Public Function MyLengthyStreaming() As String
Rem 1 Make a long string from a Microsoft Word doc
'1(i) makes available the Library of stuff, objects, Methods etc.
Dim Fso As Object: Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'1(ii) makes the big File Object " Full path and file name of Word doc saved as .htm "
Dim FileObject As Object: Set FileObject = Fso.GetFile("G:\ALERMK2014Marz2016\NeueBlancoAb27.01.2014\AbJan2016\ProMessageTelekom.htm"): Debug.Print FileObject
'1(iii) sets up the data "stream highway"
Dim Textreme As Object: Set Textreme = FileObject.OpenAsTextStream(iomode:=1, Format:=-2) ' reading only, Opens using system default
'1(iv) pulls in the data, in our case into a simple string variable
Let MyLengthyStreaming = Textreme.ReadAll ' Let MyLengthyStreaming = Replace(MyLengthyStreaming, "align=center x:publishsource=", "align=left x:publishsource=")
Set Textreme = Nothing
Set Fso = Nothing
Let MyLengthyStreaming = MyLenghtyDiesScreaming_Telekom(MyLengthyStreaming) ' After this code line is done we have the string modified so that it gives the correct results in German Telekom Freemail
Rem 2 possible additions to MyLengthyStreaming
End Function
' The second function below is mainly intended to make a modification to get the correct results in German Telekom Freemail , but also the large html text not required from the start and a small amount at the end is also removed. (It does not need to be removed as it appears that it is ignored)
Public Function MyLenghtyDiesScreaming_Telekom(ByVal MyLengfyScream As String) As String ' Effectively this Dim's MyLenghtyDiesScreaming_Telekom as a String variable and MyLenghtyDiesScreaming_Telekom can be used as such in this function code. Assigning a variable to this in a main code will cause the value held by VBA in the variable MyLenghtyDiesScreaming_Telekom at that point to be out in the assigned variable, but fist the main code will be paused at this "calling" code line whilst the Function code is carried out. So we have the chance to do something in the function to fill that variable, MyLenghtyDiesScreaming_Telekom . We can take one or more things in in the ( ) to use . In this case we want to take a string in and then return it modified , hence the last code line is simply MyLenghtyDiesScreaming_Telekom = MyLengfyScream
Dim CntPus As Long ' A number constant for the positions of characters used in a couple of places. Long is very simple to handle, - final memory "size" type is known (123.456 and 000.001 have same "size" computer memory ) , and so a Address suggestion can be given for the next line when the variable is filled in. '( Long is a Big whole Number limit (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647) If you need some sort of validation the value should only be within the range of a Byte/Integer otherwise there's no point using anything but Long.--upon/after 32-bit, Integers (Short) need converted internally anyways, so a Long is actually faster. )
' Take off all the first lot on unecessary required HTML
Let CntPus = InStr(1, MyLengfyScream, "<div class=WordSection1>", vbTextCompare) ' return the position (starting from the fist character , Looking in the string , for that text , doing a text comparison which is case insensitive )
Let MyLengfyScream = Mid(MyLengfyScream, CntPus + 26)
' Add to this array below all possible fonts in quotes I have to use Variant type as the VBA Array( ) Method used below pruduces a 1 dimmansional Array of Variant types. I may assing a dynamic Array of variant types to what the VBA Array( ) Function returns
Dim arsFonts() As Variant: Let arsFonts() = Array("""Andale Mono""", """Times""", """serif""", """Arial""", """sans-serif""", """Arial Black""", """Comic Sans MS""", """Courier New""", """Georgia""", """Helvetics""", """Impact""", """Tahoma""", """Terminal""", """monaco""", """Times New Roman""", """Trebuchet MS""", """Verdana""", """Arial Narrow""", """Batang""", """Calibri""", """Cambri Math""", """FangSong""", """Gungsuh""", """GungsuhChe""", """Franklin Gothic Heavy""")
Dim arschFont As Variant ' It is a required syntax that the stearing element in the For Each loop to be Variant type or Object type, ( the object type can be Object or ther specific object. if I do not specify specifically then VBVA defaults to all simialr ngs in the thing you are going through '
' Look for things like "Font" and replace the " with an arbitrary string like ScrotumSack , so "Font" becomes ScrotumSackFontScrotumSack
For Each arschFont In arsFonts() ' Loop to look for and replce each Font held in "s with the same font but in 's
If InStr(1, MyLengfyScream, arschFont, vbTextCompare) > 1 Then ' case a Font in quotes , like "font" , so for that font in quotes... and ...
Dim FontSingleScrQuote As String: Let FontSingleScrQuote = Replace(arschFont, """", "ScrotumSack", 1, 2, vbBinaryCompare) ' ...Make a that font in ScrotumSack like ScrotumSackfontScrotumSack ... and ... I use ScrotumSack arbitrarily as I find it funny and I doubt anyone else does.. does use it, so I won't have that already in the text. I cannot go straight to using the ' because if I do that now then I won't be able to distinguisch the existing ' which I want to change to " in the next bit
Let MyLengfyScream = Replace(MyLengfyScream, arschFont, FontSingleScrQuote, 1, -1, vbTextCompare) ' .... replace all "fonts" with ScrotumSackfontsScrotumSack
Else ' no arsch Font in My lengfy scream
End If
Next arschFont
' replace any ' with " This is mainly intended to replace enclosed in ' strings like askjhhsa ='kasjhScrotumSackfontScrotumSackfcb qwq 63 = Bollocks' jdgsjag with askjhhsa ="kasjhScrotumSackfontScrotumSackfcb qwq 63 = Bollocks" jdgsjag
Let MyLengfyScream = Replace(MyLengfyScream, "'", """", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
' Scratch my Scrotum sacks, - that is to say replace them with a with ' I can do this now since the existing ' have been changeed to " so the ScrotumSacks , which were originally "s , can now be chnged to 's
Let MyLengfyScream = Replace(MyLengfyScream, "ScrotumSack", "'", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
' take last unecessary bit of HTML off
Let CntPus = InStrRev(MyLengfyScream, "</div>", -1, vbTextCompare) ' get the position counting from the left but looking from the right ( in MyLengfyScream , of </div> , start looking from end , make text comparison which is case insensitive )
Let MyLengfyScream = Left(MyLengfyScream, CntPus - 1)
' Finally we set here what is actually returned by virtue of effectively putting something in the pseudo variable MyLenghtyDiesScreaming_Telekom
Let MyLenghtyDiesScreaming_Telekom = MyLengfyScream
End Function