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Thread: User Form entry in a second sheet - need help with VBA code

  1. #1
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    User Form entry in a second sheet - need help with VBA code

    Hi all,

    I'm trying to use a form to add data to 2 sheets (Database and Database1).
    In the first sheet (Database) each entry is added as a new line and everything is working fine.
    The problem is when I try to add the data in the second sheet because I have to to match 3 criteria (name, project and task) and I don't know how to write the exact code for that.
    I have used a code from a previous version of that form where only 2 criteria were matched (name and project).
    In the Database1 sheet I filled with colors the cells where the values from the Database sheet must be entered.
    I am attaching the work file.
    Thanks in advance! Any help would be appreciated!

    I have posted the same thread here
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 10-02-2023 at 12:44 PM.

  2. #2
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Hello Atlantis764
    Welcome to ExcelFox

    I don’t have any experience with UserForms
    I don’t really understand the full picture of what you are trying to do.

    Here is a screenshot of the file you uploaded:

    I can see that there is some correlation in the coloured cells, but all I can understand from your explanation is that you want to match Name and Project and Task as you showed in the workbook

    The best I can do is that I can get you started on doing that matching:

    We can make an array which has as many elements as there are data rows in Database1
    Each element will contain a string made up from each row of the
    Name & Project & Task

    We can do something similar for worksheet Database

    Then you can match the strings in the two arrays.

    Run this demo macro and I think you will see what I mean

    Sub MatchNameProjectTask()
    Rem 0 Worksheets info
    Dim WsD As Worksheet, WsD1 As Worksheet
     Set WsD = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Database"): Set WsD1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Database1")
    Dim LrD As Long, LrD1 As Long
     Let LrD = WsD.Range("A" & WsD.Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row: Let LrD1 = WsD1.Range("A" & WsD1.Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row
    Rem 2 make arrays of concatenated words
    'Dim v: v = WsD.Evaluate("=D2:D4&E2:E4&F2:F4"): v = WsD.Evaluate("=D2:D" & LrD & "&E2:E" & LrD & "&F2:F" & LrD & "")
    Dim arrD() As Variant: Let arrD() = WsD.Evaluate("=D2:D" & LrD & "&E2:E" & LrD & "&F2:F" & LrD & "")
    Dim arrD1() As Variant: Let arrD1() = WsD1.Evaluate("=A2:A" & LrD1 & "&B2:B" & LrD1 & "&C2:C" & LrD1 & "")
    Rem 3 compare arrays
    Dim rwD As Long, rwD1 As Long
        For rwD = 2 To LrD
            For rwD1 = 2 To LrD1
                If arrD(rwD - 1, 1) = arrD1(rwD1 - 1, 1) Then MsgBox prompt:="match for " & arrD(rwD - 1, 1) & " at Database row " & rwD & " Database1 row " & rwD1
            Next rwD1
        Next rwD
    End Sub
    Here's the same basic macro done slightly differently
    Sub MatchNameProjectTask2()
    Rem 0 Worksheets info
    Dim WsD As Worksheet, WsD1 As Worksheet
     Set WsD = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Database"): Set WsD1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Database1")
    Dim LrD As Long, LrD1 As Long
     Let LrD = WsD.Range("A" & WsD.Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row: Let LrD1 = WsD1.Range("A" & WsD1.Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row
    Rem 2 make arrays of concatenated words
    Dim arrD() As String, arrD1() As String
     ReDim arrD(2 To LrD): ReDim arrD1(2 To LrD1)
    Dim rwD As Long, rwD1 As Long
        For rwD = 2 To LrD
         Let arrD(rwD) = WsD.Range("D" & rwD & "") & WsD.Range("E" & rwD & "") & WsD.Range("F" & rwD & "")
        Next rwD
        For rwD1 = 2 To LrD1
         Let arrD1(rwD1) = WsD1.Range("A" & rwD1 & "") & WsD1.Range("B" & rwD1 & "") & WsD1.Range("C" & rwD1 & "")
        Next rwD1
    Rem 3 compare arrays
        For rwD = 2 To LrD
            For rwD1 = 2 To LrD1
                If arrD(rwD) = arrD1(rwD1) Then MsgBox prompt:="match for " & arrD(rwD) & " at Database row " & rwD & " Database1 row " & rwD1
            Next rwD1
        Next rwD
    End Sub
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    Last edited by DocAElstein; 10-02-2023 at 12:55 PM.

  3. #3
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    Hi Alan,

    thanks for the code but it doesn't do what I need to do.
    I am trying to explain the full picture of my file:
    1. I have a User form in sheet1 where I am adding new records.
    2. When I save (or submit) the form all the data are added to Database sheet as a new line (this is working just fine with the bellow code)

    Sub Submit_Data()
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Dim sh1 As Worksheet
    Dim iRow As Long, colno As Integer, iCol As Long, rowno As Integer
    Dim iRow1 As Long, colno1 As Integer, iCol1 As Integer, reqdRow As Integer
    Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Database")
    Set sh1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Database1")
    iRow = [Counta(Database!A:A)] + 1
    iCol = Sheets("Database").Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column - 1
    iRow1 = [Counta(Database1!A:A)] + 1
    iCol1 = Sheets("Database1").Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column - 1
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    With sh
    .Cells(iRow, 1) = iRow - 1
    .Cells(iRow, 2) = UserFormTest.CmbYear.Value
    .Cells(iRow, 3) = UserFormTest.CmbMonth.Value
    .Cells(iRow, 4) = UserFormTest.CmbName.Value
    .Cells(iRow, 5) = UserFormTest.CmbProject.Value
    .Cells(iRow, 6) = UserFormTest.CmbTask.Value
    .Cells(iRow, 7) = UserFormTest.TxtAmount.Value
    .Cells(iRow, 8) = Application.UserName
    End With
    3. At the same time as before (save or submit the form) I need that only the "Amount" value to be added to Database1 sheet in the corresponding cell
    Ex. the amount of 100 from Database sheet (first record) must be added to cell "D15" (with yellow in Database1 sheet) because that cell is the corresponding cell for "Year 2022" "Month January" "Name bbb" "Project2" "Task2"

    With sh1
    For rowno = 2 To iRow1
    If .Cells(rowno, 1) = UserFormTest.CmbName.Value And .Cells(rowno, 2) = UserFormTest.CmbProject.Value Then
    reqdRow = rowno
    Exit For
    End If
    For colno = 4 To iCol1
    If UserFormTest.CmbMonth.Value = Format(.Cells(1, colno), "MMMM") And _
    UserFormTest.CmbYear.Value = Format(.Cells(1, colno), "YYYY") Then
    .Cells(reqdRow, colno) = UserFormTest.TxtAmount.Value
    End If
    .Cells(iRow, iCol1 + 3) = Application.UserName
    End With
    Call Reset
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    MsgBox "Date incarcate cu succes!"
    End Sub
    The above code is matching the "Name" and "Project" but not the "Task" and this is where I need your help.

    Thanks again!

  4. #4
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Hi Liviu
    It’s possibly difficult for me to understand the full picture as I know nothing about UserForms.
    I doubt therefore that I will be able to give you exactly the final coding you need, since I don’t understand the workings of UserForms.
    Also, if I click that Form button , then I see this, which is impossible for me to see anything in.
    ( If you have an issue / problem specific to something associated with the UserForm then I can’t help further. If for example, there is a simple typo in Task, or you have task rather than Task, then I can’t see that in that UserForm )

    The best I can do therefore is give again some ideas that takes the matching further and goes on to match those date values, and then puts the Amount in the appropriate place in database1
    (Basically, what I did for you before is going some way to demo to you coding that does that sort of row matching based on the various criteria of matching headings. So that was just matching the rows, which matched effectively "Name" and "Project" and the "Task).

    This next macro is basically the same as my last. But instead of the demo message box, it now adds the "Amount" value to be added to Database1 sheet in the corresponding cell

    The way I have done this extra section, is to convert the Year and Month from column B and C in Database, (along with an assumed day of the first of the month) to an Excel date serial number *****
    I then compare that with the date serial numbers for the top row of Database1.
    A match will then tell me which column to put the Amount in

    Sub MatchNameProjectTask3()
    Rem 0 Worksheets info
    Dim WsD As Worksheet, WsD1 As Worksheet
     Set WsD = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Database"): Set WsD1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Database1")
    Dim LrD As Long, LrD1 As Long
     Let LrD = WsD.Range("A" & WsD.Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row: Let LrD1 = WsD1.Range("A" & WsD1.Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row
    Rem 2 make arrays of concatenated words
    Dim arrD() As String, arrD1() As String
     ReDim arrD(2 To LrD): ReDim arrD1(2 To LrD1)
    Dim rwD As Long, rwD1 As Long
        For rwD = 2 To LrD
         Let arrD(rwD) = WsD.Range("D" & rwD & "") & WsD.Range("E" & rwD & "") & WsD.Range("F" & rwD & "")
        Next rwD
        For rwD1 = 2 To LrD1
         Let arrD1(rwD1) = WsD1.Range("A" & rwD1 & "") & WsD1.Range("B" & rwD1 & "") & WsD1.Range("C" & rwD1 & "")
        Next rwD1
    '2b) Array of date serials from Database1
    Dim arrDtSerials() As Variant, LcD1 As Long
     Let LcD1 = WsD1.Cells(1, WsD1.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
     Let arrDtSerials() = WsD1.Range("A1").Resize(1, LcD1).Value2
    Rem 3 compare arrays for headings
        For rwD = 2 To LrD
            For rwD1 = 2 To LrD1
                If arrD(rwD) = arrD1(rwD1) Then    '     MsgBox prompt:="match for " & arrD(rwD) & " at Database row " & rwD & " Database1 row " & rwD1
                '3b We have a heading match , so now match the date
                Dim DteSerial As Variant
                ' Let DteSerial = WsD.Evaluate("=DATEVALUE(""1 " & WsD.Range("C2").Value & " " & WsD.Range("B2").Value & """)")
                 Let DteSerial = WsD.Evaluate("=DATEVALUE(""1 " & WsD.Range("C" & rwD & "").Value & " " & WsD.Range("B" & rwD & "").Value & """)")
                Dim MtchRes As Variant
                 Let MtchRes = Application.match(DteSerial, arrDtSerials(), 0)
                    If IsError(MtchRes) Then MsgBox prompt:="No date match": Exit Sub
                 Let WsD1.Cells(rwD1, MtchRes) = WsD.Range("G" & rwD & "").Value
                End If
            Next rwD1
        Next rwD
    End Sub

    So this would be the Before, as we had before:

    Then, after running that macro, this would be the After


    *****Unfortunately dates in Excel and VBA are a real pain in the arse, since different excel versions and land versions and user setting all give different results, so you may need to tweak some of the coding that gets the date match. There is no known way around these problems. It makes sharing files to different people with dates in them sometimes impossible.
    The macro is working in my Excel
    Its based on this bit working to give me the correct date serial number from worksheet Database

    Sub Dts()
    Rem 0 Worksheets info
    Dim WsD As Worksheet
     Set WsD = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Database")
    Dim DteSerial As Variant
     Let DteSerial = Evaluate("=DATEVALUE(""1-January-2022"")") ' 44562 : Variant/Double
     Let DteSerial = WsD.Evaluate("=DATEVALUE(""1-"" & ""January"" & ""-2022"")") ' 44562 : Variant/Double
     Let DteSerial = WsD.Evaluate("=DATEVALUE(""1-" & WsD.Range("C2").Value & "-2022"")") ' 44562 : Variant/Double
     Let DteSerial = WsD.Evaluate("=DATEVALUE(""1-" & WsD.Range("C2").Value & "-2022"")") ' 44562 : Variant/Double
     Let DteSerial = WsD.Evaluate("=DATEVALUE(""1-" & WsD.Range("C2").Value & "-" & WsD.Range("B2").Value & """)")  ' 44562 : Variant/Double
     Let DteSerial = WsD.Evaluate("=DATEVALUE(""1 " & WsD.Range("C2").Value & " " & WsD.Range("B2").Value & """)") ' 44562 : Variant/Double
    End Sub

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    Last edited by DocAElstein; 02-16-2022 at 04:11 PM.

  5. #5
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    Hi Alan,

    thanks for your reply!
    Please excuse my late answer.
    I am really stuck at this point because I don't know where to add the code sent by you and I don't know the reason but I can't download the file sent by you.
    Could you please attach the modified file again?


  6. #6
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    I am not sure what hte problem is with the download for you. Once in a while something wont download on a particular operating system or Browser. We never figured out why yet.
    I just put it in a share place for you, perhaps that will work for you
    Share ‘Work_file.xlsm’

    It's difficult for me to help further beacuse
    _1 I can't see anything on the userform - as i showed in the screen shot the text and numbers are too small to see,
    _ 2 I still really don't know what should happen.I don't understand what you want, where data comes from etc. etc... - You have given a pefectly good explanation for yourself or anyone else maybe who knows already the sort of thing that you are doing.
    But you are talking to a complee stranger that knows VBA quite well but has no idea of your work. (and hasn't done much with userforms either - I do understand the very basics of them). I expect it would take me 10 seconds to sort your problem out , but a day first before I figured out what it is that should happen.
    You will always improve your chances of an answer here, or elsewhere, if you give a very detailed walkthrough of what should happen , giving sample data and saying exactly what steps you do, where the data is coming from etc. etc
    I feel your pain. You have an annoying problem and want the answer quick. Sometimes you strike lucky, and find someone that has done almost excactly what you are doing and sees at a glance what the problem is.
    I hav'nt, so I can't

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 02-18-2022 at 02:27 PM.

  7. #7
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    Hi Alan,

    I will try to explain exactly what should happen with my file:
    1. when I click on "Form" button located in sheet1 a user form open and I enter all the data in this form (file attached in .jpg for you to see)
    2. I fill all the data in this form (there are some dropdown lists-except the Amount) for each field. The fields from user form are exactly the headers from column B to G located in Database sheet (Year, Month, Name, Project, Task, Amount)-see File1.jpg attached.
    3. When I click "SAVE" all the data are automatically added in Database sheet as a new line (less columns A and H that are auto filled) - please see File2.jpg attached.
    This is done by the following code and it is working just fine
    Sub Submit_Data()
        Dim sh As Worksheet
        Dim sh1 As Worksheet
        Dim iRow As Long, colno As Integer, iCol As Long, rowno As Integer
        Dim iRow1 As Long, colno1 As Integer, iCol1 As Integer, reqdRow As Integer
        Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Database")
        Set sh1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Database1")
        iRow = [Counta(Database!A:A)] + 1
        iCol = Sheets("Database").Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column - 1
        iRow1 = [Counta(Database1!A:A)] + 1
        iCol1 = Sheets("Database1").Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column - 1
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        With sh
            .Cells(iRow, 1) = iRow - 1
            .Cells(iRow, 2) = UserFormTest.CmbYear.Value
            .Cells(iRow, 3) = UserFormTest.CmbMonth.Value
            .Cells(iRow, 4) = UserFormTest.CmbName.Value
            .Cells(iRow, 5) = UserFormTest.CmbProject.Value
            .Cells(iRow, 6) = UserFormTest.CmbTask.Value
            .Cells(iRow, 7) = UserFormTest.TxtAmount.Value
            .Cells(iRow, 8) = Application.UserName
        End With
        Call Reset
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        MsgBox "Date incarcate cu succes!"
    End Sub
    4. Now comes the part where I need help. I would like that when I click the "SAVE" button in my user form to add a new line in Database sheet as pct. 3 above (this is already working as described before) AND to add only the amount of 1000 to cell G20 from Database1 sheet (please see File3.jpg attached). That cell is the correspondent cell for the data that I filled in user form - Year 2022, Month April, Name bbb, Project Project5, Task Task2 as File1.jpg.

    Hope it make sense now.
    Thanks again!
    P.S. The link sent before for downloading the file was great but the issue with the amount from Database1 sheet didn't worked
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  8. #8
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    OK, that’s all a bit clearer for me, thanks.
    I probably could have a go… But

    I am still having problems doing anything with your UserForm.
    I tried on three different computers, with Excel versions 2007, 2010 and 2013(professional)

    So, I press the Form Button

    This happens:
    Excel 2007 text is too small to do anything with, as before ( that I did before was on another computer which also had Excel 2007 )

    Excel 2010 error

    Excel 2013 ( Professional ) error

    Translating those error texts in the last two screenshots to English – it says something about not being able to set ColumnWidth property due to type mismatch

    If nobody else helps you in the meantime, I will try and take a look again later today when I have more time. I might be able to do something in Excel 2007, but its going to be very difficult for me to try and add data in the UserForm as I can barely see anything.

    Its very strange that I get those errors in newer Excel versions. Also the small size I see, could suggest, along with the errors in newer versions, that something is dodgy with your userform

    What Excel version are you using?

    Perhaps in the meantime you could take a look and see if you can do something with the UserForm. Maybe make something bigger , at least just temporarily. Maybe if you make the Form and / or the text bigger and upload some other files with a modified UserForm size in, then I might have a better chance of seeing something in it.
    And/ or see if you can figure out why I can't get the UserForm to come up in some of my Excels.
    As I mentined, I do not have much experience with UserForms, but I have made a few. So far, when they work, they work in all my Excel versions. So I think there is at least a chance that something is a bit wonky in your UserForm, something that just by chance allows it work, all be it with very small text, in Excel 2007.
    Could be a totally other explanation. I am just geussing due to my lack of a lot of experience with UserForms

    I will try and look again today. It might have to wait until tomorrow.
    Please if you get it fixed in the meantime, let me know, so I don’t waste my time.

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 02-18-2022 at 05:27 PM.

  9. #9
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    Hi Alan,

    I don't really know why you have those errors.
    I am using Excel 2016
    I have just modified the user form as per you suggestions and I'm attaching the new file.

    Thanks again,
    Attached Files Attached Files

  10. #10
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Hi Liviu

    OK, I done it for you. ( It was not really solving a problem in your coding. There was no coding anywhere that made any attempt to put data into worksheet Database1 )
    I have basically added / incorporated coding of the form I had in Sub MatchNameProjectTask3() into your macro to do the extra filling of Database1
    So your initial explanation in post #1 was a bit misleading.
    No matter
    Here is the solution(s)

    Some minor issues first
    _ The userFormtext size is very good now. But the Form size was a bit big and bloated. But I fiddled around a bit (blindly) in the UserForm properties and in Private Sub UserForm_Initialize(). So that’s good enough for me to work with
    _ I figured out that strange error as well in the .ColumnWidths : I am mostly using German Excel and my list separator is sometimes taken as ; rather than a ,
    I did a quick bodge to get over that, but you might want to put that back to as you had it.
            ' Quick dodge to get over problem of different seperators in different land Office versions
            On Error Resume Next
            .LstDatabase.ColumnWidths = "40;50;60;60;60;60;60;30"
            .LstDatabase.ColumnWidths = "40,50,60,60,60,60,60,30"
            On Error GoTo 0
            If iRow > 1 Then
    It is usually better to do this sort of thing withput error handling, but I did not know how to easilly determine the seperator used by any Excel. I might be able later to do something along the lines that I did here:
    Possibly someone else passing this Thread knows of a simpler way.? I wpuld be very intersted and grateful of any imput

    So on now to the main stuff

    This is approximately the macro you uploaded which need the additions
    Dim sh As Worksheet
    Dim sh1 As Worksheet
    Dim iRow As Long, colno As Integer, iCol As Long, rowno As Integer
    Dim iRow1 As Long, colno1 As Integer, iCol1 As Integer, reqdRow As Integer
    Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Database")
    Set sh1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Database1")
    iRow = [Counta(Database!A:A)] + 1
    iCol = Sheets("Database").Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column - 1
    iRow1 = [Counta(Database1!A:A)] + 1
    iCol1 = Sheets("Database1").Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column - 1
        With sh
            .Cells(iRow, 1) = iRow - 1
            .Cells(iRow, 2) = UserFormTest.CmbYear.Value
            .Cells(iRow, 3) = UserFormTest.CmbMonth.Value
            .Cells(iRow, 4) = UserFormTest.CmbName.Value
            .Cells(iRow, 5) = UserFormTest.CmbProject.Value
            .Cells(iRow, 6) = UserFormTest.CmbTask.Value
            .Cells(iRow, 7) = UserFormTest.TxtAmount.Value
            .Cells(iRow, 8) = Application.UserName
        End With
        Call Reset
    MsgBox "Date incarcate cu succes!"
    End Sub

    This next is that macro with the addition. The additions are based on my last macro Sub MatchNameProjectTask3()

    Sub Submit_Data()
    Dim Wsh As Worksheet
    Dim Wsh1 As Worksheet
    Dim iRow As Long, colno As Integer, iCol As Long, rowno As Integer
    Dim iRow1 As Long, colno1 As Integer, iCol1 As Integer, reqdRow As Integer
    Set Wsh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Database"): Wsh.Select
    Set Wsh1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Database1")
    iRow = [Counta(Database!A:A)] + 1
                                      'Dim LrD As Long: Let LrD = iRow - 1
    iCol = Sheets("Database").Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column - 1
    iRow1 = [Counta(Database1!A:A)] + 1
    iCol1 = Sheets("Database1").Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column - 1
        With Wsh
            .Cells(iRow, 1) = iRow - 1
            .Cells(iRow, 2) = UserFormTest.CmbYear.Value ' Year
            .Cells(iRow, 3) = UserFormTest.CmbMonth.Value ' Month
            .Cells(iRow, 4) = UserFormTest.CmbName.Value ' Name
            .Cells(iRow, 5) = UserFormTest.CmbProject.Value ' Project
            .Cells(iRow, 6) = UserFormTest.CmbTask.Value ' Task
            .Cells(iRow, 7) = UserFormTest.TxtAmount.Value ' Amount
            .Cells(iRow, 8) = Application.UserName ' Submit
        End With
    ' the bit to put Amount on Database1
    Rem 2a  match Name and Project and Task
        With UserFormTest
        Dim Kee As String: Let Kee = .CmbName.Value & .CmbProject.Value & .CmbTask.Value
        End With
    Dim LrD1 As Long: Let LrD1 = Wsh1.Range("A" & Wsh1.Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row
    Dim arrD1() As String: ReDim arrD1(2 To LrD1)
    Dim rwD1 As Long
        For rwD1 = 2 To LrD1
         Let arrD1(rwD1) = Wsh1.Range("A" & rwD1 & "") & Wsh1.Range("B" & rwD1 & "") & Wsh1.Range("C" & rwD1 & "")
        Next rwD1
    '2b) Array of date serials from Database1
    Dim arrDtSerials() As Variant, LcD1 As Long
     Let LcD1 = Wsh1.Cells(1, Wsh1.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
     Let arrDtSerials() = Wsh1.Range("A1").Resize(1, LcD1).Value2
    Rem 3 compare arrays for headings
        For rwD1 = 2 To LrD1
            If Kee = arrD1(rwD1) Then    '     MsgBox prompt:="match for " & Kee & " at Database1 row " & rwD1
            '3b We have a heading match , so now match the date
            Dim DteSerial As Variant
            ' Let DteSerial = WsD.Evaluate("=DATEVALUE(""1 " & WsD.Range("C2").Value & " " & WsD.Range("B2").Value & """)")
            ' Let DteSerial = Wsh.Evaluate("=DATEVALUE(""1 " & Wsh.Range("C" & rwD & "").Value & " " & WsD.Range("B" & rwD & "").Value & """)")
             Let DteSerial = Wsh.Evaluate("=DATEVALUE(""1 " & Wsh.Range("C" & iRow & "").Value & " " & Wsh.Range("B" & iRow & "").Value & """)")
            Dim MtchRes As Variant
             Let MtchRes = Application.match(DteSerial, arrDtSerials(), 0)
                If IsError(MtchRes) Then MsgBox prompt:="No date match": Exit Sub
             'Let Wsh1.Cells(rwD1, MtchRes) = WsD.Range("G" & rwD & "").Value
             Let Wsh1.Cells(rwD1, MtchRes) = Wsh.Range("G" & iRow & "").Value
            End If
        Next rwD1
    Call Reset
    MsgBox "Date incarcate cu succes!"
    End Sub

    The uploaded file, Work_file_modifiedBefore.xlsm is approximately your original uploaded (modified ) file.
    , and Work_file_modifiedAfter.xlsm, is that same file with the modified macro

    If anything is not quite right, then let me know and I will take another look. but you will have to wait a few days


    Files at share site, incase you can’t get them from the upload again:
    Share ‘Work_file_modifiedBefore.xlsm’
    Share ‘Work_file_modifiedAfter.xlsm’

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 02-19-2022 at 05:56 PM.

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