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Thread: Check if file is already open

  1. #1
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    Check if file is already open

    I use the code below to open up my XLSX file - How can I check if the file is already open - I keep track of the names of the files in a two column multi-select Listbox - column 0 is the name of the file and column 1 is the path to the file.

    For ii = 0 To LBDataWorkbook.ListCount - 1
            If LBDataWorkbook.Selected(ii) Then
                   Workbooks.Open FileName:=LBDataWorkbook.List(ii, 1) & LBDataWorkbook.List(ii)
           End if
    Next ii
    Also - How do you add file headers in a listbox - I can set the property to on - but cannot figure how to get the text into the headers
    Last edited by Rasm; 11-23-2011 at 03:43 AM.
    xl2007 - Windows 7
    xl hates the 255 number

  2. #2
    Member littleiitin's Avatar
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    In a Module:
    Function IsFileOpen(FileName As String)
        Dim iFilenum As Long
        Dim iErr As Long
        On Error Resume Next
        iFilenum = FreeFile()
        Open FileName For Input Lock Read As #iFilenum
        Close iFilenum
        iErr = Err
        On Error GoTo 0
        Select Case iErr
        Case 0:    IsFileOpen = False
        Case 70:   IsFileOpen = True
        Case Else: Error iErr
        End Select
    End Function
    Refrence: Here


    If In sheet1 from Range("A1")

    Paste below Data:

    FileName Address Status
    abc.xlsm C:\XYZ
    pqr.xls C:\XYZ

    On form:
    Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click()
        Dim lngCounter  As Long
        Dim strAddress  As String
        For lngCounter = 0 To lstFileAddress.ListCount - 1
            strAddress = lstFileAddress.List(lngCounter, 1) & "\" & lstFileAddress.List(lngCounter, 0)
            If lstFileAddress.Selected(lngCounter) Then
                If Not IsFileOpen(strAddress) Then
                    Range("TempRange").Find(lstFileAddress.List(lngCounter, 0)).Offset(, 2).Value = "Close"
                    Range("TempRange").Find(lstFileAddress.List(lngCounter, 0)).Offset(, 2).Value = "Open"
                End If
            End If
        Unload Me
    End Sub
    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
        Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Offset(1).Resize(Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count - 1, Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Columns.Count - 1).Name = "TempRange"
        With lstFileAddress
            .ColumnHeads = True
            .ColumnCount = 2
            .RowSource = "TempRange"
            .MultiSelect = fmMultiSelectMulti
            .ListStyle = fmListStyleOption
        End With
    End Sub
    Last edited by littleiitin; 11-23-2011 at 09:42 AM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    In respect to item 2 - I have tested your code - works great - But is there a way to place a text string into the header of the Listbox - I basically fill the values into mylistbox using the FileDialog - so it is a list of files that I then add to the List box with the .additem property for the first column (name of excel file) and .list(i,1) is the path of that file. But I would like to add the headers "FileName" & "Filepath" without reading a range or region from my sheet.
    Below is my code to get the selection of files that I then add into the listbox

    Sub UseFileDialogOpen(ByRef SltFile() As String, ByVal MuliSelect As Boolean, ByRef strPath As String)
        With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
            .InitialFileName = strPath
        End With
        With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
            If MuliSelect Then
                    .AllowMultiSelect = True
                    .AllowMultiSelect = False
            End If
            ' Display paths of each file selected
            ReDim SltFile(.SelectedItems.Count)
            For i = 1 To .SelectedItems.Count
                SltFile(i - 1) = .SelectedItems(i)
            Next i
        End With
    End Sub
    xl2007 - Windows 7
    xl hates the 255 number

  4. #4
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    I have now extracted code that illustrate what I am trying to do - figured that was easier for you - see attachment - simply click the commandB with the 3 little dots - now select a folder that has Excel files - do a multiselect. The first listbox is now being populated - but no header - hehehe - if you now select from the first listbox it will open that sheet and populate the second listbox - again - I am trying to get headers added. You can scroll the listboxes to see the second column - contains the path.
    Your help is much appreciated

    PS Ignore my references to a default_settings sheet - that is where I store the last selections by the user - this is really an add-in - but I saved it as a XLSM file. I save my last selection that way rather than writing to the registry - do you have comments on that - it actually works well. As you can see I am a hacker.
    Last edited by Rasm; 11-24-2011 at 04:08 AM.
    xl2007 - Windows 7
    xl hates the 255 number

  5. #5
    Member littleiitin's Avatar
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    Hi Rasm,

    In listbox there is no option to insert string in header. There is only one way to make header.

    In your Case I suggest, Make headers false and top of the list boxes using labela you can give the headers.

    in place of "List Boxes" use "List View"

    Good to know that you are Hacker.:o


  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Thanks - I was using Listview - but switched as Listview is not stable. But thank you anyway.
    xl2007 - Windows 7
    xl hates the 255 number

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