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Thread: corrupted Personal.xlsb?

  1. #1
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    corrupted Personal.xlsb?

    Hi everyone,

    When I run Excel 2010, the program displays a VBA alert of a generic "missing file".

    The day before this alert I don't have recorded or added new macros and maybe Personal.xlsb file is corrupted (?) and I don't know how repair it.

    I regularly backup Personal.xlsb versions, but even if I attempt to restore an old version Excel displays the alert by opening the program.

    Any idea how to fix the problem?

    Thank you.


  2. #2
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Hello Ian
    I see you’ve been registered already some time, but its your first post so, Welcome to ExcelFox from me.

    I am not sure if I know what your problem is.
    But if I had a problem with my Personal.xlsb, this would be what I might try:

    Delete Personal xlsb
    _ But first make sure I have a copy of all my macros in my Personal.xlsb. ( Maybe in a text file, or anywhere independent of Excel )

    _ Then , ( with no Excel open ), I would try to locate my Personal.xlsb.
    Usually it is at a place something like
    C Users Elston AppData Roaming Microsoft Excel XLSTART.jpg

    _ Then I would delete the Personal.xlsb file.

    Make a new Personal.xlsb
    One quick way to remake a Personal.xlsb is, from Excel start a macro recording , .._
    RecordMacroFromView :

    _... and choose the option to save it in your Personal.xlsb
    StoreInPersonal xlsb.JPG

    _ Record any short macro, for example, just select a few cells, then hit the stop button
    MacroRecorderStopButton.JPG :

    A Personal.xlsb is then made automatically in the correct place if you choose the option to save changes to it when you close Excel
    OnCloseChooseSavechangesToPersonal xlsb.JPG

    If you then re open Excel you can put your macros back in the Personal.xlsb, which should be showing in the VB Editor
    Personal xlsb in VBEditor.JPG

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 03-04-2021 at 09:17 PM.
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  3. #3
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    Hi Alan,

    thank you for the quick answer.

    I already knew the method you suggest to recreate a Personal.xlsb file and at this point I believe that my real problem is that my old macros are stored in old copyes of Personal.xlsb and not in text files or anywhere independent from Excel.

    Does exist some tool able to read/export the macros from old Personal.xlsb files?


  4. #4
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    I suppose your real question might be how to open or repair or get macros from a corrupt workbook?
    I think there a lot of both free and commercial software’s to try and do that.
    I am not familiar with any myself, but I expect an internet search on something along the lines of “open or repair or get macros from a corrupt Excel workbook” will give you a months worth of stuff to look into.
    I am sorry but I don’t personally have any experience with using any particular tool. I know that there are a vast amount out there. I have personally been lucky never to have lost anything in a corrupt workbook that I did not have a back up of, but it is a problem that comes up a lot.

    But I may not yet understand exactly what your problem is.

    What I just did try was to take a copy of my Personal.xlsb , store it on an arbitrary place ( my desktop ) and then changed its name to some arbitrary name. I was then able to open it as a normal Excel file and see all the macros in it.

    If you are unable to do that with any of your backup Personal.xlsb versions, but can open any other Excel workbook, then that would suggest that you have a lot of corrupt old Personal.xlsb files

    Or maybe I don’t quite understand what you are referring to by regularly backup Personal.xlsb versions and restore an old version Excel

    I am sorry if I have mis understood your actual problem and so i am talking rubbish…
    Perhaps you can share a screenshot of the error you get? ( Please try to make a screenshot size of at least 50K , since our forum software tends to make anything smaller than that come out rather difficult to read )

    Another possibility is if you upload a workbook that you are having difficulty opening, then I can try to open it on my Excel. I have a lot of different computers with different Excel versions on them, so I might get lucky and find that I can open the file somehow and make a copy for you of all the macros in it, then return them to you both in a text file and/ or in another Excel file
    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
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  5. #5
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    You're right, I need to open/repair or get the macros from the corrupted Personal.xlsb.

    I'll search again a solution in Internet but I've shared a copy of the file on Dropbox:

    I would be glad to know if the problem is the file itself or depends from some wrong setting on my PC.

    Thank you again.


  6. #6
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    I tried opening your file on a few different computers and different Excel versions.

    I always get the same error, which I expect is the same as you get ( I get the German equivalent message as most of my Excel is German, roughly translated that error is “File not found” )

    So I expect the issue is a corrupt file.

    I doubt I will get any further on this any better than you. But I will keep the file and occasionally try if I come across any other ways.

    I doubt I will be able to help further.
    Possibly someone else might step in who has some experience with corrupt files.
    But I will post back if I come across anything else by chance

    ….If you are my competitor, I will try all I can to beat you. But if I do, I will not belittle you. I will Salute you, because without you, I am nothing.
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