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Thread: VBA Program to Compare 4 Columns in Excel (Required)

  1. #1
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    VBA Program to Compare 4 Columns in Excel (Required)

    Hi all

    I am New to VBA programming in Excel. Can someone please help me how to create a VBA Program to Compare 4 Columns in Excel and store the values in another column. I have searched it in multiple websites but i couldn't find it. I have got a VBA to compare 2 columns , please let me know how to create it for 4 columns
    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim CompareRange As Variant, To_Be_Compared As Variant, x As Variant, y As Variant
    str1 = InputBox("Enter Column Name to be Compared")
    str2 = InputBox("Enter Column Name to Compare")
    str3 = InputBox("Enter Column Name to put the Result")
    Range(str1 & "1").Select
    Set To_Be_Compared = Range(str1 & "1:" & Selection.Address)
    Range(str2 & "1").Select
    Set CompareRange = Range(str2 & "1:" & Selection.Address)
    i = 1
    For Each x In Selection
    For Each y In CompareRange
    If x = y Then
    Range(str3 & i).Value = x
    i = i + 1
    End If
    Next y
    Next x
    End Sub
    Last edited by Excel Fox; 06-20-2013 at 12:14 AM. Reason: Code Tags

  2. #2
    Administrator Excel Fox's Avatar
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    Hi vijaysram, welcome to Excel Fox community

    So what will be the comparison? Is it just a simple equating of values, like, if A1=B1=C1=D1, then True, else False?
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Excel Fox View Post
    Hi vijaysram, welcome to Excel Fox community

    So what will be the comparison? Is it just a simple equating of values, like, if A1=B1=C1=D1, then True, else False?
    Hi Exelfox, Thanks for your Interest in assisting me. I have 8 columns of Data having maximum of 2500 rows in each column. My requirement is :

    1) If I run the macro, it should ask me for the input of Column names to be compared and also should ask for the column where it need to put the result with the column heading as result.

    2) The result which i expected on the result column is the common duplicate values found on all the 4 columns.

    I tried the above concept before posting this question on this forum but my excel got hang when i started running using above concept. Somewhere i am missing when i am converting the concept into a program. Can you please help me how to program the above concept..

  4. #4
    Administrator Excel Fox's Avatar
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    Try this

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
        Dim lngColumnIndex() As Long
        Dim lngLoop As Long, lngSelected As Long, lngRows As Long
        Dim strColumnHeaders As String, strSelected As String
        Dim blnHoldsTrue As Boolean
        Const lngColumnHeaderRow As Long = 1
        Const lngColumnsToCompare As Long = 4
        On Error GoTo Err
        ReDim lngColumnIndex(1 To lngColumnsToCompare + 1)
        For lngLoop = 1 To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
            strColumnHeaders = strColumnHeaders & lngLoop & " - " & Cells(lngColumnHeaderRow, lngLoop).Value & "|"
        Next lngLoop
        strColumnHeaders = "The column headers are " & vbLf & vbLf & Join(Split(strColumnHeaders, "|"), vbLf) & vbLf
        For lngLoop = 1 To lngColumnsToCompare
            For lngSelected = 1 To lngLoop - 1
                strSelected = strSelected & lngColumnIndex(lngSelected) & vbLf
            Next lngSelected
            lngColumnIndex(lngLoop) = InputBox(strColumnHeaders & strSelected & "Enter each column index one by one", "Column Compare")
            strSelected = "You have already selected:" & vbLf & vbLf
        Next lngLoop
        For lngSelected = 1 To lngLoop - 1
            strSelected = strSelected & lngColumnIndex(lngSelected) & vbLf
        Next lngSelected
        lngColumnIndex(lngLoop) = InputBox(strColumnHeaders & strSelected & "Enter column index where you want to show the comparison result", "Column Compare")
        lngRows = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
        blnHoldsTrue = True
        For lngRows = lngColumnHeaderRow + 1 To lngRows
            For lngLoop = 2 To lngColumnsToCompare
                blnHoldsTrue = blnHoldsTrue And (Cells(lngRows, lngColumnIndex(lngLoop)).Value = Cells(lngRows, lngColumnIndex(lngLoop - 1)).Value)
            Next lngLoop
            Cells(lngRows, lngColumnIndex(lngLoop)).Value = blnHoldsTrue
            blnHoldsTrue = True
        Next lngRows
        Exit Sub
    Err:    MsgBox "Either cancelled by user, or incorrect entry made." & vbLf & vbLf & "If neither of these, unexpected error!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, ""
    End Sub
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  5. #5
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    I tried the above VBA code but it is not working as expected.. It is finding the duplicate values only when all the rows having the same data.. suppose if a column A on cell A25 is having value 56 & B85 is having value 56 , C23 is having a value of 56 and d83 is having a value of 56 then the program is not finding it as duplicate value. It is matching as duplicate value only when A25 = B25=C25=D25 = 56. Can you please sort this problem
    Last edited by Excel Fox; 06-20-2013 at 11:50 PM. Reason: Removed Quote Tag

  6. #6
    Administrator Excel Fox's Avatar
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    So if a value is found on all 4 columns, on which row in the 5th column do we write the output? And which column do we use to consider as base comparison value? Column A?
    A dream is not something you see when you are asleep, but something you strive for when you are awake.

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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Excel Fox View Post
    So if a value is found on all 4 columns, on which row in the 5th column do we write the output? And which column do we use to consider as base comparison value? Column A?

    The Macro should ask us for the input of the column name which we need to put the result. The result can be displayed as per sort : smallest to largest so it will be easy. You may consider base comparison value A or the First column name which we input. The macro should be in such a way i can able to input any column names to compare. Accordingly it need to compare the columns and put the result on the desired result column.

    If the VBA can be designed as per the below way it will be really useful for me for future use..i.e. not only for 4 columns i may use if for multiple columns in future

    1) Enter the number of columns to compare ( Suppose if i select 8 columns to compare)
    2) Enter the First Column name to compare
    3) Enter the Second Column name to compare
    4) Enter the Third Column name to compare
    5) Enter the Fourth Column name to compare
    6) Enter the Fifth Column name to compare
    7) Enter the Sixth Column name to compare
    8) Enter the Seventh Column name to compare
    9) Enter the Eighth Column name to compare
    10) Enter the column name to put the result

  8. #8
    Administrator Excel Fox's Avatar
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    Try this

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
        Dim lngColumnIndex() As Long
        Dim lngLoop As Long
        Dim lngSelected As Long
        Dim lngRows As Long
        Dim lngUniqueIndex As Long
        Dim strColumnHeaders As String
        Dim strSelected As String
        Dim blnHoldsTrue As Boolean
        Dim lngColumnsToCompare As Long
        Dim varUniques As Variant
        Const lngColumnHeaderRow As Long = 1
        lngColumnsToCompare = InputBox("Enter the number of columns to compare")
        If lngColumnsToCompare < 2 Then
            MsgBox "Minimum 2 columns required", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "": Exit Sub
        End If
        On Error GoTo Err
        ReDim lngColumnIndex(1 To lngColumnsToCompare + 1)
        For lngLoop = 1 To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
            strColumnHeaders = strColumnHeaders & lngLoop & " - " & Cells(lngColumnHeaderRow, lngLoop).Value & "|"
        Next lngLoop
        strColumnHeaders = "The column headers are " & vbLf & vbLf & Join(Split(strColumnHeaders, "|"), vbLf) & vbLf
        For lngLoop = 1 To lngColumnsToCompare
            For lngSelected = 1 To lngLoop - 1
                strSelected = strSelected & lngColumnIndex(lngSelected) & vbLf
            Next lngSelected
            lngColumnIndex(lngLoop) = InputBox(strColumnHeaders & strSelected & "Enter each column index one by one", "Column Compare")
            strSelected = "You have already selected:" & vbLf & vbLf
        Next lngLoop
        For lngSelected = 1 To lngLoop - 1
            strSelected = strSelected & lngColumnIndex(lngSelected) & vbLf
        Next lngSelected
        lngColumnIndex(lngLoop) = InputBox(strColumnHeaders & strSelected & "Enter column index where you want to show the comparison result", "Column Compare")
        lngRows = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
        ReDim varUniques(1 To lngRows)
        blnHoldsTrue = True
        For lngRows = lngColumnHeaderRow + 1 To lngRows
            For lngLoop = 2 To lngColumnsToCompare
                blnHoldsTrue = blnHoldsTrue And (Cells(lngRows, lngColumnIndex(lngLoop)).Value = Cells(lngRows, lngColumnIndex(lngLoop - 1)).Value)
            Next lngLoop
            If blnHoldsTrue Then
                lngUniqueIndex = lngUniqueIndex + 1
                varUniques(lngUniqueIndex) = Cells(lngRows, lngColumnIndex(lngLoop - 1)).Value
                blnHoldsTrue = True
            End If
        Next lngRows
        ReDim Preserve varUniques(1 To lngUniqueIndex)
        Cells(lngColumnHeaderRow + 1, lngColumnIndex(lngLoop)).Resize(lngRows - lngColumnHeaderRow).ClearContents
        Cells(lngColumnHeaderRow + 1, lngColumnIndex(lngLoop)).Resize(lngUniqueIndex).Value = Application.Transpose(varUniques)
        Exit Sub
    Err:    MsgBox "Either cancelled by user, or incorrect entry made." & vbLf & vbLf & "If neither of these, unexpected error!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, ""
    End Sub
    A dream is not something you see when you are asleep, but something you strive for when you are awake.

    It's usually a bad idea to say that something can't be done.

    The difference between dream and aim, is that one requires soundless sleep to see and the other requires sleepless efforts to achieve

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  9. #9
    Administrator Excel Fox's Avatar
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    Here's a revised one

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
        Dim lngColumnIndex() As Long
        Dim lngLoop As Long
        Dim lngSelected As Long
        Dim lngRows As Long
        Dim lngTotalRows As Long
        Dim lngUniqueIndex As Long
        Dim strColumnHeaders As String
        Dim strSelected As String
        Dim blnHoldsTrue As Boolean
        Dim lngColumnsToCompare As Long
        Dim varUniques As Variant
        Const lngColumnHeaderRow As Long = 1
        lngColumnsToCompare = InputBox("Enter the number of columns to compare")
        If lngColumnsToCompare < 2 Then
            MsgBox "Minimum 2 columns required", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "": Exit Sub
        End If
        On Error GoTo Err
        ReDim lngColumnIndex(1 To lngColumnsToCompare + 1)
        For lngLoop = 1 To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
            strColumnHeaders = strColumnHeaders & lngLoop & " - " & Cells(lngColumnHeaderRow, lngLoop).Value & "|"
        Next lngLoop
        strColumnHeaders = "The column headers are " & vbLf & vbLf & Join(Split(strColumnHeaders, "|"), vbLf) & vbLf
        For lngLoop = 1 To lngColumnsToCompare
            For lngSelected = 1 To lngLoop - 1
                strSelected = strSelected & lngColumnIndex(lngSelected) & vbLf
            Next lngSelected
            lngColumnIndex(lngLoop) = InputBox(strColumnHeaders & strSelected & "Enter each column index one by one", "Column Compare")
            strSelected = "You have already selected:" & vbLf & vbLf
        Next lngLoop
        For lngSelected = 1 To lngLoop - 1
            strSelected = strSelected & lngColumnIndex(lngSelected) & vbLf
        Next lngSelected
        lngColumnIndex(lngLoop) = InputBox(strColumnHeaders & strSelected & "Enter column index where you want to show the comparison result", "Column Compare")
        lngTotalRows = ActiveSheet.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
        ReDim varUniques(1 To lngTotalRows)
        blnHoldsTrue = True
        For lngRows = lngColumnHeaderRow + 1 To lngTotalRows
            For lngLoop = 2 To lngColumnsToCompare
                blnHoldsTrue = blnHoldsTrue And (IsNumeric(Application.Match(Cells(lngRows, lngColumnIndex(lngLoop - 1)).Value, Cells(lngColumnHeaderRow + 1, lngColumnIndex(lngLoop)).Resize(lngTotalRows - lngColumnHeaderRow), 0)))
            Next lngLoop
            If blnHoldsTrue Then
                lngUniqueIndex = lngUniqueIndex + 1
                varUniques(lngUniqueIndex) = Cells(lngRows, lngColumnIndex(1)).Value
                blnHoldsTrue = True
            End If
        Next lngRows
        ReDim Preserve varUniques(1 To lngUniqueIndex)
        Cells(lngColumnHeaderRow + 1, lngColumnIndex(lngLoop)).Resize(lngTotalRows - lngColumnHeaderRow).ClearContents
        Cells(lngColumnHeaderRow + 1, lngColumnIndex(lngLoop)).Resize(lngUniqueIndex).Value = Application.Transpose(varUniques)
        Exit Sub
    Err:    MsgBox "Either cancelled by user, or incorrect entry made." & vbLf & vbLf & "If neither of these, unexpected error!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, ""
    End Sub
    A dream is not something you see when you are asleep, but something you strive for when you are awake.

    It's usually a bad idea to say that something can't be done.

    The difference between dream and aim, is that one requires soundless sleep to see and the other requires sleepless efforts to achieve

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  10. #10
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    Something problem with the code.. It is not comparing properly and giving incorrect values. Please find the attached sheet and try running the code..
    Last edited by Admin; 06-22-2013 at 01:41 PM.

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