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Thread: Tests Copying pasting Cliipboard issues

  1. #531
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Clsid Clipboard

    Some rough Clsid Clipboard notes on this page (

    In the first 3 posts is a few links, probably to be added to from time to time, and a few very very rough notes, mainly for me and unlikely useful for anyone else. More useful stuff for others is further down this Page #54 , from post #534

    2007 ht t ps:// Tony Jollans If you are using Office 2000 you do have some indirect access to the Office Clipboard from VBA - but you do not have it in any later versions. In Office 2000 the Office Clipboard is presented as a CommandBar and so you can programmatically manipulate the Controls, for example ... CommandBars("Clipboard").Controls("Clear Clipboard").Execute
    In Office XP and later, the Office Clipboard is presented as a Task Pane and the 'back door' has been shut. AFAIK, VBA access to it post-2000 is impossible - I don't think you can even do it with SendKeys (but don't quote me on that).
    2007 ht t ps:// Tony Jollans ….. Loosely, what happens is this: when you do a Copy operation the Windows Clipboard is cleared and whatever it is you are copying is placed in the Windows Clipboard. It may be added in several different formats (it's not Really relavant now, but some of them may go onto the clipboard itself, some of them may be pointers for the originating application to act on later request). When you do a Paste, the Windows Clipboard is asked to provide whatever is on it in the format you want and, providing that format is available, it will provide it, but still maintain whatever it holds for you to do further Pastes if you wish. In normal circumstances you should not need to do an explicit emptying of the clipboard yourself.
    Separate to all this there is, again (very) loosely, a Windows event fired when something is added to the Windows Clipboard which allows Office to know that it has happened and take a copy for the Office Clipboard. Entirely separate from the Windows Clipboard, the Office Clipboard maintains its own copies of up to 12 (Office 2000) or 24 (later versions) items. Office provides some UI facilities for manipulating the copies it holds but they are not directly available from code and no Paste operation, other than explicitly from the Office Clipboard, will use them. If you do an explicit Paste from the Office Clipboard (via the UI) what actually happens is that a (Windows) Copy operation is triggered to copy from the Office Clipboard to the Windows Clipboard and a (Windows) Paste operation is then triggered to paste from the Windows Clipboard to the specified destination.
    I confess myself at a total loss to explain how something that has been removed from the Windows Clipboard can later be Pasted; it can only happen if it has be re-placed (i.e. re-copied) on to the Windows Clipboard again - whether explicitly or implicitly as part of some other operation. So the immediate questions must be: can you verify that your copies have worked? can you verify that your clearing of the Windows clipboard has worked? and what do you do between copying and pasting? -- Enjoy,
    ht t ps:// hybrid "thing" offered by Office

    May 2010 h tt ps:// tps://
    ht t ps:// no joy
    May 2008 ht t ps://

    Jan 2015 RickXL madness 2 you could paste to either Excel, Notepad or Paint. The clipboard has a native copy for Excel, a text version for Notepad, a bitmap for Paint, an HTML version, an XML version etc etc. According to my recent tests, it seems as if Excel saves about 29 sets of data when you make a copy. When you then try and paste it looks through the list of formats on the clipboard and finds the most suitable one

    Aug 2015 htt ps:// Rory knicked? 2018 Update: With the rollout of Windows 8 and Windows 10, this solution no longer works reliably,

    2018 htt ps:// Masturbator API

    12/29/2018 ht t ps:// tps:// The DataObject and the Clipboard both provide a means to move data from one place to another. DataObject is a standard OLE object, while the Clipboard aint

    Feb 2019 3 Reset Clear Clipboard 2 2 1 with La légende du bouton
    ht tps:// changes to
    ht tps:// 09/13/2021

    Mar 2019 2

    Mar 2019 3 (Clipboard API alternative) array overflow date value Yasser rory
    Mar 2019 My last post is best, , giving further links
    Oct 2019 ht tps:// not working so did archive org below which works
    htt ps:// ttps://
    That seems to give > ht tp:// (How to: Send Information to the Clipboard); which is still as new but it is a redirect 2022 htt ps:// there as new, and captures first start at Sep 2023 ??
    An old capture from Oct 2013 – htt ps://
    > htt p:// (How to: Retrieve Information from the Clipboard). Its dated 2022 currently as redirect htt ps://
    A archive org from 2013 htt ps://
    Maybe this was Rory’s cheat sheet from about 2015 ht tps:// VBA does not offer a clipboard object, although Visual Basic 6 did. …. copies just two questions marks to the clipboard when used under Windows 8 and 10 (as tested in September 2015)

    April 2019 4 multiple Clipboard for multiple cells MISTAKE WRONG Yasser was right 3

    Oct 2019 h tt ps:// tp s://

    Dec 2019 1
    Dec 2019 2 Clipboard quote multi line cell text Syntax in Windows clipboard, to Paste multi lines in Excel

    08/19/2020 h t tps:// t tps:// Clipboard Formats

    Jan 2021 1 split clipboard

    Jun 2021 1 2 put Text file in Excel Clipboard wonder

    Apr 2022 2 Clipboard Convert vertical to horizontal on multiple columns 26 Apr 2022 lost appendix

    Jun 2022 2 Power shell not working speakeasy Clipboard first 100 lines text file PowerShell Clipboard
    June 2022 3 PowerShell text set clipboard SpeakEasy works not me (snb CreateObject scripting.filesystemobject .opentextfile .readall )
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 04-23-2024 at 08:01 PM.

  2. #532
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Notes mostly originating from a bomb shell dropped by Mike, (SpeakEasy). The Windows Clipboard

    _ - - - - - - -
    Nov 2022 3 Office Windows Clipboard
    Nov 2022 1 Mike we only have 1 windows clipboard …… just the Windows clipboard. The Office clipboard is just a specific view ….. the clipboard is owned at any particular point in time by the window (or task) that last placed data in the clipboard. In conjunction with this, an application can request that data it is putting on the clipboard use something called 'deferred render' mode - this means that the data is not actually put on the clipboard at that time, the intended purpose being related to performance - it is only provided when a request to paste the data is made. Data marked for deferred render is removed from the clipboard when the owning window is closed. Excel seems to mark quite a lot of data for deferred rendering .
    For a range Excel puts about 30 different formats of the data on the clipboard in the following order excelclipboarformats.jpg The 'Office clipboard' and 'Excel clipboard' are just limited viewers of the Windows clipboard. As indicated above, the source application has the responsibility of putting all the formats it deems necessary onto the clipboard. The consuming app iterates that list of formats to see which ones it supports.
    so what’s this then 4
    so any application can monitor (and display to the best of their ability) the contents of the clipboard*. (* this, by the way, is why you can find a plethora of applets that purport to show the contents of the clipboard such as FreeClipView and ClipDiary (back in the day - XP - Microsoft had their own proper clipboard viewer, but they got rid of it; I suspect because it used the slightly unstable clipboard viewer chain mentioned above; the replacement in Windows 10, which only works if you turn on clipboard history - yes they added a history capability to the OS - lacks features ...)) …. This used to be by inserting a clipboard viewer into the clipboard viewer chain - but this is not as robust as it might be, and is the source of some of the 'bugs' that you refer to (e,g. if applications fail to maintain the clipboard viewer chain properly or if a window in the clipboard viewer chain stops responding to messages). The current best practice method is to create a Clipboard Format Listener, which then receives notifications every time the clipboard changes. Applications are free to display the current contents of the clipboard that they understand in order to show the user what is available to paste. And that's what the Office clipboard is: simply a bespoke view of the Windows clipboard, not an actual separate clipboard. There IS a minor wrinkle to this - the Office clipboard viewer maintains a history of clipboard entries (the clipboard itself can only ever hold one entry). Again without going into the nitty gritty, this history consists of data formats that the Office applications know how to render. This can cause some minor inconsistencies..
    something somewhere is telling the clipboard - Indeed. Specifically, the WM_RENDERFORMAT message - Sent to the clipboard owner if it has delayed rendering a specific clipboard format and if an application has requested data in that format. The clipboard owner must render data in the specified format and place it on the clipboard by calling the SetClipboardData function.
    The .Copy method puts a copy of the object you are referencing onto the clipboard, in this case a Range.- and then synthesizes all the supported formats. including the Text format (which it does as the synthesized CF_TEXT format, which always ends CR LF [in fact it is even more clever than that, in that it actually separates Rows with CR LF and columns by Tab])
    The DataObject's .SetText method exposed to VBA, on the other hand, expects a straightforward text string
    (Oh, and one other thing: .PutInClipboard can perform ... unexpectedly ... on occasion if Windows file explorer is open.) 14
    Nov 2022 6 the windows clipboard ….. there is no such thing as an Excel Clipboard, and not even anything that might be considered as similar. _____ This thing, Let Application.CutCopyMode = False , is often said to clear the Excel Clipboard.
    How about: It takes it out of the (Windows) Clipboard. So if you do a .Paste nothing will happen, as the (Windows) Clipboard is now empty, and the stupid thing is not as clever as that “Office thing that is similar to a clipboard” (that thing what we might call, for want of a better name, the Office Clipboard) , so it wont remember what was copied before. I note that Let Application.CutCopyMode = False makes the clipboard symbol go from orange to white. So maybe that is an indication of if the (Windows) Clipboard is occupied or not._.____________________________
    That “Office thing that is similar to a clipboard” (that thing what we might call, for want of a better name, the Office Clipboard) , seems to hold a copied range including the format, long after other things have been copied , even if Let Application.CutCopyMode = False was used a few times, and even if the workbook from which it was copied has long since been closed. In fact, close Excel, go into Word, take a peek into the Office thing that is similar to a clipboard” (that thing what we might call, for want of a better name, the Office Clipboard) there, and you can also pick that copied Excel range out, and paste that copied Excel range into word. But now things are getting a bit inconsistent and quirky: I am finding that sometimes it will give me the formats and sometimes not, - Oh dear, Microsoft got their clipboard viewer chain in a tangle I expect._.____________________
    I have often regarded the .Paste as using the Windows Clipboard, whereas I regarded the Excel .PasteSpecial function as using the Excel Clipboard.
    Maybe .Paste is using the (Windows) Clipboard whereas the Excel .PasteSpecial function is just some coding to help you choose which version of the copy in the (Windows) Clipboard that you use.
    _ - - - - - - - -

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 04-23-2024 at 08:10 PM.

  3. #533
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Dec 2022 2 Clipboard Trim Eval Range 2 Hans knatsch

    Feb 2023 2 Do While Clipboard Gather unique values in one row for each unique key

    May 2023 2 clipboard ramble

    Jan 2023 2 Clipboard opps a vbCr & vbLf OopsAvbCr&vbLf.xls
    Jan 2023 2
    The .Copy method puts a copy of the object you are referencing onto the clipboard, in this case a Range.- and then synthesizes all the supported formats. including the Text format (which it does as the synthesized CF_TEXT format , which always ends CR LF [in fact it is even more clever than that, in that it actually separates Rows with CR LF and columns by Tab])
    The DataObject's .SetText method exposed to VBA, on the other hand, expects a straightforward text string
    The .Copy is going to tell the Clipboard that it …. ( it being VBA I think in this case, or possibly Excel as the controlling/"owning thing") …. this it is in charge of the clipboard for the time being. This it is a deferred render entry thing, but if and when it does actually put stuff in The ( Microsoft Windows ) Clipboard, then in the case of a range it is gonna be quite a few formats, (maybe about 30 ) or maybe not?: I mean, as its a deferred render entry thing it might decide to put different things in The ( Microsoft Windows ) Clipboard depending on what is done later to trigger the thing to do what it is deferring doing when it’s the controlling/ "owning thing" ?
    So that is maybe something close to what the .Copy is doing.
    .SetText and .PutInClipboard
    ( I am not sure if this is a deferred entry thing or not ? ).
    This can’t do anything much other than put text somewhere since that is all you give it: You give it a simple text string. That’s it.
    _.___________________________________________I am not 100% sure what you are saying by your reference synthesized CF_TEXT format.
    This is my guess as to what you are saying. :
    If I use the .GetFromClipboard and .GetText() from within VBA, then what I get will depend on what was the controlling "owning" thing of the The ( Microsoft Windows ) Clipboard at the time ….
    Let me consider the 2 cases relevant here…
    _ case1
    If .Copy was the owning controlling thing of The ( Microsoft Windows ) Clipboard, then, when it sees the request of .GetFromClipboard from within VBA, it may not quite have the format requested. ….I am trying to understand that link you gave ….. I will take a guess that what is going on in this case1 is this:
    It takes one of the formats on the first column from that link you gave which it does have* (*or will have – its deferred entry ....) . It than either makes one of the formats on the second column from that link, or maybe makes one that is not listed there. I don’t know. I do know, and agree with this bit that you said…. it actually separates Rows with CR LF and columns by Tab…..
    _ case2
    If the DataObject is the owning controlling thing of The ( Microsoft Windows ) Clipboard, ( in other words you did the .SetText and .PutInClipboard thing to put text in The ( Microsoft Windows ) Clipboard) , then … put a text in and you will get with the .GetFromClipboard and .GetText() the same text back. Simple as that. ( I am still not sure what of the CF_ things are used though in this case either )

    Clsid Mike GUID list CLSIDs skids SCIDs 2 GUIDS CLSIDs in the { } as in CreateObject("New:" & “{aksjjfhaskj}” & "") Oct 2021 3 CLSID .NET 3.5 2 clsid Oct 2021 Feb 2016

    API alternative
    2012 Looks like first report of it
    opened a support case with Microsoft as suggested by Kirk Beller…..MS determined the cause to be 'most likely a flaw in our product'. So far, I have had no notification of when or if it might be fixed - MS helped me develop a robust workaround using native Windows API calls instead of a DataObject. These are documented in the following articles:
    > (How to: Send Information to the Clipboard); - Cant find on archive, but the original gets redirected to a new one from 2022, archived at similar date
    > (How to: Retrieve Information from the Clipboard). – original archived
    2013 The original gets redirected to one from 2022 , archived at a similar date
    So far no MS article does the 64bit even though the original article has a post 2019 telling about it
    2015 VBA does not offer a clipboard object, although Visual Basic 6 did. …. copies just two questions marks to the clipboard when used under Windows 8 and 10 (as tested in September 2015)
    2015 Mac as well like Rory’s 2018 Update: With the rollout of Windows 8 and Windows 10, this solution no longer works reliably,
    2018 difference between the DataObject and the Clipboard
    2018 Masterbasdor API Post
    Mar 2019 My last post is best, , giving further links
    Rory’s Tools

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 04-25-2024 at 05:03 PM.

  4. #534
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Clsid Clipboard

    This is post #534

    Some notes to bring together some "Clsid Clipboard" discussions from approximately here and here,

    Clsid Late Binding

    These sort of things:


    The last one is the most commonly used and known about, at least around the VBA area where I am, or have been, over the last few years

    Some notes picked up from smarter people
    Mike (SpeakEasy), Hans, Chris : From about here
    Microsoft simply hasn't exposed a class name for DataObject. Most object we use do have a class name. For those we can use early binding by setting a reference, or late binding by using GetObject/CreateObject with a class name. DataObject is an exception, so we MUST use its hexadecimal ClassID.
    36-character strings: .. It's the formal string representation of the underlying 128bit UUID (which Microsoft tend to refer to as a GUID; a CLSID is just a GUID being used for a specific role - identifying a class object), that representation being 32 hexadecimal digits separated by 4 hyphens ...
    We humans are sheltered from them normally, but there are odd occasions where we find we have to use them. Not very often for most users, it has to be said.

    Mike (SpeakEasy), from about here
    GUID is just a unique identifier. Microsoft use unique identifiers for all sorts of purposes in Windows, and then they are given specific names to better indicate their purpose, hence FMTID in my previous post. The GUIDs you can use with CreateObject are actually knows as CLSIDs (or Class IDs); each and every class on Windows has it's own CLSID, and you can look them all up in the registry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.
    In general it offers little benefit compared to using the ProgID (the human readable string, such as word.application), and indeed often obfuscates what is going on (malware writers were big fans ...).

    There are, however, a few rare scenarios where it can prove useful. Some COM objects do not have a ProgID. Often such objects are not directly useful to VB/VBA programmers, but some are. The one you use in your example, 1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69, is the userform clipboard object*, so we get a cheap way of simple clipboard access.
    ( * More accurately the userform dataobject, (Microsoft.Vbe.Interop.Forms.DataObjectClass - this is NOT a ProgID) which provides simple access to the clipboard )

    Here is a macro I found a few years back:

    '                             This workbook kept and updated here:   (Folder at excel fox2   RegistryCmdListsWinGimics)
    '    '        
    Sub ListCLSIDs() '
    Dim Ws As Worksheet: Set Ws = Me ' Set Ws = ActiveSheet
    Dim Registry As Object, varKey As Variant, varKeys As Variant
     Set Registry = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
     Registry.EnumKey 2147483650#, "SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID", varKeys '
    Dim Cnt As Long: Let Cnt = 1
        For Each varKey In varKeys
    '    Let Ws.Range("A" & Ws.Range("A" & Ws.Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row + 1 & "").Value = varKey
     Let Cnt = Cnt + 1
        Let Ws.Range("A" & Cnt & "").Value = varKey
    End Sub
    Here is a more recent one from Mike ( Speakeasy )

    Public Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000  '
    Public Sub GetCLSIDs_and_ProgIDs() '
        Dim entryArray() As Variant
        Dim KeyValue  As Variant  '  Dim KeyValue  As String  ..... Automation-errors-The-called-object-has-been-disconnected-from-the-clients -    Mike: The error is somewhat misleading. It is down to the fact that the XP (and presumably Vista and W7, although I can't test them) WMI provider (which gives us the Registry access) handles returning Null differently than the one on W10
        Dim KeyPath As String
        Dim x As Long
        Dim row As Long
        Dim RegistryObject As Object
        Dim strComputer As String
        strComputer = "."
        Set RegistryObject = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
        RegistryObject.EnumKey HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID", entryArray
        ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = "CLSID"
        ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 2).Value = "ProgID"
        row = 2
        For x = 0 To UBound(entryArray)
            RegistryObject.getstringvalue HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID\" & entryArray(x) & "\ProgId", "", KeyValue
            If KeyValue <> "" Then
                ActiveSheet.Cells(row, 1) = entryArray(x)
                ActiveSheet.Cells(row, 2) = KeyValue
                row = row + 1
            End If
        Next x
    End Sub
    In post #535 , I slightly rearrange those routines above, ( mine and Mike’s Clsid list thing making codings) , just to make them easier to compare, and then in post #537 I do Some initial comparison thoughts

    By the way, back then I did myself the coding below to create an object from the Clsid and then look at the TypeName( object ) . I did that as a geuss on how to get the class name, if it had one. More about that abortion Later
    '    '
    Sub CLSIDsValueNames() '
    Dim Ws As Worksheet: Set Ws = Me ' Set Ws = ActiveSheet
    Dim RngSel As Range:  Set RngSel = Selection
        If RngSel.Cells.Count = 1 Then MsgBox prompt:="Please select at least 2 cells in column A": Exit Sub
        If RngSel.Cells.Columns.Count <> 1 Then MsgBox prompt:="Please select at least 2 cells in only column A": Exit Sub
        If Not RngSel.Cells.Column = 1 Then MsgBox prompt:="Please select at least 2 cells in column A": Exit Sub
    Dim stearCel As Range
        For Each stearCel In RngSel
         Let Ws.Range("B" & stearCel.row & "").Value = "Tried" ' To indicate I tried - this can be useful to see where it crashed
        Dim OOPObj  As Object
        On Error GoTo EyeEyeSkipper
         Set OOPObj = CreateObject("New:" & stearCel.Value & "")
         Let Ws.Range("D" & stearCel.row & "").Value = TypeName(OOPObj)
         Let Application.DisplayAlerts = False
         ThisWorkbook.Save ' This is done to save all got so far incase Excel crashes on next loop or below
         Let Application.DisplayAlerts = True
        On Error Resume Next
        On Error GoTo 0
        Set OOPObj = Nothing
        On Error GoTo -1
        On Error GoTo 0
        Next stearCel
    End Sub
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 04-24-2024 at 02:39 AM.

  5. #535
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    These next couple of codings are mine and Mike’s, as in the last post, but I have just rearranged them a bit and made very minor changes, just to make it a bit easier to compare.
                                                                                      'Public Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000  '
    Public Sub ListCLSIDs_and_ProgIDs_Mike()  ' Mike         '
    Dim Ws As Worksheet:  Set Ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("CLSIDsOldVista4810TZG")        ' Set Ws = Me '
    Dim RegObject As Object, entryArray() As Variant, KeyValue As Variant             ' Dim KeyValue  As String ' Mike .... error is somewhat misleading. It is down to the fact that the XP (and presumably Vista and W7, although I can't test them) WMI provider (which gives us the Registry access) handles returning Null differently than the one on W10. Simply change the declaration of KeyValue from   Dim KeyValue As String  to  Dim KeyValue As Variant
                                                                                           '  Dim KeyPath As String ' - ??
                                                      Dim strComputer As String: Let strComputer = "."
     Set RegObject = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv")
     RegObject.EnumKey &H80000000, "CLSID", entryArray()                             ' HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CLSID", entryArray()
                                                                                                                     ' Let Ws.Cells(1, 6).Value = "CLSID": Let Ws.Cells(1, 7).Value = "ProgID"
    Dim ExRowCnt As Long ' ================================================================================================
        For ExRowCnt = 0 To UBound(entryArray())
         RegObject.getstringvalue &H80000000, "CLSID\" & entryArray(ExRowCnt) & "\ProgId", "", KeyValue
         Let Ws.Range("F" & ExRowCnt + 2 & "") = entryArray(ExRowCnt)
         Let Ws.Range("G" & ExRowCnt + 2 & "") = KeyValue
        Next ExRowCnt ' ===================================================================================================
    End Sub
    Public Sub ListCLSIDs_Me()               '  Me            '    '        
    Dim Ws As Worksheet: Set Ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("CLSIDsOldVista4810TZG")                    ' set ws = Set Ws = Me ' Set Ws = ActiveSheet
    Dim RegObject As Object, KeyValues() As Variant, KeyValue As Variant
     Set RegObject = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
     RegObject.EnumKey 2147483650#, "SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID", KeyValues()             '
    Dim ExRowCnt As Long ' ================================================================================================
        For Each KeyValue In KeyValues()
         Let ExRowCnt = ExRowCnt + 1
         Let Ws.Range("A" & ExRowCnt + 1 & "") = KeyValue
        Next          ' ===================================================================================================
    End Sub
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 04-26-2024 at 07:22 PM.

  6. #536
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    My second abortion coding

    Post #536

    My object creating abortion
    In the coding of mine, ( Public Sub ListCLSIDs_Me() or Sub ListCLSIDs() ) , I only got the list of the 36 characters in the squiggly bracket , { } things. ( I did not know for sure how to get the name )
    But I was interested in the name thing. So as I was not sure how to do it, I wrote , back then, that second program, Sub CLSIDsValueNames() to try and get that name somehow. It basically creates the object, or tries to, and if it is successful, it tries to get the TypeName( object ) of that object.
    It works just on the selection you make in column A, the 36 characters in the squiggly bracket , { } things.
    Back then, I did a few . but, I broke off from doing it for all the 6527 things, as after doing a few, some applications started appearing after a computer restart, and I had to tank them from the Task Manager.
    But for the ones I did do so far, there is some similarity between what I get for my
    ____ = TypeName( the created object )
    , and what Mike effectively gets from these 2 lineyMike’s
    RegObject.getstringvalue &H80000000, "CLSID" & entryArray(ExRowCnt) & "\ProgId", "", KeyValue
    Prog = KeyValue

    Here, just as example, some of the first results

    Check out also the worksheet named CLSIDsOldVista4810TZG in this file
    CLSDsUndClassNames.xls -

    Here again that abortion of a coding
    [color]Sub CLSIDsValueNames() '
    Dim Ws As Worksheet: Set Ws = Me ' Set Ws = ActiveSheet
    Dim RngSel As Range:  Set RngSel = Selection
        If RngSel.Cells.Count = 1 Then MsgBox prompt:="Please select at least 2 cells in column A": Exit Sub
        If RngSel.Cells.Columns.Count <> 1 Then MsgBox prompt:="Please select at least 2 cells in only column A": Exit Sub
        If Not RngSel.Cells.Column = 1 Then MsgBox prompt:="Please select at least 2 cells in column A": Exit Sub
    Dim stearCel As Range
        For Each stearCel In RngSel
         Let Ws.Range("B" & stearCel.row & "").Value = "Tried" ' To indicate I tried - this can be useful to see where it crashed
        Dim OOPObj  As Object
        On Error GoTo EyeEyeSkipper
         Set OOPObj = CreateObject("New:" & stearCel.Value & "")
         Let Ws.Range("D" & stearCel.row & "").Value = TypeName(OOPObj)
         Let Application.DisplayAlerts = False
         ThisWorkbook.Save ' This is done to save all got so far incase Excel crashes on next loop or below
         Let Application.DisplayAlerts = True
        On Error Resume Next
        On Error GoTo 0
        Set OOPObj = Nothing
        On Error GoTo -1
        On Error GoTo 0
        Next stearCel
    End Sub
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 04-24-2024 at 02:44 PM.

  7. #537
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Some initial comparison thoughts

    Here again the two macros in their slightly rearranged and modified form to help compare
    Attachment 5814

    The registry object looks the same. Its Getted as an object like these
    Mike _ "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!" & strComputer & "\root\default:StdRegProv"
    Me ___________________ "winmgmts:\\.\root\default:StdRegProv"

    My code I cobbled together a bit wildly. I am not sure yet how Mike got his

    We both do a .EnumKey thing referencing the CLSID which gives us an array back of a Variant types, (0 to 6525) . I use a variable KeyValues() , Mike uses a variable entryArray() . Those arrays are identical , perhaps as expected as the FONT=Courier New].EnumKey [/FONT] thing is very similar
    ___ .EnumKey &H80000000, "CLSID", entryArray() - Mike
    .EnumKey 2147483650#, "SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID", KeyValues() - Me

    The array ( Me - KeyValues() , Mike entryArray() ) has exclusively strings in it, the first is just the word CLSID ,the rest of the 6525 are those 36 characters in the squiggly bracket , { } things.
    We both effectively loop them strings out. I do just that. Mike makes that the first column that, ( and also Mike makes a second column, which appears to get the name you would use in the late binding thing CreateObject("name") thing. )

    Squiggly bracket , { } thing
    Regarding that thing in the Mike first of two columns, (the only thing my first macro does), so it is that 36 characters in the squiggly bracket , { } things. I ended up putting each squiggly bracket , { } thing in a variable KeyValue, getting each one out of my KeyValues() . Mike just loops out directly each of his entryArray() (He does in his original coding give that the heading, CLSID

    The name you would use in the late binding thing CreateObject("name") thing.
    My second abortion coding, Sub CLSIDsValueNames() , attempted to get that. It did not work too well, but got something similar sometimes.
    Mike gets that as well in his coding.
    ( Mike strangely uses the variable name KeyValue , for the name thing. Whereas I use the variable name KeyValue for the other thing, the squiggly bracket , { } things, which Mike uses no variable for but they comes from his entryArray() and he gives his first column the name CLSID . It is a bit pedantic perhaps, but I might like to think a bit more about the better more appropriate variable name as it can help understand/ remember what is going on **)
    Mike gets the name effectively from a line each time inside the loop
    .getstringvalue &H80000000, "CLSID" & entryArray(ExRowCnt) & "\ProgId", "", KeyValue

    **Maybe one or both of us could do better with the name of our variables to make things more clear ??

    Maybe later thoughts, …… later ….
    For now I will post here , at eileenslounge, and wait a while, in case someone Smarter has any comments.

    ( A few other for later, later thoughts ….._
    _..... there is one obvious similarity in the two macros, they are using some WimMIe widget gismo thing. This WimMIe widget gismo stuff is a windows lurking thing so I expect you can get in a few ways. I feel a desire to do this sort of thing with PowerShell from within VBA. I’m not sure why yet , - either a simple perversion or some gut feeling that it might be handy later …. Not quite sure why yet … just a feeling in my bones that it could be useful

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    Last edited by DocAElstein; 04-26-2024 at 09:18 PM.

  8. #538
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    This is post

    Another look at the abortion , 2024
    I decided to risk it and went through all the squiggly bracket , { } things in the macro that tries to make an object from them like CreateObject("New:" & squiggly bracket { } thing & "")
    It wasn’t so bad, - no new strange things appeared permanently
    There were a few crashes which I either let Excel restart itself or I tanked the crashed Excel with the Task Manage r and restarted. ( It happened so much that I got the thing you get after a lot of crashes )
    A few other things I noticed.
    There were a few hangs, not many
    The OLE wait thing ( ) popped up few times. Hitting the OK usually moved it on. Occasionally once was enough but 3 times was most commonly required
    Excel 2003 tried to install or configure a few times.
    Some strange Xceed Encryption Library also appeared a few times

    I was not quite so brilliant with VBA coding as I am now back when I wrote that first abortion coding, and also I thought it might be good to get some error messages. So I did another
    Sub CLSIDsValueNames2() '
    Dim Ws As Worksheet: Set Ws = Me ' Set Ws = ActiveSheet
    Dim RngSel As Range:  Set RngSel = Selection
    '    If RngSel.Cells.Count = 1 Then MsgBox prompt:="Please select at least 2 cells in column A": Exit Sub
        If RngSel.Cells.Columns.Count <> 1 Then MsgBox prompt:="Please select only in column A": Exit Sub
        If Not RngSel.Cells.Column = 1 Then MsgBox prompt:="Please select at least 1 cell in column A": Exit Sub
    Dim stearCel As Range
        For Each stearCel In RngSel
         Let Ws.Range("D" & stearCel.Row & "") = ""
         Let Ws.Range("B" & stearCel.Row & "") = "Tried" ' To indicate I tried - this can be useful to see where it crashed
        Dim OOPObj  As Object
        On Error GoTo Bed
         Set OOPObj = CreateObject("New:" & stearCel.Value & "")
        On Error GoTo 0
        On Error GoTo Bed2
         Let Ws.Range("D" & stearCel.Row & "") = Ws.Range("D" & stearCel.Row & "") & TypeName(OOPObj)
        On Error GoTo 0
        On Error Resume Next
        On Error GoTo 0
        Set OOPObj = Nothing
        Next stearCel
    Exit Sub
    Bed:  '    Error on create object
     Let Application.DisplayAlerts = False
     ThisWorkbook.Save ' This is done to save all got so far in the case of an error
     Let Application.DisplayAlerts = True
     Let Ws.Range("D" & stearCel.Row & "") = "Error on creat object    " & Err.Description & "  " & Err.Number
    Resume Next
    Bed2: '    Error on TypeName
     Let Ws.Range("D" & stearCel.Row & "") = Ws.Range("D" & stearCel.Row & "").Value & "  Error on type name    " & Err.Description & "  " & Err.Number
    On Error GoTo -1
    On Error GoTo 0
    GoTo Skipper
    End Sub
    Sub SpeakEasy()
        Dim objIE As Object
        Set objIE = GetObject("new:{D5E8041D-920F-45e9-B8FB-B1DEB82C6E5E}")
        MsgBox TypeName(objIE)
    End Sub
    Sub RegyRead()
    Dim key As String, RegRead As String
    Let key = "{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}"
    Dim Ws As Object
    Set Ws = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    RegRead = Ws.RegRead(key)
    Set Ws = Nothing
    End Sub
    It tells me the error if the object could not be made (if the CreateObject("New:" & squiggly bracket { } thing & "") line errors ) , ( as well if the object making seemed ok, but then the TypeName(object) errors - that situation occurs rarely)
    ( Also in column C, I added some extra notes about things that happened. I may be a cell or two out on when it happened, but if that is the case, I mention that I am not sure )
    Here are the things that happened

    The version thing is inconsistent, not always happening , as are both some of the crashes , and some of the number of times an "OLE" pop up needs to be clicked on to move on . But I think I have a 90% good report of what would happen.

    Results Sub CLSIDsValueNames2().jpgResults Sub CLSIDsValueNames2().jpgResults Sub CLSIDsValueNames2().jpg

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