Hello troy0111
Welcome to ExcelFox , and thanks for adding the link to where you also posted. (By the way, in case you are new to forums, that is known as "cross posting", and it is important to give links, just as you did, to all places where you post the same question, because many forums have a rule insisting on that.)

It might be a lot easier for someone trying to help if you could upload a sample file, but please keep the data on it to the minimum necessary to show all scenarios, and also desensitise any personal data.

It is often also most useful to have two files , or two worksheets, one as the "Before" representing what you initially have, and then the other , the "After" to show what you want done, and please include very clear details about how/ why / what was done to take us from the "Before" to the "After"
Bear in mind that it will be obvious to you what you want, and almost any short description will sound fully understandable to you, but for someone seeing your requirement for the first time will need a very clear detailed walk - through/ step by step explanation of what you want
