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    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Windows 10 and Office Excel

    Re: Appendix Thread. ( Codes for other Threads, HTML Tables, etc. )

    . I would like to use this Thread as an Appendix for codes in other Threads so as to help reduce clutter in that Thread should the code be a bit long, or not directly relevant.
    . Also as HTML code is on in this Test Sub Forum I would like to reference HTML Tables should I wish to use them in answering threads

    @ Moderators, Administrator:
    . I hope the above is OK to do and if so please do not delete this Thread. ( Or advise if I should post my "Appendix" somewhere else ( If possible where HTML code is on ) )
    . Many Thanks

    Edit January 2020
    This thread is being re-used now for some notes on Windows 10 and Excel iE 4A EJ aG Eq jg
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 07-10-2023 at 07:25 PM.

  2. #2
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Excel and Windows 10

    My approach
    These notes are based on the following ideas and opinions and will influence the approach:
    Windows 10 is a bad thing. I would rather it did not exist. But I can’t stop it, and it will influence a lot of Microsoft Software that I like to use. So I need to know about it and have access to it, and make some extent to keep it under control. I will do this legally. But I expect I will need to use sometimes the very same techniques that the bad people do in order to be able to do what I have a right to do. I have already experienced this in the method I have to use to activate the legal software that I have from Microsoft. This trend will increase in Windows 10, since my first impression is that it is an all out fight from day 1 to stop the software taking over you and attempting to suck you dry.

    Start point.
    My start point will be currently an older computer, reconditioned that has had Windows 10 installed by someone who knows what they are doing and has done that re conditioning and has given me the instillation DVD. ( )
    I have start somewhere, and I am very reluctant to start with a new computer, since there are almost certainly deals with Microsoft and the computer manufacturer which will sabotage any attempts you may try to make at taming the Windows 10 beast inside.
    Since part of the strategy of Microsoft has been to lure people into updating their previous systems , there are various measures taken to make this possible, and you have a better chance to control the beast if you utilise the instillation discs and processes that have made available to assist in this updating.
    Think of it as like a beast that can’t swim on the other side of river and he wants to eat you. He may help you try to build a way to cross the river. You may be able to use that help to your advantage, and avoid being eaten , even if you do go on the other side of the river.

    Divide up the Hard drive disc: “Partitioning” the main internal Hard Drive disc.
    *Partition or partitioning, is the name given to the process which makes a single HDD behave similar to two separate HDDs
    Why do it?
    I think this is almost always a good idea. Especially when you have a new computer.
    Typically if you look at the explore window for the computer, you will see possibly a small D: thing, which already may be using a very small part of the main physical drive as a small partition, and you will possibly also see a DVD disc drive if you have one, as well as any USB sticks which you may have connected to your computer at that time.
    But most noticeably, you will see typically that your main C: thing, is taking up all the space on your main HDD, but is only currently using a small part of it.
    Lots of space on your C drive.jpg
    C Drive lots of space.JPGC Drive lots of space.JPG

    For me, a possible final goal will be to have both
    _ a “Dual boot system”, ( ) , with Windows 10 being there for if I must use it, and a different operating system as the standard one on the computer ;
    _ I would also like to investigate the various repair / recovery / back up options.

    For a dual boot system , it generally seems to be necessary to have a “separate part” for each operating system. This means either a separate physical internally integrated hard disc, or a single physical internally integrated hard disc which is organised such that two parts behave very similar to two separate physical discs. In other words they are “partitioned”.
    ( Partition is the name given to the process which makes a single HDD behave similar to two separate HDDs *)

    For the various documented repair / recovery / back up options, sometimes a part of the hard disc is used. I will try to avoid this, if possible, as I think I do not have too much free space to play with: The hard drive is fairly small by what I think are today’s standards, it was given as 250GB HDD in the sales info. Looking at the “My Computer” explorer window it was showing me that 190GB were free from a total of 232GB. ( A few bits of free software had been pre installed, not much.)

    In later versions of Windows, it seems that the partitioning can be done quite easily using the internal windows user available control software. Most people seem to take this option. There are many free instructions on this. Here are a few tutorials and web site links:

    _ ……………………

    Using Windows user available control system management software to partition HDD

    Under later windows versions, such partitions can be easily created and edited even after installing the operating system. It seems that most people are using this method. As it is offered by Microsoft and made very easy to do I am a bit suspicious. But for now I will do it.
    ( (External Software might do it a bit better:
    If I have understood correctly, the common way offered by Windows 10 of doing it is pretty good.
    If you alternatively use some other good established external software, then you may be able to do it a bit better. The reason for this is because without windows running you can shift everything, and so can shrink a bit better: If you use the way offered by Windows 10 , then some bits of software that are in use can’t be shifted too well – as the old saying goes …”You can’t shift a Rake while ya standing on it”…
    One talks about “non shiftable” data ,
    To get the external software to work you are likely going to need to do stuff like interrupt your computer starting and get it to start up from something like an external DVD. So it is a bit more difficult.. …( see for example , in the Video list in the next post: 8 GParted SOFTWARE Windows 7 und 10 Partitionen verwalten + verkleinern - GParted - nicht verschiebbare Dateien-wMmkPSJAtdg_Tuhl Teim DE Tuhl Teim DE ( software ) ( sound )
    ) )

    _……………………… ………… continued in next post E8 7d im R_ A0 CM Rj
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 07-11-2023 at 12:27 PM. Reason: Imgur Links corrected

  3. #3
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Using Windows user available control system management software to partition HDD

    Under later windows versions, such partitions can be easily created and edited even after installing the operating system. It seems that most people are using this method. As it is offered by Microsoft and made very easy to do I am a bit suspicious. But for now I will do it.

    Find the management control console.
    You need initially to get at the controlling / managements software. Once you have the Disk manager Window open , the complete Partition process can be done very quickly…

    If you are familiar with earlier Windows versions you will probably have had some experience navigating in an “explorer” type way to these sort of things.
    Microsoft seem to be changing / moving in a direction backwards/ sideways or just moving / changing for the sake of it. It seems to be getting generally less intuitive to find these sort of user available control things.
    Instead you are faced with pretty smart phone type App pictures and small pretty square icons.
    You need to train yourself not to get lost in their newer pretty interfaces.

    Never mind.. There are a few ways to find the Disc manager window / control console that you need...
    _ (i) Semi - Navigating way
    **Hit the Microsoft symbol bottom left, and look for a small search bar or search window. **You may already have a search bar bottom left or somewhere else
    Type in something like , Control , Sytemsteuerung , or Management or similar .
    A window of some form, or blue / white / light blue outline with some options may come up bottom left. Try to find something that eventually looks like the sketches below…..
    You may have an in between stop and see a window that you may recognise as the Sytemsteuerung/Control panel start window. You could try there top right in the search bar typing in something of the form of Management / verwaltung / Administration.

    You are finally trying to find the window below, going by the name of something like
    Festplattenpartitionen erstellen und formatieren
    Create and format disk partitions
    Disk Management

    Semi Navigate To Disk Management.jpg
    Disk Management.jpg
    Disk Management.jpg

    _ (ii) Command window way.
    Hit [Microsoft Symbol key] + [Key R]
    Type in compmgmt.msc then [OK]
    That should bring up a Computer Management Window from which you can probably find the option to click to get the Disk Management Window
    Computer Management.jpg

    _ (iii) Right click on Microsoft Symblol..
    Right click on the Microsoft Symbol, bottom left, then look for an option like Disk Management
    Right Click Start Disk Management.jpg :

    _(iv) Right click on This PC symbol , for example from the left hand side of the typical File explorer, then select Disk Manage
    Right Click on This PC Manage.jpg

    Once you have the Disk manager Window open , the complete Partition process can be done very quickly… Basically we want to split up / divide the C drive, , but we don’t want to damage stuff on it. What we can often do is to shrink it…..

    Shrinking / Reduce Volume ( of main partition )
    This is most likely the next step. This is the main in built feature which simplifies partitioning, allowing such partitions to be easily created even after an operating system has been installed
    Assuming that you have a main large partition, ( most likely indicated by C: ) , this can be reduced, and so making available “free space” on the HDD
    Right click on this, and select something like Reduce/Shrink Volume
    Reduce Volume.jpg :

    That is likely to take between a few seconds to a few minutes, and you should resist the temptation to do anything whilst it is being done
    Eventually you will be offered the largest that is available to have “free” after. You can reduce that, in other words have less available, and consequently leave more space on the original partition, ( which you are about to reduce in size). The amount that you are offered seems to be quite a bit less than was shown as “free available” on the original partition. Presumably some allowance has been made so that you do not cripple the computer by leaving it not enough “room” to “work in”
    Reduce Volume Offer.jpg :
    For my first attempt, I will go with the offered values.
    To Summarise what I had and am getting after the reduction
    My HDD was somewhere in the region of 230GB-250GB, and most of that seemed to be as typical on the ““ C: ” drive”.
    An indication was given that I had about 190GB “free”. So presumable about 50GB had been used for the Operating System and a few other things that were pre installed.
    On attempting to shrink the ““ C: ” drive” , I was offered up to about 110GB, leaving the original ““ C: ” drive” at about 130GB

    On clicking on reduce/shrink , you may need to wait a while, and once again, you should resist the temptation to do anything whilst it is being done. Finally you should see something of this form:
    Reduced Volume.jpg

    ( In that last screenshot the ““ D: ” drive” is actually a USB stick connected to the computer. )

    The partitioning is not quite finished yet. At this stage the C: is now in its final new state, but the extra new space is now like a “wasteland”. It is not recognised as anything. It won’t show up on any typical explorer window.
    You now have to right click on the newly shown area and select something like, New Simple Volume
    New Simple Volume.jpg :

    After that, the steps are fairly self explanatory, and initially I ignore most options which would be for more advanced stuff
    Generally you would
    _ Accept the suggested shrinked size
    Accept Shrink suggestion.jpg :
    _ Choose a new letter for the drive, I chose V ,
    Chose V.jpg
    _ Chose to Format as is the default option. ( You can do this later, but for a simple first attempt I take the suggested option )
    ( At this stage you can also name the new drive. I chose OS 2 , as initially I am proposing to use the new drive for a second Operating System )
    Chose to format.jpg

    ( If you have the time, it might be worth unclicking the quick Formatting. I am not sure exactly what the difference is, but there have been suggestions that it might check for damage / and or be more thorough in completely wiping any information off: It seems that in general, Formatting my not quite completely “wipe clean”. It may “tidy” or “clean away” and make ready for new use. Some professionals recommend using software to completely wipe clean, before formatting. )

    _ As far as I know that is all I need to do. This bit of the original , ( C: in our case) , is now effectively seen as a separate entity, the “V: entity”, or “V: drive”. ( It is still physically on the same drive as C: )
    What is now effectively the C: drive, cannot directly use the new volume. It can only manipulate it in a similar way to how it can manipulate and control other storage things, such as external USB sticks. As far as C: is concerned, it is just another storage device. So doing something like installing software on the C: will not directly do anything to the V: entity. This should go a long way to help prevent that a virus effecting C does not get so easily at the V: . It will not completely guarantee it, but it is less likely since most viruses find there way from things via the internet. The internet has no direct way to get at the V: when the V : is not in use.

    So finally I seem to have the following results, summarised approximately:
    C: 125GB
    V: 105GB

    C and V partitions.jpg :
    C and V drives.jpg :
    C and V.jpg :

    C and V.JPG

    As always, the various numbers seem to approximately tie up. In this case I have approximately “split” an original 230GB into 125GB + 105GB
    I think a ball park figure for an operating system and a few bits of software such as Microsoft Office seems to need about 20-40GB, so hopefully I can later use my new 105GB V: partition for that purpose.


    Two “drives”? Significance
    What we have now is a single physical HDD which is separated into two main areas. The main significance of this, as far as I know, is that not all things can be done by one on the other.
    Most importantly, if we have an operating system on one part, as we still do in our case on the C: drive” , then the other V: drive” is mostly seen as simple storage thing. So the operating system is limited in what it can do to it.
    ( The word “drive” is used a bit loosely and is possibly a poor choice of wording since both are on the same actual physical HDD. It also should not be confused with Drivers , which we discus in the over over next post and is a completely different thing. )
    At this point we have not gained much. We could just as well have left things as they were and connected an external storage device such as a simple USB stick.
    The important advantage comes about because most usually, an integrated internal HDD is required in a computer to allow instillation and to run an operating system. Now, as far as the computer is concerned, it “sees” effectively 2 integrated internal HDDs
    We can , for example, install a second Operating System on the new “ V: drive”.
    So we still could say , so what?? –
    The best way to think of that is to compare it as if in a vehicle we have two independent engines.
    Engines and computer operating system are both complicated things. There is a lot to go wrong. But there is much less chance of a problem arising that would simultaneously cause serious damage to both engines, especially if we are only using one, that is to say, only have access to one, at a time.
    This comparison can be applied directly to an operating system which may get a bug, or be corrupted when in use, for example as the result of a virus or other malicious attack from the internet.
    It is not completely impossible that some malicious attack or virus might be able to damage both “drives”, but it is much less likely than being possible to damage the one that is in use.
    Other advantages, are that one healthy operating system might be able to assist in some process to repair should the other operating system become damaged or corrupted

    Other advantages for me are that I would like to have an older stable operating system which I am familiar with alongside the possibility to have the newest supported operating system to help “keep in touch” and for the cases when only one operating system will work for some particular requirement.

    One thing that could of course cause problems in both operating system is if the actual physical HDD fails. We do not actually have physically two separate HDDs , even though often one tends to use the word “drive” or “drives

    In the over over next posts I will look at doing “Back up” things in preparation for installing or re installing operating systems on either of , ( our now 2 ) main “drives”
    In the over next post I will add from time to time Tutorial info related to partitioning
    In the next post is a short set of instruction to reverse the partitioning process done in this post.

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 09-04-2021 at 01:29 PM. Reason: Change Imgur links

  4. #4
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Reverse the process. Restore full extent of partitioned drive

    Reverse the process
    2 simple steps is all that is needed using the Windows user available control system management to undo what we just did.
    _ 1 Delete the volume we just created:
    Delete Volume.jpg :
    Delete Volume.JPG

    The volume is then back in its "Not assigned" state. Because it has not been assigned it no longer is shown in the typical explore computer window, but the original ( C: in our case) drive is still limited to the shrunk size:
    C Still Shrunk.jpg :
    C Still Shrunk.JPG

    The "empty" space is now spare, it is no longer being seen as an effective separate entity.
    _ 2 extend the volume
    One final step effectively extends the C: space back to enclose most of the available space on this physical drive. Right click on the still shrunk bit and chose the option to extend:
    Exten Volume.jpg :
    Extend Volume.JPG

    A "Wizard" Window comes up , and if you leave all the default options and keep clicking "Next" then you will end up back at the situation before we started doing any partitioning.
    Back to original non partitioned situation.jpg .
    Back to original non partitioned situation.JPG
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 01-29-2020 at 07:26 PM.

  5. #5
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Youtube Partition Windows 10 *** German ***

    I have collected some links to Youtube Tutorials on Windows 10 Partitioning. It may not be complete since the internet is flooded with info.
    I have tried to order them in an approximate order of usefulness: Very approximately the number at the left is a 1 to 10 rating, so the first few should give you most of the information.

    There is the standard You tube internet link, and also a link to a copy of the video in Windows Media Player, .WMV format.
    I personally found it useful to put all the .WMV files in a folder, then if you select them all , you can right click and select something like Play, and then you will get a repeating continuous long play of all the videos without adverts. I left this running in the background on an old computer for a few days whilst I did something else, so I slowly picked up all the information without too much effort.
    Highlight all WMV videos Right click Play.jpg :


    9 Windows 10 Festplatte_SSD - Partitionen löschen + formatieren + neu anlegen-_vr5_FYVVwc_Tuhl Teim DE Tuhl Teim DE ( sound )

    9 Wie man seine Festplatte NICHT partitionieren sollte bei Windows 10 - HDD oder SSD - [4K]-vC7HHJrAOno_Tuhl Teim DE Tuhl Teim DE ( sound )

    8 GParted SOFTWARE Windows 7 und 10 Partitionen verwalten + verkleinern - GParted - nicht verschiebbare Dateien-wMmkPSJAtdg_Tuhl Teim DE Tuhl Teim DE ( software ) ( sound )

    8 Windows 10 neue Partition erstellen Tutorial _ Partition auf genutzter Festplatte einrichten-iT7UOXYOOZA_KreativEcke KreativEcke ( sound )

    7.5 Windows 10 SSD / Festplatte aufräumen + säubern - Datenmüll beseitigen - Windows schneller machen Tuhl Teim DE ( sound )

    7.5 Festplatte formatieren und partitionieren unter Windows 10 _ Neue Partitionen erstellen-W-xsNVkKixA_KreativEcke KreativEcke ( sound )

    7.5 Festplatten unter Windows 10 partitionieren und Festplattenfehler nach Windows Installation beheben.-MRzLzSt8uBs_lizengo lizengo ( sound )

    7 TUTORIAL-TOWN.DE - WINDOWS 10 - PARTITIONEN LOESCHEN-mntXHyuRFQc_Andre Herzog Andre Herzog ( sound )

    7 Verwalten von Partitionen in Windows 10--jqLCq740kw_Dell Deutschland Dell Deutschland ( sound )

    7 Windows - Partitionen verkleinern und erweitern mit Fortschrittsanzeige-iePwNZf14Wc_eKiwi-Blog Tutorials eKiwi-Blog Tutorials ( sound )

    7 Wie man seine Festplatte NICHT partitionieren sollte bei Windows 10 - HDD oder SSD - [4K]-vC7HHJrAOno_Tuhl Teim DE Tuhl Teim DE ( sound )

    6.5 Windows 10_ Festplatten oder SSD einfach partitionieren-3d0neQtk30g_SeiboldSoft SeiboldSoft ( sound )

    6 Festplatten Partition erstellen und löschen unter Windows-UDKeg5MXihE_Maxico Anleitungen und Tutorials Maxico Anleitungen und Tutorials ( sound )

    6 Festplatte formatieren und partitionieren unter Windows 10 _ Neue Partitionen erstellen-W-xsNVkKixA_KreativEcke.wmv

    5 Festplatte formatieren - schnell und einfach in Windows 10-ysAjBiq23-k_jubadoo jubadoo ( sound )

    5 Festplatte partitionieren - Partition mit Windows 10 erstellen-MrCd3d1hi4U_jubadoo jubadoo ( sound )

    5 Festplatten unter Windows 10 partitionieren und Festplattenfehler nach Windows Installation beheben.-MRzLzSt8uBs_lizengo

    4-- PROBLEM with download -- Wie man seine Festplatte NICHT partitionieren sollte bei Windows 10 - HDD oder SSD - [4K]-vC7HHJrAOno_Tuhl Teim DE Tuhl Teim DE ( sound )

    3 Eine Festplatte partitionieren in Windows 10 - zwei oder mehr Volumes erstellen-YR06XmfwyO0(1)_von wegen intuitiv! von wegen intuitiv! ( sound )

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 01-31-2020 at 03:35 PM.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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  6. #6
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    We are still in the development of computing. I guess one day something smaller than a DVD will be stuck in your computer and everything will work first and every time.

    In the early days you got your computer, a lot of manuals to read and a pile of disks.
    You had to put the dusk in one after the other in a particular order and things got added into the computer at specific times in specific places. The first few discs could loosely be regarded as the operating system discs. Towards the end were discs adding things like…
    _ the software specifically needed to get your keyboard, screen, printer etc. to work,
    _ possibly some associated software specific to a particular manufactures circuitry / chip used in the computer.

    If you changed or fiddled around with things in the computer, then you might have needed to install new software to match the new stuff.
    The software associated with the last few things has loosely gone under the name of Drivers since then. In the meantime, software related to more imaginary type things has also been included in the generally used word of Drivers.

    As time goes on, a few things are happening.
    _ Some things arte getting made more standard so that different things can be run from the same software.
    _ More and more of different things are becoming available, especially as external devices get cheaper but worse quality so they don't last long and a new one is sold to replace it
    _ Storage space for software is getting easier and cheaper.
    _ People supplying operating systems and computers sometimes have a large data bank including a lot of the most typical Drivers

    The end result of all this is that often an awful lot of Drivers are included in what is ( typically now a single ) operating system disc.
    If you are very lucky after a system re install, all things will work, either because the Driver software you had previously was included in the large data bank of Drivers in the re instillation disc, or an alternative Driver works just as well.

    More often than not, a few things won't work properly because no Driver Software got installed that worked. Appropriate software may or may not have been on the instillation disc. The processes to check and install such software may or may not be successful because the different systems make it difficult to write a software that will work in all systems.
    In almost all case, basic things like keyboard , an internet browser, and specific software that Microsoft include as "free" in their windows will be there. Also a monitor will usually work, but might not be perfect, since different graphic options / different graphic software and manufacture specific circuitry has become one of the most varied and is still has a lot of development going on.

    In any case, at the end of the day, before considering a system re install you might want to consider doing some preparation regarding Drivers,… You might want to do some sort of Driver back up

    Driver back up
    I think broadly there are three ways of doing this, the second two I mention are similar and involve truly backing up , whereas thee first I mention is not strictly speaking backing up , but I think is quite a good idea in addition to doing one or more of the others

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 01-29-2020 at 10:14 PM.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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  7. #7
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    ( Driver back up ) Driver DVDs

    ( Driver back up ) Driver DVDs

    Driver DVDs

    I think broadly there are three ways of doing this, the second two I mention are similar and involve truly backing up , whereas the first I mention in this post, is not strictly speaking backing up , but I think is quite a good idea in addition to doing one or more of the others

    Driver DVD (or similar software available to download)
    Sometimes this might be referred to as a Driver Recovery Disc, or even just Recovery disk, although the terms like repair recovery restore and backup are extremely inconsistently and imprecisely used and most people could be talking about anything when they use them, and half the time have no idea what they are talking about.

    I think a long time ago, one or a small number of people decided to develop some software that consisted of two main parts:
    _ A large data bank of most of the software available to control ( "drive" ) the various things inside computers mand most of the external devices known to be connected to them.
    _ A coding , or set of coding, that in the typically available computers and their operating systems has the ability to check what devices and things are in or connected to a computer, and then , if need be install the correct, or failing that , a working alternative software.

    This was done some time ago, and in the meantime this software has been copied, added to , modified and made available by a large amount of people.
    You can get the software free or at a small cost as a download from the internet, or alternatively , for a small cost , just a few dollars , barely more than the post costs, you can get the software on a storage device, most typically a DVD.

    In the case of most of the DVDs you put them in and they either start doing things on their own, or you try to locate something like an lkadhlHDKJHD .exe file in them , and run that by double clicking on it, or by what ever other method you usually use to run external software from a DVD disc.
    Usually then a user friendly interface pops up and is fairly easy to follow.

    I would recommend finding a trusted source and buy some of these Discs, as they are very cheap.
    Most of them have been modified many times and sold on by people as their own, and you may be able to modify them further yourself, to add software that you know you need.
    Knowing how to do that might become clear as we discuss the other two ways of backing up.

    I may come back here later and discuss making / modifying your own DVDs

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 01-29-2020 at 10:56 PM.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
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    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Belarc Before

    Belarc Advisor
    This may appear as a random chuck up.. but it is a very useful thing to do, especially at the outset of anything to do with backing up and/ or before doing things that might make major changes on your computer.
    This free software has a good reputation. It makes a record a lot of things in your computer including licence numbers and a lot more than I can think to mention. It is very quick to do , so it can do no harm to store the info it gives Before and After

    Belarc Advisor Hurry Before.doc

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    Installed: 15.04.2019 16:33:12
    Servicing Branch: Current Branch (CB)
    Boot Mode: BIOS (Secure Boot not supported)

    System Model

    Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. EG41MFT-US2H
    Enclosure Type: Desktop

    Processor a

    2,93 gigahertz Intel Core 2 Duo E7500
    64 kilobyte primary memory cache
    3072 kilobyte secondary memory cache
    64-bit ready
    Multi-core (2 total)
    Not hyper-threaded

    Main Circuit Board b

    Board: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. EG41MFT-US2H
    Bus Clock: 266 megahertz
    BIOS: Award Software International, Inc. F2C YG 02/09/2010


    249,48 Gigabytes Usable Hard Drive Capacity
    201,57 Gigabytes Hard Drive Free Space

    TSSTcorp DVD-ROM SH-D163C ATA Device [Optical drive]

    General UDisk USB Device (536,86 GB) -- drive 1
    SAMSUNG HD253GJ [Hard drive] (250,06 GB) -- drive 0, s/n S24JJ9BZ602546, rev 1AJ10001, SMART Status: Healthy

    Memory Modules c,d

    2014 Megabytes Usable Installed Memory

    Slot 'A0' has 2048 MB
    Slot 'A1' is Empty
    Slot 'A2' is Empty
    Slot 'A3' is Empty
    Local Drive Volumes

    c: (NTFS on drive 0) * 134,81 GB 87,02 GB free
    v: (NTFS on drive 0) 114,67 GB 114,55 GB free
    * Operating System is installed on c:

    Network Drives

    None detected

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 01-31-2020 at 09:14 PM.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
    Save your Forum..._

  9. #9
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Rep Power
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 01-31-2020 at 09:22 PM.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
    Save your Forum..._

  10. #10
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Rep Power

    Belarc Before

    Users (mouse over user name for details)

    local user accounts last logon
    MeinPC 23.01.2020 19:42:08 (admin)
    local system accounts
    X Administrator never (admin)
    X DefaultAccount never
    X Gast never
    X WDAGUtilityAccount never
    Font Driver Host domain logons
    UMFD-0 23.01.2020 19:39:46
    UMFD-1 23.01.2020 19:39:46
    X Marks a disabled account; L Marks a locked account


    Brother Laser Type1 Class Driver on WSD-93aa3bfa-536e-4168-82b8-7e17b9e2e532.0036
    HP LaserJet Pro 200 color MFP M275 PCL6 Class Driver on WSD-3fde2540-a412-4520-8167-66551b2651d7.0067
    HP OfficeJet Pro 8720 PCL-3 on WSD-3c0a1ec2-8479-409f-9b03-e51c634043de.006d
    Microsoft Print To PDF on PORTPROMPT:
    Microsoft Shared Fax Driver on SHRFAX:
    Microsoft Software Printer Driver on Microsoft.Office.OneNote_16001.12430.20120.0_x64__ 8wekyb3d8bbwe_microsoft.onenoteim_S-1-5-21-376492070-3945099327-707889917-1001
    Microsoft XPS Document Writer v4 on PORTPROMPT:


    ATA Channel 0 [Controller]
    ATA Channel 1 [Controller]
    Intel(R) 82801GB/GR/GH (ICH7 Familie) Serieller ATA-Speichercontroller - 27C0


    Intel(R) G41 Express Chipset (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM 1.1) [Display adapter] (2x)
    Philips 47PFL3605H [Monitor] (28,9"vis, Mai 2010)

    Bus Adapters

    Microsoft-Controller für Speicherplätze
    Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7-Familie) USB universeller Hostcontroller - 27C8
    Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7-Familie) USB universeller Hostcontroller - 27C9
    Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7-Familie) USB universeller Hostcontroller - 27CA
    Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7-Familie) USB universeller Hostcontroller - 27CB
    Intel(R) 82801G (ICH7-Familie) USB2 erweiterter Hostcontroller - 27CC


    High Definition Audio-Gerät (2x)

    Virus Protection

    Windows Defender Version 4.18.1911.3
    Scan Engine Version 1.1.16700.3
    Virus Definitions Version 30.01.2020 Rev 1.309.36.0
    Last Disk Scan on Freitag, 31. Januar 2020 11:40:02
    Realtime File Scanning On

    Group Policies

    None detected
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 01-31-2020 at 08:44 PM.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
    Save your Forum..._

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