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Thread: Need help to convert Excel data to XML

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  1. #13
    Sir Moderator sandy666's Avatar
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    Create required.xml from the table post#6 where is well-formed xml (required.txt) which can be used to export xml from whole table
    attach file or paste raw xml code via [CODE] tags
    your xml should contain Start and End xml code not cut in half
    btw. comment in xml code looks like: <!--your comment--> not like M-code comment!

    for the future:
    Issue: the map cannot be exported.

    An XML mapping cannot be exported if the mapped element's relationship with other elements cannot be preserved. This relationship may not be preserved for the following reasons:
    ◾The schema definition of a mapped element is contained within a sequence for which the following are true:
    ◾The maxoccurs attribute is not equal to 1.
    ◾The sequence has more than one direct child element defined, or it has another compositor as a direct child.
    ◾Nonrepeating sibling elements with the same repeating parent element are mapped to different XML tables.
    ◾Multiple repeating elements are mapped to the same XML table, and the repetition is not defined by an ancestor element.
    ◾Child elements from different parents are mapped to the same XML table.

    Additionally, the contents of an XML mapping cannot be exported if the contents contain one of the following XML schema constructs:
    ◾ List of lists One list of items contains a second list of items.
    ◾ Denormalized data An XML table contains an element that has been defined in the schema to occur once (the maxoccurs attribute is set to 1). When you add such an element to an XML table, the table column is filled with multiple instances of the element.
    ◾ Choice This is a mapped element that is part of a <choice> schema construct.

    The following rules about using XML maps are important to know:
    ◾A workbook can contain one or more XML maps.
    ◾You can only map one element to one location in a workbook at a time.
    ◾Each XML map is an independent entity, even if multiple XML maps in the same workbook refer to the same schema.
    ◾An XML map can only contain one root element. If you add a schema that defines more than one root element, you are prompted to choose the root element to use for the new XML map.
    Last edited by sandy666; 02-15-2021 at 05:04 PM.
    I know you know but I forgot my Crystal Ball and don't know what you know also I may not remember what I did weeks, months or years ago so answer asap. Thinking doesn't hurt

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