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Thread: Import text file to an Excel file

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Cool Import text file to an Excel file

    Hi everyone, here asking for your help again.

    I have two files, one is an excel file and the other a text file.

    I request your help to import the text file to an excel file and the end result is displayed as the worksheet called "CONCENTRATE"

    I hope I can help me.

    Greetings and Thanks.
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  2. #2
    Administrator Admin's Avatar
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    Try this

    Sub kTest()
        Dim strTxt  As String
        Dim objFSO  As Object
        Dim arrOP(), Cols
        Dim i       As Long
        Dim n       As Long
        Dim x, Hdr
        Dim Pos1    As Long
        Dim Pos2    As Long
        Dim Pos3    As Long
        Dim Pos4    As Long
        Dim Flg     As Boolean
        Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        strTxt = objFSO.opentextfile("C:\MyFolder\corp.txt").readall '<<==== adjust the folder
        x = Split(strTxt, vbCrLf)
        Cols = Array(21, 10, 2, 41, 30)
        ReDim arrOP(1 To UBound(x), 1 To 9)
        For i = 0 To UBound(x)
            If x(i) Like "*Fecha*Concepto*" Then
                n = n + 1
                Pos1 = InStr(1, x(i), "de", 1)
                Pos2 = InStr(1, x(i), "No.", 1)
                Pos3 = InStr(1, x(i), "Concepto", 1)
                arrOP(n, 1) = Trim$(Mid$(x(i), Pos1 + 3, 3))
                arrOP(n, 2) = Trim$(Mid$(x(i), Pos2 + 3, 8))
                arrOP(n, 3) = CDate(Trim$(Mid$(x(i), Pos3 - 12, 10)))
                arrOP(n, 7) = Trim$(Mid$(x(i), Pos3 + 10))
                Pos4 = n
                Flg = True
                GoTo Nxt
            ElseIf Flg Then
                arrOP(n, 1) = arrOP(Pos4, 1)
                arrOP(n, 2) = arrOP(Pos4, 2)
                arrOP(n, 3) = arrOP(Pos4, 3)
                arrOP(n, 7) = arrOP(Pos4, 7)
                arrOP(n, 4) = Trim$(Mid$(x(i), Cols(0), Cols(1)))
                arrOP(n, 5) = Trim$(Mid$(x(i), Cols(0) + Cols(1), Cols(2) + 2))
                arrOP(n, 6) = Trim$(Mid$(x(i), Cols(0) + Cols(1) + Cols(2) + 2, Cols(3)))
                arrOP(n, 9) = Trim$(Mid$(x(i), Cols(0) + Cols(1) + Cols(2) + Cols(3) + Cols(4) + 17, 15))
                If Len(arrOP(n, 9)) Then
                    arrOP(n, 8) = Trim$(Mid$(x(i), Cols(0) + Cols(1) + Cols(2) + Cols(3) + Cols(4) + 2, 15))
                    Flg = False
                    arrOP(n, 8) = Trim$(Mid$(x(i), Cols(0) + Cols(1) + Cols(2) + Cols(3) + Cols(4) - 7, 15))
                End If
                n = n + 1
            End If
        If n Then
            [a1].Resize(, 9) = Hdr
            [a2].Resize(n - 1, 9).Value = arrOP
        End If
    End Sub
    Cheers !

    Excel Range to BBCode Table
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    @ Home - Office 2010/2013/2016 on Win 10 (64 bit); @ Work - Office 2016 on Win 10 (64 bit)

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Import text file to an Excel file

    Thanks Admin

    The code works fine, but I have the following problem when importing.
    Sometimes in column I ("ABONO") in the text file are more than one record, now the importing is only the first row of column I and I need that when there are more records were imported also.

    Please could you help me with this?.

    annex the text file where the problem occurs and also annex the Excel file highlighting in yellow the way it should be.

    I appreciate your valuable time and help.
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  4. #4
    Administrator Admin's Avatar
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    Thanks for the feedback. Try this one.

    Option Explicit
    Sub kTest()
        Dim strTxt  As String
        Dim objFSO  As Object
        Dim arrOP(), Cols
        Dim i       As Long
        Dim n       As Long
        Dim x, Hdr
        Dim Pos1    As Long
        Dim Pos2    As Long
        Dim Pos3    As Long
        Dim Pos4    As Long
        Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        strTxt = objFSO.opentextfile("C:\Users\Kannan\Downloads\corp.txt").readall '<<==== adjust the folder
        x = Split(strTxt, vbCrLf)
        Cols = Array(21, 10, 2, 41, 30)
        ReDim arrOP(1 To UBound(x), 1 To 9)
        For i = 0 To UBound(x)
            If x(i) Like "*Fecha*Concepto*" Then
                n = n + 1
                Pos1 = InStr(1, x(i), "de", 1)
                Pos2 = InStr(1, x(i), "No.", 1)
                Pos3 = InStr(1, x(i), "Concepto", 1)
                arrOP(n, 1) = Trim$(Mid$(x(i), Pos1 + 3, 3))
                arrOP(n, 2) = Trim$(Mid$(x(i), Pos2 + 3, 8))
                arrOP(n, 3) = CDate(Trim$(Mid$(x(i), Pos3 - 12, 10)))
                arrOP(n, 7) = Trim$(Mid$(x(i), Pos3 + 10))
                Pos4 = n
            ElseIf x(i) Like "*###-##-##*" Then
                arrOP(n, 1) = arrOP(Pos4, 1)
                arrOP(n, 2) = arrOP(Pos4, 2)
                arrOP(n, 3) = arrOP(Pos4, 3)
                arrOP(n, 7) = arrOP(Pos4, 7)
                arrOP(n, 4) = Trim$(Mid$(x(i), Cols(0), Cols(1)))
                arrOP(n, 5) = Trim$(Mid$(x(i), Cols(0) + Cols(1), Cols(2) + 2))
                arrOP(n, 6) = Trim$(Mid$(x(i), Cols(0) + Cols(1) + Cols(2) + 2, Cols(3)))
                arrOP(n, 9) = Trim$(Mid$(x(i), Cols(0) + Cols(1) + Cols(2) + Cols(3) + Cols(4) + 17, 15))
                If Len(arrOP(n, 9)) Then
                    arrOP(n, 8) = Trim$(Mid$(x(i), Cols(0) + Cols(1) + Cols(2) + Cols(3) + Cols(4) + 2, 15))
                    arrOP(n, 8) = Trim$(Mid$(x(i), Cols(0) + Cols(1) + Cols(2) + Cols(3) + Cols(4) - 7, 15))
                End If
                n = n + 1
            End If
        If n Then
            [a1].Resize(, 9) = Hdr
            [a2].Resize(n - 1, 9).Value = arrOP
        End If
    End Sub
    Cheers !

    Excel Range to BBCode Table
    Use Social Networking Tools If You Like the Answers !

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    @ Home - Office 2010/2013/2016 on Win 10 (64 bit); @ Work - Office 2016 on Win 10 (64 bit)

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Works great.

    You saved me hours of work, it's great to have forums like this and people like you.

  6. #6
    Administrator Admin's Avatar
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    Thanks for the feedback.
    Cheers !

    Excel Range to BBCode Table
    Use Social Networking Tools If You Like the Answers !

    Message to Cross Posters

    @ Home - Office 2010/2013/2016 on Win 10 (64 bit); @ Work - Office 2016 on Win 10 (64 bit)

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