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Thread: VBA to Create Grouping (Difficult)

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    VBA to Create Grouping (Difficult)

    Dear All,

    Before Worksheet tab refers to Group Accounts before Grouping. After Worksheet tab refers to Group Accounts after Groupings that must be created by VBA.

    I have posted this question in Mr Excel Forum

    Your help would be appreciated.

    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    Administrator Excel Fox's Avatar
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    Biz, can you please take us through the flow here. Not able to follow how you reach from Before to After

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    I have tried to group all expenses based Parent - Child relationship. If I click on Level 2 on After Worksheet tab it tells me all children belonging to a Parent.
    1000 Group Accounts
    41 Profit and Loss
    39 Net Surplus / (Deficit) After Tax
    42 Net Operating Surplus / (Deficit)
    45 Net Operating Expenditure
    88 Operating Expenditure
    142 Operating Revenue

    43 Net Non-Operating Surplus / (Deficit)
    47 Non-Operating Expenditure
    48 Non-Operating Income
    40 Income Tax Expenditure
    44 Income tax expense

    6 Liabilities & Equity
    28 Liabilities
    30 Non-Current Liabilities
    31 Current Liabilities

    29 Ratepayers equity
    32 General equity
    33 Restricted equity
    34 Designated funds and reserves
    35 Targeted rate reserves
    36 Other reserves
    37 Revaluation reserve
    38 Minority interest
    7 Asset
    8 Assets
    9 Non-Current Assets
    11 Property Plant and Equipment
    12 Investment Property
    13 Right To Acquire Assets
    14 Intangible Assets
    15 Goodwill
    16 Livestock
    17 Investments In Subsidiaries
    18 Investment In Associates
    19 Other Financial Assets
    20 Derivative Financial Assets

    10 Current Assets
    21 Trade and Other Receivables
    22 Inventories
    23 Other Financial Assets
    24 Derivative Financial Assets
    25 Non-Current Assets Held For Sale
    26 Income Tax
    27 Cash and Cash Equivalents
    169 Investment

    For instance, Operating Expenditure includes Expenditure On Activities which includes following:
    Professional Services
    Office Consumables
    Occupancy and Utilities
    Repairs and Maintenance
    Depreciation and Amortisation
    Management Fees
    Inter-Entity Funding
    Grants and Sponsorship
    Cost Of Goods Sold
    Other Expenditure On Activities
    Internal Charges and Allocations

    If I click on level 1 in After Worksheet tab it gives consolidated accounts structure.


  4. #4
    Administrator Excel Fox's Avatar
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    So how does one know which row to show and which to hide? In other words, what is the logical flow to create the groups?
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  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    I have tried creating macros but they are not working properly as it does not give results as per After Worksheet tab.

    Sub Blanks()
    'Remove Bolds on Blank Cells
        Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Font.Bold = False
    End Sub
    Sub Check()
    Dim RowCount As Integer
    Dim RowNo As Integer
    Dim iColNo As Long
    Dim LastCheck As Integer
    Dim FirstCheck As Integer
    Dim CalcFlag As Boolean
    'Count number of rows
    RowCount = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    'Initialise the range
    LastCheck = 4
    For iColNo = 3 To 9
    For RowNo = 2 To RowCount
    If Cells(RowNo, iColNo).Font.Bold = True Then
         FirstCheck = RowNo - 1
    End If
    If FirstCheck > LastCheck Then
    Rows(FirstCheck & ":" & LastCheck).group
    'MsgBox (FirstCheck & "and" & LastCheck)
    Cells(RowNo, iColNo).Font.Underline = True
    LastCheck = FirstCheck + 2
    End If
    Next RowNo
    LastCheck = LastCheck + 1
    Next iColNo
    End Sub
    Grouping Starts one cell below the bold and grouping ends before next bold. For instance, Col I relates to Staff Permanent grouping which
    starts from row 10 and finishes on row 28.

    Looping structure would loop through I to D.

    End goal is to have structure below at Level 1 grouping.

    1000 Group Accounts
    41 Profit and Loss
    39 Net Surplus / (Deficit) After Tax
    42 Net Operating Surplus / (Deficit)
    43 Net Non-Operating Surplus / (Deficit)
    6 Liabilities & Equity
    28 Liabilities
    29 Ratepayers equity
    7 Asset
    8 Assets
    9 Non-Current Assets
    10 Current Assets

    From the above there grouping for Profit and Loss, Liabilities & Equity, Asset

    Hope above helps.

    Last edited by Biz; 07-12-2011 at 03:28 AM.

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