So i have the template layout in the picture attached below. I would like to know how to link the Spin button to able to show month by month when i click on the spin button. Here is the formula i have so far, everything working fine except for the chart doesn't link to the spin button. Even though i have created the Name management.

E4 formula : ="Monthly "&E5&" - Audit Sheet Delivery"
data for eat month for LATE row:=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(G3,$A$4:$C$6000,2,FALSE)," ")
Same for On-Time:=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(G3,$A$4:$C$6000,3,FALSE)," ")
Spin button link to cell $E$5

I have created define name for each Month, Late and On-Time and linked it to the chart but it doesn't work. Please point out what i have to do in this case. Also, please show the code on here due to i am new to this. Thanks

Completed Pic.jpg