Thnx All of u for contributing ur precious time and knowledge for this post
Thnx Alot Have a Great Day
Thnx All of u for contributing ur precious time and knowledge for this post
Thnx Alot Have a Great Day
This:can be replaced wholesale with:Code:Dim Cnt As Long ' Main Loop for all data rows ================================================ ' 3a) ' compare column O is greater or column P is greater For Cnt = 2 To Lr1 Dim Bigger As Double If Ws1.Range("O" & Cnt & "").Value > Ws1.Range("P" & Cnt & "").Value Then ' if column O is greater Let Bigger = Ws1.Range("O" & Cnt & "").Value Else Let Bigger = Ws1.Range("P" & Cnt & "").Value ' if column P is greater End If Dim Rslt As Double ' Let Rslt = Bigger * (0.5 / 100) * Ws1.Range("L" & Cnt & "").Value ' calculate the 0.50% of that and multiply the same with column L '3b) paste the result to sample1.xlsx column Y Let Ws1.Range("Y" & Cnt & "").Value = Rslt Next Cnt ' Main Loop for all rows =======================================================
Code:With Ws1.Range("Y2:Y" & Lr1) .FormulaR1C1 = "=MAX(RC[-10]:RC[-9])*0.005*RC[-13]" .Value = .Value End With
Last edited by DocAElstein; 08-11-2019 at 08:11 PM.
Thnx Doc Sir for the Support and for giving ur Great Guidance to me
Thnx p45cal Sir for giving ur precious time and Great Support to this post
Have a Great Day Sir
Either of these 2 conditions are to result in macro will copy value in column I of sample1.xls to field 2(column B) of text file Sample2.xlsx on a new line:
Condition 1) Only If column K of sample1.xls is greater than Column D of sample1.xls & Column H of sample1.xls is Greater than column K of sample1.xls then Match Column I of sample1.xls with second field values (column B) of Sample2.xlsx & if it is there then do nothing & if it is not present then paste the column I data of sample1.xls to append second field values (column B) of Sample2.xlsx
Condition 2) Only If column K of sample1.xls is lower than Column D of sample1.xls & Column H of sample1.xls is lower than column K of sample1.xls then Match Column I of sample1.xls with second field values (column B) of Sample2.xlsx & if it is there then do nothing & if it is not present then paste the column I data of sample1.xls to append second field values (column B) of Sample2.xlsx
plz see the attached file
Plz Note
All files are located in a different path (So in the macro the path will be hardcoded, Assume any path & I will edit the path manually by myself)
Sheet name can be anything
Macro will be putted in a vba.xlsm
I am looking for a macro that will do the process mentioned below
If column I of 1.xls matches with sheet4 of column B of Alertcodes.xlsx & sheet4 of column D of Alertcodes.xlsx contains this symbol > then put SHORT in column J of 1.xls
If column I of 1.xls matches with sheet4 of column B of Alertcodes.xlsx & sheet4 of column D of Alertcodes.xlsx contains this symbol < then put BUY in column J of 1.xls
Plz Note
All files are located in a different path (So in the macro the path will be hardcoded, Assume any path & I will edit the path manually by myself)
Sheet name can be anything
Macro will be putted in a vba.xlsm
So plz have a look & take ur time
Thnx For ur Great Help
Solution is mostly already here:
Note errors in question…
Excel files have rows and columns
Either of these 2 conditions are to result in macro will copy value in column I of sample1.xls to column 2(column B) of text file Sample2.xlsx on a new line:
Condition 1) Only If column K of sample1.xls is greater than Column D of sample1.xls & Column H of sample1.xls is Greater than column K of sample1.xls then Match Column I of sample1.xls with second column values (column B) of Sample2.xlsx & if it is there then do nothing & if it is not present then paste the column I data of sample1.xls to the next free row of column (column B) of Sample2.xlsx
Condition 2) Only If column K of sample1.xls is lower than Column D of sample1.xls & Column H of sample1.xls is lower than column K of sample1.xls then Match Column I of sample1.xls with second column (column B) of Sample2.xlsx & if it is there then do nothing & if it is not present then paste the column I data of sample1.xls to the next free row of second column (column B) of Sample2.xlsx
The main adjustments to the previous macro are removing a lot of stuff associated with importing and remaking the text file. The basic logic remains the same
_____ Workbook: Sample1.xls ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )
Worksheet: Sample1 5June
Row\Col A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Exchange Symbol Series/Expiry Open High Low Prev Close LTP 2 NSE ACC EQ 1295.83 1310 1280.25 1270.2 1310 17388SHORT 1308.793 NSE ADANIENT EQ 151.5 154.9 150 148.35 155 100SHORT 153.0154 NSE ADANIPORTS EQ 329.26 336.35 326 323.8 331 15083BUY 325.9675 NSE ADANIPOWER EQ 39.6 40 37.75 36.4 39 25SHORT 39.2046 NSE AMARAJABAT EQ 636.3 655.7 630 614.6 600 22SHORT 629.937
_____ Workbook: sample2.xlsx ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )
Worksheet: sample2 9June
Row\Col A B C D E F G H I J K 1 NSE 101010 6< 12783A GTT 2 NSE 22 6< 12783A GTT 3 NSE 17388 6< 12783A GTT 4 5 6
Run Macro
New macro here:
_____ Workbook: sample2.xlsx ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )
Worksheet: sample2 9June
Row\Col A B C D E F G H I J K 1 NSE 101010 6< 12783A GTT 2 NSE 22 6< 12783A GTT 3 NSE 17388 6< 12783A GTT 4 1005 256
sample1.xls :
sample2.xlsx :
vba.xlsm :
Where are your “After” ???
You have not given me after results to check against… Remember to do that always please.
So if the results are not exactly what you want , then you will have to modify the macro yourself.. I can only go by your description / explanation. ( Often your explanations are in error - your discriptions often have mistakes in them, so a before and after is important)..
If column I of 1.xls matches with sheet4 of column B of Alertcodes.xlsx & sheet4 of column D of Alertcodes.xlsx contains this symbol > then put SHORT in column J of 1.xls
If column I of 1.xls matches with sheet4 of column B of Alertcodes.xlsx & sheet4 of column D of Alertcodes.xlsx contains this symbol < then put BUY in column J of 1.xls
__ If column I of 1.xls matches with sheet4 of column B of Alertcodes.xlsx Then..
___ look at symbol in column D, 4th worksheet of AlertCodes.xlsx for that matched row in column D, 4th worksheet of AlertCodes.xlsx
____ If symbol is > then put SHORT in column J of 1.xls for the matched row
____ If symbol < then put BUY in column J of 1.xls for the matched row
_____ Workbook: AlertCodes.xlsx ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )
Worksheet: Sheet4
Row\Col A B C D E F G H I J K L 1 NSE 1270 6< 12536A GTT 2 NSE 22 6> 1517A GTT 3 NSE 25 6< 34425A GTT 4 NSE 15083 6> 3855A GTT 5 NSE 17388 6< 6531A GTT 6 NSE 100 6< 164875A GTT 7 NSE 236 6< 164875A GTT 8
_____ Workbook: 1.xls ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )
Worksheet: 1-Sheet1 (2)
Row\Col A B C D E F G H I J 1 Exchange Symbol Series/Expiry Open High Low Prev Close LTP 2 NSE ACC EQ 1295.83 1310 1280.25 1270.2 1288 223 NSE ADANIENT EQ 151.5 154.9 150 148.35 151.4 254 NSE ADANIPORTS EQ 329.26 336.35 326 323.8 331 150835 NSE ADANIPOWER EQ 39.6 40 37.75 36.4 39.3 173886 NSE AMARAJABAT EQ 636.3 655.7 630 614.6 655.2 1007 NSE ASIANPAINT EQ 1689.435 1711.9 1681.5 1683.1 1694.75 2368 NSE AMBUJACEM EQ 189.882 195.65 189.4 191.55 189.7 12709
After running macro here:
_____ Workbook: 1.xls ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )
Worksheet: 1-Sheet1 (2)
Row\Col A B C D E F G H I J K 1 Exchange Symbol Series/Expiry Open High Low Prev Close LTP 2 NSE ACC EQ 1295.83 1310 1280.25 1270.2 1288 22SHORT 3 NSE ADANIENT EQ 151.5 154.9 150 148.35 151.4 25BUY 4 NSE ADANIPORTS EQ 329.26 336.35 326 323.8 331 15083SHORT 5 NSE ADANIPOWER EQ 39.6 40 37.75 36.4 39.3 17388BUY 6 NSE AMARAJABAT EQ 636.3 655.7 630 614.6 655.2 100BUY 7 NSE ASIANPAINT EQ 1689.435 1711.9 1681.5 1683.1 1694.75 236BUY 8 NSE AMBUJACEM EQ 189.882 195.65 189.4 191.55 189.7 1270BUY 9
AlertCodes.xlsx :
1.xls :
Vba.xlsm :
Last edited by DocAElstein; 06-16-2020 at 01:26 PM.
Problem Solved
Thnx Alot Doc Sir for helping me in solving this problem Sir
Moderator Notice...
Here we go again cycle number 3 , slightly different strategy, posting almost the same question in a few cross posts, then juggling around , passing given macros from one place to the other to give the impression of having done something himself.....
Code:Sub STEP4() Dim wb1 As Workbook, ws1 As Worksheet Set wb1 = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\WolfieeeStyle\Desktop\1.xls") Set ws1 = wb1.Worksheets.Item(1) Dim arrWs1() As Variant: Let arrWs1() = ws1.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Value2 Dim Lr1 As Long: Let Lr1 = UBound(arrWs1(), 1) Dim arrS1() As Variant Let arrS1() = ws1.Range("A1:J" & Lr1 & "").Value Dim WbA As Workbook, WsA4 As Worksheet Set WbA = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\WolfieeeStyle\Desktop\Files\AlertCodes.xlsx") Set WsA4 = WbA.Worksheets.Item(4) Dim RwCnt4 As Long: Let RwCnt4 = WsA4.Range("A" & WsA4.Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row Dim arrWsA4() As Variant: Let arrWsA4() = WsA4.Range("A1:K" & RwCnt4 & "").Value2 Dim ClmB() As Variant: Let ClmB() = WsA4.Range("B1:B" & RwCnt4 & "").Value Dim Cnt As Long For Cnt = 2 To Lr1 Dim MtchRes As Variant Let MtchRes = Application.Match(arrWs1(Cnt, 9), ClmB(), 0) If IsError(MtchRes) Then Else If arrWsA4(MtchRes, 4) = ">" Then Let arrS1(Cnt, 10) = "SHORT" ElseIf arrWsA4(MtchRes, 4) = "<" Then Let arrS1(Cnt, 10) = "BUY" Else End If End If Next Cnt Let ws1.Range("A1:J" & Lr1 & "").Value2 = arrS1() wb1.Save wb1.Close End Sub
This is the Macro
I have to add one more condition in this macro
If it doesn't match then put delete word
Plz let me know if sample file is required?
Thnx For the Help
Last edited by DocAElstein; 07-09-2020 at 08:35 PM.