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  1. #121
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    OpenVPN VPN on older computers with Operating systems XP and Vista

    Some notes to be added to in preparation for a Tutorial Thread…
    See here for more detailed intro and SoftEther :

    OpenVPN VPN on older computers with Operating systems XP and Vista

    Introduction / Comparison with SoftEther
    Skip reading this if you have not read the previous posts concerning SoftEther and XP/Vista, ( )
    I have experienced much more consistent results and less problems with OpenVPN compared with SoftEther on my older computers with Operating systems XP and Vista. Problems are mostly limited to minor inconveniences or very minor irritations. In short: it most always seems to work!
    The main points to note:
    _ There is a specific older version of the Client installing software recommended to use for XP. The newer versions are not expected to work with XP
    _ In my experience, the older version should also be used for Vista: Theoretically the newer versions should work with Vista, but there appears to be a problem installing the TAP Adaptor. ( In my experience the newer versions work OK for Windows 7 and above )
    _ The main difference in the Client Software is that you will likely need some extra information, configuration files, from your provider for each Server which you want to use.
    This information, which is required for the OpenVPN solution, needs to be placed in your computer in an appropriate way after the main OpenVPN Client Software instillation

    Introduction/ Recap
    The “thing” enabling your access to the internet, ( the “box” connected to your telephone cable, or the thing in your favorite Coffee bar giving you free internet access), has an identifying number, the “IP address”)
    By virtual private network (VPN), in very simplified terms, we are talking here about making it seem to everyone, except very qualified and resourceful computer sources, as if the computer that you are using is somewhere else.
    We can use our existing Operating software, or commercially and/ or freely available software , ( often referred to as “Client” software) , or a combination of both, to do something called VPN tunneling. In simple terms the software is used to organize and encrypt what you send to and what you receive from, a Server elsewhere. It does that in such a way that the Server sends and receives as if it had sent itself from that Server: Think of it as you digging a tunnel from your house to the Server. Then you somehow make a connection possibility through various cables from your computer via the tunnel to the Server. You organize the connection such that you can both
    use the server as a normal computer surfing the internet,
    then send back what the Server receives from the internet to your computer via the encrypted connection in the tunnel.
    OpenVPN is a freely available software which is part of a “intermediate level” type solution: (Very broadly speaking, there are 3 main ways to get a solution to do this VPN stuff
    _ a “low level” solution: In Windows you can set up VPN using existing operating system things, if you know what you are doing.
    _ a “high level” solution: Download and install all encompassing “App” provided by a VPN provider. Then click the button do what you want.
    _ An intermediate solution, requiring some external software, but also requiring some understanding of your operating system in order to get it working like a an “App”
    )In the context of things VPN, a “Client” is only loosely defined. It broadly is referring to the software part of the final VPN tunneling solution that is on the user’s computer

    Sign up to a provider/ Obtain access to other Servers
    Regardless of how you want to do VPN, you need to get access to one or more Servers. The usual way is to register an account with a company providing this Service: The Service is Basically allowing you access to either their Servers, or the Servers that they have access to for the purposes of providing VPN possibilities.
    If you intend using OpenVPN Client software, then there are 4 important things you will most likely need to obtain from your chosen provider. These things you need in order to set up connection possibilities using the OpenVPN Client software:
    _ Username ( This may be a single Username, or may be several depending on how the particular provider organizes use of his product ) ;
    _ Password ( This may be a single Username, or may be several depending on how the particular provider organizes use of his product ) ;
    _ A Server internet address for each Server you want to use ;
    _ A configuration file for each Server you want to use . ( Typically this is like a small text file, but has the .ovpn extension, ( ) Some providers will therefore, as an alternative, tell you what information is in such a file for a specific Server. You then make this file yourself as a simple text file, and finally change the extension on the final file from .txt to .ovpn )

    Working example. VPN and OpenVPN client
    A general explanation of using a VPN is of little practical use, since the organization of internet and associated network systems within computers, in windows, is an imprecise jumbled up mess. I will report on a practical working example from start to finish. The example will use the provider They have a free and paid service which from the perspective of the initial setting up is similar. But note that the configuration files are only available for the paid service from

    I will cover the operating systems of XP, Vista in the next few post. Later I may cover newer operating systems.

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 11-18-2021 at 10:37 PM.

  2. #122
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Example of VPN with OpenVPN in Operating System XP

    Example of VPN with OpenVPN in Operating System XP

    For OpenVPN use, We have broadly speaking two things to do.
    _Part 1 The Client instillation to make the GUI available on our computer
    _ Part 2 …further work not directly in the GUI to make the GUI have connection possibilities for one or more Servers

    Part 1
    Installing OpenVPN Client Software

    Download and Open/run this software:
    The installation process is standard and straight forward, typically 6 steps: ,
    But some things to note :
    Step 3: The instillation should also install the required TAP adaptor, if you do not already have one of the type required.
    Make sure at this Step of the instillation that the option is checked to Install this TAP adaptor, ,
    If the instillation intends to create the required TAP adaptor, you may see a pop up warning about problems, , , !!! !!! . I have often seen these warnings, but so far have never experienced problems which I have been able to trace back to this “compatibility” issue. So I have always just continued the instillation at this point,
    You can check to see if the instillation of the TAP adaptor takes place
    _ By observing the representations of your various adaptors in the Network Connections Console, before and after the instillation ( See here for info about getting to Network Connections Console in XP )
    Before OpenVPN Instillation: , Attachment 2548Attachment 2549

    After OpenVPN Instillation , Attachment 2550Attachment 2551
    _ In addition . if things have gone OK, then you should see two new entries in Control panel ---- Software .
    Navigate to Control Panel: ,
    Then select something like Software or Add or Remove Software ,
    Step 4 : make a note of the URL path of the Install location. You will need to go there later for the extra work required after the instillation.
    ( You can copy it from the URL bar as it is highlighted ). Typically the default location is something like C:\Programme\OpenVPN or C:\Program\OpenVPN . You can also choose a different location by manually typing it or via the Browse… button. Note that you do not need to include the last bit , \OpenVPN , as this is always added. If you do include this, then your last part of the URL will look like this: \OpenVPN\OpenVPN ) I chose for this example an untypical place, in this a case a few folders down in my desktop: C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Alan\Desktop\VPN\OpenVPN Client\OpenVPN

    The instillation is finished at this point, but there is further work to do….
    You can run by using the Client General User Interface, GUI. To use the OpenVPN GUI, double click on the desktop icon or start menu icon which should have been created by the instillation . This starts the OpenVPN Client software. The OpenVPN GUI is a what is known as a “system-tray applet”, so an icon for the GUI will now appear in the lower-right corner of the screen. It should be a small grey rectangle with a padlock on at this stage,
    Right click on this system tray icon, and a menu should appear. But you will only see the options of Settings… and Exit , … …but…there is further work to do , such that other options become available to allow you to select ( if you set up more than one Sever connection ) the Server you want, and then to make the live connection
    Finally you would see something like this when right clicking on the system tray icon:
    For one Server : ,
    For more than one Server , ,
    _...But there is further work to do to get that far

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 11-18-2021 at 10:39 PM.

  3. #123
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Example of VPN with OpenVPN in Operating System XP

    Part 2 Setting up connection to Server possibilities
    OpenVPN Connection Setting Parameters

    In preparation for this work you need
    _ (i) You need to know the location of the OpenVPN Folder , \OpenVPN , as discussed in Step 4 of the instillation
    _ (ii)a) The internet address , ( supplied by your provider ) , of all the Servers that you wish to make a connection to. As example, a server in Berlin Germany used by the VPN provider ( ) , has an address of . You may or may not specifically need this directly, depending on how your provider organizes supplying you with all the information that you need, but is likely to be useful in any case for later reference.
    _(ii)b) Configuration files for all the Servers that you wish to make a connection to. These you do specifically need when using the OpenVPN Client software. Typically, for each Server, this is like a small text file, but has the .ovpn extension, ( instead of the usual .txt extension. ) These files can be created , opened and viewed using a simple text editor, but simply need to be saved with the .ovpn extension. Some providers will therefore, as an alternative, tell you what information is in such a file for a specific Server. You then make this file yourself as a simple text file, and finally change the extension on the final file from .txt to .ovpn
    _ (iii) key/certificate file. This will likely be a text file either made yourself, or supplied by your VPN provider, or a combination of both. In most cases this will contain some sort of information in the form of a Username and a Password .

    OpenVPN Connection Setting Parameters obtaining them
    The information, and way to get it, for (ii) and (iii) , may vary from provider to provider.
    As a working example, consider that I want this information from the provider such that I can set up a connection possibility using OpenVPN Client software , to their Server located in Berlin, Germany.
    ( organize that you get partially (ii) and (iii) together).

    I will need to have registered an account, and will log in.
    I have a list of their server locations, and alongside the Server location for Berlin, Germany , I have the internet address , ,
    Clicking on + more details , , will give you the option of obtaining OpenVPN Configuration , for example , for windows
    The download consists of a Zipped folder containing two files.
    The zipped folder can be saved anywhere. Download anywhere you like :
    It needs to be unzipped , and finally the files must be saved in a specific place.
    But initially , I would recommend saving it to some other place , such as somewhere where you store such files as a backup.
    The exact steps to do this may vary a little depending on how you handle zipped files in your XP. Here is a set of steps I take to finally save the two files in a Folder named OpenVPN config files. ( I was able to create this folder during the unzipping, the after clicking the Browse… ( Durchsuchen…) in one of the following screenshots)
    Download anywhere you like :
    Unzip : , , ,
    If you view the two files in a text editor you will see something like this:
    The config file, Berlin.ovpn in this example , is in its final state, and no further action on it is required.
    The file userpass.txt , is a “key/certificate file”. Currently, for the provider , the first line is given as your account Username , and you may need to change that. The second line is a Password which you currently need to edit to your account password. are currently in the middle of changing how they organize which password you use, so for this information you should check with them if you choose as your provider.
    For other providers, they may have other ways to organize the key/certificate file and possibly also the config file
    So, before proceeding to the next steps, you need to have those 2 files in the required format. If in doubt, check with your provider.

    ( A note of warning here for the case of provider:
    _T he config files are generated when you obtain them.
    _You are automatically logged out after a short time, although you can still navigate around the site, so it may appear that you are still logged in.
    _ A check is probably made of if you are still logged in when you attempting to download config files. If you are logged out, the downloads process still works … but the download Folders are empty!

    To overcome this problem, simply download fairly quickly after logging in, or refresh the page before downloading.

    Including Connection Parameter Setting into your computer
    This step basically is just copying initially the final two files to the correct location which is where OpenVPN Client is expecting to find them. This will make one server available, in the current example, the Server used by in Berlin, Germany.
    The correct location is a folder with the name config , which should be seen in the location that you chose in step 4 of the instillation.
    So now copy the two files to that folder
    At this point, if all has gone well, then you now see by right clicking on the system tray some more options including one to make a connection,

    Subsequently , to have more than one Server available, you repeat the steps so far, except that you ignore the further copies of userpass.txt which are downloaded: In the final location, you just require a single appropriately edited text file with the name userpass.txt
    So in our example, the correct location for one correctly edited text file, userpass.txt , and one or more Server config files is a Folder with the name config within the Folder named OpenVPN in the path used in the instillation.
    So you should have the two initial Files and any further config files at that location:
    In this example, I have an untypical place, in this a case a few folders down in my desktop
    …………………\Desktop\VPN\OpenVPN Client\OpenVPN\config

    Having copied the initial two files there, if I now right click on the grey rectangle padlocked symbol in the system try below, I see this:
    If I repeat for another Server, say for a Server in Frankfurt, Germany, the set up steps , ( ignoring any more downloaded userpass.txt files ) , then I now see that I have similar extra options for each Server : ,

    You effectively have now the tunnels built and connections ready to be used.

    Connecting to a VPN connection: Hiding. “Launch” the “Applet”
    This next step is what VPN is all about: being able to “hide” with a few mouse clicks. In order to do that we need to connect up to one of the “tunnel” links which we have set up: The steps up until now have set up the various wiring required to make such a connection to a couple of Servers.

    The OpenVPN software application that we are using is a so called “system-tray applet”. Once installed, an OpenVPN icon will normally be present on your desktop, , and double clicking on it will “start”/”launch” the “Applet” ( If you click once on the desktop item and drag the desktop item towards the Microsoft symbol/ Start button, bottom left, then the icon will also appear in the start menu. You can then click once on the icon there to “launch” the “Applet” , ).
    Once launched, a right click on the small grey padlocked rectangle will show the options.
    Click at the desired Server location on “Connect” ,
    Once the connection has been successfully established, the OpenVPN icon turns green, and you may see for a very short time a small pop up coming from the system tray icon indicating the allocated IP address. ( The IP address shown will likely start with 10. - , IP address in 10.x.x.x private range belongs to internal range, which is allocated to you for the current connection that you have made. It is used for internal routing.
    To most people, your IP addressee now gives the indication that you are at the Server you chose to “hide behind”
    ). Most likely you will not notice this pop up, but more likely see another one for a longer period indicating that OpenVPN Client has successfully connected.

    That is it … you are “hidden” – most people will think that your computer is at the location you chose!

    Ref !!! ,
    'Logo Incompatibility by OpenVPN xp Install.doc' ( Help File ) :

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 11-18-2021 at 10:27 PM.

  4. #124
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Problems and Problem Solving with OpenVPN in XP

    Problems and Problem Solving with OpenVPN in XP
    I have rarely experienced any serious problem.
    Problems encountered with OpenVPN are mostly the general problems associated with VPN or anything which is involved with adjustments to how your computer is connected to the internet.
    The final problem is often not the VPN, but your normal internet connection which has been adversely effected by it: VPN clients are one of many things that can cause Internet connection problems.
    In very general terms, such problems are mostly solved by doing various resetting type adjustments.

    Think of it as like you have an old b/w television which you have got to give a good picture on a particular day on a particular channel.
    Another day you try a different channel. You then spend a lot of time on your house roof with the Arial positioning, fiddle around with various cables, switches on the television, you might turn the television on and off , and possibly take the back off the Television and use various tools to adjust things. You will probably need to repeat these exercises and probably the working solution is rarely the same, even if you are trying to do the same thing on the television on another day! After a while you develop an instinct for what you need to do, and usually can get the thing working as you want, but can't give an exact set of instructions that would always work…..

    The list of trouble shooting below I will add to from time to time as I get more experience. The order of the solutions are approximately in the order that they should be done, but you may need some combination of all of them.
    _1) Using internal offered Microsoft diagnosing and problem solving..
    Microsoft themselves have noticed the hap hazard occurrences and possibly have an approximate idea of the likely solutions at any one time. When problems occur, various options to repair may appear, or are added to a list of options in other menus which you are likely to use in the course of the associated internet activity.
    Here for example , in the system tray the icon for one my usually internet connections ( non VPN ) occasionally shows a yellow warning triangle when my internet no longer works. This occurs mostly when I have recently been doing something with VPN. If I right click on the icon , my list of options may be different to those usually there, and often in such cases, an extra option for Diagnose and/ or repair is given. What option I finally get seems to vary and the success of them also varies. But this is often the easiest to try.
    _2) reset IP/TCP to automatic
    Get the Network Connections Console up, as described in previous sections. Here is an example of one of my xp computers:
    Right mouse click on the representation of your internet, in my example the WLAN connection to my house Router:
    After Right mouse clicking, select Properties in the List of options which should have come up.
    Look in the list for things of the IP and / or TCP nature. Most likely there will be one for something like Internetprotokoll TCP/IP, , which is currently ticked
    Left mouse click on the text to the right of the ticked box.
    Then click on the Properties button. Selecting the Properties button should bring up a second Window. Typically you will see in such a window radio buttons selected which indicate of some form of automated selection,
    ( If this Properties button is grayed out, then you may need to disable/deactivate the connection, or possibly close something else. A pop up might advise you on what action should be taken, when initially you left mouse clicked on the representation of your internet in the Network Connections Console.
    If , instead of automatic options selected, you see something like this: , then this is likely the cause of your strange internet problem.
    If you change the settings to automatic, them typically your internet will immediately start working as normal.
    3) De activate / Re activate adaptor.
    Get the Network Connections Console up, as described in previous sections. Here is an example of one of my xp computers:
    Right mouse click on the representation of your internet, in my example the WLAN connection to my house Router:
    After Right mouse clicking, Select Deactivate/Disable . Wait a few seconds. Select Activate/Enable
    4) Restart your computer and/ or restart your Router or device which provides you with internet.

    Some other notes when using.
    I would recommend closing and restarting the Client software when wanting to change to a different location. This is only a few extra mouse clicks, does not take long, and seems to increase the chances of a successful connection and reduced the chances of problems later.

    Ref !!! ,
    'Logo Incompatibility by OpenVPN xp Install.doc' ( Help File ) :

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 11-23-2019 at 01:00 PM.

  5. #125
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Last edited by DocAElstein; 11-22-2019 at 03:24 PM.

  6. #126
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    Last edited by DocAElstein; 11-22-2019 at 03:25 PM.

  7. #127
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Example of VPN with OpenVPN in Operating System Vista

    Example of VPN with OpenVPN in Operating System Vista

    For OpenVPN use, We have broadly speaking two things to do.
    _Part 1 The Client instillation to make the General User Interface , GUI available on our computer. ( The Open VPN Client software that we are using results finally in a “system tray applet”: finally, once it is run/launched/, we have our GUI as a pop up when we further click on a small icon bottom right in the small ribbon below, “the system tray”)
    _ Part 2 …further work not directly in the GUI to make the GUI have connection possibilities for one or more Servers

    Part 1
    Installing OpenVPN Client Software

    Download and Open/run this software:
    The installation process is standard and straight forward, typically 6 steps, in the so called “Install wizard” windows type progression: ,
    ##At this point, you might consider making a simple text file for later reference. . The License notes here may be of less interest , but later some things such as file storage location can be useful to have. Note, you can easily copy the entire contents of an instillation window in one go , by selecting inside the window with text in , and then using the keys

    It is important to make sure that the virtual Network adaptor, TAP Virtual Ethernet Adaptor , is checked. Make sure at this Step of the instillation that the option is checked to Install this TAP adaptor,
    ( You can check after the instillation is finished to see if the instillation of the TAP adaptor takes place
    _ By observing the representations of your various adaptors in the Network Connections Console, before and after the instillation ( See here for info about getting to Network Connections Console in Vista )
    Before OpenVPN Instillation: , , , ,
    There are 3 adaptors currently present before OpenVPN Instillation: 2 are my normal internet connection possibilities to my Router via WLAN ( Drahtlosnetzwerk ) or a fixed LAN RJ45 cable. The third, hide.meVPN-VPN Client , is the connector created in the previous experiments with SoftEther VPN ( )
    After OpenVPN Instillation the situation should be , ,
    _ In addition . if things have gone OK, then after the instillation is finished , you should see two new entries if you navigate something like Control panel --- Program or software --- Software or Add or Remove Software ,
    _4 make a note of the URL path of the Install location. You will need to go there later for the extra work required after the instillation. You can copy it from the URL bar as it is highlighted, . Typically the default location is something like C:\Programme\OpenVPN or C:\Program\OpenVPN . You can also choose a different location by manually typing it or via the Browse… button. You can also add a folder via the Browse window,
    Note that you do not need to include the last bit , \OpenVPN , as this is always added. If you do include this, then your last part of the URL will look like this: \OpenVPN\OpenVPN. I chose for this example an untypical place, in this a case a few folders down in my desktop: C:\Users\elston\Desktop\VPN\OpenVPN\OpenVPNClient\OpenVPN ,
    Later , after the instillation you can find other information in text editor readable form at this location , , and finally there will also be logs of attempts to make a working connection to servers,

    When you have chosen the location, hit Install to continue
    The installing of the software should then take place, . At some point , the TAP adaptor should be installed also , and you will likely be asked to confirm that you want it.
    _5 The install is completed I would recommend making a copy of the install details as shown in the Install Wizard window in the text file## if you have started one for all the various details. ( Click in the inner window, hit keys Ctrl+a followed by Ctrl+c to copy all the contents easily in one go, then paste into your text file )
    _6 Finish ,
    The instillation is finished at this point, but there is further work to do….

    You can run by using the Client General User Interface, GUI. To use the OpenVPN GUI, double click on the desktop icon or start menu icon which should have been created by the instillation . This starts the OpenVPN Client software. The OpenVPN GUI is a what is known as a “system-tray applet”, so an icon for the GUI will now appear in the lower-right corner of the screen. It should be a small grey rectangle with a padlock on at this stage,
    Right click on this system tray icon, and a menu should appear. But you will only see the options of Settings… and Exit , … …but…there is further work to do , such that other options become available to allow you to select ( if you set up more than one Sever connection ) the Server you want, and then to make the live connection
    Finally you would see something like this when right clicking on the system tray icon:
    For one Server : ,
    For more than one Server , ,

    _...But there is further work to do to get that far

    Ref !!! ,
    'Logo Incompatibility by OpenVPN xp Install.doc' ( Help File ) :

    Share ‘Okt 2023 Config’
    Share ‘Okt 2023 Legacy config’

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    Last edited by DocAElstein; 10-18-2023 at 12:58 PM.

  8. #128
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Example of VPN with OpenVPN in Operating System Vista

    Part 2 Setting up connection to Server possibilities
    OpenVPN Connection Setting Parameters

    In preparation for this work you need
    _ (i) You need to know the location of the OpenVPN Folder , \OpenVPN , as discussed in Step 4 of the instillation
    _ (ii)a) The internet address , ( supplied by your provider ) , of all the Servers that you wish to make a connection to. As example, a server in Berlin Germany used by the VPN provider ( ) , has an address of . You may or may not specifically need this directly, depending on how your provider organizes supplying you with all the information that you need, but is likely to be useful in any case for later reference.
    _(ii)b) Configuration files for all the Servers that you wish to make a connection to. These you do specifically need when using the OpenVPN Client software. Typically, for each Server, this is like a small text file, but has the .ovpn extension, ( instead of the usual .txt extension. ) These files can be created , opened and viewed using a simple text editor, but simply need to be saved with the .ovpn extension. Some providers will therefore, as an alternative, tell you what information is in such a file for a specific Server. You then make this file yourself as a simple text file, and finally change the extension on the final file from .txt to .ovpn
    _ (iii) key/certificate file. This will likely be a text file either made yourself, or supplied by your VPN provider, or a combination of both. In most cases this will contain some sort of information in the form of a Username and a Password .

    OpenVPN Connection Setting Parameters obtaining them
    The information, and way to get it, for (ii) and (iii) , may vary from provider to provider.
    As a working example, consider that I want this information from the provider such that I can set up a connection possibility using OpenVPN Client software , to their Server located in Berlin, Germany.
    ( organize that you get partially (ii) and (iii) together).

    I will need to have registered an account, and will log in.
    I have a list of their server locations, and alongside the Server location for Berlin, Germany , I have the internet address , ,
    Clicking on + more details , , , will give you the option of obtaining OpenVPN Configuration , for example , for windows ,
    The files , may need some editing , and are finally required on a specific location.
    The download consists of a Zipped folder containing two files,
    I would recommend that you download initially to a convenient place, rather than directly to where they must be finally. This is advantageous
    _a A back up
    _b There can be problems making any necessary modifications at the final required location, so it is best to do all editing before copying the file or files to the required location.
    I chose something like
    ……….. Desktop\OpenVPN\hide me config files\
    In other words, on my desktop, I have a Folder named OpenVPN , and within that I have a sub folder named hide me config files
    So save the file somewhere,
    It now needs to be unzipped. The exact steps to do this may vary a little depending on how you handle zipped folders in your Vista. On my Vista computers, simply copying the contents of the zipped Folder and pasting the contents into any folder will unzip them automatically. Typically I paste the contents into the Same Folder as where I have the original zipped Folder

    The config file, Berlin.ovpn in this example , is in its final state, and no further action on it is required.
    The file userpass.txt , is a “key/certificate file”. Currently, for the provider , the first line is given as your account Username , and you may need to change that. The second line is a Password which you currently need to edit to your account password. are currently in the middle of changing how they organize which password you use, so for this information you should check with them if you choose as your provider.
    Here is the edited userpass.txt that I require to use provider on my Vista computer: ( remember to save this filem after editing, )
    For other providers, they may have other ways to organize the key/certificate file and possibly also the config file
    So, before proceeding to the next steps, you need to have those 2 files in the required format. If in doubt, check with your provider.

    ( A note of warning here for the case of provider:
    _T he config files are generated when you obtain them.
    _You are automatically logged out after a short time, although you can still navigate around the site, so it may appear that you are still logged in.
    _ A check is probably made of if you are still logged in when you attempting to download config files. If you are logged out, the downloads process still works … but the download Folders are empty!

    To overcome this problem, simply download fairly quickly after logging in, or refresh the page before downloading.

    Including Connection Parameter Setting into your computer
    This step basically is just copying initially the final two files to the correct location which is where OpenVPN Client is expecting to find them. This will make one server available, in the current example, the Server used by in Berlin, Germany.
    The correct location is a folder with the name config , which should be seen in the location that you chose in step 4 of the instillation.
    So now copy the two files to that folder

    At this point, if all has gone well, then you now see by right clicking on the system tray some more options including one to make a connection,

    Subsequently , to have more than one Server available, you repeat the steps so far, except that you ignore the further copies of userpass.txt which are downloaded: In the final location, you just require a single appropriately edited text file with the name userpass.txt
    For example, to add Frankfurt, Germany to the Severs available to me:

    Just to recap: The correct location for one correctly edited text file, userpass.txt , and one or more Server config files is a Folder with the name config within the Folder named OpenVPN in the path used in the instillation. ( the two folders, config , and OpenVPN , were created by the OpenVPN Client instillation )
    So you should copy the two initial Files and any further config files to that location:
    In this example, I have an untypical place, in this a case a few folders down in my desktop
    …………………\Desktop\VPN\OpenVPN Client\OpenVPN\config
    Finally I should see these files in the config folder ( and also in my initial saved back up location ) :
    Having firstly only copied the initial two files in the config folder , if I right click on the grey rectangle padlocked symbol in the system try below, I see this:
    If I repeat for another Server, say for a Server in Frankfurt, Germany, the set up steps , ( ignoring any more downloaded userpass.txt files ) , then I now see that I have similar extra options for each Server : ,

    You effectively have now the tunnels built and connections ready to be used.

    Connecting to a VPN connection: Hiding. “Launch” the “Applet”
    This next step is what VPN is all about: being able to “hide” with a few mouse clicks. In order to do that we need to connect up to one of the “tunnel” links which we have set up: The steps up until now have set up the various wiring required to make such a connection to a couple of Servers.

    The OpenVPN software application that we are using is a so called “system-tray applet”. Once installed, an OpenVPN icon will normally be present on your desktop, , and double clicking on it will “start”/”launch” the “Applet” ( If you click once on the desktop item and drag the desktop item towards the Microsoft symbol/ Start button, bottom left, then the icon will also appear in the start menu. You can then click once on the icon there to “launch” the “Applet” , ).
    Once launched, a right click on the small grey padlocked rectangle will show the options.
    Click at the desired Server location on “Connect” ,
    Once the connection has been successfully established, the OpenVPN icon turns green, and you may see for a very short time a small pop up coming from the system tray icon indicating the allocated IP address. ( The IP address shown will likely start with 10. - , IP address in 10.x.x.x private range belongs to internal range, which is allocated to you for the current connection that you have made. It is used for internal routing.
    To most people, your IP addressee now gives the indication that you are at the Server you chose to “hide behind”
    For example, connect Frankfurt:
    Double click on the OpenVPN desktop icon
    Right click on the grey rectangle that appears bottom right in the system tray
    Left click on Frankfurt , and then left click on Connect
    A window should come up showing you what is being done in the connect attempt , , and if all has gone well, a small pop up will appear for a short time confirming the connection and showing the IP address allocated to you for internal routing by your provider,
    ( You can also see the successful connection details if you hover over the green rectangle with the cursor, , )

    That is it … you are “hidden” – most people will think that your computer is at the location you chose!
    For example, visit any of the internet sites which claim to show you your IP address and physical location , and you should see that they are fooled into thinking you are at a location near the Server that you connected to:

    As a last step, I would recommend copying the log information for the first few successful connections. This could be useful to compare with logs later if you have unsuccessful attempts connection.
    The information could get a bit a bit difficult to see in a text file: A useful alternative would be to copy the log information to the column of an Excel file. This can be done in a few simple steps,
    Open an Excl file, and
    Open the text file,
    select anywhere in the text file,
    and use the Keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+A Ctrl+c , to copy the entire text file to the Clipboard ,
    Select the cell in Excel at which the text file lines should start,
    Paste in , or keyboard shortcut Ctrl+v
    Save the Excel file


    Last edited by DocAElstein; 11-18-2021 at 10:43 PM.

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    Problems and Problem Solving with OpenVPN in Vista

    Problems and Problem Solving with OpenVPN in Vista
    I have rarely experienced any serious problem.
    Problems encountered with OpenVPN in Vista that I have experienced are mostly the general problems associated with VPN or anything which is involved with adjustments to how your computer is connected to the internet.
    The final problem is often not the VPN, but your normal internet connection which has been adversely effected by it: VPN clients are one of many things that can cause Internet connection problems.
    In very general terms, such problems are mostly solved by doing various resetting type adjustments.

    Think of it as like you have an old b/w television which you have got to give a good picture on a particular day on a particular channel.
    Another day you try a different channel. You then spend a lot of time on your house roof with the Arial positioning, fiddle around with various cables, switches on the television, you might turn the television on and off , and possibly take the back off the Television and use various tools to adjust things. You will probably need to repeat these exercises and probably the working solution is rarely the same, even if you are trying to do the same thing on the television on another day! After a while you develop an instinct for what you need to do, and usually can get the thing working as you want, but can’t give an exact set of instructions that would always work…..

    The list of trouble shooting below I will add to from time to time as I get more experience. The order of the solutions are approximately in the order that they should be done, but you may need some combination of all of them.
    _1) Using internally offered Microsoft diagnosing and problem solving..
    Microsoft themselves have noticed the hap hazard and seemingly random occurrences and possibly have an approximate idea of the likely solutions at any one time. When problems occur, various options to repair may appear, or are added to a list of options in other menus which you are likely to use in the course of the associated internet activity.
    Here for example , in the system tray the icon for one my usually internet connections ( non VPN ) occasionally shows a yellow warning triangle when my internet no longer works. This occurs mostly when I have recently been doing something with VPN. If I right click on the icon , my list of options may be different to those usually there, and often in such cases, an extra option for Diagnose and/ or Repair is given. What option I finally get seems to vary and the success of them also varies. But this is often the easiest to try.
    Note that you may find that new options for diagnosing/repairing after you choose an initial Diagnose/Repair option

    Do not try to make any conclusions too quickly on any solution that you find to any internet problem.
    The following is just one of many solutions to a problem that has come up.
    A few of my computers were working OK, a couple via VPN , the others using my normal internet connection without VPN. One computer which was working OK via normal internet without VPN suddenly gave an internet error, ,
    This particular computer has been extremely reliable for many years, and I rarely had any internet error, until I started using VPN: Since then I occasionally get errors of this nature, but the errors rarely are exactly the same.
    I clicked on Diagnose on system tray
    This gives me a set of options The option Neue IP-Einstellungen für den Netzwerkadaptor “LAN-Verbindung” automatisch ermitteln , ( Automatically detect new IP settings for the network adapter "LAN connection" ) is a good one usually, which I don't get offered often, and when I get it and take it, it often brings my internet back to life.
    But it did not work this time. After this I was just told to connect all the adaptors , . This does not help, as the LAN cable, my normal internet cable connection for this computer, was connected properly as it had been for many years!!!
    So I tried the Diagnose option on the adaptor representation in Network Connections Console,
    This told me that there was a problem with My Router , . So restarted the Router I and took the option to check if this Router resetting had been successful after restarting my router. On clicking the option to tell me if that had worked, it gave me another option, to rested the adaptor , , but I did not take it since all was OK
    A few minutes later all my other computers which were still connected reset themselves so that internet was working on the as previously. One exception was a Notebook with XP operating system, which had been connected to VPN using the SoftEther / VPN way discussed in earlier posts. Despite many attempts at all the reported workarounds, VPN via the SoftEther / VPN proved impossible for a few days on this particular computer following this incident.

    _2) Reset IP/TCP to automatic
    Get the Network Connections Console up, as described in previous sections. Here is an example of one of my Vista computers:
    2_1_) Right mouse click on the representation of your internet, in my example the WLAN connection to my house Router:
    2_2_) After Right mouse clicking, select the option of Properties in the List of options which should have come up.
    2_3_) Look in the list for things of the IP and / or TCP nature. Most likely there will be one or two checked with something like Internetprotokoll TCP/IP,
    Left mouse click on the text to the right of the ticked box.
    2_4_) After left mouse clicking , select the Properties button
    Selecting the Properties button should bring up a second Window. Typically you will see in such a window radio buttons selected which indicate of some form of automated selection.
    ( If this Properties button is grayed out, then you may need to disable/deactivate the connection, or possibly close something else. A pop up might advise you on what action should be taken, when initially you left mouse clicked on the representation of your internet in the Network Connections Console.
    If , instead of automatic options selected, you see something like these: , , then this is likely the cause of your strange internet problem.
    If you change the settings to automatic, them typically your internet will immediately start working as normal.
    3) De activate / Re activate adaptor.
    Get the Network Connections Console up, as described in previous sections. Here is an example of one of my Vista computers:
    Right mouse click on the representation of your internet, in my example the WLAN connection to my house Router. After Right mouse clicking, Select Deactivate/Disable , . Wait a few seconds. Then select Enable/Activate ,
    4) Restart your computer and/ or restart your Router or device which provides you with internet.

    Some other notes when using.
    I would recommend closing and restarting the Client software when wanting to change to a different location. This is only a few extra mouse clicks, does not take long, and seems to increase the chances of a successful connection and reduced the chances of problems later.


    Last edited by DocAElstein; 11-18-2021 at 10:44 PM.

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    Last edited by DocAElstein; 11-23-2019 at 01:46 AM.

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