This slightly modified version will help get over the issue of different character formats within a cell.
In this version, only cells with formulas are subject to having that formula stored, replaced with values , and then replaced after Rick's coding
Sub ConcatWithStyles2() '
Rem 0a save any formulas, and replace with values
Dim arrFormulas(1 To 5) As Variant
Dim cnt
For cnt = 1 To 5
If Left(Cells.Item(1, cnt).Formula, 1) = "=" Then ' case a formula in cell
Let arrFormulas(cnt) = Cells.Item(1, cnt).Formula
Let Cells.Item(1, cnt).Value = Cells.Item(1, cnt).Value
' we don't have a formula , so we do nothing to the cell
End If
Next cnt
Dim X As Long, Cell As Range, Text As String, Position As Long
Range("A3").Value = Space(Evaluate("SUM(LEN(A1:F1))+COLUMNS(A1:F1)-1"))
Position = 1
' Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each Cell In Range("A1:F1")
With Range("A3")
.Characters(Position, Len(Cell.Value)).Text = Cell.Characters(1, Len(Cell.Value)).Text
For X = 1 To Len(Cell.Value)
With .Characters(Position + X - 1, 1).Font
.Name = Cell.Characters(X, 1).Font.Name
.Size = Cell.Characters(X, 1).Font.Size
.Bold = Cell.Characters(X, 1).Font.Bold
.Italic = Cell.Characters(X, 1).Font.Italic
.Underline = Cell.Characters(X, 1).Font.Underline
.Color = Cell.Characters(X, 1).Font.Color
.Strikethrough = Cell.Characters(X, 1).Font.Strikethrough
.Subscript = Cell.Characters(X, 1).Font.Subscript
.Superscript = Cell.Characters(X, 1).Font.Superscript
.TintAndShade = Cell.Characters(X, 1).Font.TintAndShade
.FontStyle = Cell.Characters(X, 1).Font.FontStyle
End With
End With
Position = Position + Len(Cell.Value) + 1
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Rem 0b Put the formulas back
For cnt = 1 To 5
If arrFormulas(cnt) <> "" Then ' case a formula was in cell
Let Cells.Item(1, cnt).Formula = arrFormulas(cnt)
' we didnt have a formula , so we do nothing to the cell
End If
Next cnt
End Sub
After running above macro: