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Thread: VBA referring to external shared Libraries, 1) Early, 1.5) Laterly Early and 2) Late Binding Techniques

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    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    VBA referring to external shared Libraries, 1) Early, 1.5) Laterly Early and 2) Late Binding Techniques

    See here for examples of how to bind specific Libraries:

    VBA referring to external shared Libraries, 1) Early, 1.5) Laterly Early and 2) Late Binding Techniques

    I have been doing things like this a bit Lately, or more often Early, Laterly, and I got a bit confused: One usually hears of the two ways, Early and Late Binding, but then when one actually comes to “do it” you see that there are a few ways based on those two basic ways..
    So I wrote myself some notes and thought I would share them.

    Background. What is a “Library” in VBA
    If you are happy with what you think is a Library and have a vague idea about Early and Late Binding in VBA, and / or maybe have used the “libraries available in a VBA code” one once or twice, and/ or are not too bothered with the background ideas, then you might want to skip this post.
    You don’t need to know it and I am probably a bit wrong with some of the things as I made most of it up from inspired guessing and listening to the best experts who mostly don’t know what they are talking about.
    Shared Libraries
    Quite often in computing, and certainly in Windows, different software packages share stuff. This can go loosely under the term of shared libraries , but Libraries in this sense is not quite ( yet – maybe a bit laterly at runtime ) our Libraries

    Background . The End Goal. What are we trying to do?
    In many cases what we finally want to do is have an object variable in our coding which can be used in similar ways to one of the large standard available VBA objects.
    As a simple explanation: Imagine you wanted to use the range object, but for some reason is was not available in the standard VBA library. ( The standard VBA library is one of ( usually 4 ) such libraries that is always made available by default). If it wasn’t available in the standard libraries, then it very likely would be in one the massive amount of additional libraries available. What Binding does is organises that you have any additional Libraries available to a code. Typically then from those you could organise to have an object from it in your code. That is usually the end goal: To have an object, ( or possibly a few ) in your code that is in one of the additionally “available to VBA Libraries”

    Linking and Embedding Component Model Object, LECMO
    I think maybe about 25 years ago Microsoft tried to
    _ a) get in early and make it difficult for anyone else to do anything,
    and they
    _ b) tried to confuse anyone trying as well with poor choice of words.

    _ a) Things were organised so that they could be Linked and Embedded , and a bit later that lead to Models of how Components needed to be. So all were forced into making sure interfaces fitted.
    _b) the word Object was thrown in to confuse with the word used in Object Orientated Programming which is not quite meant to be the same, well maybe Laterly later.
    The end result is some technology named as Object Linking and Embedding and then the Component Object Model
    The idea of the COM is that things ( objects ) can implement their functionality through the interfaces.
    In the meantime everyone forgot what actually went on and the OLE is often referred to as the later stuff coming from the COM stuff. The word OLE is more likely used to describe something when you are not quite sure what it is you are talking about.
    Maybe at the time, OLE had some thing to do with something understandable like making a simple copy and paste work between different things. But as the workings of the clipboard puzzle some of the best computer experts , then even that is suspect. If you want to try and look at COM as some logical progression from OLE, then you could think of that allowing say an Excel Worksheet to be in a Word document without ever opening the Excel application. You could also think of something disgusting, as I just did, if you want to. That might be just as relevant to the discussion at hand.
    Previous to all this , and more classically in computing , a compilation, that is to say production of a final runable lower level computer program, would have the complied equivalents of copies of all the things ( functions ) from the shared libraries.
    However the COM and OLE technologies allow for files which are effectively runable allowing a link at runtime to required functions. These functions are typically, ( but not always ) held in Folders or Files with the .dll extension.
    The former case (“ “static” link libraries “ ) could lead to a duplication of complied functions.
    This basic idea was then found to be useful do more pseudo real time things – allowing interaction , for example with things in the internet. Without this technology, you could, to a first approximation expect to have to pseudo download a lot previously and store , and possible re organise it, such that a running code could use things from the source
    ActiveX Bollox
    Parallel to the LECMO technologies, or partially developed from it, where technologies optimised for internet use. This goes by the name of ActiveX.
    In fact you will find that the word ActiveX can almost be used for many things and usually is when the person may know what he is talking about but can’t easily explain it. It is like using expressions like “this shit” or “that bollox” in normal conversations, an “ActiveX crap” would be equivalent to the former two expressions. Bollox = crap = shit = ActiveX to a first approximation
    In fact, the object, which having available is our final goal, can be referred to as an ActiveX object.
    Although it was optimised for internet “communication” of functionalities, it more or less took over the computer control generally.
    Most things then are somehow controlled by these things.
    In fact this developed into a cancerous type growth into the whole computer system: Visual Basic provides polymorphism (polymorphism : here approximately the ability to do slightly different variations of the same thing using the same basic instructions, like a universal control Button should be possible to make which on the view of different uses in different situation does a very similar thing, but “behind the interface” might be a lot of stuff to make that button universal ) through these multiple ActiveX interfaces. In the Component Object Model (COM) that forms the infrastructure of the ActiveX specification, multiple interfaces allow systems of software components to evolve and break existing code. ……. In this sense interface is a set of related properties and methods. Much of the ActiveX specification is concerned with implementing standard interfaces to obtain system services or to provide malfunctionality to other programs. It allows for the possibility , for example, for updates to break things.

    “VBA available Libraries” of things available to us, “application ( Excel ) programmers”
    We might be loosely called “application ( Excel ) programmers”.
    We, as application programmers, can access directly or indirectly a lot of the software used to create the application in the first place . ( A running or “open” Excel is often referred to as an application, or the Excel application. I suppose it is talking about the software being applied ). The term “Application Programmes Interface” as well as expressions of the form us “having access to the Dynalic ( or direct ) Link Libraries” are loose and intimidating term used, amounts other things, generally to us referencing the runable files held often , but not always, in Folders or files with the letters ddl in their names.
    Broadly speaking we can get at them in two different ways summarised below. In simple terms we set a fixed reference or path or route to get at the tools at runtime

    Using one or more dlls in a VBA code
    The basic fundamental singular case,
    It is possible to get at a specific single or a few similar dll files function runable things.. To do this in VBA code an initial code line something similar to a Dim code line is done. This is a Declare type code line at the top of a code module. After that an “API Function” is used in a code similar to a normal VBA Function
    ( For example ).

    Our aim is to get at a lot of those functions, those related to some common “thing”, as well as possibly a few other things. In simple terms, the Libraries we are talking about are an attempt to organise in what might be typically required collections of those functions and other things, such as some additional coding that might use a few of those things

    Libraries available to VBA
    We are talking basically about these things:
    1 Tools 2 referrences 3 Scroll Find Check.JPG .
    1 Tools 2 referrences 3 Scroll Find Check.jpg#

    The word Library is used sometimes like Object a bit loosely to help contribute to the Obfuscation technology used in most of the things being discussed here.
    The word Library is used often when use of dll stuff is bundled up into something like a collection of Functions and other stuff that include things that use one or more of similar dlls or use dlls that do similar stuff. This is organised something like a Visual Basic Class Object, ( An example of such a Class Object is a VBA Class Object called Worksheet ) with the available Methods Properties Constants and Functions etc which can be made available to any VBA code. The collection goes by the name of a Libraray. Specifically it is one of those Libraries that you often hear about as requiring a check against in the way of … “…… -- VB Editor -- Tools ---- references --- scroll down and check the appropriate library from the massive list of those available….”……
    As far as in VBA is concerned, the aim is to have the available “API ddl” stuff available in a code via a Object.
    Often instead of calling these things Libraries they are referred to themselves as an API. So one can see that the term is used in a very loose Obfuscation type way.
    It is the way of getting access in a code to this second larger group of tools that is concerned with the Terms Late, Early Late, and Late Binding.
    The end result is having access to the tools in an Object Orientated Programming way such as we would everything else in our code. Indeed if you look initially at the checked items in the list, you will always see a few default libraries checked.
    The checked things are to some extent intuitive as being reasonable in the first place for our codes to have any chance of working. In particular the Visual Basic For Applications is a direct example of a “Libraries available to VBA”. You can in fact add an extra VBA. at the start of many code lines to completely explicitly reference the library to be sure you are accessing the Visual Basic For Applications library.****
    The start point of getting access to other libraries in a code will be therefore to organise that we have objects variables in our code which similarly can be accessed in code via:

    ___= ThatLibraryObject.StufffromItIWant

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 06-03-2024 at 03:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Referring/ making available the "VBA available Libraries". Late and Early Binding

    Referring/ making available the "VBA available Libraries". Late and Early Binding.

    The terms Early and Late Binding are often heard in connection with making available the “VBA available Libraries”.
    In this post I am comparing those and explaining 4 ways to do Binding, 2 using Early and 2 using Late.

    Because of the nature of the “direct link libraries” principle there is not a major difference and in most cases theses two basic ways can be used interchangeably.
    A final “product” of Binding, a final goal, is to have a variable object available in the code which has the Methods and Properties available in the usual object orientated programming way:

    ___ ThatLibraryObject.StufffromItIWant

    There are several ways to achieve this, some using the Early and some using the Late as well as a pseudo “Laterly Early” “Binding” way. I am discussing the 4 common ways, 2 using Early and 2 using late
    Early and Late Binding General Considerastiions: Early V Late Binding
    The main difference in the definition here lies in how/when the object is created.

    1) Early Binding
    Early Binding will require the ….” .. -- VB Editor -- Tools ---- references --- scroll down and check the appropriate library from the massive list of those available ..”… stuff
    1 Tools 2 referrences 3 Scroll Find Check.JPG .
    1 Tools 2 referrences 3 Scroll Find Check.jpg

    Early somehow makes the library links “known” to VBA before any code writing is done. The most noticeable distinguishing characteristics are then that a variable can be declared ( Dim’d ) as an object from that library, and that intellisense will work thereafter.
    Apparently this way makes a code faster than the Late Binding way, but I expect other factors concerning the implementation may influence this. So using Early Binding will result in the complied code effectively having a “complied link” section.
    A variable must generally be used to assign the object type to. This could be chosen to be of Object type , but intellisense will not work and then it effectively becomes a form of Late Binding: Sometimes the definition is contested by some, but generally the documentation says words to the effect that when a variable is declared to be of a specific object type, the compiler allocates memory and perform other optimizations before an application executes. The various dynamic help including intellisense is not available for a declaration of Object type. This is then the definition and characteristics of early Binding.

    Early Binding 1)(a) Set way. In the simplest form of Early Binding we would do something like this in our code, pseudo
    Dim myThing As SpecificClassOrObject
    _ Set myThing = NewInstance of SpecificClassOrObject

    The first line effectively makes the variable of the type required, and the second effectively fills the variable creating an actual instance of it. Instance in this respect means that everything possibly with the thing is made available. The Dim is done at compile and so Excel VBA Knows about / is aware of it allowing intellisense. The Set effectively “makes it live.”

    Early Binding 1)(b) Auto instancing Early binding “Way Dim ( using an auto instancing variable )
    Dim myThing As New SpecificClassOrObject
    Excel VBA knows about the type once again. But the instance has not been created. VBA is written generally in such a way that if it “knows” about a type but does not have it instance , it
    _(i) has no record of it being instanced, will always check on encountering the variable,
    _(ii) if it has not been instance then it will do so. ( But nether the less on encountering it will still check every time.
    This “Way Dim” may make a code run a little slower.

    The main disadvantage of the Early Binding are in sharing when you cannot control what is checked in the library list of the recipient. Indeed they may have a version of Office that either does not have the library or may have a different version.
    ( In general Excel will update a recognised library to a newer version but not always the other way around, at least for libraries other than the main ones. )

    2) Late Binding
    The main distinguishing characteristic of the Late binding is that a function , ( CreateObject(“ “) ) , ( sometimes referred to as a method ) is used at run time to return the necessary reference to the object. So in the simplest form we have, if using a variable , we have Pseudo

    Late Binding 2a) Variable way.
    Dim myThing As Object
    _ Set myThing = CreateObject(“SpecificClassOrObject”,”ServerIfNotThisComputer”)

    or like more commonly seen
    Dim myThing As Object
    _ Set myThing = CreateObject(“LibraryName.ObjectfromItIWant__”)

    As the argument is taken as a string, it is, as is usual in compilation, ignored. The compilation can then have no knowledge of the object type.
    In terms close to what happens is that windows has an entry in a registry that associates the string with the dll that implements this object. Sometimes larger things don’t install named class entries in the registry for its objects. The CreateObject(“ “) will also take its unique Class ID (CLSID) if you know it , in this form , for example for a data object, CreateObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")

    The usual disadvantage of Late Binding given is the lack of intellisense.
    The usual advantage given is not having to have the appropriate library in the reference list checked.
    A further feature, debatably an advantage of sorts is that the function can be embedded in a code line in a typical Object Orientated Hierarchy way such that no object variable for the main object must be used, pseudo

    Late Binding 2b) With__End With way
    _ PropertyOrXvalue = CreateObject(“LibraryName.ObjectfromItIWant__”).ThatPropertormethodOfObject(PossiblyArgumentsEtc)
    ' or
    __With CreateObject(“LibraryName.ObjectfromItIWant__”)
    ___PropertyOrXvalue = .ThatPropertormethodOfObject(PossiblyArgumentsEtc)
    __End With
      ' Late Binding 2b) With__End With way
      PropertyOrXvalue =  CreateObject(“LibraryName.ObjectfromItIWant__”).ThatPropertormethodOfObject(PossiblyArgumentsEtc)
    ' or
        With CreateObject(“LibraryName.ObjectfromItIWant__”)
         PropertyOrXvalue = .ThatPropertormethodOfObject(PossiblyArgumentsEtc)
        End With

    Available object constant variables in Early Binding
    A final minor consideration in the comparison of the Early and Late Binding concerns some simple constant variables. Some libraries contain some of these. Using Early Binding these are available. As the compilation has no knowledge of the object type in Late Binding, those variables are not “put in” the Object variable. These constants are usually simple numbers, and I personally would tend to use the literal numbers in a code anyway, be it Early or Late Blinded.
    Sometimes the names of the variable can give an indication of what they are, but I would tend to write the variable name of any I use and possibly further explanations of it in the ' comments

    Scope Issues and Early and late Binding, Public Pubics.
    In all ways that use a variable, that is to say all the Early Binding ways, 1a) 1b) and the first shown way of Late Binding 2a) , the declare, ( Dim ) , statement could be inside a routine or at the beginning of a Module.
    If it were at the beginning of a normal code Module, then the object would be available in all codes which would be defined as Pubic scope.
    If it were within a routine, then the object would be available in that routine which would be defined as Private scope.
    The last shown ways of Late Binding, 2b) , which do not use a variable can only be Private scope as it is not possible to have a the outside the CreateObject(“ “) outside of a routine.

    ( Note in passing that within a Class module we can pseudo have the Pubic scope by declaring as
    Pubic myThing = xxxxx
    This has the effect of making our object an object in that Class. It can then be referenced in all codes , for example if it is in the ThisWorkbook class module by
    __ ThisWorkbook.myThing
    Technically this may not be a Pubic variable, but to all practical intents and purposes it is . I have found some novel uses of it actually as you can use sometimes something like Sheet1.myThing in a code which exposes the interface and sets something off in a way that is not always possible with a true Pubic variable.
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    Last edited by DocAElstein; 03-03-2019 at 08:13 PM.

  3. #3
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    1.5) Laterly Early Binding

    1.5) Laterly Early Binding

    I have lately been doing this Early Binding alternative. It is basically Early Binding but usually done quite Late in time, often when a File is shared.

    The idea is very simple but I have found it quite effective.

    It uses coding to check the reference, so that codes written for Early Binding will work. Ideally several versions of the library should be attempted to be checked. Hopefully one will be successful . It should be if you have included a version for the version of Office in which a code needing the reference is run

    You will need to know some information about the library you want to reference. I have found that one of the parameters used to identify the library, the GUID, is quite a reliable thing to use. I have not found a full list yet of all the Libraries and their GUID, but here_..
    _.... you can see one way to obtain this information if you can get access to a few Office versions: A simple code can be run to give you the information.

    Once you have the GUID information you can arrange that a code is run which will add attempt to .Add the references using the Add From Guid Method

    How it works
    Codes written for Early Binding will error if the reference is not checked.
    Therefore the code to add the reference needs to be done before the main code
    This can be done by a couple of ways:
    _A) Rather than running the main code, a short routine is run that first Calls the code to add the reference and then Calls the main Code, pseudo
    Sub CallCodes()
    _ Call AddRefsByGUID
    _ Call MainCode
    End Sub

    _B) The code to .Add the reference can be organised to be run on opening the Workbook, either by arranging that the code to .Add the reference is called when the Workbook is opened, or the code itself directly is run when the workbook is opened.

    For the latter, B) , a code of this form would go in the ThisWorkbook code Module ( ThisWorkbookCodeModule.jpg )

    This example should add the reference required for using the WORD library in a VBA code running in Office versions of 2003, 2007 or 2010
    Private Sub Workbook_Open()
       With ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References
        On Error Resume Next '
           Select Case CLng(Val(Application.Version))
            Case 9: ' Excel 2000
            Case 10: ' Excel 2002
            Case 11: .AddFromguid GUID:="{00020905-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}", major:=8, Minor:=4 ' Office 2003
            Case 12: .AddFromguid GUID:="{00020905-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}", major:=8, Minor:=4 ' Office 2007
            Case 14: .AddFromguid GUID:="{00020905-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}", major:=8, Minor:=5 ' Office 2010
            Case 15: ' Excel 2013"
            Case 16: ' Excel 2016 (Windows)
            Case Else ' Unknown '
           End Select
        On Error GoTo 0
       End With
    End Sub

    Alternatively the same coding could go in a normal code module, with a name such as Sub AddRefsByGUID(), and then..
    The code above ( still in the ThisWorkbook code module ) would be simplified to

    ThisWorkbook code Module:
    Private Sub Workbook_Open()
     Call Sub AddRefsByGUID()
    End Sub
    Normal Code module coding for use in conjunction with code above
    Sub AddRefsByGUID()
       With ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References
        On Error Resume Next '
           Select Case CLng(Val(Application.Version))
            Case 9: ' Excel 2000
            Case 10: ' Excel 2002
            Case 11: .AddFromguid GUID:="{00020905-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}", major:=8, Minor:=4 ' Office 2003
            Case 12: .AddFromguid GUID:="{00020905-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}", major:=8, Minor:=4 ' Office 2007
            Case 14: .AddFromguid GUID:="{00020905-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}", major:=8, Minor:=5 ' Office 2010
            Case 15: ' Excel 2013"
            Case 16: ' Excel 2016 (Windows)
            Case Else ' Unknown '
           End Select
        On Error GoTo 0
       End With
    End Sub

    Note: For this way to work when sharing Files the supplied file must either have the Library checked that will not be broken at the recipient ( in which case the code has no effect!! ) OR none of the Library versions should be checked.
    This removal can be done programmatically. This and a few other ways to automate the process to allow Early Binding code sharing between different Excel versions are given here:

    Stuff Rory and snb told me about
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 02-28-2019 at 03:17 PM.

  4. #4
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    ****"my Left , Mid , Date Function is not working anymore, Bollox!"
    One error occurrence that often causes people to get eventually informed about the use of " "Libraries" of things available to us", is not immediately obvious and usually takes a while until it is realised that the problem lies in the checked library references. The problem is often referred to as a broken reference.
    In such a case a quick work around seems to be to include an extra VBA. before the Function that errors. Often then it does not error..
    To explain what is going on:
    As noted, the full way to reference many things from the Visual Basic For Applications library would be to include VBA. at the start of many code lines. It is very likely that the more common functions are in a "shared dll type" library. The link / route will be held in the compiled version of the code, in the "pseudo complied links" part. So the code goes looking there if a function is not completely explicitly referenced and errors when it sees a checked reference that is not available. ( This may often be the case , for example , if in a higher version of Office a library was checked, but the code is being run in an earlier version).
    It is not immediate obvious that the error is coming from the "broken reference".
    Un checking the reference will usually cure that error.
    Of course if you need that reference checked then you will hopefully have an earlier version of the library that you can check and that will work.


    A Step by Step example
    Just to make it clear as the error which appears to occur can mislead:
    "My VBA Left function appears not to work"
    The problem is not with the apparently not working function:

    I "make a new File" in Excel 2010, and put some simple coding in it.
    Option Explicit
    Sub TabulatorStinkranartor()
    Dim LeftScrots As String
     Let LeftScrots = "ScrotScrot"
      LSet LeftScrots = "Scrot"       ' LeftScrot is now "Scrot     "                                            '
    End Sub
    Sub LeftScrot()
     Dim LeftScrots As String
     Let LeftScrots = "ScrotScrot"
     Let LeftScrots = Left$(LeftScrots, 5) ' LeftScrot is now "Scrot"
    End Sub
    I check a non standard Library ( Here Word 14 ). Save the file in Excel 2010
    Tools 1 Referrences 2 ScrollDown 3 CheckWord14 4 UsingExcel2010.JPG :
    Tools 1 Referrences 2 ScrollDown 3 CheckWord14 4 UsingExcel2010.jpg

    Now I open the File in Excel 2007. I attempt to run the second code. It does not start and highlights _...
    _.... as the source of the problem and gives a compile error message, _
    LeftErrorsMissingLibrary.JPG :
    Fehler beim Kompilieren:
    Projekt oder Bibliothek nicht gefunden

    Error while compiling:
    Project or library not found

    If I change the code to include an extra _ VBA. _ thus:_..
    Sub LeftScrot()
     Dim LeftScrots As String
     Let LeftScrots = "ScrotScrot"
     Let LeftScrots = VBA.Left$(LeftScrots, 5) ' LeftScrot is now "Scrot"
    End Sub
    _.. then I have no problem and the code runs normally.
    But the problem is not the Left Function.
    To explain: I am not sue if it is strictly a compile error in the classical sense.
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    Last edited by DocAElstein; 01-22-2020 at 08:43 PM.

  5. #5
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Binding Examples

    Binding Examples

    I intend giving examples of Binding in the next few post. I will likely add to it and possibly re organise it from time to time.
    This post will index and possibly explain briefly the example.
    If anyone wants to add an example, or make any comments, then great, go ahead. I will review them from time to time and comment on them.

    Example: Binding issues in Programming the VB Editor
    Post # 6 & Post #7 :

    It is often said that you need to have Early Binding to library VBIDE ( Visual Basic Integrated Development Environment ) , that is to say the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3 to do any programming of the VB Editor, that is to say “do coding with coding”…
    We will see that that does not appear to be the case

    Example Data Objects (and Clipboards) Use Clipboard to manipulate Excel ranges through string manipulation
    Post #8:
    Post #9: .

    Early Binding with Later Late Binding the DataObject, that is to say the MSForms.DataObject
    DataObject: Object to aid in passing strings into various clipboards. aka. an abortion that did not die
    A few simple short lines can be used within coding to pass and retrieve strings of information from the various clipboards. it is hit and miss if they do what you expect. 9irLgSdeU3r9itU7zdnWHw 9ht16tzryC49htJ6TpIOXR 9ht16tzryC49htOKs4jh3M
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 10-24-2023 at 02:52 PM.

  6. #6
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Example VBIDE Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3 For coding coding

    Example VBIDE Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3 For coding coding

    Based on notes here and a discussion here

    This is a good example to show the inexactness and sometimes uncertainty amongst even experts in the theme of Binding…
    _a) Unlike often seen in literature, we can in fact do things in the VB Editor without a reference to this Library "Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3" , ( Class Name: VBIDE ). It is also not at all clear at all if strictly speaking we can do Early Binding in this case.

    _b) Also I am not convinced that we can do Late binding either. In a very indirectly way we could argue that somebody once maybe did a reference to "Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3" to get the things there in front of us..

    Before we start, lets look at the Laterly Early Binding Technique , as this appears to be most useful to have to hand.
    At the same time we will remind ourselves that doing anything to references empties global variables because it resets the VBA project..
    Here is a set of fairly self explanatory demo routines. All routines should be run sequentially in the order given. They attempt to remove and add the reference to VBIDE , "Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3"
    At he end we have the reference set to VBIDE , "Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3"
    Option Explicit
    Dim StringyGloby As String
    Sub FillMeGloby()
     Let StringyGloby = "Hi, I am here"
    End Sub
    Sub WotsMeGloby()
     MsgBox Prompt:=StringyGloby
    End Sub
    Sub TakeItOff()
    Dim objThisVBAProject As Object: Set objThisVBAProject = Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject
    Dim MyToolBoxRefutations As Object: Set MyToolBoxRefutations = objThisVBAProject.References
    Dim Tool As Object, TrashtVBIDE As Boolean: Let TrashtVBIDE = False
        For Each Tool In MyToolBoxRefutations
        Dim ToolGUID As String
         Let ToolGUID = Tool.GUID
            If ToolGUID = "{0002E157-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" Then
             MyToolBoxRefutations.Remove Tool ' Remove reference for  "Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3"
             MsgBox Prompt:="You will find that your globies are empty because you took off the referrence and in doing so reset the VBA project at the end of this procedure"
             Let TrashtVBIDE = True
            End If
        Next Tool
        If TrashtVBIDE = False Then MsgBox Prompt:="You did not remove the referrence, so presumably it was not checked, and so at the end of this procedure your globies should be intact"
    End Sub
    Sub WotsMeGloby2andPhilIt()
     MsgBox Prompt:=StringyGloby
     Let StringyGloby = "Hi, I am here"
    End Sub
    Sub LaterlyEarlyBinding()
    ' Add the referrence to  Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3  VBIDE   if it is not already there.  Note: This will take into efffect when this procedure ends
       With ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References
        On Error Resume Next ' Just in case you already have it checked, as the next code line would error if yoou had it checked
         .AddFromguid GUID:="{0002E157-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}", Major:=5, Minor:=3 '
            If Err.Description = "" Then ' this section must go before On Error GoTo 0 because On Error GotTo 0 will empty  Err  registers
             MsgBox Prompt:="You have added a referrence so at the end of this procedure the VBA project will be reset and your globies will be empty"
             MsgBox Prompt:="You did not add the referrenc so presumably it was checked already and your globies should be intact"
            End If
        On Error GoTo 0
       End With
    End Sub
    Sub WotsMeGloby3andPhilIt()
     MsgBox Prompt:=StringyGloby
     Let StringyGloby = "Hi, I am here"
    End Sub
    Running those procedures should get us at the start point of looking at Binding issues.
    The following procedures address these issues
    As far as I can tell,
    the following is sometimes regarded as Early Binding
    Sub EarlyBirly()' Early Binding to Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3  VBIDE
    Dim vbcmlCodeModule As VBIDE.CodeModule
     ' Set vbcmlCodeModule = New VBIDE.CodeModule ' I am not allowed to do this
     Set vbcmlCodeModule = Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents.VBE.ActiveCodePane.CodeModule
     MsgBox Prompt:=vbcmlCodeModule.CountOfLines ' Count of number of used lines in this code module
     MsgBox Prompt:=VBIDE.vbext_pk_Proc
    End Sub
    The last Message box uses the one of only things that I have, ( apart from Intellisense ), which I have as extra using Early Binding: I can use some constants which are predefined in the library, instead of having to use the constants you use their literal values instead. ( In this case the literal value is that identifying a procedure type of the type normal Sub or Function

    I am not allowed to use New. This has been "decided by Microsoft". The Instantiating has effectively been done when the VBA Project was created.

    As far as I can tell, apart from the use of the named constants, I can do all without this Early Binding that I can with Early Binding.
    ( Another advantage that I have if I do it this way , is that typing mistakes in things from that library will be noticed at compile, as apposed to at runtime if I do not have the reference checked )

    We should note finally that we are prevented ( by Microsoft ) in using New in the Set code line. Effectively The Set = New __ code line has been done for us. We are then only permitted to assign a variable to that of the VBIDE object. As we are using a VBIDE object type in the Dim, it is sometimes regarded as Early Binding.
    It is typical of objects which are dependant on others and cannot exist alone , that we are prevented by Microsoft from creating new instances of them.

    ( Not ) Late Binding in VB Editor
    There is no clear definition or statement as to whether there is such a thing as Late Binding to the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3 VBIDE
    We are prevented ( by Microsoft ) of either using New or using CreateObject("…. .. "). It is typical of objects which are dependant on others and cannot exist alone , that we are prevented by Microsoft from creating new instances of them.
    It appears that we can do anything to the VB Editor without Early Binding, ( that is to say without a reference to the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3 VBIDE ) that we can with early Binding.
    If you wish to , you can say that the following routine is using Late Binding. It is up to debate. You could explain it as Late Binding by saying it is Late Binding because it is making use of an object without the use of a reference to the appropriate Library.
    An alternative explanation of the situation would simply to say that we are referring to an existing object. As such, Binding issues are no longer relevant..
    Sub LateNotEarly() '
     MsgBox Prompt:=Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents.VBE.ActiveCodePane.CodeModule.CountOfLines ' Count of number of used lines in this code module
    Dim vbcmlCodeModule As Object
     Set vbcmlCodeModule = Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents.VBE.ActiveCodePane.CodeModule
     MsgBox Prompt:=vbcmlCodeModule.CountOfLines ' Count of number of used lines in this code module
     'MsgBox Prompt:=VBIDE.vbext_pk_Proc ' I cannot do this with .. this...not Early Binding
    End Sub
    Understanding automation ,: Error 429 Object creation by ActiveX component not possible
    Attempting to use New or CreateObject( .. .. ) or ( even GetObject( .. ) ) will fail, typically with the shown error _ 429 Object creation by ActiveX component not possible.
    The technical terminology is that their "Automation Object Linking and Embedding, or Automation OLE or Automation" is not "exposed". In other words an object from the Class of this thing which you are trying to assign to a variable is not made available to be included in another thing.
    This possibly explains why it is difficult to give a precise definition of Late Binding in some cases.
    The ability to do almost anything is windows is attributed to optimisation of memory to allow for runtime getting of things. Clearly there are conflicts here in any attempt to make a rational explanation of what is going on.
    Hear is one attempt ( )
    Summary is also in the next Post: ……._

    ' Generally for Objects where there is dependency, that is to say....... they cannot exist independently and / or there are other Objects which are affected by the existence of such Objects..... , you will not be allowed to make a New Instance. Instancing by the user directly will not be allowed. This is likely because there will be some very complicated "Wiring" involved. There will need to be information given, for example, as "where should it go", as other Objects may be effected. So those things are best left to a Function or Method, ( a .Add or .Insert , for example ). There will always be arguments associated and require them ( if you ,leave them about, VBA at compile will try to guess ( based on other available information and / or arguments), what you want, or always using a particular default when you omit an argument )
    ' Book: VBA for the VBE, Lisa Green.
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 02-23-2019 at 02:00 PM.

  7. #7
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Dealing with objects when programming the VB Editor

    _.....Continued from last post….

    Dealing with objects when programming the VB Editor

    Something going by the name of Automation Object Linking and Embedding, or Automation OLE or Automation is part of some very fundamental software things going way back that Microsoft did: It is especially good apparently at making it possible to run some application in others.

    There are two ways to use Automation to programmatically control another application. These are referred to as Early Binding or Late Binding

    For Early Binding you need to set a reference in your project to the application you want to manipulate. However this does not necessarily mean that you can manipulate the application.
    Possibly then , ( I suggest, I don't know for sure) , that to set a reference does not always mean that you have Early Binding.

    ( The advantages we have discussed of using Early Binding rather than Late Binding are:
    _ Access to the application's built-in constants
    _ Ability to declare to the object types of the application leading to
    ____Syntax checking at Compile
    _ There maybe some minor efficiencies to do with how the computer handles Early Binding compared to Late Binding
    _ You may have access to the application's object model via the Object Browser and VBA Help

    If you are attempting to access the Class of some application, then that could well mean that you are trying to programmatically control another application. In other words you want to do Automation . In oher words you need to do Binding.

    Then to do this, for the Early Binding case you would tend to
    _(i) check the reference,
    _(ii) Dim a variable to the objects Class
    _(iii) then you need to Instantiate an instance using the class ( you could argue that _(i) and / or _(ii) is the first part of this )
    To Instantiate you can
    __ use the New stuff in your Set line
    __ use the CreateObject("….","…. ") thingy in your Set line
    ( The Diming step in _(ii) could be regarded as meaning that you are Early Binding. I would suggest that that is debatable. )

    For Late Binding you only have the possibility to use the CreateObject("….","…. ") thingy in your Set line, and as you do not have the object types available to Dim. You must Dim As Object

    If you try either of those Binding ways in the case of the VBIDE being discussed in this Thread, then they will fail. The short answer to why that is, is that Microsoft do not allow Automation in this case. The in depth explanation of this is galaxies beyond my level of computer understanding, but it is something like the Component Object Model used by Microsoft to allow this Automation is not "exposed"
    A common circumstance for Microsoft to do this forbidding is when something is dependant on something else for its existence, as is the case of the things to do with the VB Editor

    My conclusion is that Late Binding, and possibly Early Binding also, is not possible in for VBIDE

    We can do, ( as far as I can tell all ) the same programming in the VB Editor with or without a reference to Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3, ( Class Name: VBIDE ) . In other words .. We can do, ( as far as I can tell all ), the same programming in the VB Editor with or without "Object" as the Dim )
    ( If we check the reference then we can Dim to an object type from VBIDE, and have the advantages mentioned above. )

    For all day use in most situations other than ones like the VBIDE, this would do as an alternative, definition:

    Alternative View Point ( ** )
    Dim x As _....
    _Set x As _....

    Late Binding: things like cannot use IntelliSense with x , x is an object , (cannot you check the syntax for x)

    Early Binding: things like can use IntelliSense and syntax checking for x. x is an application object

    If you wish to extend this to cover the VBIDE, then :

    Set a reference to Microsoft Visual Basic for Application Extensibility 5.3
    Dim x As VBIDE.CodeModule
    _Set x = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("ThisWorkbook" ).CodeModule
    __This is early binding, since x is a VBIDE.CodeModule object. You can use IntelliSense and syntax checking for x.

    Set a reference to Microsoft Visual Basic for Application Extensibility 5.3
    Dim x As Object
    _ Set x = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("ThisWorkbook" ).CodeModule
    __Although you set a reference to the VBIDE object library, this is late binding, since x is a generic object. You cannot use IntelliSense with x, nor can you check the syntax for x.

    Do NOT set a reference to Microsoft Visual Basic for Application Extensibility 5.3
    Dim x As Object
    _Set x = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("ThisWorkbook" ).CodeModule
    __Late binding. You cannot use IntelliSense with x, nor can you check the syntax for x.

    ' Generally for Objects where there is dependency, that is to say....... they cannot exist independently and / or there are other Objects which are affected by the existence of such Objects..... , you will not be allowed to make a New Instance. Instancing by the user directly will not be allowed. This is likely because there will be some very complicated "Wiring" involved. There will need to be information given, for example, as "where should it go", as other Objects may be effected. So those things are best left to a Function or Method, ( a .Add or .Insert , for example ). There will always be arguments associated and require them ( if you ,leave them about, VBA at compile will try to guess ( based on other available information and / or arguments), what you want, or always using a particular default when you omit an argument )
    ' Book: VBA for the VBE, Lisa Green.
    ' HansV **
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 02-28-2019 at 03:16 PM.

  8. #8
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Example; Data Objects (& Clipboards) Use Clipboard to manipulate Excel ranges through string manipulation

    Example Data Objects (and Clipboards) Use Clipboard to manipulate Excel ranges through string manipulation

    Data Objects and Clipboards
    It cannot be easily explained what a data object is. It could be considered to be an abortion that didn’t die. It is difficult to discuss the DataObject without discussing the clipboards

    Clipboards and the DataObject
    The last title was Data Objects and Clipboards and this one is Clipboards and the DataObject: It is a spaghetti of things that anyone has long since given up trying to straighten out or figure out.
    When you play around with Excel VBA stuff, there are often three basic “Clipboards” hanging around that no one really understands ( )
    _ Excel Clipboard
    _ Windows Clipboard (Sometimes referred to as the System Clipboard)
    _ Office Clipboard

    This is my light hearted interpretation: You might want to skip this.. and go on to ….Early and Late Binding the DataObject, that is to say the MSForms.DataObject
    Way back when Microsoft started playing with Windows things, some people in authority abused their authority badly by having their entire IT department trying to work out how to put a pretty picture or diagram in a report they were doing to try and contribute to making them look good to get a not deserved pay rise.
    There was the ideas discussed at the outset of this Thread of some all encompassing idea of actively at run time Xtraordinary Object Linked and Embedded Component Object Model to make , as most practical usage, ease of putting one application in another. They never really got it right and while they still kept trying real life pressures meant something had to be done that mostly worked, so the end result was that we have a few clipboards. They work as independent software and with a bit of constant tweaking, such as through updates, they work after a fashion. We are still left with the remnants of doing it as they originally wanted and indeed the whole ActiveX OLE COM CodsWollups has grown into a beast that everyone is afraid of admitting they know nothing about. Inevitable then we have some object close to hand, or Class that is a library that can be regarded as to do with the whole ActiveX OLE COM CodsWollups, and with some justification we can say that a A DataObject is a standard OLE object. In fact it is very limited what you can do with a Data object. You can pass text into or get text out of the clipboard, but then the actual Clipboard can do that, or you can do that with API calls. It is all deliberately left vague to disguise the mess made at the start and to make it all sound more clever than it is.

    Alternatively, if you want to put all that mildly and politely……. MSForms library contains an object called the DataObject that provides support for working with text strings on the Windows clipboard. VBA does not support the data type required for other, non-text, values on the clipboard. …. … later you can die ……. … you are experiencing a car accident…. The hell I am…no robot.

    The end result of all that is that in a very round about sort of way, we have something that can be used in a few simple code lines to do something, for example of the form:
    Do a typical Excel VBA Copy thing on a range; get hold of how that might look in a continuous single string form in a clipboard;
    manipulate that somehow using string manipulation functions and techniques;
    put that back in a modified but recognisable Excel range form and do a typical Excel VBA Paste back out

    Pseudo code:
    Excel Range Copy
    Get some string version from some clipboard using a DataObject method
    __Do some modification of the string
    Replace the version previously got using another DataObject method
    Excel Range Paste

    (You can usually do something just as good directly with the clipboard to replace the DataObject bit… )

    We know that works, as it has been tried. Exactly why is lost in the spaghetti that is way the clipboards are organised. It is thought that we are likely paying around with the Windows Clipboard. But somehow the clipboards are related or the above would not work. No one is quite sure anymore what is happening

    If this has any speciality, it is probably that being there from the start it has some inside knowledge that a lot of things don’t, and moving text strings about with it, ( which of course is extremely fundamental to computing ) , often results in them coming on in the right place. If you are looking to use the “clipboard” in its general term to move stings about, then this is a good thing to get familiar to using.
    Working example.
    This will be done in a somewhat overview way, as is the typical usage in a final coding. It centres on using a methods to
    _ get ext out of a . ..clipboards….
    and to
    _ put a text into ..clipboards….

    In the next post we will try to makes some sense, at least as far as is possible, about what is actually going on and what the ..clipboards…. is or are

    Early and Late Binding the DataObject, that is to say the MSForms.DataObject
    MSFORMS, Forms , UserForms
    If you are familiar with Visual Basic generally, then you may know that Windows and Forms and user Forms are the basis technology for most of Microsoft Windows stuff. The DataObject Class is held in the larger class of MSForms , Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library

    Early Binding
    Add a UserForm and then remove it
    The library would be required for the Visual Basic Forms , ( typically referred to as UserForms), which have many similarities to the Forms in Visual Basic. They differ in one respect in that the UserForm cannot exist as a standalone program. Whether by coding or manually we use an available .Adding process to get one, in a similar way to that which we must create new worksheets. Part of the .Adding process for a UserForm will add the references to MSForms , Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library.
    Checking the reference
    Inn the usual way, (Extras) – References(Verweise) - scroll down to Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library -- put checkmark in.
    Note if you cannot find , or it is not there, can add that manually: VBA Editor – Tools(Extras) – References(Verweise) -- Browse -- and find FM20.DLL file under a path similar to C:\WINDOWS\system32, and select it -- Open -- OK.

    Early Binding Example

    See next post

    Ref 9irLgSdeU3r9itU7zdnWHw 9ht16tzryC49htJ6TpIOXR 9ht16tzryC49htOKs4jh3M
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 10-24-2023 at 03:00 PM.

  9. #9
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Early and Later Late Binding the DataObject, that is to say the MSForms.DataObject

    Early and Later Late Binding the DataObject, that is to say the MSForms.DataObject

    MSFORMS, Forms , UserForms
    If you are familiar with Visual Basic generally, then you may know that Windows and Forms and user Forms are the basis technology for most of Microsoft Windows stuff. The DataObject Class is held in the larger class of MSForms , Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library

    Early Binding(… and better later Late Binding while we are at it.)
    Add a UserForm and then remove it
    The library would be required for the Visual Basic Forms , ( typically referred to as UserForms), which have many similarities to the Forms in Visual Basic. They differ in one respect in that the UserForm cannot exist as a standalone program. Whether by coding or manually we use an available .Adding process to get one, in a similar way to that which we must create new worksheets. Part of the .Adding process for a UserForm will add the references to MSForms , Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library.
    Checking the reference
    In the usual way, (Extras) – References(Verweise) - scroll down to Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library -- put checkmark in.
    Note if you cannot find , or it is not there, can add that manually: VBA Editor – Tools(Extras) – References(Verweise) -- Browse -- and find FM20.DLL file under a path similar to C:\WINDOWS\system32, and select it -- Open -- OK.

    Early (and better later Late Binding while we are at it ) Binding Example
    A somewhat detailed example will be given initially, but directly after a much simplified version will be given. What I want to do is to take a range like this:
    cellA1 CellB1
    CellA2 CellB2

    and replace it with this:

    The idea , or way of doing it, using clipboard things is the following: Most things to do with computer software are long strings of characters. Often the actual thing held in a clipboard during a copy / paste action is a such a long string. This is the case for the values across a simple spreadsheet range. In fact the clipboards is one of life’s great mysteries. It is a complicated monster allowing all sorts of things to be transferred around with a simply copy / paste action. I expect it was given up to incorporate it into any simply object embedding Model as once all things were planned to be. What it finally came out to be, is hidden from us. The remnants of the aborted attempts exist as the data object. We find that we can use that to influence the clipboards

    Code example ( Final coding here: )
    You will need these two functions:
    Clear office Clipboard :
    Examine String :

    Get range in, get its string, modify it
    Rem 0
    Early Binding in the standard way
    Rem 1
    The original range above is created in the active worksheet. It is copied.
    Rem 2 Clipboard Data object stuff
    The copy is done be the Excel Range.Copy Method. This is a very commonly done thing, and seems a fairly bullet proof way to ensure that all Clipboards are filled, ( )
    As far as can be humanly determined, the .GetFromClipboard Method in a code of this form will fill one or more registers in the data object, and possibly cause some irritation to other processes causing them to hang up. Whether by design or accident this complements our bullet proof copy process and gives a fairly good chance of us having the long single string text representation of our range in the data object. We can , ( but must not ) , clear our Excel and Office clipboards at this point. ( So simply 'comment out Call ClearOffPainBouton if you have difficulties with this Called routine )
    There is some belief that the DtaObj.GetText() Method returns the string in the data object. It may be more of a text indication of what has been passed, and this can often be that passed during the .GetFromClipboard Method
    Rem 3 uses the referenced routine ( ) to examine how that 2x2 spreadsheet range looks typically in a long string. The actual form can be seen to be
     "CellA1" & vbTab & "CellB1" & vbCr & vbLf & "CellA2" & vbTab & "CellB2" & vbCr & vbLf 
    For convenience, the routine also shows it in a slightly easier to see form:
    & vbCr & vbLf & "CellA1" & vbTab & "CellB1"
    & vbCr & vbLf
    & "CellA2" & vbTab & "CellB2"
    & vbCr & vbLf

    (I have also added here some color here to demonstrate how we might picture the two rows)
    We can see that Excel is apparently recognising vbTab as pseudo a cell wall. ( The vbCr & vbLf combination is a very common way in computer strings to indicate to go back to the start of a new line )
    We do a modification to replace the vbTabs with a “|” which should give us the required example manipulation discussed at the star of this post, pseudo we would imagine then this form to have
    & vbCr & vbLf & "CellA1|CellB1"
    & vbCr & vbLf
    & "CellA2|CellB2"
    & vbCr & vbLf

    We now have our modified string and we need a reverse process to replace the string in the clipboard.

    Reverse process: put modified string in, pate it out
    At first glance, this is straight forward.
    Reverse to method .GetText() is approx method Set.GetText()
    Reverse to method .GetFromClipboard is approx method .PutInClipboard
    For the opposite of .Copy we must use in our case the Worksheet.Paste method, because this uses the Windows clipboard
    In some cases the above will work. It does not always, and indeed in our case it doesn’t. We find that an attempt to do this will fail and we will end up pasting out our original string. Why this is the case is not clear. Similarly un clear is why we could not Clear our test range after .GetFromClipboard: We had to wait until .GetText()
    There appears to be a spaghetti of dependencies meaning the things often don’t get done as we might expect.
    In our case what seems to be putting a spanner in the works is some dependency somewhere. The unpredictability of what form this dependency takes can be seen by the fact that clearing the windows clipboard at this point also messes the simple reverse process from working. This makes no sense at all: Clearly clearing does not always clear things: It may do this in many occasions as one of its actions, but it can also do things which have something near to the opposite effect.
    So the simple reverse action would be
     DtaObj.SetText Text:=strGet:                                                            ' Let strGet = DtaObj.GetText() ' - This always gets the last "addition" ...
    It doesn’t in our case. We find that after these simple reverse steps , although the .GetText() confirms the entry, will not give us finally our modified output paste: We get instead the original. …!!! .. Further, using a function to clear the Windows clipboard would result in no output. It appears that somewhere our original output is held, possibly in the windows clipboard and we can’t overwrite it. If we remove it, we still go back there looking for it. How strange… …!!!

    So far two things seem to make things work as expected. Using either removes the strange effects.
    _ using DtaObj.Clear
    _ starting again with a new object, and using the reverse steps with that.

    There appears to be some mess in the spaghetti of dependencies. I will use the two workarounds, and take it a bit further an Late Bind my second data object: Just an inspired guess to ward off some other problem in the future. ( I maight later consider ending this code with finally scheduling a new code to run the reverse process.. )

    ‘4b) Better later Late Binding
    Probably makes some abstract sense to do things like this: You will find you can’t take off the reference to Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library once you put it on in a file, so there is a good chance that you do your Late Binding Later after Early Binding….
    Later Late Binding
    The usually way is done for Late Binding, ( using the unique Class ID (CLSID) option for the string )
    The three reverse steps are than done.
    Rem 5 ' The third and final step use the Worksheet.Paste method, because this uses the Windows Clipboard ( ) . (It is not clear if it might choose in preference the Excel Clipboard if available, or try to …which might possibly explain that strange behaviour where something was being held in some register assigned to a place for the Excel copy…!!!)


    demo coding here:
    Sub MSFORMS_Early_Copy_and_Later_Late_Binding_Paste()
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 03-03-2019 at 09:23 PM.

  10. #10
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Extra rough notes for my later use and possible additions to this Thread

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 07-29-2021 at 10:37 AM. Reason: Just adding notes for me for later
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    Winston Churchill, 1939
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