' ===================================
Sub BBCodeTagsURLb() '
Rem 0 The text you selected
Dim SelTxt As String
Let SelTxt = Selection.Text ' A text I highlighted in Word
Rem 1 Some groups of name, URL, pairs
Dim strItAll As String, strEileen As String, strFox As String
Let strEileen = "Eileen's Lounge,, eileenslounge,, The Windows Clipboard,, "
Let strFox = "Excel Fox,, excelfox,, "
Let strItAll = strEileen & strFox
Rem 2 Find the URL if there is one
Dim strURL As String
If InStr(1, strItAll, SelTxt, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
Let strURL = Mid(strItAll, InStr(InStr(1, strItAll, SelTxt, vbTextCompare), strItAll, "http", vbBinaryCompare), InStr(InStr(InStr(1, strItAll, SelTxt, vbTextCompare), strItAll, "http", vbBinaryCompare), strItAll, ",", vbBinaryCompare) - InStr(InStr(1, strItAll, SelTxt, vbTextCompare), strItAll, "http", vbBinaryCompare))
' Let strURL = ""
End If
Rem 3 Make the BB Code Tag URL thing
Call MakeABBCodeTagURL(strURL)
End Sub
Sub SplitytySplit_TLDRb() '
Rem 0 The text you selected
Dim SelTxt As String
Let SelTxt = UCase(Selection.Text) ' A text I highlighted in Word in UCase as part of way to get the key text search case insensitive
Rem 1 Some groups of name, URL, pairs
Dim WdEileen As String, WdFox As String
Let WdEileen = "Eileen's Lounge,eileenslounge,The Windows Clipboard,"
Let WdFox = "Excel Fox,excelfox,"
Dim Wdkey As String
Let Wdkey = UCase(WdEileen & WdFox) ' word(s) Keys like "Excel Fox, Eilen's Lounge
Dim URLEileen As String, URLFox As String
Let URLEileen = ",,,"
Let URLFox = ",,"
Dim URLs As String
Let URLs = URLEileen & URLFox
'Dim SptURLs() As String
' Let SptURLs() = Split(URLs, ",") ' 1 D array of URLs like ",
Rem 2 Find the URL if there is one
Dim strURL As String
If InStr(1, Wdkey, SelTxt, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
Let strURL = Split(URLs, ",")(UBound(Split(Split(Wdkey, SelTxt)(0), ",")))
' Let strURL = ""
End If
Rem 3 Make the BB Code Tag URL thing
Call MakeABBCodeTagURL(strURL)
End Sub
Sub SplitFilter_TLDRb() '
Rem 0 The text you selected
Dim SelTxt As String
Let SelTxt = Selection.Text ' A text I highlighted in Word
Rem 1 Some groups of name_URL pairs
Dim strItAll As String, strEileen As String, strFox As String
Let strEileen = "Eileen's Lounge_, eileenslounge_, The Windows Clipboard,_, "
Let strFox = "Excel Fox_, excelfox_, "
Let strItAll = strEileen & strFox
'Dim SptstrItAll() As String
' Let SptstrItAll() = Split(strItAll, ", ") ' 1 D array of pairs like eileenslounge_ The Windows Clipboard,_,
Rem 2 Find the URL if there is one
Dim strURL As String
If InStr(1, strItAll, SelTxt, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
' If UBound(Filter(Split(strItAll, ", "), SelTxt, True, vbTextCompare)) > -1 Then
Let strURL = Split(Filter(Split(strItAll, ", "), SelTxt, True, vbTextCompare)(0), "_")(1)
' Let strURL = ""
End If
Rem 3 Make the BB Code Tag URL thing
Call MakeABBCodeTagURL(strURL)
End Sub
Sub BBCodeTagsURLDictionaryb()
Rem 0 The text you selected
Dim mydic As New Scripting.Dictionary ' Early Binding referrence
Dim SelTxt As String, strURL As String
Let SelTxt = UCase(Trim$(Selection.Text)) ' A text I highlighted in Word
Rem 1 Some groups of name, URL, pairs
' Eileen's Lounge
mydic.Add UCase("Eileen's Lounge"), ""
mydic.Add UCase("eileenslounge"), ""
mydic.Add UCase("The Windows Clipboard"), ""
' Excel Fox stuff
mydic.Add UCase("Excel Fox"), ""
mydic.Add UCase("excelfox"), ""
Rem 2 Find the URL if there is one
If mydic.Exists(SelTxt) Then
Let strURL = mydic(SelTxt)
' Else
End If
Rem 3 Make the BB Code Tag URL thing
Call MakeABBCodeTagURL(strURL)
End Sub
Sub MakeABBCodeTagURL(ByVal strURL As String) '
With Selection
.Text = " " & .Text & " "
.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd
.Font.Color = wdColorAutomatic
End With
End Sub