Test test
German Telekom around July 2019.
Making a WLAN connection.
Stupidly we never had tried this in the 10 years we have had the router. Instead we had lots of LAN cables, as well as an extra purchased Hub switch to give us more ports in addition to the original 4
With WLAN, we need no cable and seem to be able to have infinite number of computers connected at the same time over the WLAN !!
Often all the 5 green lights on the front of the Router ( German Telekom Speedport W504V Typ A ) are on except the one for WLAN. This needs to be on.
On the back is a switch, ( which does not look like a switch. It looks like a set of simple slits such as normal airing slits. ) Pressing this should make the green WLAN light come on, which indicates that WLAN is activated.
Also, on the back of the router is some info which include unique identifying numbers
Geräte passwort ( not needed ) 83860973
WLAN-Schlüssel: (WPA/WPA2) 3716565511074969
371 656 551 107 4969
3716 5655 1107 4969
It appears that the "WLAN-C1EA31" is what comes up in any list of available connections shown by a computer . The number or password or secret code usually required appears to be that key number, in our case, 3716565511074969. So 3716565511074969 is likely to be needed at some point to be typed in.
These are one possible set of steps to get the WLAN working on a computer with Vista Operating System.
MicrosoftSymbol VerbindungHerstellen.jpg : https://imgur.com/CLLZPAj
VerbindungMitDrahtlos.jpg : https://imgur.com/VpcPx9Y
Verbindung herstellen.jpg : https://imgur.com/I7sc5Us , https://imgur.com/vbvZI0U
From here you can decide whether to
use a configuration switch on the router if available (EinstellenWLAN-C1EA31Abrufen.JPG : https://imgur.com/ibHOmeH ) ,
give the Netzwerkschlüssel/Passphrase. I use here the Schlüssel way:
ChooseSchluesselWay.jpg : https://imgur.com/FMTiOoq
GiveScluessel(GivenOnBackOfRouter).jpg : https://imgur.com/UqykYK3
Verbinden.jpg : https://imgur.com/iQ72gfp
Usually it then connects very quickly
VerbindungMit.WLAN-C1EA31Wirdhergestellt.jpg : https://imgur.com/beP65X6
VerbindungErfolgreich.jpg : https://imgur.com/OX2Jyqx
ThereMayBeAProblem.jpg https://imgur.com/v8RdyA5
Quirky WLAN not working?… - "Repair"… Reset?
A few times, for no reason yet clear to me, WLAN has not worked on a computer. In most cases an apparent failed attempt to "repair" has then resulted in WLAN working.
In one case an unusual pop up told me of an unusual problem and gave me various ways to do a repair. In another case I followed a route something along these lines
RightClickOptionsBottomLeftForWLAN.jpg https://imgur.com/WnAlHkO
Repair WLAN.JPG : https://imgur.com/izeoLfp
Repair WLAN.JPG : https://imgur.com/8W8Ii5B
At the end I was told it was not successful. But after this WLAN suddenly started working normally.
My best guess is that something is "reset" as part of a "repairing" process. This may not have been originally identified as a source of problem and/ or realised as likely to cure one.
German Telekom Changes 5-6 July 2019
German Telekom introduced some changes… See sketch or 1-6 Steps below. ( Step 1 told us that the new system would be enabled on Friday 5th July. On Friday 5th July, approximately at Midday, they told us the new system was turned on. )
20190707_W504V Typ A WLAN.jpg : https://imgur.com/ijqKN7A
20190707_ W504V Typ A WLAN.jpg : https://imgur.com/GSdjNXD
Your router needs to be "IP capable"…
Speedport W504V Typ A is OK ( https://www.telekom.de/hilfe/geraete...amChecked=true )
Speedport W504V OK.jpg : https://imgur.com/WvAIfOf
On Friday 5th July in the afternoon the old system was still working.
I unplugged the system.
I changed the cable arrangement as indicated in the steps 2-3
20190707_ W504V Typ A WLAN.jpg : https://imgur.com/GSdjNXD
Steps 2 - 3.JPG : https://imgur.com/ldThPjP , https://imgur.com/FGn9fEC ,
Steps 2 - 3.JPG
I restarted the router. First all green lights flashed. Finally only the Power and WLAN lights remained green. ( previously on restart, all flashed , then power was green and DSL blinked. Then telephone came on. Then DSL came on constantly. So finally all but WLAN were on ). I restarted again. The same occurred except that also now finally WLAN was not on. So at this point only power is shown as green light on.
After some time, DSL and WLAN came on.
Internet appears still to be working!!
In my Google Chrome browser, I typed in the URL address bar
After a few seconds of
EinrichtenVersuche.JPG: https://imgur.com/h8udCIW ,
I got an error
ErrorAfterEinrichtenVersuche.JPG : https://imgur.com/92u6XYi
On a second attempt, I got
EinrichtenSuccess.JPG : https://imgur.com/Iw24RRe
Einrichten Success.JPG : https://imgur.com/K7P1mJk
(Warum benötige ich keine Zugangsdaten: https://einrichten.telekom-dienste.d.../help/bng-line
Wir haben den Zugang zum Internet für Sie einfacher gemacht:
Früher waren Zugangsdaten nötig, um den Anschluss einzurichten.
Jetzt identifizieren wir Ihren Anschluss sicher über Ihre gebuchte Leitung. Ihr WLAN ist unabhängig davon mit einem Passwort geschützt (Werkseinstellungen des Routers).
Wünschen Sie die automatische Erkennung Ihres Anschlusses nicht, kann diese im Kundencenter (unter Anschluss & Tarif > Internet-Einstellung > EasyLogin) deaktiviert werden. Tragen Sie danach die Zugangsdaten in Ihren Router ein.
Why do I need no access data: https://einrichten.telekom-dienste.d.../help/bng-line
We've made access to the Internet easier for you:
Previously, access data was needed to set up the connection.
Now we can reliably identify your connection via your booked line. Your Wi-Fi is independently password protected (factory settings of the router).
If you do not want automatic detection of your connection, it can be deactivated in the Customer Center (under Connection & Tariff> Internet Settings> EasyLogin). Then enter the access data in your router. )
Einrichten Success Anpassen.JPG : https://imgur.com/qj0nsq7
( https://einrichten.telekom-dienste.de/eafn/#/dashboard
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