Today something happened and not sure why
I have this code a simple one that was provided last year and has worked fine to translate cells from English to Spanish
=IF(B12<>"",getGoogleTranslation(B12,"en","es"),"" )
obviously if something is in Cell B12 it will translate that work into Spanish in the cell I place that code it ....the code I have in the module is as follows;
Public Function getGoogleTranslation(strSource As String, strSourceLang As String, strDestLang As String) As String 'Created by ShredDude
'06 September 2010
Dim strURL As String, x As String
'English = "en"
'Spanish = "es"
strURL = "" & _
Replace(strSource, " ", "%20") & _
"&hl=en&sl=" & strSourceLang & _
"&tl=" & strDestLang & "&multires=1&pc=0&rom=1&sc=1"
With CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp")
.Open "get", strURL, False
x = .responseText
End With
getGoogleTranslation = Replace(Replace(Split(x, """,""")(0), "[", ""), """", "")
End Function
The issue I am having now is that today when I opened the program all I see is =value signs, it appears that the code all of a sudden isn't working.....all the workbooks are acting the same
I tried simply putting a simply sentence in a new workbook and that doesn't work either.....would you have any idea?
it worked fine since I got the coding but not now .....any help please would be appreciated