' String text in Word html.doc
Sub WhatsInIt()
Dim Str As String ' To hold the selected text in word
Let Str = Selection.Text
Call WatchaGotWord(Str)
End Sub
' Modified a bit from here
' Modified to remove Excel Output bits and change ThisWorkbook.Path to ThisDocument.Path for the generated text files
Sub WatchaGotWord(ByVal strIn As String, Optional ByVal FlNme As String) '
'Rem 1 ' Output "sheet hardcopies"
'1b) Array
Dim myLenf As Long: Let myLenf = Len(strIn) ' ' Long is very simple to handle, - final memory "size" type is known (123.456 and 000.001 have same "size" computer memory ) , and so a Address suggestion can be given for the next line when the variable is filled in. '( Long is a Big whole Number limit (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647) If you need some sort of validation the value should only be within the range of a Byte/Integer otherwise there's no point using anything but Long.--upon/after 32-bit, Integers (Short) need converted internally anyways, so a Long is actually faster. )
Dim arrWotchaGot() As String: ReDim arrWotchaGot(1 To myLenf + 1, 1 To 2) ' +1 for header Array for the output 2 column list. The type is known and the size, but I must use this ReDim method simply because the dim statement Dim( , ) is complie time thing and will only take actual numbers
Let arrWotchaGot(1, 1) = FlNme & vbLf & Format(Now, "DD MMM YYYY") & vbLf & "Lenf is " & myLenf: Let arrWotchaGot(1, 2) = Left(strIn, 40)
Rem 2 String anylaysis
'Dim myLenf As Long: Let myLenf = Len(strIn)
Dim Cnt As Long
For Cnt = 1 To myLenf ' ===Main Loop========================================================================
' Character analysis: Get at each character
Dim Caracter As Variant ' String is probably OK.
Let Caracter = Mid(strIn, Cnt, 1) ' ' the character in strIn at position from the left of length 1
'2a) The character added to a single WotchaGot long character string to look at and possibly use in coding
Dim WotchaGot As String ' This will be used to make a string that I can easilly see and also is in a form that I can copy and paste in a code line required to build the full string of the complete character string
'2a)(i) Most common characters and numbers to be displayed as "seen normally" ' -------2a)(i)--
If Caracter Like "[A-Z]" Or Caracter Like "[0-9]" Or Caracter Like "[a-z]" Or Caracter = " " Then ' Check for normal characters
If Not Cnt = 1 Then ' I am only intersted in next line comparing the character before, and if i did not do this the next line would error if first character was a "normal" character
If Not Cnt = myLenf And (Mid(strIn, Cnt - 1, 1) Like "[A-Z]" Or Mid(strIn, Cnt - 1, 1) Like "[0-9]" Or Mid(strIn, Cnt - 1, 1) Like "[a-z]" Or Mid(strIn, Cnt - 1, 1) Like " ") Then ' And (Mid(strIn, Cnt + 1, 1) Like "[A-Z]" Or Mid(strIn, Cnt + 1, 1) Like "[0-9]" Or Mid(strIn, Cnt + 1, 1) Like "[a-z]") Then
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "|LinkTwoNormals|"
End If
End If
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & Caracter & """" & " & " ' This will give the sort of output that I need to write in a code line, so for example if I have a123 , this code line will be used 4 times and give like a final string for me to copy of "a" & "1" & "2" & "3" & I would phsically need to write in code like strVar = "a" & "1" & "2" & "3" - i could of course also write = "a123" but the point of this routine is to help me pick out each individual element
Else ' Some other things that I would like to "see" normally - not "normal simple character" - or by a VBA constant, like vbCr vbLf vbTab
Select Case Caracter ' 2a)(ii)_1
Case " "
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & " " & """" & " & "
Case "!"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "!" & """" & " & "
Case "$"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "$" & """" & " & "
Case "%"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "%" & """" & " & "
Case "~"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "~" & """" & " & "
Case "&"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "&" & """" & " & "
Case "("
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "(" & """" & " & "
Case ")"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & ")" & """" & " & "
Case "/"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "/" & """" & " & "
Case "\"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "\" & """" & " & "
Case "="
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "=" & """" & " & "
Case "?"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "?" & """" & " & "
Case "'"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "'" & """" & " & "
Case "+"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "+" & """" & " & "
Case "-"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "-" & """" & " & "
Case "_"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "_" & """" & " & "
Case "."
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "." & """" & " & "
Case ","
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "," & """" & " & "
Case ";"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & ";" & """" & " & "
Case ":"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & ":" & """" & " & "
Case "#"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "#" & """" & " & "
Case "@"
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & "@" & """" & " & "
' Case " "
' Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & " " & """" & " & "
Case vbCr
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbCr & " ' I actuall would write manually in this case like vbCr &
Case vbLf
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbLf & "
Case vbCrLf
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbCrLf & "
Case vbNewLine
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbNewLine & "
Case """" ' This is how to get a single " No one is quite sure how this works. My theory that, is as good as any other, is that syntaxly """" or " """ or """ " are accepted. But in that the """ bit is somewhat strange for VBA. It seems to match the first and Third " together as a valid pair but the other " in the middle of the 3 "s is also syntax OK, and does not error as """ would because of the final 4th " which it syntaxly sees as a valid pair matched simultaneously as it does some similar check on the first and Third as a concluding string pair. All is well except that the second " is captured within a accepted enclosing pair made up of the first and third " At the same time the 4th " is accepted as a final concluding " paired with the second which it is using but at the same time now isolated from.
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & """" & """" & """" & """" & " & " ' The reason why "" "" would not work is that at the end of the "" the next empty character signalises the end of a string pair, and only if it saw a " would it keep checking the syntax rules which then lead in the previous case to the situation described above.
Case vbTab
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "vbTab & "
' 2a)(iii)
Case Else
If AscW(Caracter) < 256 Then
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "Chr(" & AscW(Caracter) & ")" & " & "
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & "ChrW(" & AscW(Caracter) & ")" & " & "
End If
'Let CaseElse = Caracter
End Select
End If ' End of the "normal simple character" or not ' -------2a)------Ended-----------
'2b) A 2 column Array for convenience of a list
Let arrWotchaGot(Cnt + 1, 1) = Cnt & " " & Caracter: Let arrWotchaGot(Cnt + 1, 2) = AscW(Caracter) ' +1 for header
Next Cnt ' ========Main Loop=================================================================================
'2c) Some tidying up
If WotchaGot <> "" Then
Let WotchaGot = Left(WotchaGot, Len(WotchaGot) - 3) ' take off last " & " ( 2 spaces one either side of a & )
Let WotchaGot = Replace(WotchaGot, """ & |LinkTwoNormals|""", "", 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
If Len(strIn) = 1 Then
' The next bit changes like this "Lapto" & "p" to "Laptop" You might want to leave it out ti speed things up a bit
If Len(WotchaGot) > 5 And (Mid(WotchaGot, Len(WotchaGot) - 1, 1) Like "[A-Z]" Or Mid(WotchaGot, Len(WotchaGot) - 1, 1) Like "[0-9]" Or Mid(WotchaGot, Len(WotchaGot) - 1, 1) Like "[a-z]") And (Mid(WotchaGot, Len(WotchaGot) - 7, 1) Like "[A-Z]" Or Mid(WotchaGot, Len(WotchaGot) - 7, 1) Like "[0-9]" Or Mid(WotchaGot, Len(WotchaGot) - 7, 1) Like "[a-z]") And Mid(WotchaGot, Len(WotchaGot) - 6, 5) = """" & " & " & """" Then
Let WotchaGot = Left$(WotchaGot, Len(WotchaGot) - 7) & Mid(WotchaGot, Len(WotchaGot) - 1, 2) ' Changes like this "Lapto" & "p" to "Laptop"
End If
End If
End If
Rem 3 Output
'3a) String
MsgBox prompt:=WotchaGot: Debug.Print WotchaGot ' Hit Ctrl+g from the VB Editor to get a copyable version of the entire string
'3c) Output WotchaGot string to a text file
'3c)(i) Simple string
Dim FileNum2 As Long: Let FileNum2 = FreeFile(0) '
Dim PathAndFileName2 As String
' Let PathAndFileName2 = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "WotchaGot_in_" & Replace(FlNme, ".txt", "", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare) & ".txt" ' CHANGE path TO SUIT
Let PathAndFileName2 = ThisDocument.Path & "\" & "WotchaGot_in_" & Replace(FlNme, ".txt", "", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare) & ".txt" ' CHANGE path TO SUIT
Open PathAndFileName2 For Output As #FileNum2 ' CHANGE TO SUIT ' Will be made if not there
Print #FileNum2, WotchaGot ' write out entire text file
Close #FileNum2
'3c)(ii) Introduce an "invisible" vbCr & vbLf pair after each seen pair within the string. this will give actual lines in the text file
Let WotchaGot = Replace(WotchaGot, "vbCr & vbLf & ", "vbCr & vbLf" & vbCr & vbLf, 1, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
' Let PathAndFileName2 = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "WotchaGot_in_" & Replace(FlNme, ".txt", "", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare) & "_inLines.txt" ' CHANGE path TO SUIT
Let PathAndFileName2 = ThisDocument.Path & "\" & "WotchaGot_in_" & Replace(FlNme, ".txt", "", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare) & "_inLines.txt" ' CHANGE path TO SUIT
Open PathAndFileName2 For Output As #FileNum2 ' CHANGE TO SUIT ' Will be made if not there
Print #FileNum2, WotchaGot ' write out entire text file
Close #FileNum2
'3c(iii) Number the new introduced actual Liners in the text file
Dim arrIt() As String: Let arrIt() = Split(WotchaGot, vbCr & vbLf, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
Let WotchaGot = ""
For Cnt = 0 To UBound(arrIt())
Let WotchaGot = WotchaGot & Cnt & " " & arrIt(Cnt) & vbCr & vbLf
Next Cnt
' Let PathAndFileName2 = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "WotchaGot_in_" & Replace(FlNme, ".txt", "", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare) & "_inNumberedLines.txt" ' CHANGE path TO SUIT
Let PathAndFileName2 = ThisDocument.Path & "\" & "WotchaGot_in_" & Replace(FlNme, ".txt", "", 1, 1, vbBinaryCompare) & "_inNumberedLines.txt" ' CHANGE path TO SUIT
Open PathAndFileName2 For Output As #FileNum2 ' CHANGE TO SUIT ' Will be made if not there
Print #FileNum2, WotchaGot ' write out entire text file
Close #FileNum2
End Sub