I am trying to create a chart using this formula for the X-Axis section of the SERIES formula:
=OFFSET(INDIRECT("Sheet1!"&ADDRESS(Sheet1!$J$2,3)) ,0,0,Sheet1!$K$2,1)
[*]Column C on my worksheet contains the week's worth of X-axis points[*]$J$2 contains the row number of the first X-value for this particular chart (it's one of 8 to be drawn from the same data)[*]$K$2 contains the number of rows to include in this particular chart's X-Axis
If I enter this formula into a cell, it will evaluate to a 1-row array with the correct values.
If I use this function in a SERIES function, I get an error message that says: "that function is not valid."
I would really appreciate it if someone could explain why my formula isn't working, and how to correct it.
I went back to some earlier projects where I'd successfully used an OFFSET function to define the X-Axis. I noticed that none of them used a formula for the first parameter of OFFSET, and none included an INDIRECT function or an ADDRESS function. Could one of these 3 differences explain things?
Thanks for your help!