in support of this Thread:
_____ Workbook: 124.xlsb ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )
Worksheet: Sheet1
Row\Col A B C D E F 1 Symbol LTP 1st row contains headers so ignore the first row 2 ACC 1587.95 50 1333.878 Column D is the result that I need by vba 3 ADANIPORTS 402 70 337.68 I don't want formulas I need only the result in column D 4 AMBUJACEM 218 20 183.12 5 ASIANPAINT 1441.3 10 1210.692 6 AXISBANK 733.65 5 616.266 7 BANKBARODA 115.25 7 96.81 8 BHARTIARTL 343.05 8 288.162 9 BOSCHLTD 15150 19 12726 10 BPCL 359 350 301.56 11 12 Multiply the value of B2 by 1.5%, then multiply that result by 56 and then paste the result in D2 13 1333.878 14
_____ Workbook: sample.xlsx ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )
Worksheet: Sheet1
Row\Col E 12Multiply the value of B2 by 1.5%, then multiply that result by 56 and then paste the result in D2 13 =B2*(1.5/100)*56
_____ Workbook: 124.xlsb ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )
Worksheet: Sheet1
Row\Col A B C D 2 ACC 1587.95 50 3 ADANIPORTS 402 70 4 AMBUJACEM 218 20 5 ASIANPAINT 1441.3 10 6 AXISBANK 733.65 5 7 BANKBARODA 115.25 7 8 BHARTIARTL 343.05 8 9 BOSCHLTD 15150 19 10 BPCL 359 350
_____ Workbook: 124.xlsb ( Using Excel 2007 32 bit )
Worksheet: Sheet1
Row\Col A B C D 2 ACC 1587.95 50 1333.878 3 ADANIPORTS 402 70 337.68 4 AMBUJACEM 218 20 183.12 5 ASIANPAINT 1441.3 10 1210.692 6 AXISBANK 733.65 5 616.266 7 BANKBARODA 115.25 7 96.81 8 BHARTIARTL 343.05 8 288.162 9 BOSCHLTD 15150 19 12726 10 BPCL 359 350 301.56