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Thread: Solve Block If Without End If Problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013
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    Solve Block If Without End If Problem

    Hello everyone,

    Can someone help me out to fix and debug this code.

    Sub SLA_ID()
    Dim Classification As String, class As String, volume As Integer, netWDay As Integer, classification2 As Integer

    Classification = Range("F2:F500").Value
    volume = Range("J2:J500").Value
    netWDay = Range("AH2:AH500").Value

    If ((Classification = "Reorganization" & netWDay <= 5)) Then
    classification2 = "Within SLA"

    Classification = "Beyond SLA"

    If ((Classification = "CR" & netWDay = 1)) Then
    classification2 = "Within SLA"

    Classification = "Beyond SLA"

    If ((Classification = "Other Forms" & netWDay <= 1)) Then
    classification2 = "Within SLA"

    Classification = "Beyond SLA"

    If ((Classification = "MMR" & volume <= 30)) Then
    class = "MMR_Low"

    Classification = "MMR_High"

    If ((class = "MMR_Low" & netWDay <= 2)) Then
    classification2 = "Within SLA"

    Classification = "Beyond SLA"

    If ((class = "MMR_High" & netWDay <= 5)) Then
    Classification = "Within SLA"
    Classification = "Beyond SLA"

    Range("AM2:AM500").Value = class
    Range("AL2:AL500").Value = classification2

    End If

    End Sub

    The error is Block if without end if, and if I put a total number of end if at the end with the total number of If statement is my codes, the error is block if without end if. and if ever I remove it I usually have a problem with Runtime error '13': Type Mismatch.

    Thank you in advance.


  2. #2
    Administrator Excel Fox's Avatar
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    is this what you wanted

    Sub SLA_ID()
        Dim Classification As String, class As String, volume As Integer, netWDay As Integer, classification2 As Integer
        Classification = Range("F2:F500").Value
        volume = Range("J2:J500").Value
        netWDay = Range("AH2:AH500").Value
        If ((Classification = "Reorganization" & netWDay <= 5)) Then
            classification2 = "Within SLA"
            Classification = "Beyond SLA"
        End If
        If ((Classification = "CR" & netWDay = 1)) Then
            classification2 = "Within SLA"
            Classification = "Beyond SLA"
        End If
        If ((Classification = "Other Forms" & netWDay <= 1)) Then
            classification2 = "Within SLA"
            Classification = "Beyond SLA"
        End If
        If ((Classification = "MMR" & volume <= 30)) Then
            class = "MMR_Low"
            Classification = "MMR_High"
        End If
        If ((class = "MMR_Low" & netWDay <= 2)) Then
            classification2 = "Within SLA"
            Classification = "Beyond SLA"
        End If
        If ((class = "MMR_High" & netWDay <= 5)) Then
            Classification = "Within SLA"
            Classification = "Beyond SLA"
            Range("AM2:AM500").Value = class
            Range("AL2:AL500").Value = classification2
        End If
    End Sub
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Runtime Error '13': Type mismatch is the problem. I don't know why. I have already double checked the codes. Please help! _

  4. #4
    Forum Guru Rick Rothstein's Avatar
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    You have a few things wrong with your code and, because we do not know what the code is supposed to be doing, it is impossible to fix perfectly for you... but we can guide you to a solution. First off, Excel Fox has shown you where to place all of the required "End If" statements. Mind you, his placements are only a guess based on the apparent structure your code seemed to possess, but I think he got it right EXCEPT possibly for the placement of the last "End If". This is what Excel Fox suggested for it...
        If ((class = "MMR_High" & netWDay <= 5)) Then
            Classification = "Within SLA"
            Classification = "Beyond SLA"
            Range("AM2:AM500").Value = class
            Range("AL2:AL500").Value = classification2
        End If
    End Sub
    It is impossible for us to tell positively where the lines of code I highlighted in red are supposed to be located, but I think this is a more logical arrangement for them give the code that proceed it...
        If ((class = "MMR_High" & netWDay <= 5)) Then
            Classification = "Within SLA"
            Classification = "Beyond SLA"
        End If
        Range("AM2:AM500").Value = class
        Range("AL2:AL500").Value = classification2
    End Sub
    Unfortunately, that is not the only thing I see wrong with your code. First, you declared your 'classification2' variable as Integer, but then within your code you assign "Within SLA" to it... since "Within SLA" is text, you should declare the variable as String, not Integer. Next, I think everyone of your If..Then statement lines are incorrect. You wrote something similar to this for each one of them...
    If ((Classification = "Reorganization" & netWDay <= 5)) Then
    I think you meant the & sign to be the logical operator And. If I am right, you need to change every one of your If..Then statements so that it looks like this...
    If (Classification = "Reorganization") And (netWDay <= 5) Then
    Now, about the values being assigned to your variables. You assign values to the 'Classification' variable, but then you never assign the 'Classification' variable to anything meaning the values you assigned to it are lost with being used when your code ends. You do assign the 'class' variable to the range AM2:AM500 at the end, but only assign a value to it once within one of the If..Then statement... if that If..Then statement is not True during the running of your code, then nothing gets assigned to AM2:AM500 which, might possibly be what you intended, but my gut tells me that no, that is not what you ultimately wanted. As I said at the beginning, without knowing the actual intent of your code, it is impossible to say which of what I pointed out above really applies or not, but I have offered you my observation so you can take a more critical look at what you are doing inside your code.

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