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Thread: Calculating data from other Worksheets

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Calculating data from other Worksheets

    Hey there,

    I have no experience with Excel programming, but with help from another person I'm close to the thing I need.

    Basically a machine sends an email with excel report once a day. Customer asked me to make excel file to calculate the monthly data, as easily as possible (for the customer).

    Currently I have a file that imports all the files in folder into one excel Workbook with lots of sheets.

    There is an empty sheet called Summary, and it has to do certain calculations but I don't know how to make it. Basically it will calculate things from other Worksheets.

    You can download the Master file and example files (I had only one, altered it a bit to get second) HERE.

    If you need any additional info, please let me know.

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Just read the text, and will definitely think twice before xposting again. Thanks for pointing it out.

    This got solved by a member on Ozgrid.

  4. #4
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    crossing posting

    Does this mean if another forum did not or could not answer our question in a certain amount time we cannot try to post our problem here or another forum? I do not want to break rules but how soon is to soon to try another forum for your solutions. Thanks

  5. #5
    Forum Guru Rick Rothstein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by justme1052 View Post
    Does this mean if another forum did not or could not answer our question in a certain amount time we cannot try to post our problem here or another forum? I do not want to break rules but how soon is to soon to try another forum for your solutions. Thanks
    No, you can post your questions to two forums at the same time BUT to be courteous to the volunteers you are asking to help you, you should post a message in each forum saying you also posted it at such-and-such forum and then provide a link to the first message in that other forum. This way, some one who wants to help you can see what others have suggested in that other forum so that they do not waste their time developing an answer you have already gotten elsewhere.

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