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Thread: Split Text In To Segments Of Upto X Characters And At The Space Between Words

  1. #1
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    Split Text In To Segments Of Upto X Characters And At The Space Between Words

    I have a text string, in multiple cells within a column, that I want to separate, with a maximum of 50 numbers characters per line, but the separation should only take place at a space between words.
    As an example, let's say the text string is this...

    blue red pink floor ground purple tied office hamburger cheese book work today tomorrow yesterday

    and I want to separate it to cells to the right with no more than 50 characters in any single cell. This is how the text should look using "|" to represent the next cell (or possible where a delimiter could be placed)...

    blue red pink floor ground purple tied office|hamburger cheese book work today tomorrow|yesterday

    What i have is not working correctly and locking up excel. Please Help!!

    Option Explicit
    Sub termsSplit()
    Dim rngData     As Range
    Dim Cell        As Range
    Dim arrInput()  As String
    Dim arrOutput() As String
    Dim strValue    As String
    Dim strTmp      As String
    Dim n           As Long
    Dim i           As Long
    Dim bContinue   As Boolean
      '// However you set your range//
      Set rngData = Selection '<--- using the CodeName (better IMO), or, using the sheet's
                                       '(tab) name---> ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1")
      For Each Cell In rngData.Cells
        strValue = Cell.Value
        If Len(strValue) > 50 Then
          '// Split the words into an array, using the space as the delimeter.              //
          arrInput() = Split(strValue, " ")
          '// Just clarity  //
          n = 0: i = 0
          '// Outside loop  //
          Do While n <= UBound(arrInput)
            '// Empty the string and set the flag//
            strTmp = vbNullString
            bContinue = True
            '// Test must pass both //
            Do While n <= UBound(arrInput, 1) And bContinue
              '// If projected temp string length will be below 51... //
              If Len(strTmp) + 1 + Len(arrInput(n)) <= 51 Then
                '// ...add a space and the next word. //
                strTmp = strTmp & Chr$(32) & arrInput(n)
                n = n + 1
                '// ...else flip the flag.  //
                bContinue = False
              End If
            '// Add an element to our output array and tack our built string into it. //
            i = i + 1
            ReDim Preserve arrOutput(1 To i)
            arrOutput(i) = Trim$(strTmp)
          '// Plunk the results into a sized range //
          Cell.Offset(, 1).Resize(, UBound(arrOutput, 1)).Value = arrOutput
          Cell.Offset(, 1).Value = Cell.Value
        End If
    End Sub

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    Administrator Excel Fox's Avatar
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    Try this

    Sub CallSpliter()
         SplitText Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A100")
    End Sub
    Sub SplitText(ByRef rngSource As Range)
        Const clngSplitLen As Long = 50
        Const clngMaxSplits As Long = 99
        Dim strText As String
        Dim strBreakPoints(1 To clngMaxSplits) As String
        Dim lngSplitsCounter As Long
        Dim lngIndex As Long
        Dim rngCell As Range
        For Each rngCell In rngSource
            strText = Trim(rngCell.Value)
            strBreakPoints(1) = strText
            Do While Len(strText) > clngSplitLen
                lngSplitsCounter = lngSplitsCounter + 1
                If Mid(strText, clngSplitLen + 1, 1) = " " Then
                    strBreakPoints(lngSplitsCounter) = Left(strText, clngSplitLen)
                    strText = Trim(Mid(strText, clngSplitLen + 1))
                    lngIndex = InStrRev(Left(strText, clngSplitLen), " ")
                    strBreakPoints(lngSplitsCounter) = Trim(Left(strText, lngIndex))
                    strText = Trim(Mid(strText, lngIndex + 1))
                    strBreakPoints(lngSplitsCounter + 1) = strText
                End If
            rngCell.Offset(, 1).Resize(, lngSplitsCounter + 1).Value = strBreakPoints
            strText = vbNullString
            lngSplitsCounter = Empty
            Erase strBreakPoints
        Next rngCell
        Set rngCell = Nothing
    End Sub
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