Sub ChrTextLimitTests() '
Rem 0 Worksheets data info
Dim WsTest As Worksheet: Set WsTest = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("ChrTextLimit")
Rem 1(a) Copy test range
WsTest.Range("D9:E25").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAllUsingSourceTheme
Let Application.CutCopyMode = False
Rem 2 tests on copied test range
With WsTest
' 2a Putting text in
' Cell of spaces 256 ; 255 Attempt to put Text at start
.Range("E10").Characters(1, 4).Text = "Test": .Range("E10").Characters(1, 4).Font.Color = vbGreen ' Doesn't work - no Text put in, so not text to color either
.Range("E11").Characters(1, 4).Text = "Test": .Range("E11").Characters(1, 4).Font.Color = vbGreen '; Works, puts text in and colors it
' Cell is empty initially Attempt to put Text at
.Range("E12").Characters(1, 4).Text = "Test": .Range("E12").Characters(1, 4).Font.Color = vbGreen ' Works
' Cell of Text 250 ; 250 ; 256 ; 255
.Range("E13").Characters(1, 4).Text = "Test": .Range("E13").Characters(1, 4).Font.Color = vbGreen '; Works
.Range("E14").Characters(1, 4).Text = "Test": .Range("E14").Characters(1, 4).Font.Color = vbGreen '; half works... No Text is put in , but the existing text gets colored
.Range("E15").Characters(1, 4).Text = "Test": .Range("E15").Characters(1, 4).Font.Color = vbGreen '; Works
.Range("E16").Characters(250, 4).Text = "Test": .Range("E16").Characters(250, 4).Font.Color = vbGreen '; Works
' Cell is empty initially Attempt to put Text at some point at a high start character
.Range("E17").Characters(250, 4).Text = "Test": .Range("E17").Characters(250, 4).Font.Color = vbGreen ' Text is put in at the start instead of the referred to place, no coloring done at the referred to place which is not there
.Range("E18").Characters(251, 4).Text = "Test": .Range("E18").Characters(251, 4).Font.Color = vbGreen ' Text is put in at the start instead of the referred to place, no coloring done at the referred to place which is not there
.Range("E19").Characters(252, 4).Text = "Test": .Range("E19").Characters(252, 4).Font.Color = vbGreen ' Text is put in at the start instead of the referred to place, no coloring done at the referred to place which is not there
.Range("E20").Characters(1000, 4).Text = "Test": .Range("E20").Characters(1000, 4).Font.Color = vbGreen 'Text is put in at the start instead of the referred to place, no coloring done at the referred to place which is not there
' Cell of text 256 ; 270
.Range("E21").Characters(251, 4).Text = "Test": .Range("E21").Characters(251, 4).Font.Color = vbGreen ' half works... No Text is put in , but the existing text gets colored
.Range("E22").Characters(254, 7).Text = "Test": .Range("E22").Characters(254, 7).Font.Color = vbGreen ' half works... No Text is put in , but the existing text gets colored
' Workaround to add text at a specific place in a cell
Dim StrTemp As String: Let StrTemp = .Range("E23").Value
Mid(StrTemp, 1, 4) = "Test"
.Range("E23").Value = StrTemp: .Range("E23").Characters(1, 4).Font.Color = vbGreen ' Works - well it would, wouldn't it - my workarounds usually do work, that's wot they are for
Let StrTemp = .Range("E24").Value
Mid(StrTemp, 1, 4) = "Test"
.Range("E24").Value = StrTemp: .Range("E24").Characters(249, 4).Font.Color = vbGreen ' half Works - we lose the
End With ' WsTest
'( 1(b) recopy test range )
'2b reading the text ..... all work!
With WsTest
Debug.Print "B10 |" & .Range("B10").Characters(1, 4).Text & "|" ' Cell info and pipe added for demo purposes so that we can see easilly text that is just spaces
Debug.Print "B11 |" & .Range("B11").Characters(1, 4).Text & "|"
Debug.Print "B13 |" & .Range("B13").Characters(1, 4).Text & "|"
Debug.Print "B14 |" & .Range("B14").Characters(1, 4).Text & "|"
Debug.Print "B15 |" & .Range("B15").Characters(1, 4).Text & "|"
Debug.Print "B16 |" & .Range("B16").Characters(250, 4).Text & "|"
Debug.Print "B21 |" & .Range("B21").Characters(251, 4).Text & "|"
Debug.Print "B22 |" & .Range("B22").Characters(254, 7).Text & "|"
End With ' WsTest
End Sub