Last edited by DocAElstein; Yesterday at 03:44 PM.
Some notes in support of this forum post
If you have time to help me make some coding I am sharing to anyone work in more languages and operating system, then please follow the Instructions below.
So far I have results for:
Operating systems XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8.1, Win 10, Win 11 German
Operating systems Win 10, Win 11 English
Download both files and put them anywhere, but both in the same place
Open just WSO_PropNames.xls, it should look something like this, with columns AA and AB empty
Before Tabelle8 SchellGetNullDetails.JPG
Now run the only macro in it, WSO_PropNames.xls and run Sub SchellGetNullDetails() ( Tabelle8.SchellGetNullDetails
Tabelle8 SchellGetNullDetails.jpg
After running that coding, you should see something approximately like this
After Tabelle8 SchellGetNullDetails.JPG
Please now save the excel file and return it to me somehow: For example, post anywhere here at, or in that thread at ,
Last edited by DocAElstein; 01-30-2024 at 09:39 PM.
Some stuff to save for prosperity, related to this main forum post
Some Microsoft documentation as of March 2024, here: ( Just some of the first bits, relevant to the discussion at )
On Error statement Article 03/30/2022
On Error GoTo line
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
The On Error statement syntax can have any of the following forms:
Statement Description On Error GoTo line Enables the error-handling routine that starts at line specified in the required line argument.
The line argument is any line label or line number.
If a run-time error occurs, control branches to line, making the error handler active.
The specified line must be in the same procedure as the On Error statement; otherwise, a compile-time error occurs.On Error Resume Next Specifies that when a run-time error occurs, control goes to the statement immediately following the statement where the error occurred and execution continues. Use this form rather than On Error GoTo when accessing objects. On Error GoTo 0 Disables any enabled error handler in the current procedure.
If you don't use an On Error statement, any run-time error that occurs is fatal; that is, an error message is displayed and execution stops.
An "enabled" error handler is one that is turned on by an On Error statement; an "active" error handler is an enabled handler that is in the process of handling an error. If an error occurs while an error handler is active (between the occurrence of the error and a Resume, Exit Sub, Exit Function, or Exit Property statement), the current procedure's error handler can't handle the error. Control returns to the calling procedure.
If the calling procedure has an enabled error handler, it is activated to handle the error. If the calling procedure's error handler is also active, control passes back through previous calling procedures until an enabled, but inactive, error handler is found. If no inactive, enabled error handler is found, the error is fatal at the point at which it actually occurred.
Each time the error handler passes control back to a calling procedure, that procedure becomes the current procedure. After an error is handled by an error handler in any procedure, execution resumes in the current procedure at the point designated by the Resume statement. .........
Last edited by DocAElstein; 03-16-2024 at 02:04 PM.
Some extra notes for these main forum posts
This is the original coding from SamPi , which confused me a bit for a few reasons
The choice of variable names;
the use of a .xlam file; ( and
the Class module is only part of the story )
Class Module:
ThisWorkbook:Code:Option Explicit Public WithEvents App As Application Private Sub App_WorkbookOpen(ByVal Wb As Workbook) Dim s As String s = Wb.Name If s = "test.csv" Then MyMacro End Sub Sub MyMacro() MsgBox "Yes" End Sub
Code:Option Explicit Dim App As New App Private Sub Workbook_Open() Set App.App = Application End Sub
Last edited by DocAElstein; 05-22-2024 at 10:07 PM.
Coding and possibly later extra notes for these main forum postings
Code:Private Function DBugPrntArr(ByVal Arr As Variant) As Variant 'ReDim DBugPrntArr(LBound(Arr) To UBound(Arr)) Dim Var As Variant: ReDim Var(LBound(Arr) To UBound(Arr)) Dim Eye As Long, strOut As String For Eye = LBound(Arr) To UBound(Arr) Let Var(Eye) = Arr(Eye) Let strOut = strOut & Arr(Eye) & ", " Next Eye Let strOut = "{" & Left(strOut, Len(strOut) - 2) & "}" ' Left(strOut, Len(strOut - 2)) is Take off last comma and space Debug.Print strOut Stop ' Check watch window on var ' End Function Private Sub StrConvBSTR() ' Rem 0 Dim Bite As Byte: Let Bite = 0: Let Bite = 255 ' : Let Bite = 256 Let Bite = -1 ' Runtime error '6' Overflow Dim ByteArr() As Byte Dim BSTR As String, VBABString As String ' The Unicode character array that is pointed to by a BSTR must be preceded by a 4-byte length field and terminated by a single null 2-byte character (ANSI = 0) Let BSTR = "help": Debug.Print BSTR ' help Let VBABString = BSTR ' The variable VBABString is a pointer to the VB pointer Let ByteArr() = BSTR ' ### ' coerce string to array of bytes ' 104 0 101 0 108 0 112 0 ' 0b (Second half) ' Rem 1 … ... Unicode? Dim UnicChrArr As String, vTemp As Variant Let BSTR = "Alan" Let UnicChrArr = StrConv(BSTR, vbUnicode) ' Call WtchaGot_Unic_NotMuchIfYaChoppedItOff(UnicChrArr) ' "h" & Chr(0) & "e" & Chr(0) & "l" & Chr(0) & "p" & Chr(0) ' 1b Let ByteArr() = StrConv(BSTR, vbUnicode) ' ### ' 65 0 0 0 108 0 0 0 97 0 0 0 110 0 0 0 Call DBugPrntArr(ByteArr()) ' {65, 0, 0, 0, 108, 0, 0, 0, 97, 0, 0, 0, 110, 0, 0, 0} ' Let strArr() = StrConv(BSTR, vbUnicode) ' Type mismatch Let vTemp = StrConv(BSTR, vbUnicode) ' Call WtchaGot_Unic_NotMuchIfYaChoppedItOff(vTemp) ' "A" & Chr(0) & "l" & Chr(0) & "a" & Chr(0) & "n" & Chr(0) ' 1d Let ByteArr() = StrConv(StrConv(BSTR, vbFromUnicode), vbUnicode) ' 65 0 108 0 97 0 110 0 Let vTemp = StrConv(StrConv(BSTR, vbFromUnicode), vbUnicode) ' "Alan" Dim strArr() As String Let strArr() = Split(UnicChrArr, vbNullChar) ' "A" "l" "a" "n" "" Let strArr() = Split(Left(UnicChrArr, Len(UnicChrArr) - 1), vbNullChar) ' "A" "l" "a" "n" ' 1e Let strArr() = Split(Left(StrConv(BSTR, vbUnicode), Len(StrConv(BSTR, vbUnicode)) - 1), vbNullChar) ' "A" "l" "a" "n" Rem 2 "Unicode To ANSI" Debug.Print StrConv(BSTR, vbFromUnicode) ' ?? ' VB's "No idea how to display these characters as I don't even know what they are" (sometimes you might get a character, if the unicode byte pattern coincidentally matches a character in the current code page) Let vTemp = StrConv(BSTR, vbFromUnicode) Debug.Print vTemp ' ?? ' VB's "No idea how ... ' Let strArr() = StrConv(s, vbFromUnicode) ' Type mismatch Dim varArr() As Variant ' Let varArr() = StrConv(s, vbFromUnicode) ' Type mismatch Let ByteArr() = StrConv(BSTR, vbFromUnicode) ' 65 108 97 110 Debug.Print ByteArr() ' VB's "No idea how to ... Let ByteArr() = StrConv("Alan", vbFromUnicode) ' 65 108 97 110 Call DBugPrntArr(ByteArr()) ' {65, 108, 97, 110} ' ' 2b Looking at a few characters of later interset Let BSTR = "help" & ChrW(8230) ' "help" & "…" 8230 2026 … Let ByteArr() = StrConv(BSTR, vbFromUnicode) ' 104 101 108 112 133 ' Let BSTR = "help" & ChrW(133) ' 133 … … horizontal ellipsis … 133 85 … NEL Next Line Let ByteArr() = StrConv(BSTR, vbFromUnicode) ' 104 101 108 112 65 Let BSTR = "help" & Chr(133) ' 133 … … horizontal ellipsis … 133 85 … NEL Next Line Let ByteArr() = StrConv(BSTR, vbFromUnicode) ' 104 101 108 112 133 Let BSTR = "help" & "…" Let ByteArr() = StrConv(BSTR, vbFromUnicode) ' 104 101 108 112 133 Debug.Print AscW(ChrW(8230)) ' 8330 Wiki says Debug.Print Asc(ChrW(133)) ' 63 ( 63 is ? ) Wiki says NEL Next Line Debug.Print Asc(Chr(133)) ' 133 Debug.Print Asc("…") ' 133 Debug.Print AscW("…") ' 8230 Let BSTR = "help" & ChrW(1000) ' 1000 3E8 ? ? Coptic Capital Letter Hori Greek and Coptic Let ByteArr() = StrConv(BSTR, vbFromUnicode) ' 104 101 108 112 63 63 is ? ' 1c That Greek slanted AE which seems to have ChrW(482) and Chr(198) Let BSTR = "help" & ChrW(482) ' (AE thing) 482 1E2 ? ? Latin Capital Letter ? with macron for Sami Phonetic & historic letters Let ByteArr() = StrConv(BSTR, vbFromUnicode) ' 104 101 108 112 63 63 is ? Let BSTR = "help" & ChrW(198) ' (AE thing) Latin Capital Letter ? with macron for Sami also ' 198 Æ ? Latin capital letter AE Asc(left(range("A1").Value,1)) is 65 AscW(left(range("A1").Value,1)) is 198 198 Æ ? Latin capital letter AE ? 198 C6 ? ? Latin Capital letter ? "Letters: Uppercase "" Let ByteArr() = StrConv(BSTR, vbFromUnicode) ' 104 101 108 112 198 Debug.Print "Æ" & " " & Asc("Æ") & " " & AscW("Æ") ' Æ 198 198 Let BSTR = "help" & ChrW(65535) ' 65535 FFFF ? Let ByteArr() = StrConv(BSTR, vbFromUnicode) ' 104 101 108 112 63 ' 1d Showing perhaps the ignorance Let UnicChrArr = "A" & vbNullChar & "E" & vbNullChar Debug.Print UnicChrArr ' A E Debug.Print StrConv(UnicChrArr, vbFromUnicode) ' AE Let ByteArr() = StrConv(UnicChrArr, vbFromUnicode) End Sub
Last edited by DocAElstein; 12-30-2024 at 04:12 PM.
Coding for these main forum posts
From Mike(SpeakEasy), here
My versions of those, and a third coding that is almost identical to the second of mineCode:Option Explicit Private Declare Function StrTrim Lib "shlwapi.dll" Alias "StrTrimA" (ByVal psz As String, ByVal pszTrimChars As String) As Long ' we'll be passing vb string to api Private Declare Function StrTrimTrick Lib "shlwapi.dll" Alias "StrTrimA" (ByVal psz As Long, ByVal pszTrimChars As Long) As Long ' we'll be passing the StrPtr to API Public Sub trimmy() Dim a As String Dim b As String a = "Hello" & ChrW(257) ' add a non-extended ASCII (i.e non 'ANSI') unicode character b = a Debug.Print a Debug.Print a = b Debug.Print AscW(Right(a, 1)) StrTrim a, "" ' call an 'ANSI' API function that does nothing to a string, so we'd expect the same string we passed in ... Debug.Print a Debug.Print a = b ' Oh Debug.Print AscW(Right(a, 1)) ' Oh dear End Sub Public Sub trimmy2() Dim a As String Dim b As String a = "Hello" & ChrW(257) ' add a non-extended ASCII (i.e non 'ANSI') unicode character b = a Debug.Print a Debug.Print a = b Debug.Print AscW(Right(a, 1)) StrTrimTrick StrPtr(a), StrPtr("") ' call 'trick' version of 'ANSI' API function that does nothing to a string, so we'd expect the same string we passed in ... Debug.Print a Debug.Print a = b ' hurrah Debug.Print AscW(Right(a, 1)) ' as we'd expect End Sub
Code:Option Explicit Private Declare Function StrTrim Lib "shlwapi.dll" Alias "StrTrimA" (ByVal psz As String, ByVal pszTrimChars As String) As Long ' we'll be passing vb string to api Private Declare Function StrTrimTrick Lib "shlwapi.dll" Alias "StrTrimA" (ByVal psz As Long, ByVal pszTrimChars As Long) As Long ' we'll be passing the StrPtr to API Private Declare Function StrTrimTrickW Lib "shlwapi.dll" Alias "StrTrimW" (ByVal psz As Long, ByVal pszTrimChars As Long) As Long ' we'll be passing the StrPtr to API ' Public Sub JimmyJimmyRiddleA() ' Rem 0 Dim a As String, b As String, Boo As Boolean Let a = "Hello" & ChrW(257) ' add a non-extended ASCII (i.e non 'ANSI') unicode character (a with a small thing on top) Let b = a Rem 1 Debug.Print ChrW(257), a: Let Range("A1") = a ' Immediate Window don't do Unicorn , Excel Spreadsheet does Debug.Print a = b Debug.Print AscW(Right(a, 1)), AscW(Right(Range("A1").Value, 1)), Len(a) ' 257 257 6 Rem 2 ' call an 'ANSI' API function that does nothing to a string, so we'd expect the same string we passed in ... Let Boo = StrTrim(a, "") ' Boo is False Debug.Print a: Let Range("A1") = a Debug.Print a = b ' Oh, it's False Debug.Print AscW(Right(a, 1)), Len(a) ' 97 6 Oh dear End Sub Public Sub JimmyJimmyRiddleAW() ' Rem 0 Dim a As String, b As String, Boo As Boolean Let a = "Hello" & ChrW(257) ' add a non-extended ASCII (i.e non 'ANSI') unicode character (a with a small thing on top) Let b = a Rem 1 Debug.Print ChrW(257), a: Let Range("A1") = a Debug.Print a = b Debug.Print AscW(Right(a, 1)) ' True Rem 2 ' call ( Implicit W ) 'trick' version of 'ANSI' API function that does nothing to a string, so we'd expect the same string we passed in ... Let Boo = StrTrimTrick(StrPtr(a), StrPtr("")) Debug.Print a Debug.Print a = b ' True, hurrah Debug.Print AscW(Right(a, 1)) ' as we'd expect End Sub Public Sub JimmyJimmyRiddleW() ' Rem 0 Dim a As String, b As String, Boo As Boolean Let a = "Hello" & ChrW(257) ' add a non-extended ASCII (i.e non 'ANSI') unicode character (a with a small thing on top) Let b = a Rem 1 Debug.Print ChrW(257), a: Let Range("A1") = a Debug.Print a = b Debug.Print AscW(Right(a, 1)) ' True Rem 2 ' call Emplicit W 'trick' version of Wide API function that does nothing to a string, so we'd expect the same string we passed in ... Let Boo = StrTrimTrickW(StrPtr(a), StrPtr("")) Debug.Print a Debug.Print a = b ' True, hurrah Debug.Print AscW(Right(a, 1)) ' as we'd expect End Sub
Last edited by DocAElstein; 01-11-2025 at 02:28 PM.
Coding for this Post
Code:Private Declare Function StrTrim Lib "shlwapi.dll" Alias "StrTrimA" (ByVal psz As String, ByVal pszTrimChars As String) As Boolean ' ' Straight AASI - we'll be passing vb string to api ' Private Declare Function StrTrimWU Lib "shlwapi.dll" Alias "StrTrimW" (ByVal psz As Long, ByVal pszTrimChars As Long) As Boolean ' ' Straight AASI - we'll be passing vb string to api ' Sub BSTR_LPWSTR() ' Rem 1 Dim strBSTR As String, strNew As String, Boo As Boolean, pz1PWSTR As Long, pz2PWSTR As Long ' "vbNullString state" Debug.Print VarPtr(strBSTR) ' 1831480 This could be regarded as getting me the variable, strBSTR. It is the symbol for the pointer stored on the COFF symbol table Debug.Print VarPtr(ByVal strBSTR) ' 0 Our Pointer is empty at this point ' "Zero length string state" Let strBSTR = "" Debug.Print VarPtr(strBSTR) ' 1831480 There is no reason for this to change Debug.Print VarPtr(ByVal strBSTR) ' 195893860 We now have something significant that we can definitely relate to a string character storage ' "A" state Let strBSTR = "A" Debug.Print VarPtr(strBSTR) ' 1831480 There is no reason for this to change Debug.Print VarPtr(ByVal strBSTR) ' 195894740 We now have something significant that we can definitely relate to a string character storage Rem 2 LPWSTR v BSTR ' 2a) VBA Let strBSTR = "Pog" & Chr(0) & " ": Debug.Print strBSTR & "Z" ' Pog Z 'Call WtchaGot_Unic_NotMuchIfYaChoppedItOff(strBSTR) ' "Pog" & Chr(0) & " " ' 2b) api Trim Let strNew = strBSTR ' A pointer to the null-terminated string to be trimmed. When this function returns successfully, it receives the trimmed string. Let Boo = StrTrim(strNew, " ") ' Boo is False - nothing was trimmed 'Call WtchaGot_Unic_NotMuchIfYaChoppedItOff(strNew) ' "Pog" & Chr(0) & " " Let Boo = StrTrimWU(StrPtr(strNew), StrPtr(" ")) ' Boo is False - nothing was trimmed 'Call WtchaGot_Unic_NotMuchIfYaChoppedItOff(strNew) ' "Pog" & Chr(0) & " " ' 2c) VBA Trim Let strNew = Trim(strBSTR): Debug.Print strNew & "Z" ' Pog Z 'Call WtchaGot_Unic_NotMuchIfYaChoppedItOff(strNew) ' "Pog" & Chr(0) End Sub
Coding for this main forum question
Code:Option Explicit ' Destination Points to the starting address of the copied block’s destination. Source Points to the starting address of the block of memory to copy Length Specifies the size, in bytes, of the block of memory to copy. #If VBA7 Then Private Declare PtrSafe Sub VBGetTarget Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Target As Any, ByVal lPointer As LongPtr, ByVal cbCopy As LongPtr) #Else Private Declare Sub VBGetTarget Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Target As Any, ByVal lPointer As Long, ByVal cbCopy As Long) #End If Sub LongType() ' Dim LngDest As Long, LngSource As Long Rem 1 Biggest long number ' 1a) Let LngSource = 1073741824 + 1073741823 ' =2147483647 1073741824 is 2^30 which is the last but 1 (31th counting from the right), of 32 bits in the 32 Bit binary representation of a number 1073741823 is the resulting decimal you get if you have a 1 in the first 30, counting from the right, of a binary number decimal 2147483647 is in binary 31 digits 1111111111111111111111111111111 VBGetTarget LngDest, VarPtr(LngSource), 4 ' Anything less than 4 will give the wrong number Debug.Print LngDest ' 2147483647 (31 digits 1111111111111111111111111111111) Let LngDest = 0 VBGetTarget LngDest, VarPtr(LngSource), 3 Debug.Print LngDest ' 16777215 (24 digits 111111111111111111111111) Let LngDest = 0 VBGetTarget LngDest, VarPtr(LngSource), 2 Debug.Print LngDest ' 65535 (16 digits 1111111111111111) Let LngDest = 0 VBGetTarget LngDest, VarPtr(LngSource), 1 Debug.Print LngDest ' 255 (8 digits 11111111) Rem 2 Small long number Let LngSource = 2 Let LngDest = 0 VBGetTarget LngDest, VarPtr(LngSource), 4 Debug.Print LngDest ' 2 Let LngDest = 0 VBGetTarget LngDest, VarPtr(LngSource), 3 Debug.Print LngDest ' 2 Let LngDest = 0 VBGetTarget LngDest, VarPtr(LngSource), 2 Debug.Print LngDest ' 2 Let LngDest = 0 VBGetTarget LngDest, VarPtr(LngSource), 1 Debug.Print LngDest ' 2 Rem 3 Number decimal 511 (9 digits 111111111) Let LngSource = 511 Let LngDest = 0 VBGetTarget LngDest, VarPtr(LngSource), 2 Debug.Print LngDest ' 511 (9 digits 111111111) Let LngDest = 0 VBGetTarget LngDest, VarPtr(LngSource), 1 Debug.Print LngDest ' 255 (8 digits 11111111) Let LngDest = 0 ' LngSource = 511 -> (9 digits 111111111) VBGetTarget LngDest, VarPtr(LngSource) + 1, 1 Debug.Print LngDest ' 1 ( 00000001 ) End Sub
Share ‘kernel32.dll’
Share ‘rpiAPI.dll’
Last edited by DocAElstein; 02-07-2025 at 03:44 PM.