I have a text string, in multiple cells within a column, that I want to separate, with a maximum of 50 numbers characters per line, but the separation should only take place at a space between words.
As an example, let's say the text string is this...
blue red pink floor ground purple tied office hamburger cheese book work today tomorrow yesterday
and I want to separate it to cells to the right with no more than 50 characters in any single cell. This is how the text should look using "|" to represent the next cell (or possible where a delimiter could be placed)...
blue red pink floor ground purple tied office|hamburger cheese book work today tomorrow|yesterday
What i have is not working correctly and locking up excel. Please Help!!
Code:Option Explicit Sub termsSplit() Dim rngData As Range Dim Cell As Range Dim arrInput() As String Dim arrOutput() As String Dim strValue As String Dim strTmp As String Dim n As Long Dim i As Long Dim bContinue As Boolean '// However you set your range// Set rngData = Selection '<--- using the CodeName (better IMO), or, using the sheet's '(tab) name---> ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1") For Each Cell In rngData.Cells strValue = Cell.Value If Len(strValue) > 50 Then '// Split the words into an array, using the space as the delimeter. // arrInput() = Split(strValue, " ") '// Just clarity // n = 0: i = 0 '// Outside loop // Do While n <= UBound(arrInput) '// Empty the string and set the flag// strTmp = vbNullString bContinue = True '// Test must pass both // Do While n <= UBound(arrInput, 1) And bContinue '// If projected temp string length will be below 51... // If Len(strTmp) + 1 + Len(arrInput(n)) <= 51 Then '// ...add a space and the next word. // strTmp = strTmp & Chr$(32) & arrInput(n) n = n + 1 Else '// ...else flip the flag. // bContinue = False End If Loop '// Add an element to our output array and tack our built string into it. // i = i + 1 ReDim Preserve arrOutput(1 To i) arrOutput(i) = Trim$(strTmp) Loop '// Plunk the results into a sized range // Cell.Offset(, 1).Resize(, UBound(arrOutput, 1)).Value = arrOutput Else Cell.Offset(, 1).Value = Cell.Value End If Next End Sub