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Thread: PQ - Number.From in PowerBi

  1. #1
    Sir Moderator sandy666's Avatar
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    Cool PQ - Number.From in PowerBi

    (question from the web)

    Could somebody please tell me what this line in the Applied Steps in PowerBI would be doing, it adds a column, and it looks like it takes a number from Date A, but I'm not sure what the double period between the two NumberFrom's does.

    Table.AddColumn(#"Changed Type","Custom",each {NumberFrom([DateA])..Number.From([From([Dateb])})
    imho this formula doesn't have a proper syntax but generally speaking this is a List
    A list value is a value which produces a sequence of values when enumerated. A value produced by a list can contain any kind of value, including a list. Lists can be constructed using the initialization syntax, as follows:
    { 1, 5..9, 11 } // { 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 }
    Last edited by sandy666; 02-19-2021 at 01:46 AM.
    I know you know but I forgot my Crystal Ball and don't know what you know also I may not remember what I did weeks, months or years ago so answer asap. Thinking doesn't hurt

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