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Thread: Update Pivot Table Source Data With Dynamic Range Of Non Empty Cells

  1. #1

    Update Pivot Table Source Data With Dynamic Range Of Non Empty Cells


    Please please please could someone smarter than me have a look at this. I have been working on this all day and feel like crying. I have two sheets on the same workbook. One ("Data") holds the info for the Pivot table source data. The other tab ("Shipment Timeliness Report") has the pivot table on.

    I have written the following code to try and set the data source range from one sheet (down to the last cell with data in), then update the pivot table with this range on the second sheet.

    With ShipmentTimelinessWeekPrevious.Sheets("Data").Select
    Dim NewPTData As Range
    Set NewPTData = Range(Range("A4"), Range("A4").End(xlDown))
        NewPTData.Resize(, NewPTData.Columns.Count + 10).Select
        End With
    With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Shipment Timeliness Report").Select
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").ChangePivotCache ActiveWorkbook. _
            PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _
            Sheets("Data").Selection _
            , Version:=xlPivotTableVersion10)
            Sheets("Shipment Timeliness Report").PivotTables.Refresh
    End With
    Anyone who can offer any help would be loved by me for ever

  2. #2
    Administrator Excel Fox's Avatar
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    Try this

     strMsg = NewPTData.Resize(, NewPTData.Columns.Count + 10).Address(, , xlR1C1, True)
        ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").ChangePivotCache ActiveWorkbook. _
            PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:=strMsg _
            , Version:=xlPivotTableVersion12)
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  3. #3
    You're a wonderful wonderful person thanks so much, works at long last.
    full code,
    With ShipmentTimelinessWeekPrevious.Sheets("Data").Select
    Dim NewPTData As Range
    Dim strMsg As String
    Set NewPTData = Range(Range("A4"), Range("A4").End(xlDown))
        End With
    With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Shipment Timeliness Report").Select
    strMsg = NewPTData.Resize(, NewPTData.Columns.Count + 10).Address(, , xlR1C1, True)
        ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").ChangePivotCache ActiveWorkbook. _
            PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:=strMsg _
            , Version:=xlPivotTableVersion12)
    End With

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