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Thread: Saving Embedded Picture From Excel Workbook Sheet To Folder Hard Drive

  1. #1
    Member littleiitin's Avatar
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    Saving Embedded Picture From Excel Workbook Sheet To Folder Hard Drive

    Sub ExportImageinExceltoADrive(strsheetName As String, strPicName As String, strPathtoSavewithImageName As String)
        Dim chtTempChart    As ChartObject
        With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(strsheetName)
             Set chtTempChart = .ChartObjects.Add(500, 500, 500, 350)
            With chtTempChart.Chart
                .ChartType = xlLine
                .Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:=strsheetName
                .HasLegend = False
            End With
            chtTempChart.Chart.Export Filename:=strPathtoSavewithImageName, FilterName:="jpeg"
        End With
    End Sub
    Below is Example How to Use:

    Sub ExportExample()
     Dim strPath     As String
     Dim strSheet    As String
     Dim strPicName  As String
    '========Sheet Name where Image is==========================================
     strSheet = "3333"
    '=======Image Name==========================================================
     strPicName = "Picture 10"
    '=======Path where you want to Save this Image with Image Name==============
    '==============You can write any name in Place of "Background-16"===========
     strPath = "K:\ExcelFox\Background-16.jpg"
     Call ExportImageinExceltoADrive(strSheet, strPicName, strPath)
    End Sub
    Last edited by littleiitin; 10-31-2011 at 02:57 PM.

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