First Timer here...I have a single PowerPoint slide that I use as a Table of Contents (TOC). The TOC slide has over 30 Text Boxes each of which is a Hyperlink to another PowerPoint presentation. So, 30 hyperlinks to 30 presentations. All works fine, so fine in fact that my boss has asked me to load all of the files onto an Office Central Server so that all of my colleagues from all of our Global Offices can download the files for use in their training classes. The problem is when anyone downloads the files from this Central Server to their own laptops the hyperlinks continue to point to the Central Server files. How can I make my hyperlink "Relative" rather than "Absolute"?
Just a side note; the reason for having these hyperlinked presentations is that many of the topics are covered in multiple training courses and we do not want to have to edit the same slide(s) for each course that a topic is delivered in. I know that I could simply make a single PowerPoint Presentation for each course with redundant slides but that would require that I edit everyone of presentations if any changes are needed and we are just trying to be more efficient.