Problem Solved Doc Sir & Sandy Sir
Thnx Alot for ur Great Support
I got the macro that does the same
Problem Solved Doc Sir & Sandy Sir
Thnx Alot for ur Great Support
I got the macro that does the same
Please can you post us the working macro, ( and could you please give us test data files*** which work with that macro )
Please explain to us what the issues were, and please explain to us how those issues have been solved
( Remember to include URL links to anywhere else where you have posted the same question. )
Providing us that infomation will help all of us in the future.
*** Please use Google drive or similar for the .csv file.
It is important that we are given the actual .csv file and not an Excel File which we must convert to a .csv file
Last edited by DocAElstein; 05-16-2020 at 01:45 PM.
This was the Macro Doc SirCode:Sub STEP10() Dim Wb1 As Workbook, Wb2 As Workbook, WB3 As Workbook Dim Ws1 As Worksheet, Ws2 As Worksheet, WS3 As Worksheet Dim WSM As Worksheet Dim MaxData1 As Long, MaxCol3 As Long, I As Long Dim FPath As String, sFile1 As String Dim Rng As Range Dim bCloseExit As Boolean With Application .EnableEvents = False .ScreenUpdating = False .DisplayAlerts = False End With For I = 1 To 3 Select Case I Case 1 On Error Resume Next Set Wb1 = Workbooks.Open("C:UsersWolfieeeStyleDesktop1.xls") If Err 0 Then bCloseExit = True Else On Error GoTo 0 Set Ws1 = Wb1.ActiveSheet sFile1 = Wb1.FullName End If Case 2 On Error Resume Next Set Wb2 = Workbooks.Open("C:UsersWolfieeeStyleDesktopAlert..csv") If Err 0 Then bCloseExit = True Else On Error GoTo 0 Set Ws2 = Wb2.ActiveSheet End If Case 3 On Error Resume Next Set WB3 = Workbooks.Open("C:UsersWolfieeeStyleDesktopFilesAlertCodes.xlsx") If Err 0 Then bCloseExit = True Else On Error GoTo 0 Set WS3 = WB3.Worksheets.Item(3) End If End Select If bCloseExit Then Wb1.Close savechanges:=False Wb2.Close savechanges:=False WB3.Close savechanges:=False Exit Sub End If Next I MaxData1 = Ws1.Range("A" & Ws1.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row - 1 MaxCol3 = WS3.Cells(1, WS3.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column Set Rng = WS3.Range(WS3.Range("A1"), WS3.Cells(1, MaxCol3)) Rng.COPY Ws2.Range("A1") Ws2.Range(Ws2.Range("A1"), Ws2.Cells(MaxData1, MaxCol3)).FillDown Wb1.Close savechanges:=False WB3.Close savechanges:=False Wb2.SaveAs FileName:=Wb2.FullName, FileFormat:=xlCSV Wb2.Close Set Ws1 = Nothing Set Ws2 = Nothing Set WS3 = Nothing Set Wb1 = Nothing Set Wb2 = Nothing Set WB3 = Nothing With Application .EnableEvents = True .ScreenUpdating = True .DisplayAlerts = True End With End Sub
I have no idea what that macro is supposed to be doing.
In any case it errors in three places
MacroError.JPG : :
The file names uploaded and the file names in the macro are inconsistent.
You appear to have hurriedly uploaded a few files and some coding.
Please read again :
in the path( / )is not mentioned,it was my mistake .
Actually this problem was solved, so i deleted the sample file,& since i deleted the sample file, i made a new one & shared with u Doc Sir
Last edited by fixer; 05-16-2020 at 11:33 PM.
I got help from experts exchange for this problem Doc Sir
My first answer here was almost perfect.
This was your question:
i have three files 1.xls & 2.csv & 3.xlsx
1.xls first row has headers so dont count that
In 1.xls count the total number of rows that has data and copy the 3.xlsx sheet3 first row(first complete row copy) and paste that much time of 3.xlsx first row of sheet3 to 2.csv
suppose 1.xls has data in 5 rows then copy 3.xlsx first row of sheet3 and paste it to 2.csv 5 times
all files are located in a different path
sheet name can be anything
This question should have been you question:
VBA To Copy Rows From One Workbook To text csv File, Based On Count In A Different Workbook
I have three files: 2 Excel Files,1.xls & 3.xlsx , and a text file, 2.csv
1.xls first row has headers so don't count that
In 1.xls count the total number of rows that has data and copy the 3.xlsx sheet3 first row(first complete row copy) and paste that many rows of 3.xlsx first row of sheet3 to 2.csv
suppose 1.xls has data in 5 rows then copy 3.xlsx first row of sheet3 and paste it to 2.csv 5 times
all files are located in a different path
sheet name can be anything
The final result should be a comma separated values text file , 2.csv.
For example, in Notepad, it looks like this:
2csv is a comma seperated text file.JPG :
2csv is a comma seperated text file.jpg
That is the final result that I want
Here is the new answer from me :
Only a very small change was required:
Code:' 3b w2.SaveAs Filename:=ThisWorkbook.Path & "\2.csv", FileFormat:=xlCSV Let Application.DisplayAlerts = True w2.Close
Read this, and try to understand at least a little of it.
2.csv is a text file. It is not an Excel file.
For example, in Notepad, it looks like this:
2csv is a comma seperated text file.JPG :
2csv is a comma seperated text file.jpg
2.csv is a text file. It is not an Excel file.
You can open a .csv file in Excel, and Excel will do its best to display the data in columns
Sometimes Excel will do this:
_____ Workbook: 2.csv ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )
Worksheet: 2
Sometimes Excel will do this:
_____ Workbook: 2.csv ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )
Worksheet: 2
Row\Col A B C 1NSE,,6,,,A,,,,,GTT 2NSE,,6,,,A,,,,,GTT 3NSE,,6,,,A,,,,,GTT 4NSE,,6,,,A,,,,,GTT 5NSE,,6,,,A,,,,,GTT 6
Last edited by DocAElstein; 05-17-2020 at 08:05 PM.
Correct Doc Sir, Thats what i wanted to say u at that time,only minor changes is required, Thnx Alot for helping me in solving the same Doc Sir
The code given by u Doc Sir No Doubt its perfect, But it requires a little change
it requires a little change bcoz i changed something in the macro, I am providing all the details below
Code:Sub Step14() ' ' (zyxw123) Rem 1 Worksheets info Dim w1 As Workbook, w2 As Workbook, w3 As Workbook Set w1 = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\WolfieeeStyle\Desktop\1.xls") ' Workbooks("1.xls") ' Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\WolfieeeStyle\Desktop\1.xlsx") Set w2 = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\WolfieeeStyle\Desktop\Hot Stocks\Alert..csv") ' Workbooks("2.csv") ' Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\WolfieeeStyle\Desktop\document\2.csv") Set w3 = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\WolfieeeStyle\Desktop\Files\AlertCodes.xlsx") ' Workbooks("3.xlsx") ' Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\WolfieeeStyle\Desktop\files\3.xlsx") Dim WS1 As Worksheet, WS2 As Worksheet, WS3 As Worksheet Set WS1 = w1.Worksheets.Item(1) Set WS2 = w2.Worksheets.Item(1) Set WS3 = w3.Worksheets.Item(3) Dim Lc3 As Long, Lenf1 As Long, Lr1 As Long Let Lr1 = WS1.Range("A" & WS1.Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row ' Making Lr dynamic ( using rng.End(XlUp) for a single column. ) Let Lc3 = WS3.Cells.Item(1, WS3.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column Dim Lc3Ltr As String Let Lc3Ltr = CL(Lc3) Rem 2 ' In 1.xls count the total number of rows that has data and copy the 3.xlsx sheet3 first row(first complete row copy) and paste that much time of 3.xlsx first row of sheet3 to 2.csv Let Lenf1 = Lr1 - 1 ' 1.xls first row has headers so dont count that ' 2a) Dim rngOut As Range: Set rngOut = WS2.Range("A1:" & Lc3Ltr & Lenf1 & "") '' 2b)(i) Relative formula referrences ... ' WS2.Cells.NumberFormat = "General" ' May be needed to prevent formulas coming out as test =[3.xlsx]Sheet1!$A$1 ' Let rngOut.Value = "='[3.xlsx]" & WS3.Name & "'!A$1" ' Let rngOut.Value = rngOut.Value ' Change Formulas to values ' Let rngOut.Value = Evaluate("If({1},SUBSTITUTE(" & rngOut.Address & ", ""0"", """"))") ' ' Or ' 2b)(ii) Copy Paste Dim rngIn As Range Set rngIn = WS3.Range("A1:" & Lc3Ltr & "1") rngIn.Copy rngOut.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues ' understanding Paste across ranges of different size to Copy range : Rem 3 ' 3a w1.Close w3.Close ' 3b w2.SaveAs Filename:=w2.FullName, FileFormat:=xlCSV Let Application.DisplayAlerts = False w2.Close Let Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub Public Function CL(ByVal lclm As Long) As String ' Do: Let CL = Chr(65 + (((lclm - 1) Mod 26))) & CL: Let lclm = (lclm - (1)) \ 26: Loop While lclm > 0 End Function
I used this code & i am getting perfect output
i changed this line plz see
Code:w2.SaveAs Filename:=ThisWorkbook.Path & "\2.csv", FileFormat:=xlCSV
and i am getting this popup which i have attached plz see (If i click on Yes then i am getting the desired output & i want that to be done by vba )Code:w2.SaveAs Filename:=w2.FullName, FileFormat:=xlCSV