "End If" with two lines of code...

Function LookUpConcat(ByVal SearchString As String, _
SearchRange As Range, _
ReturnRange As Range, _
Optional Delimiter As String = " ", _
Optional MatchWhole As Boolean = True, _
Optional UniqueOnly As Boolean = False, _
Optional MatchCase As Boolean = False)

Dim X As Long, CellVal As String, ReturnVal As String, Result As String

If (SearchRange.Rows.Count > 1 And SearchRange.Columns.Count > 1) Or _
(ReturnRange.Rows.Count > 1 And ReturnRange.Columns.Count > 1) Then
LookUpConcat = CVErr(xlErrRef)
If Not MatchCase Then SearchString = UCase(SearchString)
For X = 1 To SearchRange.Count
If MatchCase Then
CellVal = SearchRange(X).Value
CellVal = UCase(SearchRange(X).Value)
End If
ReturnVal = ReturnRange(X).Value
If MatchWhole And CellVal = SearchString Then
If UniqueOnly And InStr(Result & Delimiter, Delimiter & _
ReturnVal & Delimiter) > 0 Then GoTo Continue
Result = Result & Delimiter & ReturnVal
ElseIf Not MatchWhole And CellVal Like "*" & SearchString & "*" Then
If UniqueOnly And InStr(Result & Delimiter, Delimiter & _
ReturnVal & Delimiter) > 0 Then GoTo Continue
Result = Result & Delimiter & ReturnVal
End If

Result = Mid(Result, Len(Delimiter) + 1)
LookUpConcat = Application.Replace(Result, InStrRev(Result, Delimiter), Len(Delimiter), " and ")
End If

End Function

09-08-2016, 06:10 AM
Here is the code where I replaced the last line of code before the last "End If" with two lines of code...

Function LookUpConcat(ByVal SearchString As String, _
SearchRange As Range, _
ReturnRange As Range, _
Optional Delimiter As String = " ", _
Optional MatchWhole As Boolean = True, _
Optional UniqueOnly As Boolean = False, _
Optional MatchCase As Boolean = False)

Dim X As Long, CellVal As String, ReturnVal As String, Result As String

If (SearchRange.Rows.Count > 1 And SearchRange.Columns.Count > 1) Or _
(ReturnRange.Rows.Count > 1 And ReturnRange.Columns.Count > 1) Then
LookUpConcat = CVErr(xlErrRef)
If Not MatchCase Then SearchString = UCase(SearchString)
For X = 1 To SearchRange.Count
If MatchCase Then
CellVal = SearchRange(X).Value
CellVal = UCase(SearchRange(X).Value)
End If
ReturnVal = ReturnRange(X).Value
If MatchWhole And CellVal = SearchString Then
If UniqueOnly And InStr(Result & Delimiter, Delimiter & _
ReturnVal & Delimiter) > 0 Then GoTo Continue
Result = Result & Delimiter & ReturnVal
ElseIf Not MatchWhole And CellVal Like "*" & SearchString & "*" Then
If UniqueOnly And InStr(Result & Delimiter, Delimiter & _
ReturnVal & Delimiter) > 0 Then GoTo Continue
Result = Result & Delimiter & ReturnVal
End If

Result = Mid(Result, Len(Delimiter) + 1)
LookUpConcat = Application.Replace(Result, InStrRev(Result, Delimiter), Len(Delimiter), " and ")
End If

End Function

Hi Rick, thanks for the help. I do still have some trouble with this code.

It will produce the word 'and' for even cells that only contain 1 name.

So for my example I gave previously, it worked well. However for cells that only contains 1 name, for example 'Rick Rothstein', it will become 'Rick and Rothstein'

Is it possible to make the rule (I'm, completely, a noob, on VB) such that for cells containing more than 1 value, the final 2 values can be separated by 'and' while others by comma only.

(for 1 value) James Jones
(for 2 values) James Jones and Lillian Jones
(for 3 values) James Jones, Lillian Jones and Michael Jones

Sorry for the trouble, thank you.

10-17-2016, 03:29 PM
Hi Rick,

Firstly, thanks for sharing this helpful code.

I have two questions, so I appreciate if you can help me.

1. Is it possible to skip duplicate results?

2. I have some empty cells; is it possible to skip them in the result.


10-26-2016, 12:52 AM
Hi Rick,

I saved my workbook as macro enabled and saved your UDF code as a module. However when I enter the formula into my table I get the following error: Compile Error. Unexpected end function.

Is there a way to trouble shoot this?


https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIDLFRkUEIo&lc=UgzTF5vvB67Zbfs9qvx4AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIDLFRkUEIo&lc=UgzTF5vvB67Zbfs9qvx4AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_1iqtOnUMg&lc=UgxLtKj969oiIu7zNb94AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_1iqtOnUMg&lc=UgxLtKj969oiIu7zNb94AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=Ugxq4JHRza_zx3sz0fx4AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=Ugxq4JHRza_zx3sz0fx4AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=Ugxq4JHRza_zx3sz0fx4AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=Ugxq4JHRza_zx3sz0fx4AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=UgzMCQUIQgrbec400jl4AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7xZivqLZxc&lc=UgzMCQUIQgrbec400jl4AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuAipOW8BNQ&lc=Ugz0Uy2bCSCTb1W-0_14AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuAipOW8BNQ&lc=Ugz0Uy2bCSCTb1W-0_14AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITI1HaFeq_g&lc=Ugx12mI-a39T41NaZ8F4AaABAg.9iDQqIP56NV9iFD0AkeeJG (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITI1HaFeq_g&lc=Ugx12mI-a39T41NaZ8F4AaABAg.9iDQqIP56NV9iFD0AkeeJG)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXyMScSbhk4&lc=Ugxa2VYHMWJWXA6QI294AaABAg.9irLgSdeU3r9itU7zdnW Hw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXyMScSbhk4&lc=Ugxa2VYHMWJWXA6QI294AaABAg.9irLgSdeU3r9itU7zdnW Hw)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPRv-ATUBe4&lc=UgzFkoI0n_BxwnwVMcZ4AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPRv-ATUBe4&lc=UgzFkoI0n_BxwnwVMcZ4AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuAipOW8BNQ&lc=Ugz0Uy2bCSCTb1W-0_14AaABAg.9htChVuaX9W9htG01cKBzX (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuAipOW8BNQ&lc=Ugz0Uy2bCSCTb1W-0_14AaABAg.9htChVuaX9W9htG01cKBzX)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuAipOW8BNQ&lc=Ugw6UrV69zpeKvLOeOV4AaABAg.9ht16tzryC49htJ6TpIO XR (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuAipOW8BNQ&lc=Ugw6UrV69zpeKvLOeOV4AaABAg.9ht16tzryC49htJ6TpIO XR)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuAipOW8BNQ&lc=UgwMKwGZpDjv7vi7pCx4AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuAipOW8BNQ&lc=UgwMKwGZpDjv7vi7pCx4AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuAipOW8BNQ&lc=Ugw6UrV69zpeKvLOeOV4AaABAg.9ht16tzryC49htOKs4jh 3M (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuAipOW8BNQ&lc=Ugw6UrV69zpeKvLOeOV4AaABAg.9ht16tzryC49htOKs4jh 3M)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuAipOW8BNQ&lc=UgxVW-am20rQ5GFuJ9F4AaABAg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuAipOW8BNQ&lc=UgxVW-am20rQ5GFuJ9F4AaABAg)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnxwq2aGJRbjOo_MO54oaHA)

Rick Rothstein
10-26-2016, 01:21 AM
I saved my workbook as macro enabled and saved your UDF code as a module. However when I enter the formula into my table I get the following error: Compile Error. Unexpected end function.

Is there a way to trouble shoot this?

It is hard to see that small picture, but if what is displayed in the picture is all of the code you copied, then you did not manage to copy all of the code there is.

10-26-2016, 01:25 AM
It is hard to see that small picture, but if what is displayed in the picture is all of the code you copied, then you did not manage to copy all of the code there is.

Oh gosh I didn't even see that the original code has a scroll bar

08-03-2017, 07:40 PM
The idea for this UDF (user defined function) came from this article which I saw in another forum...

Excel udf: Lookup and return multiple values concatenated into one cell | Get Digital Help - Microsoft Excel resource (http://www.get-digital-help.com/2010/12/20/excel-udf-lookup-and-return-multiple-values-concatenated-into-one-cell/comment-page-1/)

This is actually an old article that someone just commented on which, in turn, brought it to the top of that forum's "Recent Comments" list and, hence, to my attention. When I looked at the article, I decided the UDF presented by that programmer could be expanded to make it more flexible, hence this current article by me (you should follow the above link in order to see the type of data being processed and the expected resulting output from it). Here is the code I came up with...

Function LookUpConcat(ByVal SearchString As String, _
SearchRange As Range, _
ReturnRange As Range, _
Optional Delimiter As String = " ", _
Optional MatchWhole As Boolean = True, _
Optional UniqueOnly As Boolean = False, _
Optional MatchCase As Boolean = False)

Dim X As Long, CellVal As String, ReturnVal As String, Result As String

If (SearchRange.Rows.Count > 1 And SearchRange.Columns.Count > 1) Or _
(ReturnRange.Rows.Count > 1 And ReturnRange.Columns.Count > 1) Then
LookUpConcat = CVErr(xlErrRef)
If Not MatchCase Then SearchString = UCase(SearchString)
For X = 1 To SearchRange.Count
If MatchCase Then
CellVal = SearchRange(X).Value
CellVal = UCase(SearchRange(X).Value)
End If
ReturnVal = ReturnRange(X).Value
If MatchWhole And CellVal = SearchString Then
If UniqueOnly And InStr(Result & Delimiter, Delimiter & _
ReturnVal & Delimiter) > 0 Then GoTo Continue
Result = Result & Delimiter & ReturnVal
ElseIf Not MatchWhole And CellVal Like "*" & SearchString & "*" Then
If UniqueOnly And InStr(Result & Delimiter, Delimiter & _
ReturnVal & Delimiter) > 0 Then GoTo Continue
Result = Result & Delimiter & ReturnVal
End If

LookUpConcat = Mid(Result, Len(Delimiter) + 1)
End If

End Function

The first three arguments are required. The first argument is the text you want to search for. The second argument is the range to be searched... this range can either be a column of cell references or a row of cell reference (it cannot be a two-dimensional array of cells though). The third argument is the range from which the matching results will be taken from... this range can be a column of cell references or a row of cell reference (it cannot be a two-dimensional array of cells though). Note that while normally the orientation of the search and result ranges will be the same (easier to coordinate between the two I would think), this is not a requirement... one can be a reference to a row of cells and the other can be a reference to a column of cells.

The remaining arguments are all optional. The fourth argmument, a String, is the text (one or more characters) that you want to be the delimiter between the concatenated text that is found during the lookup (the default value is a space character). The fifth argument, a Boolean, determines whether the lookup should be trying to match the entire cell value or only part of the cell value (the default value is True meaning the lookup will have to match the entire cell value). The sixth argument, a Boolean, determines if the concatenated list that is returned should allow duplicated values to be listed or whether a found value should only be listed one time, that being the first occurrence in the range (the default value is False meaning found values will be listed as many times as they are found within the search range). The seventh argument, a Boolean, determines whether the lookup process will be case sensitive or not (the default value is False meaning the searched for text does not have to be of the same case as the text being searched).

That is pretty much it. Hopefully my explanation has been clear enough but, if not, please feel free to ask me go into more detail on any parts that seem "murky" to you.

If you are new to UDFs, they are easy to install and use. To install it, simply press ALT+F11 to go into the VB editor and, once there, click Insert/Module on its menu bar, then copy/paste the above code into the code window that just opened up. That's it.... you are done. You can now use LookUpConcat just like it was a built-in Excel function.

I have installed this as instructed however, the result is just a blank cell. I'm using Excel 2016 on Mac if that makes a difference. I'm really struggling to get this to work :( I'm new to VBA as well which probably doesn't help :/

I am unable to attach a sample workbook because the file is too big. So instead, I have included a link below. The second sheet contains a calendar and I would like each day to be filled with the companies from the first sheet where the day matches.

Also, is it possible to set the font colour of each concatenated result depending on its status in the first sheet? i.e. if a company has a status of UNCONFIRMED, would it possible to make that company and that company only red in the concatenated cell?

Lastly, on the calendar sheet, how would I fill the cell that corresponds to the current day?

Link to sample:


11-10-2017, 11:43 PM
Please forgive me if this is duplicated - my first time using these forums.
I need to either create a CONCATENATE formula or a VBA to accomplish what is in this picture.1933

Thank you!

Randall Kern
12-28-2017, 10:42 PM
I just wanted to take a minute and thank you for this UDF. This solves so many issues I have encountered.

11-14-2018, 11:04 AM
The idea for this UDF (user defined function) came from this article which I saw in another forum...

Excel udf: Lookup and return multiple values concatenated into one cell | Get Digital Help - Microsoft Excel resource (http://www.get-digital-help.com/2010/12/20/excel-udf-lookup-and-return-multiple-values-concatenated-into-one-cell/comment-page-1/)

This is actually an old article that someone just commented on which, in turn, brought it to the top of that forum's "Recent Comments" list and, hence, to my attention. When I looked at the article, I decided the UDF presented by that programmer could be expanded to make it more flexible, hence this current article by me (you should follow the above link in order to see the type of data being processed and the expected resulting output from it). Here is the code I came up with...

Function LookUpConcat(ByVal SearchString As String, _
SearchRange As Range, _
ReturnRange As Range, _
Optional Delimiter As String = " ", _
Optional MatchWhole As Boolean = True, _
Optional UniqueOnly As Boolean = False, _
Optional MatchCase As Boolean = False)

Dim X As Long, CellVal As String, ReturnVal As String, Result As String

If (SearchRange.Rows.Count > 1 And SearchRange.Columns.Count > 1) Or _
(ReturnRange.Rows.Count > 1 And ReturnRange.Columns.Count > 1) Then
LookUpConcat = CVErr(xlErrRef)
If Not MatchCase Then SearchString = UCase(SearchString)
For X = 1 To SearchRange.Count
If MatchCase Then
CellVal = SearchRange(X).Value
CellVal = UCase(SearchRange(X).Value)
End If
ReturnVal = ReturnRange(X).Value
If MatchWhole And CellVal = SearchString Then
If UniqueOnly And InStr(Result & Delimiter, Delimiter & _
ReturnVal & Delimiter) > 0 Then GoTo Continue
Result = Result & Delimiter & ReturnVal
ElseIf Not MatchWhole And CellVal Like "*" & SearchString & "*" Then
If UniqueOnly And InStr(Result & Delimiter, Delimiter & _
ReturnVal & Delimiter) > 0 Then GoTo Continue
Result = Result & Delimiter & ReturnVal
End If

LookUpConcat = Mid(Result, Len(Delimiter) + 1)
End If

End Function

The first three arguments are required. The first argument is the text you want to search for. The second argument is the range to be searched... this range can either be a column of cell references or a row of cell reference (it cannot be a two-dimensional array of cells though). The third argument is the range from which the matching results will be taken from... this range can be a column of cell references or a row of cell reference (it cannot be a two-dimensional array of cells though). Note that while normally the orientation of the search and result ranges will be the same (easier to coordinate between the two I would think), this is not a requirement... one can be a reference to a row of cells and the other can be a reference to a column of cells.

The remaining arguments are all optional. The fourth argmument, a String, is the text (one or more characters) that you want to be the delimiter between the concatenated text that is found during the lookup (the default value is a space character). The fifth argument, a Boolean, determines whether the lookup should be trying to match the entire cell value or only part of the cell value (the default value is True meaning the lookup will have to match the entire cell value). The sixth argument, a Boolean, determines if the concatenated list that is returned should allow duplicated values to be listed or whether a found value should only be listed one time, that being the first occurrence in the range (the default value is False meaning found values will be listed as many times as they are found within the search range). The seventh argument, a Boolean, determines whether the lookup process will be case sensitive or not (the default value is False meaning the searched for text does not have to be of the same case as the text being searched).

That is pretty much it. Hopefully my explanation has been clear enough but, if not, please feel free to ask me go into more detail on any parts that seem "murky" to you.

If you are new to UDFs, they are easy to install and use. To install it, simply press ALT+F11 to go into the VB editor and, once there, click Insert/Module on its menu bar, then copy/paste the above code into the code window that just opened up. That's it.... you are done. You can now use LookUpConcat just like it was a built-in Excel function.

Hi Rick, such a god-sent! This VBA is marvelous

Can I follow this up by asking if this can be a lookupconcat UDF for multiple criteria?

10-31-2019, 07:00 AM
Hi Rick. This is just the thing I was looking for!

One thing I would like to know is, I would like to exclude blanks from my results. Should I show this in the VBA or in the formula?