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Thread: Test Whether A Point Is In A Polygon Or Not

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  1. #1
    Forum Guru Rick Rothstein's Avatar
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    Test Whether A Point Is In A Polygon Or Not

    This function is not one that many will find a use for, but if you ever need its functionality, then here it is. The function can be called from other VB code or used as a UDF (user defined function) directly on a worksheet. What it does is tell you whether a point is located inside a polygon (simple or complex, convex or concave) or not. That's it... if you should ever need such a function, this is the code for it...

    Public Function PtInPoly(Xcoord As Double, Ycoord As Double, Polygon As Variant) As Variant Dim x As Long, NumSidesCrossed As Long, m As Double, b As Double, Poly As Variant Poly = Polygon If Not (Poly(LBound(Poly), 1) = Poly(UBound(Poly), 1) And _ Poly(LBound(Poly), 2) = Poly(UBound(Poly), 2)) Then If TypeOf Application.Caller Is Range Then PtInPoly = "#UnclosedPolygon!" Else Err.Raise 998, , "Polygon Does Not Close!" End If Exit Function ElseIf UBound(Poly, 2) - LBound(Poly, 2) <> 1 Then If TypeOf Application.Caller Is Range Then PtInPoly = "#WrongNumberOfCoordinates!" Else Err.Raise 999, , "Array Has Wrong Number Of Coordinates!" End If Exit Function End If For x = LBound(Poly) To UBound(Poly) - 1 If Poly(x, 1) > Xcoord Xor Poly(x + 1, 1) > Xcoord Then m = (Poly(x + 1, 2) - Poly(x, 2)) / (Poly(x + 1, 1) - Poly(x, 1)) b = (Poly(x, 2) * Poly(x + 1, 1) - Poly(x, 1) * Poly(x + 1, 2)) / (Poly(x + 1, 1) - Poly(x, 1)) If m * Xcoord + b > Ycoord Then NumSidesCrossed = NumSidesCrossed + 1 End If Next PtInPoly = CBool(NumSidesCrossed Mod 2) End Function
    The theory behind the function is simplicity itself... start at the point being tested and project a line from that point outward in any direction (I chose straight up as that made some of the math easier) and count how many polygon sides it crosses... if the number of sides is odd, the point lies inside the polygon and if the number of sides is even, the point lies outside of the polygon. The function will return either True, False (for inside/outside respectively) or an error message (see below). The first argument is the X-Coordinate and the second argument is the Y-Coordinate of the point you want to test for being inside the polygon or not. The third argument is either a two-dimensional array of numbers (when called from another VB code procedure) or a range of numbers consisting of two columns and as many rows as needed (when called from a worksheet). The numbers describe the nodes composing the polygon.

    NOTE #1: The polygon must be closed, meaning the first listed point and the last listed point must be the same. If they are not the same, the function will raise "Error #998 - Polygon Does Not Close!" if the function was called from other VB code or it will return #UnclosedPolygon! if called from the worksheet. Normally, if called from a worksheet, you would probably be using the function in a formula something like this...

    =IF(PtInPoly(B9,C9,E18:F37),"In Polygon","Out Polygon")

    In that case, the formula will return a #VALUE! error, not the #UnclosedPolygon! error, because the returned value to the IF function is not a Boolean; however, if you select the "PtInPoly(B9,C9,E18:F37)" part of the function in the Formula Bar and press F9, it will show you the returned value from the PtInPoly function as being #UnclosedPolygon!.

    NOTE #2: The range or array specified for the third argument must be two-dimensional. If it is not, then the function will raise "Error #999 - Array Has Wrong Number Of Coordinates!" if the function was called from other VB code or it will return #WrongNumberOfCoordinates! if called from the worksheet. Error reporting when called from the worksheet will be the same as described in NOTE #1.

    NOTE #3: Points extremely close to, or theoretically lying on, the polygon borders may or may not report back correctly... the vagrancies of floating point math, coupled with the limitations that the "significant digits limit" in VBA imposes, can rear its ugly head in those circumstances producing values that can calculate to either side of the polygon border being tested (remember, a mathematical line has no thickness, so it does not take too much of a difference in the significant digits to "move" a calculated point's position to one side or the other of such a line).

    NOTE #4: While I think error checking is a good thing, the setup for this function is rather straightforward and, with the possible exception of the requirement for the first and last point needing to be the same, easy enough for the programmer to maintain control over during coding. If you feel confident in your ability to meet the needs of NOTE #1 and NOTE #2 without having the code "looking over your shoulder", then the function can be simplified down to this compact code...

    Public Function PtInPoly(Xcoord As Double, Ycoord As Double, Polygon As Variant) As Variant Dim x As Long, NumSidesCrossed As Long, m As Double, b As Double, Poly As Variant Poly = Polygon For x = LBound(Poly) To UBound(Poly) - 1 If Poly(x, 1) > Xcoord Xor Poly(x + 1, 1) > Xcoord Then m = (Poly(x + 1, 2) - Poly(x, 2)) / (Poly(x + 1, 1) - Poly(x, 1)) b = (Poly(x, 2) * Poly(x + 1, 1) - Poly(x, 1) * Poly(x + 1, 2)) / (Poly(x + 1, 1) - Poly(x, 1)) If m * Xcoord + b > Ycoord Then NumSidesCrossed = NumSidesCrossed + 1 End If Next PtInPoly = CBool(NumSidesCrossed Mod 2) End Function
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    Last edited by Rick Rothstein; 03-01-2017 at 01:42 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru Rick Rothstein's Avatar
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    Just replying to this thread to alert people who have looked at this thread previously that I have now included an attachment which will allow you to move a point around a chart showing a polygon using embedded scroll bars... as the point moves in and out of the polygon, a message above the chart shows with the the PtInPoly function thinks the point is inside the polygon or not.

  3. #3

  4. #4
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    Hi Rick,

    Thank you for posting. Over the last couple weeks, I've been testing sijpie's code about point in polygon, but I discovered quite a few errors. Your code has worked flawlessly thus far.
    I had one question about the logic and a possibility to increase speed.
    For my task, I loop through 1000's of polygons with anywhere from 10-100 coordinate points in search of the correct pointinpolygon. Is it always necessary to loop through the entire array of polygon coordinates? Would it increase speed to insert a "quit/exit loop" if any of the polygon coordinates does not satisfy the test, or does the logic require all coordinates to be tested? Thanks again!

  5. #5
    Forum Guru Rick Rothstein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan1445 View Post
    Hi Rick,

    Thank you for posting. Over the last couple weeks, I've been testing sijpie's code about point in polygon, but I discovered quite a few errors. Your code has worked flawlessly thus far.
    I had one question about the logic and a possibility to increase speed.
    For my task, I loop through 1000's of polygons with anywhere from 10-100 coordinate points in search of the correct pointinpolygon. Is it always necessary to loop through the entire array of polygon coordinates? Would it increase speed to insert a "quit/exit loop" if any of the polygon coordinates does not satisfy the test, or does the logic require all coordinates to be tested? Thanks again!
    If your polygons were always convex, then yes, there might be a way to speed things up, but only a little bit; however, if not, then no, all polygon sides must be tested as non-convex polygons can get quite intricate in shape.

  6. #6
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    Thanks... and a tiny clean-up.

    Hi Rick,

    Thanks for sharing this solution. I'm working on an Excel-based scoring system for a cross-country hang gliding contest, and one of the things that needs to be checked while scoring is whether the pilot landed in an off-limits "Do Not Land" (DNL) area (like a pasture owned by an unwelcoming farmer). If he did, then he gets a ZERO! I'm working on adding the polygons describing these DNL areas to the scoring system and using the pilot's reported landing coordinates to automatically check whether he landed in a DNL area. Your function should work beautifully. :-)

    By the way, I see in the function (both versions of it) the declaration of four variables that aren't used: LB1, LB2, UB1, and UB2.

    Thanks again,


  7. #7
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    Rick you rock! Is it possible to include the polygon geometry in the VBA code?

    Thanks this is a really useful function. I am using it to estimate soil type from Cone Penetration Test data. I digitized a xy plot from a scientific paper with 9 zones predicting soil type and created polygons for each of the zones to test where the point lies. It works great.

    Currently the geometry of the polygons is referenced by cell values in a work sheet, I was wondering however whether it would be possible to include the polygon geometry in the VBA code, so that I can create a UDF that I can call at any time, without the need to reference back to the polygon xy data in a worksheet?


  8. #8
    Forum Guru Rick Rothstein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eric.carden View Post
    Hi Rick,

    By the way, I see in the function (both versions of it) the declaration of four variables that aren't used: LB1, LB2, UB1, and UB2.
    Thanks for noting that... I fixed the code in my original article by removing them. 8xzeMdC8IOGADdPM65i9PG 8xzeMdC8IOGADdPQHFk_zm ADd4m2zp_xDADd6Nnotj1C
    s:// ACGbG9c76OWACGbjKa7H8k 8xzeMdC8IOGABa6BSa173Z 8xzeMdC8IOGABa6-64Xpgl 8xzeMdC8IOGABa5ms39yjd 8xzeMdC8IOGABa5ZXJwRCM 8xzeMdC8IOGABa4Pr15NUt 8xzeMdC8IOGABa4I83JelY 8xzeMdC8IOGADdMo2n-hyF 8mjgPNoTt_HABa3tnAjhZU
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 01-23-2025 at 07:04 PM.

  9. #9
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    Great Code

    Hi Rick. I registered on this forum just to thank you for your code. I am using it in an application for a client that owns around 200 cranes (mobile cranes used in industry) - a system on the crane sends it's coordinates back to my server where I have pre-defined areas of responsibilities configured. Using your code, I can now determine when a crane enters a new area and alert that foreman (who is responsible for that specific area/polygon) that he is now responsible for that new crane. Brilliant! 9xmkXGSciKJ9xonTti2sIx 9xnskBhPnmb9xoq3mGxu_b 9xm_ufqOILb9xooIlv5PLY 9xmt8i0IsEr9y3FT9Y9FeM 9xhyRrsUUOM9xpn-GDkL3o
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 12-14-2023 at 02:50 AM.

  10. #10
    Forum Guru Rick Rothstein's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NinjaTic View Post
    Hi Rick. I registered on this forum just to thank you for your code. I am using it in an application for a client that owns around 200 cranes (mobile cranes used in industry) - a system on the crane sends it's coordinates back to my server where I have pre-defined areas of responsibilities configured. Using your code, I can now determine when a crane enters a new area and alert that foreman (who is responsible for that specific area/polygon) that he is now responsible for that new crane. Brilliant!
    Thank you for letting me know that my function has been so helpful to you in your work... I really appreciate the feedback. Funny, but when I posted that code, I figured it would be of novelty interest only to my readers; but you, and some others who posted above, have indicate that it has a variety of real-world applications... who would have thought. Thank you again for your feedback. By the way, now that you are a registered member of this forum, please come back often... both to "my little corner of the world" here and to the main forum itself (click the big Forum button under the forum's logo above) and posts question that you may have, offer solutions to question others ask when you are able to, or just look around to see what's going on.

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