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Thread: Csv To Xlsx: Import Export values from Comma delimeted text file to Excel worksheet

  1. #11
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
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    Avinash chooses to fail every time....

    I needed a few hours to write the macro for you. If you had taken a few minutes to read what I had written, then you would have answered most of your questions/ replies yourself. I then would have had time to answer any other issues, and you would have your solution and many other future questions already answered. But you chose to waste my time and Fail
    Your choice. Do what you want to do, and Fail every time…

    Good luck with your future failures…

    Avinash ( Thread OP ) choose to Fail every time

    Question… Avinash you can choose from 2 things, every time you get an answer…..
    You can choose. Your choice Do what you want Bro.
    _1) Success
    _2 ) Fail

    _1) For Success, do this:
    Read answer reply written for you for 1 minute, maybe 2 minutes: See answer for these and possibly lots of further questions. Maybe ask a few follow up questions for clarification . Get answer. Read it. See answer for these and possibly lots of further questions.
    = Success
    _2) For Fail do this:
    Look very quickly at reply written for you for 1 second , maybe 2 seconds only. Then: Post quick rubbish, panic, delete , post more rubbish , any rubbish, delete, lie, post rubbish quickly , maybe look at answer quickly only again for 1 second only. Panic, delete , post more rubbish , any rubbish, delete, maybe look at answer quickly only get stressed out. Post rubbish. Go to excelforum, excelfox, eileenslounge, vbaexpress, chandroo , expertsexchange and many many more use zyxw123 jhas56788 rider roger anjus shinshan sumanjjj Leonardo1234 Umpsbug Kinjals Tinamishra kinjal124 sumanjjj123 KAJAL1234 rider1234 r@1234 andy124 rider@1234 fixer vixer Leonard dumdumbum Ava453644 MoldyBread and many many more… duplicate cross post same question many times, lie, post rubbish lie, "Sorry Sir, wont happen again", duplicate cross post same question many times more again, "Sorry Sir, wont happen again" lie, post rubbish , lie, "Thx Sir Problem Solved, have a great day", maybe macro worked today. Maybe not. Later it does not work… So…
    Go to excelforum, excelfox, eileenslounge, vbaexpress, chandroo , expertsexchange and many many more use zyxw123 jhas56788 rider roger anjus shinshan sumanjjj Leonardo1234 Umpsbug Kinjals Tinamishra kinjal124 sumanjjj123 KAJAL1234 rider1234 r@1234 andy124 rider@1234 fixer vixer Leonard dumdumbum Ava453644 MoldyBread and many many more… duplicate cross post same question many times, lie, post rubbish lie, "Sorry Sir, wont happen again", duplicate cross post same question many times more again, "Sorry Sir, wont happen again" lie, post rubbish , lie, "Thx Sir Problem Solved, have a great day", maybe macro worked today. Maybe not. Later it does not work… So…
    Go to excelforum, excelfox, eileenslounge, vbaexpress, chandroo , expertsexchange and many many more use zyxw123 jhas56788 rider roger anjus shinshan sumanjjj Leonardo1234 Umpsbug Kinjals Tinamishra kinjal124 sumanjjj123 KAJAL1234 rider1234 r@1234 andy124 rider@1234 fixer vixer Leonard dumdumbum Ava453644 MoldyBread and many many more… duplicate cross post same question many times, lie, post rubbish lie, "Sorry Sir, wont happen again", duplicate cross post same question many times more again, "Sorry Sir, wont happen again" lie, post rubbish , lie, "Thx Sir Problem Solved, have a great day" ", maybe macro worked today. Maybe not. Later it does not work… So…
    Go to excelforum, excelfox, eileenslounge, vbaexpress, chandroo , expertsexchange and many many more use zyxw123 jhas56788 rider roger anjus shinshan sumanjjj Leonardo1234 Umpsbug Kinjals Tinamishra kinjal124 sumanjjj123 KAJAL1234 rider1234 r@1234 andy124 rider@1234 fixer vixer Leonard dumdumbum Ava453644 MoldyBread and many many more… duplicate cross post same question many times, lie, post rubbish lie, "Sorry Sir, wont happen again", duplicate cross post same question many times more again, "Sorry Sir, wont happen again" lie, post rubbish , lie, "Thx Sir Problem Solved, have a great day",
    _..and so on = Fail

    Avinash Answer is : _2) Fail

    Second chance 1 week later…
    You can choose, Avinash. Your choice Do what you want Bro. _1) Success or _2 ) Fail?

    Avinash Answer is : _2) Fail

    Third chance 10 days later:
    You can choose, Avinash. Your choice Do what you want Bro. _1) Success or _2 ) Fail?

    Avinash Answer is : _2) Fail

    Forth chance 2 weeks later later:
    You can choose, Avinash. Your choice Do what you want Bro. _1) Success or _2 ) Fail?

    _....? what will it be, Avinash.
    I think you will probably choose to fail for ever..

    I answer questions further for those who wish to have Success….
    _... see next post
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
    Save your Forum..._

  2. #12
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
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    Example and one procedure solution

    As working example ( similar name for both files )
    For full detailed explanation, see Post#2 :
    The function used in the macro allows you to choose any File name for either the Excel file or the text file. Since those file names have different extension, we can usem for example, the similar name for both.
    So, as example:
    _...”….. Give Excel file a similar name to that of the text file, ( For example: If text file name is Alert..csv, then the name of the Excel file should be Alert..xls ….”….
    Excel file name ( in variable XLFlNme ) can be Alert..xlsx
    Text file name ( in variable TxtFlNme ) can be Alert..csv
    Sub Test_MakeXLFileusingvaluesInTextFileSimilarNamesAlertDot()
    Dim Pf As String
    Let Pf = ThisWorkbook.Path  '                ' CHANGE TO SUIT
    'let pf = "C:\Users\WolfieeeStyle\Desktop"   ' CHANGE TO SUIT
     Call MakeXLFileusingvaluesInTextFile(Pf, "Alert..csv", "Alert.xlsx", ",", vbCr & vbLf)
    End Sub
    ( This is the obvious change needed , which Avinash overlooked in his haste to get Fail )

    Before( text file Alert..csv)

    After Excel File
    _____ Workbook: Alert.xlsx ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )
    NSE 101010 6 < 12783 A GTT
    NSE 22 6 < 12783 A GTT
    NSE 17388 6 < 12783 A GTT
    Worksheet: Sheet1

    vba.xlsm :

    One procedure solutions, ( No function )
    For most people, the standard comer , will be the text file value separator, and the text file line separator will be vbCr & vbLf
    So the function solution is not required. ( This is also the solution for Avinash Fail : it probably may work today, but in the future probably will give problems leading to ….. …. Go to excelforum, excelfox, eileenslounge, vbaexpress, chandroo , expertsexchange and many many more use zyxw123 jhas56788 rider roger anjus shinshan sumanjjj Leonardo1234 Umpsbug Kinjals Tinamishra kinjal124 sumanjjj123 KAJAL1234 rider1234 r@1234 andy124 rider@1234 fixer vixer Leonard dumdumbum Ava453644 MoldyBread and many many more… duplicate cross post same question many times, lie, post rubbish lie, “Sorry Sir, wont happen again”, duplicate cross post same question many times more again, “Sorry Sir, wont happen again” lie, post rubbish , lie, “Thx Sir Problem Solved, have a great day”, maybe macro worked today. Maybe not. Later it does not work… So…
    Go to excelforum, excelfox, eileenslounge, … and so on = Fail
    The following procedure, Sub SolutionForAvinashFail() , is exactly the same coding as the function, from Rem 2
    Sub SolutionForAvinashFail() ' Macro will take values from text file, Alert..csv , and put them in an Excel File and save that Excel files as Alert..xlsx
    Rem 1 Files info
    Dim Paf As String, TxtFlNme As String, XLFlNme As String, LineSep As String, valSep As String
     Let Paf = ThisWorkbook.Path  '                ' CHANGE TO SUIT
    'let pf = "C:\Users\WolfieeeStyle\Desktop"     ' CHANGE TO SUIT
     Let TxtFlNme = "Alert..csv" ' text file name
     Let XLFlNme = "Alert..xlsx" ' Excel file name
     Let LineSep = vbCr & vbLf   ' Typical text file line seperator
     Let valSep = ","            ' most common used seperator in  comma seperated values text files
    Rem 2 Text file info
    ' 2a) get the text file as a long single string
    Dim FileNum As Long: Let FileNum = FreeFile(1)                                  '
    Dim PathAndFileName As String, TotalFile As String
     Let PathAndFileName = Paf & Application.PathSeparator & TxtFlNme   '                                                               CHANGE TO SUIT                                                                                                         From vixer zyxw1234  :     DF.txt
    Open PathAndFileName For Binary As #FileNum 'Open Route to data. Binary is a fundemental type data input...
    TotalFile = Space(LOF(FileNum)) '....and wot recives it has to be a string of exactly the right length
    Get #FileNum, , TotalFile
    Close #FileNum
    ' 2b) Split into wholes line _ splitting the text file into rows by splitting by Line Seperator
    Dim arrRws() As String: Let arrRws() = Split(TotalFile, LineSep, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
    Dim RwCnt As Long: Let RwCnt = UBound(arrRws()) + 1    '  +1 is nedeed as the  Split Function  returns indicies 0 1 2 3 4 5   etc...
    ' 2c) split first line to determine the Field(column) number
    Dim arrClms() As String: Let arrClms() = Split(arrRws(0), valSep, -1, vbBinaryCompare)
    Dim ClmCnt As Long: Let ClmCnt = UBound(arrClms()) + 1
    ' 2d) we can now make an array for all the rows, and we know our columns are A-J = 10 columns
    Dim arrOut() As String: ReDim arrOut(1 To RwCnt, 1 To ClmCnt)
    Rem 3 An array is built up by _....
    Dim Cnt As Long
        For Cnt = 1 To RwCnt '               _.. considering each row of data
        'Dim arrClms() As String
         Let arrClms() = Split(arrRws(Cnt - 1), ",", -1, vbBinaryCompare)  '  ___.. splitting each row into columns by splitting by the comma
        Dim Clm As Long   '
            For Clm = 1 To UBound(arrClms()) + 1
             Let arrOut(Cnt, Clm) = arrClms(Clm - 1)
            Next Clm
        Next Cnt
    Rem 4  Finally the array is pasted to a worksheet in a new file
     ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=Paf & Application.PathSeparator & XLFlNme, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False
     Workbooks("" & XLFlNme & "").Worksheets.Item(1).Range("A1").Resize(RwCnt, ClmCnt).Value = arrOut()
    End Sub

    ( Results same as for Sub Test_MakeXLFileusingvaluesInTextFileSimilarNamesAl ertDot() )

    Alternative single procedure ( Alternative Avinash Fail solution )
    We can achieve a problem (Ava – Fail ) solution by having CSV files used.
    See also as alternative solution, as example, as here:
    This uses the .CSV files in Excel …. Workbooks.Open ____________.csv ….
     fPath = "C:\Users\WolfieeeStyle\Desktop\"
        fName = "Alert..csv 
    '  ….
        Workbooks.Open fPath & fName
    = Workbooks.Open ____________.csv ….
    As noted here, , this is the dangerous solution that will some times work but later will likely have the .CSV file caused problem issues.
    Quote Originally Posted by DocAElstein View Post
    Excel VBA is good for controlling Excel Files
    Excel VBA is good for controlling Text files

    It is just sometimes bad to try to Open a text file into Excel .
    To open an Excel file with Excel VBA is no problems usually.
    To import data from a text file into Excel is also usually no problem.

    This is mostly a problem…
    To try
    Workbooks.Open ____________.csv
    Workbooks.Open ____________.txt
    These two things are often big problem
    This solution , , is another possible Avinash Fail solution……
    Quote Originally Posted by DocAElstein View Post
    Look very quickly at reply written for you for 1 second , maybe 2 seconds only. Then: Post quick rubbish, panic, delete , post more rubbish , any rubbish, delete, lie, ...... Go to excelforum, excelfox, eileenslounge, vbaexpress, ........... use zyxw123 jhas56788 rider roger anjus shinshan sumanjjj ....., “Thx Sir Problem Solved, have a great day”, maybe macro worked today. Maybe not. Later it does not work… So…
    Go to excelforum, excelfox, eileenslounge, vbaexpress, chandroo , expe...... ”, maybe macro worked today. Maybe not. Later it does not work… So…
    Go to excelforum, excelfox, eileenslounge, vbaexpress,.......,
    _..and so on
    _.. and so on .... = Fail

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 06-16-2020 at 11:09 AM.
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
    If you are my enemy, we will try to kick the fucking shit out of you…..
    Winston Churchill, 1939
    Save your Forum..._

  3. #13
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
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    Problem Solved
    Thnx Alot Doc Sir for helping me in solving this problem Sir

    “Moderator” Notice
    September 2020
    Given up with this “OP” , Avinash around September 2020.

    I am no longer monitoring what its doings. It had curiosity appeal for a while, but even that has worn off me now!
    It’s getting worse by the Day. Its still doing whatever it is that it is doing and getting Replies and answers at and likely a few places I don’t know about.

    Moderator” Notice

    **I am Banning you to prevent you making any more postings here of the type you have been making here and elsewhere under hundreds of different user names at many of the English speaking Excel and Office help forums for the last couple of years.

    The type of post that you have been posting suggest that
    _ You may be one person or a !!team of many people working at something organised like a Call Centre.
    ( !! Sometime when you have been “caught” cross posting, you did not know yourself where you cross posted, and asked to be told. ( Or you maybe only wanted to admit to those where you got “caught”) )
    _ You have almost no understanding of the English language
    _ You may not have a computer and may have no access to Excel
    _ You have no interest in Excel or Excel VBA
    _ You have almost no knowledge or interest in any of the questions that you are asking
    _ You may be simply offering a service of posting other peoples questions and supplying them with any answers you get.
    _ You may be part of the development of a question asking and Replying Bot

    _ In some cases, something extremely simple to understand, has been explained to you very many times, in great detail , even graphically, such that even a small mentally handicapped child could understand it and remember it. Despite this, you continually ask exactly that same question over and over again: If you are part of a team interested in only posting questions and taking the answer, then you are very badly organised,
    There is no real intelligence behind what is producing your questions and posts
    _ One of the things you consistently do after receiving a macro is to delete all explanations, explaining 'comments and all files associated, and indeed it appears as if you try to remove almost all record of the coding and the question and answer. This further encourages the posting of the same or similar questions over and over again.

    Whatever you are attempting to do, it appears to be extremely, almost insanely, inefficient ,
    compared to
    a single person with a computer and Excel, and a minimum of basic Excel VBA knowledge trying to achieve the same.

    The main reason for the ban is
    Whatever you are attempting to do, it is requiring 10-100 times more time than is typically required of helpers at a forum. All indications are that what you are doing will fail to achieve anything, and is therefore a total waste of everyone’s time. At excelfox, the current small number of helpers have only a limited amount of time, but even if we had more members, excelfox would not be the place for you.
    I am totally bored shitless with your Threads that are almost always asking the same thing.
    ## Some of the major forums may be a good place for you to post. There are some senior brain dead morons there who are happy to keep answering the same questions over and over again. Half of them are probably either senile Dement or just plain stupid anyway, and they don’t remember from one day to the next.

    These are some suggestions, from me, on how you should continue
    _ If you intend to continue, regardless of any of my previous suggestions, in postings of the type as you have done in the past, then you should think about making some changes to your wording, introduce some new canned replies, possibly organise a new set of similar questions and post at the major forums, such as,,
    _ If you wish to make a career out of posting questions and getting answers without having any real intentions of thinking about anything, then excelfox is not the forum for you to post in. Most of the smaller forums are not the place for you. The larger forums may be able to accommodate you, if you give at least some thought to making it not quite so obvious: Your distinguishing characteristic is that you have been making it much more obvious than others doing the same, do: Many people do the such. At least half the traffic at such forums originates from such. I have passed many people on to such forums and they are making a successful career based on passing on the work done for them by helpers at the major forums. Such is actually encouraged, all be it , not openly, at the major forums.
    _ If you have not understood most of this Moderator Notice , then your first priority should be to improve on your English. Indeed, your apparent understanding and ability in communicating in English suggests that you will achieve nothing whatsoever and fail completely in anything at all involving communicating in English.

    _ If you are, as you sometimes told me via PM, actively working on an important personal problem requiring VBA , then you are doing it totally wrongly: You have been on the project already for at least two years and have a mixed up set of codings produced by many different people. Some work . Some don’t. You have not the slightest idea or understanding of any of the codings. You will never be able to use them to any effect. You are getting an ever increasingly different set of codings with every post you make, and reply you get, which all just confuses the issues further. You are making negative progress, Bro! You are working and going backwards most of the time.
    If , on the other hand, you had a computer, with Excel, and spent a few weeks learning VBA, and then carefully studied all the macros that you have been given, then you would be able to answer most of your further questions, and would have at least a chance of being able to use the codings effectively:-
    1 Month learn VBA and 1 month getting answers, partly alone, partly with help from forums = Finished Success
    2+ Years posting the same and similar questions and just taking the answers = Never Ending Fail

    _ It is unlikely that the macros you have that work will ever be very efficient and will likely be slower than anyone else’s: They will certainly not be the best possible. Giving you better coding has proved to be impossible: It is not possible to pass on better codings because of the ridiculously inefficient way that you are organising whatever it is that you are doing: The person receiving and passing on the coding needs to understand the English language and to understand some basic coding and to understand how to use such better coding. We have tried this a few times, but it proved always completely impossible to do. One example of this is the issue of text files: Because you are mostly dealing with values, the use of text files is almost certainly beneficial and in some cases the only efficient way to proceed. You have completely missed the point on this: You have repeated much work to try to avoid using text files. The problem was, and will never be, the issue of text files themselves. The issue is your total inability or unwillingness to understand anything at all about them.

    Another possibility is that you and/ or yous are simply severally mentally handicapped: If that is the case then, then I am , sincerely, sorry for you, but you have no hope of achieving anything with what you are doing at forums , apart from wasting a lot of other people’s time.

    ##The main purpose of the question section of excelfox is approximately the following:
    _1. Promote and improve the understanding of Excel and Excel VBA.
    _2. Help people who get stuck on a problem and/or help people who are unsure how to proceed in solving a problem using Excel and Excel VBA.

    Your objectives??
    I do not know what the true reason is behind your postings. I can’t believe anything you say is your purpose, since you have lied and contradicted yourself in the past. The only thing we know 100% for sure is that your posting types are not for any of the purposes for which the question section of excelfox is intended.
    You have had the benefit of the doubt given to you now very many times. You have had lots of chances.
    You may be able to continue at some of the major forums, where some people are happy to continue to spend time to answer similar questions from the same source.
    I do not think you will get any more replies to the types of postings you have been making at excelfox or at any other of the smaller English speaking Forums. You are wasting your time making any such posts from now on.
    **I am Banning you, not as any form of punishment, but purely as in the past , it has proven to be the only way to prevent you wasting yours and other peoples time with your postings.
    I do wish you luck and success with what ever it is you are attempting to do. But you should not be doing it at excelfox.
    If you are attempting the personal project that you have told me about via PM, then you are going about it in completely the wrong way.
    If you are trying to make a career of posting other people’s questions and getting answers for them, then you should post mostly at the major forums and organise yourself better: At least have access to Excel on a computer and learn the basics of VBA. If you are trying to make a career of posting other people’s questions and getting answers for them, as many people do, then you have made the mistake of making it too obvious. Many of the senior helpers at the main forums prefer to think that they are helping people rather than doing their work for them. What they don’t know, does not hurt them.

    I will leave all your posts in the main forum for a few weeks. Then I will move them all to the test forum. I will probably further merge them. Eventually I may delete them all.

    Bro, whatever you are trying to do, its not working. Its never going to work. Its just wasting everybody’s time.
    You need first to learn English
    Then get a computer with Microsoft Office.
    Then learn some basic Excel and Excel VBA
    Then start again.
    If you ever come to excelfox again you will have to prove to me that
    _ You are a real person
    _ You are genuinely attempting a personal project and need help
    _ You have a computer with Microsoft Office / Excel installed and that you can, and do, use it, and that you understand basic VBA programming.

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 09-26-2020 at 08:13 PM.

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