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Thread: Data Validation For Selecting Date And Week Number

  1. #1
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    Data Validation For Selecting Date And Week Number

    is it possible to use a dropdown list with data validation. I want to use a dropdown list for the date and the week number works off the date
    I added manually to show desired result......can dates also be entered using VBA
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  2. #2
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    see attched file sheet 1. see entries H1 I1 J1 K1
    now see formula in I2 which is copied down and along columns for 7 rows.
    now use dependent valiation based on these data.
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    Last edited by venkat1926; 06-15-2013 at 11:54 AM.

  3. #3
    Administrator Excel Fox's Avatar
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    Paul, Venkat has given you a solution the gives the 7 days of the Nth week, based on year. Does that solve your need? From what I understood, you just want a validation list from which you can select any day, and the week number of that day will display in the adjacent column. Is that correct?
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  4. #4
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    Hi Excel Fox

    I think the best solution would be for me to enter a date into cell C15 and then through VBA select a button and it inserts the dates through to 21/12/2013 using the pattern of dates in the file attached.The week numbers would also insert with VBA according to the date....I would also have a second button which deletes the dates but only after a password is entered........I would then change the code when this spreadsheet is used for 2014 onwards

    Maybe you could also achieve this with a dropdown list (DV) which I would prefer but I do not know if achievable

    Thanks Venkat

    Thank you

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    Last edited by paul_pearson; 06-15-2013 at 02:30 PM.

  5. #5
    Administrator Excel Fox's Avatar
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    I am assuming you mean 31st Dec 2013, and not 21st. And what do you mean by 'pattern of dates'?
    A dream is not something you see when you are asleep, but something you strive for when you are awake.

    It's usually a bad idea to say that something can't be done.

    The difference between dream and aim, is that one requires soundless sleep to see and the other requires sleepless efforts to achieve

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  6. #6
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    still it is not clear what you want. if you want a vlidation list for each week number
    see attached workbook(prev book is modified).
    at first try this
    in E1 chooe a weeknumber from validation list arrow. E1 will be filled
    after fillig E1 click the validation arrow what do you get??????

    do same experimet by choosing another weeknumber in E1 and see validation list for F1.

    now how to get at it see the text box.

    may be little complicated but you can do it. experient in ano ther file

    why do you need a password.
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  7. #7
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    Hi Excel Fox

    Yes 31st Dec 2013...the dates are for Monday to Friday (no weekends)...There are 3 empty cells between the last date of the week to the first date of the next week

    Hi Venkat
    Thanks...I am about to look at your file now..thanks


  8. #8
    Forum Guru Rick Rothstein's Avatar
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    Except for the starting cell, this appears to be the identical question this OP posted here...

    inserting date

    And there are solutions there for part of his question over there... including from me. I'm guessing the OP abandoned the thread over there in order to pursue it here (if so... that was not a very nice thing to do).

  9. #9
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    No that thread is not abandoned as there is more replies from me....That one is code and this one is preferably Data Validation...No harm meant and I see both the same threads here and then ask on other this an is all about learning....code, formula and DV has been learnt

    Hope this has not offended anyone as this is not my intention


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