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Thread: Missing Numbers Range VBA

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Missing Numbers Range VBA

    Rick you also posted the following code on msdn:

    Function MissingNumbers(Rng As Range) As String
       Dim X As Long, MaxNum As Long
       MaxNum = WorksheetFunction.Max(Rng)
       ReDim Nums(1 To MaxNum)
       For X = 1 To MaxNum
         If Rng.Find(X, LookAt:=xlWhole) Is Nothing Then
           MissingNumbers = MissingNumbers & ", " & X
         End If
       MissingNumbers = Mid(MissingNumbers, 3)
     End Function

    This function was very helpful. Can you add a couple of lines that builds a string that contains the addresses of the cells within the range, or is it not possible for a UFD?
    Please advise.


    Last edited by Admin; 10-26-2013 at 11:32 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru Rick Rothstein's Avatar
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    I am confused as to what you want. That code produces a comma separated list of the number that do not appear in the range of cells passed into it. I do not understand what addresses you want to see... the numbers are not there so there are no addresses for them. Can you clarify what you want please (providing a before and after example would be useful)?

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    As I understand it, the MissingNumbers(A1:A15) function that you developed generates a string of missing numbers in the range where some of the cells are blank. I'm trying to use a similar function that contains a list of cells that could potentially hold any of those missing numbers. Using your range (A1:A15), it contained up to 15 numbers, the smallest was 7, the largest 22, with several blank cells. My range is (D4 to F6), which has 9 cells, some of the cells have a known number (1-9), no duplicates for example 4,7,8, 9. Most of the cells are empty, and can contain any of the missing numbers 1,2,3,4,6,8. I want to get the addresses of the blank cells in the range (D4 to F6). For example 1,2,3,4,6,8; what is the address for X. I realize that X cannot contain 4,7,8, 9.

    8 9 4

    Hope this clarifies question.

    Thank you,


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