Quote Originally Posted by NinjaTic View Post
Hi Rick. I registered on this forum just to thank you for your code. I am using it in an application for a client that owns around 200 cranes (mobile cranes used in industry) - a system on the crane sends it's coordinates back to my server where I have pre-defined areas of responsibilities configured. Using your code, I can now determine when a crane enters a new area and alert that foreman (who is responsible for that specific area/polygon) that he is now responsible for that new crane. Brilliant!
Thank you for letting me know that my function has been so helpful to you in your work... I really appreciate the feedback. Funny, but when I posted that code, I figured it would be of novelty interest only to my readers; but you, and some others who posted above, have indicate that it has a variety of real-world applications... who would have thought. Thank you again for your feedback. By the way, now that you are a registered member of this forum, please come back often... both to "my little corner of the world" here and to the main forum itself (click the big Forum button under the forum's logo above) and posts question that you may have, offer solutions to question others ask when you are able to, or just look around to see what's going on.