05-13-2011, 10:27 AM
This can be used to Fetch(to sheet/control)/Modify/Excute SQL's :rolleyes:
-Requires reference to Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library
(I know a lot of would say can be done with Late binding but i perfer this)
Function SQLJuicer(strSQLString As String, strDataBaseAddress As String, Optional rngWhereToPasteRange As Range, Optional blnReturnListArrayInstead As Boolean = True) As Variant
Dim adoConnection As New ADODB.Connection
Dim adoRcdSource As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strDBPath As String
On Error GoTo Errs:
strDBPath = strDataBaseAddress
adoConnection.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & strDBPath
If UCase(Left(strSQLString, 6)) = "SELECT" Then
adoRcdSource.Open strSQLString, adoConnection, 3
If rngWhereToPasteRange Is Nothing And blnReturnListArrayInstead = True Then
If (adoRcdSource.BOF Or adoRcdSource.EOF) = False Then
SQLJuicer = adoRcdSource.GetRows
End If
ElseIf Not rngWhereToPasteRange And blnReturnListArrayInstead = False Then
With rngWhereToPasteRange
.Cells(1).CopyFromRecordset adoRcdSource
End With
End If
adoConnection.Execute strSQLString
End If
GoTo NormalExit
MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error!"
Err.Clear: On Error GoTo 0: On Error GoTo -1
Set adoConnection = Nothing
Set adoRcdSource = Nothing
strDBPath = vbNullString
End Function
To Load a List to List Box/Combo Box:
Me.ComboBox1.List = Application.Transpose(SQLJuicer("SELECT Name FROM Employee", "C:\Mydatabase.mdb", ,True))
To Execute A SQL:
Call SQLJuicer(YourSQLString,"C:\Mydatabase.mdb")
And to get data to a Range:
Call SQLJuicer(YourSQLString,"C:\Mydatabase.mdb",Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1"))
This can be used to Fetch(to sheet/control)/Modify/Excute SQL's :rolleyes:
-Requires reference to Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library
(I know a lot of would say can be done with Late binding but i perfer this)
Function SQLJuicer(strSQLString As String, strDataBaseAddress As String, Optional rngWhereToPasteRange As Range, Optional blnReturnListArrayInstead As Boolean = True) As Variant
Dim adoConnection As New ADODB.Connection
Dim adoRcdSource As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strDBPath As String
On Error GoTo Errs:
strDBPath = strDataBaseAddress
adoConnection.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & strDBPath
If UCase(Left(strSQLString, 6)) = "SELECT" Then
adoRcdSource.Open strSQLString, adoConnection, 3
If rngWhereToPasteRange Is Nothing And blnReturnListArrayInstead = True Then
If (adoRcdSource.BOF Or adoRcdSource.EOF) = False Then
SQLJuicer = adoRcdSource.GetRows
End If
ElseIf Not rngWhereToPasteRange And blnReturnListArrayInstead = False Then
With rngWhereToPasteRange
.Cells(1).CopyFromRecordset adoRcdSource
End With
End If
adoConnection.Execute strSQLString
End If
GoTo NormalExit
MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error!"
Err.Clear: On Error GoTo 0: On Error GoTo -1
Set adoConnection = Nothing
Set adoRcdSource = Nothing
strDBPath = vbNullString
End Function
To Load a List to List Box/Combo Box:
Me.ComboBox1.List = Application.Transpose(SQLJuicer("SELECT Name FROM Employee", "C:\Mydatabase.mdb", ,True))
To Execute A SQL:
Call SQLJuicer(YourSQLString,"C:\Mydatabase.mdb")
And to get data to a Range:
Call SQLJuicer(YourSQLString,"C:\Mydatabase.mdb",Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1"))