I am not sure whether this would be at all possible. As the information is sensitive I will try to explain best I can.
Basically I want to make it so that in sheet1 I have groups based on a certain skill capability so that one can easily see all individuals who are trained on said skill across all the various teams. In Sheet 2 I have the data which is grouped by teams (one row for each individual) This is to make it easier for people to fill out their own skills but for managers to get an overall without having someone going in and manually pulling this information.
Essentially I want to populate column b in sheet1 with data from column b in sheet2, but only IF the string in column o on the same row matches any of the items in sheet3!A15:A21. The key thing here is that the row in sheet1 wont necessarily be the same as in sheet2..
Now my issue is, I want to be able to populate all of the appropriate rows to reflect this but I am not sure how or if that would be possible as Vlookup for example would only take me to the first person that had a skill level and that would be it...
I tried to fiddle with index and match but I got a value error and I just think I am way out of my depth.
Please help me!