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Thread: Word Tests. Useful older stuff. Older versions. Chris stuff etc

  1. #41
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    Additional notes for this thread post ( What’s Chris up to) ) here:

    curious wrote: ↑26 May 2023, 01:53
    Rather than have multiple clipboard entries pasted all together, is there a way to have them on separate lines? Perhaps a macro? Thank you

    Chris wrote: A great deal depends on how you define "clipboard' and "multiple clipboard entries", as well as whether your existing code loads the clipboard or not.
    The macro "Curious" takes existing contents of the clipboard and parses the contents into sentences, allocating a separate paragraph ("line") to each sentence

    Additional notes for this thread post ( What’s Chris up to) here:

    curious wrote: ↑26 May 2023, 01:53
    Rather than have multiple clipboard entries pasted all together, is there a way to have them on separate lines? Perhaps a macro? Thank you

    Chris wrote: A great deal depends on how you define "clipboard' and "multiple clipboard entries", as well as whether your existing code loads the clipboard or not.
    The macro "Curious" takes existing contents of the clipboard and parses the contents into sentences, allocating a separate paragraph ("line") to each sentence

    From module modCurious in Utilities_Clipboard.doc
    Option Explicit
    Public Function strReplaceAll(ByVal strSource As String, strFind As String, strReplace As String) As String
        ''' Function:   strReplaceAll
        ''' Comments:   Replace characters within a string.
        ''' Arguments:  STRING          String to be massaged
        '''             STRING          Set of characters candidates for removal
        '''             STRING          Set of characters candidates for replacement
        ''' Returns:    STRING
        ''' Date        Developer       Action
        ''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        ''' 2008/12/20  Chris Greaves   Created
        Dim lngI As Long
        Dim lngOldI As Long
        lngI = InStr(1, strSource, strFind)
        While lngOldI < lngI
            lngOldI = lngI
            strSource = Left(strSource, lngI - 1) & strReplace & Right(strSource, Len(strSource) - lngI - Len(strFind) + 1)
            lngI = InStr(lngOldI + Len(strReplace), strSource, strFind)
        strReplaceAll = strSource
    'Sub TESTstrReplaceAll()
    '    Debug.Assert "d:\\greaves\\products\\" = strReplaceAll("d:\greaves\products\", "\", "\\")
    '    Debug.Assert " here is a sample string " = strReplaceAll(" here  is a  sample string ", "  ", " ")
    '    Debug.Assert "I:\ImagesScaled\IMG_20160923_153343233.jpg" = strReplaceAll("I:\ImagesScaled/IMG_20160923_153343233.jpg", "/", "\")
    'End Sub
    End Function
    Sub Curious()
    '   Convert a set of senetences to a set of paragraphs("lines")
        Dim strText As String
        strText = strGetFromClipboard
        strText = strReplaceAll(strText, ". ", "." & vbCrLf)
        Call strClearClipboard
        Call strAppendToClipboard(strText)
    End Sub
    Sub TESTCurious()
        Call strClearClipboard
        Call strAppendToClipboard("Rather than have multiple clipboard entries pasted all together.  Is there a way to have them on separate lines. Perhaps a macro? Thank you. ")
        Call Curious
        MsgBox strGetFromClipboard
    End Sub
    This is what it does
    Sub Curious()
    strText = strGetFromClipboard
    It gets any existing text from the clipboard, (in text format GetText(1) – 1 Specifies the standard Windows Unicode text format. ), puts that in variable, strText _

    strReplaceAll(strText, ". ", "." & vbCrLf)
    It does a simple manipulation to change all and any two characters of a dot and space . __ to three characters of a single dot . and a vbCr and a vbLf.

    It then clears the (windows) clipboard in a strange way: It gets what’s in the clipboard (but does nothing with it) and then puts "" in it

    It then puts the text back in the (windows) clipboard

    ??? God knows what that is all about. He is demoing something, to himself I think

    Sub TESTCurious()
    Call strClearClipboard
    Clears the (windows) clipboard in a strange way: It gets what’s in the clipboard (but does nothing with it) and then puts "" in it

    Call strAppendToClipboard("Rather than have multiple clipboard entries pasted all together. Is there a way to have them on separate lines. Perhaps a macro? Thank you. ")
    Puts the text
    __ Rather than have multiple clipboard entries pasted all together. Is there a way to have them on separate lines. Perhaps a macro? Thank you .
    in the (windows) Clipboard

    Call Curious
    Now we go and do the ……
    Sub Curious()
    strText = strGetFromClipboard
    It gets any existing text from the clipboard, ( in this case _ Rather than have multiple clipboard entries pasted all together. Is there a way to have them on separate lines. Perhaps a macro? Thank you. ) , (in text format GetText(1) – 1 Specifies the standard Windows Unicode text format. ), puts that in variable, strText _

    strReplaceAll(strText, ". ", "." & vbCrLf)
    It does a simple manipulation to change all and any two characters of a dot and space . __ to three characters of a single dot . and a vbCr and a vbLf.

    It then clears the (windows) clipboard in a strange way: It gets what’s in the clipboard (but does nothing with it) and then puts "" in it

    It then puts the text back in the (windows) clipboard

    MsgBox strGetFromClipboard
    It shows us that the text has been changed to
    Rather than have multiple clipboard entries pasted all together.
    _ Is there a way to have them on separate lines.
    Perhaps a macro? Thank you

    This is what is Chris is doing.
    Changing this
     Rather than have multiple clipboard entries pasted all together.  Is there a way to have them on separate lines. Perhaps a macro? Thank you.
    to this
     Rather than have multiple clipboard entries pasted all together.
     Is there a way to have them on separate lines.
    Perhaps a macro? Thank you.
    and doing it in a very convolute and confusing way, involving going back and forwards with the (windows) clipboard via the DataObject
    I am not sure why. It’s a bit shirt tail and not quite so relevant to what I think is going on and wanted.

    What the OP, curious, wanted (
    See here a post or two down CS 4t I2
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by DocAElstein; 07-12-2023 at 05:20 PM.

  2. #42

  3. #43
    Fuhrer, Vierte Reich DocAElstein's Avatar
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    In support of this Thread

    What the OP, curious, wanted

    This is what I think we want, and what it’s all about
    I don’t think we are so much directly involved with the (Windows) clipboard
    I was not sure from the first post, but then Hans reply in the second suggested that the OP, curious would have maybe had done a copy action on some words in a text in WORD, like this example
    He had done three copy actions in a WORD doc like this

    Now he was probably then selecting somewhere convenient and then hitting that Paste All button ( In my German WORD Alle einfügen button), which gives him all three things in a row like this:

    He was wanting it more like this

    Now, what is going on there initially is that we are not really directly having so much to do with the (Windows) Clipboard. (We are probably never actually loading the (Windows) Clipboard, but that is a slightly advanced and debateable issue, to do with the theme of deffered entry) . We are not really using the (Windows) Clipboard.
    What we are doing is concerning ourselves with the thing sometimes referred to as the Office Clipboard, but which is actually one of a few things that monitors copy action. This Office Clipboard also makes its own copies in some form or another, as indicated in that margin on the left in the screenshot. ( In WORD 2003 and lower you get that up at the right possibly instead )

    Now my proposed solution was that someone smarter than me might be able to figure out a solution from the info here:

    That is one of those older Blogs that is often very useful. But I cannot figure it out. At fist glance it seems that it is suggesting a way in VBA to do what is wanted
    I think if some WORD expert could do that it would be a very useful and very interesting thing

    Last edited by DocAElstein; 05-29-2023 at 02:55 PM.

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