OK. The conditional evaluation returns an array of values, whereas a direct non-conditional evaluation would return a single value 'in some cases'. There could be a valid theory behind that, but that is not something I am privy to. It's probably the way EVALUATE function works. So anyway, to understand that difference a bit more clearly, you can test the following to codes. Both are actually trying to do the same time, but since the evaluate function 'in some cases' only returns a single value in the second code, the entire output in A1:A10 becomes the same. Having said that, in this case below, both the codes seem to be working fine in some systems, and not in some other systems. I will get back to you with a suitable example.
Range("A1:A10") = Evaluate("IF(1," & Range("A1:z10").Columns(2).Address & "&"" - ""&" & Range("A1:z10").Columns(3).Address & "&"" - ""&" & Range("A1:z10").Columns(4).Address & ")")
Range("A1:A10") = Evaluate(Range("A1:z10").Columns(2).Address & "&"" - ""&" & Range("A1:z10").Columns(3).Address & "&"" - ""&" & Range("A1:z10").Columns(4).Address)
And by the way, you don't necessarily need to use ROW()
Rick just used that as a means to move the IF function's execution to the TRUE condition. Now, you would know that anything except 0 (zero) means TRUE in the Excel boolean world. And since the minimum value of ROW() is greater than 0 (yes, it's 1 and above), using ROW(), or using 1, has the same effect in the IF condition.
Hope this makes it clear.
EDIT: Will get back with more clarity.