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Thread: VBA Code: Copy and Paste Range if requirements met

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Jan 2019
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    VBA Code: Copy and Paste Range if requirements met

    Hello dear members,

    this is my first forum post ever on the VBA topic, and i am by no stretch skilled when it comes to programming.

    I wanted a code that copies and pastes a specific range of cells when certain contitions are met. Here is what i got from

    Sub CopyYes()
        Dim c As Range
        Dim j As Integer
        Dim Source As Worksheet
        Dim Target As Worksheet
        ' Change worksheet designations as needed
        Set Source = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
        Set Target = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2")
        J = 1     ' Start copying to row 1 in target sheet
        For Each c In Source.Range("E1:E1000")   ' Do 1000 rows
            If c = "yes" Then
               Source.Rows(c.Row).Copy Target.Rows(j)
               j = j + 1
            End If
        Next c
    End Sub
    As i needed to not copy the entire row of the range c i adjusted the code to give back a selection of cells in the row belonging to c by intersecting:

    If c = "yes" Then
    Intersect(Rows(c.Row), Range("A1:C5000,F1:H5000,R1:V5000")).Copy Target.Rows(j)
    Which works fine, but slow when copying more than 500 ranges.

    This is where i got so far, and just to give people with the same problem some code to try out.

    The next step i need to make is the following:

    I only want those instances of c = "yes" copied, where in the same row of c there is a date in column A that is equal to Month(Now).

    I tried with If And like so:
    If c = "yes" And Intersect(Rows(c.Row), Range("A1:A5000")) = Month(Now) Then
    this code gave me no errors, but it also didnt copy anything. I tried to put these types of dates into A: MM/DD/YYYY, DD/MM/YYYY, MM/DD/YY, DD/MM/YY

    Next i tried this one:

    If c = "yes" And Month(Intersect(Rows(c.Row), Range("A1:A5000"))) = Month(Now) Then
    which gives me runtime error 13, but the debugger does only give me the whole line of code as faulty.

    If anyone has a solution to this, it would be greatly appreciated!

    Special thanks to Doc Alan Elstein for helping me out and suggesting i put up my code on some forum!

  2. #2
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Hi there!

    Welcome here at excelfox.

    The first thing to check is to change …_
    If c = "yes" And Month(Intersect(Rows(c.Row), Range("A1:A5000"))) = Month(Now) Then
    _... to
    If c = "yes" And Month(Intersect(Rows(c.Row), Range("A1:A5000")).Value) = Month(Now) Then

    To explain :
    Most people get in the bad habit of missing that out .Value. ( Even me sometimes Lol!!!!! :-) )

    Using .Value on a range object ( Your Intersect(Rows(c.Row), Range("A1:A5000")) should give you a range object ) ensures that a value is returned rather than the range object. In 99% of the uses of a range object in a code, VBA guesses that you wanted the .Value, so it assumes that and adds it internally. So people get in the habit of missing it out to save a bit of typing.


    The easiest way to take it further if you need more help would be to upload a reduced data test file:

    Prepare a small, reduced row, test data sample of your file, that is to say the worksheet which you copy from. Change any sensitive/ private/ personal data, or just make data up.
    Show an output/after worksheet which you prepare yourself/ fill in manually. That should show exactly the output that you want the coding to give you , based on your data worksheet
    Choose the data carefully so that it tests all possible scenarios.
    You only need a very small number of rows to develop the coding on: You may have noticed that the coding is usually written to work on the data that is there: The coding usually automatically adjusts to work on any amount of rows. But it is a lot easier to develop coding with a small amount of test data, that is to say a small amount of rows.

    We can then get your current code working and possibly suggest some quicker alternatives, such as one I did recently here:


    P.S. it is not obvious the first time around how to upload a file here. Here is some notes on it
    If that proves difficult , then contact me privately and we will find a way for you to give me a file
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 01-30-2019 at 07:59 PM.

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