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Thread: Macro to open and update several workbooks

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    Macro to open and update several workbooks

    I have the following code which is used to open up workbooks one by one and to update these . The source workbooks in CSV format are in the folder C:\downloads. However, I need to open each file individually and then select the file in C:\downloads in order for the destination file to be updated

    The downloaded files are in C:\downloads and the destination workbooks are in C:\Parts & SVC Sales

    The workbooks in C:\Parts & SVC Sales contains and name and division

    for eg Br1 parts sales , Br1 Service Sales

    When opening the files , the files for parts sales for EG Br1 Parts Sales must be updated to file containing a similar name (in C:\downloads) and must contain in the file name "salesperson" for eg Br1 Salesperson 01-07-2014

    When opening the files , the files for service sales for eg Br1 Service sales must be updated to file containing a similar name (in C:\downloads) + must contain in the file name "" for eg Br1 Service ooder repair register 01-07-2014

    When comparing the name in the distination file to the source file, the name can be anywhere in the source file

     Sub Update_Workbooks()
       ChDir ("C:\Parts & SVC Sales")
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        fPath = Application.GetOpenFilename
        fName = Mid(fPath, Len("C:\Parts & SVC Sales") + 2)
        Workbooks.Open (fPath)
        Application.Run "'" & fName & "'!Auto_Update"
    End Sub
    See link to file examples

    Your assistance in opening and updating the files simultaneously is much appreciated
    Last edited by Flupsie; 08-07-2014 at 10:46 PM.

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