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Thread: Copy and Paste based on comparisons/Match and calculations of cells in two workbooks

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    Copy and Paste based on comparisons/Match and calculations of cells in two workbooks

    Moderator notice.
    After going around in circles at a few other forums for a year or two , and despite multi registration duplicating cross posting tricks , the OP , Avinash came here and started again.
    After going around in circles here , 11 months and 3 bans later we are starting again as I write this, … here for example:

    The total waste of time caused by the OP is arising through an apparent inability, or deliberately trying not to, read or understand anything what so ever of what anyone does for him, with the possible exception of looking for a macro in a post , copying it and possibly running it. If that macro then does not do what he wants ( which he often does not know himself or might change erratically as time goes on ) , he posts any rubbish in a reply , then…
    He will usually , read or understand nothing what so ever of what anyone does for him, with the possible exception of looking for a macro in a post , copying it and possibly running it. If that macro then does not do what he wants ( which he often does not know himself or might change erratically as time goes on ) , he posts any rubbish in a reply , then…
    He will usually , read or understand nothing what so ever of what anyone does for him, with the possible exception of looking for a macro in a post , copying it and possibly running it. If that macro then does not do what he wants ( which he often does not know himself or might change erratically as time goes on ) , he posts any rubbish in a reply , then…

    He will usually , read or understand nothing what so ever of what anyone does for him, with the possible exception of looking for a macro in a post , copying it and possibly running it. If that macro then does not do what he wants ( which he often does not know himself or might change erratically as time goes on ) , he posts any rubbish in a reply , then…

    He will usually , read or understand nothing what so ever of what anyone does for him, with the possible exception of looking for a macro in a post , copying it and possibly running it. If that macro then does not do what he wants ( which he often does not know himself or might change erratically as time goes on ) , he posts any rubbish in a reply , then…

    _... and so on…
    Eventually, whether or not he gets what he wants he will post some canned reply like…“Thx for great help and ur precious time „..,“ problem solved Sir… „

    Then later very likely, here , or somewhere else, or more likely at several places, the whole thing will start again…

    He rarely makes any progress and mostly goes around in circles.
    I am not sure if he does it on purpose or is insane or he just a total dim pig shit for brains. I expect a bit of all of those….

    ( Avinash Singh : )

    .... and now he has started again at Eileen's Lounge again, - he came here after getting banned there, now he is starting there again
    this guy should be on the stage

    My files name
    If column E of target1.xlsx matches with column A of target2.xlsx then look column O of target1.xlsx is greater or column P of target1.xlsx is greater, whichever is greater calculate the 0.50% of that and multiply that with column K of target1.xlsx and paste the result to target2.xlsx from column C(if column C has data then column D and if column D has data then column E and so on...) the result should be in minus means whatever is the result put minus sign in that along with result
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 07-08-2020 at 10:16 PM.

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